Brother brlog ошибка 1001

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  • Windows update could not be installed because of error 2359302 «» (Command line : «»C:\Windows\system32\ wusa.exe «…

  • Error 200 (net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID): Unknown error. I got the above error while try to access the gmail login page on the chrome…

  • Event 131, DeviceSetupManager: Metadata staging failed, result={00000000-0000-0000-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF} for container ‘0x80072F78’ …

  • Event Type mptelemetry,P1 8024402c,P2 endsearch,P3 search,P4 3.0.8107.0,P5 mpsigdwn.dll,P6 3.0.8107.0,P7 microsoft security essentials (e…

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Hi Fellow IT pros, new to Spicework forums, hopefully anyone give me an idea of this strange problem… 

Brother MFC  receiving fax on PC but PC-Fax program crash often?..


-Vendor required to setup Fax to be received as PDF, instead of direct paper printout, they normally received 20 — 30 faxes per day.

-Small business with 20 pc and devices, Workgroup setup of lan environment, no Fax server, no AD, All Win 10 environment. All updated and patched with the latest. All has third party antivirus installed.

-MFC Brother MFC 2700, ethernet connection with static IP, WIFI connection off, network printing from network machines all good to go, no issues. 

-Setup PC fax receiving according to Brother’s instruction on one of computer, as receiving faxes; On this computer, third party antivirus firewall setup rule to open port of 54926 as instructed. Windows own Firewall is ofF

-Printer has been manually setup according to instruction to configure sending fax to destinated PC.

-When running Brother Utilities>PC fax Receive>Receive on the computer, PC fax receive program is running as designed and can receive faxes to destinated folder on local drive, no issues.

Problem is:

 Brother PC-Fax Receive, which should always on system tray to receive fax, crash itself very often. and then showing a message stating: «You need to run PC-Fax Receive program to receive fax.» ??

Troubleshooting done:

-Reinstalled Brother driver package, 

-Tested on another machine,

-Firewall, port tested , opened no issues

-Turned off Antivirus

-Windows update, 

-Downloaded and installed the latest firmware update for the specific printer.

-Time of crash: random…, sometimes even happened when receiving fax on PC in middle and have to manually run the program. which is annoying.

-Checked system log when the program crash itself, can see 2 warnings first and 1 error later.

Warning 1:  

MFNET BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31 16:37:22.071]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice revc 0 return(close)

Source: Brother BrLog Event ID: 1002, USER: N/A























BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31
16:37:22.071]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice revc 0 return(close)

Warning 2:

MFNET BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31 16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice recv ErrorCode[-1], LastError[203]

Source: Brother BrLog Event ID: 1002, USER: N/A























BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31
16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice recv ErrorCode[-1], LastError[203]

Error 1:

MFNET BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31 16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrMfNet:: ReadDevice Error Code[-1]
Event ID 1001























BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31
16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrMfNet:: ReadDevice Error Code[-1]

Those errors keeps happening when the little app crashes.

From initial impression its looks like lost connection with the printer. But no problem to open printer’s console and network all running normally, can print to this network printer without any issue too.

So currently have to manually run the program every few hours to receive fax… cannot locate the reason…

Any ideas please?..

Hello — I’m hoping some one may have this issue and resolved it. I’ve tried looking online, but older posts with deleted or paywall sites prevent me from seeing resolutions.

In my event viewer, I’m seeing thousands (one on the 20, 22, 24, 50, 52, 54 second mark of every minute) for Brother BrLog errors (event ID 1001).

I have a brother printer I connect to wirelessly.

I’m also having issues where my computer is locking up after it enters sleep mode (black screen, no keyboard/mouse response — have to shut down computer holding down power button) and trying to eliminate any reason why that is happening. Which is why I’m wondering if the event log spam above may be a factor.

Also getting a lot of DistributedCOM (event 10016) warnings which occur around every 10 seconds after I lock the PC for the night.

Any ideas on the Brother BrLog issues?

  • Computer: AlienWare Aurora 11

  • GPU: 3080

  • CPU: i9 10900KF

  • RAM: 32 GB

  • Windows: Win 10 Build 19041

  • Level of Tech saviness: Low but learning

Thanks in advance for any help.

Как бы это ни было неприятно, но периодически в работе даже таких надежных приборов как МФУ и принтеры Brother могут происходить сбои. Информация о произошедших ошибках отображается на дисплее печатающего устройства, причем в конце сообщения обязательно имеется цифровой код. О том, что значат эти цифры, мы поговорим далее.

Числа в конце сообщений — это коды ошибок, по которым легко понять, что именно случилось с аппаратом. Причем обратите внимание, что иногда разные числа могут относиться к одному сбою, поэтому будьте внимательны. Среди самых распространенных кодов ошибок стоит выделить:

1. 30 (31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/3C/3F) — замятие бумаги. Чтобы устранить ошибку, снимите лоток, приподнимите заднюю крышку тракта подачи бумаги и сканера, а зачем уберите смятый лист, удалив также и его обрывки.

2. 40 (42/43/44/49) — температура внутри печатающего устройства достигла критических значений. В первую очередь отключите аппарат от сети и уберите его подальше от нагревательных приборов, а также дополнительно проветрите комнату.

3. 46 — переполнен «памперс» (отсек для отработанных чернил). В этом случае есть два варианта: разобрать и очистить «памперс» самостоятельно, что достаточно сложно, либо же обратиться в сервисный центр Brother.


4. 48 — возникли проблемы с печатающей головкой или датчиком места парковки. Попробуйте промыть датчики и печатающую головку.

5. 4F — проблема с печатающей головкой. В подобном случае лучше обратиться к специалистам.

6. 50 — сбой датчиков помпы или же сильно загрязнен механизм очистки. Для устранения ошибки нужно тщательно промыть механизм помпы, расположенный под место парковки печатающей головки. Но чтобы выполнить эту задачу, придется полностью разобрать принтер, поэтому если вы не уверены в своих силах, то воспользуйтесь услугами сервисных центров.

7. 51 (52/57/5A/5B/5C/5D/5E/6C/6F/70/71/72/73/7A/7D) — произошло замятие бумаги или же вышел из строя соответствующий датчик. Первым делом стоит снять лоток, поднять крышку сканера и тракта подачи бумажных расходников, и удалить помявшийся лист и его обрывки. Если после этого ошибка не исчезла, то можно попробовать очистить датчики, но так как для этого потребуется почти полностью разобрать принтер, то лучше все же довериться профессионалам.

8. 8F — проблема с двигателем подачи бумаги. Единственным решением этой ситуации является полная замена двигателя.

9. A5 (A6/A7/A8/AF) — проблема со сканером. Убедитесь в целостности шлейфов подключения сканера, если они повреждены — обращайтесь в сервисный центр бренда Brother.

10. E2/E3 — проблема с главной платой PCB. Решение одно — замена элемента в специализированном сервисе.

Кодов ошибок может быть больше, подробнее узнать о них можно из руководства пользователя или на официальном сайте Brother.

Hello — I’m hoping some one may have this issue and resolved it. I’ve tried looking online, but older posts with deleted or paywall sites prevent me from seeing resolutions.

In my event viewer, I’m seeing thousands (one on the 20, 22, 24, 50, 52, 54 second mark of every minute) for Brother BrLog errors (event ID 1001).

I have a brother printer I connect to wirelessly.

I’m also having issues where my computer is locking up after it enters sleep mode (black screen, no keyboard/mouse response — have to shut down computer holding down power button) and trying to eliminate any reason why that is happening. Which is why I’m wondering if the event log spam above may be a factor.

Also getting a lot of DistributedCOM (event 10016) warnings which occur around every 10 seconds after I lock the PC for the night.

Any ideas on the Brother BrLog issues?

  • Computer: AlienWare Aurora 11

  • GPU: 3080

  • CPU: i9 10900KF

  • RAM: 32 GB

  • Windows: Win 10 Build 19041

  • Level of Tech saviness: Low but learning

Thanks in advance for any help.

E50 There has been a malfunction of the fuser unit and the temperature, in particular. Switch the machine off for 5 minutes then on again. E51 There has been a malfunction of the laser unit and the laser beam is not being detected. Try switching the printer off and on again. E52 There has been a malfunction of the laser motor with the spinning mirror and motor itself developing a fault. E54 There has been a malfunction of the main motor which drives all of the printing functions. E60 There has been a malfunction of the fan. Try switching the printer off and on or seek a replacement fan if the problem persists. 20 Used to write the information to be printed onto the drum surfaces, there has been a laser diode failure. 21 Used to write the information to be printed onto the drum surfaces, there has been a laser diode failure. 22 Used to write the information to be printed onto the drum surfaces, there has been a laser diode failure. 23 Used to write the information to be printed onto the drum surfaces, there has been a laser diode failure. 31 Used to check the print density, the density sensor has developed a fault and can be resolved by switching the machine off and on. 32 An issue has arisen with the density sensor shutter. 50 The drum unit needs to be replaced as it’s reach the end of it’s life cycle. 51 The feed roller and separation pad for the manual feed tray may need to be replaced. 52 The feed roller and separation pad for the main feed tray may need to be replaced. 54 The fuser unit needs to be replaced as it’s reached its life cycle end. An engineer will be able to assist you with this. 55 The laser unit needs to be replaced as it’s reached it’s life cycle end. To avoid deterioration of print quality, seek assistance from an engineer. 57 A paper jam has occurred in the duplex unit meaning the paper has jammed during double-sided printing. 5E The transfer belt is in need of replacement having reached the end of it’s life cycle. 68 Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. 69 Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. 6A Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. 6B Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. 6C Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. 6D Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. 6E Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. Switch the printer off and on before attempting to print again. 6F Whether the fuser unit is too hot or not hot enough, a fuser unit failure has occurred. Switch the printer off and on before attempting to print again. 7D According to your printer, there is dirt on the drum unit and you should follow the drum cleaning steps included in your printer guide. 71 There is a problem with the laser unit in relation to the scanner motor. 72 There is a problem with the laser unit in relation to being able to detect the beam Detect signal. 74 The printer is informing you that you are out of toner. 76 There is an issue with the fuser unit in that there is a temperature issue affecting the performance of the machine. 78 There is an issue with the fuser unit in that there is a temperature issue affecting the performance of the machine. 83 A paper jam has been detected by the paper sensors inside the machine. Remove any paper from the paper path. 84 Within the body of the machine, a paper jam has been detected. Remove any obstructing paper. 88 A paper jam has been detected in the recording paper path. Check the paper path and remove any excess paper. A2 This error code relates to a paper jam when using an automatic document feeder. A3 This error code relates to a paper jam when using an automatic document feeder. A5 There is an issue where the scanner is unable to read the outgoing document. B9 This relates to an error with the scanning unit light. If the scan light doesn’t illuminate after switching the printer off and on, it may need to be replaced. 30 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. 33 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. 34 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. 35 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. 36 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. Remove any obstructions from the print head. 37 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. Remove any obstructions from the print head. 38 A fault involving the movement of the print head has been detected. Remove any obstructions from the print head. 41 A fault has developed regarding the functionality of the print head. In this instance, you may need the help of an engineer. 46 During the printing process, waste toner is produced. This error code indicates the waste toner box is full and needs to be replaced. 82 A fault has occurred when trying to feed the recording paper. To resolve this, remove the paper tray and reseat the paper. DF An error has occurred with the modem when trying to communicate with other fax machines. 26 The printer is unable to detect one of the ink cartridges. 27 The printer is unable to detect one of the ink cartridges. 28 The printer is unable to detect one of the ink cartridges. 29 The printer is unable to detect one of the ink cartridges. 1000 Black ink level is too low. Prepare a new black ink cartridge. 1001 Magenta ink level is too low. Prepare a new magenta ink cartridge. 1002 Cyan ink level is too low. Prepare a new cyan ink cartridge. 1003 Yellow ink level is too low. Prepare a new yellow ink cartridge. 1010 The Waste Ink Cartridge is almost full. Prepare a new Waste Ink Cartridge. You can keep printing for a while, but replacement is soon required. 1021 The Print Head Wiper Blade needs to be replaced. Replace the Print Head Wiper Blade. 1051 The Carriage Motor is worn. Replace the Carriage Motor. Contact your dealer or Brother. 1060 The ambient temperature is below the range that maintains the print quality. “xxx” shows the current temperature. Raise the room temperature. 1061 The ambient temperature is above the range that maintains the print quality. “xxx” shows the current temperature. Drop the room temperature. 1070 The battery ran out. Replace the battery. 1080 The internal clock has not been set. Set time on GT-541 by using the service tool on the PC. 2000 The Black Ink Cartridge is not installed. 2001 The Magenta Ink Cartridge is not installed. 2002 The Cyan Ink Cartridge is not installed. 2003 The Yellow Ink Cartridge is not installed. 2010 The Waste Cartridge Tray is not installed. Install the Waste Ink Cartridge. If the error still occurs, check the sensor in the rear of the Waste Ink Cartridge and cables. 2020 The Black Ink Cartridge ran out of ink. 2021 The Magenta Ink Cartridge ran out of ink. 2022 The Cyan Ink Cartridge ran out of ink. 2023 The Yellow Ink Cartridge ran out of ink. 2030 The Waste Ink Cartridge is full. Replace the Waste Ink Cartridge. If the error still occurs, check the sensor, sensor position and cables. Also check the spring on the lower part of the Waste Ink Cartridge. 2040 The Wiper Cleaner Cassette is not installed. Install the Wiper Cleaner Cassette. If the error still occurs, check the sensor of the Wiper Cleaner Cassette, sensor position and cables. 2050 The ambient temperature is under the operative temperature rage. «xxx» shows the current temperature. Raise the room temperature. Check the offset of EEPROM (ID:0x8001, No31: thermistor A/D offset). The range of value is +/-10. 2051 The ambient temperature is over the operative temperature rage. «xxx» shows the current temperature. Drop the room temperature. Check the offset of EEPROM (ID:0x8001, No34: thermistor A/D offset). The range of value is +/-10. 2062 (1) Platen didn’t return to the home position because Platen Motor stepped out. Or (2) Platen Org Sensor did not work while Platen returned correctly. 2070 GT-541 detected an obstacle on the Platen (or the media) when printing is started. 2080 Defect in FLASH ROM Check Sum on the SH side. When updating the firmware, no backup was made because of the defect of the current firmware. 2090 No individual information (the serial number etc.) is recorded in GT-541. This error will not occur by the use of a customer. 2091 The Print Head temperature is raised too high while printing. Wait until the head(s) cool down. Or contact your dealer or Brother. 2092 The Print Head temperature is raised too high while printing. Wait until the head(s) cool down. Or contact your dealer or Brother. 2093 The Print Head temperature is raised too high while printing. Wait until the head(s) cool down. Or contact your dealer or Brother. 2094 The Print Head temperature is raised too high while printing. Wait until the head(s) cool down. Or contact your dealer or Brother. 2095 The Print Head temperature is raised too high while printing. Wait until the head(s) cool down. Or contact your dealer or Brother. 2100 The CompactFlash is not inserted. Check whether the PC recognizes the CompactFlash. Check whether GT-541 recognizes another CompactFlash. 2101 The Compact Flash does not have enough area for storing logs. Check the free space of the Compact Flash with PC. Insert a Compact Flash with free area available. 2102 Failure in file reading / writing Check whether the file can be read on PC. Check whether the CompactFlash is formatted in FAT16. Use the recommended CompactFlash. 3000 GT-541 failed to receive the print data (time out). This error occurs when the USB cable is disconnected during data transmission, or data transmission is canceled on the PC. Check the connection between the PC and GT-541, and try again. If it has no effect, reboot both the PC and GT-541. Check whether there is a source of noise around the USB cable. If it has no effect, replace the USB cable. Check the USB connector. Replace the Main PCB if the USB connector is at fault. 3001 The PC will not receive the data sent from GT-541 (transmission buffer overflow). No error message appears. GT-541 can be used consecutively. 3002 PC Data Error GT-541 received the data that is not supported. 3003 No compatibility of communication command between the PC driver and the GT-541 firmware. The versions of he PC driver and the GT-541 firmware do not correspond. 3004 PC Data Error. The Check Sums of the received program data did not correspond when updating the firmware. 3005 The Check Sums of the received data did not correspond when updating EEPROM. Check whether there is a source of noise around the PC, USB cable and GT-541. Check the cable connection between the PC and GT-541. Check the USB connector. Notify the developer of the internal error. 3006 Received NG Data. Check the printer setting in the PC. Check the connection between the PC and GT-541 and try again. Check the connector. 4000 PC Data Error 4007 Blank Data 4100 The file cannot be opened. Check whether the file can be read on the PC. Check whether the CompactFlash is formatted in FAT16. Use a proper CompactFlash. 4101 No file can be created. The directory or FAT is wrong, or available memory of the CompactFlash is insufficient. Use another CompactFlash or format the current CompactFlash. 4102 Card Access Error. The file cannot be closed. 4103 Card Access Error. Failure in file seeking 4104 Card Access Error. Failure in file reading 4105 Card Access Error. Failure in file writing 4106 Card Access Error. File error 4107 Card Access Error. File size error 4108 Card Access Error. Failure in file size acquisition 4109 No Files. Failure in file search 4200 Language Error. Error in program of selected language 5000 Machine Error or SHBY: Send MSG TO Communication error inside the firmware. (SH detected the receipt notification time-out for the message sent to BY.) 5080 BYSH: Send MSG TO Communication error inside the firmware. (BY detected the time-out of the notification of receiving the message sent to SH.) 6000 Fail: PLTN Load. Platen loading error 6004 Fail: CLRNS SNSR. Clearance sensor error 6021 Fail: No Battery. Battery exhaustion of the real time clock 7000 PRG: SH SCER 1508. Carriage initialization failed. 7001 PRG: SH Exception Error inside the program (Exceptionally occurs in CPU of SH) CA Cap Driver Overheat. The operation stopped because the Cap Driver has overheated. Replace the Maintenance PCB. CF During the printing process, waste toner is produced. CC Wiper Cleaner Cassette error. Wiper Cleaner Cassette is coming off. Check the mounting status of Wiper Cleaner Cassette or the Sensor. CE Communication error. Communication error other than FE, OE and PE Check the communication cable between the Main PCB and the Maintenance PCB. CI Cap initialization error. The Cap initialization was not made before moving the Cap. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. CO Cap error. The Cap was in the raised position when moving the Wiper. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. CP Cap Sensor error. Failure of the Cap Sensor or Cap Motor. Check the Cap Sensor or Cap Motor. FE Data framing error. Serial communication/data framing error occurred. Check the communication cable between the Main PCB and the Maintenance PCB. IE Internal error. Incorrect program behavior. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. OB Cap obstacle error. An obstacle prevents the Cap from being raised. Check the stop position of the Cap Sensor, Motor or the Carriage. OE Data overrun error. Serial communication/buffer overrun occurred. Check the communication cable between the Main PCB and the Maintenance PCB. PA Pump Driver Overheat. The operation stopped because the Pump Driver has overheated. Replace the Maintenance PCB. PE Parity error. Serial communication/parity error occurred. Check the communication cable between the Main PCB and the Maintenance PCB. PI Pump initialization error. The Pump initialization was not made before operating the Pump. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. PN The number of arguments is different. The number of arguments is abnormal. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. PS Pump Sensor. Error Failure in the Pump sensor or Pump motor. Check the Pump Sensor or Pump Motor. RT Response timeout. Time-out of waiting for the Maintenance Unit response. Check the communization cable between the Main PCB and the Maintenance PCB. SH Ink Sensor error. Failure in the Ink Sensor harness. Check the Ink Sensor harness. SR Ink Sensor error. Defect in the Ink Sensor reading. Check the Ink Sensor harness or the Ink Sensor PCB. VC Valve error. The valve is closed when moving the Cap. Notify the developer of this unlikely error VO Valve error. The valve is open when operating the Pump. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. WA Wiper Driver Overheat. The operation stopped because the Wipe Driver has overheated. Replace the Maintenance PCB. WI Wiper initialization error. The Wiper initialization was not made before moving the Wiper. Notify the developer of this unlikely error. WS Wipe Sensor error. Failure in the Wiper Sensor or Wiper Motor. Check the Wiper Sensor or Wiper Motor. Cartridge Error The toner cartridge is not installed properly. Drum End Soon The drum unit is near the end of its life. Size mismatch The paper in the tray is not the correct size. Comm.Error Poor telephone line quality caused a communication error. Connection Fail You tried to poll a fax machine that is not in Polled Waiting mode. Cooling Down Wait for a while The temperature of the drum unit or toner cartridge is too hot. The machine will pause its current print job and go into cooling down mode. Cover is Open The front cover is not closed completely. Disconnected The other person or other person’s fax machine stopped the call. Try to send or receive again. Document Jam The document was not inserted or fed properly, or the document scanned from the ADF was too long. DR Mode in Use The machine is set to Distinctive Ring mode. You cannot change the Receive Mode from Manual to another mode. Drum Error The corona wire on the drum unit needs to be cleaned. The drum unit has reached the end of its life. Fuser Error The temperature of fuser unit does not rise at a specified temperature within specified time. The fuser unit is too hot. Init Unable XX The machine has a mechanical problem. Jam Rear The paper is jammed in the back of the machine. Jam Inside The paper is jammed inside the machine. Jam Tray The paper is jammed in the paper tray of the machine. No Paper The machine is out of paper or paper is not properly loaded in the paper tray. No Response/Busy The number you dialed does not answer or is busy. Verify the number and try again. Not Registered You tried to access a One Touch or Speed Dial number that is not programmed. Set up the One Touch or Speed Dial number. Out of Memory The machine’s memory is full. Fax sending or copy operation in progress. Print Unable XX The machine has a mechanical problem. Scan Unable XX The machine has a mechanical problem. Toner Life End The drum unit and toner cartridge assembly may have been installed improperly, or the toner cartridge is used up and printing is not possible. Toner Low If the LCD shows Toner Low, you can still print; however, the machine is telling you that the toner cartridge is near the end of its life and the toner will soon run out.

Hi Fellow IT pros, new to Spicework forums, hopefully anyone give me an idea of this strange problem… 

Brother MFC  receiving fax on PC but PC-Fax program crash often?..


-Vendor required to setup Fax to be received as PDF, instead of direct paper printout, they normally received 20 — 30 faxes per day.

-Small business with 20 pc and devices, Workgroup setup of lan environment, no Fax server, no AD, All Win 10 environment. All updated and patched with the latest. All has third party antivirus installed.

-MFC Brother MFC 2700, ethernet connection with static IP, WIFI connection off, network printing from network machines all good to go, no issues. 

-Setup PC fax receiving according to Brother’s instruction on one of computer, as receiving faxes; On this computer, third party antivirus firewall setup rule to open port of 54926 as instructed. Windows own Firewall is ofF

-Printer has been manually setup according to instruction to configure sending fax to destinated PC.

-When running Brother Utilities>PC fax Receive>Receive on the computer, PC fax receive program is running as designed and can receive faxes to destinated folder on local drive, no issues.

Problem is:

 Brother PC-Fax Receive, which should always on system tray to receive fax, crash itself very often. and then showing a message stating: «You need to run PC-Fax Receive program to receive fax.» ??

Troubleshooting done:

-Reinstalled Brother driver package, 

-Tested on another machine,

-Firewall, port tested , opened no issues

-Turned off Antivirus

-Windows update, 

-Downloaded and installed the latest firmware update for the specific printer.

-Time of crash: random…, sometimes even happened when receiving fax on PC in middle and have to manually run the program. which is annoying.

-Checked system log when the program crash itself, can see 2 warnings first and 1 error later.

Warning 1:  

MFNET BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31 16:37:22.071]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice revc 0 return(close)

Source: Brother BrLog Event ID: 1002, USER: N/A























BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31
16:37:22.071]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice revc 0 return(close)

Warning 2:

MFNET BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31 16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice recv ErrorCode[-1], LastError[203]

Source: Brother BrLog Event ID: 1002, USER: N/A























BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31
16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrNet:: ReadDevice recv ErrorCode[-1], LastError[203]

Error 1:

MFNET BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31 16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrMfNet:: ReadDevice Error Code[-1]
Event ID 1001























BrtMFNET: [2022/03/31
16:37:22.072]: [00028504]: BrMfNet:: ReadDevice Error Code[-1]

Those errors keeps happening when the little app crashes.

From initial impression its looks like lost connection with the printer. But no problem to open printer’s console and network all running normally, can print to this network printer without any issue too.

So currently have to manually run the program every few hours to receive fax… cannot locate the reason…

Any ideas please?..

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