Breeders of the nephilim ошибка памяти

Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha Guide


hello guys, if you have out of video memory bug with crashing the game there is the solution for that very annoying problem.

the fix

1. go to my computer
2. right click on the empty area
3. left click on properties
4. go to special system setting
5. special
6. performance
7. special and left click on the modify on virtual memory and set a custom size, minimal 12000 and maximum 24000
8. go to the game folder
9. right click on the radiant.exe
10. properties
11. compatibility,
12. click on modify all user settings and set to windows 7 and run as administrator and click on apply.
13. go to radiant folder
14. binaries -> win64 and do the same to Radiant-Win64-Shipping.exe

it worked for me so i hope this helps you out guys.
and there is a last thing you need to do.

Breeders of the Nephelym - Resolve Game Won't Start Issues

Breeders of the Nephelym — Resolve Game Won’t Start Issues

This guide is intended to help users resolve issues related to the game not starting and has been collated from various posts on the forum.

Guide Contents

  • Introduction
  • System Requirements
  • Configuration Files
  • Resolutions
  • Registry Editing
  • DirectX Feature Level 10
  • Visual C++ Redistributable


Breeders of the Nephelym is a game that is currently in Alpha development and is not currently optimized for performance. This can lead the game to be rather resource intensive on different machines. This guide is intended to address some of the most common “game won’t start” issues that I have seen on the forums.

System Requirements

First, and foremost, ensure that your system meets the minimum system requirements.


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: AMD FX-6300 / Intel Core i3-2100
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7950 / NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti


  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 1700+ / Intel Core i7-3770+
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Vega 64+ / NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti+

Of these requirements, the DirectX (DX11) requirements are the most important. To confirm your DirectX settings you can use the build in DirectX Diagnostic Tool by pressing Windows key + R and typing “dxdiag”.

Configuration Files

If everything checks out then it is time for some editing to see if the game can be successfully launched. This game uses the Unreal Engine 4 and features configuration files that can be edited with any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime Text, etc).

The path to these configurations is:

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%RadiantSavedConfigWindowsNoEditor

The first common “game won’t start” issue is a Black/Blank screen. Many users have reported that they have to wait many minutes (some saying 15+ minutes) before seeing the splash screen. This seems like an obscene amount of time to wait for a game to start, so the first file to look at is “Game.ini”. In this file you can adjust the graphics quality from Highest to Lowest with 0 being the “Low” setting and 3 being the “Ultra” setting. Change the “GraphicsQuality” Setting appropriately. For example:

  • GraphicsQuality=1

Save the file and relaunch the game.

If the issue continues then the next file to look at is “GameUserSettings.ini”. This file contains initial settings for fullscreen and resolution (and some settings that may not be implemented yet).

If this is the case, the first thing to try is renaming “GameUserSettings.ini” to “GameUserSettings.old” and relaunching the game. This should cause the file to be rebuilt. If the game launches to the splash screen, resolution settings can be changed in the UI.

If the game doesn’t launch, the settings will have to be adjusted in the text editor.

First set the “FullscreenMode” value to FullscreenMode=1 (this will turn full screen off). Save the file and relaunch the game.


If this hasn’t resolved the issue, the next is to set your screen resolution. It is a known issue with the Unreal Engine that it does not support “stretched” resolutions, so be sure to try a non-stretched resolution first (examples are below).

Set the “ResolutionSizeX” and ResolutionSizeY” values to something appropriate for your machine

  • ResolutionSizeX=1920 ResolutionSizeY=1080

And set the “bUseDynamicResolution” value to false:

  • bUseDynamicResolution=False

This should prevent the engine from trying to use a stretched resolution if your machine is using one.

Examples of native resolutions:

  • 1920 x 1080
  • 1680 x 1050
  • 1600 x 900
  • 1440 x 900
  • 1400 x 1050
  • 1366 x 768
  • 1360 x 768
  • 1280 x 1024
  • 1280 x 960
  • 1280 x 800
  • 1280 x 768
  • 1280 x 600
  • 1152 x 864
  • 1024 x 768
  • 800 x 600

Registry Editing

Another common crash is related to DirectX error messages with one common error stating “Unreal Engine Exiting Due To D3D Device Lost”. This can be caused by your graphics card overheating or the graphics card taking to long to respond.

The first solution is to ensure that your machine and graphics card have adequate airflow. If that is the case, the next fix is to edit your registry.

Be Warned! Editing your registry can adversely affect your machines performance so be sure to save a back up of your registry before proceeding.

  • Press the Windows key and type “regedit” to open the registry editor.
  • Select File -> Export to save a current version of your registry
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers
  • Right click on the GraphicsDrivers “folder” in the left hand file pane/tree and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) value
  • A new value will be created in the right hand panel. Name this value TdrDelay
  • Right click this new value and select modify.
  • Ensure that Decimal is selected and set the value to 10
  • Press “OK” to save the entry and reboot your system

DirectX Feature Level 10

Another error often seen is “DirectX 11 Level 10”. This has been reported as a crash or an error. I found this information and potential fixes at the below link:

  • Fix DX11 Feature Level

The error “DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine” appears when the system does not have the appropriate Direct3D Hardware Feature Level required by the game engine. This particular error message is signaling that the application engine is unable to use Direct 3D Feature Level version 10.0.If the operating system has the latest DirectX version, the error is usually a sign that the GPU doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements or is running on outdated driver software. Users will encounter this error when trying to run games and other applications that require extensive graphical processing.

A lot of users are confusing the DirectX runtime environment with the Direct3D Hardware Feature Level. The DirectX Runtime describes the DirectX version that OS software can support. On the other hand, the Direct3d Hardware Feature Level describes the support that your video hardware (GPU) provides.

With this in mind, having the latest DirectX runtime environment installed on your PC does not mean that your hardware is capable of supporting Direct3D Hardware Feature Level 10.0. Even if your Windows version is equipped to handle the latest DirectX APIs, your GPU card might not support the required feature levels. This is often the case with older or integrated GPUs.

If you have Windows 10, DirectX 12.0 Runtime was automatically installed with the operating system (assuming that you have the latest Windows updates). But in order to use the new DirectX APIs, your GPU card needs to support them.

To confirm this and check which DirectX version is supported by your OS, you’ll need to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool (dxdiag). This built-in Windows tool can be accessed on any Windows version by opening a Run box (Windows key + R) and typing “dxdiag“.

You can view your DirectX runtime version under System Information in the System tab.

In order to see if your GPU is capable of supporting the required feature levels, go to the Display tab under Drivers and see which Feature Levels are supported by your graphics card.

Visual C++ Redistributable

And finally the developer has reported that some new runtimes may need to be installed for future builds to run correctly. These files are Visual C++ redistributable packages and can be found here:

  • Visual C++ Redistributable

Remember that this game only support x64 architecture so there is no need for the x86 redistributable.

  • Тема: Заводчики Нефелимов: Альфа
  • Дата выпуска:
  • Разработчик:
  • Издатель:

С момента выхода Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha игроки сообщали о нескольких проблемах. Некоторые из этих проблем — сбой Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha и, что еще хуже, игра вылетает во время запуска. Это делает Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha совершенно неиграбельной. К счастью, в Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha все еще есть способ исправить эти сбои. Ниже вы найдете наиболее эффективные способы решения этих проблем.

Прежде чем мы начнем с фактического устранения неполадок, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным требованиям Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha. Если вы не выполнили хотя бы минимальные системные требования Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, неудивительно, почему Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha дает сбой на вашем ПК. Модернизация вашего оборудования — лучший способ сделать Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha играбельной.

Обновите свои драйверы

Предполагая, что ваш компьютер соответствует системным требованиям Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, еще одна причина сбоя игры связана с устаревшими драйверами.

Устаревший графический драйвер, DirectX и некоторые неконтролируемые драйверы являются причинами сбоя Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha. Настоятельно рекомендуется загрузить последние обновления драйверов для вашего ПК. Если у вас недостаточно времени, терпения или навыков для обновления драйверов вручную, вы можете сделать это автоматически с помощью Driver Booster.

Driver Booster автоматически распознает систему вашего компьютера и найдет для нее правильные драйверы. Вам не нужно точно знать, что работает в вашей системе, поскольку Driver Booster справится со всеми техническими задачами. Проверьте шаги ниже, чтобы узнать, как использовать этот инструмент обновления драйверов.

Шаг 1: Скачать и установить Driver Booster

Шаг 2: Запустите Driver Booster и нажмите кнопку «Сканировать» кнопка. Затем Driver Booster просканирует и обнаружит любые проблемы, связанные с драйверами.

Шаг 3: Нажмите кнопку «Обновить Сейчас», чтобы автоматически загрузить и установить правильные драйверы для вашего компьютера.

Шаг 4: Перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения обновления вступили в силу.

Шаг 5: Запустите Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha и проверьте, решены ли эти проблемы со сбоями.

Если проблема сбоя Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha не устранена, вы можете попробовать следующий шаг.

Проверка целостности игры в Steam

В Steam есть встроенная функция, которая позволит вам проверить целостность игры. После выполнения Steam проверит, совпадают ли файлы на вашем локальном компьютере с файлами на серверах Steam. Если что-то не синхронизировано, Steam загрузит и устранит любые проблемы, связанные с файлами.

Вот как вы можете выполнить этот метод:

  1. Открытые Steam и перейти в Библиотека
  2. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha и выберите Объекты
  3. Перейдите в Локальные файлы вариант, затем нажмите Проверить целостность файлов игры…
  4. Подождите, пока Steam проверит файлы Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha.
  5. Перезапустите Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, чтобы проверить, сможете ли вы играть в нее правильно.

Выполнить чистую загрузку

Есть вероятность, что другая программа, например ваш антивирус, вызывает эти сбои. Вы можете попробовать выполнить чистую загрузку, чтобы убедиться, что никакие другие программы не работают в фоновом режиме. Чтобы выполнить чистую загрузку, вы можете выполнить следующие шаги.

  1. Откройте инструмент «Выполнить», нажав клавишу Windows + R.
  2. Тип MSCONFIG и нажмите Enter.
  3. Перейдите в раздел вкладки «Услуги»
  4. Установите флажок Скрыть все службы Microsoft.
  5. Нажмите кнопку Отключить все
  6. Нажмите «Применить» и перезагрузите компьютер.

Запустите игру после перезагрузки и проверьте, не исчезла ли проблема с вылетом.

Загрузите и установите последний патч

Сбой Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, вероятно, является ошибкой, связанной с ранее выпущенным патчем. Установка последнего патча может решить эти проблемы. Вы можете загрузить новейшее обновление Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, просто запустив игру в Steam.

Переустановите Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha и Steam

Если вы уже испробовали все рекомендуемые выше исправления, но проблема все еще не устранена, вероятно, текущая версия Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha или Steam, установленная на вашем ПК, является основным виновником. Вам может подойти метод удаления-переустановки.

Этот сайт содержит партнерские ссылки на продукты. Мы можем получать комиссию за покупки, сделанные по этим ссылкам.

Zobo’s Guide to Industrial Nephilistics, or how to smash the gates open way too fast and easy.[edit | edit source]

This guide assumes you play with males and females. If you don’t use males, ignore (stuff in parentheses) and cry some more. This guide also assumes you are disgustingly morally upright and won’t steal the slime’s keystone. Your loss. This guide is being updated to .756.4 version of BotN.

Starting the game.[edit | edit source]

When the game starts, in front of you there is a pathway up to the town. Do not go there, yet. >:]


Instead you

  • go behind the house, past the pool and up the mountain. Bugger the centaur (or get «futa is disabled» message), talk and ask for a keystone.
  • Return to house and look the way you did when game started.

Breeding Task Board (Circled) — Route to town (arrow)

  • Go to the breeding task boards you see in front of you — circled in the image to the right -, and check the special requests tab for your new quest take note: sex, level(4) trait (buxom or Meaty)
  • Go further up the hill, at the fountain turn right, go to the little kitty in the shade «Cassie» and get her to build Foxen house and Vulwarg kennel. You have 900 droplets or «orgasium» left — Town image 1
  • (return to fountain, look to your right for a white-green cow mama «Amber-Mae» and purchase from her a 120 ml of Bovaeur milk and 60 ml of foxen milk. you have 480 orgasium left) — Town image 2
  • return to the fountain. Look to the archway you entered through, just before it to the left there is a way into the building. You’ll see a green goblin «Camilla» there. Purchase from her 190 ml titan semen and 50 ml of vulwarg semen.— Town image 3

Town, right side of the fountain in view. The stairs (4) are important later.

The number 4 stairs are important later

Get out of the cellar and turn left.

First captures[edit | edit source]

Run straight out of the town below the arch you came in, but keep forward as the path turns left, dropping down cliff faces. In front of you is the spawn area for foxen and vulwargs. when you go near one, press «e» to target it, select give fluid, and hand out

  • Vulwarg semen for the fox girls
  • Bovaeur milk for the fox boys
  • Titan semen for the Wolf girls
  • Foxen milk for the Wolf boys.

You  want to capture most types, but will soon run out of vulwarg semen/foxen milk. Note: do not use wild sex for capturing. You only use wild sex for personal pleasure.

In the woods you can see a few medallions hanging in the trees. These herald a location where Pawsmaati the sex guru can teach you a sex position. Visiting these locations is not all that useful for now, but it does make the breeding much more fun. The first time is free, later on you need to have favor, but if you fluid capture a lot of nephs and ascend the ones you don’t keep you should always have enough when you find a new place. If you don’t, you’ve been slacking: more fluid captures and ascends and you can soon re-visit her.

Once you fail to capture a neph return to your house. (there is a convenient pathway. What, not male specific? Heeehee.) Go to your foxen house/vulwarg kennel. Better to start out with vulwargs, but you will visit them both, so… There are a list of «wild nephelym» there. Look at them. (click on the triangular drop-down arrow to see the traits.) Name the best ones, those not good enough you leave unnamed. You still want to harvest semen/milk from them, though.

Interlude: Tips for better farm management[edit | edit source]


In the barn, or the breeding yard, do as instructed.

When you have a neph you want to keep, rename it. I usually do give them a name, after the name I give them a code, usually first noting the number of positive traits, if any. (hominal/exotic and size are not traits in this calculation)

Your neph will be named like «Carmen +2 H»

What’s the H for? That is what I put there when I discover a Hornball trait.

Hornball is a trait that is needed for a quest for the dryad, later on. By the time that quest opens I want to have a ready group of males with hornball traits ready  to start generating them thriae in advance, in case you fail to capture one outright.

Traits you want to track most[edit | edit source]

The traits you may want to name:

  • Hornball ‘H’: needed for Autumn the dryad’s quest Thria with hornball.
  • Fertile: ‘F’: needed for Xena’s quest for fertile akabeko. Also, fertile is op always. (In the images below you can see Fertile marked with an asterix (*), not F.)

Guide-trait letters2.png

There are others you don’t really need a code for but may use if you feel like it. Note that the grouping of traits has changed in the new version, but not enough for me to change the image.

  • Swift: ‘S’ Needed for the second quest in the game, for Monarch’s Quest for swift foxen. Usually the foxen have it a lot, so it may not really need a code.
  • Buxom: ‘3’ just for the graphical representation. Wanted by Kybele for quest if a female vulwarg is desired.
  • Meaty ‘M’ wanted by Kybele if a male or that other thing is wanted.

Note if you have the correct sex for the quest you wanted. If you do, rename them ‘QUEST TARGET‘ with all caps. If you fail to see the quest target but do have another sex or even a different species with the desired trait, then you do want to put the code in.

Here’s a list of all things needed to open gates:

Note that sex required depends on the sex of your breeder as well as sexes the game is allowed to spawn in, as determined by your option selections. The sex required is thus not written in this guide. Just check the quests after you acquire them and make note of the required sex and level.

  • Meaty/Buxom Vulwarg (trait required depends on sex)
  • Swift foxen
  • Hornball Thriae
  • Meaty Titan
  • Fertile Akabeko
  • Nymphomaniac Dragon (requires a trait that only spawns at world level 2+)
  • Juicy-2 Elf (requires a trait that only spawns at world level 3+)

Besides the nephs that have the traits future quests will need, you also have several nephs that have xp increasing traits. You want to pair a giver and taker with preferably 2 traits that have the «x increases xp gained by y%» style of trait. (meaty/slender/chubby + Hung/Busty/Buxom is the easiest to find)

When you have a neph that is required for a quest and is not of good enough level levelling that by pairing it with your highest level partner takes precedence. When that is not the case, have one of those double dippers as the pair for your breeder, then pair the others so they will gain levels as quickly as possible — pregnancy is not really the objective, nor is it a hindrance. Just keep fucking. Note that if one of the pair has extra lust when the other runs out, that can be used to quickly level your other nephs, as the loss of repeat breeding is inconsequential.

Besides that you want to breed foxen and bovauer (bull or ayrshire, not minotaur/mare) where one or both of the pair have fertile, once you have hybrid barn the mutt hut.

Levellling up/getting more hornballs can be a lesser objective.

You should also get a lot of foxen and bovaeurs, level them up some and release them for world level increase. Once world level reaches 3 you can try to find nymphos and juicy-2:s.

Second town visit

At the  end of this, you should have harvested some fluids, renamed some nephs. Return to town, visit Camilla, selling quite a bit of vulwarg semen — leave 500 ml or so. Also sell all foxen semen in excess of 500 ml, if possible. If you are running low on titan semen, buy more.

Go to amber-mae, sell as much vulwarg milk as you can. If she still has money,sell some foxen milk, but again leave 500ml or so. Buy more bovaeur milk (if you have males on.)


S stands for sewers, you will visit them later.

You should then go to the temple — T in the image above — (the biggest building) and find the angel. Ascend all the «wild nephelym» you don’t want to keep. Remeber, you were not supposed to name the ones you don’t intend to keep. Generally, my suggestion is to ascend level 1 caught nephs, release for world level any that have levels or are farm born.

The first capture spree[edit | edit source]

Go back to the forest. You should now have decent amount of all the fluids. Capture everything you see. Do remember to engage in some surprise sex, as your lust should have taken a hit from the fluid harvests. The message that should end your capture spree is «you lack housing/space…» when you press capture. Return to the farm, repeat the rename steps, then enter the breeding yard.

  1. If you found a quest target, sex it up. If not, and you have a wrong sex/species neph with the desired trait, mate is so the offspring has a chance of being the correct kind — in the beginning this just means you have to have one of the partners be Vulwarg (any sex).
  2. propagate hornball and fertile traits (preferring foxen) around. That is, select a neph with said traits, and make it fuck.
  3. Don’t forget to fuck with your breeder and your prime xp nephs.

Go to  the farm  house. Note fluid  levels, go to sleep.

Daily tasks[edit | edit source]

Save. The. Game.

Seriously. Every morning. If you don’t sleep, when clock runs over.

First, in the breeding yard, all quest targets should be fucked good, preferably with kindhearted partners. If they level enough, return them at the breeding task board.  

Sylvan pack.png

This section seemed bare without any images, so I inserted a promotion for my Sylvan Mini pack, available via the #preset-submissions channel of the discord server.

Decide if this is a day of exploration or a day at the farm. Explore if you have a quest completed and can continue…


Don’t have two exploration days back-to-back.

!END note!

Right, as I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself, if you are exploring, go out now.

Typical breeding day at the farm[edit | edit source]

First, level up your quest targets.

Then, level up your breeder

Third, level up your prime nephs

Harvest fluids, rename/release offspring with a nice barn tour. Ascend nephs that have a few levels and do not have traits you want to keep. This will be somewhat tedious later on with more barns, but hang in there.

Visit the town, sell some fluids. Keep reserves!

Buy necessities: At this point, you’ll be looking at a Bovaeur barn and a Mutt hut. Buy some sylvan semen. (150ml and upwards.)

Buy Risu shack too if you got the coin. Buy some thriae semen if you bought Risu shack. You can already capture Risu, though that is not really necessary for game progression.

Level up nephs you intend to ascend.
Return to capture more nephs a time or two more in the Lustwood, or go back to the breeding yard to do more of the secondary breeding. Sleep and repeat till you  have the Kybele’s desired Vulwarg, and have bought Bovauer barn.

First gate — Pleasure Pastures[edit | edit source]

To first gate, from home building

Guide g1p2.png

Go to the Breeding task board, special requests tab. Return the quest. You’ll get the «Kybele wants to talk to you» — message. Go to her. Get the orb, do NOT open the gate beside her. Instead, you walk to the other gate that is on the other end of your farmstead. No, not the one with the honeycomb, left of that. Use the orb on it, and walk through.— See image above.

Guide pp.png

Now that you are down in the pleasure pastures, in no specific order:

  • Find the butterfly «Monarch», fuck her and ask for  the orb — Image M
  • Find the dryad «Autumn» next to the windmill, the same — Image D
  • Find Pawsmaati and lear a sex position — Image S
  • Capture lots of Bovaeur Ayrshires/bulls. Vulwarg milk works on both of them. — Image B
  • Also you will find Bovaeur mares, who want Sylvan semen. They are not needed for game progression, capturing them will just fasten the spawning rate.

Return to the farm, rename the ones out of your new captures you want to keep. From now on  mating a foxen with a bovaeur (ayrshire or bull) with either one having the fertile trait is very useful: You should spawn some Akabeko with the desired trait, useful for a later quest. Yes, if you get one, it’s a QUEST TARGET — even before you have the quest. Fertile is a very common trait with bovaeur and not exactly rare with foxen, so you should be spoiled with good material.

Second Gate — Virgin Breaks[edit | edit source]


Top off your fluids, check the breeding task board. Most likely you can immediately turn in the quest for swift foxen. Do so. Visit the monarch to grab the orb.

Go to town, purchase Dragon hoard, (titan milk) and harpy semen, ascend lots of uwanted bovaeur nephs.

Return to Kybele and open the gate next to her. In the upper area you have tasks:

  • Capture male Dragons with Titan milk.
  • Capture female Dragons with Harpy semen.
  • Find the sleeping Dragon matriarch and bother her. She will give you a task for some Bovaeur milk, which is beyond simple for you.
  • Find the guru in the lower field, learn a sex position.

you will sadly not be able to find nymphomaniac dragons, as the trait does not appear at world level 1 anywhere. You also do not really need or want to raise dragon world level specifically. A few breeding stock you level up some should be enough.

Top off your Bovaeur milk, return the quest, buy Thriae hive from Cassie.

Third Gate — Hivelands[edit | edit source]


In the dragon area, where the dragon matriarch used to sleep, when she departed for lower fields she carelessly left a keystone behind. Grab it.

Head to the last gate near your farmhouse. Open it.

  • Capture thriae using harvested foxen semen.
  • Get the quest from the queen bee
  • Find Pawsmaati and learn a sex position

When renaming your thriae, if you are lucky you might have a Hornball one QUEST TARGET. If not, you should have named your hornballs — many of them Vulwargs — who are ready to breed the trait into your newly captured Thriae.

Get the hornball Thriae to the correct level, and return the quest. Buy Sylvan house and if you so desire formurian pool too.

Fourth gate — Cove of Rapture[edit | edit source]

Head to pleasure pastures, to Autumn next to the windmill Get the keystone.

Ask about fixing the flowers, get a quest for some dragon semen.

Follow the wall on the right side of windmill, open the gate. — shown in earlier image of pleasure pastures-

  1. Apopha Fessi the snake keiholder and Amorous Hollows

    Go down, keep to the right. Encounter a fat snake’s front end. Get her quest. — AF for her name in the -> image

  2. Descend further. To the right is a shallow area for shark fishing. Capture some with dragon semen if you want, unnecessary for progression.
  3. If you bought formurian pond, go to S and capture using dragon semen.
  4. On the beach find a kraken, fuck a kraken. — Marked K in the image below
  5. Find a pier. if it is getting late in game clock-wise, come back another day. Dive in the water, swim forward. A pillar guides you to a clam. There is a pearl on the ocean floor, take it. — Images below for further help
  6. Return to the shore, go right. Find Pawsmaati and learn a sex position.
  7. Follow a pathway up from the beach, to a grassy area with orcs. Capture some using demon semen (unnecessary but fun.
  8. In the wooden platform ahead of you find «Xena» the warrior orc thing, fuck her and get the quest. Guide-cor2.png

In the above image, K is the kraken you need to Fuck before going for pearl (P). Sharks Ladies and Orc ladies can also be found in the cove of rapture.

Pictorial: hunt for the pearl[edit | edit source]




Return to farm. Turn in the quest for dragon semen. Fetch the orb from queen bee. Purchase Titan cave.

When you judge your orcs, don’t leave too many in the barn — you will need a lot of space in the future.

Fifth Gate — Titan Peaks[edit | edit source]


Up the mountains you go, past dragons, ever upward. Open the gate.

On the way notice Pawsmaati’s outpost and learn a sex position.

Continue to the higher plateau, capture 60 Titans using bovaeur milk.

When you  return to the farm, return the quest for the meaty titan. The strength requirement was not updates with stat changes and you already have it.

In the town, buy Neko barn, fuck Cassie, talk to her, climb the stairs near Amber-Mae (to the left of her), find the lever, gaze in amazement to it moving.

On the left side of the temple, in the slums, find the now open gateway, and go in the sewers. — Remember the sewers in the earlier image? The time is now.

Find the slime, give her the pearl, get the keystone.

Sixth Gate — Lusty Plateau[edit | edit source]

Go through the gate to the bee area, take a left and climb on top of the raised pathway, open the gate.

  • Capture nekos using bovaeur milk. I could say not necessary, but… cat girls, amirite?
  • Find the bunny girl at the cliffs overlooking the sea, talk to her, get her quest. — P in images below
  • xxx marks the place pawsmaati used to be, teaching all sex positions. It is currently not as interesting.





Now, you should already have a fertile akabeko.

Return the fertile akabeko quest. Then read Spelunking part.

After you have raised world level to 3 or more, visit and find a nymphomaniac-2. Breed it into a dragon, turn in the nympho dragon, head for Petra, as described in Just desserts — part.

Just Desserts[edit | edit source]

Buy harpy aviary, unless you already have. Buy Starfallen monolith. Buy starfallen milk. Buy seraphim barn. Buy demon semen if you haven’t already.

Get the keystone from Petra. If you have 650+ lust, fuck her, otherwise don’t.

Open the gate to the desert.

  • Capture Harpies using foxen semen.
  • Capture all types of starfallen using starfallen milk.
  • Next to the pussy portal there is a lamia, who needs some sweet loving.
  • Pawsmaati the guru has an outpost here, learn a sex position.
  • By the starfallen you will find a glow that will transport you to seraphim area. They can be captured with demon semen.

After this, the lamia can be found beside all the portals everywhere.Fast travel get! She still needs a lot of dick/pussy to unlock them all…

Spelunking[edit | edit source]

  1. Buy Harpy Aviary, unless you already did. Buy enought demon semen, demon milk, titan semen, at this point consider 500ml a minimum.
  2. Return to Xena to grab her keystone. Backtrack to the cave that had the snake. Grab a keystone at the cave entrance, go in, open the door.
  3. See a platformer in front of you. Fail.
  4. Donate your personal fluids to the spider and get her quest. Jump back, do the platformer again, succeed.Guide-ah1.png
  5. Find bats in the cave, capture with demon milk. 
  6. Beyond the bats, a door. Open it.
  7. Find goblins. Capture with titan semen. Do not capture too many — elves share the same barn. Press onward.
  8. Pathway upwards, portal, unlock. Wooden wall, use lever.
  9. Go down in the forest, capture elves using demon semen. This time, capture with wild abandon.


GD is the gate to demons (later), B for bats and GE for gate to the Elves (also goblins.)

You will not be finding an elf with the required juicy-2, nor even juicy-1. To get juicy-2 elf you need to raise world level (most likely foxen or bovaeur) to 3+, get juicy-2’s. Breed with elf, the resulting elf will at most have juicy-1. Breed that with juicy-2 partner and the offspring may get juicy-2. You should have very high level partners to raise the level of the elf that gets the upgraded trait.

I am a bad boy too[edit | edit source]

Buy Demon barn. Get more harpy semen.

Visit the spider again, get the keystone.

Go left after them stairs, open the gate. —GD in the earlier amorous hollows image

  • Unlock portal
  • Capture demon incubi with seraphim milk.
  • Capture demon cambions (big girls) with dragon semen.
  • Capture demon succubi with harpy semen.
  • Find Pawsmaati and learn a sex position.

Realize you used a guide to blow through the game  progression and you have nothing left to do. Despair.

That, or throw yourself into hedonistic pleasure among all the nephs you now have, your call.

— Zobo


p.s. I didn’t talk about the roamer slimes. We do not discuss the slimes.

Обновлено: 26 октября 2021

Требования Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha

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На этой странице вы найдете системные требования для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на ПК (Windows). Мы регулярно следим за актуальностью и обновляем данные.

Требования Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, представленные ниже, разделены по операционным системам и содержат информацию о процессоре, видео карте, оперативной памяти и необходимом месте на диске, чтобы играть в Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha.

Содержание страницы

  • Пойдет ли игра Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на моем ПК?
  • Требования для Windows
  • Об игре
  • Вопросы

Пойдет ли игра Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на моем ПК?

Согласно нашим тестам, 24% людей могут запустить эту игру на своем ПК.
Показать последние тесты.

Проверьте, можете ли вы запускать и эти популярные игры!

Требования для Windows

Необходим 64-битный процессор и операционная система.

Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha требования для Windows

Минимальные требования Рекомендованные требования
Операционная система

Операционная система

Windows 7

Операционная система

Windows 10



AMD FX-6300 / Intel Core i3-2100


AMD Ryzen 7 1700+ / Intel Core i7-3770+

Оперативная память

Оперативная память

4 GB

Оперативная память

16 GB

Видео карта

Видео карта

AMD Radeon HD 7950 / NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti

Видео карта

AMD Vega 64+ / NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti+



Version 11


Version 11



8 GB


16 GB



Shader Model 5 GPU only


Shader Model 5+ GPU only

Вы можете вставить таблицу требований выше на свой сайт или блог, скопировав адрес изображения ниже.

Минимальные требования Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на Windows подразумевают операционную систему Windows 7. Ваш процессор должен быть как минимум AMD FX-6300 / Intel Core i3-2100. Минимальный размера оперативной памяти — 4 GB. Что касается видеокарты, то это должна быть как минимум Graphics. Вам так же необходимо иметь 8 GB свободного дискового пространства.

Если же вы рассматриваете рекомендуемые требования Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha для Windows, то операционная система — Windows 10. Рекомендуемый процессор — AMD Ryzen 7 1700+ / Intel Core i7-3770+ или более мощный аналог. Рекомендуемая оперативная память — 16 GB. А видео карта — AMD Vega 64+ / NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti+.

Об игре

Enter an immersive beautifully erotic 3D adventure centered around catching and breeding the Nephelym, an enigmatic race of monster-human hybrids with an overwhelming desire to mate.


Какие требования у игры Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Вы сможете играть в Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на вашем ПК, если он подходит под минимальные требования ниже. Советуем воспользоваться нашим бесплатным инструментом, чтобы это проверить.

Минимальные требования для Windows такие:

  • Операционная система: Windows 7
  • Процессор: AMD FX-6300 / Intel Core i3-2100
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB
  • Видео карта: AMD Radeon HD 7950 / NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Диск: 8 GB
  • Дополнительно: Shader Model 5 GPU only

Хватит ли 3 GB оперативной памяти для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Нет, этого недостаточно для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha, минимальное требование 4 GB.

Хватит ли 4 GB оперативной памяти для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Да, 4 GB оперативной памяти будет достаточно для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha.

Сколько оперативной памяти нужно для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Вам необходимо как минимум 4 GB оперативной памяти (RAM), чтобы играть в Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на ПК, но рекомендуется 16 GB.

Какой процессор требуется для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Сколько места на диске нужно для игры Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Вам необходимо как минимум 8 GB свободного места на диске, чтобы установить Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha.

Какая видео карта нужна для Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Какие версии Windows поддерживает игра Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Windows 7 или более новые.

Нужна ли 64-битная система для игры Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Да, это игра требует 64-битный процессор и операционную систему.

Нужен ли DirectX, чтобы играть в Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Да, для этой игры необходим Version 11 или новее.

Можно ли играть в Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha на ноутбуке?

Если ваш ноутбук соответствует минимальным требованиям, то да.

Когда выходит игра Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha?

Дата выхода: 18 октября, 2021.

Последние тесты

    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL Iris Xe
    • Оперативная память: 8 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 11 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL Iris Xe
    • Оперативная память: 8 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 11 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Xeon E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz
    • Видео карта: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
    • Оперативная память: 32 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 10 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
    • Видео карта: DELL 8100
    • Оперативная память: 8 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 8 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-4570 @ 3.20GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL HD 4600
    • Оперативная память: 12 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 10 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-4470 @ 3.30GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL HD 4600
    • Оперативная память: 12 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 10 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL HD 3000
    • Оперативная память: 4 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 7 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Celeron Dual-Core T3500 @ 2.10GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL HD 4000
    • Оперативная память: 6 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 10 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i3-1115G4 @ 3.00GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL UHD Graphics 610
    • Оперативная память: 4 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 11 64bit
    • Процессор: INTEL Core i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
    • Видео карта: INTEL Iris Xe MAX
    • Оперативная память: 8 GB
    • Операционная система: Windows 11 64bit

Похожие игры

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