Blizzard код ошибки blzbntbgs000003f8

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Код ошибки: BLZBNTBGS000003F8

Эта ошибка указывает на неполадку с подключением к серверам Call of Duty.

  1. Проверьте наличие информации о текущих затруднениях в ленте BlizzardCSEU_RU в Twitter.
  2. Удостоверьтесь, что вы запускаете игру через приложение
  3. Убедитесь, что вы авторизованы через правильную учетную запись
  4. Устраните неполадки с интернет-подключением.

Ничего не помогло?

Если вы попробовали все шаги, но затруднение не было устранено, пожалуйста свяжитесь со службой поддержки Activision.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War оказалась довольно проблемной игрой, за время ее существования было обнаружено десятки ошибок. Одна из последних — BLZBNTBGS000003F8, она появляется во время игры. Хоть CoD и запускается изначально, игра становится абсолютно неиграбельной. Мы всесторонне изучили данный сбой и готовы предложить реальные способы решения, которые уже сработали у многих игроков.

Решение 1: вносим игру в исключения брандмауэра

Брандмауэр Windows нужен для защиты от несанкционированной работы программ и файлов. Однако, при определенных обстоятельствах он может заблокировать даже тот софт, который не несет вреда для системы. В подобной ситуации происходит блокировка доступа к сети и Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War просто вылетает с ошибкой

Как исправить ошибку BLZBNTBGS000003F8:

  1. Открываем брандмауэр Windows (найти его можно с помощью поиска).
  2. Нажимаем на опцию в вертикальном меню «Разрешение взаимодействия с приложением…».
  3. Ищем в списке данную игру и устанавливаем флаги в обоих колонках.
  4. Сохраняем изменения и закрываем окно.

Если в этом списке нет CoD, значит проблема точно в том, что игра не имеет доступа к интернету. Чтобы это исправить, нужно:

  1. Запускаем лаунчер Blizzard и выбираем данную игру.
  2. Нажимаем на изображение Blizzard и переходим в «Настройки».
  3. На вкладке «Загрузки» ищем папку, куда устанавливается игра.
  4. Идем по этому пути и ищем файл BlackOpsColdWar.exe.
  5. Копируем путь к нему.
  6. Возвращаемся в меню брандмауэра и нажимаем на кнопку «Разрешить другое приложение».
  7. Вставляем путь и нажимаем «Добавить».

Ошибка BLZBNTBGS000003F8 в Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Способ 2: очищаем кэш DNS

Это очень быстрое, но рабочее действие, оно сбрасывает временные данные DNS. Чтобы удалить кэш, достаточно в командную строку ввести ipconfig /flushdns и нажать Enter.

Способ 3: изменяем DNS

Порой установленный по умолчанию DNS не так хорошо работает, либо он медленный, либо неправильно настроен. Google DNS в большинстве случаев будет лучшим решением.


  1. Делаем клик правой кнопкой мыши по значку подключения к интернету (правый нижний угол, рядом со временем).
  2. Выбираем опцию «Центр управления сетями…» и переходим во вкладку «Изменение параметров адаптера».
  3. Двойным кликом раскрываем активное подключение и так же само жмем на «IP-версии 4».
  4. Выставляем «Установить DNS вручную» и вводим:, а во вторую строку –

Ошибка BLZBNTBGS000003F8 в Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Способ 4: обновляем драйвер сетевого оборудования

Можно его просто скачать с сайта производителя сетевой карты или перейти в «Диспетчер устройств» и обновить автоматически через доступное там меню.

Способ 5: переходим на кабельное подключение

Стоит попробовать переключиться с Wi-Fi на проводное подключение к роутеру.

Способ 6: очистить кэш

Повреждение папки с кэшем может спровоцировать проблемы подключения к игре Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Ее очистка нередко помогает исключить сетевые сбои.

Что нужно сделать:

  1. Клавишами Ctrl + Shift + Esc запускаем «Диспетчер задач».
  2. Ищем процесс agent.exe и если он есть, через правый клик мыши закрываем его.
  3. Нажимаем Win + R и вставляем %ProgramData%\Blizzard Entertainment\\ — так мы попадем в папку с кэшем.
  4. Удаляем все содержимое.

Ошибка BLZBNTBGS000003F8 в Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Способ 7: связываем учетные записи Activision и Blizzard

У пользователей, что не связали профили Activision и Blizzard больше шансов увидеть ошибку BLZBNTBGS000003F8 – так показывает практика.

Как их связать:

  1. Открываем сайт
  2. Входим в свой аккаунт и нажимаем на кнопку «Профиль».
  3. Нажимаем на опцию «Связать аккаунт с».

После этого действия, скорее всего вы сможете войти в игру.

В крайнем случае еще можно сбросить настройки сети, этот параметр называется «Сброс сети» и его можно найти через поиск. Довольно радикальный метод, требующий повторного подключения к интернету, но он работает. Можно использовать, если ничего из перечисленного не сработало.

Players frequently experience connectivity problems in MW2 while attempting to access online services or multiplayer modes, and one such problem is the error code blzbntbgs00003f8 mw2. It means the connection between your gaming system and the game servers could not be established reliably. This error can be frustrating as it prevents you from thoroughly enjoying the online aspects of Modern Warfare 2. Fortunately, our error guide will help you find the perfect solutions to avoid this error.

The error BLZBNTBGS00003F8 in MW2 says, “The connection to the Blizzard game server has been lost. Please exit and try again.

Error code BLZBNTBGS00003F8 mw2

Error code BLZBNTBGS00003F8 mw2 (Image by eXputer)

Key Takeaways

  • Error code blzbntbgs00003f8 mw2 indicates a connection problem between your system and the game servers.

Here are some things you can try to diagnose and fix error code blzbntbgs00003f8:

    1. Check the server status to ensure it is not undergoing maintenance or experiencing outages.
    2. Restart your gaming system to resolve temporary glitches or conflicts.
    3. Keep your MW2 game updated to the latest version to benefit from bug fixes and improved stability.
    4. Disable background applications that may interfere with the game’s connection.
    5. Reset your network devices, such as the modem and router, to resolve connection-related issues.
    6. Check and adjust firewall and antivirus settings to allow MW2 to communicate with the game servers.
    7. Consider port forwarding to establish a stable connection by forwarding specific ports for MW2.
    8. Verify the integrity of game files on PC platforms to repair any corrupted or missing files.
    9. Contact the game’s official support team for further assistance if the issue persists.

Players frequently experience connectivity problems in MW2 while attempting to access online services or multiplayer modes, and one such problem is the error number BLZBNTBGS00003F8. It means the connection between your gaming system and the game servers could not be established reliably. 

Network connectivity issues, server maintenance/outages, background applications firewall settings, outdated game versions, corrupted game files, and improper network configurations can cause the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error in MW2. Considering these potential reasons, you may efficiently troubleshoot and deal with the situation.

Check Firewall And Antivirus Settings

It is vital to check your firewall and antivirus settings if you see the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 problem in MW2 because these settings frequently prevent the game from connecting to the servers. Although firewalls and antivirus software are intended to safeguard your computer, they occasionally tend to interfere with the network connections needed for MW2.

Try the following methods to achieve your goal:

  • Temporarily turn off your firewall. To temporarily turn off your firewall software, access the settings. Start MW2 and see if the error still occurs. Add MW2 as a trusted application or make an exemption in your firewall settings to grant it unfettered access.
  • Add MW2 as an exception in your antivirus software: Antivirus software frequently has tools that prevent some applications from connecting to the internet. To add MW2 as an exception or trusted application, access the settings of your antivirus program. This will ensure the antivirus program does not interfere with the game’s server connection.
  • Re-enable your firewall and antivirus: Remember to re-enable your firewall and antivirus software after making the necessary adjustments to keep your machine secure.

Check Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Check Firewall and Antivirus Settings (Image By Exputer)

You can eliminate any conflicts and enable MW2 to establish a reliable connection with the game servers, fixing the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error by checking and modifying your firewall and antivirus settings. 

Update The Game

When dealing with the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 bug in MW2, updating the game is a crucial step in troubleshooting. Game developers frequently release patches and updates to address problems, boost stability, and improve the gameplay experience. Older game versions can occasionally cause connectivity problems and produce error messages.

Follow these general steps to fix your error:

  1. Steam (PC)
    • Launch the Steam client.
    • Go to your game library.
    • Locate Modern Warfare 2.
    • Steam will automatically begin the update process if available.
    • Allow the update to complete. 
    • Launch MW2 and check if the error code persists.
  1. Console Platforms (PlayStation, Xbox)
    • Navigate to the MW2 game icon on your console’s home screen.
    • Access the game options by using the options button (PS) or the menu button (Xbox).
    • Select “Check for Updates.” 
    • Download and install any available updates.
    • Launch MW2 and see if the error persists. 

It’s critical to ensure your gaming platform is online while the update is installed. To ensure you have the most recent version of the game, download and install any available updates in order if there are multiple ones.

The BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error may be caused by known issues, flaws, and compatibility concerns that can be fixed by updating MW2. Maintaining game updates improves performance and raises the possibility that the problem code will be corrected.

Reset Network Drivers

Resetting your network equipment can frequently fix connectivity issues and assist with MW2’s BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error troubleshooting. You can update the settings on your modem and router and create a new connection to the game servers by rebooting them. To reset your network devices, follow these steps:

  1. Power off your modem and router.
  2. Locate the power cables of your modem and router and unplug them from the power source. 
  3. Wait for 30 seconds to fully power down and clear any residual power.
  4. Reconnect the power cables.
  5. Plug the power cables back into the modem and router and wait for them to boot fully.
  6. Reconnect your gaming system.
  7. Reconnect your gaming system to the network.
  8. Launch MW2 and check for the error. 
  9. Start MW2 and see if the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error persists.

Reset Network Drivers

Reset Network Drivers (Image By Exputer)

You can fix any temporary network problems or malfunctions that may have contributed to the error code by rebooting your modem and router. This procedure increases the probability of selecting the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error in MW2 to establish a new connection and check that your network devices are correctly coordinated with the game servers. 

Port Forwarding

By establishing a direct and dependable connection between your machine and the game servers, port forwarding is a method that can assist in fixing the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error in MW2. Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Determine the ports used by MW2; the required ports are typically specific to MW2 and may include both TCP and UDP protocols.
  2.  Open a web browser and type your router’s IP address into the address bar. This IP address is typically listed in the router’s manual or can be discovered using the commands “ipconfig” or “ifconfig” in the terminal on a Mac or Linux computer.
  3. To access the configuration page, provide the login and password for the router. 
  4. Locate the port forwarding settings by looking for a section like “Port Forwarding,” “Virtual Servers,” or “Applications & Gaming.”
  5. Create a new port forwarding rule for MW2 in the port forwarding settings.
  6. Give the rule a name and input the necessary ports (both TCP and UDP).
  7. Specify the IP address of your gaming system.
  8. Save and apply the changes.
  9. Your router will then start forwarding the specified ports to your gaming system.
  10. Launch MW2 and check if the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error persists. 

The communication between your system and the game servers optimizes by properly configuring port forwarding for MW2, which lowers the possibility of running into this specific error.

Verify Game Files (PC)

For PC users experiencing the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error in MW2, checking the game files is critical in debugging. This procedure verifies the game files’ integrity and ensures they are not corrupted or missing, which could cause connectivity problems. Follow the steps given below:

  1. Launch the game platform, such as Steam or
  2. Navigate to your game library.
  3. Locate Modern Warfare 2.
  4. Select “Properties” or “Settings” 
  5. Click on the “Local Files” or “Local Content.”  
  6. Click on the option that says “Verify Integrity of Game Files.” 
  7. Initiate the verification process. 
  8. Wait for the process to complete.
  9. Launch MW2 and see if the error persists.

By checking the game’s files, you may find and fix any corrupted or missing files causing the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error. This procedure can improve the game’s performance and stability and return it to a healthy state.

Check Server Status

Blizzard may have announced any server issues or downtime on their Twitter feed. Even though it’s doubtful that this is the cause of your problem, it’s still worth looking into. If the business reports server issues, your only option is to wait until they are fixed and access is once again permitted. You can check Blizzard’s server status from websites like Downdetector

Check Server Status

Check Server Status (Image By Exptuer)

Restore Network Driver

Only the Killer E2200 networking drivers for Windows 10 are compatible with this method. Reverting or updating network drivers in Device Manager reportedly fixes the issue code, according to users of this driver.

  1. Press Windows Key + R to “Run.” 
  2. Type devmgmt.msc.
  3. Select UAC (User Account Control).
  4. Go to Device Manager.
  5. Select Network Adapters.
  6. Locate the Killer E2200 driver.
  7. Select properties for the menu.
  8. Click on Driver.
  9. Click on Rollback Driver.
  10. Ensure the restore process.
  11. Restart the computer.
  12. Check to see if the error persists.

Restore Network Driver (Image by exputer)

Restore Network Driver (Image by eXputer)

Changing The DNS server

The Network and Internet menu’s option to change the default DNS server is another widely used solution for the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 problem. It has been verified that this workaround works on every recent Windows version.

When they changed the Preferred DNS Server to and the Alternate DNS Server to, many affected users who were having trouble playing on ASIA servers confirmed that the problem was fixed.

  1. Open a Run dialogue box by pressing the Windows key + R.
  2.  Type ‘control.exe.’ 
  3. Press Enter to open the Control Panel.
  4. Click on Network and Internet.
  5. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
  6. Click on the Change Adapter settings.
  7. Choose Properties from the Network Connections menu.
  8. Go to the Networking tab.
  9. Click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4).
  10. Enable the box associated with Use the following DNS server address toggle.
  11. Set as the Preferred DNS Server.
  12. Set as the Alternate DNS Server.
  13. Save the changes.
  14. Restart your computer.
  15. Relaunch the game to see if the error persists.

Changing DNS Server (Image by Exputer)AC

Changing DNS Server (Image by Exputer)

Try contacting the official support team for further assistance and help if something else is needed. Their team of experts will always be there to help you around the clock.


What does the error code BLZBNTBGS00003F8 mean in MW2?

The error code BLZBNTBGS00003F8 is specific to MW2 and usually indicates a connectivity issue with the game’s servers

Can my internet connection or network configuration cause the BLZBNTBGS00003F8 error?

An unstable internet connection, network issues, or certain router/firewall settings can contribute to the error.

Check out other Modern Warfare 2 guides on eXputer: 

  • COD MW2 Best PC Settings: High FPS & Performance
  • COD MW2: Best Guns & Loadouts 
  • Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Crashing 
  • Best Equipment In COD Modern Warfare 2

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Последние два дня наблюдаю проблемы в Call of Duty MW (2019) и Warzone соответственно тоже. Через 10-20 минут игры меня отключает от сервера с ошибкой, что в шапке. Покурил гугл, нашел пару «решений» по очистке кэша, смене региона и добавлении правил для фаервола. Все предложенные варианты испробовал, но все по-прежнему. Ничего в сети не менялось, роутер, провайдер, IP, пакет услуг и т.д. прежние. У кого-то сейчас есть такая проблема, может была и вы ее решили?

Нужна помощь, братцы.

UPD: С выходом патча 1.21.1 проблема исчезла, вроде как.

The Error Code BLZBNTBGS000003F8 is an issue that many COD Modern Warfare and COD Call of Duty Black Ops 4 players are getting immediately after their game connection is interrupted. The problem seems only to affect the multiplayer component – Users are kicked out online matches, and the connection with Blizzard servers is lost whenever it occurs.

Error Code BLZBNTBGS000003F8

What’s causing the Error Code BLZBNTBGS000003F8?

  • Bad Killer Networking Driver – Even though these networking drivers are marketed towards games, there are several Killer models (particularly E2220) that are known to cause this behaviour if the latest driver is installed. If this scenario is applicable, you should be able to resolve the issue by rolling back the networking driver back to an older version.
  • ISP is unable to connect with Blizzard or servers – This scenario is quite common with Asian and Australias users. The Australian ISP Optus is notoriously known for having this problem. In this case, you can fix the problem by using a VPN to change the location that you’re accessing the servers from.
  • Incorrect DNS server – If you’re only encountering the issue while trying to play on ASIA servers, it’s probably because of an incorrect DNS server. In this case, you can fix the issue by changing the Preferred DNS Server and the Alternate DNS server via the Network Connection menu.
  • General – If this is the case you may check to ensure your router is powered on, and is connected to your ISP. Wait a few minutes, and make sure that your PC/Laptop is connected to the internet. You may sometimes have to restart the router if Windows 10 says, that the PC cannot connect to the network.

Method 1: Rolling back networking driver (if applicable)

Several Windows 10 users that were encountering this issue with Killer E2200 networking drivers have managed to fix this issue entirely after rolling back the driver using Device Manager. After they manage to revert to an older version of the networking driver, they were able to play COD Modern Warfare or COD Black Ops 4 without getting random BLZBNTBGS000003F8 disconnects.

Here’s a quick guide on rolling back on the networking driver:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialogue box. Next, type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open up Device Manager. If you see the UAC (User Account Control) window, click Yes to open the utility with admin access.
    Running Device Manager
  2. Once you’re inside Device Manager, scroll down through the list of installed devices and expand the menu associated with Network adapters (by clicking on the drop-down arrow).
  3. Inside the Network adapters menu, locate your Killer E2200 driver, right-click on it and choose Properties from the newly appeared context menu.
    Accessing the Properties screen of the Networking driver
  4. Once you’re inside the Properties menu of your networking driver, select the Driver tab from the top of the window, next click on Roll Back Driver and click Yes to confirm the installation rollback.
    Rollback the Killer Networking driver
  5. Wait for the operation to complete and restart your computer if the system doesn’t do it automatically.
  6. At the next computer startup, see if the issue is now resolved.

If the same problem is still occurring with the same frequency, move down to the next potential fix below to resolve the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error.

Method 2: Using a VPN

As it turns out, one of the most common instances that will end up triggering the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error is a situation in which your PC is unable to get through to some servers on Blizzard or network. It has now been confirmed that some ISPs are having trouble routing to Blizzard and servers.

This issue is being consistently reported in Australia and certain Asian countries. In Australia, the vast majority of reports are with the Optus Australia ISP.

Fortunately, if this scenario is applicable, you can fix the issue quite easily by using a VPN – This will end up changing the routing to these problematic servers and allow the connection to be established.

Note: You don’t have to use a paid VPN if you don’t want to. It works just as well with free options (as you’re going to see below).

Here’s a quick guide on installing and using a free VPN to avoid the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error code:

  1. Visit this link (here) and hit the Download Now button to initiate the download. Once you get to the next screen, hit the Register button associated with the free account, then download the free version of the VPN solution.
    Downloading the VPN solution
  2. At the next screen, enter your email address to complete the registration. It’s important to make sure that you’re using a valid email address because you will later be required to verify the registration from that email address.
    Registering for the service
  3. Once the registration is complete, navigate to your email inbox and look for the verification email that you received from Once you find it, click on Activate my account to get started.
  4. Once you manage to complete the verification, you will be taken to a screen where you’ll need to choose an appropriate user and password for your account. After you manage to do this, click on Create Account.
    Creating an account with
  5. After you’ve successfully signed into the account that you have just set up, make your way to Pricing > Free and click on the Apply Now button to activate the free plan that you’re entitled to.
    Apply for the free account
  6. Once the free plan is enabled, move over to the Download clients tab and click on the Download Now button that’s corresponding to your operating system version to initiate the download.
    Downloading the Windows client of
  7. Once the download is complete, double-click on the newly-downloaded executable, then follow the installation screen to complete the operation.
    Installing the Hide.Me VPN application
  8. After the installation is complete, all you need to do is sign in with the account that you previously created at step 4. Next, all you need to do is click on Start your free trial, and select a location that’s different from Asia or  Australia. That’s it.
  9. While the VPN is active, launch the COD game that you were encountering the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error and see if the issue is now resolved.

If the same problem is still occurring, move down to the next method below.

Method 3: Changing the DNS server

Another popular fix for the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error is to modify the default DNS server from the Network and Internet menu. This fix was confirmed to be successful on all recent Windows versions.

A lot of affected users that we’re encountering the issue when trying to play on ASIA servers have confirmed that the issue was resolved after they modified the Preferred DNS Server to and the Alternate DNS Server to

Here’s a quick guide on how to change the DNS server in order to fix the Call of Duty BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error via the Network Connection section:

  1. Open u a Run dialogue box by pressing Windows key + R. Next, type ‘control.exe’  inside the text box and press Enter to open up a Control Panel.
    Running Control Panel
  2. Once you’re inside the Classic Control Panel interface, click on Network and Internet, then click on Network and Sharing Center.
    Accessing the Network and Sharing Center via classic Control Panel
  3. Once you’re inside the Network and Sharing Center screen, click on the Change adapter settings hyperlink.
    Accessing the adapter menu
  4. Once you’re inside the Network Connections menu, right-click on the network that you are currently connected to and choose Properties from the newly appeared context menu.
    Opening the Properties screen of the active connection
  5. Once you’re inside the Properties screen, go to the Networking tab, then double-click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4).
    Accessing the Internet Protocol Version 4 settings
  6. Once you’re inside the Properties screen of Internet Protocol Version 4, enable the box associated with Use the following DNS server address toggle. next, set as the Preferred DNS Server and as the Alternate DNS Server.
    Changing the alternate DNS server
  7. Hit Ok to save the changes, then restart your computer to allow these new changes to be implemented.
  8. At the next computer startup, launch the game that was causing the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error once again and see if the issue is now resolved.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

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