Black mesa ошибка bms exe


Это руководство и решение проблемы с запуском игры после установки модов, если появились вылеты и вы видите ошибку – Программа bms.exe не работает.


Это руководство по установке модов применимо и к установке других подобных модов. Если у вас возникли проблемы с запуском игры после их установки, появились вылеты и вы видите ошибку – Программа “bms.exe” не работает. Если вы столкнулись с подобным, тогда воспользуйтесь командами ниже, чтобы увидеть лог ошибок в консоли и понять что вам мешает, как это показано здесь –

Black Mesa – How to fix “bms.exe” error after mods installation

Консольные команды:
-dev -console -mat_antialias 0 -mat_aaquality 0 -oldgameui -condebug -conclearlog
и вторая команда

Далее необходимо отписаться от всех модиификаций в Мастерской Стима и удалить все файлы из папки “362890” по этому пути – C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent362890 и из папки “custom”, по пути – C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBlack Mesabmscustom

Мод для примера:
Monika’s Beefy Weapon Sounds – [MBWS]
И дополнения к нему, патчи для новых анимации оружия из другого мода – Monika’s Beefy Weapon Sounds – [MBWS] IIopn Compability Patches

Список всех установленных у меня модов, работют как часы –

Black Mesa Mods 2020 Summer

Инструкция по установке мода:

Это решение с проблемой пропадания звука перезарядки пистолетов.

Правильная установка:
1. Для начала здесь надо подписаться на мод.
2. После скачки пройти по этому пути – C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent3628901954333932
3. далее из папки “1954333932” нужно не просто скопировать файл [MBWS].vpk, а вырезать его, вообще необходимо оставлять папку “362890” всегда пустой
4. Файл [MBWS].vpk надо вставить в папку “custom”, по пути – C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBlack Mesabmscustom
5. После этого не нужно отписываться от мода на этой странице, подписка должна оставаться активной
6. Необходимо убедиться что в документе “gameinfo.txt” внесены изменения, он находится по пути – C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBlack Mesabms
7. Не нужно копировать или заменять сам файл *.txt, потому что например после установки русификатора от ZOG он меняется и уже не является стандартным, нам нужно только вставить в него в двух местах одну и ту же строчку – “game+mod bms/custom/*” без символов кавычек (” “)
8. Вставляем game+mod bms/custom/* рядом с пунктом – // Black Mesa VPK files. ..делаем так, как показано здесь –

Black Mesa – How to install mods without errors

..и на этом процесс установки закончен.

Это все, сейчас я слышу звуки перезарядки и стрельбы у всего оружия, нет никаких ошибок и вылетов.

Black Mesa PC is facing error and issues like Crash at launch, stuttering, no controller support, no UI or UI not working, Error 0xc000007b and more. Here I have compiled a list of errors and issues with the game along with their fixes and workarounds.

Black Mesa Crash, Low FPS, And Fixes

Black Mesa has officially launched on Steam and Half-Life fans can’t be happier. However, Black Mesa PC is facing errors and issues like bms.exe has stopped working, random crashes, Error 0xc000007b, stuttering and more.

The following are the errors and the issues that PC players are experiencing with the game along with their fixes and workarounds.

No UI, UI Not Working Fix

Players have reported that when they startup Black Mesa there is no UI to interact with. This can be fixed by reverting back to the old UI or menu. Go to your Steam library > right-click on the game > properties. In the General tab click on “Set launch options” and type “-oldgameui” and press OK. Now start the game and the UI will be working as intended.

If you are seeing the UI but can’t operate it then follow the steps above but this time type “-forceuid3d9” in the launch options. The game will start working.

Controller Support

Black Mesa, at the time of writing, doesn’t have official controller support. However, there is a way that can enable controller support for the game. Open Steam and at the top-left corner click on Steam > Settings > Controller > click on “General Control Settings”. The steam big picture will open and you’ll have a few options to choose from. If you are using Dualshock 4 then check “PlayStation configuration support” and if you are using Xbox One or Xbox 360 controller then select “Xbox Configuration Support”. Start the game and the controller should be working fine with Black Messa.

Crash At Startup, Game Not Launching Fix

Players are reporting that Black Messa just crashes at launch. Here are a few fixes that’ll help you fix the game not starting and crash at startup issues.

The first fix for the Black Mesa crash at startup issue is simple. Go to your Steam library > right-click on the game > properties. In the General tab click on “Set launch options” and type “-forceuid3d9”. After that, download and install DirectX files. Start the game and it will be working fine.

Another reason for the game to crash at launch might be your anti-virus software or Windows Defender detecting the game’s exe as a Trojan. Either disable your anti-virus or exclude Black Mesa’s install folder from your anti-virus software. Verify game files and then launch it. The game will start running without any crash.

Lack of administrative rights is another reason behind the crash at start or game not launching issue. Right-click on the game’s exe > Properties > Compatibility tab > check “Run this program as administrator”. Apply the change and start the game.

Using third-party monitoring tools like MSI Afterburner can also cause the game to not launch or crash at launch. Disable any third-party monitoring software, even GeForce Experience, and the issue will be resolved.

bms.exe Stopped Working, Error 0xc000007b Fix

According to players, when they start the game they get “bms.exe has stopped working” error or Error 0xc000007b. To fix these errors, disable your cloud save synchronization, delete/unsubscribe from all of the mods, restart your PC. Then Navigate the game’s install folder which is located inside Steam’s install folder “Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\platform\config”. Open System32 and SysWOW64 folders and delete d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_42.dll. Then use the DXUpdate utility to reinstall the files you just deleted and both errors are now fixed.

Crash Fix

Players are reporting random crashes while playing Black Mesa. This is most probabaly due to installing mods from Steam Workshop. Just uninstall all the mods and the game will stop crashing randomly.

Stuttering, Low FPS Fix

Performance is a common issue in PC video games and players are reporting FPS drops and stuttering while playing Black Mesa. Here are a few things that’ll help fix the game’s performance and stuttering.

First, make sure you are using the latest GPU drivers and there is no background process using too much of you HDD, CPU, or GPU. If you aren’t running game or any other program on your system, your CPU usage shouldn’t be above 10%.

Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Setting > Program Settings. Select the game from the drop-down menu and scroll through the options. Make the following changes.

Set “Power Management Mode” to “Prefer Maximum Performance”
set “Texture Filtering- Quality” to “High Performance”

Apply these changes and play Black Mesa. Both stuttering and FPS drops should be fixed. If you are still facing stuttering or low FPS issues then follow the steps above and set Vertical Sync to “Fast”. Start the game, disable in-game v.sync and the display should be set at Fullscreen. After this, you shouldn’t be having stuttering while playing the game.

That is all for our Black Mesa fixes for errors like the game crash at startup, bms.exe Stopped Working, No UI, and more. If you are facing other errors and issues with your PC then also see our hub for commonly occurring PC errors and their fixes.

Проблемы BMS.EXE часто возникают из-за того, что исполняемый файл отсутствует, удалён или перемещён из исходного местоположения. Часто такие EXE ошибки наблюдаются при запуске программного обеспечения 1,000 Solitaire Games. Для устранения неполадок, связанных с файлом EXE, большинство профессионалов ПК заменят файл на соответствующую версию. В качестве последней меры мы рекомендуем использовать очиститель реестра для исправления всех недопустимых BMS.EXE, расширений файлов EXE и других ссылок на пути к файлам, по причине которых может возникать сообщение об ошибке.

Формат Windows Executable File с расширением файла EXE классифицируют в качестве Исполнимые файлы. Вы можете скачать новую копию файла BMS.EXE для %%os%% (и ряда операционных систем Windows) в таблице ниже. Если в настоящее время необходимая вам версия BMS.EXE недоступна для загрузки, вы можете запросить её копию, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос) ниже. Если вы не можете найти нужную версию файла в нашей базе данных, вы также можете обратиться за дополнительной помощью к Cosmi Corporation.

Как правило, при размещении файла BMS.EXE в надлежащем каталоге, проблемы, связанные с данным файлом, больше не возникают, однако следует выполнить проверку, чтобы убедиться в том, что проблему удалось устранить. Повторно запустите 1,000 Solitaire Games, чтобы убедиться, что проблема успешно решена.

BMS.EXE Описание файла
Формат файла: EXE
Группа: Game,Videogame
Софт: 1,000 Solitaire Games
Вер: 2003
Создано: Cosmi Corporation
Имя файла: BMS.EXE  

Байт: 5568504
SHA-1: c6af3eae6eb9aecd8c928ea32b1e11771acc60d3
MD5: 46c2ee4504eb914a0f4c3b519bcc9188
CRC32: ffe1b12d

Продукт Solvusoft

WinThruster 2023 — Сканировать ваш компьютер на наличие ошибок реестра в BMS.EXE


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Выберите программное обеспечение

File Контрольная сумма MD5 Размер файла Загрузить
+ BMS.EXE 46c2ee4504eb914a0f4c3b519bcc9188 5.31 MB
Application 1,000 Solitaire Games 2003
Компания Cosmi Corporation
Версия ОС Windows 10
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер (в байтах) 5568504
MD5 46c2ee4504eb914a0f4c3b519bcc9188
ША1 c6af3eae6eb9aecd8c928ea32b1e11771acc60d3
CRC32: ffe1b12d
Расположение каталога файлов C:\Windows\System32\

Типичные ошибки BMS.EXE

Частичный список ошибок BMS.EXE 1,000 Solitaire Games:

  • «Ошибка программы BMS.EXE. «
  • «BMS.EXE не является приложением Win32.»
  • «Извините за неудобства — BMS.EXE имеет проблему. «
  • «К сожалению, мы не можем найти BMS.EXE. «
  • «BMS.EXE не может быть найден. «
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: BMS.EXE.»
  • «Не удается запустить BMS.EXE. «
  • «Ошибка BMS.EXE. «
  • «Неверный путь к приложению: BMS.EXE.»

Проблемы 1,000 Solitaire Games BMS.EXE возникают при установке, во время работы программного обеспечения, связанного с BMS.EXE, во время завершения работы или запуска или менее вероятно во время обновления операционной системы. Запись ошибок BMS.EXE внутри 1,000 Solitaire Games имеет решающее значение для обнаружения неисправностей электронной Game,Videogame и ретрансляции обратно в Cosmi Corporation для параметров ремонта.

Причины проблем BMS.EXE

Проблемы 1,000 Solitaire Games и BMS.EXE возникают из отсутствующих или поврежденных файлов, недействительных записей реестра Windows и вредоносных инфекций.

Более конкретно, данные ошибки BMS.EXE могут быть вызваны следующими причинами:

  • Недопустимый BMS.EXE или поврежденный раздел реестра.
  • Зазаражение вредоносными программами повредил файл BMS.EXE.
  • Вредоносное удаление (или ошибка) BMS.EXE другим приложением (не 1,000 Solitaire Games).
  • Другое программное приложение, конфликтующее с BMS.EXE.
  • 1,000 Solitaire Games (BMS.EXE) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.

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Mkilbride opened this issue

Jul 14, 2022




Error log

info: Game: bms.exe
info: DXVK: v1.10.2-async
info: Built-in extension providers:
info: Win32 WSI
info: OpenVR
info: OpenXR
info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
warn: OpenVR: VR_InitInternal or VR_ShutdownInternal not found
info: Enabled instance extensions:
info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info: VK_KHR_surface
info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
info: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti:
info: Driver: 512.59.0
info: Vulkan: 1.3.194
info: Memory Heap[0]:
info: Size: 12108 MiB
info: Flags: 0x1
info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x1
info: Memory Type[4]: Property Flags = 0x7
info: Memory Heap[1]:
info: Size: 16344 MiB
info: Flags: 0x0
info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x0
info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0x6
info: Memory Type[3]: Property Flags = 0xe
info: DXGI: NvAPI workaround enabled, reporting AMD GPU
warn: CreateDXGIFactory2: Ignoring flags
info: Game: bms.exe
info: DXVK: v1.10.2-async
info: Built-in extension providers:
info: Win32 WSI
info: OpenVR
info: OpenXR
info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
warn: OpenVR: VR_InitInternal or VR_ShutdownInternal not found
info: Enabled instance extensions:
info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info: VK_KHR_surface
info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
info: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti:
info: Driver: 512.59.0
info: Vulkan: 1.3.194
info: Memory Heap[0]:
info: Size: 12108 MiB
info: Flags: 0x1
info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x1
info: Memory Type[4]: Property Flags = 0x7
info: Memory Heap[1]:
info: Size: 16344 MiB
info: Flags: 0x0
info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x0
info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0x6
info: Memory Type[3]: Property Flags = 0xe
info: DXGI: NvAPI workaround enabled, reporting AMD GPU
warn: DxgiAdapter::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query
warn: 7abb6563-02bc-47c4-8ef9-acc4795edbcf

Using the latest, Async or not.


@Mkilbride Does this also happen with 1.10.1 or 1.10?


info: Game: bms.exe
info: DXVK: v1.10
info: Built-in extension providers:
info: Win32 WSI
info: OpenVR
info: OpenXR
info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
warn: OpenVR: VR_InitInternal or VR_ShutdownInternal not found
info: Enabled instance extensions:
info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info: VK_KHR_surface
info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
info: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti:
info: Driver: 512.59.0
info: Vulkan: 1.3.194
info: Memory Heap[0]:
info: Size: 12108 MiB
info: Flags: 0x1
info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x1
info: Memory Type[4]: Property Flags = 0x7
info: Memory Heap[1]:
info: Size: 16344 MiB
info: Flags: 0x0
info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x0
info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0x6
info: Memory Type[3]: Property Flags = 0xe
info: DXGI: NvAPI workaround enabled, reporting AMD GPU
warn: CreateDXGIFactory2: Ignoring flags
info: Game: bms.exe
info: DXVK: v1.10
info: Built-in extension providers:
info: Win32 WSI
info: OpenVR
info: OpenXR
info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
warn: OpenVR: VR_InitInternal or VR_ShutdownInternal not found
info: Enabled instance extensions:
info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info: VK_KHR_surface
info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
info: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti:
info: Driver: 512.59.0
info: Vulkan: 1.3.194
info: Memory Heap[0]:
info: Size: 12108 MiB
info: Flags: 0x1
info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x1
info: Memory Type[4]: Property Flags = 0x7
info: Memory Heap[1]:
info: Size: 16344 MiB
info: Flags: 0x0
info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x0
info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0x6
info: Memory Type[3]: Property Flags = 0xe
info: DXGI: NvAPI workaround enabled, reporting AMD GPU
warn: DxgiAdapter::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query
warn: 7abb6563-02bc-47c4-8ef9-acc4795edbcf

Yeah it happens on them. Coulda sworn it worked in the past.


Please attach logs as text files or github gists so they don’t fill the page.

Does it also happen if you launch the game with -useoldgameui ?

Edit: it might actually be -oldgameui Cant remember.


The game uses both D3D9 and D3D11, from the log it doesn’t look like you’re using our D3D9 DLL.

That said, it won’t work anyway because it requires shared resources for the UI, and the way it does use them is incredibly broken on the game’s side.


Huh, I see. Yeah it happens with the oldgamegui.

Weird the PCGamingWiki page states to use DXVK, and a few months ago I was using it, the Xen update happened last year too. Not sure what changed.


As far as i remember it should work with -oldgameui since from what i know that doesn’t use shared resources. I think.
But i’ll have to check when i get home. Might not have checked on windows.


Yes, then also d3d9.dll suffices.


So I’ve tried on my windows setup with a R9 380 with both 1.10.2 and 1.10.1.
It works for me if i take the 32bit d3d9.dll and put it into \Black Mesa\bin (which is not next to the exe, tho the conf file needs to be in root next to exe before it gets picked up) and then also run the game with -oldgameui

I haven’t tried on the Nvidia setup yet.


The issue I have found with Black Mesa is that -oldgameui has stopped working when added through Steam’s Launch Options menu for some reason. If I make my own shortcut to the .exe and apply the launch command there, then it works and I can launch the game with DXVK.

EDIT: This has been addressed by the developers and -oldgameui should work again now.


Closing this because it’s mostly likely just caused by the new UI using shared resources, something we cannot support on Windows.

The game works fine on Linux.


Fix Black Mesa Crashing Bms Exe Has Stopped Working Black Mesa Crash

Fix Black Mesa Crashing Bms Exe Has Stopped Working Black Mesa Crash

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Fix Black Mesa Crashing Bms Exe Has Stopped Working Black Mesa Crash To Desktop And Freezing

Fix Black Mesa Crashing Bms Exe Has Stopped Working Black Mesa Crash To Desktop And Freezing

Fix Black Mesa Crashing Bms Exe Has Stopped Working Black Mesa Crash To Desktop And Freezing
Help! i just downloaded game but when i try run the game it comes with “bms.exe has stopped working”. problem event name: appcrash application name: bms.exe application version: application timestamp: 5b27e9a9 fault module name: stackhash 0a9e fault module version: fault module timestamp: 00000000 exception code: c0000005. Steps to fix black mesa crashing, bms.exe has stopped working, black mesa crash to desktop, black mesa crash on the splash screendisclaimer: disable antiviru.

Black Mesa Crash To Desktop Fix How To Fix Performance Issues Without Spending Youtube

Black Mesa Crash To Desktop Fix How To Fix Performance Issues Without Spending Youtube

Black Mesa Crash To Desktop Fix How To Fix Performance Issues Without Spending Youtube
March 9, 2020 black mesa pc is facing error and issues like crash at launch, stuttering, no controller support, no ui or ui not working, error 0xc000007b and more. here i have compiled a list of errors and issues with the game along with their fixes and workarounds. advertisements black mesa crash, low fps, and fixes. 22. the ui is showing in the screenshot instead of the game when manually saving! try the following fix. navigate to your black mesa folder (x.\ \steamapps\common\black mesa\bms). open bms misc dir.vpk and navigate to bms ui. extract file utils.qml and open it (and close the vpk folder, we do not need it anymore). Black mesa pc is facing error and issues like crash at launch, stuttering, no controller support, no ui or ui not working, error 0xc000007b and more. here i. Learn how to improve black mesa performance!downloads from video:1. uninstall old driver: gamefixissue downloads guides how to install video card.

How Do I Fix My Black Mesa Description Youtube

How Do I Fix My Black Mesa Description Youtube

How Do I Fix My Black Mesa Description Youtube
Black mesa pc is facing error and issues like crash at launch, stuttering, no controller support, no ui or ui not working, error 0xc000007b and more. here i. Learn how to improve black mesa performance!downloads from video:1. uninstall old driver: gamefixissue downloads guides how to install video card. #3 poisondeathray may 19, 2017 @ 6:50am one other question, do you get any popups or messages windows when the game crashes? you only have one other post in the steam forums and in that post you also mentioned crashing. do you think your system is stable. 1. use launch options 2. update graphics drivers 3. run the game as an administrator 4. set high priority in task manager 5. verify the integrity of game files 6. change gpu settings 7. disable fullscreen optimizations 8. update black mesa check system requirements.

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Training With A Broken Flashlight Red Plays Black Mesa Half Life Hazard Course Youtube

Training With A Broken Flashlight Red Plays Black Mesa Half Life Hazard Course Youtube
#3 poisondeathray may 19, 2017 @ 6:50am one other question, do you get any popups or messages windows when the game crashes? you only have one other post in the steam forums and in that post you also mentioned crashing. do you think your system is stable. 1. use launch options 2. update graphics drivers 3. run the game as an administrator 4. set high priority in task manager 5. verify the integrity of game files 6. change gpu settings 7. disable fullscreen optimizations 8. update black mesa check system requirements.

Black Mesa Walkthrough Part 3 Many Failures Youtube

Black Mesa Walkthrough Part 3 Many Failures Youtube

Black Mesa Walkthrough Part 3 Many Failures Youtube

Fix Black Mesa Crashing, Bms.exe Has Stopped Working, Black Mesa Crash To Desktop And Freezing

Fix Black Mesa Crashing, Bms.exe Has Stopped Working, Black Mesa Crash To Desktop And Freezing

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