Barco ошибка 5817

Code 5815: «TI-ICP — certificate error»


New ICP software version

installed but no reboot of

projector has happen.

Malfunction software.

ICP board is not correctly


Error remains occurring after

different boot cycles.

Code 5816: «TI-ICP — key error»


New ICP software version

installed but no reboot of

projector has happen.

Malfunction software.

ICP board is not correctly


Error remains occurring after

different boot cycles.

Code 5817: «TI-ICP — icp board not detected»


Malfunction software.

There is no ICP board


ICP board is not correctly


ICP board not correctly


Code 5830: «TI-link-decryptor — no communication»


Exceptional software failure.

Link decryptor is not correctly


Code 5831: «TI-link-decryptor — system error»

With the Communicator, go to Diagnostics → Actual → Link Decryptor status → Error messages

The following errors can occur:


Reboot the projector.

Reboot the projector.

Reseat the ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the

ICP board», page 214.

Replace ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the ICP

board», page 214.


Reboot the projector.

Reboot the projector.

Reseat the ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the

ICP board», page 214.

Replace ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the ICP

board», page 214.


Reboot the projector.

Install an ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the ICP

board», page 214.

Reseat the ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the

ICP board», page 214.

Re-install the ICP board. See service manual chapter «Replacement of the

ICP board», page 214.


Reboot the projector.

Reseat the link decryptor. See service manual chapter «Replacement of

the Link Decryptor», page 217.

If problem remains, replace the link decryptor.


R5906848 /04

DP2K SLP Series



Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:33 pm

Barco Sudden error appeared

Turned on a projector 1 week and suddenly this message appeared.

5817 : cp — no cinema processor (icp or icmp) detected
5830 : ti-link-decryptor — no communication

1.jpeg (245.69 KiB) Viewed 905 times
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-22 at 10.36.51 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-22 at 10.36.51 PM.jpeg (245.69 KiB) Viewed 907 times


Posts: 2500
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:11 pm
Location: Germany

Re: Barco Sudden error appeared


by Carsten »

Yup, try Film-Tech. This is either a dead ICP (the major processing board in your Barco projector), or it simply needs to be reseated within the card cage. You need special setup/installer passwords to clear upcoming tamper errors, so, don’t try this alone. How old is this projector?

In rare cases, a shutdown/reboot will solve it, but you’d have to be lucky.

Посмотреть инструкция для Barco DP2K-10SLP бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории видеопроекторы, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Barco DP2K-10SLP или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Barco DP2K-10SLP.

Какой вес Barco DP2K-10SLP?

Barco DP2K-10SLP имеет вес 73000 g.

Какая высота Barco DP2K-10SLP?

Barco DP2K-10SLP имеет высоту 325 mm.

Какая ширина Barco DP2K-10SLP?

Barco DP2K-10SLP имеет ширину 626 mm.

Какая толщина Barco DP2K-10SLP?

Barco DP2K-10SLP имеет толщину 925 mm.

Инструкция Barco DP2K-10SLP доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Barco DP2K-10SLP, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Регулярно обращаетесь за поддержкой по продуктам? Используйте свою учетную запись myBarco для получения всех последних обновлений для ваших продуктов!

Вход или регистрация

Чтобы загрузить этот файл, войдите в свою учетную запись mybarco.

Информация о гарантии

Введите серийный номер вашего продукта, чтобы узнать сведения о вашей гарантии

Техническая поддержка по телефону и электронной почте

Связавшись с нами по горячей линии, вы получите быструю техническую поддержку по телефону. Команда опытных специалистов поддержки всегда готова предоставить вам профессиональную помощь.

Image 4-44

ICP fan connection

Code 6131: «icp fan — voltage high» (Warning)


Malfunction Fan Control board or

SMPS board.

Code 6133: «icp fan — voltage low» (Warning)


Malfunction Fan Control board or

SMPS board.

Short circuit or bad connection.

Damaged insulation of the wire

unit of the fan (reference 1 & 2

image 4-44) Note that this fan is

in the Card Cage compartment

underneath the Fan & Motor Control


Code 6200: «maintenance — maintenance required» (Notification)


Projector requires maintenance.

Code 6210: «lens — no lens parameter file has been activated» (Warning)


No lens parameter file has been


R5905043 DP2K-12C/11CX 19/02/2018



Measure on the Signal Backplane the ++12V voltage on pin 1, 2 or 3 of the connector of

the black wire unit which comes from the SMPS board. See image 4-43.

If the measured voltage is about12V then replace the Fan Control board. See

«Removing a board in the card cage», page 213. Otherwise replace the SMPS board.

See»Replacement of the Switched Mode Power Supply», page 281.


Measure on the Signal Backplane the ++12V voltage on pin 1, 2 or 3 of the connector of

the black wire unit which comes from the SMPS board. See image 4-43.

If the measured voltage is about12V then replace the Fan Control board. See

«Removing a board in the card cage», page 213. Otherwise replace the SMPS board.

See»Replacement of the Switched Mode Power Supply», page 281.

Check the Signal Backplane for bad connections.

Check the insulation of the wire unit of the fan.


Repair the insulation of the wire unit using shrink sleeve.


If not repairable, replace the whole wire unit and/or fan. See «Integrated cinema

processor fan», page 330.


Go to the menu «Maintenance → Smart maintenance» in the Communicator


See also maintenance program of the projector (included in the service manual).


Select a suitable lens parameter file for the installed lens using the Communicator


>Installation >Advanced >Lens parameters >Select

4. Troubleshooting



Попробуйте систему мониторинга кинооборудования Totem >>>

ВНИМАНИЕ: портал NOC2.ME не несёт ответственности за содержащиеся здесь ошибки или за случайный или косвенный ущерб, понесённый в связи с применением или использованием данных материалов!

Снятие логов с проектора Barco DP2K

Снимайте логи когда нет показа!

Для снятия логов с проектора Barco выполните следующие действия:
1. Запустите «Barco Communicator» и подключитесь к проектору через соответствующий IP адрес.
2. Войдите под пользователем с правами администратора.
3. Зайдите Diagnostics -> Package -> Create diagnostics package. Программа создаст ZIP-архив

Прилепить пост

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Всем привет. Принесли в ремонт аппарат вот с такой ошибкой.
Пробег — 21 тысяча.
При включении после стандартной попытки инициализации вываливается в 6200. Если перезапустить его раз 6-7 — выходит в готовность. Внутренние датчики показывают температуру 80-100 при невыходе в готовность. Когда выходит — 145 по центру, всё ок. Если даже после выхода в готовность дать ему остыть и вывести из ждущего режима — опять отваливается по 6200.

Визуальный осмотр печи и нагревательного элемента — проведён, ничего не дал.
Плата питания — на вид ок.
Пробовал перепрошить, принтер прошился успешно — без изменений.
Даже подкидывал ему термодатчик с FK-1150 (он на вид абсолютно такой же) — не помогло.
Другие запчасти подкинуть возможности нет.

А, да. Картриджи стоят совместимка — хайблэк и кактус.

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Долговечность и надежность работы кинооборудования зависят от качества его монтажа и условий эксплуатации.

Upd. Рекомендации Barco по вводу в эксплуатацию кинооборудования после простоя (COVID-19)

Мы все надеемся, что уже очень скоро сможем приступить к нашей основной деятельности: вы — демонстрировать фильмы и радовать ваших зрителей, мы — обеспечивать высочайшее качество кинопоказа и содействовать развитию вашего бизнеса.

Наш ключевой партнер — компания Barco (бренд Cinionic) подготовили практические рекомендации по запуску вашего оборудования после вынужденного простоя — главным образом, проекторов. 5 важных и обязательных шагов, которые предотвратят появление неисправностей и даже выход дорогостоящей техники из строя. Если у вас возникнут вопросы — обращайтесь в нашу техническую службу.

Шаг 1. Выполните работы по техническому обслуживанию по схемам А и Б (ежемесячное и ежеквартальное обслуживание)

Снимите переднюю и боковые крышки корпуса. Очистите фильтры проектора от накопившейся пыли. При помощи мягкой, сухой ткани аккуратно смахните пыль с объектива (линзы). Проверьте состояние проекционного окна, при необходимости очистите стекло.

Схемы А и Б соответствуют работам по ежемесячному и квартальному обслуживанию (подробности в руководстве по технической эксплуатации на каждую модель проектора).

Пример работ по ежемесячному обслуживанию (А)

  • Очистка всех воздушных фильтров проектора: в передней части проектора (электроника), в верхней части (отражатели), в нижней части (теплообменник). По возможности используйте вакуумный пылесос и устанавливайте фильтр после очистки правильно. Частота замены определяется в зависимости от количества пыли в кинозале.
  •  Проверьте наличие пыли на линзе (извлекать саму линзу необязательно)
  •  Проверьте наличие загрязнений на стекле проекционного окна.

Пример работ по квартальному обслуживанию (Б)

  • Проверьте состояние воздушных фильтров вентилятора на наличие пыли и жира. Жир накапливается за несколько месяцев эксплуатации, в том числе и по причине употребления попкорна зрителями в зале. В зависимости от количества жира фильтры очищаются либо вакуумным пылесосом или путем мойки. Обратите внимание, что работа может занимать до 24 часов.
  • Очистите боковые/задние воздуховоды.
  •  Очистите ламповый отсек.
  •  Очистите отсек вентилятора (в зависимости от модели проектора).
  •  Сверьте внутренние часы ICMP c фактическим  временем. При необходимости скорректируйте

Шаг 2. Запустите систему, придерживаясь следующей последовательности действий:

  • TMS (при наличии) и сетевые компоненты;
  • включите основные инженерные системы зала: отопление (при необходимости), вентиляции, кондиционирования (при наличии и необходимости);
  • запустите внешний медиа-сервер (если вы используете интегрированный медиа-сервер или Barco Alchemy — этот пункт можно пропустить);
  • включите проектор;
  • включите источник света в проекторе.

Шаг 3. Еще раз проверьте время

Для того, чтобы KDM ключи работали корректно, внутреннее время, выставленное на кинопроцессоре, должно соответствовать фактическому времени.

Шаг 4. Диагностируйте наличие ошибок

Отслеживайте сигналы индикаторов и обращайте внимание на красный или желтый свет. На проекторах 4 серии отслеживайте сигналы смарт-статуса.

Если индикаторы горят красным или желтым светом — используйте тач-панель или программный продукт от Barco для создания диагностического отчета, который затем отправьте в техническую службу фирмы-установщика.

Если индикаторы горят зеленым светом — переходите к 5 шагу.

Шаг 5. Потестируйте систему, придерживаясь следующей последовательности:

  • оставьте источник света проектора включенным по меньшей мере на час;
  • убедитесь, что аудио-система включена;
  • загрузите плейлист с клипами в 2D и 3D, а также автоматические сигналы, используя TMS или Screen Managment System (при наличии);
  • запустите плейлист и проверьте качество звука и изображения;
  • убедитесь в правильной работе автоматизированной системы управления кинозалом (если она используется);
  • по возможности проверьте качество отображения защищенного контента, используя KDM ключи.

Если вы используете проектор с ксеноновой лампой — в течении 20 минут дождитесь разогрева лампы и при необходимости отрегулируйте параметры яркости

Но если монтаж, как правило, стараются поручать профессионалам, то на сервисном обслуживании в процессе эксплуатации нередко пытаются сэкономить.

Этого не стоит делать, поскольку непрофессиональное техническое обслуживание может обернуться дорогостоящими поломками оборудования и незапланированными расходами на его ремонт.  

Что входит в понятие техническое обслуживание

У любой техники существуют два основных «врага»: грязь и время. И если течение времени остановить не в наших силах, то с грязью можно успешно бороться.

Именно регулярная очистка системы от пыли и загрязнения является первой необходимой мерой профилактики в обслуживании, что в свою очередь, необходимо для нормальной работы оборудования.

Частично поддерживать чистоту можно (и даже нужно) своими силами. Для этого достаточно как минимум раз в месяц очищать воздушные фильтры проектора.

Техническое обслуживание кинопроекционного оборудования состоит из двух частей:

  • обслуживание внутренней части проектора;
  • обслуживание программного обеспечения.

Обслуживание внутренней части проектора

Очистка внутренних деталей проекционного оборудования гораздо более трудоемка и требует специфического дорогостоящего оборудования. Проводить её могут только специалисты, прошедшие сертификацию непосредственно на заводе–производителе и имеющие доступ к заблокированным внутренним отделам. Но такой тип обслуживания необходимо выполнять всего два раза в год.

Однако в случае, если ежемесячная чистка фильтров не производилась, очистка деталей проектора может потребоваться чаще. Также во время чистки кинопроекционной системы производится осмотр всех частей, который позволяет выявить и предотвратить неисправности. Помимо чистки проектора выполняется замена охлаждающей жидкости, регулируется механизм поднятия давления в системе охлаждения до требуемого уровня.

Обслуживание программного обеспечения

Вторым пунктом технического обслуживания является работа с программным обеспечением. По статистике, на тысячу строк кода приходится как минимум одна критическая ошибка. Вы можете в этом убедиться на примере обычного компьютера, где почти каждую неделю выходит заплатка, обновление или патч. То же самое свойственно программному обеспечению на кинопроекторе и киносервере.

Фирмы-производители исправляют найденные ошибки, а также внедряют поддержку новых технологий (последний пример система звучания Dolby 7.1).

ПО сервера и проектора также следует обновлять. Причем, последствия возникающих ошибок, в случае если не делать своевременного обновления, будут намного серьезней, чем потерянный файл или вирус, требующий отослать смс на короткий номер. Это может привести к остановке кинопоказа или к более серьезным последствиям.

Последствия невыполнения ТО

Если забывать периодически очищать проектор от пыли, неизбежно возникнут следующие проблемы:

  • Пыль на зеркалах приведет к потере яркости изображения.
  • Вентиляторы оборудования начнут забиваться, что может вызвать их остановку.
  • Одновременно с этим поднимется температура проектора, что в свою очередь может вызвать повреждение электроники. А повышение температуры выше 95°С может привести к экстренному отключению даже во время сеанса.

Охлаждающая жидкость в проекторе служит для отвода тепла от самого сердца проектора — «engine», на нем находится 3 DLP чипа, которые отвечают за отображение картинки на экране.

Если жидкость не менять вовремя, данная часть проектора перегреется, на экране будут отображаться артефакты изображения или битые пиксели. Повышенная температура может привести к полной невозможности дальнейшего кинопоказа.

Важность программного обеспечения

Что может произойти, если не устанавливать обновление? Самое невинное — это незапуск какого-либо фильма из-за устаревшего программного обеспечения. Но так как нововведения в киноиндустрии внедряются крайне медленно, то данная ситуация может возникнуть только через несколько лет.

В данном вопросе более важными являются критические обновления, которые устраняют ошибки, влияющие как на работу оборудования, так и на проведение самого кинопоказа. Наиболее наглядный пример – новая версия прошивки для платы TI.

Данная плата хранит в себе такие важные настройки для работы проектора как фокусировка и положение линзы, параметры форматов отображения, параметры цветовой коррекции, являющиеся индивидуальными для каждого зала. Новая версия прошивки устраняет критическую ошибку, при возникновении которой повреждается чип памяти на плате. Что в свою очередь, может иметь последствия от сброса настроек проектора до замены платы, во время которого кинотеатр будет простаивать.

Кто должен выполнять техническое обслуживание

Ежемесячные работы по чистке фильтров может выполнить штатный киномеханик.

Более сложные работы по техническому обслуживанию (полугодовое ТО и годовое ТО) все же стоит доверить квалифицированным специалистам, так как эта работа требует специальных знаний, необходимых для выполнения— в зависимости от вида ТО — от 15 до 25 различных операций.

Важные аспекты выполнения технического обслуживания

  1. Юридический. Фирма-производитель Barco снимает гарантию с тех проекторов, профилактическое обслуживание которых производят специалисты, не имеющие сертификата от производителя.
  2. Второй аспект связан непосредственно с опытом проведения данных работ и несет за собой более серьезные последствия, чем возможная потеря гарантии. Это связано с тем, что при проведении ТО существует множество подводных камней, которые не описаны в сервисной документации. Последствия же произведенных ошибок не всегда проявляются сразу. Простейшим примером является недостаточно сильно закрученная гайка на лампе проектора. Лампа может отработать свой гарантийный срок и у нее только почернеют контакты, а может раньше времени выйти из строя и взорваться прямо во время кинопоказа. И все это из-за одной неплотно затянутой гайки на лампе.

«Магна Сервис» занимается техническим обслуживанием проекторов

  • В штате компании находится 3 специалиста, прошедших сертификацию (Level I, Level II) на заводе-производителе Barco.
  • Мы имеем специализированное оборудование, которое необходимо для проведения технического обслуживания, наладки и ремонтных работ кинопроекционного оборудования.
  • Инженеры фирмы отработали большой список задач и проблем, возникающих при эксплуатировании кинопроекционного оборудования на кинотеатральных площадках.
  • На складе компании имеются запчасти, необходимые для ремонта кинопроекционной техники. Так же в ООО «Магна Сервис» отлажена работа с технической поддержкой изготовителей оборудования для кинотеатров.
  • В числе наших клиентов уже есть как сети кинотеатров, так и независимые кинотеатры
  • Выезд специалистов осуществляется в кратчайшие сроки.


Проведение ТО позволяет преждевременно выявить и устранить проблемы, возникающие на проекторе.

Профилактические работы продляют срок службы проектора. По заверениям производителя кинопроекционная техника будет служить 10 лет при соблюдении условий эксплуатации и проведении всех необходимых технических работ.

«Магна Сервис» предоставляет услуги по техническому обслуживанию проекторов на высоком профессиональном уровне и с гарантией результата.

Свяжитесь с нами, позвоните или напишите, и мы ответим на все вопросы.

4. Troubleshooting

Code 10941: «player — KDM decryption error — KDM rejected» (Error)


The play cannot start

because one of the KDMs

could not be decrypted.

The play cannot start

because one of the KDMs

is invalid and cannot be


Code 10942: «player — unvalidated CPL referenced in KDM — KDM rejected» (Error)


The play cannot start

because the targeted KDM

is referencing a CPL that

was not previously validated.

TMS application is trying to

load a CPL with an explicit

KDM which is not matching.

Code 10943: «player — Media Player input used — input switching rejected» (Error)


The system cannot switch to

an alternative input because

the Media Player input is

currently used: a playback is


The system cannot switch to

an alternative input because

the Media Player input is

currently used: the scheduler

is enabled.

Code 10944: «player — service door tamper — cannot play» (Error)


The play cannot start

because a service door

tamper is being reported.

Code 10945: «player — board insertion tamper — cannot play» (Error)


The play cannot start

because an insertion tamper

is being reported. The

insertion tamper is triggered

when the ICMP is removed

from a projector but is only

reported when inserted in a

new projector.



Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue

including a log package from the system.

Check the system log and request a new KDM.


For such operations, TMS applications should provide a correct explicit

KDM that matches the selected CPL.


Wait for the end of the playback or stop the current playback before

switching to the alternative input.

Disable the scheduler and stop any running playback before switching

to the alternative input.


Close the service door and clear the tamper from the projector.


Make sure the board is properly inserted and clear the insertion tamper

from the projector.

R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016

Попробуйте систему мониторинга кинооборудования Totem >>>

ВНИМАНИЕ: портал NOC2.ME не несёт ответственности за содержащиеся здесь ошибки или за случайный или косвенный ущерб, понесённый в связи с применением или использованием данных материалов!

Снятие логов с проектора Barco DP2K

Снимайте логи когда нет показа!

Для снятия логов с проектора Barco выполните следующие действия:
1. Запустите «Barco Communicator» и подключитесь к проектору через соответствующий IP адрес.
2. Войдите под пользователем с правами администратора.
3. Зайдите Diagnostics -> Package -> Create diagnostics package. Программа создаст ZIP-архив

Barco ICMP Service Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links


Service Manual

DP Alchemy



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Summary of Contents for Barco ICMP

  • Page 1: Service Manual

    ICMP Service Manual DP Alchemy R5906594/05 09/11/2016…

  • Page 2
    Barco NV President Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium Phone: +32 Fax: +32 56.36.883.86 Support: Visit us at the web: Printed in Belgium…
  • Page 3
    Changes Barco provides this manual ’as is’ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Barco may make im- provements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Removing a HDD from the ICMP……………

  • Page 6
    Table of contents R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 7: Safety

    Read this chapter attentively. It contains important information to prevent personal injury while servic- ing the ICMP. Furthermore, it includes several cautions to prevent damage to the ICMP. Ensure that you understand and follow all safety guidelines, safety instructions and warnings mentioned in this chapter before servicing the ICMP.

  • Page 8: Safety Instructions

    Ozone: Operating lamp generates ozone gas which is harmful to the respiratory system. Therefore the lamp should be operated in adequately ventilated equipment. 2. Read and comply with all caution and safety-related notes on or inside the projector cabinet or on the projector chassis, or on the picture tube. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…

  • Page 9
    BARCO service data parts list might create shock, fire, and/or other hazards. Product Safety is under review continuously and new instructions are issued whenever appropriate.
  • Page 10
    Minimize bodily motions when handling unpacked replacement ES devices (Otherwise harmless motion such as the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity sufficient to damage an ES device). R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 11: General

    2. GENERAL About this chapter This chapter contains some general information on the ICMP (Integrated Cinema Media Processor) such as the location of the main components, the LEDs status, the essential role of the battery in the ICMP, etc. Overview •…

  • Page 12: Icmp Status Leds

    2. General ICMP status LEDs ICMP status LEDs and Reset button LEDs on ICMP front panel give information on the status of the device. Image 2-2 Status overview PWR/ERROR and READY LEDs: READY PWR/ER- ICMP Status Turned off Board reset…

  • Page 13: Icmp Hdd Status Leds

    Note: The disk status (RAID degraded) can be from the ICMP», page 71, and «Installing a retrieved via the (Web) Commander. See user HDD into the ICMP», page 72. Ensure to insert guide of the (Web) Commander. the HDD firmly.

  • Page 14: Introduction Of Icmp Battery

    Locate the battery The battery is located at the rear upper left side of the ICMP assembly. Once the ICMP assembly removed from the projector, flip the board upside-down, and place the back of the board in front of you.

  • Page 15
    A short circuit between the two connectors would cause immediate failure of the card. Image 2-5 After removing the ICMP assembly from the projector, it is recommended to put it on clear, stable and insulated support during all the battery replacement procedure, to avoid any accidental short-circuit.
  • Page 16: Icmp Reset

    Star button on the local keypad for a few seconds (Not for C- and B-series) As a result the projector is safely prepared for the ICMP reboot. All ongoing events on the ICMP (e.g. ingest) are requested to end. After a few seconds the ICMP is requested to restart. The READY LED on the front panel of the ICMP starts to blink orange.

  • Page 17
    2. General As a result the projector is safely prepared for the ICMP reboot. All ongoing events on the ICMP (e.g. ingest) are stopped immediately and the ICMP restarts. Image 2-6 Resetting the ICMP with the hardware reset button may cause damage to ARNING the content on the HDDs.
  • Page 18
    2. General R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 19: Preventative Maintenance Actions

    The one year maintenance actions, listed below, may ONLY be performed by certified service personnel who are familiar with potential hazards of the product and all product safety checks. No. Maintenance action Remarks Check battery valid date. If date is older than 4 years, replace battery preventative. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…

  • Page 20
    3. Preventative maintenance actions R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 21: Troubleshooting

    About this chapter This chapter enumerates all ICMP related error codes which can appear on the Touch Panel display of the cinema projector or in the projector log files. Note that some codes have a warning and an error state.

  • Page 22
    The DMD configuration file is Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue corrupted. including a log package from the system. An update of the ICMP (in the same version or in a more recent version) can help restore the configuration files.
  • Page 23
    The sequence file is Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue corrupted. including a log package from the system. An update of the ICMP (in the same version or in a more recent version) can help restore the configuration files.
  • Page 24
    Code 10025: “formatter — red satellite sri link error” (Error) Situation Solution There is a communication Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue error between ICMP and the including a log package from the system. satellite. Code 10026: “formatter — red satellite in reset” (Error) Situation…
  • Page 25
    Code 10045: “formatter — blue satellite sri link error” (Error) Situation Solution There is a communication Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue error between ICMP and the including a log package from the system. satellite. Code 10046: “formatter — blue satellite in reset” (Error) Situation…
  • Page 26
    Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue to the ICP FPGA is not including a log package from the system. initialized. Code 10062: “system — ICMP startup process busy” (Info) Situation Solution Wait until the startup sequence completes.
  • Page 27
    Check the interconnection cable(s) between the master and the slave projector could not be slave(s). established (while playing). Code 10067: “gip — Slave ICMP not playing the same Videoframe” (Error) Situation Solution The LTC communication Restart the master and slave projectors. If the problem persists, is OK, but the slave is at escalate the issue including a log package from the system.
  • Page 28
    Code 10076: “system — Video Mezzanine FPGA version mismatch” (Warning) Situation Solution The firmware version on the Re-install the ICMP software package. If the problem persists, escalate Video Mezzanine add-on the issue. board does not match the ICMP software package.
  • Page 29
    4. Troubleshooting Code 10502: “ICMP — invalid command arguments — command rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The operation requested Check the compatibility between the Barco (Web) Commander or TMS from the user interface has version and the ICMP version. failed because the data received by the ICMP are not as expected.
  • Page 30
    4. Troubleshooting Code 10510: “ICMP — player requires all resources — command rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The operation was rejected Wait for the end of the playback and retry the operation. because the system resources are allocated to playback. Code 10511: “ICMP — version info read error” (Error)
  • Page 31
    Code 10520: “settings — invalid settings format — settings rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The update of the ICMP The Barco Communicator is more recent than the ICMP. Check that settings is rejected because the ICMP version is up to date. the format of the settings data is not supported by the current version.
  • Page 32
    4. Troubleshooting Code 10525: “settings — duplicated automation device — settings rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The update of the ICMP Change the automation devices settings. Make sure all entries in the settings is rejected because devices section are using different identifiers.
  • Page 33
    Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue are missing or are corrupted. including a log package from the system. An update of the ICMP (in the same version or in a more recent version) can help restore the settings files.
  • Page 34
    Code 10543: “projector — macro execution error” (Error) Situation Solution An error was detected during Check the projector macro. the execution of a projector Check the connectivity between the ICMP and the projector. macro. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 35
    Code 10563: “automation — device not supported — device ignored” (Warning) Situation Solution One of the devices from Check the ICMP version. Edit the automation settings to change or the automation settings is remove the device and the related actions. not supported in the current ICMP version.
  • Page 36
    One of the HDD has a Continue using that HDD or insert a valid HDD of the same size as capacity larger than the the other HDDs. expected size. The HDD is used in the RAID but not to its full capacity. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 37
    All ingest, content management and scheduling will be without HDD. disabled. Code 10581: “storage — requested content not found” (Warning) Situation Solution The content is not present on Insert all the HDDs correctly. the system anymore. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 38
    HDD 1. This HDD is probably initiated automatically. The system should remain powered on until the going to fail. rebuild is complete. If a power cycling occurs during the rebuild a new complete rebuild will start on next reboot. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 39
    Code 10594: “check — content check busy — cannot check new content” (Error) Situation Solution The content integrity cannot Wait for the end of the running integrity check or cancel it. be checked because the integrity of another content is already being checked. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 40
    Check the compliance of the show data. because the format of the show data is incorrect. The show cannot be saved Check the compatibility between the Barco (Web) Commander or TMS because the format of the version and the ICMP version. show data is not compatible with the module version.
  • Page 41
    Code 10625: “key being ingested — cannot delete key” (Error) Situation Solution The key cannot be deleted First cancel the ingest job then delete the key if it is listed in the browser. because it is being ingested. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 42
    Code 10640: “ingest — not available — cannot scan or ingest” (Error) Situation Solution Ingest functionality is not Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue properly initialized. including a log package from the system. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 43
    Check the remote storage settings for the selected source. source URL is not correctly formatted. The scan failed because the Check the ICMP version and the protocol defined in the settings. source is using a protocol that is not supported by the current ICMP version.
  • Page 44
    Code 10649: “ingest scan — invalid CPL body — cannot play that CPL” (Error) Situation Solution The CPL body is incorrect. Check the content with the content provider. No video track was found in some reels of the CPL. The CPL will not play. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 45
    Do not ingest that key unless you want to move the local storage to an match the certificate of the ICMP for which the key is valid. Request another key from your key ICMP. Ingest can be executed provider with the correct ICMP certificate.
  • Page 46
    Situation Solution The ingest job failed because Check that the source can still be reached by the ICMP. Check the at least one file could not be integrity of the source, make sure all files are accessible. copied to the local storage: an error occurred while reading from the source.
  • Page 47
    files for the concerned CPL. The system cannot parse Update the ICMP with a version that supports the DCP files if possible. some files of the CPL from the source DCP because they are not supported.
  • Page 48
    Code 10681: “scheduler — invalid schedule time range — schedule update rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The update of the schedule The Barco (Web) Commander or TMS applications should provide is rejected because the schedule data with a correct range. time range specified in the schedule data is incorrect.
  • Page 49
    Code 10703: “security — certificate not found — cannot retrieve certificate” (Error) Situation Solution The requested certificate Only certificates listed by the ICMP can be retrieved. cannot be retrieved because it is not on the system. The requested certificate Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue cannot be retrieved but it is including a log package from the system.
  • Page 50
    The license cannot be added Update the ICMP or get a valid license for that version. because its format is not supported by the current ICMP version. Code 10722: “license — license invalid signer thumbprint — add license rejected”…
  • Page 51
    Code 10730: “license — license not found — cannot retrieve license” (Error) Situation Solution The license cannot be Check the license is still present on the system. retrieved because the unique identifier is not found on the system. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 52
    Delete the existing clip before saving the new one. the system and the new clip cannot be saved. Code 10751: “settings — invalid clip title — cannot save clip” (Error) Situation Solution The clip title is not valid. Enter a valid clip title. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 53
    Code 10904: “player — content read error — selection failed” (Error) Situation Solution The player cannot select Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue content because an error including a log package from the system. occurred while reading the content. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 54
    Code 10911: “player — incomplete content — selection failed” (Error) Situation Solution The player cannot select Ingest the incomplete or missing clips. content because it refers to incomplete content. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 55
    The subtitles cannot be Update the ICMP or get a content version with subtitles supported by played because they are not the current ICMP version. supported by the renderer.
  • Page 56
    Code 10923: “player — CPL not compliant with SMPTE 429-7 — cannot play” (Error) Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a SMPTE compliant CPL from the content provider. because one of the CPLs is not SMPTE compliant. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 57
    Request a DCP with valid HMAC values from the content provider. compute valid integrity check values because the content HMAC values are incorrect. The security module cannot Update the ICMP to a version supporting the HMAC values. compute valid integrity check values because the content HMAC values are not supported.
  • Page 58
    Code 10935: “player — invalid KDM envelopped digest — KDM rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a KDM with a valid signature from the content provider. because one of the KDM digests used for the signature does not match. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 59
    Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a KDM with a valid or a generic TDL. Note the ICMP is a because one of the KDMs permanently married system and doesn’t process the TDL but it needs contains an invalid trusted to check that the TDL is properly formatted.
  • Page 60
    Make sure the board is properly inserted and clear the insertion tamper because an insertion tamper from the projector. is being reported. The insertion tamper is triggered when the ICMP is removed from a projector but is only reported when inserted in a new projector. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 61
    Get a valid source DCP with a correct version of the content. it cannot identify the video asset. The player cannot play the Update the ICMP with a version that supports that type of content. selected content because it does not support the type of video asset.
  • Page 62
    Code 10958: “player — missing license on master player — playing in standalone mode” (Warning) Situation Solution The expected multi-projector Check the license on the master and request a new one. license is not present or not valid on the master. The master can be in standalone mode only. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 63
    The show to insert does not exist or is used. Code 10962: “player — slave command rejected — not a Barco client” (Error) Situation Solution The slave projector rejects Reserved API call cannot be used by TMS or any client.
  • Page 64
    The as normal else the master player will go to the standalone mode. playback may continue till the end of the current clip then only the master will continue the playback. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 65
    Code 10976: “player — key not compliant with standard (SMPTE 430-1) — cannot play” (Error) Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a key that is SMPTE 430-1 compliant. More details can be because one key is not found in ths syslog. compliant with SMPTE 430-1 standard. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 66
    Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a key with a valid or a generic TDL. Note the ICMP is a because one of the key permanently married system and doesn’t process the TDL but it needs contains an invalid trusted to check the TDL is properly formatted.
  • Page 67
    Code 10987: “player — corrupted immersive sound assets — immersive sound might fail” (Warning) Situation Solution Some clips contains Check the content and ingest the corrupted assets. corrupted immersive sound assets. The playback of immersive sound may fail or cause artefacts. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 68
    The audio settings for the Retry or restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue alternative input could not including a log package from the system. be applied on the embedded sound processor. The audio is in error. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 69
    Code 10999: “player — IMB error — format configuration failed” (Error) Situation Solution The playback failed because Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue an error occurred while including a log package from the system. applying the format on the IMB. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 70
    4. Troubleshooting R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 71: Icmp Service Procedure

    ICMP. Use a 7 mm flat screwdriver. For detailed instructions see User & Installation manual of the projector. 2. Release the four retaining screws at the front of the ICMP (reference 1). Use a PH2 Phillips screwdriver. 3. Pull the ICMP out of its compartment.

  • Page 72
    Image 5-1 Image 5-2 Removal of the ICMP from the Card Cage of the projector will result in tamper events (service door tamper, insertion tamper). In the ICMP, the content is stored on removable disks that allow fast recovery of this content if you have to replace an ICMP.
  • Page 73: Installing The Icmp

    Caution: Ensure that the both sides of the ICMP are captured by the guides inside the Card Cage compartment. See detail in image below. 2. Push (apply a little pressure) on both handles until the ICMP is fully inserted and the connection is made with the back plane.

  • Page 74
    Image 5-4 4. Install the HDDs in case not yet installed. See procedure «Installing a HDD into the ICMP», page 72. 5. Install the cover of the Card Cage (not needed in case this is a DP2K S series projector). Use a 7 mm flat screwdriver.
  • Page 75: Removing A Hdd From The Icmp

    5. ICMP service procedure Removing a HDD from the ICMP In case the ICMP has to be returned to factory (e.g. for repair) the non defective HDDs should be removed and kept. How to remove a HDD ? 1. Switch off the projector.

  • Page 76: Installing A Hdd Into The Icmp

    5. ICMP service procedure Installing a HDD into the ICMP This procedure assumes that the HDD slot of the ICMP is empty. If not, see procedure «Removing a HDD from the ICMP», page 71. AUTION Always use a new empty spare part HDD from Barco to replace a malfunction HDD.

  • Page 77: Replacement Of The Battery

    Insulated flat blade screwdriver (not included in the replacement kit that Barco offers). • Pen to write the date on the sticker (not included in the replacement kit that Barco offers). • 2 Tamper evident stickers (not included in the replacement kit that Barco offers for security reasons).

  • Page 78
    Preparation 1. Wear insulating gloves. 2. Place the ICMP on a stable (solid), flat and insulated support. Flip that board upside-down and place the back of the board in front of you. 3. Locate the batteries slots on the board.
  • Page 79
    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-12 3. Put the new battery in the empty slot. Tip: By introducing the battery on the front of the slot (where the edge is less high), you need to tilt less the battery. Image 5-13 Caution: CAUTION: Please insert the new battery in the correct orientation! References should be facing up.
  • Page 80
    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-14 Now, there is one battery in each battery slot: Image 5-15 4. Remove the piece of plastic tube. Image 5-16 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 81
    5. ICMP service procedure 5. Insert the piece of plastic tube on the positive connector of the other slot (the old battery). Image 5-17 6. You can use the insulated flat screwdriver to help you to release the old battery.
  • Page 82
    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-19 8. Place the cover on the battery slot. Image 5-20 9. Place two new tamper evident stickers between the cover and the card. Ensure that the tamper evident stickers do not cover the gold plated contacts of the printed circuit board.
  • Page 83: Raid Controller Replacement

    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-21 10.And finally, strike out the old insertion date on the cover and write the new one (MM/YY) on the empty location. Image 5-22 RAID controller replacement Power down the projector and let it cool down before starting the installation ARNING procedure.

  • Page 84
    3. Open the ICMP to get access to the RAID controller: a) Put the ICMP upside down. b) The bottom layer of the ICMP is constituted by the metal plate (without the 3 hard disks), the hard disks backplane and the security board.
  • Page 85
    Remove the 2 long spacers as shown in image 5-24. For this you need to loosen 5 x T10 screws. Image 5-24 e) Carefully, put the bottom board of the ICMP upwards, as shown on image 5-25. Image 5-25 4.
  • Page 86
    Note: To disconnect SATA connectors, you have to press the clips at the bottom of every connector. Image 5-27 c) Loosen the 4 x T10 screws to release the RAID controller from the main ICMP module, identified by arrows in image 5-26.
  • Page 87
    Note: If you use a dynamometric Torx T10, you can setup this to a torque of 1 Nm. d) Connect the 3 SATA connectors, identified by 1, 2 and 3 on image 5-26. e) Place the bottom plate into the ICMP assembly and lock the 4 T15 screws from the bottom, as shown in image 5-23.
  • Page 88
    5. ICMP service procedure R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 89: Index

    — internal login failed — player control not Videoframe 23 available 31 gip — Slave ICMP receiving invalid LTC packages 23 automation — invalid action parameters — action gip — Slave ICMP: LTC is not alive 23 ignored 31…

  • Page 90
    — license out of date — out-of-date license 48 player — invalid CPL signature — cannot play 53 license — license outside signer time window — add player — invalid CPL signer chain — cannot play 53 license rejected 47 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 91
    — KDM not compliant with standard (SMPTE player — service door tamper — cannot play 56 430-1) — cannot play 54 player — slave command rejected — not a Barco player — KDM not found — selection failed 54 client 59 player — KDM not matching the IMB certificate — KDM…
  • Page 92
    — test settings already running — test settings system — I2C error reading Power PC rejected 30 temperature 24 settings — unreachable NTP server — NTP sync might system — ICMP startup process busy 22 not work 30 system — overtemperature detected 18 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 93
    10562 31 10060 22 10563 31 10061 22 10564 31 10062 22 10565 31 10063 23 10566 32 10064 23 10567 32 10065 23 10568 32 10066 23 10569 32 10067 23 10573 32 10068 23 10574 32 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 94
    10905 50 10649 40 10906 50 10650 41 10907 50 10651 41 10908 50 10652 41 10909 50 10653 41 10910 50 10654 41 10911 50 10655 41 10912 51 10656 42 10913 51 10657 42 10914 51 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 95
    10957 58 Troubleshooting 9 10958 58 ICMP reset 12 10959 59 Install 69 10960 59 ICMP 69 10961 59 Introduction of ICMP battery 10 10962 59 10963 59 10964 59 10965 59 Maintenance 15 10966 60 1 year 15 10967 60…
  • Page 96
    Index Instructions 3 Status LEDs 8–9 RAID controller replacement 79 ICMP HDD 9 Remove 67, 71–72 HDD 71–72 ICMP 67 Replacement of the battery 73 Troubleshoot 17 Reset button 12 ICMP 17 Troubleshooting 17 Safety 3 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…

Barco ICMP Service Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

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Service Manual

DP Alchemy



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Summary of Contents for Barco ICMP

  • Page 1: Service Manual

    ICMP Service Manual DP Alchemy R5906594/05 09/11/2016…

  • Page 2
    Barco NV President Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium Phone: +32 Fax: +32 56.36.883.86 Support: Visit us at the web: Printed in Belgium…
  • Page 3
    Changes Barco provides this manual ’as is’ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Barco may make im- provements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Removing a HDD from the ICMP……………

  • Page 6
    Table of contents R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 7: Safety

    Read this chapter attentively. It contains important information to prevent personal injury while servic- ing the ICMP. Furthermore, it includes several cautions to prevent damage to the ICMP. Ensure that you understand and follow all safety guidelines, safety instructions and warnings mentioned in this chapter before servicing the ICMP.

  • Page 8: Safety Instructions

    Ozone: Operating lamp generates ozone gas which is harmful to the respiratory system. Therefore the lamp should be operated in adequately ventilated equipment. 2. Read and comply with all caution and safety-related notes on or inside the projector cabinet or on the projector chassis, or on the picture tube. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…

  • Page 9
    BARCO service data parts list might create shock, fire, and/or other hazards. Product Safety is under review continuously and new instructions are issued whenever appropriate.
  • Page 10
    Minimize bodily motions when handling unpacked replacement ES devices (Otherwise harmless motion such as the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity sufficient to damage an ES device). R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 11: General

    2. GENERAL About this chapter This chapter contains some general information on the ICMP (Integrated Cinema Media Processor) such as the location of the main components, the LEDs status, the essential role of the battery in the ICMP, etc. Overview •…

  • Page 12: Icmp Status Leds

    2. General ICMP status LEDs ICMP status LEDs and Reset button LEDs on ICMP front panel give information on the status of the device. Image 2-2 Status overview PWR/ERROR and READY LEDs: READY PWR/ER- ICMP Status Turned off Board reset…

  • Page 13: Icmp Hdd Status Leds

    Note: The disk status (RAID degraded) can be from the ICMP», page 71, and «Installing a retrieved via the (Web) Commander. See user HDD into the ICMP», page 72. Ensure to insert guide of the (Web) Commander. the HDD firmly.

  • Page 14: Introduction Of Icmp Battery

    Locate the battery The battery is located at the rear upper left side of the ICMP assembly. Once the ICMP assembly removed from the projector, flip the board upside-down, and place the back of the board in front of you.

  • Page 15
    A short circuit between the two connectors would cause immediate failure of the card. Image 2-5 After removing the ICMP assembly from the projector, it is recommended to put it on clear, stable and insulated support during all the battery replacement procedure, to avoid any accidental short-circuit.
  • Page 16: Icmp Reset

    Star button on the local keypad for a few seconds (Not for C- and B-series) As a result the projector is safely prepared for the ICMP reboot. All ongoing events on the ICMP (e.g. ingest) are requested to end. After a few seconds the ICMP is requested to restart. The READY LED on the front panel of the ICMP starts to blink orange.

  • Page 17
    2. General As a result the projector is safely prepared for the ICMP reboot. All ongoing events on the ICMP (e.g. ingest) are stopped immediately and the ICMP restarts. Image 2-6 Resetting the ICMP with the hardware reset button may cause damage to ARNING the content on the HDDs.
  • Page 18
    2. General R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 19: Preventative Maintenance Actions

    The one year maintenance actions, listed below, may ONLY be performed by certified service personnel who are familiar with potential hazards of the product and all product safety checks. No. Maintenance action Remarks Check battery valid date. If date is older than 4 years, replace battery preventative. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…

  • Page 20
    3. Preventative maintenance actions R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 21: Troubleshooting

    About this chapter This chapter enumerates all ICMP related error codes which can appear on the Touch Panel display of the cinema projector or in the projector log files. Note that some codes have a warning and an error state.

  • Page 22
    The DMD configuration file is Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue corrupted. including a log package from the system. An update of the ICMP (in the same version or in a more recent version) can help restore the configuration files.
  • Page 23
    The sequence file is Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue corrupted. including a log package from the system. An update of the ICMP (in the same version or in a more recent version) can help restore the configuration files.
  • Page 24
    Code 10025: “formatter — red satellite sri link error” (Error) Situation Solution There is a communication Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue error between ICMP and the including a log package from the system. satellite. Code 10026: “formatter — red satellite in reset” (Error) Situation…
  • Page 25
    Code 10045: “formatter — blue satellite sri link error” (Error) Situation Solution There is a communication Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue error between ICMP and the including a log package from the system. satellite. Code 10046: “formatter — blue satellite in reset” (Error) Situation…
  • Page 26
    Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue to the ICP FPGA is not including a log package from the system. initialized. Code 10062: “system — ICMP startup process busy” (Info) Situation Solution Wait until the startup sequence completes.
  • Page 27
    Check the interconnection cable(s) between the master and the slave projector could not be slave(s). established (while playing). Code 10067: “gip — Slave ICMP not playing the same Videoframe” (Error) Situation Solution The LTC communication Restart the master and slave projectors. If the problem persists, is OK, but the slave is at escalate the issue including a log package from the system.
  • Page 28
    Code 10076: “system — Video Mezzanine FPGA version mismatch” (Warning) Situation Solution The firmware version on the Re-install the ICMP software package. If the problem persists, escalate Video Mezzanine add-on the issue. board does not match the ICMP software package.
  • Page 29
    4. Troubleshooting Code 10502: “ICMP — invalid command arguments — command rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The operation requested Check the compatibility between the Barco (Web) Commander or TMS from the user interface has version and the ICMP version. failed because the data received by the ICMP are not as expected.
  • Page 30
    4. Troubleshooting Code 10510: “ICMP — player requires all resources — command rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The operation was rejected Wait for the end of the playback and retry the operation. because the system resources are allocated to playback. Code 10511: “ICMP — version info read error” (Error)
  • Page 31
    Code 10520: “settings — invalid settings format — settings rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The update of the ICMP The Barco Communicator is more recent than the ICMP. Check that settings is rejected because the ICMP version is up to date. the format of the settings data is not supported by the current version.
  • Page 32
    4. Troubleshooting Code 10525: “settings — duplicated automation device — settings rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The update of the ICMP Change the automation devices settings. Make sure all entries in the settings is rejected because devices section are using different identifiers.
  • Page 33
    Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue are missing or are corrupted. including a log package from the system. An update of the ICMP (in the same version or in a more recent version) can help restore the settings files.
  • Page 34
    Code 10543: “projector — macro execution error” (Error) Situation Solution An error was detected during Check the projector macro. the execution of a projector Check the connectivity between the ICMP and the projector. macro. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 35
    Code 10563: “automation — device not supported — device ignored” (Warning) Situation Solution One of the devices from Check the ICMP version. Edit the automation settings to change or the automation settings is remove the device and the related actions. not supported in the current ICMP version.
  • Page 36
    One of the HDD has a Continue using that HDD or insert a valid HDD of the same size as capacity larger than the the other HDDs. expected size. The HDD is used in the RAID but not to its full capacity. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 37
    All ingest, content management and scheduling will be without HDD. disabled. Code 10581: “storage — requested content not found” (Warning) Situation Solution The content is not present on Insert all the HDDs correctly. the system anymore. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 38
    HDD 1. This HDD is probably initiated automatically. The system should remain powered on until the going to fail. rebuild is complete. If a power cycling occurs during the rebuild a new complete rebuild will start on next reboot. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 39
    Code 10594: “check — content check busy — cannot check new content” (Error) Situation Solution The content integrity cannot Wait for the end of the running integrity check or cancel it. be checked because the integrity of another content is already being checked. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 40
    Check the compliance of the show data. because the format of the show data is incorrect. The show cannot be saved Check the compatibility between the Barco (Web) Commander or TMS because the format of the version and the ICMP version. show data is not compatible with the module version.
  • Page 41
    Code 10625: “key being ingested — cannot delete key” (Error) Situation Solution The key cannot be deleted First cancel the ingest job then delete the key if it is listed in the browser. because it is being ingested. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 42
    Code 10640: “ingest — not available — cannot scan or ingest” (Error) Situation Solution Ingest functionality is not Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue properly initialized. including a log package from the system. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 43
    Check the remote storage settings for the selected source. source URL is not correctly formatted. The scan failed because the Check the ICMP version and the protocol defined in the settings. source is using a protocol that is not supported by the current ICMP version.
  • Page 44
    Code 10649: “ingest scan — invalid CPL body — cannot play that CPL” (Error) Situation Solution The CPL body is incorrect. Check the content with the content provider. No video track was found in some reels of the CPL. The CPL will not play. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 45
    Do not ingest that key unless you want to move the local storage to an match the certificate of the ICMP for which the key is valid. Request another key from your key ICMP. Ingest can be executed provider with the correct ICMP certificate.
  • Page 46
    Situation Solution The ingest job failed because Check that the source can still be reached by the ICMP. Check the at least one file could not be integrity of the source, make sure all files are accessible. copied to the local storage: an error occurred while reading from the source.
  • Page 47
    files for the concerned CPL. The system cannot parse Update the ICMP with a version that supports the DCP files if possible. some files of the CPL from the source DCP because they are not supported.
  • Page 48
    Code 10681: “scheduler — invalid schedule time range — schedule update rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The update of the schedule The Barco (Web) Commander or TMS applications should provide is rejected because the schedule data with a correct range. time range specified in the schedule data is incorrect.
  • Page 49
    Code 10703: “security — certificate not found — cannot retrieve certificate” (Error) Situation Solution The requested certificate Only certificates listed by the ICMP can be retrieved. cannot be retrieved because it is not on the system. The requested certificate Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue cannot be retrieved but it is including a log package from the system.
  • Page 50
    The license cannot be added Update the ICMP or get a valid license for that version. because its format is not supported by the current ICMP version. Code 10722: “license — license invalid signer thumbprint — add license rejected”…
  • Page 51
    Code 10730: “license — license not found — cannot retrieve license” (Error) Situation Solution The license cannot be Check the license is still present on the system. retrieved because the unique identifier is not found on the system. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 52
    Delete the existing clip before saving the new one. the system and the new clip cannot be saved. Code 10751: “settings — invalid clip title — cannot save clip” (Error) Situation Solution The clip title is not valid. Enter a valid clip title. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 53
    Code 10904: “player — content read error — selection failed” (Error) Situation Solution The player cannot select Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue content because an error including a log package from the system. occurred while reading the content. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 54
    Code 10911: “player — incomplete content — selection failed” (Error) Situation Solution The player cannot select Ingest the incomplete or missing clips. content because it refers to incomplete content. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 55
    The subtitles cannot be Update the ICMP or get a content version with subtitles supported by played because they are not the current ICMP version. supported by the renderer.
  • Page 56
    Code 10923: “player — CPL not compliant with SMPTE 429-7 — cannot play” (Error) Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a SMPTE compliant CPL from the content provider. because one of the CPLs is not SMPTE compliant. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 57
    Request a DCP with valid HMAC values from the content provider. compute valid integrity check values because the content HMAC values are incorrect. The security module cannot Update the ICMP to a version supporting the HMAC values. compute valid integrity check values because the content HMAC values are not supported.
  • Page 58
    Code 10935: “player — invalid KDM envelopped digest — KDM rejected” (Error) Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a KDM with a valid signature from the content provider. because one of the KDM digests used for the signature does not match. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 59
    Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a KDM with a valid or a generic TDL. Note the ICMP is a because one of the KDMs permanently married system and doesn’t process the TDL but it needs contains an invalid trusted to check that the TDL is properly formatted.
  • Page 60
    Make sure the board is properly inserted and clear the insertion tamper because an insertion tamper from the projector. is being reported. The insertion tamper is triggered when the ICMP is removed from a projector but is only reported when inserted in a new projector. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 61
    Get a valid source DCP with a correct version of the content. it cannot identify the video asset. The player cannot play the Update the ICMP with a version that supports that type of content. selected content because it does not support the type of video asset.
  • Page 62
    Code 10958: “player — missing license on master player — playing in standalone mode” (Warning) Situation Solution The expected multi-projector Check the license on the master and request a new one. license is not present or not valid on the master. The master can be in standalone mode only. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 63
    The show to insert does not exist or is used. Code 10962: “player — slave command rejected — not a Barco client” (Error) Situation Solution The slave projector rejects Reserved API call cannot be used by TMS or any client.
  • Page 64
    The as normal else the master player will go to the standalone mode. playback may continue till the end of the current clip then only the master will continue the playback. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 65
    Code 10976: “player — key not compliant with standard (SMPTE 430-1) — cannot play” (Error) Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a key that is SMPTE 430-1 compliant. More details can be because one key is not found in ths syslog. compliant with SMPTE 430-1 standard. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 66
    Situation Solution The play cannot start Request a key with a valid or a generic TDL. Note the ICMP is a because one of the key permanently married system and doesn’t process the TDL but it needs contains an invalid trusted to check the TDL is properly formatted.
  • Page 67
    Code 10987: “player — corrupted immersive sound assets — immersive sound might fail” (Warning) Situation Solution Some clips contains Check the content and ingest the corrupted assets. corrupted immersive sound assets. The playback of immersive sound may fail or cause artefacts. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 68
    The audio settings for the Retry or restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue alternative input could not including a log package from the system. be applied on the embedded sound processor. The audio is in error. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 69
    Code 10999: “player — IMB error — format configuration failed” (Error) Situation Solution The playback failed because Restart the projector. If the problem persists, escalate the issue an error occurred while including a log package from the system. applying the format on the IMB. R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 70
    4. Troubleshooting R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 71: Icmp Service Procedure

    ICMP. Use a 7 mm flat screwdriver. For detailed instructions see User & Installation manual of the projector. 2. Release the four retaining screws at the front of the ICMP (reference 1). Use a PH2 Phillips screwdriver. 3. Pull the ICMP out of its compartment.

  • Page 72
    Image 5-1 Image 5-2 Removal of the ICMP from the Card Cage of the projector will result in tamper events (service door tamper, insertion tamper). In the ICMP, the content is stored on removable disks that allow fast recovery of this content if you have to replace an ICMP.
  • Page 73: Installing The Icmp

    Caution: Ensure that the both sides of the ICMP are captured by the guides inside the Card Cage compartment. See detail in image below. 2. Push (apply a little pressure) on both handles until the ICMP is fully inserted and the connection is made with the back plane.

  • Page 74
    Image 5-4 4. Install the HDDs in case not yet installed. See procedure «Installing a HDD into the ICMP», page 72. 5. Install the cover of the Card Cage (not needed in case this is a DP2K S series projector). Use a 7 mm flat screwdriver.
  • Page 75: Removing A Hdd From The Icmp

    5. ICMP service procedure Removing a HDD from the ICMP In case the ICMP has to be returned to factory (e.g. for repair) the non defective HDDs should be removed and kept. How to remove a HDD ? 1. Switch off the projector.

  • Page 76: Installing A Hdd Into The Icmp

    5. ICMP service procedure Installing a HDD into the ICMP This procedure assumes that the HDD slot of the ICMP is empty. If not, see procedure «Removing a HDD from the ICMP», page 71. AUTION Always use a new empty spare part HDD from Barco to replace a malfunction HDD.

  • Page 77: Replacement Of The Battery

    Insulated flat blade screwdriver (not included in the replacement kit that Barco offers). • Pen to write the date on the sticker (not included in the replacement kit that Barco offers). • 2 Tamper evident stickers (not included in the replacement kit that Barco offers for security reasons).

  • Page 78
    Preparation 1. Wear insulating gloves. 2. Place the ICMP on a stable (solid), flat and insulated support. Flip that board upside-down and place the back of the board in front of you. 3. Locate the batteries slots on the board.
  • Page 79
    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-12 3. Put the new battery in the empty slot. Tip: By introducing the battery on the front of the slot (where the edge is less high), you need to tilt less the battery. Image 5-13 Caution: CAUTION: Please insert the new battery in the correct orientation! References should be facing up.
  • Page 80
    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-14 Now, there is one battery in each battery slot: Image 5-15 4. Remove the piece of plastic tube. Image 5-16 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 81
    5. ICMP service procedure 5. Insert the piece of plastic tube on the positive connector of the other slot (the old battery). Image 5-17 6. You can use the insulated flat screwdriver to help you to release the old battery.
  • Page 82
    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-19 8. Place the cover on the battery slot. Image 5-20 9. Place two new tamper evident stickers between the cover and the card. Ensure that the tamper evident stickers do not cover the gold plated contacts of the printed circuit board.
  • Page 83: Raid Controller Replacement

    5. ICMP service procedure Image 5-21 10.And finally, strike out the old insertion date on the cover and write the new one (MM/YY) on the empty location. Image 5-22 RAID controller replacement Power down the projector and let it cool down before starting the installation ARNING procedure.

  • Page 84
    3. Open the ICMP to get access to the RAID controller: a) Put the ICMP upside down. b) The bottom layer of the ICMP is constituted by the metal plate (without the 3 hard disks), the hard disks backplane and the security board.
  • Page 85
    Remove the 2 long spacers as shown in image 5-24. For this you need to loosen 5 x T10 screws. Image 5-24 e) Carefully, put the bottom board of the ICMP upwards, as shown on image 5-25. Image 5-25 4.
  • Page 86
    Note: To disconnect SATA connectors, you have to press the clips at the bottom of every connector. Image 5-27 c) Loosen the 4 x T10 screws to release the RAID controller from the main ICMP module, identified by arrows in image 5-26.
  • Page 87
    Note: If you use a dynamometric Torx T10, you can setup this to a torque of 1 Nm. d) Connect the 3 SATA connectors, identified by 1, 2 and 3 on image 5-26. e) Place the bottom plate into the ICMP assembly and lock the 4 T15 screws from the bottom, as shown in image 5-23.
  • Page 88
    5. ICMP service procedure R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 89: Index

    — internal login failed — player control not Videoframe 23 available 31 gip — Slave ICMP receiving invalid LTC packages 23 automation — invalid action parameters — action gip — Slave ICMP: LTC is not alive 23 ignored 31…

  • Page 90
    — license out of date — out-of-date license 48 player — invalid CPL signature — cannot play 53 license — license outside signer time window — add player — invalid CPL signer chain — cannot play 53 license rejected 47 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 91
    — KDM not compliant with standard (SMPTE player — service door tamper — cannot play 56 430-1) — cannot play 54 player — slave command rejected — not a Barco player — KDM not found — selection failed 54 client 59 player — KDM not matching the IMB certificate — KDM…
  • Page 92
    — test settings already running — test settings system — I2C error reading Power PC rejected 30 temperature 24 settings — unreachable NTP server — NTP sync might system — ICMP startup process busy 22 not work 30 system — overtemperature detected 18 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 93
    10562 31 10060 22 10563 31 10061 22 10564 31 10062 22 10565 31 10063 23 10566 32 10064 23 10567 32 10065 23 10568 32 10066 23 10569 32 10067 23 10573 32 10068 23 10574 32 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 94
    10905 50 10649 40 10906 50 10650 41 10907 50 10651 41 10908 50 10652 41 10909 50 10653 41 10910 50 10654 41 10911 50 10655 41 10912 51 10656 42 10913 51 10657 42 10914 51 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…
  • Page 95
    10957 58 Troubleshooting 9 10958 58 ICMP reset 12 10959 59 Install 69 10960 59 ICMP 69 10961 59 Introduction of ICMP battery 10 10962 59 10963 59 10964 59 10965 59 Maintenance 15 10966 60 1 year 15 10967 60…
  • Page 96
    Index Instructions 3 Status LEDs 8–9 RAID controller replacement 79 ICMP HDD 9 Remove 67, 71–72 HDD 71–72 ICMP 67 Replacement of the battery 73 Troubleshoot 17 Reset button 12 ICMP 17 Troubleshooting 17 Safety 3 R5906594 ICMP 09/11/2016…









Состояние индикатора кнопки питания зависит от состояния 

системы (голубой, оранжевый или красный цвет) .


Проектор включен и находится в режиме разогрева .


Проектор включен и находится в нормальном рабочем 

режиме .


Проектор находится в режиме ожидания — к нему не 

подсоединен ни один источник либо подсоединенный 

источник неактивен или выключен, что привело к активации 

функции экономии энергии (DPMS) . Разрешить или запретить 

использование функции сохранения энергии можно в меню 



Ждите . Индикатор состояния мигает желтым светом в 

течение 4-5 с после подключения сетевого шнура, а также в 

течение примерно 45 с после перехода в режим ожидания 

(для охлаждения лампы) . Повторное включение проектора 

невозможно, пока мигающий желтый свет не сменится 

постоянным .


Перегрев проектора . Немедленно выключите проектор! 

Проверьте, не закрыты ли впускные вентиляционные 

отверстия, а также соответствие температуры окружающей 

среды техническим данным проектора . Для повторного 

включения проектора необходимо отсоединить и снова 

присоединить шнур питания . Если индикатор состояния 

продолжает мигать красным светом, требуется ремонт 

проектора .


Срок службы лампы истек . Требуется немедленная замена 

лампы . В противном случае лампа может взорваться .


Проектор не включен в сеть .

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Diagnosing and repairing a digital cinema projector issue with Barco Communicator

Артикул: [5948]
— Устаревший код: [KB947]


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