Posted by4 years ago
So when i try to install APK i downloaded, i got this notice: App failed to install, Guest not ready yet? i’m new on using bluestack,anybody can help me?
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level 1
· 4 yr. ago
The apk is corrupted
- 1 Вступление
- 2 Возможности программы
- 3 Требования к компьютеру
- 4 Ошибки при установке и запуске
- 4.1 Failed to install BlueStacks
- 4.2 BlueStacks Frontend has stopped working
- 4.3 BlueStacks the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
- 4.4 [RPC:S -7:AEC-0]
- 4.5 Requesting graphics APIs that are not available on your system
- 4.6 1406
- 4.7 1714
- 4.8 25000
- 4.9 25010
- 4.10 Бесконечная загрузка
- 4.11 Блокировка антивирусом или файерволом
- 5 Заключение
Индустрия мобильных приложений достигла такого высокого уровня, что в последнее время некоторые программное обеспечение существуют лишь для мобильных платформ Android и iOS. Если пользователи последнего не испытывают проблем с мощностью устройства, так как весь софт изначально оптимизируется под него, то владельцы Android могут столкнуться с тем, что любимая игра или приложение отказывается работать из-за недостаточной мощности или нехватки памяти, а также устаревшей версии операционной системы.
Популярность и открытость Android позволяет устанавливать его даже на самые бюджетные аппараты. Далеко не каждый готов заплатить большую сумму за мощный девайс лишь из-за возможности играть в современные игры. Вот почему существуют различные эмуляторы операционной системы, позволяющие запускать мобильные программы на компьютере. Кроме того, программа будет полезной для желающих протестировать мобильное приложение перед установкой на устройство.
Одним из наиболее известных является симулятор BlueStacks. Он имеет большие возможности, но при этом многие геймеры жалуются на некорректную работу и множество ошибок при установке и авторизации. Рассмотрим популярные ошибки в работе программы, а также что делать, если BlueStacks не устанавливается либо не запускается.
Возможности программы
Утилита BlueStacks доступна для скачивания с сайта http://www.bluestacks.com/ru/index.html. Ресурс глобальной сети доступен на русском языке. По словам разработчиков, BlueStacks позволяет использовать на компьютере любые мобильные приложения, в том числе и игры, а благодаря синхронизации, даже звонить и отправлять СМС. Все данные надёжно хранятся на случай аварийного завершения работы.
С эмулятором совместимы 96% приложений и 86% игр, можно использовать камеру, сенсорный экран, присутствует функция переноса файлов между Windows и Android, работа заточена под использование мыши и клавиатуры. Кроме того, можно получить права суперпользователя и запустить приложения в полноэкранном режиме. По всем показателям этот симулятор является лучшим на сегодняшний день.
Требования к компьютеру
Ваш компьютер должен соответствовать минимальным требованиям. Если не соблюдаются все условия, шанс получить ошибку значительно увеличивается.
- Программа работает на версиях Windows XP и выше, а также Mac OS X.
- Центральный процессор должен быть частотой не менее 2 ГГц и иметь поддержку технологии виртуализации Intel или AMD. Этот режим включается через BIOS. Если там доступен пункт Virtual, Virtualization или подобное название, вы сможете нормально пользоваться BlueStacks. Большинство современных процессоров поддерживают эту технологию.
- Для запуска приложений потребуется минимум 1 ГБ ОЗУ, при этом если вы хотите запускать игры, лучше, чтобы на компьютере было от 2 гигабайт памяти.
- Для установки потребуется 1 ГБ свободного места на жёстком диске.
Если ваш компьютер не древний калькулятор, наверняка его мощности хватит для полноценной работы BlueStacks.
Ошибки при установке и запуске
Failed to install BlueStacks
Ошибка происходит при попытке установить программу. Для исправления попробуйте, пожалуйста, удалить BlueStacks при помощи Revo Uninstaller. Кроме того, нужно удалить следы программы с таких каталогов:
C:\Program Files\BlueStacks
При использовании Revo Uninstaller кликните по папке правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Удалить с помощью Revo Uninstaller».
BlueStacks Frontend has stopped working
Обычно возникают на компьютерах, на которых не установлены все обновления системы. Если эмулятор не запускается, войдите в Центр обновления и установите последние обновления системы. И, вообще, желательно это делать регулярно.
BlueStacks the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
Попробуйте, пожалуйста, скачать последнюю версию программы с официального сайта.
[RPC:S -7:AEC-0]
Ошибка возникает при сбое синхронизации с учётной записью Google. В случае если прога не запускается:
- В меню BlueStacks откройте Настройки — Дополнительные параметры — Приложения — Все.
- В Google Play Маrket, Google Services Framework и Сервисы Google Play по очереди кликните «Остановить», «Стереть данные», «Удалить обновления».
- Настройки — Дополнительные параметры — Google, снимите все галочки с приложений для синхронизации.
- Перезапустите BlueStacks.
- Возвратитесь обратно в последний пункт и активируйте все пункты по новой.
- Повторно перезагрузите программу.
Requesting graphics APIs that are not available on your system
Перейдите в Редактор реестра, нажав Win+R — regedit. В разделе HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Guests\Android\Config задайте параметр GlRenderMode = 1, после чего выйдите с редактора реестра и перезапустите эмулятор.
Запустите инсталлятор BlueStacks от имени администратора.
Отключите антивирус.
Очистите системный реестр. Для этого попробуйте, пожалуйста, удалить программу через Revo Uninstaller. Если не помогает, войдите в Редактор реестра, в поиске введите BlueStacks и удалите связанные записи, которые остались. После этого установите программу по новой.
Ошибка происходит при установке новой версии программы, чему препятствуют следы версии предыдущей. Для этого рекомендуем почистить реестр с помощью CCleaner, а также удалить программы при помощи Revo Uninstaller.
Довольно популярная ошибка 25000 вещает о том, что программа не может распознать вашу видеокарту, поскольку в вашей системе установлены неактуальные видеодрайверы. Чтобы убрать ошибку 25000, нужно обновить драйвер. Если вы не помните модель видеоадаптера, в Диспетчере устройств найдите, пожалуйста, раздел Видеоадаптеры, в котором отображаются установленные видеокарты. Вероятнее всего, у вас стоит видеокарта nVidia, ATI или Intel. В поисковой системе введите соответствующий запрос, перейдите на сайт разработчика и загрузите последнюю версию. После обновления ошибка 25000 исчезнет. И, вообще, желательно следить за актуальностью драйверов видео.
Кроме того, ошибка 25000 может появляться на компьютерах, работающих с двумя видеокартами: одной встроенной, а другой — дискретной. Встроенная видеокарта вряд ли полностью соответствует всем системным требованиям, но по умолчанию запускаться может именно она. Нужно перейти в панель управления видеокартой и настроить запуск дискретной видеокарты в конкретном приложении.
В Панели управления nVidia перейдите в Параметры 3D — Управление параметрами 3D — Глобальные параметры. Активируйте «Высокоскоростной процессор NVIDIA», а во вкладке «Установка конфигурации PhysX» выберите дискретную видеокарту. Примените изменения и перезагрузите компьютер. Ошибки 25000 в дальнейшем быть не должно.
Если видеокарта AMD, запустите утилиту «Настройка Radeon» — Настройки — Дополнительные настройки. В открывшемся новом окне в разделе «Питание» выберите «Параметры приложения переключаемой графики» и присвойте запуск видеокарты AMD с программой BlueStacks.
Эта ошибка отображается, когда процессор не соответствует требованиям программы. Проблема в железе, решить её можно лишь покупкой нового оборудования. На худой конец, попробуйте, пожалуйста, поискать версию для слабых компьютеров.
Бесконечная загрузка
Чаще всего ошибка происходит при авторизации, когда в момент запуска свободно менее 1 ГБ оперативной памяти. Программе просто не хватает ресурсов, поэтому она и не запускается. Через диспетчер задач позакрывайте, пожалуйста, неиспользуемые программы и службы, занимающие оперативную память.
Ещё можно попробовать закрыть программу через значок в системном трее: в Панели управления необходимо перейти в раздел Администрирование — Службы и перезапустить BlueStacks Android Service и BlueStacks Log Rotator Service. Проблема должна исчезнуть.
Блокировка антивирусом или файерволом
Эта известная проблема возникает не только с BlueStacks. Советуем на момент установки отключить антивирус, а затем в настройках добавить папку программы в исключения.
Вот мы и разобрались со всеми более или менее часто встречающимися неполадками в работе эмулятора BlueStacks, появляющихся при установке и авторизации. В очень редких случаях могут возникать и другие проблемы, но они единичные, поэтому решать их нужно в индивидуальном порядке.
Мы надеемся, что наш материал вам помог, и вы смогли решить свою проблему. Будем вам благодарны за оставленные в комментариях отзывы.
Hi, I searched a lot about this issues. Tried and tested every method available, still cannot get rid of this issue.
System setup that I am using:
Ubuntu 16.04 (Host)
Running Emulator android SDK 16 armeabi-v7a
Issue that I am facing:
When I run ./cuckoo.py -d on my Ubuntu terminal. Cuckoo starts successfully and loads «avd» for analysis.I use the cuckoo web interface to run analysis. Once I upload the apk and click on analyze button, cuckoo starts the «avd» using which has cuckoo agent running. It even starts the «avd» in GUI mode and then all I get is this:
2018-05-04 09:40:08,890 [root] DEBUG: Importing modules…
2018-05-04 09:40:09,415 [root] DEBUG: Imported «signatures» modules:
2018-05-04 09:40:09,415 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidDynamicCode
2018-05-04 09:40:09,415 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidDynamicCode
2018-05-04 09:40:09,415 [root] DEBUG: |— KnownVirustotal
2018-05-04 09:40:09,415 [root] DEBUG: |— KnownVirustotalThreshold
2018-05-04 09:40:09,415 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidDangerousPermissions
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidDynamicCode
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidGooglePlayDiff
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— Hidden_Payload
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— SandroRat
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroratMalware
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— IBankingMalware
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidNativeCode
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidDynamicCode
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidReflectionCode
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidAbortBroadcast
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— Hidden_Payload
2018-05-04 09:40:09,416 [root] DEBUG: |— Hidden_Payload
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationContainsDex
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationContainsJar
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationContainsSo
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidInstalledApps
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationDroppedDex
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationDroppedFiles
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationDroppedSo
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidShellCommands
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidPhoneNumber
2018-05-04 09:40:09,417 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidInstalledApps
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidAccountInfo
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidAppInfo
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidPrivateInfoQuery
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidAudio
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidUsingReflection
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidRegisteredReceiver
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidInstalledApps
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidSMS
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidComponentEnabledSetting
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidStopProcess
2018-05-04 09:40:09,418 [root] DEBUG: |— ApplicationUsesLocation
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |— AndroidCamera
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |— CreatesExe
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |— SystemMetrics
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |— NetworkHTTP
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |— NetworkICMP
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |— NetworkIRC
2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: -- NetworkSMTP 2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: Imported "processing" modules: 2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |-- AnalysisInfo 2018-05-04 09:40:09,419 [root] DEBUG: |-- ApkInfo 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- BehaviorAnalysis 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- Debug 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- Droidmon 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- Dropped 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- GooglePlay 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- Memory 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- NetworkAnalysis 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- ProcessMemory 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- Static 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- Strings 2018-05-04 09:40:09,420 [root] DEBUG: |-- TargetInfo 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG:
— VirusTotal
2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: Imported «auxiliary» modules:
2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: -- Sniffer 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: Imported "reporting" modules: 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: |-- JsonDump 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: |-- MAEC40Report 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: |-- MMDef 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: |-- MongoDB 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: |-- ReportAndroidHTML 2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG:
— ReportHTML
2018-05-04 09:40:09,421 [root] DEBUG: Imported «machinery» modules:
2018-05-04 09:40:09,422 [root] DEBUG: -- Avd 2018-05-04 09:40:09,451 [root] DEBUG: Checking for locked tasks... 2018-05-04 09:40:09,501 [root] DEBUG: Initializing Yara... 2018-05-04 09:40:09,502 [root] DEBUG: |-- index_binaries.yar 2018-05-04 09:40:09,502 [root] DEBUG:
— index_memory.yar
2018-05-04 09:40:09,503 [lib.cuckoo.core.resultserver] DEBUG: ResultServer running on
2018-05-04 09:40:09,504 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Using «avd» machine manager
2018-05-04 09:40:09,528 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Loaded 1 machine/s
2018-05-04 09:40:09,538 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Waiting for analysis tasks.
2018-05-04 09:40:30,187 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] DEBUG: Processing task #4
2018-05-04 09:40:30,188 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Starting analysis of FILE «/tmp/cuckoo-tmp/upload_w5qL0q/yingyongbao_7192130.apk» (task=4)
2018-05-04 09:40:30,393 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: File already exists at «/root/cuckoo/storage/binaries/8c0e1f7e4468e389a1586e2d46333d06788ae2640156acf0113489466c7117c6»
2018-05-04 09:40:30,409 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #4: acquired machine aosx_1 (label=aosx_1)
2018-05-04 09:40:30,422 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Starting vm aosx_1
2018-05-04 09:40:30,422 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Duplicate Reference Machine ‘aosx’.
2018-05-04 09:40:30,422 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Deleting old emulator config file ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx_1.ini’
2018-05-04 09:40:30,422 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Deleting old emulator FS ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx_1.avd/’
2018-05-04 09:40:30,536 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Copy AVD reference config file ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx.ini’ in ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx_1.ini’…
2018-05-04 09:40:30,536 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Duplicate the AVD internal content from ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx.avd/’ in ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx_1.avd/’…
2018-05-04 09:40:31,022 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Replacing ‘aosx’ with ‘aosx_1’ in ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx_1.ini’
2018-05-04 09:40:31,022 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Replacing ‘aosx’ with ‘aosx_1’ in ‘/root/.android/avd/aosx_1.avd/hardware-qemu.ini’
2018-05-04 09:40:41,035 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Restarting ADB server…
2018-05-04 09:40:41,041 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: ADB server has been killed.
2018-05-04 09:40:44,048 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: ADB server has been restarted.
2018-05-04 09:40:44,049 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Waiting for device emulator-5554 to be ready.
2018-05-04 09:40:44,055 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Waiting for the emulator to be ready
2018-05-04 09:40:44,056 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: — (dev.bootcomplete)
2018-05-04 09:40:59,836 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: — (sys_bootcomplete)
2018-05-04 09:40:59,883 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: — (init.svc.bootanim)
2018-05-04 09:41:08,064 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Emulator emulator-5554 is ready !
2018-05-04 09:41:08,077 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: Starting analysis on guest (id=aosx_1, ip=
2018-05-04 09:41:08,077 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: waiting for status 0x0001
2018-05-04 09:41:08,082 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:09,087 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:10,091 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:11,095 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:12,100 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:13,106 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:14,111 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:15,115 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:16,120 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:17,125 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:18,129 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:19,134 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:20,140 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:21,145 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:22,150 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:23,155 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:24,160 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:25,164 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:26,169 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:27,174 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:28,179 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:29,183 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:30,187 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:31,192 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:32,197 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:33,202 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:34,207 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:35,211 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:36,216 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:37,221 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:38,225 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:39,230 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:40,236 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:41,241 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:42,246 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:43,251 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:44,255 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:45,260 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:46,265 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:47,269 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:48,274 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:49,281 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:50,285 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:51,290 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:52,295 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:53,300 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:54,305 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:55,309 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:56,314 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:57,319 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:58,324 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:41:59,329 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:00,334 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:01,339 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:02,344 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:03,349 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:04,354 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:05,359 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:06,363 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:07,368 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:08,374 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:09,379 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:10,384 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:11,390 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:12,395 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:13,399 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:14,403 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:15,407 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:16,413 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:17,417 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:18,422 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:19,427 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:20,432 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:21,436 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:22,441 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:23,446 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:24,451 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:25,456 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:26,461 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:27,466 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:28,471 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:29,475 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:30,479 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:31,483 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:32,488 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:33,493 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:34,498 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:35,503 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:36,508 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:37,513 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:38,518 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:39,523 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:40,527 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:41,531 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:42,535 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:43,541 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:44,546 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:45,550 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:46,555 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:47,559 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:48,563 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:49,567 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:50,571 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:51,575 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:52,579 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:53,584 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:54,588 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:55,593 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:56,598 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:57,603 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:58,607 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:42:59,612 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:00,617 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:01,623 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:02,627 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:03,632 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:04,638 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:05,642 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:06,646 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:07,652 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: aosx_1: not ready yet
2018-05-04 09:43:08,653 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] ERROR: aosx_1: the guest initialization hit the critical timeout, analysis aborted.
2018-05-04 09:43:08,659 [modules.machinery.avd] DEBUG: Stopping vm aosx_1
2018-05-04 09:43:08,660 [modules.machinery.avd] INFO: Stopping AVD listening on port 5554
2018-05-04 09:43:09,703 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] DEBUG: Released database task #4 with status False
2018-05-04 09:43:09,719 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «AnalysisInfo» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,452 [modules.processing.apkinfo] WARNING: Dex size bigger than: None
2018-05-04 09:43:12,454 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «ApkInfo» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,459 [modules.processing.behavior] WARNING: Analysis results folder does not exist at path «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4/logs».
2018-05-04 09:43:12,459 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «BehaviorAnalysis» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,466 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «Debug» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,470 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «Droidmon» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,470 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «Dropped» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,507 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «NetworkAnalysis» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,507 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «ProcessMemory» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:12,508 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «Static» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:13,008 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «Strings» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:13,109 [lib.cuckoo.common.objects] WARNING: Unable to import pydeep (install with pip install pydeep
2018-05-04 09:43:13,155 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «TargetInfo» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,845 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed processing module «VirusTotal» on analysis at «/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,846 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Applying signature overlays for signatures: creates_exe
2018-05-04 09:43:14,848 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running non-evented signatures
2018-05-04 09:43:14,848 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_AirPush_Adware»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,862 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_Umeng_Adware»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,863 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_antivirus_virustotal»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,863 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_antivirus_virustotal_threshold»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,864 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_dangerous_permissions»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,864 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «android_dangerous_permissions»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,865 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_dynamic_code»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,865 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_google_play_diff»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,866 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_hidden_payload»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,872 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «android_hidden_payload»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,873 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_maware_snadrorat»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,895 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_maware_androrat»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,895 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_maware_iBanking»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,897 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_native_code»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,897 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_packer»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,901 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «android_reflection_code»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,901 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_aborted_broadcast_receiver»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,901 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_contains_apk»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,903 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «application_contains_apk»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,904 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_contains_arm_binaries»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,904 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «application_contains_arm_binaries»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,904 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_contains_dex»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,904 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «application_contains_dex»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,904 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_contains_jar»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «application_contains_jar»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_contains_so»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Analysis matched signature «application_contains_so»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_device_admin»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_dropped_dex»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_dropped_files»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_dropped_so»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,905 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_executed_shell_command»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_fingerprint»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_installed_app»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_queried_account_info»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_queried_installed_apps»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_queried_private_information»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_recording_audio»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,906 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_reflection»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,907 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_registered_receiver_runtime»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,907 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_root»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,907 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_sent_sms_messages»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,907 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_setComponentEnabledSetting»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,907 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_stopped_processes»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,907 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_uses_location»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,908 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «application_using_the_camera»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,908 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «creates_exe»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,908 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «generic_metrics»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,908 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «network_http»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,908 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «network_icmp»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,908 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «network_irc»
2018-05-04 09:43:14,909 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Running signature «network_smtp»
2018-05-04 09:43:15,607 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed reporting module «JsonDump»
2018-05-04 09:43:15,778 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] ERROR: Failed to run the reporting module «MongoDB»:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «/root/cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/plugins.py», line 505, in process
File «/root/cuckoo/modules/reporting/mongodb.py», line 216, in run
File «/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymongo/database.py», line 1053, in call
self.__name, self.__client.class.name))
TypeError: ‘Database’ object is not callable. If you meant to call the ‘disconnect’ method on a ‘MongoClient’ object it is failing because no such method exists.
2018-05-04 09:43:15,967 [lib.cuckoo.core.plugins] DEBUG: Executed reporting module «ReportAndroidHTML»
2018-05-04 09:43:15,967 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #4: reports generation completed (path=/root/cuckoo/storage/analyses/4)
2018-05-04 09:43:15,977 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #4: analysis procedure completed
I checked the FAQ, I made sure agent running and 8000 port is open。
cuckoo version 2.0.3
Any help would be appreciated !
Thank you.
Архив: не устанавливается.
/ 300
в месяц
Создан: 3 года назад
- Описание
- я скачал bluestacks, но установить никак не могу, также не открывается файл по bluestacks, постоянно ошибка получается «apk ошибка при установке guest_not_ready_yet».
- Категория
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Требуется написать софт , который будет делать рассылку по личным сообщениям на площадке Ebay Kleinanzeigen по заранее спаршенным обьявлениям….
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Table Of Contents
- {Updated} Bluestacks Problems And Solutions 2019
- 1. Graphic Card Error Related To BlueStack.
- 2. Downloading The Runtime Data Error
- 3. Failed To Connect To Server
- 4. Can’t Access Hard Drives From the BlueStack
- 5. At least 2GB Physical Internal Memory
- 6. Viber Activation Issue bluestacks error
- 7. Error retrieving information from server.[RPC:S-5:AEC-0]
- Update #1
- 8. Lading Issue – How to Solve Bluestack Loading Error
- 9. Unable To Use/upgrade BlueStacks After Windows 10 Upgrade
- 10. How To Resolve Bluestacks Market Not Found Error Fix In Windows MAC
- Update #2 Problem with bluestacks on windows 10
- #UPDATE 3: How to install VidMate on BlueStacks 3?
- #UPDATE 4: How To Solve “Some error occurred. Please try again.”
Bluestacks error and Bluestacks problems are the most common issues faced by users while running android apps on pc. BlueStacks is indeed one of the most popular android emulators that are currently available for computer. It basically allows you to download and install most of the android applications on your computer system. The most distinguishable feature of bluestacks error is that it is free and is very easy to use compared to others.
It is also very amazing that the number of android game application games that are available for downloading in BlueStacks is quite high. This is indeed the most important reason behind its popularity. BlueStacks Review was always controversial as compared to other emulators.
Download Bluestacks Without Error (Windows xp, 7, 8,8.1)
( Mirror Link }
Bluestacks is the only Android Emulator which is being used by several customers within a very short span of time. Many people have started using BlueStack but absolutely not without any single problems. This post is basically for discussing about 6 major problems that most of us face while trying to install or use the emulator. HEre you can learn How to Fix BlueStacks.
[epcl_box type=”information”] MUST READ [/epcl_box]
⚠️Bluestacks – Fix No Mouse In Apps Problem
⚠️BlueStacks 4 Error FIX – Could not start the Engine
✅How To Install Bluestacks On Machine With 1GB RAM
✅How To use non-gmail ID to log on BlueStacks? | Use yahoo,live,yandex email id on bluestacks
We have already published article on BlueStacks Error 25000 Fix and BlueStacks Error 25000 Surface Pro.
{Updated} Bluestacks Problems And Solutions 2019
Many users must have faced the problem related to the BlueStacks i.e., “Bluestacks currently does not recognize your graphic card. It is possible your graphic drivers may need to be updated, Please update them and try installing again.” Let us first find the reason behind this problem. (Cannot Start BlueStacks 8.1, BlueStacks Stuck at Loading Screen,
You might be aware that the BlueStacks runs the Android app on PC. It basically requires good quality of graphics card and also physical memory to render its proper performance. There are basically two types of Graphics Card:
- Microsoft’s proprietary Direct3D>> used to run Windows.
- OpenGL>> which is basically used to run android programs.
You must keep in mind that you need to regularly update your windows. If you do not update it regularly then there is a very high probability that the openGL didn’t get properly updated when required. So you need to do it manually.
The Solution for it:
- Just use an uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller to cleanly uninstall the bluestack.
- Reinstall the latest version of BlueStack.
- Keep your computer system ion charging mode and set the power option to the high-performance level just in order to make sure that your Graphics card is up and running.
- You can also update your graphics card by going to My Computer>>Right click and then select manage>>device management>>Display Adapter>>Double Click on the version of your GPU>>Drivers>>Update Drivers.
Even after following the aforementioned instructions it does not work out then you need to wait for the newer version of the BlueStacks Graphic Drivers. In such away you can solve bluestacks error and bluestacks problems.
2. Downloading The Runtime Data Error
Often while the installation process of BlueStacks is going on your computer you may get the following case when the Bluestacks Google Play gets stuck on “downloading runtime data”. Well if you must know this particular error has nothing to do with your System Hardware.
It has something to do with the Bluestacks server. If at all there is a BlueStacks server problem you may see that the installation might halt at some point. Let’s see how to solve this bluestacks error.
Solution of this problem:
You need to stop the current installation. You can even download the Revo uninstaller and cleanly uninstall the bluestacks. After you have completely uninstalled it you can download the fresh copy of the bluestacks from the bluestacks.com. This is the way to fix Fix BlueStacks Loading Page.
3. Failed To Connect To Server
While installing the app from the store you may have got this error quite often “No app found Please check your internet connection and try again”. It is one of the most common bluestacks error.
Possible reason for this problem
Since because it is in Beta stage bluestacks server is not working properly and it might also be the connection issue.
Solution of this problem
You can easily reconnect your internet and also try again after sometime. This is basically a temporary problem and it be easily fixed. Bluestacks error is solved now. TADA!!!
MUST READ:⚠️ *Fix*: Network Error/Issue in BlueStacks 2019 *Updated*
4. Can’t Access Hard Drives From the BlueStack
This problem is being found many times on some newer versions of bluestack. There is basically no direct option to open the file from the application
Solution to this problem
You can either drag or drop the file to the bluestack that you want to send. If the above-mentioned step still did not work out for you then you can install the file manager like Astro file manager and then you can browse your file through that.
MUST READ: How To Install Bluestacks On Windows and Mac
5. At least 2GB Physical Internal Memory
One of the BlueStacks Requirement is 2GB RAM. In many cases, the users do claim that they have near about 100GB of free space in their respective hard disk but still, they are getting this error. You need to remember that the physical memory is equivalent to RAM. In the case you have an old computer with less RAM it would simply not work.
Solution to this problem
You can simply upgrade or buy new RAM for your new system. The initial stage bluestack actually refers near about 1 GB of RAM but now they have already upgraded to about 2 GB in the latest bluestack installer. In case you cannot opt for 2 GB of RAM then you need to stick to the previous version of Bluestack. This procedure will definitely solve your bluestacks error.
Must Read : How To Install Bluestacks On Machine With 1GB RAM
6. Viber Activation Issue bluestacks error
Viber is the most important application that almost everyone is trying on BlueStacks. On the first installation itself, it starts giving issues. The very most common issue with the Viber installation is basically its activation. Viber activation code is not responding even after several attempts and it gives the following message that “an error has occurred during the viber activation process”
Solution to this problem
You need to remove or uninstall the Viber then wait for 24 hours and then reinstall and try again. You must make sure that you try both the SMS and also the automated options. You may even try to register to Viber with a different number just to determine whether the problem is specific with your number or any general one.
7. Error retrieving information from server.[RPC:S-5:AEC-0]
Problem: BlueStacks Error RPC S 3, BlueStacks Troubleshooting
Go to “Settings”
Applications>Manage Applications >Select “All”
Scroll to and tap Google Play Store >
Force Stop > OK
Clear data > and tap “OK”.
Tap the Back button to get back to the applications list.
Scroll to and tap > Google Service Framework
Force Stop> OK
Clear data > “OK”.
Now reboot (switch on & off) your device.
That’s it your bluestacks error is solved now.
⚠️Bluestacks – Fix No Mouse In Apps Problem
⚠️BlueStacks 4 Error FIX – Could not start the Engine
✅How To Install Bluestacks On Machine With 1GB RAM
✅How To use non-gmail ID to log on BlueStacks? | Use yahoo,live,yandex email id on bluestacks
Update #1
8. Lading Issue – How to Solve Bluestack Loading Error
Problem: Most typical problem with BlueStacks is the packing issue which lots of individuals have actually grumbled concerning. Typical problem is– “Stuck while loading, all it says is loading“. I did some study on this and also put together an extremely straightforward solution which will certainly assist you to solve the issue.
Solution To This Loading… Problem:
Before That :
First you need to reinstall the latest version of bluestacks again before you go further and reinstall this app, make sure of following:
Give your user account(Admin) full-control of ProgramData\BlueStacks directory. That is,run it as administrator.
In windows explorer:
- Navigate to C:\\ProgramData (if C is your Windows drive) – Note this not Program Files it is ProgramData.
- Locate & right-click the BlueStacks folder within C:\\ProgramData
- Select Properties
- Select Security Tab
- Find Your Widows User within the Group and User Names Window
- Select Edit
- You will need to select your Windows User within the Group and Users Name Window
- Assign Full Control and select OK
- Select OK again
- Reboot
Now reinstall the latest version TADA!! You are done! 🙂
9. Unable To Use/upgrade BlueStacks After Windows 10 Upgrade
Problem: Unable To Use/upgrade BlueStacks After Windows 10 Upgrade. Though it is derived from widows 8 ad widows 8.1 you may face some issues there. As it is released with may update so, there are some incompatibilities.
If you face following issues or changed behaviour like:
- Unable to install blueblack o widows 10.
- Unable to Open Bluestack on widows 10
- Blestack hanging Problem on Windows 10
Solution to this problem :
To Fix this issue download the latest build from www.bluestacks.com or write to support@bluestacks.com with your problem to get immediate support
10. How To Resolve Bluestacks Market Not Found Error Fix In Windows MAC
Problem: Sometimes you may see the following window saying that Market Not Found.
If you face the following issues or changed behavior like, There are 3 ways to overcome this problem.
Solution to this problem :
Solution 1. By Directly Installing the Android apps from Google Play store.
Solution 2 . Install the Google Play Store app and FrameWork Manually in Bluestacks.
Some version of Bluestacks app player is not coming with Pre-Installed Google play Service, So you can Install Google Android Market
GoogleServiceFramework.apk ( Download GoogleServicesFrameWork.apk)
Vending.apk (Download Vending.apk)
SetupWizard.apk (Download SetupWizard.apk)
Install all 3 from abve link
Solution 3: Installing the app directly by using Android apk files. Broswe that apk file to install
Update #2 Problem with bluestacks on windows 10
To assist you better, I would like to know; do you get any error message, while trying to run the program?
I would suggest you uninstall the Bluestack program and try installing it again.
Step 1:
To uninstall follow the steps.
1) Press Windows key + X and select Program and features.
2) Right click on the Bluestack and click on Uninstall.
Step 2: Install Bluestack application again and check if it helps.
Hope it helps, reply to us with the status of your issue. We will be happy to assist you.
#UPDATE 3: How to install VidMate on BlueStacks 3?
VidMate is one of the most downloaded app . It is not compatible with bluestack 3N. As it needs BS3 native version which can coexist with current bluestack 3N.Both the version can co-exist together. At a time, you can run only one of them. You will see two icons of bluestack on desktop one of them will work for vidmate.
Download Bluestack Native Working With Vidmate
#UPDATE 4: How To Solve “Some error occurred. Please try again.”
Problem: If you are facing the above issue then it’s very easy to solve this problem without much technical knowledge. You will see a popup saying “Some error occurred. Please try again”
- Open the system tray from taskbar (if BlueStacks icon is already located on Taskbar, follow the next step)
- Right click on the BlueStacks icon, then click on “Quit” as shown below to exit BlueStacks.
- Now re-launch BlueStacks on your PC
These are the most common bluestacks error and bluestacks problems faced by user are solved!