Bmw e60 ошибка sos

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Добрый вечер, кто знает как можно избавиться от назойливой ошибки SOS call system failure(на приборке перечеркнутая трубка SOS)? Rheingold пишет «Неисправность в внутреннем модуле телефона» сервисные функции и сбросы ничем помочь не могут не пробовал только адаптацию но вряд ли поможет, при этом блютуз(громкая связь) и звук отлично работают. Восстанавливать ее работоспособность смысла для меня нет поэтому решил удалить эту опцию с этим возникли проблемы…

Что я уже пробовал:

1.Стер S612 S616 с всех блоков Хотел и S633 но хотелось бы что бы громкая связь осталась, есть идея что бы стереть S633 только с KOMBI ещё есть S6AA и S6AB отвечающие за телесервисы но пока не трогал их)

2. Менял эти кодировки в блоке TCU
BACKUP_ANTENNA nicht_aktiv
HANG_UP_E-CALL nicht_aktiv
TELEMATIC_E-CALL nicht_aktiv
TELEMATIC_B-CALL nicht_aktiv

3. Разобрал на всякий блок TCU, залития не обнаружил

Какие идеи есть?

P.S Фото не мое, у меня рестовый M-ASK

Решилось удалением опции S633 из блока KOMBI и кодировкой TCU(список выше), кнопка стала не активной(можно заюзать для чего-то xD), ошибка в Rheingold осталась но на приборке и центральном экране ее больше нет, блютуз как работал так и работает

  1. krujik1990

    11 май 2018

    Доброе Утро друзья!У меня вчера произошла нестандартная проблема))В багажнике стояла баклажка 20л с водой,в итоге она была немного дырявая и за 2 часа пути затопило полностью отсек для запаски,в котором собственно и лежал блок BLUETOOTH или Gsm хрен его знает что это такое!В итоге на табле загорелось ошибка SOS CALL SYSTEM.
    Я разобрал полностью этот блочок просушил его!Вопрос в чем там идет к нему какой то оранжевый провод припаянный колхозно фото прикладываю в сообщение!Обьясните пожалуйста что это за провод и нужно ли его обратно припаивать?И еще какой то шлейф белый не был подключен никуда!
    Как погасить ошибку рейнгольдом?


  2. Jon Johnson 1987

    3 июн 2018

    Такая ситуация горит SOS И Bluetooth не работает как это починить или только замена блока? Цена?
    BMW x5 e70 3.5sd 2008

  3. Проще всего, блок выкинуть, закодировать без опций связанных с телефоном. Я так и сделал, ну и панельку света так где кнопка SOS заменил на панель без кнопки, что бы не стояла не рабочая кнопка.

  4. Jon Johnson 1987

    3 июн 2018

    Спасибо но хотелось чтобы работало Bluetooth т.к usb

  5. Просто эти блоки «Bluetooth» часто и густо отваливаются, наверное уже от возраста, у меня не было USB, поэтому и терять особо не чего было, но я решил для себя проблему подключения музыки при помощи линейного входа и хорошего адаптера BlueTooth с блоком питания, теперь музыка с телефона хоть онлайн хоть скаченная, плюс слышу звонок и команды яндекс навигатора на любом уровне громкости играющей музыки. Тут важно одно приобрести нормальный адаптер.

  6. Jon Johnson 1987

    3 июн 2018

    Очень интересно а может пожалуйста фото или ссылку на адаптер который вы мне посоветовали и процесс подключения пожалуйста

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Дорогие друзья, сегодня мы расскажем о проблеме, с которой часто сталкиваются владельцы BMW F и G поколений. Речь пойдет об отказе функции экстренного вызова. Неисправность сопровождается индикацией «Системная ошибка экстренного вызова» на приборной панели. Наиболее распространенными причинами отказа функционала является неисправность в работе блока телематики.

Системная ошибка экстренного вызова  Системная ошибка экстренного вызова

Телематический блок связи повсеместно устанавливается на автомобили БМВ. В зависимости от комплектации и поколения это может быть блок TCB (Telematic Communication Box) или более современный ATM (Advanced Telematics Module) с расширенным функционалом. Телематическая система связи позволяет осуществлять мониторинг и управление автомобилем. Одна из главных ее функций – возможность осуществления электронного вызова в случае экстренной ситуации, включая дорожно-транспортные происшествия. По этой причине блоки TCB/ATM оснащены аварийной батареей, которая обеспечит его работу в случае повреждения основной АКБ.

В числе основных функций блока телематики: электронный экстренный вызов, услуги TeleService BMW, Служба BMW Assist и службы сервиса BMW Online, службы BMW Remote и другие. Также модуль позволяет пользоваться навигацией и популярными сервисами ConnectedDrive. Связь обеспечивают встроенные в блок антенны GSM и GPS, а также встроенная SIM-карта. Для экстренного вызова предусмотрены: кнопка вызова, аварийный динамик и микрофон громкой связи.

При появлении каких-либо проблем в работе телематического модуля, ЭБУ оповещает об этом водителя соответствующей индикацией. Кроме экстренного вызова, перестают работать и прочие связанные функции, включая навигацию, что может стать неприятной неожиданностью для автовладельца.
Среди распространенных причин конкретной неисправности – повреждение блока телематики. К примеру, модуль ATM расположен на крыше автомобиля под «плавником», который не отличается повышенной герметичностью. Влага, попавшая под «плавник», приводит к окислению контактов и выходу из строя модуля. В этом случае необходима замена блока телематики БМВ на новый. В большинстве же случаев появление ошибки в работе модуля сигнализирует о вышедшем из строя аварийном аккумуляторе. Средний срок службы аккумулятора составляет 3 года. Однако практика показывает, что с такой проблемой сталкиваются владельцы и недавно приобретенных автомобилей. Неисправность часто дает о себе знать с наступлением холодов, поскольку в это время возрастает нагрузка на АКБ.

Системная ошибка экстренного вызова bmw

Замена аккумулятора телематики БМВ является трудоемкой процедурой, требует строгого соблюдения инструкций TIS и демонтажа многочисленных элементов салона. Процедура замены аккумулятора в блоке TCB чуть проще, так как чаще всего он располагается в багажном отделении. Что же касается модуля ATM, то он находится под обшивкой крыши автомобиля. Если автомобиль БМВ выполнен в кузове «универсал», эта задача усложняется. Неаккуратно произведенная работа может привести к повреждениям электроники и обшивки. Однозначно, доверять выполнение таких процедур следует квалифицированным специалистам с аналогичным опытом.

Еще одним вариантом устранения проблемы является программное отключение функции экстренного вызова. Тогда замена аварийной батареи модуля телематики не потребуется. Некоторые владельцы выбирают данный способ, как наиболее быстрый и экономичный.

Если Вы столкнулись с неисправной работой блока телематики БМВ, обращайтесь в технический центр BMW-STO!

У нас Вы сможете:
— выполнить диагностику ЭБУ автомобиля;
— произвести замену аккумулятора в блоке TCB или ATM;
— произвести замену телематического блока на новый;
— выполнить кодирование ЭБУ, включая адаптацию телематики после замены аккумулятора или установки нового блока.

Как производятся работы по устранению неисправности телематического блока?

Перед началом работ с помощью диагностического оборудования считывается уровень заряда аварийной батареи и производится проверка работы телематического блока. По результатам диагностики происходит замена аварийной батареи или поврежденного модуля. После замены выполняется программирование блока TCB/ATM, наши специалисты устанавливают обновления в режиме Online и проверяют функциональность электронных систем. В процессе работ используются оригинальные комплектующие БМВ и актуальные обновления ПО.

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12-04-2021, 08:06 AM


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Location: South Korea

SOS Call System Failure (PLEASE help!)

Hello everyone. I just got this «SOS Call System Failure» message on the dashboard and headunit. This is scaring me because the car is only 3 years old.

I currently drive a 330i f30, year 2018.

The only modifications/tuning I have done was adding an amplifier to the car for the audio system, which has been running fine for the past two months, replacing the stock amp. I feel like this may be the only issue that may have caused this error message?

I also have upgraded to an M Performance Exhaust. Highly believe this wouldn’t be an issue.

I have gone through the error list on BimmerCode if that can be of any help.

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12-04-2021, 08:09 AM


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The backup battery probably needs to be replaced. Do a search, it’s been posted about recently.


12-04-2021, 08:16 AM


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Originally Posted by Billfitz
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The backup battery probably needs to be replaced. Do a search, it’s been posted about recently.

Do you think it’s most definitely a hardware issue or software issue because I coded some simple things via bimmercode?

I’m currently out of my warranty phase. How much do you think this would cost bringing it into the dealership?


12-04-2021, 09:49 AM


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Backup battery in the roof above rear brake light. Mine just crapped out at 37 months (14000 miles).
Replaced myself. Go to dealer for part…superseded item. You DO need Carly or something else to code off the error message.


12-05-2021, 01:58 AM



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you can deactivate the fault or u change the battery


12-07-2021, 07:16 AM


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iyad.nasser's Avatar

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change the battery if you dont want then let me code it out for you


12-07-2021, 07:48 AM



chowser51's Avatar


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see if it’s covered by warranty to replace the battery. it needs to be changed or the error coded out.


12-09-2021, 12:47 PM



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How would it be possible to code it out?


12-12-2021, 02:01 AM


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Originally Posted by pjkbrit
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Backup battery in the roof above rear brake light. Mine just crapped out at 37 months (14000 miles).
Replaced myself. Go to dealer for part…superseded item. You DO need Carly or something else to code off the error message.

Thank you so much! I was able to fix this issue by replacing the battery by opening up the SOS battery compartment.

All you need to do is pop the rear light compartment open above the backseats on the roof. That is where the sos battery compartment is. Becareful when taking it off because you can break the pieces, especially the center clip.

Once you pop it off, use a t-25 screw to pop off the two screws and then pull the roof down that is also clipped by two clips. Pull down the roof and you’ll see the battery compartment. Replace and then code it out with BimmerLink.


12-12-2021, 02:02 AM


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Originally Posted by daschacka
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How would it be possible to code it out?

You can use the BinmerLink app to code it out as it also scans for any error codes. Any other app like Cary works too I am pretty sure.


12-12-2021, 11:51 AM



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Glad it can be coded out. I don’t have a problem with mine at the moment but would be good for future reference since my car is a 2014 so it’s going to happen sometime.

Does anyone know what needs to be coded via E-Sys to code it out? I assume it’s a case of removing 619 from VO but then what modules need to be coded after? Or is it easier to just FDL code the relevant modules?


12-12-2021, 01:24 PM


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Originally Posted by Zheez
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Glad it can be coded out. I don’t have a problem with mine at the moment but would be good for future reference since my car is a 2014 so it’s going to happen sometime.

Does anyone know what needs to be coded via E-Sys to code it out? I assume it’s a case of removing 619 from VO but then what modules need to be coded after? Or is it easier to just FDL code the relevant modules?

I’ve just done a quick search on Google and it seems like people are able to code out the SOS via a quick code line.

I would just invest into BimmerLink w/ a recommended compatible OBD2 adapter so it just saves you all the work of deeper coding.

2014 and no problems w/ the battery so far is going long and strong it seems like. For future reference, the OEM battery product # is 84102447710. I can’t believe mine died as I’m on my 3rd year of ownership for my f30. I think they die faster when you are living in cold environments.


12-12-2021, 04:52 PM


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Originally Posted by simplyeric
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I would just invest into BimmerLink w/ a recommended compatible OBD2 adapter so it just saves you all the work of deeper coding.

Bimmerlink is for diagnosis and repair. Bimmercode is for coding. I can’t imagine not having Bimmercode. it’s worth the price just to get rid of the legal disclaimer every time you start the car.


01-07-2022, 01:38 PM


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I have same problem , but my friend code out


01-07-2022, 07:52 PM



fe7565's Avatar


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Will code out error, not fix it.

Worked for my NBT:

KOMBI => ST_ECAL_ALIVE = nicht_aktiv
KOMBI => ST_ECAL_TIMEOUT = nicht_aktiv

Some also had to add this:

HO-word TELD to the VO and code CMB_MEDIA and KOMBI.

This is for cars with TCM:

TCM_ALIVE_MONITOR -> nicht_aktiv
TCM_ID_MONITOR -> nicht_aktiv


01-08-2022, 12:12 PM



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Originally Posted by fe7565
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Will code out error, not fix it.

Worked for my NBT:

KOMBI => ST_ECAL_ALIVE = nicht_aktiv
KOMBI => ST_ECAL_TIMEOUT = nicht_aktiv

Some also had to add this:

HO-word TELD to the VO and code CMB_MEDIA and KOMBI.

This is for cars with TCM:

TCM_ALIVE_MONITOR -> nicht_aktiv
TCM_ID_MONITOR -> nicht_aktiv

This wont work. Error will come back


01-08-2022, 09:50 PM



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Originally Posted by elthox
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This wont work. Error will come back

Sorry to hear that it did not work for you. It worked for me on my retrofit NBT_HU.


01-11-2022, 01:12 PM



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Hi, maybe you know. Is possible to test «sos call system» without pressing the sos button? ISTA maybe?


01-11-2022, 02:01 PM


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My SOS issue is driving me crazy! Over the last few months, I’ve been having trouble accessing any of the connected services (Update BMW Assist grayed out)from the car. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It will magically start working after I’ve been driving for about 30 minutes. When it doesn’t, I get a SOS malfunction for about 3 seconds once per engine cycle, as if it’s the low temperature warning, usually within 10-20 minutes.

When I scan, the only error that seems to be related is E14600. I’ve removed the ATM a few times now to make sure everything is plugged in properly.

The ATM was replaced by the dealer with the upgraded 4G module back in May. The messages did not start until about 5 months after it was replaced. I’ve replaced the battery in the ATM just in case, but it had no impact.

Any idea why my car connected sometimes and not others?

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01-11-2022, 02:04 PM


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Originally Posted by joesid
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My SOS issue is driving me crazy! Over the last few months, I’ve been having trouble accessing any of the connected services (Update BMW Assist grayed out)from the car. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It will magically start working after I’ve been driving for about 30 minutes. When it doesn’t, I get a SOS malfunction for about 3 seconds once per engine cycle, as if it’s the low temperature warning, usually within 10-20 minutes.

When I scan, the only error that seems to be related is E14600. I’ve removed the ATM a few times now to make sure everything is plugged in properly.

The ATM was replaced by the dealer with the upgraded 4G module back in May. The messages did not start until about 5 months after it was replaced. I’ve replaced the battery in the ATM just in case, but it had no impact.

Any idea why my car connected sometimes and not others?

So as a quick update, I was able to finally resolve the issue with what everyone suggested:

Removed the battery from the compartment located under the shark antenna (Youtube). Replaced the battery and coded it out via BimmerLink. It was that simple.

No issues whatsoever on the SoS message!

Also if you are living in colder climates like I do, the battery does seem to die faster apparently.


02-01-2022, 01:31 AM



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If 3G Cellular is being sunset in your part of the world, many BMW Connected Drive features will stop working for cars with 3G Modems (pre-2016ish). It may cause the SOS Malfunction. Magic date in the US is February 2022. Mine popped up on 1/31/2022. Some cars can be upgraded with 4G HW and some can’t…BMW should have figured out a custom workaround with a new telematics 4G unit.

I had my roof wrapped in CF vinyl, and the shark fin wasn’t sealed. So there were leaks when going through laser car washes through the antenna and the third brake light. BMW put the telematics module under the shark fin (sometimes it was mounted in the trunk). Stooooopid. Water damage might effect all your calling and bluetooth features. Telematics unit is $600, but it has to be coded to the VIN. Another antenna module is under the shark fin.

A rechargeable Li-Ion backup battery is also installed in the telematics unit that can be replaced easily ($90). My battery is 7 years old. I think if you read the codes, it will indicate if the battery is past its expected life, as if it is tracking the battery expiration date.



04-10-2022, 02:14 PM


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Originally Posted by nyc_dude
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If 3G Cellular is being sunset in your part of the world, many BMW Connected Drive features will stop working for cars with 3G Modems (pre-2016ish). It may cause the SOS Malfunction. Magic date in the US is February 2022. Mine popped up on 1/31/2022. Some cars can be upgraded with 4G HW and some can’t…BMW should have figured out a custom workaround with a new telematics 4G unit.

I had my roof wrapped in CF vinyl, and the shark fin wasn’t sealed. So there were leaks when going through laser car washes through the antenna and the third brake light. BMW put the telematics module under the shark fin (sometimes it was mounted in the trunk). Stooooopid. Water damage might effect all your calling and bluetooth features. Telematics unit is $600, but it has to be coded to the VIN. Another antenna module is under the shark fin.

A rechargeable Li-Ion backup battery is also installed in the telematics unit that can be replaced easily ($90). My battery is 7 years old. I think if you read the codes, it will indicate if the battery is past its expected life, as if it is tracking the battery expiration date.


So, if the error code is due to the cessation of 3G, what WILL remove the warning, if anything?

The BMW SOS call system is an advanced safety feature that allows the driver to quickly and easily call for assistance in an emergency. The system uses cellular and GPS technology to send an emergency call and the vehicle’s location to the BMW call center. When the BMW SOS call system malfunctions, it indicates an issue with the system preventing it from working properly.

Is a BMW SOS malfunction message displayed on your iDrive screen? The most common issues are a software glitch, a fault in the SOS control module, or a Bluetooth pairing issue. Learn how to fix the problem by following the procedures below.


When the SOS call system fails, it will warn the driver with a crossed-out  SOS call malfunction warning light on the dashboard. In some models, the iDrive system will not respond to any commands. Warning chimes might be disabled as well.

What Causes BMW SOS Call System Malfunction?


All units, such as amplifiers, SOS modules, or head-unit, are connected with an optic cable in one loop. This improves signal quality and reduces interference. On the downside, if one component fails, all other devices within the loop will be disconnected.

  • Programming Glitch: The SOS call system is a complex system controlled by software. If there is an error in the programming, it can cause the system to malfunction.
  • Control Module Failure: The control module is the electronic component that manages the SOS call system. If the control module fails, it can prevent the system from functioning properly.
  • Bluetooth Pairing Issues: The SOS call system uses Bluetooth technology to communicate with the driver’s phone. If there is an issue with the pairing between the driver’s phone and the SOS call system, it can prevent the system from working.
  • Communication Error: The SOS call system uses cellular and GPS technology to send an emergency call and the vehicle’s location. If there is an issue with the communication of these technologies, it can prevent the system from working.
  • Satellite Radio: A faulty satellite radio is the most common cause by far. Depending on the model, it is located in the trunk, either on the side or under a floor cover. Although the satellite radio can be repaired, replacing it with a working used unit is much easier. Another approach is installing a universal fiber optic bypass loop, which is cheaper if you don’t use the satellite radio.
  • iDrive: Head-unit, CCC, CIC, or NBT, can suffer from various issues. Some failures can shut down the head unit or cause communication problems within the fiber-optic loop. This will trigger an SOS call malfunction warning light. Also, check the fuses at the backside of the unit.
  • Amplifier: Like with the head unit, a faulty amplifier or Bluetooth module will bring down all the systems within this loop. These two units are located under a floor cover. The fiber-optic bypass loop can be used to pinpoint the faulty component. Also, check the fuses at the side of the units.
  • Fiber Optic Cable: On some rare occasions, the fiber-optic cable can suffer from damage. This can happen while some other work is done to the car in the area this cable runs from.

A certified technician must inspect the vehicle to diagnose the problem and fix it promptly, as a malfunctioning SOS call system can prevent the driver from receiving the necessary assistance in an emergency.

BMW SOS Call System Explained


Many modern BMWs are equipped with an SOS call system, sometimes an intelligent emergency call system. The purpose of this feature is to assist a driver everywhere and at any time. It sends the location and relevant information to the BMW Assist response center. A response specialist can then contact police and EMT services, saving critical time.

The SOS button is located above the rear-view mirror and opens the cover. Pressing a red SOS button will activate the system, and a green LED will illuminate. The response specialists will contact the driver and determine what help is needed. The specialist can request dispatch of emergency services to the location, notify emergency contacts on file linked to BMW roadside assistance, and, if appropriate, provide emergency directions to the nearest police station and hospital.

Crash sensors activate an emergency call to the BMW call center in an accident. Car location, possible injuries, and other information needed for planning the deployment of emergency services are sent automatically. The response specialist will assess the situation and take the necessary steps to assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clear a BMW SOS call system failure?

Disconnect the positive terminal of the battery and wait for a few seconds. Then restore the power and start your vehicle.

What happens when you press the SOS button?

When you press the SOS button on a BMW, it sends an emergency call and the vehicle’s location to the BMW call center. The call center will contact the local emergency services and provide them with the vehicle’s location.
The SOS button is usually located on the ceiling or the center console of the vehicle, and it is usually a red button. Pressing the button initiates a two-way voice call to the BMW call center, which is staffed by trained personnel who will speak with the driver and assess the situation. They will then dispatch the appropriate emergency services, such as ambulances or the police, to the vehicle’s location. They will also contact BMW Roadside Assistance to provide further assistance if required.
Once the SOS call is made, a notification is sent to the BMW call center that the vehicle is in an emergency. If the driver cannot speak, the call center can still locate the vehicle and send emergency services to the location.
It’s important to note that the SOS button is not a substitute for calling 911 and should only be used in emergencies where immediate assistance is required.

What to do when you accidentally press the SOS button?

You can end the call by pressing the button and holding it for a few seconds.

We hope you find the BMW SOS Call System Malfunction guide helpful. Check these troubleshooting and repair guides for more help on your BMW.

  • Rushit Hila • ASE Certified

    Rushit Hila, an ASE-certified engineer (G1 Automotive Maintenance and Repair), brings over two decades of hands-on experience in the automotive world to his writing. With a strong educational background, including a Master of Science in Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, he has honed his skills and expertise through years of practical work. As a respected authority in the field, Mr. Hila is dedicated to offering insightful and valuable content that resonates with both vehicle owners and mechanics.

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