Brother 8085dn ошибка 78

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 1:42 pm

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 2:06 pm

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Сообщение oldman_lbt » Пт дек 11, 2020 2:08 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Так-с, походу тут попахивает жареным.

ТС — вы ремонтируете профессионально или как?
Гугол по вашему вопросу выдает сразу описание ошибки и что там сломалось.

Code: 78
Rapid temperature falling failure (center thermistor)
1 Fuser unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
1 Fuser unit failure Replace the fuser unit. 2 Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY.

Спрашивать здесь такое — только если вы домашний пользователь этого чуда — тогда несите в сервис.

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 2:26 pm

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Сообщение oldman_lbt » Пт дек 11, 2020 4:22 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Описание проблемы довольно четко указывает на источник этой самой проблемы.
ТС — если вы и дальше будете писать такую чушь, я темку прикрою.
Прошлый мой пост имеет ряд вопросов, на которые вы не отвечаете, потому что — потому.
Тогда и мы с вами поступим также неуважительно.

Хватит писать ему по-моему. он не понял кажется, что от него хотят услышать.

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 5:14 pm

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Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78 – Brother is famous printer brand and provides the best quality customer service. They are used regularly mostly in the offices. Brother printer error code 78 occurs various times in the printer. This Brother printer error makes you unable to print smoothly. And its technical errors can sometimes be very irritating. Error 78 can persist due to power outage that can hamper the printer work process a lot. To known the process of troubleshooting and to work in a hassle-free manner connect with Tech Support Expert. As we are providing Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

Brother printers especially those are new and has multifunctions, user-friendly, boast of rich, automatic document feeder such as the Brother MFC-420cn are the best. These printers can also provide you with functions like printing, faxing, scanning and duplexing. Brother printer comes in a variety of colours like white, black, grey and silver. The printing quality is great. In this blog post, we will discuss the common error code 78 of the Brother printer. Approach to us and get the best Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

For any further Brother, printer assistance feels free to give us a call at our toll-free number 800-742-9005 or you can also mail us at

What are the Causes Behind the Brother Printer Error 78?

The errors in the Brother printer occurs due to various reasons. It can be due to your negligence or any sudden issue. 

  1. This error usually occurs when you shut down the printer suddenly from the laptop or PC. 
  2. When in the home windows process files there are corrupted files. 
  3. The spyware, virus or malware can also cause this error. 
  4. Sudden power outrage is one of the issues behind the occurrence of error 78. 
  5. Improper shut down of the system or laptop.
  6. You have deleted the programs in a incorrect way.
  7. Inappropriate installation of any program.
  8. The left piece of paper inside the printer can also the reason behind the existence of this error. 

Steps to Resolve Brother Printer Error 78 

Here we have provided the various easy and simple method to fix the Brother printer error 78: 

Method 1 – Power off the Printer 

  • You have to begin the process with turning on the printer and then turn it back on and bring up in the on mode.
  • If you see that the Brother printer is not working correctly then unplug the device from the wall outlet.
  • Then keep the printer shut for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • After that check, the power source and then you have to ensure about the printer if it is not plugged into the UPS. 
  • You can also try the alternative way i.e, unplugging the device if the power strips with the other heating devices. 

Method 2 – Check the Power Cut 

In the next method, you have to check the power outage as such the Brother printer error 78 can occur because of a sudden power cut. When this power cut persists in the printer then you have to immediately check out the internal temperature inside the fusing assembly. 

Method 3 – Place the Printer in the Maintenance Mode

  • In this method, you can put the Brother printer in the maintenance mode and for that, you will have to press the button 2,8,6 and 4. 
  • After finishing this procedure the lights of the control panel will display the read maintenance. 
  • Press down the 9 buttons and then make the machine reboot and after that turn back in its normal warm-up procedure. 

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Unable to Print 78 Issue

  1. Firstly turn off the device.
  2. Then switch on the printer while holding the Menu button until led are flashing On/Off.
  3. Now you are in the maintenance mode.
  4. Press 80
  5. Tap on the “Mono Start” button that will see for removal: xxx.
  6. In order to reset the purge counter press “2783” and you will see removal:000.
  7. After that tap on the Stop button.
  8. Exit the maintenance mode by pressing “99”

Why Choose Tech Support Expert for Best Assistance? 

If you are looking for real-time assistance then Tech Support Expert is the only company that can fix the issues within a few hours. We never let our customer go without getting the solution to their issue. This is the reason hundreds and thousands of people are availing our services. 

  • We are providing 24/7 customer support for Brother printer issues. 
  • All the technical services are provided by us at budget-friendly prices. 
  • At Tech Support Expert you will get unlimited services. 
  • Connect with via Live Chat and get a reliable solution by sitting at your place. 
  • Our certified experts have a solution of all your Brother printer issues. 

Brother Printer Instant Support 

Tech Support Expert is a professional team that offers the best customer service in troubleshooting the Brother printer errors. Our company has appointed skilled and certified technical experts who are providing the best guidance to valuable customers. Whenever you get stuck in between any of the Brother printer error than without any hesitation give us a call at our toll-free number 800-742-9005

Модератор: vetal

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 1:42 pm

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 2:06 pm

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Сообщение oldman_lbt » Пт дек 11, 2020 2:08 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Так-с, походу тут попахивает жареным.

ТС — вы ремонтируете профессионально или как?
Гугол по вашему вопросу выдает сразу описание ошибки и что там сломалось.

Code: 78
Rapid temperature falling failure (center thermistor)
1 Fuser unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
1 Fuser unit failure Replace the fuser unit. 2 Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY.

Спрашивать здесь такое — только если вы домашний пользователь этого чуда — тогда несите в сервис.

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 2:26 pm

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Сообщение oldman_lbt » Пт дек 11, 2020 4:22 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Описание проблемы довольно четко указывает на источник этой самой проблемы.
ТС — если вы и дальше будете писать такую чушь, я темку прикрою.
Прошлый мой пост имеет ряд вопросов, на которые вы не отвечаете, потому что — потому.
Тогда и мы с вами поступим также неуважительно.

Хватит писать ему по-моему. он не понял кажется, что от него хотят услышать.

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Сообщение Svyat » Пт дек 11, 2020 5:14 pm

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Kevin Gumpp

Diagnostic Aids for the Print Unable 78 Error Message on the Brother 8480, 8890, 8080, 8085 Machines

The Print Unable Message appears on these Brother machines when the center thermistor  inside the fusing assembly reads a rapid decline in the fuser temperature. Most times on these machines it is due to the result of a sudden power outage and the power turns back immediately. Like when the lights flicker in your business or home and half the appliances turn off and the other half stay on.

Brother 8480, 8890 print unable 78 error

TM-toner Brother LU7939001 Fuser Assembly LU8233001 DCP-8080DN, DCP-8085DN,HL-5340D,HL-5350DN,HL-5370DW,HL-5370DWT,MFC-8480DN,MFC-8680DN,MFC-8690DW,MFC-8890DW


in stock

2 new from $199.98

as of June 5, 2023 7:09 am

SuppliesMAX Compatible Replacement for Brother DCP-8070/8085/HL-5340/5370/MFC-8370/8480/8890 110V Fuser Assembly (25000 Page Yield) (LU-7939001)


in stock

as of June 5, 2023 7:09 am

HL-5340 Fuser Unit for Brother LU7939001 Fuser Assembly


in stock

2 new from $199.50

as of June 5, 2023 7:09 am

Last updated on June 5, 2023 7:09 am

In situations like this if the machine was in a sleep mode or not at its operating temperature the machine will go out a read an incorrect reading for what it thinks it should be. Unfortunately, turning the machine off and back on or waiting the suggested 15 to 30 minutes with the power off and turn it back on doesn’t fix the problem. Most times you will have to manually go in and reset the machines.

Manual Reset Procedure.

There are two ways to enter  Maintenance Mode. First, and easiest, hold down the  Menu  button then turn the machine on while holding down. Once the display reads  Maintenance  press  ( 9, 9 )  and the machine will reset. Second, Press  Menu,*,2,8,6,4   If done correctly the display lights will start blinking and the display will read MAINTENANCE. Be patient, rarely do people get into service mode  the first time they try. The main advice I can give is to get a beat in your head and press the buttons to the beat. Also do not pay attention to the display as you press the buttons. You are entering a service mode so what’s on the display doesn’t mean anything. Once you get into Maintenance Mode Press the 9 button twice ( 9,9 ). The machine will exit out of service mode then reboot and start its normal warm up procedure. For some reason until this is done the machine will not try to warm up the fusing assembly on start-up. 99% of the time this should fix your problem. If it still fails then make sure it’s plugged straight into a wall outlet then try again. If that fails then follow the steps below from the service manual. Note: I’ve never had to replace the main board for the 78 Machine Error. Most times the reset procedure should fix the issue.

Service Manual Instructions
1. Replace the Fusing Assembly
Brother LU7939001 Fuser Assembly LU8233001 DCP-8080DN 8480DN 8890DW HL-5340D 5370DW
2. Replace the Main Board PCB

Click on the link below for the Fuser Replacement Procedure
Brother MFC 8480DN, 8890DW  Replace Fuser Message and Reset

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78 – Brother is famous printer brand and provides the best quality customer service. They are used regularly mostly in the offices. Brother printer error code 78 occurs various times in the printer. This Brother printer error makes you unable to print smoothly. And its technical errors can sometimes be very irritating. Error 78 can persist due to power outage that can hamper the printer work process a lot. To known the process of troubleshooting and to work in a hassle-free manner connect with Tech Support Expert. As we are providing Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

Brother printers especially those are new and has multifunctions, user-friendly, boast of rich, automatic document feeder such as the Brother MFC-420cn are the best. These printers can also provide you with functions like printing, faxing, scanning and duplexing. Brother printer comes in a variety of colours like white, black, grey and silver. The printing quality is great. In this blog post, we will discuss the common error code 78 of the Brother printer. Approach to us and get the best Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Error 78

For any further Brother, printer assistance feels free to give us a call at our toll-free number 800-742-9005 or you can also mail us at

What are the Causes Behind the Brother Printer Error 78?

The errors in the Brother printer occurs due to various reasons. It can be due to your negligence or any sudden issue. 

  1. This error usually occurs when you shut down the printer suddenly from the laptop or PC. 
  2. When in the home windows process files there are corrupted files. 
  3. The spyware, virus or malware can also cause this error. 
  4. Sudden power outrage is one of the issues behind the occurrence of error 78. 
  5. Improper shut down of the system or laptop.
  6. You have deleted the programs in a incorrect way.
  7. Inappropriate installation of any program.
  8. The left piece of paper inside the printer can also the reason behind the existence of this error. 

Steps to Resolve Brother Printer Error 78 

Here we have provided the various easy and simple method to fix the Brother printer error 78: 

Method 1 – Power off the Printer 

  • You have to begin the process with turning on the printer and then turn it back on and bring up in the on mode.
  • If you see that the Brother printer is not working correctly then unplug the device from the wall outlet.
  • Then keep the printer shut for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • After that check, the power source and then you have to ensure about the printer if it is not plugged into the UPS. 
  • You can also try the alternative way i.e, unplugging the device if the power strips with the other heating devices. 

Method 2 – Check the Power Cut 

In the next method, you have to check the power outage as such the Brother printer error 78 can occur because of a sudden power cut. When this power cut persists in the printer then you have to immediately check out the internal temperature inside the fusing assembly. 

Method 3 – Place the Printer in the Maintenance Mode

  • In this method, you can put the Brother printer in the maintenance mode and for that, you will have to press the button 2,8,6 and 4. 
  • After finishing this procedure the lights of the control panel will display the read maintenance. 
  • Press down the 9 buttons and then make the machine reboot and after that turn back in its normal warm-up procedure. 

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Unable to Print 78 Issue

  1. Firstly turn off the device.
  2. Then switch on the printer while holding the Menu button until led are flashing On/Off.
  3. Now you are in the maintenance mode.
  4. Press 80
  5. Tap on the “Mono Start” button that will see for removal: xxx.
  6. In order to reset the purge counter press “2783” and you will see removal:000.
  7. After that tap on the Stop button.
  8. Exit the maintenance mode by pressing “99”

Why Choose Tech Support Expert for Best Assistance? 

If you are looking for real-time assistance then Tech Support Expert is the only company that can fix the issues within a few hours. We never let our customer go without getting the solution to their issue. This is the reason hundreds and thousands of people are availing our services. 

  • We are providing 24/7 customer support for Brother printer issues. 
  • All the technical services are provided by us at budget-friendly prices. 
  • At Tech Support Expert you will get unlimited services. 
  • Connect with via Live Chat and get a reliable solution by sitting at your place. 
  • Our certified experts have a solution of all your Brother printer issues. 

Brother Printer Instant Support 

Tech Support Expert is a professional team that offers the best customer service in troubleshooting the Brother printer errors. Our company has appointed skilled and certified technical experts who are providing the best guidance to valuable customers. Whenever you get stuck in between any of the Brother printer error than without any hesitation give us a call at our toll-free number 800-742-9005


This function is to check whether each of fans is operating correctly or not. The following fans

are checked.

<Operating Procedure>

(1) Press the [7] and [8] keys in this order in the initial stage of the maintenance mode. The

indication will appear on the LCD as shown in the figure below.

(2) Press the [Start] button so that the LCD indication is changed in the order shown in the

figure above. The fan operation is also changed as indicated on the LCD.

(3) Press the [Stop/Exit] button so that the machine stops checking the fans, beeps for one

second and returns to the initial stage of the maintenance mode.


• If the air intake fan (AIR) error occurs, the following error message appears on the


If you press the [Stop/Exit] button, the machine returns to the initial stage of the

maintenance mode without recovering from this error. To recover from this error,

turn the power switch of the machine off and then turn it on again.

FAN: 100%

FAN: 50%


Fig. 7-13

Machine Error 2B

Fig. 7-14



Как бы это ни было неприятно, но периодически в работе даже таких надежных приборов как МФУ и принтеры Brother могут происходить сбои. Информация о произошедших ошибках отображается на дисплее печатающего устройства, причем в конце сообщения обязательно имеется цифровой код. О том, что значат эти цифры, мы поговорим далее.

Числа в конце сообщений — это коды ошибок, по которым легко понять, что именно случилось с аппаратом. Причем обратите внимание, что иногда разные числа могут относиться к одному сбою, поэтому будьте внимательны. Среди самых распространенных кодов ошибок стоит выделить:

1. 30 (31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/3C/3F) — замятие бумаги. Чтобы устранить ошибку, снимите лоток, приподнимите заднюю крышку тракта подачи бумаги и сканера, а зачем уберите смятый лист, удалив также и его обрывки.

2. 40 (42/43/44/49) — температура внутри печатающего устройства достигла критических значений. В первую очередь отключите аппарат от сети и уберите его подальше от нагревательных приборов, а также дополнительно проветрите комнату.

3. 46 — переполнен «памперс» (отсек для отработанных чернил). В этом случае есть два варианта: разобрать и очистить «памперс» самостоятельно, что достаточно сложно, либо же обратиться в сервисный центр Brother.


4. 48 — возникли проблемы с печатающей головкой или датчиком места парковки. Попробуйте промыть датчики и печатающую головку.

5. 4F — проблема с печатающей головкой. В подобном случае лучше обратиться к специалистам.

6. 50 — сбой датчиков помпы или же сильно загрязнен механизм очистки. Для устранения ошибки нужно тщательно промыть механизм помпы, расположенный под место парковки печатающей головки. Но чтобы выполнить эту задачу, придется полностью разобрать принтер, поэтому если вы не уверены в своих силах, то воспользуйтесь услугами сервисных центров.

7. 51 (52/57/5A/5B/5C/5D/5E/6C/6F/70/71/72/73/7A/7D) — произошло замятие бумаги или же вышел из строя соответствующий датчик. Первым делом стоит снять лоток, поднять крышку сканера и тракта подачи бумажных расходников, и удалить помявшийся лист и его обрывки. Если после этого ошибка не исчезла, то можно попробовать очистить датчики, но так как для этого потребуется почти полностью разобрать принтер, то лучше все же довериться профессионалам.

8. 8F — проблема с двигателем подачи бумаги. Единственным решением этой ситуации является полная замена двигателя.

9. A5 (A6/A7/A8/AF) — проблема со сканером. Убедитесь в целостности шлейфов подключения сканера, если они повреждены — обращайтесь в сервисный центр бренда Brother.

10. E2/E3 — проблема с главной платой PCB. Решение одно — замена элемента в специализированном сервисе.

Кодов ошибок может быть больше, подробнее узнать о них можно из руководства пользователя или на официальном сайте Brother.


This function is to check whether each of fans is operating correctly or not. The following fans

are checked.

<Operating Procedure>

(1) Press the [7] and [8] keys in this order in the initial stage of the maintenance mode. The

indication will appear on the LCD as shown in the figure below.

(2) Press the [Start] button so that the LCD indication is changed in the order shown in the

figure above. The fan operation is also changed as indicated on the LCD.

(3) Press the [Stop/Exit] button so that the machine stops checking the fans, beeps for one

second and returns to the initial stage of the maintenance mode.


• If the air intake fan (AIR) error occurs, the following error message appears on the


If you press the [Stop/Exit] button, the machine returns to the initial stage of the

maintenance mode without recovering from this error. To recover from this error,

turn the power switch of the machine off and then turn it on again.

FAN: 100%

FAN: 50%


Fig. 7-13

Machine Error 2B

Fig. 7-14



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  • Brother 2540 ошибка 05
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