Bms xiaomi m365 ошибки

Ошибки можно считать в трех местах
1) Приложение, если удается подключиться к BLE модулю, что чаще всего не возможно, там же изредка бывает и расшифровка ошибки
2) Писк в виде длинных и коротких сигналов
3) Зеленый светодиод на основном контроллере самоката

все ошибки двузначные, длинные сигналы – первая цифра, короткие – вторая цифра, по количеству.

Большая часть кодов получена из анализа кода прошивки и экспериментальным путем, возможны неточности. Коды приведены для прошивки v1.3.0, в других версиях возможны изменения.

10 – Ошибка коммуникации с головным модулем
11, 12, 13, 28, 29 – Ошибки калибровки датчиков тока или проблемы с силовыми ключами.
14, 15 – Ошибки ручки акселератора и ручки тормоза
18 – Ошибка датчиков Холла
21 – Ошибка обмена данными с BMS
22, 23 – Ошибкисерийного номера BMS
24 – Не верное питающее напряжение
27 – Не верный серийный номер. На практике означает, что контроллер не был активирован и требуется сервисная процедура, доступная на фабрике, в сервис-центрах и некоторым дилерам.
39 – Аналогично предыдущему, но в случае если контроллер активировали не правильно
36 – Ошибка датчика температуры батери или перегрев
40 – Ошибка датчика температуры контроллера или перегрев

Других кодов при анализе прошивки найдено не было, значения уточняются, страница будет обновляться.

Vladimir Lavrulin


Posted: 14 january 2020, 21:03

Errors can be counted in three places.

1) An application, if it is possible to connect to the BLE module, which is most often not possible, the error decryption is also occasionally there

2) Squeak in the form of long and short signals

3) Green LED on the main scooter controller

all errors are two-digit, long signals are the first digit, short ones are the second digit, in quantity.

Most of the codes are obtained from the analysis of the firmware code and experimentally, inaccuracies are possible. The codes are for firmware v1.3.0, other versions are subject to change.

  • 10 Communication with the panel is anomalous
  • 11 Phase A of the motor current is abnormal
  • 12 Phase B of the motor current is abnormal
  • 13 Phase C of the motor current is abnormal
  • 14 Acceleration sensor reading is abnormal
  • 15 Brake sensor read is abnormal
  • 18 Motor sensor read is abnormal
  • 21 Communication error with the BMS
  • 22 Bad BMS password
  • 23 Serial number of the anomalous BMS
  • 24 Abnormal system voltage
  • 26 Save operation in the Flash memory is wrong, please check the controller
  • 27 Bad controller password
  • 28 Some state of the MOSFET is anomalous
  • 29 Low status of the MOSFET is anomalous
  • 31 Program jump error
  • 35 Serial number of the scooter is wrong
  • 39 Temperature of the battery sensor is abnormal
  • 40 Sensor temperature of the controller is abnormal

Posted: 13 july 2019, 17:47

Ответ пользователю

Conejo : 10 july 2019, 12:58

на это сообщение (развернуть)

Вот этим приложениемобязательно свежей версией из Play Market)…

I did not understand exactly what these files are for.

What does it mean «ForceUid»?

Is it for error 22?

Thank you

Answers: 1

Posted: 13 july 2019, 21:57

Ответ пользователю

Frenchy-m365 : 13 july 2019, 17:47

на это сообщение (развернуть)

I did not understand exactly what these files are for.What does it mean «ForceUid»?Is it for error 22?Thank you

I did not understand exactly what these files are for.

What does it mean «ForceUid»?

Is it for error 22?

Thank you

Yes, these files fix error 22.

Answers: 1


Posted: 14 july 2019, 19:15

Ответ пользователю

Conejo : 13 july 2019, 21:57

на это сообщение (развернуть)

Yes, these files fix error 22.

Yes, these files fix error 22.

Is it possible to flash clone bms B 3664 10s with this file ,without stlink ,just with m365 downG ,for fix error 22 ?

Because with st link the process is very difficult and and very long .


Posted: 17 july 2019, 12:35

what is the firmware bms 1.26 for? What does it bring and especially for what model of scooter (pro or normal)?

Posted: 28 september 2020, 19:22

hello, I have a controller with error 13. Problem on phase C. I deleted the 2 mosfets but the error is still present. I have controlled the components of phase C but for the moment I have not found any problem.

You have a Idea?

Answers: 1

Posted: 28 september 2020, 21:42

@Frenchy-m365, check the MOSFET control drivers (U1C) and their body kit. The MOSFETs were replaced or the circuit was switched on without a MOSFET in phase C? When checking the phase wires of the motor wheel were connected to the ESC or only Hall sensors?


Posted: 28 september 2020, 22:13

With older mosfet  i have error 13 .

After i check without mosfet in phase C and error 13 stay .

i check with all phase wire and hall sensor

I compared the values of u1c with u1b and I didn’t notice any difference.

I also checked the resistance and the diodes of phase C.

Posted: 28 september 2020, 23:44

[quote message=184003]Frenchy-m365 написал(а) 28 september 2020, 22:13

With older mosfet  i have error 13 .

After i check without mosfet in phase C and error 13 stay .


What about the new MOSFETs?

Look for broken tracks on the Board.

Answers: 1

Posted: 29 september 2020, 7:03

Ответ пользователю

tak1973 : 28 september 2020, 23:44

на это сообщение (развернуть)

[quote message=184003]With older mosfet  i have error 13 .After i check without mosfet in phase C and error 13 stay .[/quote]What about the new MOSFETs?Look for broken tracks on the Board.

[quote message=184003]Frenchy-m365 написал(а) 28 september 2020, 22:13

With older mosfet  i have error 13 .

After i check without mosfet in phase C and error 13 stay .


What about the new MOSFETs?

Look for broken tracks on the Board.

Ok,i not have time this day,but when i find ,i write return here .

Thank you.

Posted: 30 september 2020, 2:19

Ответ пользователю

Frenchy-m365 : 28 september 2020, 19:22

на это сообщение (развернуть)

hello, I have a controller with error 13. Problem on phase C. I deleted the 2 mosfets but the error is still present. I have controlled the components of phase C but for the moment I have not found…

hello, I have a controller with error 13. Problem on phase C. I deleted the 2 mosfets but the error is still present. I have controlled the components of phase C but for the moment I have not found any problem.

You have a Idea?

Check U1 and all components around it.  Make sure there is a connection between U1 and CPU/STM (MK13/MK14/MK15).


are you checked R7C?


Posted: 30 september 2020, 21:03

it was the R3C component that was causing the problem.

I saw that there are 2 different references for this component.

Either 47ohm or 56ohm.

The phase a and b was originally with 56 ohm and on the C I had a 47 ohm.

I looked at the dead motherboards that I had and some with a 47 ohm other 56 ohm.

When I replaced with a 56 ohm it was ok, no more error 13.


Posted: 30 september 2020, 21:04


Posted: 01 october 2020, 1:50

@Frenchy-m365, usually, if R3 dies, then U1 also dies. Check U1 carefully.

The size of R3 depends on the Ciss of the MOSFETs and Io+ the driver.

Compare the MOSFETs and drivers on these two boards.

Usually, under FAN7842, R3 is set to 56 Omh, and under MT8006A, R3 can be set to 47 Omh.

Answers: 2


Posted: 03 october 2020, 10:21

I returned the card. There were custom HY4008P mosfets. I never saw a dead u1. Strangely this card I had repaired with a r3c 47 ohm (I did not know that there were 2 options) it is fine  worked like this for 1 month. The person he had, used engine brake on strong and firmware 65A Oleg. This is after that he got error 13.

it would be necessary to vary the value of this resistor according to the mosfet to use? And for R2x?

Posted: 04 october 2020, 9:28

[quote message=185158]Frenchy-m365 написал(а) 03 october 2020, 10:21Strangely this card I had repaired with a r3c 47 ohm[/quote]

Apparently, the R3C broke down when shaking, and not due to excessive power dissipation when a large current was flowing.

[quote message=185158]Frenchy-m365 написал(а) 03 october 2020, 10:21it would be necessary to vary the value of this resistor according to the mosfet to use? And for R2x?[/quote]

There isn’t much difference between 56Ohm and 47Ohm to pay any attention to. In any case, all three of R3x must be the same in resistance. As well as R2x among themselves.

R3 needs five to six times more resistance relative to R9 in order to more reliably eliminate the two lower FETs simultaneously pressed against the «-BAT» every time the phases are switched to the 120-degree angle of rotation of the motor wheel.

Answers: 1


Posted: 19 october 2020, 11:38

Ответ пользователю

tak1973 : 01 october 2020, 1:50

на это сообщение (развернуть)

@Frenchy-m365, usually, if R3 dies, then U1 also dies. Check U1 carefully.The size of R3 depends on the Ciss of the MOSFETs and Io+ the driver.Compare the MOSFETs and drivers on these two…

@Frenchy-m365, usually, if R3 dies, then U1 also dies. Check U1 carefully.

The size of R3 depends on the Ciss of the MOSFETs and Io+ the driver.

Compare the MOSFETs and drivers on these two boards.

Usually, under FAN7842, R3 is set to 56 Omh, and under MT8006A, R3 can be set to 47 Omh.

hello, the card is repairing by changing r3 is still broken. I checked r3c (which seemed ok) and I changed it again. The error 13 c is stopped. I put the controller back on the trott, and again error 13 … When you talk about u1, are you talking about u1x (a, b, c)? Because there is also a component named u1 on the board. I checked with the multimeter u1c and it does not give a value really abnormal. If you confirm for u1c, I will change it. Thank you for all the explanations and the table, concerning r3 / r2, really you are very well informed!

Posted: 19 october 2020, 13:55

Posted: 19 october 2020, 23:49

I try to check around u1,but i have 2.1 board and it s différents components.

Thé shematics IS not the same .

Answers: 1

Posted: 20 october 2020, 0:27

Ответ пользователю

Frenchy-m365 : 19 october 2020, 23:49

на это сообщение (развернуть)

I try to check around u1,but i have 2.1 board and it s différents components.Thé shematics IS not the same .

I try to check around u1,but i have 2.1 board and it s différents components.

Thé shematics IS not the same .

U1 (LMV324) has 4 amplifiers (only 3 are used).  All outputs (#1 / #7 / #8) must have the same voltage.  Since you have «Error 13», then the voltage on pin #7 is different from the rest outputs (#1 & #8). Look for the reason.


or no connection between pin #7 U1 & pin #15 U6


Posted: 20 october 2020, 0:37

[quote message=188429]Frenchy-m365 написал(а) 19 october 2020, 11:38When you talk about u1, are you talking about u1x (a, b, c)?[/quote]

No, we are talking about U1 — LMV324


Этот самокат не просто пищит, это он после диагностики выдает код ошибки. На сайте есть статья по ремонту электросамоката Xiaomi. Самокат пищит длинными и короткими писками. Длинные писки это первая цифра, а короткие писки это вторая цифра. Получаем двузначное число кода ошибки. Далее привожу расшифровку кодов ошибок самоката, что нашел в интернете.

10 – Ошибка коммуникации с головным модулем
11, 12, 13, 28, 29 – Ошибки калибровки датчиков тока или проблемы с силовыми ключами.
14 — Ошибка ручки газа
15 — Ошибка тормоза
18 – Ошибка датчиков Холла
21 – Ошибка обмена данными с BMS
22, 23 – Ошибки серийного номера BMS
24 – Не верное питающее напряжение
27 – Не верный серийный номер. На практике означает, что контроллер не был
активирован и требуется сервисная процедура, доступная на фабрике, в
сервис-центрах и некоторым дилерам.
39 – Аналогично предыдущему, но в случае если контроллер активировали не правильно
35 — ?
36 – Ошибка датчика температуры батареи или перегрев
40 – Ошибка датчика температуры контроллера или перегрев

Предлагаю высчитать по этому примеру код ошибки, и тогда точно поймем с чем неисправность.

If the Xiaomi M365 or M365 Pro electric scooter soundly stops working while riding and starts beeping, then it indicates that an internal error has happened. Down below is the complete list of the errors that can happen and how to decode the problem.

How to find the error that has happened with your Xiaomi M365?

There are three ways to get the error code from the electric scooter, using a mobile app, decoding the beeping sound, or if the scooter has a display, the number shown.

A mobile app

If you have a Bluetooth connection available then you can use either the official mobile app, MI Home, or the third-party app m365 tools to get the code. 

M365 is a tool available for Android users that allows for a couple of other things as well and it´s worth looking into.

The long and short beeps

The Xiaomi m365 indicates the error code with a series of long and short beeps and at the same time flashes the LED in the same sequences.

The error codes are defined by two digits that can be derived by the sequence, like morse code. The long beeps/flash indicates the first number of the error code and the second number by the shorter signals. 

For example, one long beep and five short ones will indicate a “1 5” error mapping to an error with brake sensors.

The display

If you have a Xiaomi M365 Pro Electric Scooter or upgraded the stock M365, then the number will be present on the display.

The error code can either be shown as a value or be decoded by the beeps/signal.

Error codes on the display or app:

  • 10 – Communication error between the display and controller board
  • 11 – Motor phase A fault (Wrong phase current)
  • 12 – Motor phase B fault (Wrong phase current)
  • 13 – Motor phase C fault (Wrong phase current)
  • 14 – Acceleration throttle sensor reading is incorrect  
  • 15 – Error with brake sensors, brake sensor reading is incorrect
  • 18 – Motor sensor fault. The motor sensor reading is incorrect
  • 21 – Communication error with the Battery Management System (BMS) 
  • 22 – Incorrect Battery Management System (BMS) password 
  • 23 – Battery Management System (BMS) serial number incorrect 
  • 24 –  Incorrect system voltage – System voltage test failed
  • 26 – Problem with data storage in memory – Flash memory write error (check controller) 
  • 27 – Incorrect controller password (problem reading serial number or activation info)
  • 28 – Problem with MOSFET transistor (incorrect status – defective transistor) 
  • 29 – Problem with MOSFET transistor (invalid low state – defective transistor) 
  • 31 – Software error
  • 35 – Incorrect scooter serial number (motor controller)
  • 39 – Battery temperature sensor is incorrect or overheating
  • 40 – Controller temperature  sensor is incorrect or overheating

Errors signalled by a sound:

The code consists of long and short beeps indicating the first and second digits of the number.

  • 1 long – Communication error between the display and controller board
  • 1 long + 1 short – Motor phase A fault (Wrong phase current)
  • 1 long + 2 short – Motor phase B fault (Wrong phase current)
  • 1 long + 3 short – Motor phase C fault (Wrong phase current)
  • 1 long + 4 short – Acceleration throttle sensor reading is incorrect 
  • 1 long + 5 short – Error with brake sensors, brake sensor reading is incorrect 
  • 1 long + 8 short – Motor sensor fault. The motor sensor reading is incorrect
  • 2 long + 1 short – Communication error with the Battery Management System (BMS)
  • 2 long + 2 short – Incorrect Battery Management System (BMS) password 
  • 2 long + 3 short – Battery Management System (BMS) serial number incorrect  
  • 2 long + 4 short – Incorrect system voltage – System voltage test failed
  • 2 long + 6 short – Problem with data storage in memory – Flash memory write error (check controller) 
  • 2 long + 7 short – Incorrect controller password (problem reading serial number or activation info) 
  • 2 long + 8 short – Problem with MOSFET transistor (incorrect status – defective transistor)  
  • 2 long + 9 short – Problem with MOSFET transistor (invalid low state – defective transistor)  
  • 3 long + 1 short – Software error
  • 3 long + 5 short – Incorrect scooter serial number
  • 3 long + 9 short – Battery temperature sensor is incorrect or overheating
  • 4 long – Controller temperature sensor is incorrect or overheating

So what does each M365 error code mean?

Error code 10:

Communication error between the display and controller board of the electric scooter.

Action: Check the cable connector between the display and controller board. The most common reason why error code 10 occurs is that the communication cable between the mainboard and the display is loose.

Error code 11:

Motor phase A fault, a problem with sensing the wrong phase current of the motor. This leads to current sensors calibration errors or Power MOSFET error.

Action: Check the cable and connection on the mainboard for motor phase A (blue cable). Error code 11 is most often caused by corrosion caused by moisture getting into the compartment. If corrosion is present, clean it away.

Error code 12: 

Motor phase B fault, a problem with sensing the wrong phase current of the motor. This leads to current sensors calibration errors or Power MOSFET error.

Action: Check the cable and connection on the mainboard for motor phase B (brown/black cable). Error code 12 is most often caused by corrosion caused by moisture getting into the compartment. If corrosion is present, clean it away.

Error code 13: 

Motor phase C fault, a problem with sensing the wrong phase current of the motor. This leads to current sensors calibration errors or Power MOSFET error.

Action: Check the cable and connection on the mainboard for motor phase C (yellow cable). Error code 13 is most often caused by corrosion caused by moisture getting into the compartment. If corrosion is present, clean it away.

Error code 14: 

Error in the connection between accelerator handle and controller

Action: Check the throttle, display unit, and cable between these. The accelerator throttle uses a hall effect sensor that has two magnetic poles, these are fragile. If the scooter falls to the ground, these magnets can easily fall apart or get damaged by corrosion if the scooter has been exposed to water and rain.

Error code 15: 

Error with brake sensors, brake sensor reading is incorrect

Action: Check the brake control, the display unit, and the cable between them. The handbrake uses a hall effect sensor that has two magnetic poles, these are fragile. If the scooter falls on the ground, these magnets can easily fall apart or get damaged by corrosion if the scooter has been exposed to water and rain.

Error code 18: 

Motor sensor fault. The motor sensor reading is incorrect.

Action: Check the mainboard, electric motor, cable, and the connectors between these.

Error code 21: 

Communication error with the Battery Management System (BMS).

Action: Check the battery, mainboard, and the connection between them.

Error code 22: 

Incorrect Battery Management System (BMS) password

Action: Change battery and BMS.

Error code 23: 

Battery Management System (BMS) serial number incorrect 

Action: Change battery and BMS.

Error code 24: 

Incorrect system voltage the system voltage test failed.

Action: Check the battery, BMS, mainboard, cables, and the connection between these.

Error code 26: 

Problem with data storage in memory leading to a flash memory write error.

Action: Check/Replace the mainboard.

Error code 27: 

Incorrect controller password, the controller is having a problem reading the serial number or activation info. Faulty hardware.

Action: Check/Replace the mainboard.

Error code 28: 

Problem with MOSFET transistor (incorrect status – defective transistor).

Action: Check/Replace the mainboard.

Error code 29: 

Problem with MOSFET transistor (invalid low state – defective transistor) 

Action: Check/Replace the mainboard.

Error code 31:

Software error, incorrect software/firmware.

Action: Try updating the software again or flash with another version.

Error Code 35: 

Incorrect scooter serial number.

Action: Try and identify the mainboard with the scooter’s serial number

Error code 39: 

The battery temperature sensor is incorrect or overheating. This is often related to a broken cable, BMS or sensor error.

Action: Replace the battery, and sensor or repair the BMS.

Error code 40: 

The controller temperature sensor is incorrect or overheating.

Action: Check/Replace the mainboard.

You can read the m365 errors in three different places

1) Mobile application, if the BLE connecion avaliable.

2) Long and short beeps

3) Long and short flashes of the green led on the ESC (Main controller)

All errors has two digits. The count of long signals is first digit and the count of short signals is the second one. Codes discription is based on firmware analisis and experiments. V1.3.0 firmware was used.

M365 Error code 10 – BLE module communicaion error (not confirmed)

M365 Error code 11, 12, 13, 28, 29 – Current sensors calibration errors or Power MosFET error

M365 Error code 14, 15 – throttle and brake errors

M365 Error code 18 – Hall sensors error

M365 Error code 21 – Battery communication error

M365 Error code 22, 23 – Bad BMS serial number

M365 Error code 24 – Wrong supply voltage

M365 Error code 27, 39 – ESC has wrong serial number in memory or “not activated”

M365 Error code 35

M365 Error code 36 – Battery temperature sensor error or overheating

M365 Error code 40 – Main controller temperature sensor error or overheating

No more codes was found. Codes descriptions will be updated.

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