Blackberry ошибка bb10 0020

Описание ошибок bberror на BlackBerry OS 10. Смартфон на BlackBerry OS 10 не запускается и отображает ошибку.

Код ошибки

The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use

(Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)

The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)

The device will not start up due to a critical error while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS (Устройство не загружается из-за критической ошибки при загрузке операционной системы)

The device will not start up because incompatible device radio software has been loaded on the device (Устройство не загружается из-за несовместимой версии драйвера беспроводной сети)

The device will not start up due to missing or invalid radio software (Устройство не загружается из-за отсутствия или ошибки драйвера беспроводной сети)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device did not start up due to a non-functional or bad battery (Устройство не загружается, поскольку аккумулятор поврежден)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

Решение проблемы

Обновить прошивку

Загрузите и установите последнюю версию BlackBerry Link на свой компьютер, затем подключите устройство и перезагрузите программное обеспечение устройства.

Архивы прошивок.

Обратиться в сервисный центр

Если обновление прошивки не помогает, обратитесь в сервисный центр BlackBerry.

Дата обновления: 7 сентября 2020

Описание ошибок bberror на BlackBerry OS 10. Смартфон на BlackBerry OS 10 не запускается и отображает ошибку.

Код ошибки

The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use

(Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)

The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)

The device will not start up due to a critical error while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS (Устройство не загружается из-за критической ошибки при загрузке операционной системы)

The device will not start up because incompatible device radio software has been loaded on the device (Устройство не загружается из-за несовместимой версии драйвера беспроводной сети)

The device will not start up due to missing or invalid radio software (Устройство не загружается из-за отсутствия или ошибки драйвера беспроводной сети)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device did not start up due to a non-functional or bad battery (Устройство не загружается, поскольку аккумулятор поврежден)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

Решение проблемы

Обновить прошивку

Загрузите и установите последнюю версию BlackBerry Link на свой компьютер, затем подключите устройство и перезагрузите программное обеспечение устройства.

Архивы прошивок.

Обратиться в сервисный центр

Если обновление прошивки не помогает, обратитесь в сервисный центр BlackBerry.

Дата обновления: 7 сентября 2020

Описание ошибок bberror на BlackBerry OS 10. Смартфон на BlackBerry OS 10 не запускается и отображает ошибку.

Код ошибки

The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use

(Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)

The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)

The device will not start up due to a critical error while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS (Устройство не загружается из-за критической ошибки при загрузке операционной системы)

The device will not start up because incompatible device radio software has been loaded on the device (Устройство не загружается из-за несовместимой версии драйвера беспроводной сети)

The device will not start up due to missing or invalid radio software (Устройство не загружается из-за отсутствия или ошибки драйвера беспроводной сети)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device did not start up due to a non-functional or bad battery (Устройство не загружается, поскольку аккумулятор поврежден)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

Решение проблемы

Обновить прошивку

Загрузите и установите последнюю версию BlackBerry Link на свой компьютер, затем подключите устройство и перезагрузите программное обеспечение устройства.

Архивы прошивок.

Обратиться в сервисный центр

Если обновление прошивки не помогает, обратитесь в сервисный центр BlackBerry.

Дата обновления: 7 сентября 2020

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Тема в разделе ‘BlackBerry Q10, Q5’, создана пользователем k2kayman, 12 июн 2015.

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  1. k2kayman

    Модель BlackBerry:
    Другой оператор

    Народ ! Всем доброго дня суток. Есть проблема с моим q10. Не включается, не заряжается. Есть ещё один q10, на нём всё работает, менял батареи между ними, оба перестают работать + появляется ошибка Ссылки скрыты! Войти или зарегистрироваться.
    . Прошивки менял, неоднократно. Кто что может подсказать ???

  2. BlackBerry Admin
    Команда форума

    Модель BlackBerry:
    BlackBerry KEY2

    Эта ошибка появляется как индикатор сервисной проблемы. Привозите в сервисный центр.

    BlackBerry Admin,
    12 июн 2015

  3. k2kayman

    Модель BlackBerry:
    Другой оператор

    К сожалению в Казахстане нет сервисного центра пока или вообще не будет. :(
    других вариантов нет ?

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Let’s get quickly to the point: many people have reported that some Blackberry smartphones just randomly refuse to turn on reporting the error “BB10-0020” – here is how I fixed a phone affected by this problem.

Looking on the BB troubleshooting guide, we can see that the error is related to a bad battery, but it typically isn’t solved by simply replacing the battery. Here I will show you how to fix the problem and I will also comment a little bit about what to me appears as an obvious design fault. The problem is due to a broken connection between the battery connector and the mainboard.

To fix this error you will not need to buy any replacement part, unless the battery connector itself is damaged; however, you will need some tools:

  • Soldering iron with a fairly fine tip
  • Leaded solder
  • (recommended, not strictly necessary) hot air soldering station and leaded solder paste

After disassembling my friend’s Q10, I immediately noticed that the battery connector was wobbling a fair bit, so I tried moving it back and forth with a pair of pliers and it just completely came off the board. Also, while the two external pads (VBATT and GND) just broke at the solder joint, the two inner pads had the copper completely ripped away from the PCB. Fixing ripped pads would typically require massive rework and fiddling around with a multimeter to try and find a point where the missing pads were connected. But, luckily, I was able to find a picture online showing the connection between the battery connector pads and four test pins placed near the connector itself. Below I have redrawn it a bit better.

Now, since the two external pads were still on the board, probably because filled with vias to connect to the inner power planes, I decided to partially reflow the broken connector using a hot air gun and some solder paste, and then fix the two inner pads with a couple of short jumper wires, as in the picture below, soldering them to the back of the pogo pins, because it is the most accessible place.

The fix itself required less than 15 minutes, and I was able to close back the case by just cutting a small piece of plastic with a pair of snippers.

However, in my opinion, using a surface mount battery connector is a tremendous design flaw: solder joints do not provide enough shear strength and in the event of the phone falling on the ground the weight of the battery can be enough to break the joints. Having two lateral through hole pins would have solved this issue entirely.

  1. arvveeeeee's Avatar


    So I randomly did a manual reset on my z10 and when it booted up, a red battery pops up with an exclamation and then the address «» shows up?

    Apparently my battery was defective when that pops up (via BlackBerry website support page). I didn’t believe it, so I did another reset and poof! My z10 starts again! What the flip? Maybe the battery was loose or something…but my z10 on «God Mode» can’t go out like that so easily….

    Anyone experience it before? The ones with a 4500 mah battery?

    Posted via CB10

    05-19-14 06:53 AM

  2. sleepngbear's Avatar


    My Z10 burped like that once, with the stock battery. It was after I had charged it up using the PlayBook charger, for some strange reason. Except restarting it didn’t change anything — it just thought that battery was dead. Did a full charge on its own charger and all was well after that. Little gremlins in there, no doubt.

    05-19-14 08:40 AM

  3. Mohsen Azarfar's Avatar


    i have the same problem
    plzzzz help

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    11-21-14 10:42 AM

  4. syah iejam's Avatar


    Any trusted solution?

    Typing with excellent touch board z10

    11-22-14 01:26 PM

  5. jas1978's Avatar


    Decided to turn on my spare Z10 I’ve had in my drawer for eight months. I wanted to test the latest leak. When I plugged the phone in it gave the same bb10-0020 you mentioned. I checked online and it says «The BlackBerry 10 smartphone had detected a non-functional or bad battery.» This might explain the random reboots the phone had (which it why I stopped using it). The battery is the original one it came with.

    I then plugged in the phone again and it started up normally. After the loading screen the phone will stay on for about a minute or so and then reboot. Guess I’ll turn it off for now and get another battery.

    04-30-15 09:22 PM

  6. Murundum's Avatar


    Got the same problem on a Q10. Tried to reload the OS but nothing happened. Ordered a new battery from an oficial BlackBerry store and after installing it the problems were still there. Same message. Tried to reload the OS several times in different PCs but nothing so far. Dunno what to do as every place I searched on the web informed the BB error 00-20 was a batery issue. I think I should send it to maintenance but I�m afarid the Q10 is dead.

    02-28-16 08:41 AM

  7. Mike Sumner's Avatar


    Hi, I had this error this morning after leaving my Z10 in the drawer for a couple of months. Just left it plugged into the charger for a few minutes and then it rebooted and started fine. I think that it’s a «hyper» low battery situation.

    03-02-16 04:51 PM

  8. Murundum's Avatar


    Plugged my q10 with in the wall for hous and nothing happened. Changed the battery and the same isse happened.

    03-03-16 08:39 AM

  9. Faisal Alghamdi's Avatar


    hello i have the same problem

    my q10 screen cracked and after that i bought a new iphone i hate this q10 for these many problem sim card etc….
    i left my q10 for 1 year and i bought a new screen replacement and fixing the device

    after that when i boot the q10 it shows red battery with «!» symbol inside it
    and after that shows yellow triangle with «!» symbol says bb00-0020
    i have the factory battery in good condition and the phone still have fake charging
    some times the phone shows yellow battery and charging symbol but in real its not charging

    i don’t know what i have to do with this device? ‘-‘
    i tried to bought a new blackberry battery after 2 days of searching in the stores and nothing new the phone still not charging

    please help me
    do the hard rest fixing the problem?

    04-12-17 03:47 PM

  10. Ben Stewart3's Avatar


    Had to reset the device 3 times then it took.

    04-17-17 05:41 PM

  11. TheAuthority's Avatar


    Got this error last night. The two variables:

    1. Installed BBM update from BlackBerry World (updates for anything are few and far between)

    2. I had tandem charged two batteries with the external battery pack chargers (forget what they’re actually called) the day before.

    I’m not sure which batteries I had been using. I have four. Two had been charged with the the little plastic chargers connected in tandem. Not sure which two I tried in the phone. Several batteries produced the error. In any case, it wasn’t looking good, but I was persistent and did numerous restarts till it finally «took.» The Q10 held overnight and all day today, even started up okay after a battery change this afternoon. Hopefully it’s all set. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    05-26-17 04:38 PM

  12. Daniel_asdf's Avatar


    Has anyone experienced this with a Passport? I changed the battery but haven’t been able to turn it on since then. Stupid non-removable batteries. There’s no good reason to not have a removable battery IMO.

    11-26-17 05:06 PM

  13. Tanveer Alam4's Avatar


    Got the same problem on a Q10. Tried to reload the OS but nothing happened. Ordered a new battery from an official BlackBerry store and after installing it the problems were still there. Same message. Tried to reload the OS several times in different PCs but nothing so far. Dunno what to do as every place I searched on the web informed the BB error 00-20 was a battery issue. I think I should send it to maintenance but I’m afraid the Q10 is dead.

    06-07-18 12:49 AM

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All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:22 AM.

Изображение на экране вашего BlackBerry при загрузке похоже на то, что вы видите выше? Произошел сбой операционной системы. Причинами таких сбоев часто является некорректная «прошивка» устройства или установка стороннего программного обеспечения. Ошибок может быть несколько видов: Application Error или JVM Error 104, 507, 523, и другие для BlackBerry OS 5-7 и, bb10-0015 и другие для BlackBerry 10. Решение одно — требуется восстановление операционной системы.

Наши специалисты восстановят работоспособность вашего смартфона. Услуга также включает обновление прошивки, поэтому вы сможете воспользоваться преимуществами новой версии программной платформы BlackBerry.

Обратите внимание, при восстановлении работоспособности смартфона данные на нем не восстанавливаются, вы получите абсолютно чистое устройство. Если вам нужно восстановить ваши данные (контакты, календарь, заметки, сообщения), обратитесь к услуге Восстановление данных на смартфоне BlackBerry.

Эта услуга — для восстановления работоспособности BlackBerry после программных ошибок. Такие устройства включаются, но на экране показывают информацию об ошибке, например, Error 507 Reload Software для BlackBerry 5-7 или для BlackBerry 10. В случае повреждения устройства на более низком уровне (устройство не включается, мигает индикатор LED, или «уходит в перезагрузку»), обратитесь к услуге Восстановление «мертвого» BlackBerry.

Восстановление и прошивка устройств BlackBerry на Android

Смартфоны BlackBerry на операционной системе Андроид, например, Priv и DTEK50, в некоторых случаях, перестают работать, а на экран выводится сообщение об ошибке. Причиной нередко является установка «неправильного» программного обеспечения и вредоносные программы, вирусы.

Вернуть работоспособность вашего устройства помогут специалисты компании ИнфоРешения.

Восстановление работы смартфонов BlackBerry 10

Если не работает или не включается ваш BlackBerry на ОС 10, например, Z10, Q10, Passport, Classic, вероятно, на кране вы видите одну из следующих ошибок:

  • The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)
  • The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)
  • The device will not start up due to a critical error while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS (Устройство не загружается из-за критической ошибки при загрузке операционной системы)
  • The device will not start up because incompatible device radio software has been loaded on the device (Устройство не загружается из-за несовместимой версии драйвера беспроводной сети)
  • The device will not start up due to missing or invalid radio software (Устройство не загружается из-за отсутствия или ошибки драйвера беспроводной сети)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)
  • The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)
  • The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device did not start up due to a non-functional or bad battery (Устройство не загружается, поскольку аккумулятор поврежден)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

Мы также сможем помочь, если ваше устройство при перезагрузке очищает все данные, точно так же, как при первом старте, однако мастер настройки не отображается. Характерным симптомом является то, что LED-индикатор светится голубым сразу после включения.

Восстановление работы при ошибке смартфона на ОС BlackBerry 5-7

Наиболее частые причины нарушения работы устройств BlackBerry 5-7, например, BlackBerry 9900 и 9700/ 9780 Bold, BlackBerry 9800 Torch, 9300 Curve:

  • Некорректная установка программ
  • Сбой во время «прошивки» устройства
  • Конфликт системы безопасности

В ряде случаев мы сможем восстановить работоспособность вашего BlackBerry.

Коды ошибок вы можете посмотреть на странице Коды и описание ошибок JVM (Java) на BlackBerry OS 4-7.


BlackBerry 10 очень надежная операционная система, но в ряде случаев, например при ошибочной  установке неофициальной прошивки ее можно тоже убить, BlackBerry планирует помочь пользователям, устройство которых превратилось в кирпич.

В прошлом была создана специальная веб-страница со ссылками на коды ошибки. Теперь BlackBerry представила новый веб-сайт для устройств BlackBerry 10 начиная с предстоящего обновления OS 10.2.

Если устройство не запускается оно покажет вам ссылку с URL где XXXX одна из ошибок, перечисленных ниже:

0001 или 0002 — настоящее время установлена версия BlackBerry 10 OS, которая не поддерживается на этом смартфоне.
0003 — критическая ошибка при загрузке ОС BlackBerry 10.
0004 — установлена прошивка для радиомодема, которая не поддерживается на смартфонах BlackBerry.
0005 — прошивка для радиомодема отсутствует или недопустима.
0015 — была обнаружена фатальная ошибка файловой системы.
0016 — была обнаружена фатальная ошибка файловой системы.
0017 — была обнаружена фатальная ошибка файловой системы.

2 часа назад, TUN10 сказал:

здравствуйте помогите мне пожалуйста исправить этот проблем
я сделяль прошивка с разном версии но не работает.телефон blackberry z10 stl100-3
огромное спасибо

Вот что указано на сайте Blackberry:


The BlackBerry 10 smartphone has detected a non-functional or bad battery.

Так что проблема с батареей или цепями питания.

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Тема в разделе ‘BlackBerry Q10, Q5’, создана пользователем k2kayman, 12 июн 2015.

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  1. k2kayman

    Модель BlackBerry:
    Другой оператор

    Народ ! Всем доброго дня суток. Есть проблема с моим q10. Не включается, не заряжается. Есть ещё один q10, на нём всё работает, менял батареи между ними, оба перестают работать + появляется ошибка Ссылки скрыты! Войти или зарегистрироваться.
    . Прошивки менял, неоднократно. Кто что может подсказать ???

  2. BlackBerry Admin
    Команда форума

    Модель BlackBerry:
    BlackBerry KEY2

    Эта ошибка появляется как индикатор сервисной проблемы. Привозите в сервисный центр.

    BlackBerry Admin,
    12 июн 2015

  3. k2kayman

    Модель BlackBerry:
    Другой оператор

    К сожалению в Казахстане нет сервисного центра пока или вообще не будет. :(
    других вариантов нет ?

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  1. arvveeeeee's Avatar


    So I randomly did a manual reset on my z10 and when it booted up, a red battery pops up with an exclamation and then the address «» shows up?

    Apparently my battery was defective when that pops up (via BlackBerry website support page). I didn’t believe it, so I did another reset and poof! My z10 starts again! What the flip? Maybe the battery was loose or something…but my z10 on «God Mode» can’t go out like that so easily….

    Anyone experience it before? The ones with a 4500 mah battery?

    Posted via CB10

    05-19-14 05:53 AM

  2. sleepngbear's Avatar


    My Z10 burped like that once, with the stock battery. It was after I had charged it up using the PlayBook charger, for some strange reason. Except restarting it didn’t change anything — it just thought that battery was dead. Did a full charge on its own charger and all was well after that. Little gremlins in there, no doubt.

    05-19-14 07:40 AM

  3. Mohsen Azarfar's Avatar


    i have the same problem
    plzzzz help

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    11-21-14 09:42 AM

  4. syah iejam's Avatar


    Any trusted solution?

    Typing with excellent touch board z10

    11-22-14 12:26 PM

  5. jas1978's Avatar


    Decided to turn on my spare Z10 I’ve had in my drawer for eight months. I wanted to test the latest leak. When I plugged the phone in it gave the same bb10-0020 you mentioned. I checked online and it says «The BlackBerry 10 smartphone had detected a non-functional or bad battery.» This might explain the random reboots the phone had (which it why I stopped using it). The battery is the original one it came with.

    I then plugged in the phone again and it started up normally. After the loading screen the phone will stay on for about a minute or so and then reboot. Guess I’ll turn it off for now and get another battery.

    04-30-15 08:22 PM

  6. Murundum's Avatar


    Got the same problem on a Q10. Tried to reload the OS but nothing happened. Ordered a new battery from an oficial BlackBerry store and after installing it the problems were still there. Same message. Tried to reload the OS several times in different PCs but nothing so far. Dunno what to do as every place I searched on the web informed the BB error 00-20 was a batery issue. I think I should send it to maintenance but I�m afarid the Q10 is dead.

    02-28-16 07:41 AM

  7. Mike Sumner's Avatar


    Hi, I had this error this morning after leaving my Z10 in the drawer for a couple of months. Just left it plugged into the charger for a few minutes and then it rebooted and started fine. I think that it’s a «hyper» low battery situation.

    03-02-16 03:51 PM

  8. Murundum's Avatar


    Plugged my q10 with in the wall for hous and nothing happened. Changed the battery and the same isse happened.

    03-03-16 07:39 AM

  9. Faisal Alghamdi's Avatar


    hello i have the same problem

    my q10 screen cracked and after that i bought a new iphone i hate this q10 for these many problem sim card etc….
    i left my q10 for 1 year and i bought a new screen replacement and fixing the device

    after that when i boot the q10 it shows red battery with «!» symbol inside it
    and after that shows yellow triangle with «!» symbol says bb00-0020
    i have the factory battery in good condition and the phone still have fake charging
    some times the phone shows yellow battery and charging symbol but in real its not charging

    i don’t know what i have to do with this device? ‘-‘
    i tried to bought a new blackberry battery after 2 days of searching in the stores and nothing new the phone still not charging

    please help me
    do the hard rest fixing the problem?

    04-12-17 02:47 PM

  10. Ben Stewart3's Avatar


    Had to reset the device 3 times then it took.

    04-17-17 04:41 PM

  11. TheAuthority's Avatar


    Got this error last night. The two variables:

    1. Installed BBM update from BlackBerry World (updates for anything are few and far between)

    2. I had tandem charged two batteries with the external battery pack chargers (forget what they’re actually called) the day before.

    I’m not sure which batteries I had been using. I have four. Two had been charged with the the little plastic chargers connected in tandem. Not sure which two I tried in the phone. Several batteries produced the error. In any case, it wasn’t looking good, but I was persistent and did numerous restarts till it finally «took.» The Q10 held overnight and all day today, even started up okay after a battery change this afternoon. Hopefully it’s all set. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    05-26-17 03:38 PM

  12. Daniel_asdf's Avatar


    Has anyone experienced this with a Passport? I changed the battery but haven’t been able to turn it on since then. Stupid non-removable batteries. There’s no good reason to not have a removable battery IMO.

    11-26-17 04:06 PM

  13. Tanveer Alam4's Avatar


    Got the same problem on a Q10. Tried to reload the OS but nothing happened. Ordered a new battery from an official BlackBerry store and after installing it the problems were still there. Same message. Tried to reload the OS several times in different PCs but nothing so far. Dunno what to do as every place I searched on the web informed the BB error 00-20 was a battery issue. I think I should send it to maintenance but I’m afraid the Q10 is dead.

    06-06-18 11:49 PM

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  • #1

Собственно аппарат после небольшого попадания влаги со слов клиента, вскрыл, плата чистая абсолютно, разъемы все в норме. При попытке включения или зарядки загораеся на экране аккумулятор с воцклицательным знаком и сразу ошибка в сабже. Ссылка говорит о том что неисправен аккумулятор, но при подключении от БП та же ошибка. У кого есть данный аппарат, можете его поцепить от БП, как он себя поведет. Аккумуляторов у нас в городе нет, хотелось бы понять есть ли смысл покупатть-заказывать аккум или по железкам смотреть.

I had this error message pop up on my blackberry Z10 and it appears my battery was wet. I purchased a new battery and I’m still getting the same message but my phone screen is fine, I’d like to get my information off my phone at the least, it’s currently in a silica gel bath.

level 1

Maybe it’s more to do with the charging contacts on the device.

That doesn’t sound like good news

level 2

I think you may be right, Maybe it’s time for me to jump from this blackberry ship. 8 years is a long time.

level 1

According to this, «The device did not start up due to a non-functional or bad battery»

level 2

yeah I’m aware, but i just bought a new one. why am I still receiving that message?

level 1

I assume you have tried starting it with the charger plugged into it?

level 1

Second blackberry I’ve resurected from the dead the other being a os7 bold praise jeebus thanks all for the help and advice.

Изображение на экране вашего BlackBerry при загрузке похоже на то, что вы видите выше? Произошел сбой операционной системы. Причинами таких сбоев часто является некорректная «прошивка» устройства или установка стороннего программного обеспечения. Ошибок может быть несколько видов: Application Error или JVM Error 104, 507, 523, и другие для BlackBerry OS 5-7 и, bb10-0015 и другие для BlackBerry 10. Решение одно — требуется восстановление операционной системы.

Устранение программных ошибок ОС BlackBerry

Наши специалисты восстановят работоспособность вашего смартфона. Услуга также включает обновление прошивки, поэтому вы сможете воспользоваться преимуществами новой версии программной платформы BlackBerry.

Обратите внимание, при восстановлении работоспособности смартфона данные на нем не восстанавливаются, вы получите абсолютно чистое устройство. Если вам нужно восстановить ваши данные (контакты, календарь, заметки, сообщения), обратитесь к услуге Восстановление данных на смартфоне BlackBerry.

Эта услуга — для восстановления работоспособности BlackBerry после программных ошибок. Такие устройства включаются, но на экране показывают информацию об ошибке, например, Error 507 Reload Software для BlackBerry 5-7 или для BlackBerry 10. В случае повреждения устройства на более низком уровне (устройство не включается, мигает индикатор LED, или «уходит в перезагрузку»), обратитесь к услуге Восстановление «мертвого» BlackBerry.

Восстановление и прошивка устройств BlackBerry на Android

Смартфоны BlackBerry на операционной системе Андроид, например, Priv и DTEK50, в некоторых случаях, перестают работать, а на экран выводится сообщение об ошибке. Причиной нередко является установка «неправильного» программного обеспечения и вредоносные программы, вирусы.

Вернуть работоспособность вашего устройства помогут специалисты компании ИнфоРешения.

Восстановление работы смартфонов BlackBerry 10

Если не работает или не включается ваш BlackBerry на ОС 10, например, Z10, Q10, Passport, Classic, вероятно, на кране вы видите одну из следующих ошибок:

  • The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)
  • The device will not start up because the currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device in use (Устройство не загружается, поскольку на нем установлена неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы)
  • The device will not start up due to a critical error while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS (Устройство не загружается из-за критической ошибки при загрузке операционной системы)
  • The device will not start up because incompatible device radio software has been loaded on the device (Устройство не загружается из-за несовместимой версии драйвера беспроводной сети)
  • The device will not start up due to missing or invalid radio software (Устройство не загружается из-за отсутствия или ошибки драйвера беспроводной сети)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)
  • The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)
  • The device cannot boot due to a file system error (Устройство не загружается из-за ошибки файловой системы)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device did not start up due to a non-functional or bad battery (Устройство не загружается, поскольку аккумулятор поврежден)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)
  • The device security wipe failed (Ошибка в ходе очистки устройства)

Мы также сможем помочь, если ваше устройство при перезагрузке очищает все данные, точно так же, как при первом старте, однако мастер настройки не отображается. Характерным симптомом является то, что LED-индикатор светится голубым сразу после включения.

Восстановление работы при ошибке смартфона на ОС BlackBerry 5-7

Наиболее частые причины нарушения работы устройств BlackBerry 5-7, например, BlackBerry 9900 и 9700/ 9780 Bold, BlackBerry 9800 Torch, 9300 Curve:

  • Некорректная установка программ
  • Сбой во время «прошивки» устройства
  • Конфликт системы безопасности

В ряде случаев мы сможем восстановить работоспособность вашего BlackBerry.

Коды ошибок вы можете посмотреть на странице Коды и описание ошибок JVM (Java) на BlackBerry OS 4-7.

Posted by thomas

» Monday, May 9, 2016


This error usually occur on blackberry 10 model listed below:

blackbeery q5

blackberry q10 

blackberry z30

when it booted up, a red battery pops up with an exclamation and then the address  «»

battery pops up with an exclamation

and then the address

Read more »



This error usually occur on blackberry 10 model listed below:

blackbeery q5

blackberry q10 

blackberry z30

when it booted up, a red battery pops up with an exclamation and then the address  «»

battery pops up with an exclamation

and then the address

How to solve this problem

  • Replace the battery with a new one 


  • Use Blackberry Playbook Charger to charge the battery


  • Change the battery connector 

U can read more on how to solve blackberry error code below



330-339 Failed applications

Run the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications on a portable device.

340-343 Memory failure

You will receive one of the following error messages on your phone:

Device Error 340

Device Error 341

Device Error 342

Device Error 343


Fault memory .


Reduce the number of calendar notes synced with your phone.

1. In the BlackBerry the Desktop Manager click the «Sync». Press the «Sync» (left side menu). Click the button «Sync» in the main window.

2. In the window that appears in the application list, select Calendar.

3. Select Configure> Mail Client> Sync direction.

4. In the «Date Range», do one of the following tasks to reduce the number of calendar entries that are synchronized to your device:

— If you click on the transfer of only the elements of the future, only the future calendar events are synchronized with your phone.

— If you press the transmit data in a range of days and enter a range of dates in the following fields, then scheduled events within the date range will be synchronized with your device.

5. Click «Next» and «Finish» to save your changes and close the window.

6. The remaining configuration window, make sure the check box next to the calendar, then click OK.

7. In the left side menu, click on the tab «Synchronize», make sure the check box is selected to synchronize your organizer data, and then click Synchronize. It should reduce the number of calendar entries on your phone.

If the error persists, run the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications on your phone.

395 Unclassified error code

You will receive the following error on your device BlackBerry:

The Device the Error 395

reasons :

395 unclassified device error is the error code. This error can be caused by either a third-party application installed on the phone.

Solution 1

Make of hard the reset the phone: switch off the phone, remove the battery, wait a few seconds … the battery, and hope for a successful boot.

Solution 2

Erase data and reset your phone.

1. Launch the BlackBerry Desktop Manager iproizvesti backup device.

2. In the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, double-click the application icon Loader.

3. Click the «Next» button. Select the firmware, if more than one.

4. Ensure that the required applications are selected, and then click Next.

5. Click the Advanced button.

6. Select the option to «Erase all application data and erase all applications installed,» and then click Next.

7. Click «Finish». The data will be erased from the phone, and the operating system and applications are loaded again to clean the device.

8. Use the backup and restore option to restore the data stored in the backup file.

400-564 pages Errors

Run the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications on a portable device.

300-303 Failed loading

Run the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications to your phone.

350-359 Software application errors

You will receive one of the following error messages on your phone:

Device Error 350

Device Error 352

Device Error 353

Device Error 354

Device Error 355

Device Error 356

Device Error 357

Device Error 358

The Device the Error 359


Software application errors.


Make of hard the reset the phone: switch off the phone, remove the battery, wait a few seconds … the battery, and hope for a successful boot.


Start the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications on a portable device. In the wizard, do not select the third-party applications. In the advanced settings, select the check box Remove all installed applications.

360-363 Flash memory failure

Start the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications on a portable device.


Contact your service provider.

410 radio failure

Start the Application the Loader to reload the operating system and applications on a portable device.

Note : If the problem persists, contact your service provider.

507 No naustroystve BlackBerry Apps

You will receive one of the following errors on your BlackBerry device using the Application the Loader to install the device software:

The Device the Error 505

The Device the Error 507

Both errors indicate that the application is not loaded on the BlackBerry device.

Cause 1

In the process, the Application the Loader , have been removed existing applications on your BlackBerry device, but was unable to download the new.


Follow these steps:

1. Make sure that the firmware for your phone installed on the computer.

2. If your BlackBerry is connected to your notebook via the docking station, disconnect the docking station and connect the device directly to your computer.

3. If third-party software (such as antivirus software) uses the same COM- port as BlackBerry Desktop Manager, turn off these programs to free COM- port.

4. If you are using an adapter to connect USB- BlackBerry cherezCOM- port on the computer, temporarily connect the device directly to your computer via USB.

5. In the Desktop Manager, click the Application the Loader .

6. Use the Application the Loader to install the software on the device.

Cause 2

You have deleted all data and applications on your device BlackBerry, by entering an incorrect password ten times during the use of the Application the Loader .


Follow these steps:

1. In Desktop Manager, click the Application the Loader .

2. Use the Application the Loader to install the software on the device.


  1. arvveeeeee's Avatar


    So I randomly did a manual reset on my z10 and when it booted up, a red battery pops up with an exclamation and then the address «» shows up?

    Apparently my battery was defective when that pops up (via BlackBerry website support page). I didn’t believe it, so I did another reset and poof! My z10 starts again! What the flip? Maybe the battery was loose or something…but my z10 on «God Mode» can’t go out like that so easily….

    Anyone experience it before? The ones with a 4500 mah battery?

    Posted via CB10

    05-19-14 05:53 AM

  2. sleepngbear's Avatar


    My Z10 burped like that once, with the stock battery. It was after I had charged it up using the PlayBook charger, for some strange reason. Except restarting it didn’t change anything — it just thought that battery was dead. Did a full charge on its own charger and all was well after that. Little gremlins in there, no doubt.

    05-19-14 07:40 AM

  3. Mohsen Azarfar's Avatar


    i have the same problem
    plzzzz help

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    11-21-14 09:42 AM

  4. syah iejam's Avatar


    Any trusted solution?

    Typing with excellent touch board z10

    11-22-14 12:26 PM

  5. jas1978's Avatar


    Decided to turn on my spare Z10 I’ve had in my drawer for eight months. I wanted to test the latest leak. When I plugged the phone in it gave the same bb10-0020 you mentioned. I checked online and it says «The BlackBerry 10 smartphone had detected a non-functional or bad battery.» This might explain the random reboots the phone had (which it why I stopped using it). The battery is the original one it came with.

    I then plugged in the phone again and it started up normally. After the loading screen the phone will stay on for about a minute or so and then reboot. Guess I’ll turn it off for now and get another battery.

    04-30-15 08:22 PM

  6. Murundum's Avatar


    Got the same problem on a Q10. Tried to reload the OS but nothing happened. Ordered a new battery from an oficial BlackBerry store and after installing it the problems were still there. Same message. Tried to reload the OS several times in different PCs but nothing so far. Dunno what to do as every place I searched on the web informed the BB error 00-20 was a batery issue. I think I should send it to maintenance but I�m afarid the Q10 is dead.

    02-28-16 07:41 AM

  7. Mike Sumner's Avatar


    Hi, I had this error this morning after leaving my Z10 in the drawer for a couple of months. Just left it plugged into the charger for a few minutes and then it rebooted and started fine. I think that it’s a «hyper» low battery situation.

    03-02-16 03:51 PM

  8. Murundum's Avatar


    Plugged my q10 with in the wall for hous and nothing happened. Changed the battery and the same isse happened.

    03-03-16 07:39 AM

  9. Faisal Alghamdi's Avatar


    hello i have the same problem

    my q10 screen cracked and after that i bought a new iphone i hate this q10 for these many problem sim card etc….
    i left my q10 for 1 year and i bought a new screen replacement and fixing the device

    after that when i boot the q10 it shows red battery with «!» symbol inside it
    and after that shows yellow triangle with «!» symbol says bb00-0020
    i have the factory battery in good condition and the phone still have fake charging
    some times the phone shows yellow battery and charging symbol but in real its not charging

    i don’t know what i have to do with this device? ‘-‘
    i tried to bought a new blackberry battery after 2 days of searching in the stores and nothing new the phone still not charging

    please help me
    do the hard rest fixing the problem?

    04-12-17 02:47 PM

  10. Ben Stewart3's Avatar


    Had to reset the device 3 times then it took.

    04-17-17 04:41 PM

  11. TheAuthority's Avatar


    Got this error last night. The two variables:

    1. Installed BBM update from BlackBerry World (updates for anything are few and far between)

    2. I had tandem charged two batteries with the external battery pack chargers (forget what they’re actually called) the day before.

    I’m not sure which batteries I had been using. I have four. Two had been charged with the the little plastic chargers connected in tandem. Not sure which two I tried in the phone. Several batteries produced the error. In any case, it wasn’t looking good, but I was persistent and did numerous restarts till it finally «took.» The Q10 held overnight and all day today, even started up okay after a battery change this afternoon. Hopefully it’s all set. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    05-26-17 03:38 PM

  12. Daniel_asdf's Avatar


    Has anyone experienced this with a Passport? I changed the battery but haven’t been able to turn it on since then. Stupid non-removable batteries. There’s no good reason to not have a removable battery IMO.

    11-26-17 04:06 PM

  13. Tanveer Alam4's Avatar


    Got the same problem on a Q10. Tried to reload the OS but nothing happened. Ordered a new battery from an official BlackBerry store and after installing it the problems were still there. Same message. Tried to reload the OS several times in different PCs but nothing so far. Dunno what to do as every place I searched on the web informed the BB error 00-20 was a battery issue. I think I should send it to maintenance but I’m afraid the Q10 is dead.

    06-06-18 11:49 PM

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All times are GMT -5. The time now is 03:10 AM.

How to Fix All Common BB10 Error 24

   Today i am going to show you different solutions to bberror when displayed on any blackberry OS10 device (Z10, Z3, Q10, Z30, Q5 or Passport). The methods and solutions listed and described in this post is the collection of different people’s opinion/fix around the internet. You can try the solutions and see if it will fix the error.

List of All bberror


Useful Links and Reference:

Download Latest Blackberry Link (All Versions) For Blackberry 10 Devices

How to Hard Reset Any BlackBerry 10 Devices

Download and Downgrade Facebook App To Old Versions on Old Blackberry Os phones and BB10.

Official BlackBerry 10 Autoloaders Download

Possible Solutions To blackberry Random Restarting issues and shutdown problems.

Easy Solution to blackberry Z10 and Other Bb 10 boot error A:0x00000049 and bberror bb100015

Best 10.3 Autoloader Download Links Collection For Blackberry Q10 and Q5 ( Crackberry Forum)

How to downgrade Your Blackberry 10 devices using autoloader

All blackberry z10 Autoloader Collections And Download Link

How to fix error

The when displayed on any blackberry OS10 device (Z10, Z3, Q10, Z30, Q5 or Passport) indicates that a file system error has caused the device boot failure. Device may continuously reboot until fixed. A corrupt or failed hardware in your device internal storage can also trigger the BB failure.

The Solution to this error is loading a new BB OS, your affected smartphone will be wipe clean because the failed OS needs to be formated.

Solution 1 via Blackberry Link

The first solution/fix requires the use of an Active internet connection for downloading and installing the OS via Blackberry Link. You must stay connected for the entire process to complete.
1. Launch Blackberry Link software and connect your device to computer via USB Cable.
2. Click on Preferences on Link software >> Select “Reload device software”  >> Click RELOAD
3. Power Off device when instructed to do so and new OS update will be found and Downloaded
4. Click Get Update to start the process and do not interrupt or disconnect until completed. Your device may reboot several times during installation.

Solution 2 – Using Blackberry OS10 AutoLoader (offline)

The second solution/fix requires an internet connection for downloading the OS10 Loader file, it can be saved and used at a later time (unlike first solution). Installation process can be done without internet.

Confirm your Mobile device Model (behind the phone, STL100, STJ100 etc) or To find out what model number your BlackBerry 10 device is, type “Myver”
then space, into the text field. The number should look something like
“Z10STL100-4/” Z10STL100-4 is the model number, while is the OS version. Download the latest version of OS10 Loader from any of these links provided below  (You might need to use a Download manager):
Download All autoloader ( Blackberry Dev. Website)

If for some reason you don’t know your device Model, i highly recommend you use the first Method in this post to avoid download the wrong Firmware for your device.

 Downloaded file is zipped, so extract it’s content to a folder and launch the EXE file. Keep Blackberry Link / blend closed during this process.

How to Fix All Common BB10 Error 25

 Connect you Device and  Power off. 

How to Fix All Common BB10 Error 26

 Open the AutoLoader EXE and wait for prompt to say “Connecting to Bootrom.”

How to Fix All Common BB10 Error 27

 Now plug your device into computer via USB and turn on, enter device PIN if requested. (installation should automatically start and you should see a green LED light on your device appear).

How to Fix All Common BB10 Error 28

 Wait for installation to complete before disconnecting. Phone will reboot during the process. (It takes About 5 Minutes, the Downloaded OS will be uploaded to your device and CMD window should close when successful.)

How to Fix All Common BB10 Error 29

 All done, restore your backup and enjoy your device!!!

How to fix error

 When a red battery pops up with an exclamation and then the address”″ is display this means, “The BlackBerry 10 smartphone had detected a non-functional or bad battery.” Apparently this is a case of loose or defective battery which can cause random reboots which is the first thing a BB user will notice on the affected device, using an unauthorized charger can trigger this error.

Make sure you are using the original battery and charger that came with your device or buy a battery/charger replacement from an Authorize blackberry dealer/store. You can also try to backup your files and reset the device.

Solution 2 : error BB10-0020 fix (soldering required)
If simple replacing your battery did not fix the error as suggested by solution 1, then the problem might be due to a broken connection between the battery connector and the main-board.

To fix this error you will not need to buy any replacement part, unless the battery connector itself is damaged; however, you will need some tools:

  • Soldering iron with a fairly fine tip
  • Leaded solder

(Fixing ripped pads would typically require massive rework and fiddling around with a multimeter to try and find a point where the missing pads were connected.

It involve using a soldering iron with Lead on the battery connector pads and four test pins placed near the connector itself. You will have to take your Blackberry to a certified phone repair engineer or Shop, if you can’t do it yourself)

How to fix error

If you started security wipe on your bb10 device just to remove data. but while wiping it suddenly stopped and shown a message /bb10-0021.This means the security wipe was interrupted before the process completed.

Download and install the latest version of BlackBerry Link on your computer, then connect your device and reload your device

Or you can manually install a new OS using an autoloader (Offline), its very simple Click here to get started.

your device cannot be reloaded or displays the same symptoms after the
reload has been completed, then you should take your device to a
certified blackberry engineer to check for hardware faults.

How to fix and bb10-0002

The installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on the device.

Download and install the latest version of BlackBerry Link on your computer, then connect your device and reload your device software.

Or you can manually install a new OS using an autoloader (Offline), its very simple Click here to get started.

If your device cannot be reloaded or displays the same symptoms after the reload has been completed, then you should take your device to a certified blackberry engineer to check for hardware faults.

How to fix

 A critical error was encountered while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS.

Download and install the latest version of BlackBerry
Link on your computer, then connect your device and reload your device

Or you can manually install a new OS using an autoloader (Offline), its very simple Click here to get started.

your device cannot be reloaded or displays the same symptoms after the
reload has been completed, then you should take your device to a
certified blackberry engineer to check for hardware faults.

How to fix

The installed radio software is not supported on the device.

You will need to flash the corresponding supported radio on your BB device using and autoloader or BB Link.  Click here to get started.

How to fix

The installed radio software is missing or invalid.

You will need to flash the corresponding supported radio on your BB
device using and autoloader or BB Link. Its very simple Click here to get started.

How to fix / bb10-0016 / bb10-0017

This means a fatal file system error was encountered.

Download and install the latest version of BlackBerry Link on your
computer, then connect your device and reload your device software.

Or you can manually install a new OS using an autoloader (Offline), its very simple Click here to get started.

your device cannot be reloaded or displays the same symptoms after the
reload has been completed, then you should take your device to a
certified blackberry engineer to check for hardware faults.

How to fix / bb10-0007 / bb10-0008 / bb10-0009 / bb10-0010 / bb10-0011 /  bb10-0012 / bb10-0013 / bb10-0014 / bb10-0018 / bb10-0019 / bb10-0021 / bb10-0022

The BlackBerry 10 smartphone does not boot after an interrupted security wipe (e.g. battery was removed during the wipe) and displays an image  with one of the following URLs:

This error is Common on Blackberry 10 OS version 10.2 and later.

Download and install the latest version of BlackBerry
Link on your computer, then connect your device and reload your device

Or you can manually install a new OS using an autoloader (Offline), its very simple Click here to get started.

your device cannot be reloaded or displays the same symptoms after the
reload has been completed, then you should take your device to a
certified blackberry engineer to check for hardware faults.

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