Boiling point ошибка

Here’s the given for the problem I’m trying to solve:

*python Write a function that given a mapping from material to boiling points, and a boiling point temperature, will return :

  • the material corresponding to the boiling, if it is within 5% difference
  • ‘UNKNOWN’ otherwise

Function signature should look like : boiling_material(boiling_map, boiling_point)

An example boiling_map : Given input :
‘ Butane’ : _0.5,
‘copper’ : 1187,
‘Gold’ : 2660,
‘Mercury’ : 357,
‘Methane’ : _161.7,
‘Nonane’: 150.8,
‘Silver’ : 2197,
‘water’: 100}*

A sample run of the program with the above input:

Enter boiling point > 359
Closest material : Mercury

Enter boiling point > 2000
Closest material : Unknown

I attempted to solve it and it’s returning the right output when the inputs are positive numbers but it’s only returning ‘unknown’ when the inputs are negative.
Enter boiling point > -0.475
Expected Closest material : Butane
actual output: Unknown

This is my current code.


def boiling_material(boiling_map,boiling_point):
    for material in boiling_map:
        if abs(boiling_map[material]) >=abs(boiling_point-(boiling_point*5//100)) and abs(boiling_map[material]-boiling_point)<=abs(boiling_point+(boiling_point*5//100)) :
    return closest


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  1. Mar 31st, 2018, 11:51 PM


    JustinJfair1 is offline

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    Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    HI i am have a problem getting this to run the way its supposed to everything works untill i get to the boiling point of oxygen
    can some please help me out here is what i got so far i am pretty new at this so go easy on ,me if **** is wrong lol

    VB Code:

    1. Public Class Form1

    2.     Private Sub btnOk_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click

    3.         Dim dblEnterTemp As Double

    4.         If dblEnterTemp >= -173 Then

    5.             chkN173.Checked = True

    6.             MessageBox.Show("Ethyl alcohol is freezing")

    7.         ElseIf dblEnterTemp >= 172 Then

    8.             chkP172.Checked = True

    9.             MessageBox.Show("ethyl alcohol is Boiling")

    10.         End If

    11.         If dblEnterTemp >= -38 Then

    12.             chkN38.Checked = True

    13.             MessageBox.Show("mercury is freezing")

    14.         ElseIf dblEnterTemp >= 676 Then

    15.             chkP676.Checked = True

    16.             MessageBox.Show("Mercury is Boiling")

    17.         End If

    18.         If dblEnterTemp >= -362 Then

    19.             chkN362.Checked = True

    20.             MessageBox.Show("Oxygen is freezing")

    21.         ElseIf dblEnterTemp >= -306 Then

    22.             chkN306.Checked = True

    23.             MessageBox.Show("Oxygen is boiling")

    24.         End If

    25.         If dblEnterTemp <= 32 Then

    26.             chkP32.Checked = True

    27.             MessageBox.Show("Water is freezing")

    28.         ElseIf dblEnterTemp >= 212 Then

    29.             chkP212.Checked = True

    30.             MessageBox.Show("Water is boiling")

    31.         End If

    32.     End Sub

    Last edited by FunkyDexter; Apr 1st, 2018 at 03:45 AM.

  2. Apr 1st, 2018, 12:17 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Shouldn’t all the Freezing values be using <= to compare if the value is at or below the freezing point, rather than >= which would be checking for values at or above the freezing point.

    It looks like Water is the only one that is correct.

    This probably should have been posted in the VB.Net forum, rather than Chit Chat since it is a VB.Net programming question.

    Last edited by passel; Apr 1st, 2018 at 12:21 AM.

  3. Apr 1st, 2018, 12:27 AM


    JustinJfair1 is offline

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    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    like i said i am really new at this and the greater then less then kinda confuses me being negative numbers

  4. Apr 1st, 2018, 01:01 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Well, numbers are a continuum, and if you consider them being on a number line with 0 in the middle, and positive numbers on the right, and negative numbers on the left.
    … -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …

    If a number is to the left of another number on the number line it is less than (the arrow points to the left <) any number to the right, so -100 is less than -50 because it would be more negative (further to the left on the number line).

    That is a math thing, not just a programming thing.

    Last edited by passel; Apr 1st, 2018 at 01:04 AM.

  5. Apr 1st, 2018, 03:44 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Moved to .Net Forum. Chit Chat’s our «Hang out» area where we shoot the breeze. You tend not to get very serious answers in there

    As a tip, we tend not to be too keen on just doing people’s homework for them in this forum. If you leave the question posted as it is you still might not get much help. It will be better if you show us what you’ve done and tell us what specific problems you’re stuck on. You’re more likely to get better help that way.

    Other than that, good luck and welcome to the forum.

    Edit> I also added highlight tags to your post to make it more readable. You can find this option in the buttons above the posting window. If you use the one that says «VB» you’ll get highlight tags that ask you for the theme you want (which is «VB» in your case). Or you use the #button which will give you more basic Code tags.

    The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

    Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd

  6. Apr 1st, 2018, 05:17 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    One other thing, you are never assigning the variable dblEnterTemp a value.

    The line:


    Dim dblEnterTemp As Double

    will create the dblEnterTemp variable and assign it a default value of 0. Immediately after that you start checking what value is stored in dblEnterTemp, but since you’ve never assigned it a value, it will always have a value of 0.

    Presumably you are asking the user to enter a temperature in a TextBox or something. If so, you would need to assign the value stored in the TextBox to the dblEnterTemp variable before all of the If statements that check what value it has.

  7. Apr 1st, 2018, 09:07 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Quote Originally Posted by passel
    View Post

    Shouldn’t all the Freezing values be using <= to compare if the value is at or below the freezing point, rather than >= which would be checking for values at or above the freezing point.

    While your answer is correct, let me just point out that there is no such thing as a freezing point. Those are the melting points of the solid.

    My usual boring signature: Nothing

  8. Apr 1st, 2018, 09:52 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy Hiker
    View Post

    While your answer is correct, let me just point out that there is no such thing as a freezing point. Those are the melting points of the solid.

    I hate to derail this even further, but, ummm…what???
    …(and many thousands of other sites that discuss such matters — pun intended)

    If you were trying to make the point that for some types of molecules, the melting temperature and the freezing temperature are not the EXACT same temperature, down to x decimal places, then that is correct.

    Also, here is someone that posted about this exact homework problem many years ago with what appears to be the actual wording of the problem, which uses the term «freezing…point»…ming-Challenge

    Hang on, was that an April Fool’s post? If so, I’m outta here for the rest of the day!

  9. Apr 1st, 2018, 11:55 AM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Not an April Fools post, though that would be good.

    Most likely, they do want to talk about the freezing point, but the freezing point is not a fixed temperature, which is very important biologically. Water will remain liquid well below 32 degrees F, and snow is an excellent insulator. Therefore, lots of creatures can survive under a blanket of snow with their bodies not freezing. Ice crystal formation destroys cells, so it is very important for the survival of lots of types of creatures that they do not actually freeze, though their body temperature drops quite a ways below the freezing point. Insulated by a layer of snow, they will stay a bit below 32, but the water in their bodies will never crystallize, and thus they survive.

    There’s a bit of biology trivia for you.

    My usual boring signature: Nothing

  10. Apr 1st, 2018, 12:08 PM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Yes, if your point was that saying that the freezing point of (water, etc., etc.) is X (Kelvins, degrees Celsius, etc.), then that is a grossly oversimplified statement that doesn’t take into account other factors that can make the freezing point <> X

    But I doubt any of this is helping out the OP with their program.

  11. Apr 1st, 2018, 12:17 PM


    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    Generally you’re not talking about pure water (H2O) at that point. If the water has other things dissolved in, the common example being Salt water, then that lowers the point where it would freeze. And pressure also is a factor, but like most academic exercises, a nominal value is generally accepted or it would be quite difficult to resolve a solution.

  12. Apr 1st, 2018, 02:58 PM


    JustinJfair1 is offline

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    Re: Visual Studios chapter 4 challenge 9 freezing and boiling points

    It has Help out and was quite interesting

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  • Satellite A300-15 b battery reached its critical point

    That means: the battery has reached its critical point?

    I left the computer for the night and in the morning I found him screaming down and the message the battery reaches its critical.

    What it means?


    This means that the battery and (between 3-5% of the battery power) to a level which caused the closed laptop.

    You can change these settings in Vista power management.
    For example, you can set parameters that would let the laptop stop automatically if the battery is discharged to a certain extent.

  • StarForce — match — boiling Point

    Hello, my name is Adam.
    Christmas 2010, my mother bought me a game called boiling — Point Road to H E L L. The game worked perfectly. I borrowed the game from my cousin a year ago, and it has worked for me and him. But, recently, I took the game back because we have reinstalled Windows. And, when I install the game, it asks me to restart the computer. After that I restarted the computerand play the game, he wants me to restart the computer AGAIN. This continues all the time and I can’t play the game. As I have already said, the game worked PERFECTLY before, but now it just won’t let me play.
    When I restart the PC, a pop up window comes with something called «StarForce Controller» or something like that and saying things like Starforce controller is not compatible with this version of Windows, and games that use this version will not play without a patch.
    I don’t know if it’s like that, but I really want to play the game because miss me so much :( I hope you guys/girls helping me.
    If it helps, I have Windows XP.

    Get you StarForce, the error message when you try to start the game?

    Have you installed the patch? If this is not the case, do.

  • Laptop battery does not load after reaching a certain point

    Original title: battery

    Load wonn t the battery of MY laptop after reaching a certain point (sometimes after reaching 96% or 98%). It’s a few weeks I bought this laptop. What is wrong with him?

    Load wonn t the battery of MY laptop after reaching a certain point (sometimes after reaching 96% or 98%). It’s a few weeks I bought this laptop. What is wrong with him?

    Remove and reinstall the battery and check…

    If the problem persists

    CHCK the battery capacity… May be a problem with the battery

    If there is a problem with the battery, you can contact the manufacture for help/assistance/guarantee

    Tips to save battery

  • Update Adobe CC reaches 5% installation point and error reads as follows: «try to connect to the server…». »

    Update Adobe CC reaches 5% installation point and error reads as follows: «try to connect to the server…». »

    Thank you in advance for your response guys.

    Hi yusney,

    Please check the help below document:

    Kind regards


  • Regulator PID very slow to reach the value Point and zeros process Variable when it should not


    I am using a PID controller to regulate the emission of a filament current in an ion gauge, but I’m running into several problems.

    The first and less important, are the controller of PID VI takes at least 5 minutes to get the current where it needs to be.  Is it possible to speed this up?

    The second and more important, are that the PID controller tends to zero the process variable before you start the process of getting the close process of the target value variable.  This can be seen in the attached VI: I write 5.8 volts voltage filament — something I did at the beginning to try to get the controller PID for the process close to the target faster — value variable but when the PID controller starts to do his thing, he kills the tension before anything, rather than rise of 5.8 V.

    The attached VI is a single which has these problems.  VI actual ion gauge controller I’ve written has the same problems, but in a form even more frustrating.  I have a while loop set up for the filament voltage to where it should be (using a PID controller) first and foremost, then a loop of data acquisition, which also includes a feedback loop in the form of a PID regulator to maintain the filament voltage.  When the second PID controller starts to run, it concentrates the tension that the earlier had set, taking another 5 + minutes to reach the point where we can take data and giving us 5 minutes of false data in the process!

    Does anyone know why PID controllers are behaving like this, and what can I do to fix/work with this behavior?


    It seems that PID VI will always be 0 for the first iteration. You can, however, use the advanced PID VI and set up the first iteration in manual mode. After subsequent iterations, you could then define this automatic mode and there will be a transition smoothly. I think this will give you the desired behavior.


  • Congratualtions to Troy, who has just reached 60,000 points

    I think Brian has found appropriate words for you in his study VCP5 Guide:

    «I am amazed at the amount of knowledge that Troy and the level of detail that he was able to help me to this book.»

    It goes the same for communities.

    Absolutely outstanding!


    PS: in the future you have to be careful if. Unless I’m mistaken Jive uses a UINT16 data field to store the number of points. This means that as soon as you exceed 65 535 points that you will be — because of an overflow — find as a beginner (i.e. «from hero to zero»)!

    Thank you André!

    This was a great trip in a fantastic community.  I learned a lot of things on the way to fellow members of the community like you and appreciate acknowledgements!

    PS: in the future you have to be careful if. Unless I’m mistaken Jive uses a UINT16 data field to store the number of points. This means that as soon as you exceed 65 535 points that you will be — because of an overflow — find as a beginner (i.e. «from hero to zero»)!

    sounds like a challenge

  • Screen goes black when the unit reaches a point in 3d space.


    I’ve simplified a more complicated model to try to understand what is happening, but I can’t for the life of understand me. My camera starts to zoom in to a way of 3d layer in the distance. Everything’s fine until it reaches a certain point, then the screen goes black. The camera did not run in the layer, I don’t think that the lights have something to do with it. It just goes black. Any ideas?

    The first image is when the camera starts panning. The second is when the screen goes black. Note that the camera is still quite a distance between the 3d layer.

    Screen Shot 2011-12-01 at 12.46.04 AM.pngScreen Shot 2011-12-01 at 12.46.28 AM.png

    Thank you!

    If you turn on diagrams, you’ll see that your camera is not pointed at the level of the layers. I don’t know why you have animation camera rotation. You have the camera facing the path, is the point of interest to market? You may experience gimball lock.

    The best way to animate a camera must do 3D null parent. Now you have a camera on a cart. Gimbal lock is not a problem, point of interest is not a problem, and it’s easy.

  • problem with ioining several anchor points

    How can I more simple join a cloud of anchors to a path?

    I tried a few options of access road and joins, but none has managed to reach individual anchor points…

    Please help!

    See you soon

    These are all segments of open path?

    In this case try the ‘Join reasonably’ script of mustapha page: Scripts for Adobe Illustrator CS

    But you must select the same paths before applying the script via Select > same or the magic wand tool

  • Congratulations to WoodyZ for 50,000 points

    Hey, Woody.

    Congratulations on reaching 50,000 points. Thanks for the great contributions in support of the community.



    Post edited by: a.p. — seems the animation does not work. -> Click on the image.

    Thanks everyone for the congratulations!

    Post edited by: a.p. — seems the animation does not work. -> Click on the image.

    I wonder why as well as the animated .gif files I posted normally work.  I edited and lets see if it works now.

    Post edited by: WoodyZ — Nope, works very well in the window of response, but not once validated.   Maybe it’s this particular forum?

  • Problems using Cue points in video loop

    OK, so I want to use landmarks to navigate the video.  First, I simply loop the video of the end of the beginning.  I get an invalid error 1003 search.  Here is my code.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you


    Movie.addEventListener (MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, loopFunction);

    function loopFunction(e:MetadataEvent):void


    If ( is «end1»)


    Movie.seekToNavCuePoint («beginning1»);

    Movie.Play ();



    At least you get informed even if the search does not work.

    A quick workaround would be to iterate on landmarks than detect in the metadata, by assigning to each cue point name and time into an object. Once you reach the cue point you want, see if the object has the time value and seek() at the time for this landmark rather than searching for it by name.

    for example (written briefly, you see the idea):

    object to store time values

    var cuePointArr:Object = new Object();

    function onMetaData(infoObject:Object):void


    var cueIndex:String;

    for (cueIndex to infoObject.cuePoints)


    trace («cue add name [» + infoObject.cuePoints [cueIndex] .name + «] at the time [» + infoObject.cuePoints [cueIndex] .time + «]»);

    store as a name = time

    cuePointArr [infoObject.cuePoints [cueIndex] .name] = infoObject.cuePoints [cueIndex] .time;



    function loopFunction(e:MetadataEvent):void


    correct point of reference and has a value in cuePointArr?

    If (( == «end1») & (curPointArr []! = null))


    seek to time value

    Movie.Seek (Number (cuePointArr []));

    Movie.Play ();



    Lived 900 mph up to forgive the typos but turning it into a normal search based on the value of time should work for now.

  • How can I use Nav and duly points together?

    Hi team,

    I want to use the functionality of these two points of NAv and landmarks at the same time!  I’m cooking these points using first pro and I can’t have 2 different points (nav and cue) at the same place.  What about Actionscript cue points, what can they be used?

    Hich tips, I want to have a seek for this nav point and then do something when you reach the next point (which is also a point of nav)

    Is it just a matter of getting a framework of nav and cue point 1 apart?

    See you soon


    You can use cuepoints (timed) to call an actionscript function when they occur.  You can use (named) cuepoints for navigation within your video.

  • Strange, Neverending make Behavior in PProCS6

    Hi all

    I’ve known some behaviors strange rednering.  He started in a major project of the organization who knew another frequent problem, monitor source gel, but transferred him to a new project recently started base.

    If I select ‘Rendering effects’ or ‘ make all ‘, I get the same result.  Rendering starts and seems to proceed as normal, but if I look closely, the completion percentage starts to bounce back, same boucning between tenths and hundredths of point.  The total number of beign previews rendered also regularly develops being rendered.  When the percentage reached the end, 90% more, the bouncing back between the values seems to increase in frequency.  I decided to leave a project made overnight and it was still incomplete when I walked ten hours later.

    When one of these makes is cancelled, the entire work area remains unreturned in the timeline with a yellow or red bar.  Even though rendering is cancelled while that continues, the parts of the work that has been completed must appear as successfully made in the timeline panel.

    The rendering on the picture below, was «To make all the effects in the work area», made dissolves and the color correction.


    Hide my location on disk support and zero was almost complete before rendering, I have done today, I went and cleaned the two locations before you start rendering.  Alas, which has not changed the result of the final.  I made ‘without end’ running right now…

    As a work around the issue, I was just export the ‘final’ product for let me examine carefully without a lag or stutter due to lack of rendering.

    The media in two projects where I have seen this problem ranged from Ikegami MXF P2 and XDCAM EX.  All media in the current project, pictured above, is XDCAM EX sitting on a SSD internal flash drive.

    Here, all my system chart.  Let me know if you need other information

    Adobe Premiere Pro Version 6.0.1

    Total Code for Adobe Premiere Pro Version 6.0.2

    Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (64-bit)

    Processor Intel (r) Xeon (R) CPU X 5647 @ 2.93 GHz (2processors)

    Memory: 24 GB installed RAM

    Graphics NVidia Quadro 4000 card

    Thoughts anyone?


    Mystery solved!  Of course, after crossing the UN-installing/re-installing Adobe entire suite sentence, which proved to be of no consequence.

    All this boils down to the Total Code of third-party plug-ins for Adobe Premiere Pro Rovi.  I currently use version 6.0.2.  The plug-in is necessary for proeprly package our Ikegami MXF media as a clip with audio and video in improted in the body.  Any sequence based on a screening of Rovi Code Total will not be rendered successfully and tries to return to infinity.

    To create a sequence for a new project, I always determine which media type within the project will be dominant and then drag an item of this type to the ‘New element’ icon in the project window to create a sequence that must match the source element.  It seems with the Total Code in the mixture, any order created by this method of drag — move resulted in a Total of Code sequence function preset, which, in theory, is not a problem, but it is in reality.  Here are a few screenshots that add support to this description.

    Above are the parameters of the sequence from a sequence of Rovi Total Code created by a drag and drop of JVC HD media, which is structured the same XDCAM EX media.

    Above is a screenshot of a rendering of this sequence of Code Total that is described in the upper part of the image.  The number of images of X grows there permanently and the rendering will never reach an end point, but eventually fills all space available on the disk from Scratch.

    Before the rendering of the same video that was copied in a sequence created with a XDCAM EX sequence is pre-set.  The number of images to display fixed rest and make it reaches end as it should.  You may even notice that the sequence will update with the green line to ‘ complete ‘ being rendered.

    Above are the import settings that are currently enabled for the plugin Code Total.

    I tried the method of creation of sequence ‘New element’ drag and drop for our three main media types: XDCAM EX (JVC) and IKegami MXF P2 MXF.  Results a Total of Code «Preset» base sequence that will not be rendered.  I would avoid using this method for the creation of the sequence to avoid the problem.  I also intend ot inform Code Total of the bug in their package. Unless Adobe, you think he’s on your side?

    Thanks to all those who have taken a look at this question and Jim Simon for his efforts to solve the problems.


  • CAN´t Time Machine restore photo library

    Hi all

    I upgraded to the El Capitan Yosemite. Before I made a backup of the files I wanted to with Time Machine, among them was the photo library. Everything went normally, when I tried to reset the library, ‘walk back’ in Time Machine, I selected photo library file and began to recover, but whenever I do this operation he reached a certain point and opens the Finder error message, as shown in the image below.

    I tried to copy directly to the disc and it pops up the same error. Already looked everywhere and still cannot find a solution. I already have all the permissions.
    None of the solutions encountered solved my problem.

    Translation of the error message box: «Finder has not completed the operation because it was unable to read or write data to»Biblioteca do Fotografias.photolibrary».

    (Error code — 36).

    Post edited by: PAULOF21

    Finder — How to quickly fix the error Code-36 in the Finder of Mac OS X

    Finder — Mac error Code 36 during file transfer

    Finder — Solution Finder «error code — 36 in 10.6 in the copy

    Finder — What to do about error-36 and other errors of i/o in OS X

  • Software to install itunes does not work

    I tried to re install iTunes after a delete, but the installation reaches a certain point, I get a message saying «there is a problem with your windows package install.» A program required for this installation could not be performed, contact your provider staff or the support package»I searched google to try to find what software I need, but all I get is links to iTunes.

    Hello Vbabe,

    If you need help installing iTunes for Windows 7 on your PC, take a look at the resource below:

    If you can’t install or update iTunes for Windows

    Take care

  • drat


    I catch huge fish.

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    • #2

    Yeah, I get the same as you, B.


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    • #3

    thats weird ,
    my answer key says B



    Denist (future)

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    • #4

    Yea, I was pretty sure the answer was B, I guess for some reason my answer key was a little different, oh well. Thanks for checking me guys.



    Just Kidding

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    • #5

    I work through the problem, and I also got B. HOWEVER, I can see why it would be. It would be C, IF THE SOLUTE DISSOCIATE. THAT MAKES SENSE BECAUSE IT IS COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES. SO A MOLECULE THAT DISSOCIATES ACTUALY COUNTS AS TWO. The adjustment for this is calle the Van Hoft’s Factor.

    So, the equation really ought to be

    delta t = (van hoft factor) (Kb) (molality)

    In my experience with Top Score, most of their answers are really legit. I don’t remember them have wrong answers.

    Hope this helps.



    I catch huge fish.

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    • #6

    jk5177 said:

    I work through the problem, and I also got B. HOWEVER, I can see why it would be. It would be C, IF THE SOLUTE DISSOCIATE. THAT MAKES SENSE BECAUSE IT IS COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES. SO A MOLECULE THAT DISSOCIATES ACTUALY COUNTS AS TWO. The adjustment for this is calle the Van Hoft’s Factor.

    So, the equation really ought to be

    delta t = (van hoft factor) (Kb) (molality)

    In my experience with Top Score, most of their answers are really legit. I don’t remember them have wrong answers.

    Hope this helps.

    This is exactly right…Did the question specify a salt?

    But someone mentioned their Topscore had B as the correct answer???

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