Что означает индикация светодиодов на устройстве?
Техническое название мигающих огоньков на передней панели вашего устройства Brother — это светодиодные индикаторы.
На этой странице разъясняются значения различной индикации светодиодов.
- Если не горит ни один из светодиодных индикаторов, значит, устройство выключено.
- Если светодиод Ready (зелёный) блеклый, значит устройство находится в спящем режиме (режиме экономии энергии) или в режиме глубокого сна (потребление электроэнергии снижается ещё больше, чем в спящем режиме). При получении задания печати аппарат автоматически будет активирован для выполнения печати.
Если светодиоды горят или мигают, это может означать ошибку. См. значения индикации светодиодов устройства ниже.
> Для отображения всех примеров индикации светодиодов нажмите здесь, а затем нажмите на ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЕ, соответствующее индикации на вашем устройстве.
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Ready (зелёный) горит.
Светодиоды Toner, Drum и Paper не горят.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Готово Устройство готово к печати.
- Печать Устройство выполняет печать.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Ready (зелёный) мигает.
Светодиоды Toner, Drum и Paper не горят.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Прогрев Устройство прогревается.
- Охлаждение Осуществляется охлаждение аппарата. Подождите 10 секунд, пока внутренние компоненты устройства не остынут.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Paper (жёлтый) мигает.
Светодиод Ready (зелёный) мигает.
Светодиоды Toner и Drum не горят.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
- Отмена печати Аппарат производит отмену задания.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Toner (жёлтый) мигает.
Светодиод Ready (зелёный) горит.
Светодиоды Drum и Paper не горят.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Мало тонера Если на ЖКД отображается сообщение Мало тонера, печать может выполняться, но это означает, что ресурс тонер-картриджа подходит к концу.
Закажите новый тонер-картридж, чтобы иметь в наличии тонер-картридж, когда на экране ЖКД отобразится сообщение Замените тонер.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Drum (жёлтый) мигает.
Светодиоды Toner, Paper и Ready не горят.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Фотобарабан !
Проверьте следующие пункты.-
Необходимо очистить коронирующий провод фотобарабана.
Инструкции по очистке коронирующих проводов см. здесь.
Фотобарабан или узел фотобарабана с тонер-картриджем установлен неправильно. Извлеките фотобарабан, выньте из фотобарабана все тонер-картриджи, а затем установите тонер-картриджи обратно в фотобарабан. Заново установите фотобарабан в устройство.
Инструкции по установке тонер-картриджа см. здесь.
Инструкции по установке фотобарабана см. здесь.Замените использованный фотобарабан на новый.
> Инструкции по замене фотобарабана см. здесь.
Необходимо очистить коронирующий провод фотобарабана.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Горит светодиод Drum (жёлтый).
Горит светодиод Ready (зелёный).
Не горят светодиоды Toner и Paper.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Проверьте следующие пункты.
Замените фотоб. Необходимо заменить фотобарабан. Замените использованный фотобарабан на новый.
> Инструкции по замене фотобарабана см. здесь.
При установке нового фотобарабана не был сброшен счетчик фотобарабана. Сбросьте счетчик блока фотобарабана.
> Инструкции по замене фотобарабана см. здесь.
Замените фотоб. Необходимо заменить фотобарабан. Замените использованный фотобарабан на новый.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Paper (жёлтый) мигает.
Светодиоды Toner, Drum и Ready не горят.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Открыта крышка Проверьте следующие пункты.
Неплотно закрыта передняя крышка. Закройте переднюю крышку устройства.
Крышка блока термозакрепления закрыта не полностью, или при включении питания в задней части устройства произошло замятие бумаги. Проверьте следующие пункты.
Плотно закройте крышку узла термозакрепления тонера, распложенную за задней крышкой устройства Brother.
- Убедитесь, что внутри в задней части устройства нет замятой бумаги, а затем закройте крышку узла термозакрепления и нажмите клавишу Go.
Плотно закройте крышку узла термозакрепления тонера, распложенную за задней крышкой устройства Brother.
Неплотно закрыта передняя крышка. Закройте переднюю крышку устройства.
2-стор. отключ. (только если устройством поддерживается автоматическая двустороняя печать)
Проверьте следующие пункты.-
Задняя крышка устройства закрыта не до конца. Закройте заднюю крышку устройства, чтобы она зафиксировалась в закрытом положении.
Лоток 2 установлен неправильно. Вставьте лоток для бумаги обратно в устройство.
Нажмите здесь для просмотра инструкций по установке лотка для двусторонней печати в устройство.
Задняя крышка устройства закрыта не до конца. Закройте заднюю крышку устройства, чтобы она зафиксировалась в закрытом положении.
Замятие (2стор.) (только если устройством поддерживается автоматическая двустороняя печать)
Замятие бумаги внутри устройства. Устраните замятие бумаги.
(Инструкции по устранению замятия бумаги см. здесь.)
Замятие внутри Замятие бумаги внутри устройства. Устраните замятие бумаги.
> Инструкции по устранению замятия бумаги внутри см. здесь.
Замятие сзади Замятие бумаги в задней части устройства. Устраните замятие бумаги.
> Инструкции по устранению замятия бумаги сзади см. здесь.
Замятие в лотке (1) Замятие бумаги в лотке устройства. Устраните замятие бумаги.
(Инструкции по устранению замятия бумаги в лотке см. здесь.)
Память заполнена Память устройства заполнена. Уменьшите разрешение печати.
Ошибка размера ДП (только если устройством поддерживается автоматическая двусторонняя печать)
Формат бумаги, выбранный в текущей настройке драйвера, не используется при двусторонней печати или в лоток загружена бумага неправильного формата.
Нажмите здесь, чтобы посмотреть возможные решения.
- Неверный формат В лоток загружена бумага неправильного формата. Загрузите в лоток бумагу надлежащего формата и задайте формат бумаги для лотка.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиод Paper (жёлтый) горит.
Не горят светодиоды Toner, Drum и Ready.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Ручная подача
В качестве источника бумаги выбрано Ручная подача, однако в слоте ручной подачи отсутствует бумага. Загрузите бумагу в слот для ручной подачи.
Инструкции по загрузке бумаги в слот для ручной подачи см. здесь.
Нет бумаги В аппарате закончилась бумага, или она неправильно загружена в лоток для бумаги. Чтобы решить проблему, следуйте инструкциям ниже:
Загрузите бумагу в лоток. Убедитесь, что направляющие для бумаги установлены в соответствии с размером бумаги.
- Извлеките бумагу и загрузите её снова. Убедитесь, что направляющие для бумаги установлены в соответствии с размером бумаги.
Загрузите бумагу в лоток. Убедитесь, что направляющие для бумаги установлены в соответствии с размером бумаги.
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Светодиодная индикация
Светодиоды Toner (жёлтый), Drum (жёлтый) и Paper (жёлтый) мигают.
Светодиод Ready (зелёный) мигает.
Значение индикации светодиодов:
Самодиагностика Температура узла термозакрепления тонера не повышается до заданной температуры за указанное время. —OR— Узел термозакрепления слишком горячий.
Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку(Вкл./Выкл.), чтобы выключить устройство, подождите несколько секунд, а затем снова включите устройство. Оставьте аппарат включенным в режиме простоя на 15 минут.
Печать невозм ZC
В устройстве имеется механическая неисправность.
Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку(Вкл./Выкл.), чтобы выключить устройство, подождите несколько секунд, а затем снова включите устройство.
Если проблема не устраняется, обратитесь в службу технической поддержки Brother (см. «Контакты«).
Назад к примерам индикации светодиодов >>
Связанные модели
Отзывы о материалах
Чтобы помочь нам улучшить поддержку пользователей, просим вас поделиться своим мнением, ответив на вопросы ниже.
This machine includes a self-diagnosis function. If the machine does not work normally it
judges that an error has occurred, and indicates the corresponding error message on the
LCD, which in turn helps the service personnel to quickly find out the problem.
3.1 Error Codes
Errors in shaded column do not usually occur during normal use. The possible causes are
noise around the installation site, fluctuation of the power supply voltage, and failures in the
Cannot detect the synchronized signal
of the main motor.
The speed of the main motor does not
stabilize within the specified time.
Cannot detect the lock signal of the polygon
motor for the laser unit (second time).
Cannot detect the lock signal of the polygon
motor for the laser unit (first time).
Cannot detect the synchronized signal
of the polygon motor for the laser unit
(second time).
Cannot detect the synchronized signal of the
polygon motor for the laser unit (first time).
The center thermistor of the fuser unit
has not reached the specified
temperature within the specified time.
The center thermistor of the fuser unit has
not reached the specified temperature
within the specified time after it was
heated normally to the certain level.
The center thermistor of the fuser unit
detected a temperature higher than
the specified value.
After the heat unit was heated normally, the
center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a
temperature lower than the specified value.
The center thermistor of the fuser unit
detected a temperature rise greater
than the specified value within the
specified time.
The center thermistor of the fuser unit
detected a temperature fall greater than the
specified value within the specified time.
The hardware detected a temperature
error through the center thermistor or
the side thermistor of the fuser unit.
When the center thermistor of the fuser unit
was lower than the idle temperature, the side
thermistor detected a temperature higher
than the specified temperature.
When the center thermistor of the fuser unit
was higher than the idle temperature, the
side thermistor detected a temperature lower
than the specified temperature.
050D ―
An error occurred in the fuser unit.
A communication error occurred
between the ASIC controlled by
engine and the motor driver.
Detected irregular power supply for
more than 100 times.
Detected a fan failure.
An error occurred in the high-voltage
power supply PCB ASSY while operating.
An error occurred in the high-voltage
power supply PCB ASSY when the
machine was in the ready state.
0C00 ―
0D01 ―
Page 1
Brother Laser Printer SERVICE MANUAL MODEL: HL-L2300D/L2305W/L2315DW/L2320D/ L2340DW/L2360DN/L2360DW/ L2365DW/2260/2260D/2560DN/ L2321D/L2361DN/L2366DW Read this manual thoroughly before maintenance work. Keep this manual in a convenient place for quick and easy reference at all times. April 2014 SM-PRN096 84UF* Confidential… -
Page 2
Each company whose software title is mentioned in this manual has a Software License Agreement specific to its proprietary programs. Any trade names and product names of companies appearing on Brother products, related documents and any other materials are all trademarks or registered trademarks of those respective companies. -
Page 3
Open Source Licensing Remarks This product includes open-source software. Please visit the Brother Solutions Center at http://solutions.brother.com/ to view the Open Source Licensing Remarks and Copyright information. Copyright and License ©2014 Brother Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the following vendors: ©1983-1998 PACIFIC SOFTWORKS, INC. -
Page 4: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ……………….vi CHAPTER 1 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL ……………………… 1-1 2. NETWORK CONNECTIVITY ………………….. 1-3 3. SERVICE INFORMATION ………………….1-3 4. SUPPLIES ……………………… 1-4 CHAPTER 2 ERROR INDICATIONS & TROUBLESHOOTING 1. INTRODUCTION ……………………. 2-1 Precautions ……………………. 2-1 Checks before Commencing Troubleshooting …………..2-2 2.
Page 5
Troubleshooting for Image Defects ………………. 2-56 4.3.1 Image defect examples ………………2-56 4.3.2 Troubleshooting according to image defect …………2-57 Troubleshooting for Software Problems …………….2-68 4.4.1 Cannot receive data ………………… 2-68 Troubleshooting for Network Problems …………….2-69 4.5.1 Cannot print via network connection …………..2-69 4.5.2 Cannot connect to access point ……………. -
Page 6
9. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE ………………..3-14 Preparation ……………………3-14 Back Cover ……………………3-15 Outer Chute ASSY ………………….3-16 Front Cover ASSY ………………….3-17 Side Cover R ……………………3-18 Fuser Cover ……………………3-19 Inner Chute ASSY ………………….3-20 Side Cover L ……………………3-21 Top Cover ASSY …………………. -
Page 7
CHAPTER 5 SERVICE FUNCTIONS 1. MAINTENANCE MODE ………………….. 5-1 How to Enter Maintenance Mode ………………5-1 1.1.1 Method of entering maintenance mode for service personnel ……. 5-1 1.1.2 Method of entering end-user accessible maintenance mode ……… 5-2 List of Maintenance Mode Functions ……………… 5-3 1.2.1 List of maintenance mode functions for LCD models ………. -
Page 8
1.4.13 Print maintenance data and frame pattern …………5-40 1.4.14 Change Ready LED light intensity in sleep mode ……….5-41 1.4.15 Reset irregular power supply detection counter of low-voltage power supply PCB …………….5-41 1.4.16 Firmware installing mode ………………5-42 1.4.17 Ready state of maintenance mode for service personnel …….. -
Page 9: Safety Information
SAFETY INFORMATION Definitions of Warnings, Cautions, Notes and Memos The following conventions are used in this manual: WARNING WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injuries. CAUTION CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injuries.
Page 10
To use the Machine Safely Please keep these instructions for later reference and read them before attempting any maintenance. If you do not follow these safety instructions, there is a possibility of a fire, electrical shock, burn or suffocation. WARNING ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Failure to follow the warnings in this section may create the risk of an electrical shock. -
Page 11
• DO NOT use the product if the power cord is frayed or damaged. Doing so may cause an electrical shock or fire. • Brother strongly recommends that you DO NOT use any type of extension cord. • DO NOT drop any metallic hardware or any type of liquid on the power plug of the product. -
Page 12
HOT SURFACE After you have just used the product, some internal parts of the product will be extremely hot. Wait at least ten minutes for the product to cool down before you touch the internal parts of the product. Caution for Laser Product (WARNHINWEIS für Laserdrucker) CAUTION: In case of any trouble with the laser unit, replace the laser unit itself. -
Page 13
Additional Information When servicing the optical system of the machine, be careful not to place a screwdriver or other reflective object in the path of the laser beam. Be sure to take off any personal accessories such as watches and rings before working on the machine. A reflected beam, though invisible, can permanently damage the eyes. -
Page 14: Chapter 1 Supplemental Specifications
CHAPTER 1 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL The function comparative table for models as described in this Service Manual are shown below. HL-L2320D HL-L2360DN HL-L2360DW HL-L2315DW Model HL-L2305W HL-L2300D HL-2260 HL-2260D HL-2560DN HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW Wired/ Wired/ Wired/ Wireless…
Page 15
HL-L2320D HL-L2360DN HL-L2360DW HL-L2315DW Model HL-2260D HL-2560DN HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW Warm-up time From Sleep mode Less than 9 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) From Power Less than 26 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) First print time From Ready mode Less than 8.5 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) From Sleep mode Less than 17.5 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) ARM9 266 MHz Dimensions… -
Page 16: Network Connectivity
2. NETWORK CONNECTIVITY Model HL-L2305W HL-L2300D HL-2260 Wired network Network node type Wireless network Network node NC-8300w type HL-L2320D HL-L2360DN HL-L2360DW HL-L2315DW Model HL-2260D HL-2560DN HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW Wired network Network node NC-8700h type Wireless network Network node…
Page 17: Supplies
4. SUPPLIES Model HL-L2305W HL-L2300D HL-2260 HL-L2320D Toner cartridge Approximately 700 pages Approximately Approximately Starter Toner 2,600 pages 700 pages (Except for Asia/China) Approximately 2,600 pages (for Asia/ China) Standard Toner Approximately 1,200 pages High Capacity Approximately 2,600 pages Toner…
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HL-L2315DW HL-L2360DW HL-2260D HL-2560DN Model HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW HL-L2360DN Toner cartridge Approximately 700 pages Approximately Starter Toner (Except for Asia/China) 700 pages Approximately 2,600 pages (for the U.S.A./ (for Asia/China) Oceania) Approximately 1,200 pages (for Europe) Approximately 2,600 pages (for Asia) Standard Toner Approximately… -
Page 19: Chapter 2 Error Indications & Troubleshooting
CHAPTER 2 ERROR INDICATIONS & TROUBLESHOOTING 1. INTRODUCTION Troubleshooting is a collection of solution procedures that service personnel should follow if an error or malfunction occurs in the machine. It is difficult to determine troubleshooting procedures for all possible problems that may occur in the future. Therefore, this chapter describes typical problems and recovery procedures for these.
Page 20: Checks Before Commencing Troubleshooting
1.2 Checks before Commencing Troubleshooting Check the following items before commencing repairs on the machine. Operating environment (1) The machine is placed on a flat, stable surface. (2) The machine is used in a clean environment where the temperature is 10°C (50°F) to 32.5°C (90.5°F), and the relative humidity is maintained between 20% and 80%.
Page 21
Others (1) Condensation When the machine is moved to a warm room from a cold location, condensation may occur inside the machine, causing various problems as listed below. • Condensation on the surface of optical devices such as the lens, reflecting mirror and protection glass may cause light print image. -
Page 22: Overview
2. OVERVIEW 2.1 Cross-section Drawing <Back side> <Front side> Eject roller 2 Exposure drum Laser unit Registration rear actuator Registration roller Registration front actuator Back cover Manual feed slot Eject roller 1 Paper dust cleaning roller Eject actuator Paper feed actuator Heat roller Separation pad…
Page 23: Paper Feeding
2.2 Paper Feeding Eject to output tray Feed from manual feed slot Eject to back side <Front side> <Back side> Duplex path Fig. 2-2 Confidential…
Page 24: Operation Of Each Part
2.3 Operation of Each Part Part name Operation Pick-up roller Feeds paper from the paper tray to the separation roller. Separation roller Separates paper fed from the paper tray into single sheets. Separation pad Paper feed actuator Detects the paper tray (open / closed). (Paper feed sensor) Detects paper in the paper tray.
Page 25: Block Diagram
2.4 Block Diagram LCD models Panel PCB * WLAN model only WLAN LED Wireless LAN PCB * WLAN model only Power key Registration front/rear sensor PCB LED models Registration front sensor Panel PCB High-voltage power Toner LED Registration rear sensor supply PCB Drum LED Front cover sensor…
Page 26: Main Components
2.5 Main Components Top cover ASSY (LCD models) Top cover ASSY (LED models) Back cover Filter Air duct Laser unit Outer chute ASSY Fuser cover Inner chute ASSY Side cover R LVPS shield plate cover Fuser unit Duplex tray LVPS insulation sheet High-voltage power supply PCB ASSY…
Page 27: Error Indications
3. ERROR INDICATIONS This machine includes a self-diagnosis function. If the machine does not work normally it judges that an error has occurred, and indicates the corresponding error message on the LCD, which in turn helps the service personnel to quickly find out the problem. 3.1 Error Codes Errors in shaded column do not usually occur during normal use.
Page 28
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 0D02 ― 2402 ― 0D03 ― 2403 ― 0D04 ― 2404 ― 0E00 ― 2405 ― 1003 ― 2408 ― 1004 ― 2409 ― 1100 ― 2501 ― 1200 ― 2502 ― 1300 ―… -
Page 29
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 2E02 ― 3A00 ― The number of rotations of the drum 2E03 ― 4000 2-33 unit is reaching the upper limit. 2E04 ― 4001 ― 2E05 ― 4002 ― 2E06 ― 4003 ―… -
Page 30
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 4F03 ― 6200 ― 4F04 ― 6201 ― 5001 ― 6202 ― 5002 ― 6203 ― 5003 ― 6204 ― 5004 ― 6208 ― 5005 ― 6209 ― 5100 ― 620A ― 5200 ―… -
Page 31: Error Codes
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 7003 ― 7D00 ― 7004 ― 7E00 ― The eject sensor remains ON (paper First side printing started before pass detected) even after the finishing receiving the second side 7100 2-40 8000 2-42 registration rear sensor detected the data in duplex printing mode due to…
Page 32
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes There is no paper set in the manual 8C00 feed slot on the manual feed slot fix 2-43 9601 ― mode. 8D01 ― 9608 ― A tray set to duplex printing- 8D02 ―… -
Page 33
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes An error occurred during access to the AF00 ― E500 2-45 DRAM in the main PCB ASSY. Write error in the EEPROM of the B000 ― E600 2-45 main PCB ASSY B300 ―… -
Page 34: Error Messages
3.2 Error Messages Error Refer First line Second line Description codes Cartridge Error Put the Toner The new toner sensor could not Cartridge back in. detect the new toner cartridge 4F01 2-34 correctly. Connection Error ― Multiple access points were found as a result of the access point 4.5.2 search.
Page 35
Error Refer First line Second line Description codes Jam Tray 1 Remove the jammed When printing from the paper tray, paper from Tray 1. the registration front sensor does not detect paper pass within the 7300 2-40 specified time after the paper feed sensor detected paper pass. -
Page 36
Error Refer First line Second line Description codes Self-Diagnostic Turn the power off, An error occurred in the fuser unit then on again. Leave when the power switch was turned 6901 2-37 the machine for 15 ON or sleep mode was released. min. -
Page 37: Led Display (Led Models)
3.3 LED Display (LED Models) 3.3.1 LED display when operator call occurs Details of the message can be determined by the combination of the LEDs. Refer to the page shown in the «Refer to:» column in the table below to take appropriate measures. Most errors are automatically cleared after measures are taken.
Page 38
Error Refer Type of problem codes Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner is reaching the upper limit. 4B01 2-33 Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner has reached the upper limit in the toner continuous printing mode. -
Page 39
Error Refer Type of problem codes The number of rotations of the drum unit has reached the upper limit. (Printing does not stop.) 4200 2-33 There is no paper set in the manual feed slot on the 8C00 2-43 manual feed slot fix mode. When printing from the paper tray, the paper feed sensor detected that there was no paper set in the paper tray. -
Page 40: Led Display When Service Call Occurs
3.3.2 LED display when service call occurs When a service call occurs, the four LEDs flash. Pressing the [Go] key allows you to identify the location of the problem based on the combination of the LED status: lit, flashing or unlit. Pressing the [Go] key again allows you to see detailed information.
Page 41
Error Refer Press [Go] once Press [Go] twice Type of problem codes Write error in the EEPROM of the main PCB ASSY E600 2-45 Detected a fan failure. 0A02 2-32 Detected irregular power supply for more than 100 0900 2-31 times. -
Page 42
Error Refer Press [Go] once Press [Go] twice Type of problem codes An error occurred in the fuser unit when the power 6901 2-37 switch was turned ON or sleep mode was released. Rechecking the error after the power switch was turned OFF and then ON again because an error… -
Page 43
Error Refer Press [Go] once Press [Go] twice Type of problem codes The center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a temperature rise 0505 2-28 greater than the specified value within the specified time. The center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a temperature fall 0506… -
Page 44: Troubleshooting
4. TROUBLESHOOTING 4.1 Error Cause and Remedy Error code 0201 Print Unable 02 Turn the power off and then back on again. Cannot detect the synchronized signal of the main motor. The speed of the main motor does not stabilize within the specified time. Step Cause Remedy…
Page 45
Error code 0300 Print Unable 03 Turn the power off and then back on again. Cannot detect the lock signal of the polygon motor for the laser unit (second time). Error code 0305 Print Unable 03 Turn the power off and then back on again. Cannot detect the lock signal of the polygon motor for the laser unit (first time). -
Page 46
Error code 0501 Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The center thermistor of the fuser unit has not reached the specified temperature within the specified time. Error code 0502 Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The center thermistor of the fuser unit has not reached the specified temperature within the specified time after it was heated normally to the certain level. -
Page 47
Error code 0506 Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a temperature fall greater than the specified value within the specified time. <User Check> • Turn OFF the power switch. After several seconds, turn ON the power again and check that this error is reset. -
Page 48
Error code 050A Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The hardware detected a temperature error through the center thermistor or the side thermistor of the fuser unit. Error code 050B Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. -
Page 49
Error code 0600 Print Unable 06 Turn the power off and then back on again. A communication error occurred between the ASIC controlled by engine and the motor driver. Step Cause Remedy Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY. … -
Page 50
Error code 0A02 Print Unable 0A Turn the power off and then back on again. Detected a fan failure. Step Cause Remedy Connection failure of the fan Reconnect the fan harness. harness Connection failure of the HVPS Reconnect the HVPS flat cable. flat cable Fan failure Replace the fan. -
Page 51
Error code 4000 Drum End Soon The number of rotations of the drum unit is reaching the upper limit. Error code 4200 Replace Drum The number of rotations of the drum unit has reached the upper limit. (Printing does not stop.) <User Check>… -
Page 52
Error code 4C01 Replace Toner Open the Front Cover, replace Toner Cartridge. Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner has reached the upper limit in the toner stop mode. Error code 4D01 Replace Toner Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner has reached the upper limit in the toner continuous printing mode. -
Page 53
Error code 6001 Cover is Open Close the Front Cover. The front cover sensor detected that the front cover was open. <User Check> • Close the front cover. Step Cause Remedy Front cover failure Replace the front cover. Front cover sensor failure Replace the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. -
Page 54
Error code 6101 No Toner Open the Front Cover, then install Toner Cartridge. The new toner sensor detected that the toner cartridge was not set. <User Check> • Set the toner cartridge correctly. • Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 55
Error code 6901 Self-Diagnostic Turn the power off, then on again. Leave the machine for 15 min. An error occurred in the fuser unit when the power switch was turned ON or sleep mode was released. Error code 6902 Self-Diagnostic Will Automatically Restart within 15 minutes. -
Page 56
Error code 6A00 Drum ! Slide the Green tab on Drum Unit. Detected discharge that may be attributable to dirty corona wire on the drum unit. <User Check> • Slide the green tab of the drum unit to left and right for two to three times to clean the corona wire. -
Page 57
Error code 6F00 Print Unable ZC Turn the power off and then back on again. Detected irregular power supply for less than 100 times. <User Check> • Turn the power switch OFF and then back ON again. • Put a filter into the power supply. •… -
Page 58
Error code 7100 Jam Rear Open the Back Cover and remove the jammed paper, then press Go. The eject sensor remains ON (paper pass detected) even after the registration rear sensor detected the end of paper pass. <User Check> •… -
Page 59
Error code 7700 Jam 2-sided Pull out the Duplex Tray at the back of the machine and remove the jammed paper. The registration front sensor does not detect paper pass within the specified time after the first side was printed in duplex printing mode. <User Check>… -
Page 60
Error code 8000 Print Overrun First side printing started before finishing receiving the second side data in duplex printing mode due to the insufficient memory. <User Check> • Print the print data stored in the memory. • The size of printing data per page is too big. Change the printing contents to reduce the data size. -
Page 61
Error code 8A01 Size Error DX Specify the correct paper. The registration rear sensor detected that the paper fed was smaller or larger than the specified size in duplex printing mode. <User Check> • Use appropriate paper (Letter to Legal). Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 62
Error code 9002 Size Mismatch Load paper and press Go. When printing from the paper tray, the size of paper set in the paper tray does not match the size specified by the driver. <User Check> • Change the driver setting to be matched with the size of the paper set in the paper tray. Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 63
Error code C700 Out of Memory Press Go for 2 seconds. There is insufficient memory to expand PC print data. <User Check> • Print the print data stored in the memory. • Divide the print data and print them separately. Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 64
Error code F900 Machine Error F9 The country code was not entered correctly. Step Cause Remedy The power was turned OFF Reenter the country code. while function code 74 was running. Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY. 2-46 Confidential… -
Page 65: Troubleshooting For Paper Feeding Problems
4.2 Troubleshooting for Paper Feeding Problems End users can solve problems related to paper feeding as long as they follow the User Check items. If the problem still cannot be solved, implement each procedure according to the step numbers in the tables below. 4.2.1 No paper is fed from paper tray <User Check>…
Page 66: No Paper Is Fed From Manual Feed Slot
4.2.2 No paper is fed from manual feed slot <User Check> • Check that the paper is set into the deepest part of the manual feed slot. • Check that multiple sheets of paper are not set in the manual feed slot. •…
Page 67: Paper Becomes Wrinkled
4.2.4 Paper becomes wrinkled <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •…
Page 68: Paper Is Fed At An Angle
4.2.5 Paper is fed at an angle <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •…
Page 69: Paper Is Curled
4.2.6 Paper is curled <User Check> • Check that the paper specified in driver settings is matched to the paper set. • Select «Reduce Paper Curl» in the driver. • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. •…
Page 70: Paper Jam
4.2.8 Paper jam Paper jams in the paper tray <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in the paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in the paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust the paper guide according to the paper size. •…
Page 71
Paper jams in the manual feed slot <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in the manual feed slot correctly. • Flip over the paper in the manual feed slot or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust the paper guide according to the paper size. •… -
Page 72
Paper jams in the feeding path in the center of the machine <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •… -
Page 73
Paper jams in the ejecting section <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •… -
Page 74: Troubleshooting For Image Defects
4.3 Troubleshooting for Image Defects 4.3.1 Image defect examples Light (2-57) Faulty registration Dark (2-58) Poor fixing Completely (2-57) (2-58) blank (2-59) Image distortion All black Dirt on the paper (2-60) Vertical streaks (2-61) (2-59) (2-60) Black vertical Horizontal White vertical White horizontal Faint print (2-63) streaks on a light…
Page 75: Troubleshooting According To Image Defect
4.3.2 Troubleshooting according to image defect End users can solve problems related to image defect as long as they follow the User Check items. If the problem still cannot be solved, implement each procedure according to the step numbers in the tables below. …
Page 76
Dark <User Check> — Check the usage environment of the machine. Using the machine in hot-humid or cold-dry conditions can cause this problem. — If a new toner cartridge has been detected, check that it was not replaced with another toner cartridge. — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. -
Page 77
Completely blank <User Check> — Replace the drum unit with a new one. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. — Install the latest firmware. Step Cause Remedy Dirt on the electrodes of the drum Clean the electrodes of the drum unit and unit and those of the machine those of the machine. -
Page 78
All black <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — Replace the drum unit with a new one. Step Cause Remedy Dirt on the electrodes of the drum Clean the electrodes of the drum unit and unit and those of the machine those of the machine. -
Page 79
Vertical streaks <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — Return the corona wire cleaning tab to the «▲» position. — This problem may disappear after printing multiple sheets of paper. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. -
Page 80
Black vertical streaks on a light background <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — This problem may disappear after printing multiple sheets of paper. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. -
Page 81
White vertical streaks <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — Check that there is no dust on the toner cartridge. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. -
Page 82
White spots <User Check> — Check that the fan is not clogged. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. — Replace the drum unit with a new one. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. -
Page 83
Single-colored dot or dirt <User Check> — Check that the paper is not damp. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. — Replace the drum unit with a new one. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. -
Page 84
Downward fogging of solid color <User Check> — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. Step Cause Remedy High-voltage power supply PCB Replace the high-voltage power supply PCB failure ASSY. Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY. … -
Page 85
Fogging <User Check> — Check the usage environment of the machine. Using the machine in hot-humid or cold-dry conditions can cause this problem. — Check that the acid paper is not used. — This problem may disappear after printing multiple sheets of paper. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. -
Page 86: Troubleshooting For Software Problems
(5) Check the «Product ID» under «HL-XXXX». Product ID (hexadecimal) • HL-L232*D series : 0062h • HL-L236*D* series : 0059h • HL-L2340D : 0063h • HL-L2300D : 0061h : 0075h • HL-L2305 : 0092h • HL-L2315DW • HL-2560DN : 006Fh •…
Page 87: Troubleshooting For Network Problems
4.5 Troubleshooting for Network Problems 4.5.1 Cannot print via network connection <User Check> — Check the relevant section in the Network Setting Guide. — Check the network connection. — Reset the network. (Refer to the User’s Guide.) — Check the LAN cable. Step Cause Remedy…
Page 88: Troubleshooting For Control Panel Problems
4.6 Troubleshooting for Control Panel Problems 4.6.1 Nothing is displayed on the LCD <User Check> — Turn the power switch OFF and then ON again. Step Cause Remedy Rubber key attachment failure Reattach the rubber key. Connection failure of the panel PCB Reconnect the panel PCB flat cable.
Page 89: Troubleshooting For Toner And Drum Problems
4.7 Troubleshooting for Toner and Drum Problems 4.7.1 New toner is not detected <User Check> — Check that the packaged toner cartridge is not set. — Check that a new (not used) toner cartridge is set. — Check that the genuine toner cartridge is set. Step Cause Remedy…
Page 90: Error Message Prompting Toner Cartridge Replacement Does Not Disappear
4.7.3 Error message prompting toner cartridge replacement does not disappear <User Check> — Check that a new (not used) toner cartridge is set. — Check that the genuine toner cartridge is set. Step Cause Remedy New toner actuator coming off Reattach the new toner actuator.
Page 91: Troubleshooting For Fuser Unit Problems
4.8 Troubleshooting for Fuser Unit Problems 4.8.1 Fuser unit failure Step Cause Remedy Connection failure of the center Reconnect the center thermistor harness. thermistor harness Connection failure of the side Reconnect the side thermistor harness. thermistor harness Connection failure of the heater Reconnect the heater harness.
Page 92: Troubleshooting For Pcb Problems
4.10 Troubleshooting for PCB Problems 4.10.1 Main PCB failure <User Check> — Turn the power switch OFF and then ON again. — Install the latest firmware. — Check that the PC Print is not forbidden. — Check the print limit ID. — Check that the print data is not damaged.
Page 93: Troubleshooting For Other Problems
4.11 Troubleshooting for Other Problems 4.11.1 Cannot print <User Check> — Turn the power switch OFF and then ON again. — Check that the USB cable is connected to the host correctly. — Check that the LAN cable is connected to the host correctly. — Replace the USB cable.
Page 94: Chapter 3 Disassembly/Reassembly
CHAPTER 3 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS To avoid creating secondary problems by mishandling, follow the warnings and precautions below during maintenance work. WARNING Some parts inside the machine are extremely hot immediately after the machine is used. When opening the front cover ASSY or back cover to access any parts inside the machine, never touch the shaded parts shown in the following figures.
Page 95: Packing
2. PACKING <Inlet model> Quick set up guide Printed bag ASSY Power cord Toner AC cord pad USB cable Toner Nip release sheet Carton Polystyrene pad R Machine Polystyrene pad L Tag drum / toner <For China> Printed bag ASSY Option carton Polystyrene pad R USB cable…
Page 96: Screw Catalogue
3. SCREW CATALOGUE Taptite bind B Taptite bind B M3x10 Taptite bind B M4x12 Taptite cup S Taptite cup S M3x6 SR Taptite cup S M3x8 SR Screw pan (S/P washer) Screw pan (S/P washer) M3.5×6 Screw pan (S/P washer) M3x12DB Taptite pan B Taptite pan B…
Page 97: Screw Torque List
4. SCREW TORQUE LIST Tightening torque Location of screw Screw type Q’ty N·m (kgf·cm) Inner chute ASSY Taptite bind B M4x12 0.80.1 (81) Top cover ASSY Taptite bind B M4x12 0.80.1 (81) Fuser unit Taptite pan B M4x14 0.80.1 (81) LVPS shield plate cover Taptite cup S M3x8 SR 0.450.05…
Page 98: Lubrication
5. LUBRICATION Lubricating oil type Lubrication point Quantity of lubrication (Maker name) FLOIL BG-10KS (Kanto Kasei) Fuser gear 67R/40R 3 places 1.5 to 2.0 mm dia. ball Fig. 3-3 Confidential…
Page 99: Overview Of Gears
6. OVERVIEW OF GEARS <Layout view> Fig. 3-4 <Development view> Fig. 3-5 Note: • When handling gears, make sure that frame L faces up. Otherwise all gears come off. <Name of gears> LY9021 PF gear 61R/26 LY9025 PF gear 34 LY9022 PF gear 31/29 LY9024…
Page 100
<Layout view> Fig. 3-6 <Development view> Fig. 3-7 Note: • When handling gears, make sure that frame L faces up. Otherwise all gears come off. <Name of gears> LY9006 Ejector gear 33 LY9005 Ejector gear 40 LY9008 DX gear 44/32 LY9007 Ejector gear 17/16 LY9026… -
Page 101: Harness Routing
7. HARNESS ROUTING Right side of the machine Guides Registration front/rear sensor PCB harness (RD, BL, WH, BK) Guide Hole Hole Guide LVPS harness (WH) Harness colors are subject to change for some reason. Confidential…
Page 102
Top side of the registration chute Hole Top side LVPS harness (WH) Guides Hole Registration front/rear sensor PCB harness (RD, BL, WH, BK) Registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY Registration chute Harness colors are subject to change for some reason. Confidential… -
Page 103
Bottom side of the top cover ASSY Panel PCB flat cable Top side Guides LCD flat cable (LCD models only) Panel PCB ASSY (The shape of PCBs may vary depending on the specification.) 3-10 Confidential… -
Page 104
Left side of the machine <Inside of the frame L> New toner sensor PCB flat cable Main motor flat cable Flat cable sponge Hole Panel PCB ASSY Eject sensor PCB ASSY Panel PCB flat cable Flat core Laser unit flat cable Main PCB ASSY Guide <Rear side of the… -
Page 105
Rear side of the machine Laser unit flat cable Laser unit Flat core Fuser unit HVPS flat cable Flat core Registration front/rear sensor PCB harness (RD, BL, WH, BK) Guide Hole HVPS flat cable Guide Guides Side thermistor Guides harness ASSY (WH) Center thermistor harness ASSY (WH)* Eject sensor PCB ASSY*… -
Page 106: Disassembly Flow Chart
8. DISASSEMBLY FLOW CHART Disassembly / Reassembly (second) 9.17 Roller Holder 9.1 Paper Tray 9.1 Duplex Tray ASSY 10/10 9.8 Side Cover L 9.5 Side Cover R 15/10 15/10 9.16 Wireless LAN 9.20 New Toner Sensor 9.19 Registration PCB (Wireless network 9.19 T1 Clutch 9.2 Back Cover PCB ASSY…
Page 107: Disassembly Procedure
9. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 9.1 Preparation Disconnecting Cables and Removing Accessories Prior to proceeding with the disassembly procedure, (1) Disconnect the following: • USB cable (if connected) • LAN cable (if connected) (2) Remove the following: • Paper tray • Toner cartridge and drum unit •…
Page 108: Back Cover
9.2 Back Cover (1) Open the back cover. (2) Push both ribs on the back cover outward, and remove the pins on the outer chute ASSY. (3) Pull out the right side of the back cover in the direction of the arrow A to remove it from the boss, and remove the back cover in the direction of the arrow B.
Page 109: Outer Chute Assy
9.3 Outer Chute ASSY (1) Pull out the right side of the outer chute ASSY in the direction of the arrow A to remove the boss of the outer chute ASSY, and remove the outer chute ASSY in the direction of the arrow B.
Page 110: Front Cover Assy
9.4 Front Cover ASSY (1) Open the front cover ASSY. (2) Release the hook of the develop joint link, and remove the develop joint link from the front cover ASSY. (3) Lift the rib on the front chute ASSY, and slide the front cover ASSY in the direction of the arrow A to remove it.
Page 111: Side Cover R
9.5 Side Cover R (1) Release the each hook on the side cover R in order of the arrow A to C, and remove the side cover R from the main body. Hooks Side cover R Hooks Hooks Fig. 3-12 3-18 Confidential…
Page 112: Fuser Cover
9.6 Fuser Cover (1) Hold the knobs on the fuser cover, and pull the fuser cover down. (2) Pull the fuser cover in the direction of the arrow to remove it from the bosses, and remove the fuser cover. Boss Fuser cover Boss Boss…
Page 113: Inner Chute Assy
9.7 Inner Chute ASSY (1) Pull down the green envelope levers on both sides of the fuser unit. (2) Remove the two taptite bind B M4x12 screws, and remove the inner chute ASSY. Top cover ASSY Fuser unit Positioning holes Green envelope lever Hooks…
Page 114: Side Cover L
9.8 Side Cover L (1) Release the each hook on the side cover L in order of the arrow A to C, and remove the side cover L from the main body. Hook Hooks Side cover L Hooks Hooks Fig. 3-15 3-21 Confidential…
Page 115: Top Cover Assy
9.9 Top Cover ASSY (1) Disconnect the panel PCB flat cable from the main PCB ASSY. (2) Disconnect the new toner sensor PCB flat cable from the panel PCB ASSY. Note: • After disconnecting flat cables, check that each cable is not damaged at its end or short-circuited.
Page 116
Top cover ASSY (For LED models) (5) Release the hook, and remove the panel PCB ASSY from the top cover ASSY. Release the panel PCB flat cable from the each guide. (6) Release both pins of the top chute by pushing them in the direction of arrow A and pull the top chute in the direction of arrow B to remove the top chute from the top cover ASSY. -
Page 117
Top cover ASSY (For LCD models) (5) Disconnect the LCD flat cable from the panel PCB ASSY. Note: • After disconnecting flat cables, check that each cable is not damaged at its end or short-circuited. • When connecting flat cables, do not insert them at an angle. After insertion, check that the cables are not at an angle. -
Page 118: Fuser Unit
9.10 Fuser Unit (1) Release the fuser unit heater harness from the securing fixtures, and disconnect it from the LVPS-heater harness. <Back side> Fuser unit heater harness LVPS-heater harness Fig. 3-19 Harness routing: Refer to “5. Rear side of the machine”.
Page 119
(4) Remove the two taptite pan B M4x14 screws, and remove the fuser unit. <Back side> Taptite pan B M4x14 Fuser unit Fig. 3-21 Note: • DO NOT apply a physical impact or vibration to the fuser unit. • DO NOT touch the rollers and electrodes to prevent breakage of the fuser unit. Fig. -
Page 120: Low-Voltage Power Supply Pcb Assy
9.11 Low-voltage Power Supply PCB ASSY (1) Remove the front chute FG spring from the LVPS shield plate cover and the front chute ASSY. (2) Remove the two taptite cup S M3x8 SR screws and the screw pan (S/P washer) M3.5×6 screw to remove the LVPS shield plate cover and the LVPS insulation sheet.
Page 121
(3) Remove the screw pan (S/P washer) M3.5×6 screw, and remove the FG harness from the LVPS shield plate. (4) Release the LVPS-heater harness and the FG harness from the securing fixtures. (5) Remove the power cord or the inlet from the mounting position. (For models with inlet*, remove the taptite flat B M3x10 screw, and remove the inlet*.) (6) Remove the two taptite cup S M3x8 SR screws, and remove the low-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. -
Page 122: Fan
9.12 Fan (1) Disconnect the fan harness from the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY, and release it from the securing fixtures. (2) Release each hook to remove the fan, and pull out the fan harness from the hole. Guide Fan harness Main frame R ASSY High-voltage power supply PCB ASSY…
Page 123: High-Voltage Power Supply Pcb Assy
9.13 High-voltage Power Supply PCB ASSY (1) Disconnect the HVPS flat cable and the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness from the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. Disconnect the HVPS flat cable from the main PCB ASSY, and release it from the securing fixtures. Note: •…
Page 124
Assembling Note: • Fold the HVPS flat cable at the positions described below. Mountain fold Valley fold 10 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm Main PCB side HVPS side 45° 15° 15° Electrode Reinforcing plate Fig. -
Page 125: Filter
9.14 Filter (1) Release each hook to remove the air duct. (2) Pull out the rib on the air duct in the direction of the arrow, and remove the filter. Hooks Air duct Filter <Back side> Air duct Fig. 3-29 Assembling Note: •…
Page 126: Laser Unit
9.15 Laser Unit (1) Disconnect the laser unit flat cable from the main PCB ASSY and the laser unit, and release it from the securing fixtures. Note: • After disconnecting flat cables, check that each cable is not damaged at its end or short-circuited.
Page 127
Assembling Note: • Fold the laser unit flat cable at the positions described below. Mountain fold Valley fold 7 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 2 mm Main PCB side Laser unit side 45°… -
Page 128: Wireless Lan Pcb (Wireless Network Model Only)
9.16 Wireless LAN PCB (Wireless network model only) (1) Remove the tape on the wireless LAN PCB, and disconnect the wireless LAN PCB from the main PCB ASSY. (2) Remove the gasket from the wireless LAN PCB. <HL-L2305W/L2315DW/L2340DW> <WLAN models other than HL-L2305W/L2315DW/L2340DW> Wireless LAN PCB Hole Wireless LAN PCB…
Page 129: Roller Holder Assy
9.17 Roller Holder ASSY (1) Push the link arm in the direction of arrow A. Rotate the roller holder ASSY, and release the boss. (2) Slide the roller holder ASSY in the direction of arrow B, and remove it from the shaft. Remove the roller holder ASSY.
Page 130: Main Pcb Assy
9.18 Main PCB ASSY (1) Disconnect all harnesses and flat cables from the main PCB ASSY. Main PCB ASSY Main motor flat cable T1 clutch harness Registration clutch harness LVPS harness Eject sensor PCB flat cable Fig. 3-36 Harness routing: Refer to “4.
Page 131: T1 Clutch And Registration Clutch
9.19 T1 Clutch and Registration Clutch (1) Release the T1 clutch harness (BL) and the registration clutch harness (WH) from the securing fixtures. (2) Release the hook, and remove the T1 clutch. (3) Release the hook, and remove the registration clutch. Registration clutch Hook T1 clutch…
Page 132: New Toner Sensor Pcb Assy
9.20 New Toner Sensor PCB ASSY (1) Release the hook, and remove the new toner sensor PCB ASSY. Disconnect the paper feed sensor harness ASSY from the new toner sensor PCB ASSY, and release it from the securing fixtures. Paper feed sensor harness ASSY New toner sensor PCB ASSY <Upper side of frame L>…
Page 133: Main Frame L Assy
9.21 Main Frame L ASSY (1) Remove the two taptite bind B M4x12 screws, and remove the front chute ASSY. (2) Release the LVPS harness from the securing fixtures. (3) Remove the regist FG spring from the motor drive sub ASSY and the conductive bushing 5.
Page 134
(6) Remove the taptite bind B M4x12 (6a) screw (for securing the under bar), the taptite cup S M3x6 SR (6b) screw (for securing the chute ground plate), the taptite bind B M4x12 (6c) screw (for securing the registration chute) and the taptite cup S M3x8 SR (6d) screw (for securing the laser L FG plate). -
Page 135: Main Motor
9.22 Main Motor (1) Release the main motor flat cable from the securing fixtures. (2) Remove the taptite bind B M4x12 screw. Release the hook A, and remove the flat cable guide from the motor drive sub ASSY. (3) Remove the screw pan (S/P washer) M3x12DB screw, and remove the laser L FG plate from the motor drive sub ASSY.
Page 136
(5) Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw to remove the motor plate calking ASSY and the drum idle gear 68R from the motor drive sub ASSY. (6) Remove the three screw bind M3x4 screws, and remove the main motor from the motor plate calking ASSY. -
Page 137: Fuser Gear 67R/40R
9.23 Fuser Gear 67R/40R (1) Remove the fuser gear 67R/40R from the main frame L ASSY. Fuser gear 67R/40R Main frame L ASSY Fig. 3-47 3-44 Confidential…
Page 138: Eject Sensor Pcb Assy
9.24 Eject Sensor PCB ASSY Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw and the screw pan (S/P washer) M3x12DB screw. Lift the upper side of the main shield plate up to remove it from the pin, and pull out the main shield plate in the direction of the arrow to remove it from the rib of the main frame L ASSY.
Page 139
(2) Release the hook A, and remove the eject sensor PCB ASSY from the pin on the main frame L ASSY. (3) Release the back cover/duplex tray sensor harness from the guide on the main frame L ASSY. (4) Release the hooks B, and remove the back cover/duplex tray sensor from the main frame L ASSY. -
Page 140: Registration Front/Rear Actuator Holder Assy
9.25 Registration Front/rear Actuator Holder ASSY Note: • As the under bar is easy to bend, be careful to handle it. (1) Release the hook part of the under R FG wire from the LVPS shield plate. (2) Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw, and remove the laser R FG plate. (3) Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw and the taptite bind B M4x12 screw.
Page 141
(4) Release the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness and the LVPS harness from the securing fixtures. (5) Remove the taptite cup S M3x6 SR screw and the two taptite bind B M4x12 screws, and remove the main frame R ASSY. Pull out the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness from the hole. -
Page 142
(6) Remove the taptite bind B M3x10 screw. Release the each hook, and remove the registration front/rear actuator holder ASSY from the registration chute. Pull out the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness from the hole. Taptite bind B M3x10 Registration front/rear actuator holder ASSY Hook Registration front/rear… -
Page 143: Chapter 4 Adjusting And Updating Settings As Required After Parts Replacement
CHAPTER 4 ADJUSTING AND UPDATING SETTINGS AS REQUIRED AFTER PARTS REPLACEMENT 1. IF YOU REPLACE THE MAIN PCB ASSY What to do after replacement • Setting Default Paper Size (LED Models) / Setting by Spec (LCD Models) • Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, and Main Firmware) •…
Page 144: Setting Default Paper Size (Led Models) / Setting By Spec (Lcd Models)
OFF the power switch of the machine and disconnect the USB cable. Note: • For LCD models, perform settings for a country as described in “1.3.15 Setting by spec (function code: 74)” in Chapter Please contact Brother distributors for the latest information. Confidential…
Page 145: Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, And Main Firmware)
1.2 Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, and Main Firmware) 1.2.1 Checking firmware version Check whether the firmware installed on the machine is the latest version. If it is the latest version, there is no need to install the firmware. If it is not, be sure to install the firmware to the machine as described in “1.2.2 Installing firmware”.
Page 146: Installing Firmware
(3) Open the temporary folder and (4) Press and hold the [Go] key for more double-click «FILEDG32.EXE» to start than two seconds until the Ready and it, and select «Brother Maintenance Paper LEDs light. Release the [Go] USB Printer». key and close the front cover.
Page 147: Setting Serial Number And Entering Adjusted Value Of Laser Unit
3) Click «Properties». The «Brother Maintenance USB Printer Properties» window appears. 4) Click the «Ports» tab. The Brother Maintenance USB Printer port number is displayed. (7) Enter the serial number (15 digits) of the machine in the [Serial No] field.
Page 148: If You Replace The Low-Voltage Power Supply Pcb Assy
2. IF YOU REPLACE THE LOW-VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY PCB ASSY What to do after replacement • Reset Irregular Power Supply Detection Counter of Low-voltage Power Supply PCB What you need to prepare None 2.1 Reset Irregular Power Supply Detection Counter of Low-voltage Power Supply PCB LED models Refer to…
Page 149: If You Replace The Laser Unit
3. IF YOU REPLACE THE LASER UNIT What to do after replacement • Entering Adjusted Value of Laser Unit What you need to prepare (1) One USB cable ® (2) Create a temporary folder on the C drive of the computer (Windows XP or later).
Page 150: Entering Adjusted Value Of Laser Unit
3) Click «Properties». The «Brother Maintenance USB Printer Properties» window appears. 4) Click the «Ports» tab. The Brother Maintenance USB Printer port number is displayed. (7) Check the laser serial number label attached to the location shown in the figure below.
Page 151: Maintenance Mode
CHAPTER 5 SERVICE FUNCTIONS 1. MAINTENANCE MODE Maintenance mode is exclusively designed for checking, setting and adjusting the machine using the keys on the control panel. For LCD models, you can conduct operational checks of sensors or test printing, display the log information or error codes, and change the worker switches (WSW) by using maintenance mode functions.
Page 152: Method Of Entering End-User Accessible Maintenance Mode
1.1.2 Method of entering end-user accessible maintenance mode The maintenance mode functions should only be accessed by service personnel. However, end users are allowed to use some of these functions under the guidance of service personnel over the phone. End users can only use the functions shaded in the table “1.2 List of Maintenance Mode Functions”…
Page 153: List Of Maintenance Mode Functions
1.2 List of Maintenance Mode Functions 1.2.1 List of maintenance mode functions for LCD models Function Function Refer to: code Initialize EEPROM parameters 1.3.1 Print quality test pattern 1.3.2 Set worker switches (WSW) 1.3.3 Print worker switch (WSW) setting data 1.3.3 Check LCD operation 1.3.4…
Page 154: List Of Maintenance Mode Functions Using [Go] Key (Led Models)
1.2.2 List of maintenance mode functions using [Go] key (LED models) <End-user accessible maintenance mode> No. of times [Go] key is No. of times [Go] key Front Refer pressed to enter is pressed to select Function cover maintenance mode function Closed 1 or 2 Test printing…
Page 155
No. of times [Go] key is No. of times [Go] key Front Refer pressed to enter is pressed to select Function cover maintenance mode function Open Maintenance printing 1.4.12 Print maintenance data and 1.4.13 frame pattern Invalid Factory use (disabled) 5 to 9 Invalid Change Ready LED light… -
Page 156: Details Of Maintenance Mode Functions For Lcd Models
1.3 Details of Maintenance Mode Functions for LCD Models 1.3.1 Initialize EEPROM parameters (function code: 01, 91) <Function> This function is used to initialize the setting values for operation parameters, user switches, and worker switches (WSW) registered in the EEPROM. Entering function code 01 initializes most EEPROM areas.
Page 157: Print Quality Test Pattern (Function Code: 09)
1.3.2 Print quality test pattern (function code: 09) <Function> This function is used to print test patterns to check any missing image and print quality. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 09″…
Page 158: Set Worker Switches (Wsw) And Print Worker Switch Setting Data (Function Code: 10, 11)
1.3.3 Set worker switches (WSW) and print worker switch setting data (function code: 10, 11) [1] Set worker switches (function code: 10) <Function> The worker switches shown in the table below can be used to set the function to satisfy various requirements.
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<Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 10» on the LCD. (2) Press the [OK] key. «WSW00» is displayed on the LCD, indicating that the machine is ready for worker switch number entry. (3) Press the [▲] or [▼] key to display the worker switch number for which you want to change the setting on the LCD. -
Page 160
[2] Print worker switch (WSW) setting data (function code: 11) <Function> This function is used to print the setting items of the worker switches and the set details. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 11″… -
Page 161: Check Lcd Operation (Function Code: 12)
1.3.4 Check LCD operation (function code: 12) <Function> This function is used to check that the LCD on the control panel is operating normally. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 12″…
Page 162: Check Control Panel Key Operation (Function Code: 13)
1.3.5 Check control panel key operation (function code: 13) <Function> This function is used to check that keys on the control panel are operating normally. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 13″…
Page 163: Display Software Version (Function Code: 25)
1.3.6 Display software version (function code: 25) <Function> This function is used to check the version information of the firmwares and programs, or check sum information. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 25″…
Page 164: Change Onepushdemo Function Setting (Function Code: 28)
1.3.7 Change OnePushDemo function setting (function code: 28) <Function> This function is used to implement Demo printing by pressing the [Go] key, and is mainly used for sales promotion at dealers. This function is disabled once printing is performed from the computer.
Page 165: Check Sensor Operation (Function Code: 32)
1.3.8 Check sensor operation (function code: 32) <Function> This function is used to check that sensors are operating normally. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 32» on the LCD, and press the [OK] key. «C1NTCVRCPORMRA» is displayed on the LCD.
Page 166: Display Lan Connection Status (Function Code: 33)
1.3.9 Display LAN connection status (function code: 33) <Function> This function is used to check the connection status of the wired LAN. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 33″…
Page 167: Change Usb No. Return Value / Adjust Left-End Print Start Position On Second Side When Duplex Printing (Function Code: 45)
1.3.10 Change USB No. return value / Adjust left-end print start position on second side when duplex printing (function code: 45) Change USB No. return value <Function> ® When the operating system (OS) installed on the computer is Windows Vista , and the machine is connected to this computer using USB2.0FULL, the OS may not be able to obtain the USB device serial number depending on the computer and USB device.
Page 168: Continuous Print Test (Function Code: 67)
1.3.11 Continuous print test (function code: 67) <Function> This function is used to conduct paper feed and eject tests while printing patterns. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 67″…
Page 169
<Paper size> Description SELECT:A4 SELECT:LETTER Letter SELECT:ISOB5 ISO B5 SELECT:JISB5 JIS B5 SELECT:A5 SELECT:A5L SELECT:JISB6 JIS B6 SELECT:A6 SELECT:EXECUTE Executive size SELECT:LEGAL Legal size SELECT:FOLIO Folio size SELECT:HAGAKI Postcard size <Print specification> Description SELECT:PLAIN Plain paper SELECT:THIN Plain paper (thin) SELECT:THICK Plain paper (thick) SELECT:THICKER… -
Page 170
<Print page> Description SELECT:1PAGE 1-page printing SELECT:CONTINUE Continuous printing SELECT:JOB Job Intermittent printing per job Selectable only when the printing pattern is set to «K1%» or «K5%», and the print type is not set to the manual feed slot. <Number of pages per job> (Only for intermittent pattern printing) Description SELECT:1P/JOB Prints 1 page per job… -
Page 171
K 100% K 1% W 100% K 5% Lattice Total Fig. 5-6 5-21 Confidential… -
Page 172: Print Frame Pattern (Single-Side Printing) (Function Code: 69)
1.3.12 Print frame pattern (single-side printing) (function code: 69) <Function> This function is used to print the frame pattern on a single side of the paper to check for printing flaws and omission. <Operating Procedure> (1) Set the paper specified in the default paper settings (A4 or Letter) to the paper tray. (2) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 69″…
Page 173: Print Frame Pattern (Duplex Printing) (Function Code: 70)
1.3.13 Print frame pattern (duplex printing) (function code: 70) <Function> This function is used to print the frame pattern on both sides of the paper to check for printing flaws and omission. <Operating Procedure> (1) Set the paper specified in the default paper settings (A4 or Letter) to the paper tray. (2) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 70″…
Page 174: Print Test Pattern (Function Code: 71)
1.3.14 Print test pattern (function code: 71) <Function> This function is used to print the test pattern to check whether the develop roller or exposure drum is dirty or damaged. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 71″…
Page 175
<Print specification> Description SELECT:PLAIN Plain paper SELECT:THICK Plain paper (thick) SELECT:THIN Plain paper (thin) SELECT:THICKER Plain paper (thicker) SELECT:RECYCLED Recycled paper SELECT:BOND Bond paper SELECT:LABEL Label SELECT:ENVELOPE Envelope SELECT:ENVTHIN Envelope (thin) SELECT:ENVTHICK Envelope (thick) SELECT:GLOSSY Glossy paper SELECT:HAGAKI Postcard <Print type> Description SELECT:SX Single-side printing from paper tray… -
Page 176: Setting By Spec (Function Code: 74)
1.3.15 Setting by spec (function code: 74) <Function> This function is used to customize the machine according to language, function settings, and worker switch settings. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 74″…
Page 177
Pan-Nordic 0004 0104 Switzerland 0004 HL-L2365DWR Russia 0104 U.S.A 0001 HL-L2366DW India 0004 0140 Vietnam 0140 HL-L2340DWR Russia 0004 Note: • This code list is current as of April 2017. Please contact Brother distributors for the latest information. 5-27 Confidential… -
Page 178: Print Maintenance Information (Function Code: 77)
1.3.16 Print maintenance information (function code: 77) <Function> This function is used to print the maintenance information, such as remaining amount of consumables, the number of replacements, and counter information. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 77″…
Page 179
Model name Accumulated average coverage Serial number Average coverage by the current toner cartridge Model code Average coverage by the previous toner cartridge Country code Drum page count Check sum for WSW, PSW, USW, and Rotations of the drum FSW (factory use) Main firmware version Total rotations of the develop roller (currently/previously used toner… -
Page 180: Check Fan Operation (Function Code: 78)
1.3.17 Check fan operation (function code: 78) <Function> This function is used to check that the fan is operating normally. Switch the setting among rotation speed 100%, 50%, and OFF. Name Description Emits the heat in the fuser unit. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 78″…
Page 181: Display Machine Log Information (Function Code: 80)
1.3.18 Display machine log information (function code: 80) <Function> This function is used to display the log information on the LCD. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 80» on the LCD, and press the [OK] key. «MACERR_01:****» is displayed on the LCD.
Page 182
Description TR1_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred in paper tray IN_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred in the machine RE_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred at the ejecting section or back cover DX_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred in the duplex tray POWER:00000375 Total power distribution time (hour) PWRCNT:00000001… -
Page 183: Display Machine Error Code (Function Code: 82)
1.3.19 Display machine error code (function code: 82) <Function> This function is used to display the latest error code on the LCD. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 82″…
Page 184: Details Of Maintenance Mode Functions Using [Go] Key (Led Models)
1.4 Details of Maintenance Mode Functions Using [Go] key (LED models) End-user accessible maintenance mode functions 1.4.1 Test printing This function is used to print a test pattern (print quality check sheet) to check any missing image and print quality. <Operating Procedure>…
Page 185: Change Usb No. Return Value
1.4.2 Change USB No. return value ® When the operating system (OS) installed on the computer is Windows Vista , and the machine is connected to this computer using USB2.0FULL, the OS may not be able to obtain the USB device serial number depending on the computer and USB device. If the serial number cannot be obtained, the number of devices increases each time the device is connected to the computer.
Page 186: Quiet Mode
1.4.4 Quiet mode This mode lowers the printing speed to suppress operation noise. <Operating Procedure> (1) Check that the front cover is closed. Press and hold the [Go] key, and turn ON the power switch. The Toner, Drum, and Paper LEDs light. (2) Release the [Go] key.
Page 187: Check Sensor Operation
Maintenance mode functions for service personnel 1.4.7 Check sensor operation This function is used to check whether the sensors, electromagnetic clutch, and motors are operating normally. While sensor operation is being checked, the Ready LED flashes once each time the sensor or switch status changes from ON to OFF or OFF to ON. <Operating Procedure>…
Page 188: Print Continuous Lattice Pattern
1.4.8 Print continuous lattice pattern This function is used to print a lattice pattern continuously. <Operating Procedure> (1) Open the front cover while the power switch is turned OFF. (2) Press and hold the [Go] key, and turn ON the power switch. The Toner, Drum, and Paper LEDs light.
Page 189: Change On/Off Setting For Duplex Printing
1.4.10 Change ON/OFF setting for duplex printing This function allows you to change the duplex printing setting to ON or OFF. The setting applied is reversed each time this mode is entered. The setting currently applied can be determined by pressing the [Go] key seven times and checking the LED status after several seconds.
Page 190: Maintenance Printing
1.4.12 Maintenance printing This function is used to print maintenance information, such as the remaining amount of consumables, the number of replacements, and counter information. (The same function as that described in “1.3.16 Print maintenance information (function code: 77)” for LCD models) <Operating Procedure>…
Page 191: Change Ready Led Light Intensity In Sleep Mode
1.4.14 Change Ready LED light intensity in sleep mode This function is used to set the Ready LED status in sleep mode whether to turn it OFF completely or light it at low light intensity. The setting applied is reversed each time this mode is entered.
Page 192: Firmware Installing Mode
1.4.16 Firmware installing mode This mode is used to write the firmware (main program). Refer to “1.1 Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, and Main Firmware)” in Chapter 4 for the detailed procedure. 1.4.17 Ready state of maintenance mode for service personnel Drivers of the same number of virtual USB devices are required for the computer to recognize the USB-connected terminals.
Page 193: Other Service Functions
2. OTHER SERVICE FUNCTIONS 2.1 Engine Error Ignore Mode (LCD models only) <Function> When an engine error occurs and the machine cannot be recovered unless the main PCB is replaced, using this function enables the machine to start, ignoring the engine error, to retrieve the EEPROM data.
Page 194: Change Usb No. Return Value / Adjust Left-End Print Start Position On Second Side When Duplex Printing (Lcd Models Only)
2.2 Change USB No. Return Value / Adjust Left-end Print Start Position on Second Side when Duplex Printing (LCD models only) (The same function as that described in “1.3.10 Change USB No. return value / Adjust left-end print start position on second side when duplex printing (function code: 45)” for LCD models) …
Page 195: Print Printer Settings
2.3 Print Printer Settings <Function> Printer Settings can be printed. The title, model name and serial number are printed on all pages. For LCD models, Network Configuration, Wireless LAN report, Test print, Demo Print, and Font List can be printed besides Print settings. Also, serial number, firmware version, total printed pages, and usage of toner can be displayed.
Page 196: Chapter 6 Wiring Diagram
Page 197: Chapter 7 Periodical Maintenance
CHAPTER 7 PERIODICAL MAINTENANCE 1. PERIODICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS There are no parts to be replaced periodically. Confidential…
Page 198: Appendix 1 Serial Numbering System
APPENDIX 1 SERIAL NUMBERING SYSTEM Serial number labels on the printer Serial number A 4 N 1 1 1 1 0 1 Model number Serial number (6-digit) Manufacturing factory No. Year of manufacture 4: 2014 5: 2015 Month of manufacture A: January E: May J: September…
Page 199: Appendix 2 Deleting User Setting Information
APPENDIX 2 DELETING USER SETTING INFORMATION The user setting information for the machine is stored in the main PCB. You can return this to the default settings by following the procedure below. <Operating Procedure> LED models LCD models (1) Press and hold the [Go] key with the (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key to display front cover of the machine closed, and «Reset Menu»…
Page 200: Appendix 3 Installing The Maintenance Printer Driver
Maintenance USB Printer driver has been already installed to your computer according to this procedure, skip this section. — Before proceeding to the procedure given below, make sure that the Brother Maintenance USB Printer driver is stored in your computer.
Page 201
(7) Select “Install the software automatically (Recommended)” and click [Next]. (8) Alert warning message of WHQL appears. Click [Continue Anyway] to proceed. App. 3-2 Confidential… -
Page 202
(9) Repeat steps (6) to (8) three times. Installation is completed. (10) If the Brother Maintenance USB Printer driver is successfully installed, the following message screen appears. Click [Finish] to return. App. 3-3 Confidential… -
Page 203
Note: In order to check whether the printer driver is successfully installed, click [Start], [Settings], [Printers] to select the Printers window. Then, check that the Brother Maintenance USB Printer icon is shown. App. 3-4 Confidential… -
Page 204
Disconnect the USB cable that connects the machine with your computer. (2) Turn ON your computer. (3) Double-click Setup.exe inside the Brother Maintenance USB Printer folder that was saved in a temporary folder. The following screen appears. Click the [Next] button. -
Page 205
(4) Wait for the following screen to appear and click [Finish]. (5) Plug the power cord of the machine into an electrical outlet. (6) Enter the maintenance mode. (Refer to “1.1 How to Enter Maintenance Mode” in Chapter (7) Connect the machine to your computer using a USB cable and the installation will be performed automatically.
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- Service manual
Table of Contents
Related Manuals for Brother HL-L2300D
Summary of Contents for Brother HL-L2300D
Page 1
Brother Laser Printer SERVICE MANUAL MODEL: HL-L2300D/L2305W/L2315DW/L2320D/ L2340DW/L2360DN/L2360DW/ L2365DW/2260/2260D/2560DN/ L2321D/L2361DN/L2366DW Read this manual thoroughly before maintenance work. Keep this manual in a convenient place for quick and easy reference at all times. April 2014 SM-PRN096 84UF* Confidential… -
Page 2
Each company whose software title is mentioned in this manual has a Software License Agreement specific to its proprietary programs. Any trade names and product names of companies appearing on Brother products, related documents and any other materials are all trademarks or registered trademarks of those respective companies. -
Page 3
Open Source Licensing Remarks This product includes open-source software. Please visit the Brother Solutions Center at http://solutions.brother.com/ to view the Open Source Licensing Remarks and Copyright information. Copyright and License ©2014 Brother Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the following vendors: ©1983-1998 PACIFIC SOFTWORKS, INC. -
Page 4: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ……………….vi CHAPTER 1 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL ……………………… 1-1 2. NETWORK CONNECTIVITY ………………….. 1-3 3. SERVICE INFORMATION ………………….1-3 4. SUPPLIES ……………………… 1-4 CHAPTER 2 ERROR INDICATIONS & TROUBLESHOOTING 1. INTRODUCTION ……………………. 2-1 Precautions ……………………. 2-1 Checks before Commencing Troubleshooting …………..2-2 2.
Page 5
Troubleshooting for Image Defects ………………. 2-56 4.3.1 Image defect examples ………………2-56 4.3.2 Troubleshooting according to image defect …………2-57 Troubleshooting for Software Problems …………….2-68 4.4.1 Cannot receive data ………………… 2-68 Troubleshooting for Network Problems …………….2-69 4.5.1 Cannot print via network connection …………..2-69 4.5.2 Cannot connect to access point ……………. -
Page 6
9. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE ………………..3-14 Preparation ……………………3-14 Back Cover ……………………3-15 Outer Chute ASSY ………………….3-16 Front Cover ASSY ………………….3-17 Side Cover R ……………………3-18 Fuser Cover ……………………3-19 Inner Chute ASSY ………………….3-20 Side Cover L ……………………3-21 Top Cover ASSY …………………. -
Page 7
CHAPTER 5 SERVICE FUNCTIONS 1. MAINTENANCE MODE ………………….. 5-1 How to Enter Maintenance Mode ………………5-1 1.1.1 Method of entering maintenance mode for service personnel ……. 5-1 1.1.2 Method of entering end-user accessible maintenance mode ……… 5-2 List of Maintenance Mode Functions ……………… 5-3 1.2.1 List of maintenance mode functions for LCD models ………. -
Page 8
1.4.13 Print maintenance data and frame pattern …………5-40 1.4.14 Change Ready LED light intensity in sleep mode ……….5-41 1.4.15 Reset irregular power supply detection counter of low-voltage power supply PCB …………….5-41 1.4.16 Firmware installing mode ………………5-42 1.4.17 Ready state of maintenance mode for service personnel …….. -
Page 9: Safety Information
SAFETY INFORMATION Definitions of Warnings, Cautions, Notes and Memos The following conventions are used in this manual: WARNING WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injuries. CAUTION CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injuries.
Page 10
To use the Machine Safely Please keep these instructions for later reference and read them before attempting any maintenance. If you do not follow these safety instructions, there is a possibility of a fire, electrical shock, burn or suffocation. WARNING ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Failure to follow the warnings in this section may create the risk of an electrical shock. -
Page 11
• DO NOT use the product if the power cord is frayed or damaged. Doing so may cause an electrical shock or fire. • Brother strongly recommends that you DO NOT use any type of extension cord. • DO NOT drop any metallic hardware or any type of liquid on the power plug of the product. -
Page 12
HOT SURFACE After you have just used the product, some internal parts of the product will be extremely hot. Wait at least ten minutes for the product to cool down before you touch the internal parts of the product. Caution for Laser Product (WARNHINWEIS für Laserdrucker) CAUTION: In case of any trouble with the laser unit, replace the laser unit itself. -
Page 13
Additional Information When servicing the optical system of the machine, be careful not to place a screwdriver or other reflective object in the path of the laser beam. Be sure to take off any personal accessories such as watches and rings before working on the machine. A reflected beam, though invisible, can permanently damage the eyes. -
Page 14: Chapter 1 Supplemental Specifications
CHAPTER 1 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL The function comparative table for models as described in this Service Manual are shown below. HL-L2320D HL-L2360DN HL-L2360DW HL-L2315DW Model HL-L2305W HL-L2300D HL-2260 HL-2260D HL-2560DN HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW Wired/ Wired/ Wired/ Wireless…
Page 15
HL-L2320D HL-L2360DN HL-L2360DW HL-L2315DW Model HL-2260D HL-2560DN HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW Warm-up time From Sleep mode Less than 9 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) From Power Less than 26 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) First print time From Ready mode Less than 8.5 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) From Sleep mode Less than 17.5 seconds at 73.4F (23°C) ARM9 266 MHz Dimensions… -
Page 16: Network Connectivity
2. NETWORK CONNECTIVITY Model HL-L2305W HL-L2300D HL-2260 Wired network Network node type Wireless network Network node NC-8300w type HL-L2320D HL-L2360DN HL-L2360DW HL-L2315DW Model HL-2260D HL-2560DN HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW Wired network Network node NC-8700h type Wireless network Network node…
Page 17: Supplies
4. SUPPLIES Model HL-L2305W HL-L2300D HL-2260 HL-L2320D Toner cartridge Approximately 700 pages Approximately Approximately Starter Toner 2,600 pages 700 pages (Except for Asia/China) Approximately 2,600 pages (for Asia/ China) Standard Toner Approximately 1,200 pages High Capacity Approximately 2,600 pages Toner…
Page 18
HL-L2315DW HL-L2360DW HL-2260D HL-2560DN Model HL-L2365DW HL-L2340DW HL-L2321D HL-L2361DN HL-L2366DW HL-L2360DN Toner cartridge Approximately 700 pages Approximately Starter Toner (Except for Asia/China) 700 pages Approximately 2,600 pages (for the U.S.A./ (for Asia/China) Oceania) Approximately 1,200 pages (for Europe) Approximately 2,600 pages (for Asia) Standard Toner Approximately… -
Page 19: Chapter 2 Error Indications & Troubleshooting
CHAPTER 2 ERROR INDICATIONS & TROUBLESHOOTING 1. INTRODUCTION Troubleshooting is a collection of solution procedures that service personnel should follow if an error or malfunction occurs in the machine. It is difficult to determine troubleshooting procedures for all possible problems that may occur in the future. Therefore, this chapter describes typical problems and recovery procedures for these.
Page 20: Checks Before Commencing Troubleshooting
1.2 Checks before Commencing Troubleshooting Check the following items before commencing repairs on the machine. Operating environment (1) The machine is placed on a flat, stable surface. (2) The machine is used in a clean environment where the temperature is 10°C (50°F) to 32.5°C (90.5°F), and the relative humidity is maintained between 20% and 80%.
Page 21
Others (1) Condensation When the machine is moved to a warm room from a cold location, condensation may occur inside the machine, causing various problems as listed below. • Condensation on the surface of optical devices such as the lens, reflecting mirror and protection glass may cause light print image. -
Page 22: Overview
2. OVERVIEW 2.1 Cross-section Drawing <Back side> <Front side> Eject roller 2 Exposure drum Laser unit Registration rear actuator Registration roller Registration front actuator Back cover Manual feed slot Eject roller 1 Paper dust cleaning roller Eject actuator Paper feed actuator Heat roller Separation pad…
Page 23: Paper Feeding
2.2 Paper Feeding Eject to output tray Feed from manual feed slot Eject to back side <Front side> <Back side> Duplex path Fig. 2-2 Confidential…
Page 24: Operation Of Each Part
2.3 Operation of Each Part Part name Operation Pick-up roller Feeds paper from the paper tray to the separation roller. Separation roller Separates paper fed from the paper tray into single sheets. Separation pad Paper feed actuator Detects the paper tray (open / closed). (Paper feed sensor) Detects paper in the paper tray.
Page 25: Block Diagram
2.4 Block Diagram LCD models Panel PCB * WLAN model only WLAN LED Wireless LAN PCB * WLAN model only Power key Registration front/rear sensor PCB LED models Registration front sensor Panel PCB High-voltage power Toner LED Registration rear sensor supply PCB Drum LED Front cover sensor…
Page 26: Main Components
2.5 Main Components Top cover ASSY (LCD models) Top cover ASSY (LED models) Back cover Filter Air duct Laser unit Outer chute ASSY Fuser cover Inner chute ASSY Side cover R LVPS shield plate cover Fuser unit Duplex tray LVPS insulation sheet High-voltage power supply PCB ASSY…
Page 27: Error Indications
3. ERROR INDICATIONS This machine includes a self-diagnosis function. If the machine does not work normally it judges that an error has occurred, and indicates the corresponding error message on the LCD, which in turn helps the service personnel to quickly find out the problem. 3.1 Error Codes Errors in shaded column do not usually occur during normal use.
Page 28
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 0D02 ― 2402 ― 0D03 ― 2403 ― 0D04 ― 2404 ― 0E00 ― 2405 ― 1003 ― 2408 ― 1004 ― 2409 ― 1100 ― 2501 ― 1200 ― 2502 ― 1300 ―… -
Page 29
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 2E02 ― 3A00 ― The number of rotations of the drum 2E03 ― 4000 2-33 unit is reaching the upper limit. 2E04 ― 4001 ― 2E05 ― 4002 ― 2E06 ― 4003 ―… -
Page 30
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 4F03 ― 6200 ― 4F04 ― 6201 ― 5001 ― 6202 ― 5002 ― 6203 ― 5003 ― 6204 ― 5004 ― 6208 ― 5005 ― 6209 ― 5100 ― 620A ― 5200 ―… -
Page 31: Error Codes
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes 7003 ― 7D00 ― 7004 ― 7E00 ― The eject sensor remains ON (paper First side printing started before pass detected) even after the finishing receiving the second side 7100 2-40 8000 2-42 registration rear sensor detected the data in duplex printing mode due to…
Page 32
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes There is no paper set in the manual 8C00 feed slot on the manual feed slot fix 2-43 9601 ― mode. 8D01 ― 9608 ― A tray set to duplex printing- 8D02 ―… -
Page 33
Error Refer Error Refer Description Description codes codes An error occurred during access to the AF00 ― E500 2-45 DRAM in the main PCB ASSY. Write error in the EEPROM of the B000 ― E600 2-45 main PCB ASSY B300 ―… -
Page 34: Error Messages
3.2 Error Messages Error Refer First line Second line Description codes Cartridge Error Put the Toner The new toner sensor could not Cartridge back in. detect the new toner cartridge 4F01 2-34 correctly. Connection Error ― Multiple access points were found as a result of the access point 4.5.2 search.
Page 35
Error Refer First line Second line Description codes Jam Tray 1 Remove the jammed When printing from the paper tray, paper from Tray 1. the registration front sensor does not detect paper pass within the 7300 2-40 specified time after the paper feed sensor detected paper pass. -
Page 36
Error Refer First line Second line Description codes Self-Diagnostic Turn the power off, An error occurred in the fuser unit then on again. Leave when the power switch was turned 6901 2-37 the machine for 15 ON or sleep mode was released. min. -
Page 37: Led Display (Led Models)
3.3 LED Display (LED Models) 3.3.1 LED display when operator call occurs Details of the message can be determined by the combination of the LEDs. Refer to the page shown in the «Refer to:» column in the table below to take appropriate measures. Most errors are automatically cleared after measures are taken.
Page 38
Error Refer Type of problem codes Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner is reaching the upper limit. 4B01 2-33 Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner has reached the upper limit in the toner continuous printing mode. -
Page 39
Error Refer Type of problem codes The number of rotations of the drum unit has reached the upper limit. (Printing does not stop.) 4200 2-33 There is no paper set in the manual feed slot on the 8C00 2-43 manual feed slot fix mode. When printing from the paper tray, the paper feed sensor detected that there was no paper set in the paper tray. -
Page 40: Led Display When Service Call Occurs
3.3.2 LED display when service call occurs When a service call occurs, the four LEDs flash. Pressing the [Go] key allows you to identify the location of the problem based on the combination of the LED status: lit, flashing or unlit. Pressing the [Go] key again allows you to see detailed information.
Page 41
Error Refer Press [Go] once Press [Go] twice Type of problem codes Write error in the EEPROM of the main PCB ASSY E600 2-45 Detected a fan failure. 0A02 2-32 Detected irregular power supply for more than 100 0900 2-31 times. -
Page 42
Error Refer Press [Go] once Press [Go] twice Type of problem codes An error occurred in the fuser unit when the power 6901 2-37 switch was turned ON or sleep mode was released. Rechecking the error after the power switch was turned OFF and then ON again because an error… -
Page 43
Error Refer Press [Go] once Press [Go] twice Type of problem codes The center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a temperature rise 0505 2-28 greater than the specified value within the specified time. The center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a temperature fall 0506… -
Page 44: Troubleshooting
4. TROUBLESHOOTING 4.1 Error Cause and Remedy Error code 0201 Print Unable 02 Turn the power off and then back on again. Cannot detect the synchronized signal of the main motor. The speed of the main motor does not stabilize within the specified time. Step Cause Remedy…
Page 45
Error code 0300 Print Unable 03 Turn the power off and then back on again. Cannot detect the lock signal of the polygon motor for the laser unit (second time). Error code 0305 Print Unable 03 Turn the power off and then back on again. Cannot detect the lock signal of the polygon motor for the laser unit (first time). -
Page 46
Error code 0501 Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The center thermistor of the fuser unit has not reached the specified temperature within the specified time. Error code 0502 Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The center thermistor of the fuser unit has not reached the specified temperature within the specified time after it was heated normally to the certain level. -
Page 47
Error code 0506 Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The center thermistor of the fuser unit detected a temperature fall greater than the specified value within the specified time. <User Check> • Turn OFF the power switch. After several seconds, turn ON the power again and check that this error is reset. -
Page 48
Error code 050A Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. The hardware detected a temperature error through the center thermistor or the side thermistor of the fuser unit. Error code 050B Print Unable 05 Turn the power off and then back on again. -
Page 49
Error code 0600 Print Unable 06 Turn the power off and then back on again. A communication error occurred between the ASIC controlled by engine and the motor driver. Step Cause Remedy Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY. … -
Page 50
Error code 0A02 Print Unable 0A Turn the power off and then back on again. Detected a fan failure. Step Cause Remedy Connection failure of the fan Reconnect the fan harness. harness Connection failure of the HVPS Reconnect the HVPS flat cable. flat cable Fan failure Replace the fan. -
Page 51
Error code 4000 Drum End Soon The number of rotations of the drum unit is reaching the upper limit. Error code 4200 Replace Drum The number of rotations of the drum unit has reached the upper limit. (Printing does not stop.) <User Check>… -
Page 52
Error code 4C01 Replace Toner Open the Front Cover, replace Toner Cartridge. Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner has reached the upper limit in the toner stop mode. Error code 4D01 Replace Toner Dot count or develop roller counter of the toner has reached the upper limit in the toner continuous printing mode. -
Page 53
Error code 6001 Cover is Open Close the Front Cover. The front cover sensor detected that the front cover was open. <User Check> • Close the front cover. Step Cause Remedy Front cover failure Replace the front cover. Front cover sensor failure Replace the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. -
Page 54
Error code 6101 No Toner Open the Front Cover, then install Toner Cartridge. The new toner sensor detected that the toner cartridge was not set. <User Check> • Set the toner cartridge correctly. • Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 55
Error code 6901 Self-Diagnostic Turn the power off, then on again. Leave the machine for 15 min. An error occurred in the fuser unit when the power switch was turned ON or sleep mode was released. Error code 6902 Self-Diagnostic Will Automatically Restart within 15 minutes. -
Page 56
Error code 6A00 Drum ! Slide the Green tab on Drum Unit. Detected discharge that may be attributable to dirty corona wire on the drum unit. <User Check> • Slide the green tab of the drum unit to left and right for two to three times to clean the corona wire. -
Page 57
Error code 6F00 Print Unable ZC Turn the power off and then back on again. Detected irregular power supply for less than 100 times. <User Check> • Turn the power switch OFF and then back ON again. • Put a filter into the power supply. •… -
Page 58
Error code 7100 Jam Rear Open the Back Cover and remove the jammed paper, then press Go. The eject sensor remains ON (paper pass detected) even after the registration rear sensor detected the end of paper pass. <User Check> •… -
Page 59
Error code 7700 Jam 2-sided Pull out the Duplex Tray at the back of the machine and remove the jammed paper. The registration front sensor does not detect paper pass within the specified time after the first side was printed in duplex printing mode. <User Check>… -
Page 60
Error code 8000 Print Overrun First side printing started before finishing receiving the second side data in duplex printing mode due to the insufficient memory. <User Check> • Print the print data stored in the memory. • The size of printing data per page is too big. Change the printing contents to reduce the data size. -
Page 61
Error code 8A01 Size Error DX Specify the correct paper. The registration rear sensor detected that the paper fed was smaller or larger than the specified size in duplex printing mode. <User Check> • Use appropriate paper (Letter to Legal). Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 62
Error code 9002 Size Mismatch Load paper and press Go. When printing from the paper tray, the size of paper set in the paper tray does not match the size specified by the driver. <User Check> • Change the driver setting to be matched with the size of the paper set in the paper tray. Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 63
Error code C700 Out of Memory Press Go for 2 seconds. There is insufficient memory to expand PC print data. <User Check> • Print the print data stored in the memory. • Divide the print data and print them separately. Step Cause Remedy… -
Page 64
Error code F900 Machine Error F9 The country code was not entered correctly. Step Cause Remedy The power was turned OFF Reenter the country code. while function code 74 was running. Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY. 2-46 Confidential… -
Page 65: Troubleshooting For Paper Feeding Problems
4.2 Troubleshooting for Paper Feeding Problems End users can solve problems related to paper feeding as long as they follow the User Check items. If the problem still cannot be solved, implement each procedure according to the step numbers in the tables below. 4.2.1 No paper is fed from paper tray <User Check>…
Page 66: No Paper Is Fed From Manual Feed Slot
4.2.2 No paper is fed from manual feed slot <User Check> • Check that the paper is set into the deepest part of the manual feed slot. • Check that multiple sheets of paper are not set in the manual feed slot. •…
Page 67: Paper Becomes Wrinkled
4.2.4 Paper becomes wrinkled <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •…
Page 68: Paper Is Fed At An Angle
4.2.5 Paper is fed at an angle <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •…
Page 69: Paper Is Curled
4.2.6 Paper is curled <User Check> • Check that the paper specified in driver settings is matched to the paper set. • Select «Reduce Paper Curl» in the driver. • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. •…
Page 70: Paper Jam
4.2.8 Paper jam Paper jams in the paper tray <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in the paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in the paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust the paper guide according to the paper size. •…
Page 71
Paper jams in the manual feed slot <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in the manual feed slot correctly. • Flip over the paper in the manual feed slot or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust the paper guide according to the paper size. •… -
Page 72
Paper jams in the feeding path in the center of the machine <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •… -
Page 73
Paper jams in the ejecting section <User Check> • Check that the paper is set in paper tray correctly. • Flip over the paper in paper tray or rotate the paper 180°. • Adjust each paper guide according to the paper size. •… -
Page 74: Troubleshooting For Image Defects
4.3 Troubleshooting for Image Defects 4.3.1 Image defect examples Light (2-57) Faulty registration Dark (2-58) Poor fixing Completely (2-57) (2-58) blank (2-59) Image distortion All black Dirt on the paper (2-60) Vertical streaks (2-61) (2-59) (2-60) Black vertical Horizontal White vertical White horizontal Faint print (2-63) streaks on a light…
Page 75: Troubleshooting According To Image Defect
4.3.2 Troubleshooting according to image defect End users can solve problems related to image defect as long as they follow the User Check items. If the problem still cannot be solved, implement each procedure according to the step numbers in the tables below. …
Page 76
Dark <User Check> — Check the usage environment of the machine. Using the machine in hot-humid or cold-dry conditions can cause this problem. — If a new toner cartridge has been detected, check that it was not replaced with another toner cartridge. — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. -
Page 77
Completely blank <User Check> — Replace the drum unit with a new one. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. — Install the latest firmware. Step Cause Remedy Dirt on the electrodes of the drum Clean the electrodes of the drum unit and unit and those of the machine those of the machine. -
Page 78
All black <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — Replace the drum unit with a new one. Step Cause Remedy Dirt on the electrodes of the drum Clean the electrodes of the drum unit and unit and those of the machine those of the machine. -
Page 79
Vertical streaks <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — Return the corona wire cleaning tab to the «▲» position. — This problem may disappear after printing multiple sheets of paper. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. -
Page 80
Black vertical streaks on a light background <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — This problem may disappear after printing multiple sheets of paper. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. -
Page 81
White vertical streaks <User Check> — Clean the corona wire of the drum unit. — Check that there is no dust on the toner cartridge. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. -
Page 82
White spots <User Check> — Check that the fan is not clogged. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. — Replace the drum unit with a new one. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. -
Page 83
Single-colored dot or dirt <User Check> — Check that the paper is not damp. — Refer to the User’s Guide to remove the dirt from the exposure drum using a cotton applicator. — Replace the drum unit with a new one. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. -
Page 84
Downward fogging of solid color <User Check> — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. Step Cause Remedy High-voltage power supply PCB Replace the high-voltage power supply PCB failure ASSY. Main PCB failure Replace the main PCB ASSY. … -
Page 85
Fogging <User Check> — Check the usage environment of the machine. Using the machine in hot-humid or cold-dry conditions can cause this problem. — Check that the acid paper is not used. — This problem may disappear after printing multiple sheets of paper. — Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. -
Page 86: Troubleshooting For Software Problems
(5) Check the «Product ID» under «HL-XXXX». Product ID (hexadecimal) • HL-L232*D series : 0062h • HL-L236*D* series : 0059h • HL-L2340D : 0063h • HL-L2300D : 0061h : 0075h • HL-L2305 : 0092h • HL-L2315DW • HL-2560DN : 006Fh •…
Page 87: Troubleshooting For Network Problems
4.5 Troubleshooting for Network Problems 4.5.1 Cannot print via network connection <User Check> — Check the relevant section in the Network Setting Guide. — Check the network connection. — Reset the network. (Refer to the User’s Guide.) — Check the LAN cable. Step Cause Remedy…
Page 88: Troubleshooting For Control Panel Problems
4.6 Troubleshooting for Control Panel Problems 4.6.1 Nothing is displayed on the LCD <User Check> — Turn the power switch OFF and then ON again. Step Cause Remedy Rubber key attachment failure Reattach the rubber key. Connection failure of the panel PCB Reconnect the panel PCB flat cable.
Page 89: Troubleshooting For Toner And Drum Problems
4.7 Troubleshooting for Toner and Drum Problems 4.7.1 New toner is not detected <User Check> — Check that the packaged toner cartridge is not set. — Check that a new (not used) toner cartridge is set. — Check that the genuine toner cartridge is set. Step Cause Remedy…
Page 90: Error Message Prompting Toner Cartridge Replacement Does Not Disappear
4.7.3 Error message prompting toner cartridge replacement does not disappear <User Check> — Check that a new (not used) toner cartridge is set. — Check that the genuine toner cartridge is set. Step Cause Remedy New toner actuator coming off Reattach the new toner actuator.
Page 91: Troubleshooting For Fuser Unit Problems
4.8 Troubleshooting for Fuser Unit Problems 4.8.1 Fuser unit failure Step Cause Remedy Connection failure of the center Reconnect the center thermistor harness. thermistor harness Connection failure of the side Reconnect the side thermistor harness. thermistor harness Connection failure of the heater Reconnect the heater harness.
Page 92: Troubleshooting For Pcb Problems
4.10 Troubleshooting for PCB Problems 4.10.1 Main PCB failure <User Check> — Turn the power switch OFF and then ON again. — Install the latest firmware. — Check that the PC Print is not forbidden. — Check the print limit ID. — Check that the print data is not damaged.
Page 93: Troubleshooting For Other Problems
4.11 Troubleshooting for Other Problems 4.11.1 Cannot print <User Check> — Turn the power switch OFF and then ON again. — Check that the USB cable is connected to the host correctly. — Check that the LAN cable is connected to the host correctly. — Replace the USB cable.
Page 94: Chapter 3 Disassembly/Reassembly
CHAPTER 3 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS To avoid creating secondary problems by mishandling, follow the warnings and precautions below during maintenance work. WARNING Some parts inside the machine are extremely hot immediately after the machine is used. When opening the front cover ASSY or back cover to access any parts inside the machine, never touch the shaded parts shown in the following figures.
Page 95: Packing
2. PACKING <Inlet model> Quick set up guide Printed bag ASSY Power cord Toner AC cord pad USB cable Toner Nip release sheet Carton Polystyrene pad R Machine Polystyrene pad L Tag drum / toner <For China> Printed bag ASSY Option carton Polystyrene pad R USB cable…
Page 96: Screw Catalogue
3. SCREW CATALOGUE Taptite bind B Taptite bind B M3x10 Taptite bind B M4x12 Taptite cup S Taptite cup S M3x6 SR Taptite cup S M3x8 SR Screw pan (S/P washer) Screw pan (S/P washer) M3.5×6 Screw pan (S/P washer) M3x12DB Taptite pan B Taptite pan B…
Page 97: Screw Torque List
4. SCREW TORQUE LIST Tightening torque Location of screw Screw type Q’ty N·m (kgf·cm) Inner chute ASSY Taptite bind B M4x12 0.80.1 (81) Top cover ASSY Taptite bind B M4x12 0.80.1 (81) Fuser unit Taptite pan B M4x14 0.80.1 (81) LVPS shield plate cover Taptite cup S M3x8 SR 0.450.05…
Page 98: Lubrication
5. LUBRICATION Lubricating oil type Lubrication point Quantity of lubrication (Maker name) FLOIL BG-10KS (Kanto Kasei) Fuser gear 67R/40R 3 places 1.5 to 2.0 mm dia. ball Fig. 3-3 Confidential…
Page 99: Overview Of Gears
6. OVERVIEW OF GEARS <Layout view> Fig. 3-4 <Development view> Fig. 3-5 Note: • When handling gears, make sure that frame L faces up. Otherwise all gears come off. <Name of gears> LY9021 PF gear 61R/26 LY9025 PF gear 34 LY9022 PF gear 31/29 LY9024…
Page 100
<Layout view> Fig. 3-6 <Development view> Fig. 3-7 Note: • When handling gears, make sure that frame L faces up. Otherwise all gears come off. <Name of gears> LY9006 Ejector gear 33 LY9005 Ejector gear 40 LY9008 DX gear 44/32 LY9007 Ejector gear 17/16 LY9026… -
Page 101: Harness Routing
7. HARNESS ROUTING Right side of the machine Guides Registration front/rear sensor PCB harness (RD, BL, WH, BK) Guide Hole Hole Guide LVPS harness (WH) Harness colors are subject to change for some reason. Confidential…
Page 102
Top side of the registration chute Hole Top side LVPS harness (WH) Guides Hole Registration front/rear sensor PCB harness (RD, BL, WH, BK) Registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY Registration chute Harness colors are subject to change for some reason. Confidential… -
Page 103
Bottom side of the top cover ASSY Panel PCB flat cable Top side Guides LCD flat cable (LCD models only) Panel PCB ASSY (The shape of PCBs may vary depending on the specification.) 3-10 Confidential… -
Page 104
Left side of the machine <Inside of the frame L> New toner sensor PCB flat cable Main motor flat cable Flat cable sponge Hole Panel PCB ASSY Eject sensor PCB ASSY Panel PCB flat cable Flat core Laser unit flat cable Main PCB ASSY Guide <Rear side of the… -
Page 105
Rear side of the machine Laser unit flat cable Laser unit Flat core Fuser unit HVPS flat cable Flat core Registration front/rear sensor PCB harness (RD, BL, WH, BK) Guide Hole HVPS flat cable Guide Guides Side thermistor Guides harness ASSY (WH) Center thermistor harness ASSY (WH)* Eject sensor PCB ASSY*… -
Page 106: Disassembly Flow Chart
8. DISASSEMBLY FLOW CHART Disassembly / Reassembly (second) 9.17 Roller Holder 9.1 Paper Tray 9.1 Duplex Tray ASSY 10/10 9.8 Side Cover L 9.5 Side Cover R 15/10 15/10 9.16 Wireless LAN 9.20 New Toner Sensor 9.19 Registration PCB (Wireless network 9.19 T1 Clutch 9.2 Back Cover PCB ASSY…
Page 107: Disassembly Procedure
9. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 9.1 Preparation Disconnecting Cables and Removing Accessories Prior to proceeding with the disassembly procedure, (1) Disconnect the following: • USB cable (if connected) • LAN cable (if connected) (2) Remove the following: • Paper tray • Toner cartridge and drum unit •…
Page 108: Back Cover
9.2 Back Cover (1) Open the back cover. (2) Push both ribs on the back cover outward, and remove the pins on the outer chute ASSY. (3) Pull out the right side of the back cover in the direction of the arrow A to remove it from the boss, and remove the back cover in the direction of the arrow B.
Page 109: Outer Chute Assy
9.3 Outer Chute ASSY (1) Pull out the right side of the outer chute ASSY in the direction of the arrow A to remove the boss of the outer chute ASSY, and remove the outer chute ASSY in the direction of the arrow B.
Page 110: Front Cover Assy
9.4 Front Cover ASSY (1) Open the front cover ASSY. (2) Release the hook of the develop joint link, and remove the develop joint link from the front cover ASSY. (3) Lift the rib on the front chute ASSY, and slide the front cover ASSY in the direction of the arrow A to remove it.
Page 111: Side Cover R
9.5 Side Cover R (1) Release the each hook on the side cover R in order of the arrow A to C, and remove the side cover R from the main body. Hooks Side cover R Hooks Hooks Fig. 3-12 3-18 Confidential…
Page 112: Fuser Cover
9.6 Fuser Cover (1) Hold the knobs on the fuser cover, and pull the fuser cover down. (2) Pull the fuser cover in the direction of the arrow to remove it from the bosses, and remove the fuser cover. Boss Fuser cover Boss Boss…
Page 113: Inner Chute Assy
9.7 Inner Chute ASSY (1) Pull down the green envelope levers on both sides of the fuser unit. (2) Remove the two taptite bind B M4x12 screws, and remove the inner chute ASSY. Top cover ASSY Fuser unit Positioning holes Green envelope lever Hooks…
Page 114: Side Cover L
9.8 Side Cover L (1) Release the each hook on the side cover L in order of the arrow A to C, and remove the side cover L from the main body. Hook Hooks Side cover L Hooks Hooks Fig. 3-15 3-21 Confidential…
Page 115: Top Cover Assy
9.9 Top Cover ASSY (1) Disconnect the panel PCB flat cable from the main PCB ASSY. (2) Disconnect the new toner sensor PCB flat cable from the panel PCB ASSY. Note: • After disconnecting flat cables, check that each cable is not damaged at its end or short-circuited.
Page 116
Top cover ASSY (For LED models) (5) Release the hook, and remove the panel PCB ASSY from the top cover ASSY. Release the panel PCB flat cable from the each guide. (6) Release both pins of the top chute by pushing them in the direction of arrow A and pull the top chute in the direction of arrow B to remove the top chute from the top cover ASSY. -
Page 117
Top cover ASSY (For LCD models) (5) Disconnect the LCD flat cable from the panel PCB ASSY. Note: • After disconnecting flat cables, check that each cable is not damaged at its end or short-circuited. • When connecting flat cables, do not insert them at an angle. After insertion, check that the cables are not at an angle. -
Page 118: Fuser Unit
9.10 Fuser Unit (1) Release the fuser unit heater harness from the securing fixtures, and disconnect it from the LVPS-heater harness. <Back side> Fuser unit heater harness LVPS-heater harness Fig. 3-19 Harness routing: Refer to “5. Rear side of the machine”.
Page 119
(4) Remove the two taptite pan B M4x14 screws, and remove the fuser unit. <Back side> Taptite pan B M4x14 Fuser unit Fig. 3-21 Note: • DO NOT apply a physical impact or vibration to the fuser unit. • DO NOT touch the rollers and electrodes to prevent breakage of the fuser unit. Fig. -
Page 120: Low-Voltage Power Supply Pcb Assy
9.11 Low-voltage Power Supply PCB ASSY (1) Remove the front chute FG spring from the LVPS shield plate cover and the front chute ASSY. (2) Remove the two taptite cup S M3x8 SR screws and the screw pan (S/P washer) M3.5×6 screw to remove the LVPS shield plate cover and the LVPS insulation sheet.
Page 121
(3) Remove the screw pan (S/P washer) M3.5×6 screw, and remove the FG harness from the LVPS shield plate. (4) Release the LVPS-heater harness and the FG harness from the securing fixtures. (5) Remove the power cord or the inlet from the mounting position. (For models with inlet*, remove the taptite flat B M3x10 screw, and remove the inlet*.) (6) Remove the two taptite cup S M3x8 SR screws, and remove the low-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. -
Page 122: Fan
9.12 Fan (1) Disconnect the fan harness from the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY, and release it from the securing fixtures. (2) Release each hook to remove the fan, and pull out the fan harness from the hole. Guide Fan harness Main frame R ASSY High-voltage power supply PCB ASSY…
Page 123: High-Voltage Power Supply Pcb Assy
9.13 High-voltage Power Supply PCB ASSY (1) Disconnect the HVPS flat cable and the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness from the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. Disconnect the HVPS flat cable from the main PCB ASSY, and release it from the securing fixtures. Note: •…
Page 124
Assembling Note: • Fold the HVPS flat cable at the positions described below. Mountain fold Valley fold 10 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm Main PCB side HVPS side 45° 15° 15° Electrode Reinforcing plate Fig. -
Page 125: Filter
9.14 Filter (1) Release each hook to remove the air duct. (2) Pull out the rib on the air duct in the direction of the arrow, and remove the filter. Hooks Air duct Filter <Back side> Air duct Fig. 3-29 Assembling Note: •…
Page 126: Laser Unit
9.15 Laser Unit (1) Disconnect the laser unit flat cable from the main PCB ASSY and the laser unit, and release it from the securing fixtures. Note: • After disconnecting flat cables, check that each cable is not damaged at its end or short-circuited.
Page 127
Assembling Note: • Fold the laser unit flat cable at the positions described below. Mountain fold Valley fold 7 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 2 mm Main PCB side Laser unit side 45°… -
Page 128: Wireless Lan Pcb (Wireless Network Model Only)
9.16 Wireless LAN PCB (Wireless network model only) (1) Remove the tape on the wireless LAN PCB, and disconnect the wireless LAN PCB from the main PCB ASSY. (2) Remove the gasket from the wireless LAN PCB. <HL-L2305W/L2315DW/L2340DW> <WLAN models other than HL-L2305W/L2315DW/L2340DW> Wireless LAN PCB Hole Wireless LAN PCB…
Page 129: Roller Holder Assy
9.17 Roller Holder ASSY (1) Push the link arm in the direction of arrow A. Rotate the roller holder ASSY, and release the boss. (2) Slide the roller holder ASSY in the direction of arrow B, and remove it from the shaft. Remove the roller holder ASSY.
Page 130: Main Pcb Assy
9.18 Main PCB ASSY (1) Disconnect all harnesses and flat cables from the main PCB ASSY. Main PCB ASSY Main motor flat cable T1 clutch harness Registration clutch harness LVPS harness Eject sensor PCB flat cable Fig. 3-36 Harness routing: Refer to “4.
Page 131: T1 Clutch And Registration Clutch
9.19 T1 Clutch and Registration Clutch (1) Release the T1 clutch harness (BL) and the registration clutch harness (WH) from the securing fixtures. (2) Release the hook, and remove the T1 clutch. (3) Release the hook, and remove the registration clutch. Registration clutch Hook T1 clutch…
Page 132: New Toner Sensor Pcb Assy
9.20 New Toner Sensor PCB ASSY (1) Release the hook, and remove the new toner sensor PCB ASSY. Disconnect the paper feed sensor harness ASSY from the new toner sensor PCB ASSY, and release it from the securing fixtures. Paper feed sensor harness ASSY New toner sensor PCB ASSY <Upper side of frame L>…
Page 133: Main Frame L Assy
9.21 Main Frame L ASSY (1) Remove the two taptite bind B M4x12 screws, and remove the front chute ASSY. (2) Release the LVPS harness from the securing fixtures. (3) Remove the regist FG spring from the motor drive sub ASSY and the conductive bushing 5.
Page 134
(6) Remove the taptite bind B M4x12 (6a) screw (for securing the under bar), the taptite cup S M3x6 SR (6b) screw (for securing the chute ground plate), the taptite bind B M4x12 (6c) screw (for securing the registration chute) and the taptite cup S M3x8 SR (6d) screw (for securing the laser L FG plate). -
Page 135: Main Motor
9.22 Main Motor (1) Release the main motor flat cable from the securing fixtures. (2) Remove the taptite bind B M4x12 screw. Release the hook A, and remove the flat cable guide from the motor drive sub ASSY. (3) Remove the screw pan (S/P washer) M3x12DB screw, and remove the laser L FG plate from the motor drive sub ASSY.
Page 136
(5) Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw to remove the motor plate calking ASSY and the drum idle gear 68R from the motor drive sub ASSY. (6) Remove the three screw bind M3x4 screws, and remove the main motor from the motor plate calking ASSY. -
Page 137: Fuser Gear 67R/40R
9.23 Fuser Gear 67R/40R (1) Remove the fuser gear 67R/40R from the main frame L ASSY. Fuser gear 67R/40R Main frame L ASSY Fig. 3-47 3-44 Confidential…
Page 138: Eject Sensor Pcb Assy
9.24 Eject Sensor PCB ASSY Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw and the screw pan (S/P washer) M3x12DB screw. Lift the upper side of the main shield plate up to remove it from the pin, and pull out the main shield plate in the direction of the arrow to remove it from the rib of the main frame L ASSY.
Page 139
(2) Release the hook A, and remove the eject sensor PCB ASSY from the pin on the main frame L ASSY. (3) Release the back cover/duplex tray sensor harness from the guide on the main frame L ASSY. (4) Release the hooks B, and remove the back cover/duplex tray sensor from the main frame L ASSY. -
Page 140: Registration Front/Rear Actuator Holder Assy
9.25 Registration Front/rear Actuator Holder ASSY Note: • As the under bar is easy to bend, be careful to handle it. (1) Release the hook part of the under R FG wire from the LVPS shield plate. (2) Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw, and remove the laser R FG plate. (3) Remove the taptite cup S M3x8 SR screw and the taptite bind B M4x12 screw.
Page 141
(4) Release the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness and the LVPS harness from the securing fixtures. (5) Remove the taptite cup S M3x6 SR screw and the two taptite bind B M4x12 screws, and remove the main frame R ASSY. Pull out the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness from the hole. -
Page 142
(6) Remove the taptite bind B M3x10 screw. Release the each hook, and remove the registration front/rear actuator holder ASSY from the registration chute. Pull out the registration front/rear sensor PCB harness from the hole. Taptite bind B M3x10 Registration front/rear actuator holder ASSY Hook Registration front/rear… -
Page 143: Chapter 4 Adjusting And Updating Settings As Required After Parts Replacement
CHAPTER 4 ADJUSTING AND UPDATING SETTINGS AS REQUIRED AFTER PARTS REPLACEMENT 1. IF YOU REPLACE THE MAIN PCB ASSY What to do after replacement • Setting Default Paper Size (LED Models) / Setting by Spec (LCD Models) • Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, and Main Firmware) •…
Page 144: Setting Default Paper Size (Led Models) / Setting By Spec (Lcd Models)
OFF the power switch of the machine and disconnect the USB cable. Note: • For LCD models, perform settings for a country as described in “1.3.15 Setting by spec (function code: 74)” in Chapter Please contact Brother distributors for the latest information. Confidential…
Page 145: Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, And Main Firmware)
1.2 Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, and Main Firmware) 1.2.1 Checking firmware version Check whether the firmware installed on the machine is the latest version. If it is the latest version, there is no need to install the firmware. If it is not, be sure to install the firmware to the machine as described in “1.2.2 Installing firmware”.
Page 146: Installing Firmware
(3) Open the temporary folder and (4) Press and hold the [Go] key for more double-click «FILEDG32.EXE» to start than two seconds until the Ready and it, and select «Brother Maintenance Paper LEDs light. Release the [Go] USB Printer». key and close the front cover.
Page 147: Setting Serial Number And Entering Adjusted Value Of Laser Unit
3) Click «Properties». The «Brother Maintenance USB Printer Properties» window appears. 4) Click the «Ports» tab. The Brother Maintenance USB Printer port number is displayed. (7) Enter the serial number (15 digits) of the machine in the [Serial No] field.
Page 148: If You Replace The Low-Voltage Power Supply Pcb Assy
2. IF YOU REPLACE THE LOW-VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY PCB ASSY What to do after replacement • Reset Irregular Power Supply Detection Counter of Low-voltage Power Supply PCB What you need to prepare None 2.1 Reset Irregular Power Supply Detection Counter of Low-voltage Power Supply PCB LED models Refer to…
Page 149: If You Replace The Laser Unit
3. IF YOU REPLACE THE LASER UNIT What to do after replacement • Entering Adjusted Value of Laser Unit What you need to prepare (1) One USB cable ® (2) Create a temporary folder on the C drive of the computer (Windows XP or later).
Page 150: Entering Adjusted Value Of Laser Unit
3) Click «Properties». The «Brother Maintenance USB Printer Properties» window appears. 4) Click the «Ports» tab. The Brother Maintenance USB Printer port number is displayed. (7) Check the laser serial number label attached to the location shown in the figure below.
Page 151: Maintenance Mode
CHAPTER 5 SERVICE FUNCTIONS 1. MAINTENANCE MODE Maintenance mode is exclusively designed for checking, setting and adjusting the machine using the keys on the control panel. For LCD models, you can conduct operational checks of sensors or test printing, display the log information or error codes, and change the worker switches (WSW) by using maintenance mode functions.
Page 152: Method Of Entering End-User Accessible Maintenance Mode
1.1.2 Method of entering end-user accessible maintenance mode The maintenance mode functions should only be accessed by service personnel. However, end users are allowed to use some of these functions under the guidance of service personnel over the phone. End users can only use the functions shaded in the table “1.2 List of Maintenance Mode Functions”…
Page 153: List Of Maintenance Mode Functions
1.2 List of Maintenance Mode Functions 1.2.1 List of maintenance mode functions for LCD models Function Function Refer to: code Initialize EEPROM parameters 1.3.1 Print quality test pattern 1.3.2 Set worker switches (WSW) 1.3.3 Print worker switch (WSW) setting data 1.3.3 Check LCD operation 1.3.4…
Page 154: List Of Maintenance Mode Functions Using [Go] Key (Led Models)
1.2.2 List of maintenance mode functions using [Go] key (LED models) <End-user accessible maintenance mode> No. of times [Go] key is No. of times [Go] key Front Refer pressed to enter is pressed to select Function cover maintenance mode function Closed 1 or 2 Test printing…
Page 155
No. of times [Go] key is No. of times [Go] key Front Refer pressed to enter is pressed to select Function cover maintenance mode function Open Maintenance printing 1.4.12 Print maintenance data and 1.4.13 frame pattern Invalid Factory use (disabled) 5 to 9 Invalid Change Ready LED light… -
Page 156: Details Of Maintenance Mode Functions For Lcd Models
1.3 Details of Maintenance Mode Functions for LCD Models 1.3.1 Initialize EEPROM parameters (function code: 01, 91) <Function> This function is used to initialize the setting values for operation parameters, user switches, and worker switches (WSW) registered in the EEPROM. Entering function code 01 initializes most EEPROM areas.
Page 157: Print Quality Test Pattern (Function Code: 09)
1.3.2 Print quality test pattern (function code: 09) <Function> This function is used to print test patterns to check any missing image and print quality. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 09″…
Page 158: Set Worker Switches (Wsw) And Print Worker Switch Setting Data (Function Code: 10, 11)
1.3.3 Set worker switches (WSW) and print worker switch setting data (function code: 10, 11) [1] Set worker switches (function code: 10) <Function> The worker switches shown in the table below can be used to set the function to satisfy various requirements.
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<Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 10» on the LCD. (2) Press the [OK] key. «WSW00» is displayed on the LCD, indicating that the machine is ready for worker switch number entry. (3) Press the [▲] or [▼] key to display the worker switch number for which you want to change the setting on the LCD. -
Page 160
[2] Print worker switch (WSW) setting data (function code: 11) <Function> This function is used to print the setting items of the worker switches and the set details. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 11″… -
Page 161: Check Lcd Operation (Function Code: 12)
1.3.4 Check LCD operation (function code: 12) <Function> This function is used to check that the LCD on the control panel is operating normally. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 12″…
Page 162: Check Control Panel Key Operation (Function Code: 13)
1.3.5 Check control panel key operation (function code: 13) <Function> This function is used to check that keys on the control panel are operating normally. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 13″…
Page 163: Display Software Version (Function Code: 25)
1.3.6 Display software version (function code: 25) <Function> This function is used to check the version information of the firmwares and programs, or check sum information. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 25″…
Page 164: Change Onepushdemo Function Setting (Function Code: 28)
1.3.7 Change OnePushDemo function setting (function code: 28) <Function> This function is used to implement Demo printing by pressing the [Go] key, and is mainly used for sales promotion at dealers. This function is disabled once printing is performed from the computer.
Page 165: Check Sensor Operation (Function Code: 32)
1.3.8 Check sensor operation (function code: 32) <Function> This function is used to check that sensors are operating normally. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 32» on the LCD, and press the [OK] key. «C1NTCVRCPORMRA» is displayed on the LCD.
Page 166: Display Lan Connection Status (Function Code: 33)
1.3.9 Display LAN connection status (function code: 33) <Function> This function is used to check the connection status of the wired LAN. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 33″…
Page 167: Change Usb No. Return Value / Adjust Left-End Print Start Position On Second Side When Duplex Printing (Function Code: 45)
1.3.10 Change USB No. return value / Adjust left-end print start position on second side when duplex printing (function code: 45) Change USB No. return value <Function> ® When the operating system (OS) installed on the computer is Windows Vista , and the machine is connected to this computer using USB2.0FULL, the OS may not be able to obtain the USB device serial number depending on the computer and USB device.
Page 168: Continuous Print Test (Function Code: 67)
1.3.11 Continuous print test (function code: 67) <Function> This function is used to conduct paper feed and eject tests while printing patterns. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 67″…
Page 169
<Paper size> Description SELECT:A4 SELECT:LETTER Letter SELECT:ISOB5 ISO B5 SELECT:JISB5 JIS B5 SELECT:A5 SELECT:A5L SELECT:JISB6 JIS B6 SELECT:A6 SELECT:EXECUTE Executive size SELECT:LEGAL Legal size SELECT:FOLIO Folio size SELECT:HAGAKI Postcard size <Print specification> Description SELECT:PLAIN Plain paper SELECT:THIN Plain paper (thin) SELECT:THICK Plain paper (thick) SELECT:THICKER… -
Page 170
<Print page> Description SELECT:1PAGE 1-page printing SELECT:CONTINUE Continuous printing SELECT:JOB Job Intermittent printing per job Selectable only when the printing pattern is set to «K1%» or «K5%», and the print type is not set to the manual feed slot. <Number of pages per job> (Only for intermittent pattern printing) Description SELECT:1P/JOB Prints 1 page per job… -
Page 171
K 100% K 1% W 100% K 5% Lattice Total Fig. 5-6 5-21 Confidential… -
Page 172: Print Frame Pattern (Single-Side Printing) (Function Code: 69)
1.3.12 Print frame pattern (single-side printing) (function code: 69) <Function> This function is used to print the frame pattern on a single side of the paper to check for printing flaws and omission. <Operating Procedure> (1) Set the paper specified in the default paper settings (A4 or Letter) to the paper tray. (2) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 69″…
Page 173: Print Frame Pattern (Duplex Printing) (Function Code: 70)
1.3.13 Print frame pattern (duplex printing) (function code: 70) <Function> This function is used to print the frame pattern on both sides of the paper to check for printing flaws and omission. <Operating Procedure> (1) Set the paper specified in the default paper settings (A4 or Letter) to the paper tray. (2) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 70″…
Page 174: Print Test Pattern (Function Code: 71)
1.3.14 Print test pattern (function code: 71) <Function> This function is used to print the test pattern to check whether the develop roller or exposure drum is dirty or damaged. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 71″…
Page 175
<Print specification> Description SELECT:PLAIN Plain paper SELECT:THICK Plain paper (thick) SELECT:THIN Plain paper (thin) SELECT:THICKER Plain paper (thicker) SELECT:RECYCLED Recycled paper SELECT:BOND Bond paper SELECT:LABEL Label SELECT:ENVELOPE Envelope SELECT:ENVTHIN Envelope (thin) SELECT:ENVTHICK Envelope (thick) SELECT:GLOSSY Glossy paper SELECT:HAGAKI Postcard <Print type> Description SELECT:SX Single-side printing from paper tray… -
Page 176: Setting By Spec (Function Code: 74)
1.3.15 Setting by spec (function code: 74) <Function> This function is used to customize the machine according to language, function settings, and worker switch settings. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 74″…
Page 177
Pan-Nordic 0004 0104 Switzerland 0004 HL-L2365DWR Russia 0104 U.S.A 0001 HL-L2366DW India 0004 0140 Vietnam 0140 HL-L2340DWR Russia 0004 Note: • This code list is current as of April 2017. Please contact Brother distributors for the latest information. 5-27 Confidential… -
Page 178: Print Maintenance Information (Function Code: 77)
1.3.16 Print maintenance information (function code: 77) <Function> This function is used to print the maintenance information, such as remaining amount of consumables, the number of replacements, and counter information. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 77″…
Page 179
Model name Accumulated average coverage Serial number Average coverage by the current toner cartridge Model code Average coverage by the previous toner cartridge Country code Drum page count Check sum for WSW, PSW, USW, and Rotations of the drum FSW (factory use) Main firmware version Total rotations of the develop roller (currently/previously used toner… -
Page 180: Check Fan Operation (Function Code: 78)
1.3.17 Check fan operation (function code: 78) <Function> This function is used to check that the fan is operating normally. Switch the setting among rotation speed 100%, 50%, and OFF. Name Description Emits the heat in the fuser unit. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 78″…
Page 181: Display Machine Log Information (Function Code: 80)
1.3.18 Display machine log information (function code: 80) <Function> This function is used to display the log information on the LCD. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 80» on the LCD, and press the [OK] key. «MACERR_01:****» is displayed on the LCD.
Page 182
Description TR1_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred in paper tray IN_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred in the machine RE_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred at the ejecting section or back cover DX_JAM:00000000 Paper jams that have occurred in the duplex tray POWER:00000375 Total power distribution time (hour) PWRCNT:00000001… -
Page 183: Display Machine Error Code (Function Code: 82)
1.3.19 Display machine error code (function code: 82) <Function> This function is used to display the latest error code on the LCD. <Operating Procedure> (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key in the initial state of maintenance mode to display «MAINTENANCE 82″…
Page 184: Details Of Maintenance Mode Functions Using [Go] Key (Led Models)
1.4 Details of Maintenance Mode Functions Using [Go] key (LED models) End-user accessible maintenance mode functions 1.4.1 Test printing This function is used to print a test pattern (print quality check sheet) to check any missing image and print quality. <Operating Procedure>…
Page 185: Change Usb No. Return Value
1.4.2 Change USB No. return value ® When the operating system (OS) installed on the computer is Windows Vista , and the machine is connected to this computer using USB2.0FULL, the OS may not be able to obtain the USB device serial number depending on the computer and USB device. If the serial number cannot be obtained, the number of devices increases each time the device is connected to the computer.
Page 186: Quiet Mode
1.4.4 Quiet mode This mode lowers the printing speed to suppress operation noise. <Operating Procedure> (1) Check that the front cover is closed. Press and hold the [Go] key, and turn ON the power switch. The Toner, Drum, and Paper LEDs light. (2) Release the [Go] key.
Page 187: Check Sensor Operation
Maintenance mode functions for service personnel 1.4.7 Check sensor operation This function is used to check whether the sensors, electromagnetic clutch, and motors are operating normally. While sensor operation is being checked, the Ready LED flashes once each time the sensor or switch status changes from ON to OFF or OFF to ON. <Operating Procedure>…
Page 188: Print Continuous Lattice Pattern
1.4.8 Print continuous lattice pattern This function is used to print a lattice pattern continuously. <Operating Procedure> (1) Open the front cover while the power switch is turned OFF. (2) Press and hold the [Go] key, and turn ON the power switch. The Toner, Drum, and Paper LEDs light.
Page 189: Change On/Off Setting For Duplex Printing
1.4.10 Change ON/OFF setting for duplex printing This function allows you to change the duplex printing setting to ON or OFF. The setting applied is reversed each time this mode is entered. The setting currently applied can be determined by pressing the [Go] key seven times and checking the LED status after several seconds.
Page 190: Maintenance Printing
1.4.12 Maintenance printing This function is used to print maintenance information, such as the remaining amount of consumables, the number of replacements, and counter information. (The same function as that described in “1.3.16 Print maintenance information (function code: 77)” for LCD models) <Operating Procedure>…
Page 191: Change Ready Led Light Intensity In Sleep Mode
1.4.14 Change Ready LED light intensity in sleep mode This function is used to set the Ready LED status in sleep mode whether to turn it OFF completely or light it at low light intensity. The setting applied is reversed each time this mode is entered.
Page 192: Firmware Installing Mode
1.4.16 Firmware installing mode This mode is used to write the firmware (main program). Refer to “1.1 Installing Firmware (Sub Firmware, Demo Firmware, and Main Firmware)” in Chapter 4 for the detailed procedure. 1.4.17 Ready state of maintenance mode for service personnel Drivers of the same number of virtual USB devices are required for the computer to recognize the USB-connected terminals.
Page 193: Other Service Functions
2. OTHER SERVICE FUNCTIONS 2.1 Engine Error Ignore Mode (LCD models only) <Function> When an engine error occurs and the machine cannot be recovered unless the main PCB is replaced, using this function enables the machine to start, ignoring the engine error, to retrieve the EEPROM data.
Page 194: Change Usb No. Return Value / Adjust Left-End Print Start Position On Second Side When Duplex Printing (Lcd Models Only)
2.2 Change USB No. Return Value / Adjust Left-end Print Start Position on Second Side when Duplex Printing (LCD models only) (The same function as that described in “1.3.10 Change USB No. return value / Adjust left-end print start position on second side when duplex printing (function code: 45)” for LCD models) …
Page 195: Print Printer Settings
2.3 Print Printer Settings <Function> Printer Settings can be printed. The title, model name and serial number are printed on all pages. For LCD models, Network Configuration, Wireless LAN report, Test print, Demo Print, and Font List can be printed besides Print settings. Also, serial number, firmware version, total printed pages, and usage of toner can be displayed.
Page 196: Chapter 6 Wiring Diagram
Page 197: Chapter 7 Periodical Maintenance
CHAPTER 7 PERIODICAL MAINTENANCE 1. PERIODICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS There are no parts to be replaced periodically. Confidential…
Page 198: Appendix 1 Serial Numbering System
APPENDIX 1 SERIAL NUMBERING SYSTEM Serial number labels on the printer Serial number A 4 N 1 1 1 1 0 1 Model number Serial number (6-digit) Manufacturing factory No. Year of manufacture 4: 2014 5: 2015 Month of manufacture A: January E: May J: September…
Page 199: Appendix 2 Deleting User Setting Information
APPENDIX 2 DELETING USER SETTING INFORMATION The user setting information for the machine is stored in the main PCB. You can return this to the default settings by following the procedure below. <Operating Procedure> LED models LCD models (1) Press and hold the [Go] key with the (1) Press the [▲] or [▼] key to display front cover of the machine closed, and «Reset Menu»…
Page 200: Appendix 3 Installing The Maintenance Printer Driver
Maintenance USB Printer driver has been already installed to your computer according to this procedure, skip this section. — Before proceeding to the procedure given below, make sure that the Brother Maintenance USB Printer driver is stored in your computer.
Page 201
(7) Select “Install the software automatically (Recommended)” and click [Next]. (8) Alert warning message of WHQL appears. Click [Continue Anyway] to proceed. App. 3-2 Confidential… -
Page 202
(9) Repeat steps (6) to (8) three times. Installation is completed. (10) If the Brother Maintenance USB Printer driver is successfully installed, the following message screen appears. Click [Finish] to return. App. 3-3 Confidential… -
Page 203
Note: In order to check whether the printer driver is successfully installed, click [Start], [Settings], [Printers] to select the Printers window. Then, check that the Brother Maintenance USB Printer icon is shown. App. 3-4 Confidential… -
Page 204
Disconnect the USB cable that connects the machine with your computer. (2) Turn ON your computer. (3) Double-click Setup.exe inside the Brother Maintenance USB Printer folder that was saved in a temporary folder. The following screen appears. Click the [Next] button. -
Page 205
(4) Wait for the following screen to appear and click [Finish]. (5) Plug the power cord of the machine into an electrical outlet. (6) Enter the maintenance mode. (Refer to “1.1 How to Enter Maintenance Mode” in Chapter (7) Connect the machine to your computer using a USB cable and the installation will be performed automatically.
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