Брейк падс бмв ошибка

Всем привет!
Последнее время на машине ездит жена, т.к. я мотаюсь по работе на служебной, а тут поехали по делам и смотрю загорается при запуске желтым SERVIS. Ну я думаю, быстренько все исправлю, наверное опять замену масла просить через 30 000 км (за масло сам слежу, не доверяя БК, по этому когда приходить время сообщять БК, то просто скидываю). Скину, а в итоге это оказалось сообщение о замени задних колодок(( Сразу ошибка вывалилась…

Запчасти на фото: 2308201. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)

Немного неожиданно…
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)
Пора менять колодки.

Колодки менял год назад и они еще не успели стереться, да и 50 000 км положенных по БК они тоже не отходили. Соль в том что когда колодки менял, датчик износа колодок, оставил как есть.а по БК на тот момент еще было много запаса…тормозные диски тоже были заменены еще предыдущим владельцем, так что по тормозам проблем нет.

Колодки кстати ставил Otto Zimmermann — 23732.170.1

Ну в обще делов на пол часа, нужно только датчик приобрести.
Приобрел датчик Zekkert — BS8047 — 197 руб.

Запчасти на фото: BS8047. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)

Запчасти на фото: BS8047

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)

Выбрал время после работы и приступил. Все элементарно и просто, скидываем заднее левое колесо, отцепляем старый датчик, и устанавливаем новый.

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)

Отключаем датчик
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)
Состояние старого датчика…

А вот дальше, т.к. колодки уже побегали, а датчик новый, но в свое место он не залезает…но тут на помощь приходит смекалка, и нужно просто сточить немного датчик. Хотите напильником, хотите об поребрик.
И после этого датчик отлично занимает свое место))

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)

Ставим обратно колесо. И повторно скидываем БК.

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (E60)

На щитке соответственно перестал постоянно гореть значок тормозов.
Так что нужно чуть повнимательней, и не сикдывайте сервисный интервал колодок без замены датчика.

Всем удачи!))

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  1. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    Как я понял, что то случилось с тормозными колодками.
    Самое странное, вчера еще было все ок, а сегодня БК горит красным и предупреждает все поменять.
    Это нормально? Теперь надо менять колодки?
    Машина 330 е90

  2. Задунайский

    4 окт 2006
    Род занятий:


    Диагностика для начала, что ещё?

  3. Timothy

    19 сен 2006


    Ugug, eto kolodki…posmotri v menju, tam dolzni zhe ukazivatsja servisnie raboti cherez skolko km ili vremeni nado delatj…

  4. iks

    8 фев 2017


    Красным или желтым? В Е46 вроде так — красный это уровень тормозной жидкости, желтый — подошло время менять колодки.

  5. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    в том то и дело, что загорелось неожиданно, а по сервисным данным надо менять только через пол года.

  6. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    именно красным. и на приборке еще горит красный восклицательный знак в кружке, как при ручном тормозе.

  7. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    эта опция на приборке показывается в строке, как в е46

  8. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    надеюсь, что просто заглючило

  9. iks

    8 фев 2017


    А уровень тормозной жидкости я бы проверил :!:

  10. Серый

    27 окт 2004


  11. Bauskas

    Администратop солярия

    11 сен 2006


    сколько проехал на них, может пора менять?

  12. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    да я только пол года назад купил машину, так что не знаю сколько они уже стоят.
    Но в последнее время они стали посвистывать немного.

  13. Bauskas

    Администратop солярия

    11 сен 2006


    По-моему при покупке лучше сразу браться за :
    1. Масло, фильтра, свечи, охлаждающую.
    2. Тормоза — колодки, диски, тормозуха.
    Тогда хоть спокойно ездить сможешь, будучи уверенным, что поменяно и не заклинит в 99% случаев. А тут пол года прошло, может уже ваяг?

  14. Timothy

    19 сен 2006


    net, eto zhidkostj cherez pol goda, a kolodki po km merjajutsja…posmotri tam…u tebja estj ekran?pohodu net, t.k. v etix mashinax kogda ostajetsja okolo tisjachi km do zameni nachinaet pojavlatsja zheltoe napominanie kogda zavodish-glushish mashinu…esli net ekrana, to navernoe kak i ranshe na vsex avto bilo, datchik protersja i zagorelosj vnezapno…

  15. felo-de-se

    11 ноя 2004


    Помоему афтар покупал новый автомобиль..
    В любом случае — в автомастерскую на диагностику\ремонт!

  16. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    При покупке все проверял, все было в хорошем состоянии, но сейчас еще раз проверю.

  17. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    Экран есть. В том то и дело, что предупреждений никаких не было. ВОБЩЕ. А сегодня сразу красным загорелось. И пишет срочно ехать в сервис.

  18. Серый

    27 окт 2004


    Не, авто был не новый, 2,5 года.
    На автодиагностику я заеду.

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The BMW brake pad warning light is a helpful feature that alerts you to the state of your BMW brake pads. However, the question remains if you can drive with it on, and what it might mean if this light appears?

In this article, I am going to answer exactly that. read on!

In short, the brake pad warning light on a BMW can indicate 3 things: worn brake pads, low brake pad fluid, and can also be triggered by bad/malfunctioning brake sensors.

The BMW brake pad warning light is a typical safety feature found in many BMWs.

The main cause is the wear of your brake pads on your BMW this causes the vibration sensor to trigger and activate the brake pad indicator and as a result, you get the warning light on your dash,

let’s take a look at the common causes of the brake pad warning light on your BMW.

What Causes Brake Pad Warning Light in a BMW?

Worn Brake Pads

The most common cause of a brake pad warning light on a BMW is worn brake pads. The minimum thickness of the brake pads is set by BMW and once they have reached this point the brake pad warning light will illuminate.

In some cases, you may only get the yellow warning light but in others, you will get both the yellow and red lights. If the red light comes on it means that the brake pads are now below their critical thickness and should be replaced as soon as possible.

If you don’t replace your brakes when the warning lights come on, you will start to hear a loud squealing sound from your brakes as your BMWs wear sensors start to make contact with the brake disc.

Low Brake Fluid

The reservoir could be empty, or the brake fluid is too low. If it’s just low, topping it off should resolve the issue. If it’s empty, you’ll need to add new fluid. If it’s empty often, there may be a leak somewhere that needs to be repaired.

Bad/Malfunctioning Brake Pad Sensor

If the sensor is bad or broken, then even if you have good pads, you will still get an error light. To resolve this, simply replace the sensor. You can check if the sensor is bad by using an OBDII scan tool to inspect your vehicle’s computer system.

Can You Drive with a BMW Brak Pad Light on?

It is a warning light to let you know that the brake pads will soon need replacement. Fortunately, you can drive a few miles with the brake pad light on.

BMW brake pad light comes on when your brake pads are nearly worn out. Normally, you can drive a few miles with the brake pad light on. If the wear sensor is damaged when you replace the pads, it will not be replaced in this process.

You should replace the sensor at the same time as changing the pads. Otherwise, if the wire is broken, your brake warning light may be permanently on, until you replace the sensors and pads.

How Long Can You Drive With Your Brake Pad Light On?

This varies from BMW to BMW but in general, you can drive 300-800 miles, it is important that you have your pads replaced as soon as possible.

The reason for this is that brake pads are designed to wear evenly on both sides.

If you continue driving after the light comes on, the pads will wear unevenly and eventually damage other components like rotors which will cost much more in repairs, and ignoring the warning brake pad warning light will lead to your BMW not braking when needed and could result in crashing into other cars or objects.

What to Do if a Brake Pad Light Comes On in Your BMW?

When your car’s brake pad light comes on, you’re going to have to think about getting the pads replaced. If the pads are low, your car will beep at you, and the dashboard may display a warning that says “Brake Pad Wear.”

If the brake pad wear indicator has been illuminated, it means that the pads are very low—if you drive like that for too long, the metal discs in your wheels will actually grind against the rotors, which is not good for your car.

The first step is to take your car to a mechanic or dealer.

In addition to knowing how much it’s going to cost, they can tell you exactly what needs replacing and they’ll know exactly how to do it—they’ll have experience doing this sort of work and they know what they’re doing. They’ll also replace your brake fluid at this time as well as check your front and rear brakes.

Are you the owner of a BMW who recently had the brake pad warning light pop up on your instrument cluster? That little amber brake symbol can be alarming at first, leaving many BMW owners unsure what it means and if they should continue driving.

The BMW brake pad warning light turning on simply indicates that your brake pad material is getting low, and a pad replacement will be needed soon.

In this detailed guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the BMW brake pad warning light. You’ll learn what causes it to come on, when brake pads need replacing, if you can DIY it or should visit a shop, step-by-step instructions for the job, how to reset the light when new pads are installed, and more.

Whether you just want to understand what that new warning light means or you’re ready to tackle a brake pad replacement, read on for a full breakdown.

What Does the BMW Brake Pad Warning Light Mean?

The first question many BMW owners have when they see the new yellow or amber brake pad warning symbol light up on their instrument cluster is, “What does that light mean?”

The brake pad warning light in a BMW alerts the driver that the brake pad material is worn down and nearing the point where the pads will need to be replaced.

Most modern BMW models have wear sensors built into the brake pads themselves. These sensors are designed to detect when the friction material on the pads wears down to a certain minimum thickness – usually around 1 to 3 mm left on the pad.

Once the brake pads are worn down close to the replacement threshold, the sensor will trigger the brake pad warning light to illuminate on the dash. This gives you advance notice that a pad change will be required soon.

Think of the BMW brake pad warning light as your reminder that parts won’t last forever. It’s the car’s way of letting you know it’s time to inspect the brakes and budget for replacement pads in the near future.

What Causes the BMW Brake Pad Warning Light to Come On?

Now that you know the brake pad warning symbol means your pads are worn out, you might be wondering what causes pads to wear down in the first place.

There are a few common reasons you may see the BMW brake pad warning indicator light up:

Normal Brake Pad Wear Over Time

The most obvious cause of worn brake pads is simply using your brakes over tens of thousands of miles. Brake pads are a wear item meant to slowly abrade away with use. As you brake, the pad material gradually wears thinner and thinner.

Most quality brake pads will last 20,000 – 40,000 miles depending on your driving habits. But even with normal use, they’ll eventually reach the end of their service life. The brake pad sensor is there to give you a heads up when that time comes.

Aggressive Driving Style and Conditions

The life span of your BMW’s brake pads can be significantly shortened if you drive aggressively or use the vehicle in performance conditions.

Frequent hard braking, heavy brake pedal pressure, and repeated high-heat braking will accelerate wear. The same goes for tracking or racing your BMW, canyon carving, and spirited mountain driving.

Towing heavy loads, hauling cargo, and other activities that increase brake system demands will also cause premature pad wear. If you put your brakes through more stress, expect to replace pads more often.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental factors like cold weather, wet conditions, salted winter roads, and accumulated brake dust can all contribute to faster pad wear as well.

Pads worn down by any of these causes will trigger the brake warning light once they reach minimum thickness. The warning doesn’t differentiate what led to the wear – just that it’s time to check your pads.

When Should I Replace the Brake Pads on My BMW?

The brake pad warning light is designed to come on when your pads are getting close to the end, but not necessarily right when they reach the point of being unsafe or fully worn out.

Think of the light as your reminder to proactively inspect the brakes and plan for a pad replacement in the near future. But keep driving with care, as you should still have at least a little pad left at this stage.

Here are general guidelines on BMW brake pad replacement intervals once the warning light is illuminated:

  • When the light first comes on, you likely have 1-3 mm of pad friction material left. This is your cue to schedule a brake inspection right away.
  • During inspection, the pad thickness should be measured. BMW considers pads to be fully worn when just 2 mm or less of pad is left. This is the recommended replacement threshold to prevent damaging rotors or calipers.
  • Pads should ideally get changed before they reach 1 mm remaining, when the risks of waiting any longer start to outweigh the benefits.
  • If you continue driving once pads are fully worn away, metal backing plate will start grinding the rotors. This can gouge and score rotors, significantly shortening their lifespan and increasing brake replacement costs.

The occasional commute or short trip once the light activates is generally okay. But move quickly to get your BMW’s brake pads replaced. Putting it off for too long risks unnecessary damage and safety issues from worn brakes.

Can I Do a BMW Brake Pad Replacement Myself?

Now that you know what the BMW brake pad warning light means and when pads need changing, the next key question is: should you DIY it or have a professional mechanic handle the brake job?

Replacing brake pads seems straightforward. But as with any car repair, there are pros and cons to both options that are worth weighing:

Pros of DIY BMW Brake Pad Replacement:

  • Significant cost savings versus paying a shop’s labor rates
  • Convenience of working on your own schedule
  • Satisfaction of completing the repair yourself
  • Customizing the job to your needs (track pads, etc.)

Cons of DIY Brake Pad Replacement:

  • Requires automotive tools many owners don’t have
  • Can be challenging without experience doing brake jobs
  • Safety critical – improper installation risks failure
  • Difficult for many BMW models without service manuals

Pros of Professional Brake Pad Replacement:

  • Completed quickly and expertly by technicians
  • Dealer/shop handles all parts sourcing
  • Additional brake system inspection included
  • Test drives and post-repair warranty on work

Cons of Professional Brake Pad Replacement:

  • Labor and shop fees increase cost significantly
  • Wait for appointment and shop availability
  • Risk of unnecessary upsells and pad quality

As you can see, both options have their merits. DIY is less expensive but requires know-how. Shops cost more but provide peace of mind.

In general, brake pad replacement is doable for the home mechanic willing to put in some research and effort upfront. But for those without tools, skills, or time, seeking professional service is wise.

Either way, use quality replacement brake parts designed specifically for your BMW model. Cutting corners with cheap pads risks poor braking and rapid wear. Spending a little more upfront on pads saves money in the long run.

Step-by-Step DIY Instructions for BMW Brake Pad Replacement

Ready to tackle replacing worn brake pads on your BMW? With the right preparation and procedure, it can be completed successfully as a DIY project.

Here is a step-by-step overview of the complete brake pad replacement process on most BMW models:

Safely Jack Up the Vehicle

  • Park on a flat, level, hard surface with the transmission in Park and parking brake engaged.
  • Loosen the wheel lug nuts, then place a hydraulic floor jack under the jack points near the brake area you’ll be working on.
  • Lift the vehicle until the wheel is just off the ground and place a secure jack stand under the chassis.
  • Fully remove the lug nuts and wheel. Repeat on all corners as needed.

Remove Brake Caliper Bolts

  • Locate the brake caliper bolts that hold the caliper onto the caliper bracket. There are usually two on the rear.
  • Using a ratchet, breaker bar, and proper size socket, remove the caliper bolts.

Slide Off the Caliper

  • With the bolts removed, carefully pull or pry the caliper off the rotor and secure it out of the way using a bungee or cable.
  • Avoid hanging the caliper by the brake hose/line.

Remove Pad Retaining Clips/Hardware

  • Note how the brake pads are secured in place, either by retaining clips, guide pins, springs, etc.
  • Remove any hardware holding the pad set in the caliper bracket. This will release the pads.

Take Out Worn Pads

  • You can now slide the brake pads up and out of the caliper bracket where they sit against the rotor.
  • Dispose of the worn pads and set the retaining hardware aside if it will be reused.

Clean and Inspect Key Components

  • With the pads removed, take the opportunity to clean the caliper bracket face and lubricate the caliper slides/pins. This ensures smooth operation.
  • Visually inspect the brake rotor condition. Resurfacing or replacement may be needed if rotors are heavily scored/gouged.

Install New Brake Pads

  • Reference your BMW’s repair manual on proper pad orientation if needed. Pads often have a marking for left/right and inner/outer position.
  • Slide the new pads into place in the reverse order you removed the worn set. Secure with retaining springs, clips, etc.

Remount Caliper and Tighten Bolts

  • With the fresh pads seated in the caliper bracket, slide the brake caliper back into position over the new pads and rotor.
  • Reinsert the caliper bolts and torque them to BMW factory spec using a torque wrench.

Reinstall Wheels and Lower Vehicle

  • Place the wheel back on the hub and hand tighten the lug nuts.
  • Jack the vehicle back up, torque the lug nuts fully with a torque wrench, then lower onto the ground.

Restore Brake Pedal

  • With new pads bedded, the brake pedal may feel soft initially after a bleed. This is normal.
  • Pump the pedal repeatedly to restore a firm feel before road testing.

And that covers the complete DIY process for replacing brake pads on a BMW! While involved, it’s very achievable for a home mechanic willing to take their time and follow proper steps.

Always refer to BMW’s repair manual for the exact procedures and torque specs on your specific model and year. Safety is critical whenever working on brakes.

How Do You Reset the BMW Brake Pad Warning Light?

The final step after a DIY or professional brake pad swap is resetting that annoying brake pad warning light on your BMW’s instrument cluster.

Clearing this light is important to extinguish the warning and monitor the new pads. Here are the options for resetting it:

Use a Diagnostic Scan Tool

The simplest approach is to reset the brake pad warning indicator with a BMW-compatible scan tool like Carly, BimmerLink, or GT1. This only takes a few button presses to clear once new pads are installed.

Reset Through BMW Steering Menu

Many modern BMW models allow you to reset the sensor right from the dashboard. Go into vehicle settings menu, find the brake pad reset option, and confirm to clear the light.

Drive Vehicle to Reset

Some BMW brake pad warning systems will reset automatically after driving a short distance for the vehicle to detect the fresh pad set.

Dealer/Shop Reset

If you’re unable to clear the light yourself, any service center can hook up their diagnostic scanner and reset your BMW’s brake pad warning light easily.

If the light stays on after a replacement and attempted reset, further electrical diag may be needed. But in most cases, a scan tool reset or driving the car does the trick.

Preparing for a Brake Pad Replacement on Your BMW

Whether you plan to DIY or have a professional swap pads once your BMW brake warning symbol illuminates, it pays to be proactive. Here are tips to make for smooth sailing when the inevitable brake job arrives:

  • Thoroughly research the procedure ahead of time if doing it yourself. Check a repair manual and watch tutorial videos to understand the steps.
  • Have the right tools ready to go. At minimum, you’ll need jack and jack stands, ratchets/sockets, torque wrench, brake grease, and basic supplies.
  • With brakes, only use quality pads specifically engineered for your BMW model. Stay far away from cheap no-name pads that could fail. Stick to brands like Akebono, Brembo, Hawk, StopTech, EBC, etc. OE BMW pads are also a safe bet.
  • Inspect your BMW’s brake rotors when the pads are changed. Have them resurfaced or replaced if deeply gouged or near their wear limit.
  • Set aside ample time for DIY brake service. Plan for 2+ hours per axle. Rushing through steps risks mistakes. Take breaks if needed.
  • Consider having a second set of hands help for easier caliper retraction, wheel removal, and reaching tight spots if doing it yourself.
  • Dispose of old brake parts properly. Pads contain asbestos and heavy metals. Don’t release dust into the environment irresponsibly.
  • Road test the vehicle after service, allowing the pads to properly bed-in before hard use. Check for any signs of issues.

With the right preparation and diligence, brake jobs don’t have to be feared. The BMW brake pad warning light is your friend, giving you notice to take action before a small problem becomes a big one.

Conclusion: Don’t Panic When the BMW Brake Pad Light Comes On

Seeing your BMW’s brake warning indicator illuminate for the first time can be alarming. But there’s no need to panic or immediately rush to the dealership.

The brake pad warning symbol simply means it’s time to inspect your BMW’s brake pads and plan for replacement soon, not that you’re in imminent danger or the vehicle is unsafe to drive.

With the explanations, tips, and steps covered here, you now have all the key information about the BMW brake pad warning light.

Knowing what causes it, when to change pads, instructions to DIY or visit a shop, and how to reset the light will make the process straightforward. Performing timely brake service as directed by your BMW helps keep it performing safely.

So take a deep breath when that amber brake pad warning pops up. Understand what it means, then take proactive steps to get fresh pads installed and keep your BMW stopping confidently. With the proper response, it’s just another milestone in your vehicle’s care.

I bring over 15 years of experience repairing and maintaining BMWs, my passion since first working on cars as a teen. Graduating top of my BMW apprenticeship class gave me expert knowledge I now apply creating DIY tutorials and explaining recommended maintenance for owners. My goal is to share my intricate technical knowledge to empower BMW enthusiasts to properly care for their vehicles.


09-14-2013, 12:53 AM



Drives: BMW Z4

Join Date: Sep 2006

Location: Melbourne

How to reset oil service / brake pad service indicator

1. Without pressing the brake/clutch, press the start/stop button
2. Wait for the service reminder to disappear
3. Press and hold the odometer reset button. You will notice your trip meter reset and then go back to the value it once was. Keep holding for a couple more seconds

At this point, service values that can be reset will come up. Use the odometer reset button to scroll through the menu.

4. At the value you want to reset, press and hold the odometer reset button. «Reset possible» will change to «Reset?»
5. Press and hold odometer reset button again until value is reset
6. Press the start/stop button to start car or turn off car


09-27-2013, 06:06 PM




Drives: 2012 335i Sport line

Join Date: Jun 2012

Location: Metzenbach, Germany


Does this work on the 2012 F30 models?


09-28-2013, 01:57 AM



Drives: BMW Z4

Join Date: Sep 2006

Location: Melbourne

yes mine is a 2012 f30


12-22-2014, 08:35 AM


Private First Class

Drives: BMW 316i

Join Date: Nov 2013

Location: Egypt


Originally Posted by Sephanite
View Post

1. Without pressing the brake/clutch, press the start/stop button
2. Wait for the service reminder to disappear
3. Press and hold the odometer reset button. You will notice your trip meter reset and then go back to the value it once was. Keep holding for a couple more seconds

At this point, service values that can be reset will come up. Use the odometer reset button to scroll through the menu.

4. At the value you want to reset, press and hold the odometer reset button. «Reset possible» will change to «Reset?»
5. Press and hold odometer reset button again until value is reset
6. Press the start/stop button to start car or turn off car

For some reason after the last oil change i couldn’t reset the mileage through the cluster

Every time i try to reset i get an error message «reset unsuccessful»
Now its showing «-2000 kMs»

I have a retrofitted NBT so i dont want to go for BMW service as they will say the car needs reprogramming. The guy who retrofitted my NBT said i can use some tools such as ISTA or ISPI NEXT to reset the oil interval

Any feedback will be appreciated



04-08-2015, 11:19 AM


New Member


Drives: 2012 BMW 335i Sport line

Join Date: Nov 2012

Location: Kaiserslautern


Originally Posted by Osmansky
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For some reason after the last oil change i couldn’t reset the mileage through the cluster

Every time i try to reset i get an error message «reset unsuccessful»
Now its showing «-2000 kMs»

I have a retrofitted NBT so i dont want to go for BMW service as they will say the car needs reprogramming. The guy who retrofitted my NBT said i can use some tools such as ISTA or ISPI NEXT to reset the oil interval

Any feedback will be appreciated


I have the exact same problem with my 2012 335i and the dealership in Syracuse can never get it right the first time without me traveling an hour just for them to reprogram the darn car. Does anyone know of a workaround or is this something that any other service center can do without me having to go to the BMW dealership?


04-10-2015, 02:13 PM


Private First Class

Drives: BMW 316i

Join Date: Nov 2013

Location: Egypt

Actually what solved me problem was not BMW authorized dealer. Another unauthorized dealer reset the oil interval for me. He just resets this ecu


04-16-2015, 11:05 PM



Drives: Honda

Join Date: Apr 2015

Location: Pakistan

I have a retrofitted NBT so i dont want to go for BMW service as they will say the car needs reprogramming. The guy who retrofitted my NBT said i can use some tools such as ISTA or ISPI NEXT to reset the oil interval..???


07-20-2017, 08:11 PM



3.0L's Avatar

Drives: M235i, 20k miles

Join Date: Apr 2014

Location: California


Originally Posted by Sephanite
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1. Without pressing the brake/clutch, press the start/stop button
2. Wait for the service reminder to disappear
3. Press and hold the odometer reset button. You will notice your trip meter reset and then go back to the value it once was. Keep holding for a couple more seconds

At this point, service values that can be reset will come up. Use the odometer reset button to scroll through the menu.

4. At the value you want to reset, press and hold the odometer reset button. «Reset possible» will change to «Reset?»
5. Press and hold odometer reset button again until value is reset
6. Press the start/stop button to start car or turn off car

Took me several tries, but it finally worked. Many thanks!


///M235i | Mineral Grey Metallic | Premium Package | Technology Package | Driver Assistance Package | Dakota Coral Red/Black Leather | Harman/Kardon Premium 360 watt sound system | 8-speed automatic Frog: «Time is fun when you’re having flies»


08-21-2017, 12:39 AM



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I have used unauthorized dealer to solve this problem. And it really helped me


I like to travel on my car. It is more comfortable and I can stop with my family everywhere and just enjoy the rest


03-27-2018, 07:39 AM


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Anyone know how to reset the vehicle inspection reminder? It’s not on the list that appears in this reset thread.

Never mind, figured it out in iDrive.


09-10-2018, 11:35 AM



Drives: BMW 316d 2013 sedan.

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Location: Lithuania, Kaunas.

Doesnt work on 2013yrs model. says ,,reset is possible» but if you try to reset it says ,,reset is unsuccesful»


09-10-2018, 12:57 PM


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Reset what? Brakes? If the wear sensor has been tripped it must be replaced to reset the brake wear indicator.


09-10-2018, 01:05 PM


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Originally Posted by Billfitz
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Reset what? Brakes? If the wear sensor has been tripped it must be replaced to reset the brake wear indicator.

Does the sensor have 2 trip points, one at 3000-ish miles, the other at minimum pad thickness?


09-10-2018, 02:25 PM


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It has one trip point, at about 3mm. When mine went off it started counting down from 1,000 miles, literally, with an update every 100 miles.


09-10-2018, 05:36 PM


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Originally Posted by Billfitz
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It has one trip point, at about 3mm. When mine went off it started counting down from 1,000 miles, literally, with an update every 100 miles.

So if pads are replaced at 5mm without tripping sensor, then very likely sensor will not need replacement then. My guess is the electrical contact can be cleaned up and the sensor can be reused.


09-10-2018, 09:35 PM


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You can reuse the sensor if it hasn’t been tripped. I did on my front pads. It didn’t trip because the front sensor is on the driver’s side, while the pads that were just about toast were on the passenger side.


12-01-2018, 01:14 PM



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Just Finally put my rear brakes on the 2015 435iX. The instructions at the top worked perfectly.

I drove another 4500 miles after the rear sensor activated. I didn’t realize the car would tell me if it was the front or rear, so I eyeballed them and thought the fronts were more worn, and bought and replaced those only to see the front sensor was not tripped.

At 4500 miles after sensor trip the rear pads had still not worn down to metal, but they were getting close.

I’ve got the single piston rear calipers, and 4 piston front.
There are apparently 3 different rear brakes.

First time I ever did this type of front brakes, it was quite easy — knocking out the pins with a punch is easier than getting the floating caliper pins back in, I like it.


07-04-2019, 05:09 AM




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Change reminder from KM to Miles ?

My oil service reminder is showing KM. Can it be changes to show miles?


07-04-2019, 08:15 AM


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You should start a new thread so that your question will be visible, as the subject is not that same as that of this thread.


02-05-2020, 03:34 AM



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SOLVED (brake service)
With «ISTA D» and ENET cable (Y) yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I’ve tried everything before (Instrument cluster menu, OBD ELM327 with Carly, E-SYS, BMW tools, etc.) with no success.


09-28-2020, 03:41 PM


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When I try this, I get the following menu:

System test
Start roller
Test end

How do I get to the menu to reset my brake fluid & pads?



09-28-2020, 03:50 PM


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Originally Posted by SD Convert
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How do I get to the menu to reset my brake fluid & pads?

Did some more digging. I was holding the button down too long. Brakes reset

I also unlocked that menu (unlock code is the sum of the last 5 digits of VIN) and found some potentially interesting menu options.

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