Bluetooth rfbus ошибка 10

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  • #1

I have a toshiba satellite laptop (model # m645-s4118x) and all of a sudden my bluetooth stopped totally stopped working. It used to show up in my action center but now it doesn’t. When I try to use the connect in the AC, it says bluetooth not enabled. There is no option to turn it on in the devices menu. I had a similar problem before, but I just reinstalled the bluetooth stack from the toshiba site and it resolved the problem. I did that this time and nothing. I noticed that the site showed drivers for both atheros and realtek bluetooth devices, but neither worked when I tried them ( I uninstalled everything bluetooth then installed each driver then the bluetooth stack, and no fix). I also noticed my bios wasn’t current, but after I upgraded, still no fix. When I go to device manager it shows the little yellow icon next to the Bluetooth rfbus and gives a code 10. If I try to update the driver in device manager, it says the current one is already installed. See screen below. Any help would be appreciated, because my laptop speakers are shot so I used the bluetooth with a BT speaker for sound. The only info I can find about bluetooth device from a manual shows it as «Bluetooth® version 3.0 plus Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) » no info about the model or anything. Let me know if any other info would be helpful. Thanks.View:


Jun 12, 2015




  • #2

So BT is normally on the same chip as WIFI so who makes the drivers for WIFI?

It seems a coincidence to me I am helping someone else whose BT suddenly stopped working this week. although you can at least see yours.

Error 10 can be caused by old drivers. Shame Toshiba don’t have a site for your laptop anymore and is it from 2012?


  • #3

It does have a support site with drivers but none of them seem to work for me? It is here: . That’s where I had found what fixed the problem previously. I’m not sure what year, but it is a few years old for sure (2012 sounds about right). A little old but still works for what I need it to do. My device manager shows a Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1ng wireless network adapter. Thanks.


  • #4

So I finally go around to fixing this. I guess when windows did an update, it turned off the BT hardware swich. The only way I’ve ever turned it on was through the windows action center (it has no physical switch or function key to do it). Here’s what I did to get it back…
I tried using an Ubuntu live disk to see if that would detect bluetooth. Sure enough, it worked. I rebooted and restarted windows and my bluetooth on/off is once again in my action center and it works again.

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Hacking Toshiba bluetooth stack bluetooth RFBUS: error 10 Wii U pro controller

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  • #1

i have been trying the hardest to get my wii U pro controller to work on my laptop.
i follow the instructions to a «Tee» and i get this annoying error code 10

«Bluetooth RFBUS Error code 10

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

If an I/O error is returned which is not defined in the standard FsRtl filter, it is converted to the following error which is guaranteed to be in the filter. In this case information is lost, however, the filter correctly handles the exception.»

In Toshiba Bluetooth stack app it says Bluetooth not ready

no matter how many times i try to reinstall the drivers everything installs and then i get this error, reboot and the error is still there.

the very first time i did it it worked for about 3 reboots then the error came. reinstalled then it fixed. a couple of reboots later the same error came back. this time after that the error wouldn’t go away.

im Internal qualcomm atheros ar3011 bluetooth 3.0 (my wifi card and this are together)

i tried the provided bluetooth stack from 2012 and i tried and currently have the 2015 version installed.
my computer is a HP envy 6T 1000 CTO

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    damn these new catchy slogans

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    eh it just makes typing easier

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    What happens to be the opposite of down, my good fellows?

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    Life goes up when its hard, and it goes down when its soft.

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    My life can be hard all of the time lol.

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    Neocities refuses to function coherently, which made me a tad bit sad

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    @_AppleDev, Speaking of which, I haven’t updated my NeoCities site in one or two months lol.


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  • _AppleDev



    What seems to be the problem?

  • M



    I think i may have fixed it, sorry for the late response! Certain games on my modded 3ds were not loading. I switched to a new MicroSD adapter which appears to have helped a little bit, but i am redownloading and installing these new CIA files to see if maybe it was the game file that did not work,,,,i will come back with updates


  • M



    It looks liek completely uninstalling and reinstalling the CIA file of the game has worked….i will come back if anything changes. thank you for being here to answer!!


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    are you working for the US government?

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    1. Hello! I need help with my laptop.

      ASUS G74SX
      Win 7

      Everything is fine except for my Bluetooth. Per the Device Manager, the Bluetooth RFBUS «device cannot start (Code 10)». I tried researching for the correct drivers and I believe I found them here (Toshiba Bluetooth drivers). Then I uninstalled the current drivers and installed the Bluetooth driver and then the stack (Atheros Bluetooth Filter Driver Package & Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba), but to no avail. I tried re-installing the Bluetooth drivers from the ASUS website for my laptop as well, but received the error that «The existed ProductVersion is higher than your ProductVersion. Installation quit.» I don’t know what the heck that means.

      Can I get some assistance with fixing this issue. Any additional information you need can definitely be provided upon request. Thanks!

    2. plodr

      Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

      You should get drivers for your ASUS from ASUS, not Toshiba.

      There are four bluetooth drivers: Atheros, two Intels, and Azurewave.
      Which hardware is yours?

    3. I’m not quite sure what kind of hardware I have. Per the Device Manager, the Bluetooth RFBUS, Bluetooth RFCOMM & Bluetooth USB Controller-12 are all manufactured from TOSHIBA. Where can I find the kind of Bluetooth hardware I have?

    4. plodr

      Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

      Well, I save the specs from the computers i buy.
      Perhaps Speccy can list what is in the laptop.

    5. Cool! Well, if I’m looking at this thing right, it’s telling me that I have an Intel Centrino Wireless-N160. So, I went to the ASUS website and installed the most current version of the Bluetooth drivers, but I’m still getting the same Code 10 error in the Device Manager. What am I doing wrong?

    6. plodr

      Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    7. So….I uninstalled the newer drivers and replaced them with the older drivers and they do appear to be working. Or at least, there are no more Bluetooth errors. But now I got a Code 28 error for the Intel Centrino Wireless-N + WiMAX 6150 basically saying the drivers for it aren’t installed. On the ASUS website, which drivers do I have to install next?

    8. plodr

      Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

      Since wireless is mentioned in the error message, I’d assume wireless drivers are needed.
      Two WiMax drivers are shown under the 7 wireless drivers. Again, I try the oldest first.

    9. Well, I installed the drivers as instructed and it appears, per the Device Manager, that I have all of the functional drivers installed and the «device working properly». :clap

      But it looks like I have a new dilemma.

      When I go to «Bluetooth Settings» and click the button for a «New Connection», it tells me that the «Bluetooth is not ready». So, next I go to Options and Click the button to change the Bluetooth device status to «Enable», I get the message, «Please plug in the Bluetooth device and click OK button». And finally I checked the Intel ProSet/Wireless WiMax app and it showed the WiMax was turned off. I attempted to turn it back on and the message I get says «Wifi and WiMax cannot operate at the same time. Turning on WiMax will disconnect and turn off WiFi. You can always turn WiFi back on from this application’s WiFi menu.»

      I am totally stumped. :banghead

      Is this a software issue? Or because the Device Manager shows everything is functional, does that make it a hardware issue?

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    Ошибка «запуск этого устройства невозможен код 10 windows» означает, что ваш ноутбук/ПК не может распознать подключенное к нему устройство. Подключенный прибор видится как «НеизвестноеУстройство» в диспетчере подключенных устройств, и возле него горит желтый треугольничек со знаком восклицания. В английском варианте ошибка выглядит так: this device cannot start code 10. Прежде чем платить деньги в ремонтной мастерской, попробуйте справиться самостоятельно, используя методы ниже.

    Что это значит и как победить проблему

    Надпись код 10 запуск устройства невозможен что работать подключенный вами девайс не будет. Так как он не определяется системой. Причины элементарные:

    • Нет драйвера для этого прибора;
    • Драйвер есть, но он поврежден и не работает как положено;
    • Проблема с подключением, возможно порт/разъем к которому вы подключили прибор работает некорректно;
    • Произошел конфликт с оборудованием;
    • Появился сбой в разделе реестра системы;
    • Недостаточное питание оборудования;
    • Устройство зависло;

    Начинаем устранять неполадку перебирая поочередно варранты, начиная с более простых и часто встречающихся.

    Проверка соединения

    Когда выскочила ошибка 10 первым делом проверьте целостность порта/разъема к которому вы его подключили и состояние подключаемого порта на самом приборе. Если есть видимые повреждения – вот вам и ответ. Когда внешне все целое, отключите и снова подключите проблемный прибор.

    Ошибка код 10 - проверьте соединение

    Имеет смысл предварительно протереть контакты спиртом (не водкой) либо школьным ластиком, если это возможно. Попробуйте включить оборудование в дублирующий разъем/порт. Если соединение гибкое (через шнур) попробуйте иной шнур, возможно в этом перебиты провода.

    Перезагрузка системы

    Возможно подключаемое устройство попросту зависло. Или зависла программа в системе, отвечающая за взаимодействие с данным устройством. Такое может произойти если:

    • Вы обновили ОС;
    • Работали с реестром, производя какие-либо изменения;
    • Выполняли установку/переустановку либо обновление драйверов, либо иных программ;
    • Производили очистку ПК/ноутбука от вирусного ПО;

    После таких действий для нормального функционирования Виндовс требуется перезагрузка. После перезагрузки ошибки типа «код 10 видеокарта» пропадут.

    запуск устройства невозможен код 10 - перезагрузите систему!

    Отключение устройств

    Часто ошибка код 10 встречается на компах, к которым подключили чрезмерное количество оборудования, или ноутбуках, которые работают только от батарейки. Просто не всем устройствам хватает питания. Достаточно выключить одно — два из них, наименее необходимых, и ошибка исчезает.

    код 10 запуск устройства невозможен - отключите лишнее оборудование!

    Ошибку могут вызывать виртуальные приборы – CD или DVD-ромы, созданные программами типа «DaemonTools» или «Alcohol100%». Возможны конфликты этих устройств с реальными дисководами либо внешними накопителями. Просто выключите все виртуальные приборы. Иногда, придется удалять и саму программу.

    Перенастройка питания

    Нередко код ошибки 10 появляется в ноутбуках, работающих исключительно от батарей (питание от сети выключено). При подключении дополнительных гаджетов им просто не хватает питания, отсюда и ошибка. Возможно, питание от сети есть, но включен «РежимЭкономии» в «НастройкахПитания. Сделайте следующее:

    • Убедитесь что ноутбук подключен к сети и питание есть;
    • Надавите «Win+I» и перейдите в строчку «Система»;

    код ошибки 10 - проверьте питание

    • Там ищите подраздел «Питание»;
    • Выберите в нем «ДополнительныеПараметрыПитания» и водите двойным кликом ЛКМ;
    • Переключите вкладку на «ВысокаяПроизводительность» или «СбалансированныйРежим» в крайнем случае;

    код 10 запуск устройства невозможен - включите высокую производительность

    Если ошибка появилась от нехватки питания, то она пропадет и подключенный гаджет заработает.

    Проверка подключением к иному устройству

    После ошибки this device cannot start code 10 проверяют, будет ли работать прибор при включении с другим ноутбуком/ПК. Если работает – ищите источник проблем в своем компьютере, скорее всего порт неисправен или нет нужного драйвера.

    запуск устройства невозможен код 10 - проверьте само устройство подключив его к другому ноутбуку

    Если прибор не заработал с иным ноутбуком/ПК, возможно неполадки в нем, следует заняться ремонтом ли отдать в сервис.

    Удаление и подключение заново в диспетчере

    Увидев описанную ошибку и восклицательный знак в диспетчере устройств прибегните к этому методу. Открывается диспетчер через «Пуск»—» «ПанельУправления»—» «ДиспетчерУстройств». Либо надавливанием «Win+R» и вписыванием «devmgmt.msc» в появившейся строчке.

    код ошибки 10 - откройте диспетчер устройств

    После этого:

    • Раскроется окно с перечислением всего оборудования, подключенного к вашему ПК/ноутбуку;
    • Возле проблемного устройства светится треугольник со знаком восклицания внутри ярко-желтого цвета;

    ошибка код 10 - ищите неизвестное устройство

    • Кликаете эту строчку ПКМ и переходите в строку «УдалитьУстройство»;

    код 10 запуск устройства невозможен

    • Подтверждаете что согласны;

    запуск устройства невозможен код 10

    • Затем в меню сверху кликните «Действие»;
    • Перейдите в подраздел «ОбновитьКонфигурациюОборудования»;

    ошибка 10 - обновляем конфигурацию оборудования

    • Вместо этого можно просто отключить устройство вручную, если это возможно;

    Такие действия с вероятностью 50 на 50 устранить ошибку.

    Замена либо обновление драйвера

    Драйверами называют программы, помогающие системе распознавать и работать с разными типами приборов. Можно получить ошибку код 10 при установке драйвера или после установки. Такое случается с драйверами без лицензии и подписи.

    Рекомендую использовать только «дрова» от производителей с лицензионных сайтов. Чтобы не сталкиваться с проблемами при работе оборудования. Иначе можно скачать вирус и получить поломку ОС. Помните, что драйвера годные для windows 7 или 8 не подойдут к «Десятке» и наоборот. Создайте точку восстановления, чтобы избежать неприятностей.

    Системы Виндовс могут выполнять обновления в Интернете самостоятельно, сначала дайте вашей системе возможность сделать это, прежде чем выполнить обновление драйвера вручную. Для устранения ошибки по причине связано с драйвером действуйте так:

    • Запустите «ДиспетчерУстройств» как написано в предыдущем пункте;
    • Отыщите проблемное оборудование и кликните его ПКМ;
    • Выберите строчку «Свойства»;

    код ошибки 10 - обновите дайвер

    • В меню переключитесь на вкладочку «Драйвер»;
    • Затем определитесь с действием: обновлять вам его или удалить;
    • Можно попытаться откатить его, если до установки нового драйвера проблемы не было;

    код 10 запуск устройства невозможен - откатите драйвер

    • Для обновления лучше применить «АвтоматическийПоиск…», при условии, что у вас есть Интернет соединение;

    запуск устройства невозможен код 10 - обновите драйверы

    • Когда проблема с сетевым адаптером, драйверы придется искать на компе или диске с ними;
    • Затем система сама укажет дальнейшие действия;
    • Перезагрузите ноутбук или ПК после установки, отката или обновления, чтобы все заработало;

    Перепроверка реестра и чистка ноутбука/ПК

    Необходимо проверить ваш компьютер/ноутбук антивирусом. Можно встроенным, но лучше скачать и установить NOD32 либо DR.WEB, можно лучший по вашему мнению и полностью проверить систему и все диски медленно и глубоко, зато будете уверены в результате.

    Потому что ошибка код 10 может быть причиной воздействия вирусного ПО на систему. Вирусы повреждают реестр, после чего система не находит путь к нужным файлам. После уничтожения вирусов следует исправить реестр. Я пользуюсь удобной и надежной утилитой «CCleaner». Она способна исправлять записи реестра, удалять поврежденные значения и устранять шибки.

    ошибка 10 - устраните проблемы в реестре

    Этим ее возможности не ограничиваются, еще есть целый ряд полезных функций. Главное преимущество «CCleaner», от нее нет никакого вреда, удалятся только ненужные или поврежденные файлы и различные ошибки, только мешающие работе системы. Функционал хороший даже в бесплатной версии.

    Обновление ОС и удаление обновлений

    Обновления ОС приносят изменения, обновления безопасности и драйверов. Совместимость с устройствами повышается, устраняются недоработки. Поэтому, обновление может решить вопрос при ошибке код 10. Для включения обновлений:

    • Используйте «Win+I»;
    • Переходите в подраздел «ОбновлениеИбезопасность»;
    • Или пройдите путь «ПанельУправления»—» «Система»—» «ЦентрОбновленияWindows»;

    код ошибки 10 - запустите обновления системы

    • Кликните по «ПроверкаНаличияОбновлений» или «ВозобновитьОбновления»;
    • После этого виндовс начнет искать, скачивать и устанавливать обновления;
    • Убедитесь, что у вас достаточно места на системном диске;
    • Если вы пол года — год не обновляли виндовс, запаситесь терпением, процесс может затянуться;

    По завершении обновлений, ошибки могут исчезнуть. Однако, случаются ситуации, когда ошибку вызывают сами обновления. Тогда их необходимо удалить. Удаление происходит в том же разделе меню:

    • Кликните по «ЖурналОбновлений»;

    код 10 запуск устройства невозможен - удаляем обновления

    • В семерке будет «ЖурналОбновлений»—» «УстановленныеОбновления»;
    • Затем клик по клавише «УдалитьОбновления»;

    запуск устройства невозможен код 10 - удаляйте обновления

    • В раскрывшемся окошке смотрите даты обновлений, ищите то, дата которого примерно совпадает с появлением ошибки;
    • Кликните его ПКМ и выберите «Удалить»;

    ошибка 10 - удаляете проблемное обновление

    • Подтверждайте свое решение;
    • Перезагрузите систему;

    Переименование устройства с присвоением новой буквы тома

    Когда запуск устройства невозможен код 10 исправить ситуацию можно переименовать подключаемый прибор. Способ работает для флешек и прочих подключаемых дисков и накопителей. Ошибка происходит при сбоях, кода двум разным дискам присваивается одинаковая буква. В результате диск подключенный позже не идентифицируется.

    Для исправления ситуации следует переименовать том флешки (иного диска), заменив его букву на уникальную, не совпадающую с буквами имеющихся томов. Для исправления ситуации делают следующее:

    • Применяют «Win+R»;
    • Затем пишут «diskmgmt.msc»;
    • Выберите том с которым у вас проблема и кликните его ПКМ;
    • Перейдите в строчку: «ИзменитьБуквуДискаИлиПуть…»;

    код ошибки 10 - переименуйте проблемный том

    • Раскроется новое окошечко, в нем смените букву и кликните «ОК»;\

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    I tried to update windows 10 TECRA R850-117.
    After update wifi is not found. Had to goback to win7

    Any suggestions what could be done for successful update to win10 with working wifi

    There is probably a WLan driver problem.
    I think you should check if the wireless card is properly recognized in device-> network cards Manager.

    In addition its recommended to uninstall the WLan driver in Device Manager and restart the laptop. Usually Win 10 is expected to begin the search for compatible driver… If this is not the case, you can manually search driver update (also in Device Manager)

    Of course, the laptop must be connected to the internet using LAN

  • Tecra R850-117 starts 5 minutes after calving

    My Tecra R850-117 off, it restarts automatically after 5 minutes exactly.

    This is an unwanted behavior because it drains the battery while I don’t use the laptop and it could also damage the bearing drive around during the race…

    Anyone know what could cause this problem and how can I stop it? The laptop is 6 months old and I notice this behavior only in recent weeks. I have already noticed that the battery could be emptied after not using it for a few days (probably because of the same issue?), but never noticed the unwanted reboots…

    Thank you very much in advance for all the tips.



    You have disabled the wake-up options in the BIOS?
    Check it!
    The permit * wake-up options could power on the laptop, even if the power is turned off.

  • Device could not start — Code 10 — Intel Wireless Card on NB550D

    Hello world

    It’s just a normal Toshiba NB550D netbook

    The only thing I change is the card inside Wireless: the original is an Atheros common half mini card. Recently, I have the urge to use internet in 5 ghz (frequency).

    So, I decided to replace the old with the * half mini card Intel Wifi Link 5100 AGN *.
    It turns so well. The pilot is not recognized or specifically the windows tries to install the driver but FAIL is reported. Device manager tool shows a «!» next to the network adapter and when I go the properties on the general tab: «* the device could not start — Code 10.»

    I tried many ways to uninstall the driver and reinstall it again; also tried to download the drivers from the website of toshiba for the network card intel.

    Nothing works so far and yes I don’t know what to do now.

    The possibility that the card intel is broken or defective is eliminated because I checked with another laptop already and just, it worked like a charm.

    Please help me solve this problem. I really need to use two strips (2.4 and 5 ghz) internet.
    Appreciate any help!

    > The possibility that the card intel is broken or defective is eliminated because I checked with another laptop already and just, it worked like a charm

    Regarding the error code 10:

    + The Code 10 error applies mainly to the problems of hardware driver and devices or compatibility problems between the drivers of equipment and additional software that is installed in Windows. +

    I put t think deliver its wireless network card might be a compatibility problem between the BIOS and the wireless network adapter.
    All devices are supported by the BIOS.

    But the WLan card already appears in Device Manager and so I think that there should not be a BIOS compatibility issue.

    Have you checked if the chipset would properly address the Wlan card?

  • the bluetooth on my windows 7 64 device could not be installed. where cn I download these drivers

    the bluetooth on my windows 7 64 device could not be installed. where cn I download these drivers

    If the bluetooth device is built into your computer, go to the site of the manufacturer of the computer, search for your computer model number, select the Windows operating system and you will find drivers for your bluetooth devices that are integrated.

    If it is a separate bluetooth device, please search for the device manufacturer’s Web site and get the drivers of their support area.

    Additionally, when you install the bluetooth drivers, make sure that the bluetooth device is ENABLED (check the Device Manager) and turned on.

  • error «device could not be calibrated» to PXI-5105


    I want to calibrate my PXI-5105. But I get an error in MAX and a calibration vi. I tried to install NO-SCOPE 4.1.3 on PXI, but that does not solve the problem. I have labview time real 13.0.1 installed. I enclose the error messages.

    See you soon,.



    So there is not a lot of good information on this error.  Automatic calibration works by connecting a known signal that is embedded in the digitizer at the ADC and to adapt the constants and phase shift.  The 234107 error means that there is a problem with this calibration signal or the signal to the ADC path, etc.  This known signal is calibrated during the external calibration and since your device is off external calibration (calibration necessary since February 2011), the problem is probably the calibration signal drifted too far from its known value.

    To resolve this problem, you will need to send the jury in external calibration, and I would recommend National instruments, send it because if there is a problem with the hardware with the Commission, we might be able to solve this problem, as well as of him have calibrated.

    I hope this helps.


  • HP bt500 — your Bluetooth device could not start the search for devices

    Hi, I want to use my HP bt500 to connect my PC to my helmet, but I get the following error message:

    «Your Bluetooth device cannot DΘmarrer him search for devices»

    I downloaded and installed the Windows XP of HP bt500 software version of:

    I tried on two different computers, but they both get the same error.  I took out the bt500 my HP photo printer.  I wonder now if this bt500 is simply limited to only work with printers and not the PC as the other versions of detail.

    Help, please.  Thank you.

    Problem solved.  I had to download the broadcom bluetooth software was last updated.


  • How to fix BlackBerry Smartphones? List of the applications on my device could not be dependent.

    I’m using a Blackberry 9700 (v5.0.0.862) and it synch with Desktop Manager v.

    DM is correctly synchronize files and data (from outlook and Windows media player). Unfortunately, I can not review the list of applications.  There is actually no load on Desktop Manager.

    -> Message:

    The loading application has been cancel by the user.

    View Applications

    —> The list for applications in your device couldn’t be dependent.

    The loading operation was cancelled by the user.

    V6.0.0.38 application loader

    OS: Windows 7 — 64 bit

    How can I solve this problem?


    Hey ryguy2008,

    Try following the steps in this article:

    After completing this step, you should be able to continue with the load of the application.

    Let me know if you need help most.

  • Windows 10 apple mobile device was able to start

    After trying to update itunes I got the error message that apple Mobile Device could not start. Make sure you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

    ITunes is no longer works on my PC of 10 windows and will not reinstall. How can I reinstall itunes and get it working again?

    You could start by looking to restart the Apple Mobile Device (AMDS) on Windows — Apple Support.

    For general advice, see troubleshooting problems with iTunes for Windows updates.

    The steps described in the second case are a guide to remove everything related to iTunes and then rebuild what is often a good starting point, unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach.

    Review the other boxes and other support documents list to the bottom of the page, in case one of them applies.

    More information area has direct links with the current and recent buildings if you have problems to download, must revert to an older version or want to try the version of iTunes for Windows (64-bit-for old video cards) as a workaround for problems with installation or operation, or compatibility with QuickTime software or a third party.

    Backups of your library and device should be affected by these measures but there are links to backup and recovery advice there.

    If the problem persists and you have a 64-bit system try for the old version of video cards which is a 64-bit Installer for most of the 32-bit code, similar to all 64 bit iTunes up to 12,1 versions.


  • Apple Mobile Device d\failed to start

    I had to untinstall and reinstall iTunes and now is coming up with the following error I have reinstall

    Service «Apple Mobile Device could not start. Make sure you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

    Any ideas how to solve this problem?

    Thank you


    Uninstall/reinstall everything according to the instructions from Apple:

    «Remove and reinstall iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for XP»

    It is also the same list of what to remove what is in the link above from Apple:

    Or try this program to remove it:

    If the advice already given does not, please contact Apple for assistance.

    «Not to install iTunes or QuickTime for Windows»

    «iTunes support-how to use iTunes.

    «Contact iTunes Support.

    Or ask in the community Apple iTunes:

    See you soon.

  • TECRA R850 — not found wireless network controller driver


    I reinstalled my computer, since then it does not recognize a wireless or network device
    here — after part of the result of the Toshiba Diagnostics tool
    Device Manager indicates that:
    «The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
    There is no driver selected for the item or a set of device information.
    To find a driver for this device, click Update driver.

    However I can’t find the driver, after update of Windows updates, etc.

    Help, please!

    Thank you

    Date of 2013/03/15 22:55:35

    [Information on PC]
    Model name TECRA R850
    Part number PT524E-005014BT
    Serial number 4B021792H
    Version of the OS Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 6.1.7600
    Version of the BIOS Version 3.60
    CPU Intel Core i5 — 2410M 2.30 GHz CPU
    Memory8192MB physical RAM
    Hard drive Capacity304, 562, 036, 736 [bytes] 283.646 [GB]
    Hard drive space free Capacity126, 578, 688, 000 [bytes] 117.886 [GB]
    Video version Intel(r) HD Graphics Family =
    Resolution1366 x 768 Pixels screen
    Color quality, true color (32 bit)
    Audio version of Realtek High Definition Audio =
    Display Audio Intel (r) version =
    Network version Intel Gigabit Network Connection = 82579V = E8:9 D MAC address: 87:EA:3 C: 21
    HUAWEI Mobile Connect — 3G version of the network card = 6, 0, 1, 279 MAC address = 00:1E:10:1F:82:A7
    Modem HUAWEI Mobile Connect — 3 G Modem version =
    Internet Explorer9.0.8112.16421
    IDE Device Hitachi HTS723232A7A364
    CARPET * A DVD-RAM UJ8A2AS = 1.00 FW version

    [Diagnostics results]
    Enhanced Host Controller — 1C2D)
    Enhanced Host Controller — 1 26)


    Your Tecra a card ATHEROS 802.11 (B/G/N) WB195-HMC w / BT WLAN inside and all the latest drivers you can find on the Toshiba WLAN portal —

    Check it out please.

    This is card with BT, then before you install install driver WLAN BT filter. You can find it on the download page of Toshiba —

  • iTunes could not connect to the iPhone «iPhone», because an invalid response was received from the device.

    So I am a new iphone 7. I had a 6 before that. Everything was fine until the day where I got the 7, I decided to try a manual on itunes for my 6 backup so that I could put this on the new phone. I use now icloud backup but before that he always did on my computer. Its itunes version as it is the most recent, that I can run with 10.7.5 which is the newest my mac pro can work without hacking it. Again, never had a problem before it save and use it to transfer music. Anyway, I received the message «iTunes could not connect to the iPhone»iPhone»because an invalid response was received from the device.» I tried 3 different usb cords. I tried both ports to the front of the computer and all 3 in the back. Abandoned and did a backup icloud. Installed on the new phone. Everything transferred except my music library which is real download of my CD via itunes. If something was wrong on the iphone 6, surely the new phone that starts with a clean slate will be very well… wrong.  Same message. Leaves through ports, cables, etc. Is it just a simple matter of ios 10 now works with my version of itunes?

    A new phone will be iOS10.  iOS10 requires iTunes 12.5.1 find which demands in turn 10.9.5 OSX or newer.  Software update checks only the updates to the current version of the system that you are running but that itself can be updated.  It may or may not be possible to upgrade your computer to the system requirements. Find your computer on the web site of model and near the bottom of the specification of the system section, he will tell what versions of the operating system, it is able to run. If you can not run a newer system, you will not be able to sync this phone to your current computer. OSX 10.9 and 10.10 are no longer available. You can try to install the free El Capitan OSX 10.11.  El Capitan can run slower on older machines and require the additional purchase of RAM (4 GB is a minimum realistic and many recommend 8 GB).  Making a big jump in versions of system is also more likely to affect the old software.

    At el capitan Snow Leopard, it will make my macbook is slow?  —

    Course OSX Upgrade General information, including configuration required —

  • iTunes could not connect to the iPhone, because an invalid response was received from the device.

    Just bought an iPhone 7 today and received the error message «iTunes could not connect to the iPhone because an invalid response was received from the device.» Don’t know what that means, and I have never had this problem with one of my previous iPhones. Thank you.

    You run iTunes 7.5.1? iOS10 requires iTunes 12.5.1 find which demands in turn 10.9.5 OSX or newer.  Software update checks only the updates to the current version of the system that you are running but that itself can be updated.  It may or may not be possible to upgrade your computer to the system requirements. Find your computer on the web site of model and near the bottom of the specification of the system section, he will tell what versions of the operating system, it is able to run. If you can not run a newer system, you will not be able to sync this phone to your current computer. You can try to install the free El Capitan OSX 10.11.  El Capitan can run slower on older machines and require the additional purchase of RAM (4 GB is a minimum realistic and many recommend 8 GB).  Making a big jump in versions of system is also more likely to affect the old software.

    At el capitan Snow Leopard, it will make my macbook is slow?  —

    Course OSX Upgrade General information, including configuration required —

    If you have any generation of PPC software which works under OSX 10.6 it is not supported in later versions of the system.

  • -What it means and how to fix it? iTunes could not connect to the iPhone from the iPhone Simon Young, because an invalid response was received from the device.

    iTunes could not connect to the iPhone «IPhone by Simon Young», because an invalid response was received from the device.

    You have upgraded to iTunes 12.5.1? iOS10 requires iTunes 12.5.1 find which demands in turn 10.9.5 OSX or newer.  Software update checks only the updates to the current version of the system that you are running but that itself can be updated.  It may or may not be possible to upgrade your computer to the system requirements. Find your computer on the web site of model and near the bottom of the specification of the system section, he will tell what versions of the operating system, it is able to run. You can try to install the free El Capitan OSX 10.11.  El Capitan can run slower on older machines and require the additional purchase of RAM (4 GB is a minimum realistic and many recommend 8 GB).  Making a big jump in versions of system is also more likely to affect the old software.

    At el capitan Snow Leopard, it will make my macbook is slow?  —

    Course OSX Upgrade General information, including configuration required —

    If you have any generation of PPC software which works under OSX 10.6 it is not supported in later versions of the system.

  • Gateway device Managemeny could not pass authentication


    We are upgrading of HPDM 4.6 to 4.7 and the keystore file has been deleted in the process. So, we get this log message whenever we try to send a job to one of our machines:

    «Agent denied the task because the device management gateway could not pass authentication».

    I deleted the two files of C:\Windows\xpeagent key on one of the machines and that seems to have solved the problem — for this computer. Repeat this process for ALL our machines would be a daunting task.

    Is there another way to resynchronize the devices with the server, or are we out of luck?

    If we should not touch each machine individually, anyone has advice or scripts to speed up the process?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!

    I can’t figure out how to import the database into the latest version of the client server postgre and I already spent a lot of time on this project. I don’t have the password to the database to original then I would probably just be stuck again, in any case. We’re going to rename the key on clients computers files for now.  Thanks for your help!

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