Bizhub 164 ошибка m2

Ресурс фотобарабана — 55.000 страниц.
После чего аппарат блокируется и выдает сообщение «Ошибка M2 Вызовите сервис».

Чтобы сбросить это сообщение, нужно войти в сервисный режим:

1. Для этого нажмите кнопку [Menu/Select] затем последовательность кнопок [Quick Settings] [←] [←] [Quick Settings] [←] [→] (появится строка Service menu):
2. На экране Сервисного Меню выберите CLEAR DATA — SUPPLIES COUNTER, очистите значение счетчика I/U Life (будет показано кол-во отпечатков со знаком минус, после очистки станет 55000).
3. Для того, чтобы в дальнейшем МФУ не блокировалось, в сервисном режиме: SERVICE’S CHOICE — IU LIFE STOP MODE по умолчанию стоит STOP, выставите CONTINUOUS.

Взято с сайта, все получилось по этой инструкции.

Are you getting the status to M2 maintenance on your Konica Minolta bizhub 164, 195 and 215 copiers? The following instructions describe how to reset maintenance code M2 for a Konica Minolta bizhub copier machine. We are sharing a few methods to fix the error, so check them one by one until it gets solved.

Konica Minolta bizhub 164 error code M2 maintenance call reset

Konica Minolta bizhub 164 showing M2 maintenance call
Konica Minolta bizhub 164 showing M2 maintenance call

Are you getting the status to M2 maintenance on your Konica Minolta bizhub 164, 195 and 215 copiers? The following instructions describe how to reset maintenance code M2 for a Konica Minolta bizhub copier machine. We are sharing a few methods to fix the error, so check them one by one until it gets solved.

The maintenance sign means that the copier needs to be well serviced and checked if something is to be replaced. Consumables such as drum, blade, fuser rollers, and developer are changed at such times. If you are sure that you have replaced the correct part or nothing is to be replaced, then you can proceed to clear the sign.

Meaning of the M2 maintenance call Error Code:

This error code m2 means that the living parts of your development and image unit have expired. Replace the developer and the drum make sure counters are cleared first and that the Gradation adjust is run along with Toner adjust. When the counter is reached to 0% life first will be detected and maintenance call M2 will appear. The initial value is 40,000, and the countdown system is used. You need to replace 1st the consumables before counters reset, not replace parts the copier will adjust voltages on certain items when in fact they are the same items image problems and codes.

How to fix the error:

To clear the count, use of the Service Mode:

  1. Press the Utility button.
  2. Press the Stop → 0 → 0 → Stop → 0 → 1 (You are now in Service Mode).
  3. Then press down arrow button and find Clear Data then press ok.
  4. Then press down the arrow button and find Total Clear then press the ok.
  5. Then YES or NO shows on the display, then select YES and press ok then wait for little mint.
  6. Then switch off the machine and back on. You should see the printer working normally.

I hope this was helpful, don’t forget to share it via any of the share buttons on this page is highly welcomed as well.

Ресурс фотобарабана — 55.000 страниц.
После чего аппарат блокируется и выдает сообщение «Ошибка M2 Вызовите сервис».

Чтобы сбросить это сообщение, нужно войти в сервисный режим:

1. Для этого нажмите кнопку [Menu/Select] затем последовательность кнопок [Quick Settings] [←] [←] [Quick Settings] [←] [→] (появится строка Service menu):
2. На экране Сервисного Меню выберите CLEAR DATA — SUPPLIES COUNTER, очистите значение счетчика I/U Life (будет показано кол-во отпечатков со знаком минус, после очистки станет 55000).
3. Для того, чтобы в дальнейшем МФУ не блокировалось, в сервисном режиме: SERVICE’S CHOICE — IU LIFE STOP MODE по умолчанию стоит STOP, выставите CONTINUOUS.

Взято с сайта, все получилось по этой инструкции.


Main Motor malfunction
Ошибка главного двигателя



Toner Replenishing Motor malfunction
Проблема с вращением банки тонера



Шаг 1

Откройте переднюю крышку.

Шаг 2
Убедитесь, что туба с тонером установлена корректно.


Elevator Failure Tray 1/2/3/4
Проблема с подъемом бумаги лоток 1/2/3/4



Шаг 1
Выдвиньте соответствующий ошибке лоток.

Шаг 2
Убедитесь, что в нише за лотком отсутствует препятствующий подъёму лифта лист бумаги, выскочивший из ёмкости лотка.


Bypass Lifting Motion Failure
Проблема с подъемом бумаги лотка ручной подачи



LU-202m, LU-202XL fan abnormalitye
Ошибка вентилятора кассеты LU-202m, LU-202XL

AccurioPress C2060/C2070/C2070P


Fusing temperature failure
Проблема с температурой узла закрепления



Шаг 1
Выключите главный выключатель аппарата.

Шаг 2
Нажмите кнопку стоп и, удерживая её, вновь включите главный выключатель аппарата.


Faulty ATDC Sensor
Ошибка концентрации тонера



Шаг 1
Войдите в сервисный режим аппарата.

Шаг 2
В меню Adjust установите другое значение TCR Gain.

Шаг 3
Выйдите из сервисного режима.

Шаг 4
Попробуйте провести пробную печать.


ROM check error
Проблема с платой EEPROM



Transfer belt pressure welding alienation
Проблема с узлом ленты переноса



Drum motor abnormality Y/M/C/K
Ошибка мотора барабана Y/M/C/K

PRO/PRESS C6000L/C6000/C7000/C7000P/C70hc/C1060L/C1060/C1070/C1070P

Accurio Press C2060/C2070/C2070P/C3070/C3080/C3080P


Шаг 1
Войдите в сервисный режим аппарата.

Шаг 2
В режиме State confirmation проведите проверку соответствующего ошибке двигателя фотобарабана.


Color PC motor`s failure
Ошибка привода барабанов



Шаг 1
Откройте переднюю крышку.

Шаг 2
Извлеките ёмкость для отработанного тонера и цветные фотобарабаны.

Шаг 3
Проверьте целостность и равномерность магнитной кисти блоков проявки.

Шаг 4
Проверьте корректность установки фотобарабанов.


Fusing cooling fan motor malfunction
Ошибка главного вентилятора охлаждения



Developing unit C/M/Y/K new article release
Ошибка определения нового блока проявки



Abnormally low toner density C/M/Y/K
Ошибка концентрации тонера в блоке проявки



EEPROM Failure
Проблема с платой EEPROM



Drum unit C/M/Y/K new release failure
Ошибка определения нового блока барабана



Fusing motor failure
Ошибка мотора привода узла закрепления



Fusing temperature failure
Проблема с температурой узла закрепления



Шаг 1
Выключите главный выключатель.

Шаг 2
В зависимости от модели нажмите кнопку стоп или кнопку reset (желтая кнопка), и, удерживая её, включите главный выключатель аппарата.

Шаг 3
При появлении на экране кнопки trouble reset, нажмите её.

Шаг 4
Выключите и через 10 секунд включите главный выключатель аппарата.

Шаг 5
Если ошибка не сбросилась, требуется диагностика цепи узла фиксации.


Fusing high temperature abnormality
Повышенная температура узла фиксации

PRO/PRESS C6000L/C6000/C7000/C7000P/C70hc/C1060L/C1060/C1070/C1070P

Accurio Press C2060/C2070/C2070P/C3070/C3080/C3080P


Шаг 1
Войдите в сервисный режим по процедуре сброса ошибок узла фиксации.

Шаг 2
В режиме System settings переустановите значение программного переключателя 03-1 в состояние выключено (0).

Шаг 3
Выйдите из сервисного режима и перезапустите систему.

Шаг 4
При повторном возникновении ошибки требуется диагностика цепей узла фиксации.


Fusing sensor wire breaks detection
Проблема с термистором узла фиксации



Polygon Motor Failure
Проблема с блоком лазера



Color registration correction abnormality Y/M/C
Ошибка регистрации цветов Y/M/C

PRO C6000L/C6000/C7000/C7000P/C70hc/C1060L/C1060/C1070/C1070P


Шаг 1
Проверьте ресурсы работы основных расходных материалов (фотобарабан, узел проявки, лента переноса) используя меню «Утилиты» или веб-интерфейс. В случае превышения ресурса замените, ресурс которого превышен.

Шаг 2
Если счетчики расходных материалов не превышены, выполните режим «Стабилизации», используя меню «Утилиты». Настройки администратора — настройки системы — настройки специалиста — регулировка принтера — стабилизация, инициализация + стабилизация.

Шаг 3
Если пункт 2 не дал положительного результата, выполните очистку коротронов заряда. Для этого откройте переднюю крышку аппарата и при помощи шомпола очистите коротрон заряда.


Main Motor malfunction
Ошибка главного двигателя



MFP control board cooling fan motor`s failure to turn
Ошибка включения вентилятора платы MFP



CIS Gain adjustment abnormality
Ошибка настройки модуля CIS

AccurioPress C2060/C2070/C3070/C3080


DF communication error
Ошибка коммуникации с автоподатчиком

AccurioPress C2060/C2070/C3070/C3080


IR exposure lump malfunction
Проблема с узлом сканера



Flash ROM error
Проблема с платой EEPROM



ROM contents error
Ошибка программного обеспечения аппарата



HDD error
Ошибка жесткого диска



Hard disk error
Проблема с жестким диском



Шаг 1
Смените текущую версию прошивки.

Шаг 2
Если ошибка повторится, войдите в сервисный режим и проведите процедуру физического форматирования жёсткого диска в меню System2.


NVRAM data error
Проблема с платой NVRAM



Browser abnormality detection
Внезапное выключение браузера

AccurioPress C2060/C2070/C2070P/C3070/C3080/C3080P


Referring incorrect memory
Ошибка обработки данных (ошибка памяти)






Шаг 1
Проверить поверхность ленты переноса.

Шаг 2
Заменить ленту переноса.


C/M/Y/K Imaging Unit failure



Шаг 1
Проверить состояние расходных материалов по желтому каналу.

Шаг 2
Заменить расходные материалы по желтому каналу.


C224e/C224/C220/C652/C200/C203/C227/C250/C250i/C257i/C250P/C252/C252P/C253/C258/C280/C284/C284e/C287/C300/C300i/C308 C352/C350/C352P/C353/C353P/C360/C360i/C364/C364e/C368/C450/C450P/C450i/C451/C452/C454/C454e/C458/C550/C550i/C552 C554/C554e/C558/C650/C650i/C654/C654e/C658/C659/C754 C754e/C759/C3300i/C3320i/C3350i/C4000i/C4050i


Шаг 1
Проверить состояние расходных материалов по желтому каналу.

Шаг 2
Провести калибровку.


C224e/C224/C220/C652/C200/C203/C227/C250/C250i/C257i/C250P/C252/C252P/C253/C258/C280/C284/C284e/C287/C300/C300i/C308 C352/C350/C352P/C353/C353P/C360/C360i/C364/C364e/C368/C450/C450P/C450i/C451/C452/C454/C454e/C458/C550/C550i/C552 C554/C554e/C558/C650/C650i/C654/C654e/C658/C659/C754 C754e/C759


Шаг 1
Проверить состояние расходных материалов по желтому каналу.

Шаг 2
Заменить ленту переноса.

– Compatible Printer model: Konica-Minolta bizhub 164
– Konica-Minolta bizhub 164 Error Codes with quick guides:

  • Code: C0211
  • Description: Bypass tray lift-up failure
    – When a print cycle is completed, a jam is fixed, or the power switch is turned ON, if the bypass lift sensor (PS4) does not change from the unblocked to blocked condition after the lapse of a given period of time after the bypass pick-up solenoid (SD1) is turned ON, the machine retries the depressing motion. This trouble code is displayed if the PS4 is not blocked after the retry
    – While the bypass lift sensor (PS4) is blocked, if the PS4 is not unblocked after the lapse of a given period of time after the bypass pick-up solenoid (SD1) is turned ON, the machine retries the lifting motion. This trouble code is displayed if the PS4 is not unblocked after the retry
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connector between M1-PRCB CN6 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 2 Check M1 for correct drive coupling and correct as necessary. 3 Check the connector between PS4-relay CN6-PRCB CN8 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 4 Check the connector between SD1-relay CN4-relay CN6-PRCB CN8 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 5 PS4 I/O check, sensor check. 6 M1 operation check. 7 SD1 operation check. 8 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C2351
  • Description: Suction fan motor malfunction
    – The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor remains stationary.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connector between FM5-relay CN13-PRCB CN14 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 2 Check the fan for possible overload and correct as necessary. 3 FM5 operation check. 4 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C2557
  • Description: Abnormally low T/C ratio
    – The T/C ratios detected by the TCR sensor board (TCRSB) are below the threshold for the detection of abnormally low T/C ratio for three successive times. However, if a toner empty condition is detected, this abnormality is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check to see if developer is available. 2 Check the connector between TCRSBrelay CN14-PRCB CN10 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change TCRSB. 4 Execute “TCR AUTO ADJUST. 5 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C2558
  • Description: Abnormally high T/C ratio
    – The T/C ratios detected by the TCR sensor board (TCRSB) are above the threshold for the detection of abnormally high T/C ratio for three successive times.
    – The connector between TCRSB to PRCC is disconnected
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check to see if developer is available. 2 Check the connector between TCRSBrelay CN14-PRCB CN10 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change TCRSB. 4 Execute “TCR AUTO ADJUST. 5 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C255C
  • Description: TCR sensor adjustment failure
    – When AUTO ADJUST is performed, the difference between the TCR sensor output voltage determined by TCR AUTO ADJUST and the standard voltage is greater than the given value.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check to see if developer is available. 2 Check the connector between TCRSBrelay CN14-PRCB CN10 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change TCRSB. 4 Execute “TCR AUTO ADJUST. 5 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C2702
  • Description: Abnormal image transfer voltage
    – The image transfer voltage remains more than 100 V continuously for a given period of time while the drum remains stationary.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the transfer roller unit for installation. 2 Change HV1. 3 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C3451
  • Description: Warming-up failure
    – The surface temperature of the fusing roller does not reach a given level even after the lapse of a given period of time during a warm-up cycle.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the fusing unit for correct installation. 2 Check the open/close operation of the right door. 3 Check the fusing unit, DCPU and PRCB for proper connection and correct or change as necessary. 4 Change fusing unit. 5 Change PRCB. 6 Change DCPU.
  • Code: C3751
  • Description: Fusing failure (abnormally high fusing temperature 1)
    – The temperature detected by the thermistor/1 (TH1) remains higher than a given temperature for a given period of time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the fusing unit for correct installation. 2 Check the open/close operation of the right door. 3 Check the fusing unit, DCPU and PRCB for proper connection and correct or change as necessary. 4 Change fusing unit. 5 Change PRCB. 6 Change DCPU.
  • Code: C3752
  • Description: Fusing failure (abnormally high fusing temperature 2)
    – The temperature detected by the thermistor/1 (TH1) remains higher than a given temperature for a given period of time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the fusing unit for correct installation. 2 Check the open/close operation of the right door. 3 Check the fusing unit, DCPU and PRCB for proper connection and correct or change as necessary. 4 Change fusing unit. 5 Change PRCB. 6 Change DCPU.
  • Code: C3851
  • Description: Fusing failure (abnormally low fusing temperature)
    – The temperature detected by the thermistor/2 (TH2) remains higher than a given temperature for a given period of time.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the fusing unit for correct installation. 2 Check the open/close operation of the right door. 3 Check the fusing unit, DCPU and PRCB for proper connection and correct or change as necessary. 4 Change fusing unit. 5 Change PRCB. 6 Change DCPU.
  • Code: C4001
  • Description: Faulty HSYNC
    – The SOS sensor does not detect a rising edge of SOS within a given period of time after the polygon motor has started turning and a laser output has been started.
    – The SOS sensor detects no rising edges of SOS while VIA (image area control) is ON.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Turn OFF and ON the power switch. 2 Check the connector between PH unit- PRCB CN1, CN2 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change PH unit. 4 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C4101
  • Description: Polygon motor malfunction
    – A HIGH polygon motor lock signal is not detected within a given period of time that begins 0.5 sec. after the polygon motor has started turning.
    – A LOW polygon motor lock signal is not detected for a continuous given period of time while the rotation of the polygon motor remains stabilized.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Turn OFF and ON the power switch. 2 Check the connector between PH unit- PRCB CN1, CN2 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change PH unit. 4 Change PRCB.
  • Code: C5102
  • Description: Main motor malfunction
    – The main motor (M1) lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous 1-sec. period at any time 1 sec. after the main motor has started turning.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the connector between M1-PRCB CN6 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 2 Check M1 for correct drive coupling and correct as necessary. 3 M1 operation check. 4 Change PRCB. 5 Change DCPU.
  • Code: C6101
  • Description: Scanner home detection failure
    – When the power switch is turned ON or a scan operation is completed, detecting the home position fails.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Turn OFF and ON the power switch. 2 Check the connector between M4-PRCB P101 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Check M4 for correct drive coupling and correct as necessary. 4 Check the connector between CIS-PRCB P102 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 5 M4 operation check 6 Change M4. 7 Change CIS 8 Change MFPB.
  • Code: C9401
  • Description: Scanner lamp error
    – When the power switch is turned ON or a scan operation is completed, the light quantity is checked and the shading compensation is performed. At this time, trouble is detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Turn OFF and ON the power switch. 2 Check the connector between CIS-PRCB P102 for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change CIS 4 Change MFPB.
  • Code: CC102
  • Description: Controller – engine connection failure
    – The engine control system can not communicate with the controller.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Turn OFF and ON the power switch. 2 Change PRCB.
  • Code: CC151
  • Description: Flash ROM error
    – The copier determines that there is an error if writing to the flash ROM fails during upgrading of the firmware.
    – When the power switch is turned ON, the error indicator lights up steadily and a corresponding message appears on the display.
    – If this error message appears, no operations can then be performed. It is not possible to upgrade the firmware from a PC connected through USB connection, either.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the PRCB connectors for proper connection and correct as necessary. 2 Identify the specific firmware that is responsible for the error. 3 Perform upgrading of the firmware. 4 Unplug EEPROM (R22) from PRCB and then plug it back in. 5 Change PRCB.
  • Code: CC153
  • Description: Engine flash ROM error
    – Data of flash ROM of the engine control system is determined to be faulty.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Check the PRCB connectors for proper connection and correct as necessary. 2 Identify the specific firmware that is responsible for the error. 3 Perform upgrading of the firmware. 4 Unplug EEPROM (R22) from PRCB and then plug it back in. 5 Change PRCB.
  • Code: CC163
  • Description: Engine connection failure
    – The controller can not communicate with the engine control system
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1 Turn OFF and ON the power switch. 2 Check the PRCB connectors for proper connection and correct as necessary. 3 Change PRCB.
  • Code: CD301
  • Description: EEPROM error
    – Contact the responsible people of KMBT before taking some countermeasures.
  • Troubleshooting Guides:

Quick fix Konica-Minolta 164 list error codes

Solve Konica-Minolta bizhub 164 Error codes

– Get more error code list with quick guide to fix printer product, click here
– About get help with reseting Epson inkpad or others, click here

– Get more information about Epson XP 15000 troubleshooting, click here
– Buy cheap key of Epson WIC Reset Tool, CLICK HERE
– Key Epson Adjustment Program, CLICK HERE
– Download Epson printer driver, CLICK HERE
– Download Epson XP-6100 Driver, Firmware and Manuals, CLICK HERE

Contact us to get support with Konica-Minolta bizhub 164 Error case

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