Бателфилд 3 ошибка punkbuster

Здравия желаю, бойцы!

У меня беда: после 1-2 минут игры на сервере меня кикает с причиной: «Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player ‘ThunderBatch’ (for 0 minutes) … Visit www.evenbalance.com to manually update your PB Files».

За помощью к вам я обратился потому, что уже перепробовал кучу вариантов решения этой проблемы. Сначала я обновил, а затем переустановил Punkbuster, предварительно скачав pbsetup и pbsvc с официального сайта. И в той, и в той программе, мне выдает ошибки.

В pbsvc.exe мне выдает ошибку: «**ERROR: PnkBstrB was unpacked, but could not be found on the file system. Please contact www.evenbalance.com for assistance». Затем пишет: «Can’t open file: ‘C:\Users\?????\AppData\Roaming\PnkBstrB.exe’ (error 123: the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

В pbsetup мне выдает ошибку: «Failed to copy the file ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\pb\pbsv.dll to ‘C:\Users\????\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\BF3\pb\pbsv.dll’ 

(error 123: the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

У меня есть подозрения, что античит стал раком после того, как я поменял имя пользователя в системе. У меня раньше имя пользователя и язык системы были на русском, а теперь — на английском.

Очень рассчитываю на вашу помощь! 

Возможное решение проблем с панкбастером


-Fr0sT- [Left for ever]

1) Зайдите в папку с игрой «Battlefiled 3» и полностью удалите папку «pb» со всем содержимым.
2) В папке «Battlefiled 3» есть исполнительный файл «pbsvc.exe» имеет ярлык в виде иконки панк бастера (синий запрещающий знак с перечеркнутым человечком-панком аля «охотники за привидениями»). Запустите его.
3) В открывшемся окне поставьте точечку возле «uninstall punk buster server». Выполните удаление.
4) Зайдите на официальный сайт Punk Buster , а точнее вот сюда — тут лежит версия для всех версий Windows websec.evenbalance.com/downloader/download.php?file=1. [websec.evenbalance.com] Введите подтверждающий код, нарисованный рядышком с окошком ввода и скачайте программу. Распакуйте и откройте PBseup.exe
5) При запуске программа обновится. ПРОГРАММА, А НЕ ИГРА!
6) После обновления в открывшемся окошке нажимаем «Add Game». Из списка выбираем Battlefiled 3. Путь к папке определяется автоматически. Жмем «ОК»
7) Жмем «Check for updates». Ждем пока программа обновит Punk Buster. После завершения, в папке с игрой опять появится папка «pb» с кучей фалов. Так и должно быть.
8) Перезагрузить ПК.
9) Почистить реестр с помощью Ccleaner.
10) С этого момента, так как у меня при попытке запустить игру стала выдаваться ошибка какогото файла «ddl», то запускаем Orign кликаем правой кнопкой мыши по иконке с игрой и выбираем пункт -исправить установку-
 11) После того как все исправляется и исчезает окно с синей полоской, запустить игру и играть.

сылки: CCleaner- www.softportal.com/software-3151-ccleaner.html


 ещё есть подозрения что это только у тех у кого стоит Windows 7 x32 потому что 1.щас на серваках играет народ, 2.один человек исправил проблему с помощь того что в дериктории игры на С удалили и перенёс файлы с другого компа в папку с панкбастером но у него Win7x64 кстати на всяких форумах по всему миру тоже во всю верещат об этой проблеме и пытаются найти решение, а один вобще решил проблему так(он пишет «I decided to reformat my comp, everything works fine now. Thanks for listening and trying to help.») ну и больше всех подозрений это то что какие-то перебои у разрабов.(прошу пращение если что-то было не грамотно написано писал в торопях).

Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player (for 0 minutes) … This PB Server Requires (A1386 C2.331) — Error loading pbcl

Когда играл в захват флага.

Это ошибка выскакиевает у меня , причем без всяких причин.

Я решил разобраться в чем дело и как это исправить.

Способ первый.

Идем в папке program files — origin games — battlefield3 —  installer — punkbuster — находим файл единственный и открываем его.

Панкбастер утилита спрсит — переустановить или удалить ?

Жмем удалить..

Удаляем и идем сюда — http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php

Тут скроллим вниз и ищем ссылку — For all windows games. Жмем , далее вводим текст с капчи и качаем архив.

Все почти готово !)

Устанавливаем панк бастер , добавляем игру battlefield3 Через кнопку вверху add game.

Проверяем обновления — check updates ( Тут может немного подглючить , подождите… )

Теперь идем опять в папку с игрой и жмем тотже файл , с которого мы удаляли вначале статьи (  program files — origin games — battlefield3 —  installer — punkbuster — находим файл единственный и открываем его. )

Но сейчас уже жмем установить.

Устанавливаем и 0 проблем , у меня все решилось.

Если у вас не помогло.

То читайте подробную инструкцию на английском языке по адресу http://www.battlelog.org/bl/tutorial_update-punkbuster-manual_26

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I enjoyed Battlefield 3 on Xbox, so I signed up for EA Origins and bought the PC version. However, every time I try to join an online match, Punkbuster kicks me from the game before the window even opens:

Game disconnected: you were kicked by Punkbuster. Stated reason: Punkbuster kicked player.

The message says «RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe». What does it mean? I’ve tried re-installing PunkBuster, Origin, and Battlefield 3. I’m running Windows 7 with only Steam, Silverlight, and mouse and game controller drivers. This is infuriating.

asked Mar 3, 2013 at 22:21

Steve HHH's user avatar

Steve HHHSteve HHH

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(This assumes you have installed Punkbuster, and added Battlefield 3 to its games list.)

Download PBSVC and run it. If it claims everything is okay ( = green), try running BF3 again.

If BF3 still fails to communicate with «Punkbuster Service A», then, run PBSetup.exe and check whether you have the right path to your BF3.

PBSetup creates a subfolder for the games it registers, and remembers this subfolder’s path.
If you have, for any reason, relocated the BF3 install, the service won’t be able to validate the game, and fail to communicate.

As Steve himself pointed out, it might also be the Windows Firewall blocking the Service.

answered Mar 3, 2013 at 23:04

DrFish's user avatar


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Everyone says to uninstall and install the PBsetup.exe and run the pbsvc.exe. I did all that and still had the same problem of kicking me after a few minutes of play. The check ended good. I finally read what was in the pbsvc.exe window and was enlightened. I went to my services and found that pnkbstrA was running but pnkbstrB was not running. I started the service on B and haven’t had the problem of getting kicked.
Hope that helps someone, as I was getting frustrated.

answered Aug 22, 2015 at 2:17

Gooseburg's user avatar

OS: Windows 7 64bit
Game: Bf3
Problem: Getting kicked from Bf3
Error: PnkbstrA.exe error

If your getting kicked from Bf3 due to a PnkbstrA.exe error you may need to ensure that PnkbstrA.exe is in fact running. Check your processes list and check to see if PnkbstrA.exe and PnkbstrB.exe are listed along with checking services.msc to see if PnkbstrA.exe and PnkbstrB.exe are listed, if not due to following:

Go here (www.evenbalance.com/index.php) and read the FIRST PARAGRAPH, u’ll see a link to the service installation program (called PBSVC). Download and run, PnkbstrA.exe and PnkbstrB.exe will then be installed correctly and running. You should be good to go after that.

answered May 3, 2013 at 2:58

Rommel1l's user avatar

This is what you have to do:

  1. Go to your bf3 folder
  2. Delete the pb folder
  3. Go to the installed folder and open pbsec.exe

Should now be fixed, hope this helped.

Oak's user avatar


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answered Jul 15, 2013 at 7:27

user51902's user avatar

If you are using a different Windows User than what you installed bf3 on, you punkbuster will not update properly.
So I changed back to my original user, and Voila! Punkbuster stopped kicking me.

kotekzot's user avatar


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answered Oct 12, 2013 at 15:07

Luke's user avatar

I got the RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe message.
I finally fixed mine after reading lots of forums, I did a few of my own things, some probably not needed, and others probably noobish, but in the end mine works!
I did:

  1. Open windows firewall
  2. click advanced settings (on the left) and then inbound (also left)
  3. Find PnkbstrA.exe and PnkbstrB.exe (if you have two of both, it’s fine)
  4. right click on each of them > properties > programs and services
  5. make sure that «all programs that meet the spesifications» is checked
  6. then go to the «Advanced» tab and check all 3 boxes. Domain, Private and Public.
  7. REMEMBER TO DO THIS FOR ALL PnkBstr Files. then save and quit.
  8. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3 and delete «Pb» folder.
  9. go to these 2 links:
    • http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloader/download.php?file=1
    • http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
  10. download and install both
  11. Run Pbsetup.exe (the first link)
  12. add a game (eg. bf3)
  13. check for updates.

This should help

PS: for some reason i can no longer launch bf3 from chrome after doing this so i used firefox. (this is not the first time i have done this, although the first time was not the same error.)

Private Pansy's user avatar

Private Pansy

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answered Oct 20, 2013 at 21:45

Luca Ruggier's user avatar

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Topic: Battlefield 3 PUNKBUSTER Error!  (Read 14371 times)

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Hello!, Thanks for viewing!

I’ll make this sound as simple as possible!

I just bought Battlefield 3 installed, downloaded the patch. I tried to play multiplayer and it brings me to the battlelog website. So I choose a server and click play. It says I need to download pbsetup.exe and install the Battlefield 3 punkbuster files. So I do exactly that. I run into no errors. Then I start multiplayer again and the game starts fine and gets to the loading screen and freezes and closes… Then back in the battlelog website it says:
«Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player ‘MYUSERNAME’ (for 0 minutes) … RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe»
I go online and look up the error and it says to try to manually install the services using pbsvc,exe.
When Opening pbsvc.exe I get multiple errors.
First: A box pops up saying «**ERROR: The extract file failed an authenticity check.»
So I click «OK»
Then: Another box pops up saying «can’t open file ‘C:\windows\system32\PnkBstrA.exe’ (error 5: access is denied.)
Then it brings me to the install log:

Checking user is Administrator     OK
Checking Administrator privileges  OK
Opening Service Control Manager    OK
Searching for PnkBstrA             None Found — OK
Extracting PnkBstrA service        OK
Verifying service authenticity     ERROR

I went into system32 and found the file and tried to open it and change security settings but eventhough I am admin it states I do not have the appropriate permissions to access the item…

SO! If anyone can help me in ANY way it would be much appreciated!

I have tried disabling my firewall and allowing it through it.
I have tried safe mode, It seems to install correctly until the installer reaches the part where it trys to open the service, it cant because i am in safemode..
And in safe mode I can modify the file in system32.


Computer Information:

OS Name   Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate   
Version   6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601   
Other OS Description    Not Available   
OS Manufacturer   Microsoft Corporation   
System Name   NATHAN   
System Manufacturer   HP-Pavilion   
System Model   NY553AA-ABA e9220y   
System Type   x64-based PC   
Processor   AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 910 Processor, 2600 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)   
BIOS Version/Date   American Megatrends Inc. 5.04, 10/1/2009   
SMBIOS Version   2.6   
Windows Directory   C:\Windows   
System Directory   C:\Windows\system32   
Boot Device   \Device\HarddiskVolume1   
Locale   United States   
Hardware Abstraction Layer   Version = «6.1.7601.17514»   
User Name   NATHAN\Nathan   
Time Zone   Eastern Standard Time   
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)   8.00 GB   
Total Physical Memory   7.99 GB   
Available Physical Memory   5.48 GB   
Total Virtual Memory   16.0 GB   
Available Virtual Memory   13.2 GB   

« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 09:01:57 PM by GidkoN »



«failed an authenticity check» usually means that you have a corrupt file, either due to tampering to due to a problem with your computer causing a corrupt download and installation. So this corrupt PnkBstrA installation attempts to communicate with the PB servers, resulting in you unable to play online.
All I can think of is re downloading the PunkBuster setup file, from a different computer, and then installing it via USB drive.


In Soviet Russia, iPhone touch you. Computer shut you down. Mouse click you. Floppy inserts you. Yahoo answers you. Man in TV watches you. Computer game addicts you. Guitar shreds you. Motherboard fries you. The laughter in manslaughter is put back in.
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I’ll try that, I wonder what would be causing it though. When I run the exe in a sandbox it seems to get past the authenticity error.

(EDIT) Still nothing. I still get a authenticity error… I dont know what to do anymore. I have used all my tricks..

« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 06:56:12 AM by GidkoN »



In a sandbox… is it possible that some program is accessing the exe, like an antivirus program? Try disabling your antivirus/add an exception for the exe..


In Soviet Russia, iPhone touch you. Computer shut you down. Mouse click you. Floppy inserts you. Yahoo answers you. Man in TV watches you. Computer game addicts you. Guitar shreds you. Motherboard fries you. The laughter in manslaughter is put back in.
Giveaway of the Day" style="border: none


Unfortunately, I have tried that. I am running commodo internet security.

How would I find out what is causing it or what is accessing it. It is the computer, I tried it on another computer I have and it worked like a charm…



It usually fails to communicate if you’re blocking Punkbuster somehow. I suppose some overly eager virusscanners would do so.

You might also want to make sure the Punkbuster service is running and that Punkbuster is up to date.



Also check your firewall settings and make sure the firewall isn’t blocking Punkbuster’s access to the internet.


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