We’re having major issues with our backup solution. We have a single BE 12 server. We been receiving the following errors from all Windows, Linux and Mac servers. And also errors relating to «value out of range» When I try to restore the Backup Set Number that ends with a negative value (ie, -30577) and catalog File Name ending in a negative value (ie, ….._-30577.xml) are the ones that doesn’t show the restore list after the backup job is successful. We trying everything from repair DB, renaming Catalog folders, etc… still no luck! Please help! As we are not able to do any kind of backups at this point we can not afford to start over and lose months of backups.
Backup Exec Alert: Catalog Error
ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database.
From application event log:
Access to catalog index (Catalog index database) failed.
Reason: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Numeric value out of range cat_RecordSet::Open()
SELECT distinct CatMedia.*, ImageObjectView.FragmentState FROM CatMedia, ImageObjectView WHERE CatMedia.MediaFamilyGuid = ImageObjectView.MediaFamilyGuid AND CatMedia.MediaNumber = ImageObjectView.MediaNumber AND CatMedia.PartitionID = ImageObjectView.PartitionID AND ImageObjectView.ImageNumber = ? AND CatMedia.PartitionID = ? AND CatMedia.MediaFamilyGuid = ? AND CatMedia.Status & ? = 0
1 Reply
BackupExec (at least last time I used it) saved data in MS SQL Express.
It comes with a utility to repair the database:
https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100004049 Opens a new window
If that doesn’t work, run Tools | Backup Exec Diagnostics. It will create text that includes the database connection string. See if you can connect directly the database server Backup Exec is using with MS SQL Management Studio or an Access Linked connection.
It could be a permissions issue but could also potentially be corrupted. Do you backup your backup server?
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This problem occurred following the migration of Veritas Backup Exec 21 to 22.
The previous database was 32-bit and then during the upgrade was upgraded to 64-bit, creating ownership problems on some tables.
The following two queries will definitely solve the problem.
The Backup Exec console shows a lot of such errors:
ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database.
Event ID: 34338
Backup Exec Alert: Catalog Error
(Server: «BE-SERVER01») ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database.
Event ID: 34326
Access to catalog index (Catalog index database) failed.
Reason: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Executing SQL directly; no cursor. CCatRecordSet::Open
{ CALL DeleteCatMediaByMediaGuid( ?, ?, ? ) }
Use SQL Studio Management and run these two queries with Backup Exec services turned off.
Query #1
USE bedb
exec sp_configure ‘clr enabled’, 1
Query #2
USE bedb;
EXEC Sp_Changedbowner ‘sa’;
Query #3
If you have your Backup Exec in this situation, below you’ll find a procedure to fix the problem
this is the error “ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database.”
Close the backup exec cosole
Extract 3859690.zip to C:\TEMP 3859690
Open a admin shell and execute this commands:
cd c:\TEMP
Execute this command: osql -E -S localhost\BKUPEXEC
Execute this command: USE BEDB;
Execute this command: EXEC Sp_Changedbowner ‘sa’
Execute this command: ALTER DATABASE bedb SET TRUSTWORTHY ON;
Execute this command: GO
Execute this command: exit
At this point, clear all the errors and restart all the services
1 Reply
BackupExec (at least last time I used it) saved data in MS SQL Express.
It comes with a utility to repair the database:
https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100004049 Opens a new window
If that doesn’t work, run Tools | Backup Exec Diagnostics. It will create text that includes the database connection string. See if you can connect directly the database server Backup Exec is using with MS SQL Management Studio or an Access Linked connection.
It could be a permissions issue but could also potentially be corrupted. Do you backup your backup server?
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Click here follow the steps to fix Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 and related errors.
To Fix (Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012) error you need to |
Step 1: |
Download (Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012) Repair Tool |
Step 2: |
Click the «Scan» button | |
Step 3: |
Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done! | |
Limitations: |
Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.
If you have Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 errors then we strongly recommend that you
Download (Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error code that you may receive.
This article was updated on 2023-02-03 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794
- 1. What is Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error?
- 2. What causes Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error?
- 3. How to easily fix Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 errors
What is Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error?
The Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.
This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.
What causes Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error?
The Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the
How to easily fix Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 error?
There are two (2) ways to fix Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012 Error:
Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window.
6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):
1) Download (Odbc Access Error Backup Exec 2012) repair utility.
2) Install program and click Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.
4) Restart your computer.
How does it work?
This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)
Follow one of those solutions:
Link 1
After an Upgrade from Backup Exec for Windows 11d to Backup Exec 12 or 12.5 Catalog Error “ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database” when the Backup Exec Database (BEDB) is located on a remote SQL Server or not in the default named SQL (BKUPEXEC) Instance.
Event Viewer Application Log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec CatErrorHandler Server
Event Category: None
Event ID: 34326
Access to catalog index (Catalog index database) failed.
Reason: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find stored
procedure ‘UpdateCatMediaInfo’. cat_RecordSet::Open()
{CALL UpdateCatMediaInfo( ?, ?, ?, ?) }
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 34338
Backup Exec Alert: Catalog Error
(Server: “SERVERNAME”) ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or
unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec CatErrorHandler Server
Event Category: None
Event ID: 34326
Access to catalog index (Catalog index database) failed.
Reason: Data type mismatch cat_RecordSet::SetField()
sp_sproc_columns CatImageInfoProc
The Backup Exec Database (BEDB) is located on a remote SQL Server or is not in the default named SQL (BKUPEXEC) Instance.
After an upgrade from Backup Exec 11d to Backup Exec 12.0 or 12.5 multiple Catalog Errors appear in the Application Log and the Backup Exec Alerts tab when the Backup Exec database (BEDB) is located on a remote SQL server or not in the default named (BKUPEXEC) SQL instance. The alerts appear when the Backup Exec Services Start and during a backup or catalog job. Backup jobs and catalog jobs appear to complete successfully with the alerts and events generated. After a catalog job is performed the restore selections may show partial or no restore selections.
NOTE: There are three possible solutions to resolve this issue.
Solution A
1) Download and install The Microsoft SQL 2005 Server Native Client and SQL 2005 command line query utility “sqlcmd” on the media server.
Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005
sqlncli.msi (Microsoft SQL Server Native Client)
SQLServer2005_SQLCMD.msi (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Command Line Query Utility SQLcmd)
2) Stop the Backup Exec services using servicesmgr.exe
3) Open a command prompt on the Media Server to the Backup Exec install directory (C:program
filessymantecbackup exec)
4) Issue the following command:
sqlcmd -E -S %COMPUTERNAME% -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
Where %COMPUTERNAME% is the remote SQL server name
Example: C:program filessymantecbackup execsqlcmd -E -S sqlserver01 -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
Note: If the Backup Exec database (BEDB) is installed into a “named” SQL instance issue the following command:
sqlcmd -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%%INSTANCENAME% -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
Where %COMPUTERNAME% is the remote SQL server name
Where %INSTANCENAME% is the named SQL instance name
Example: C:program filessymantecbackup execsqlcmd -E -S sqlserver01sqlinstance -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
5) Start the Backup Exec Services using servicesmgr.exe
Solution B
1) Stop the Backup Exec Services using servicesmgr.exe
2) Copy the sql script catupgrade_12_0.sql from the Backup Exec for Windows Media Server (X:program filessymantecbackup execcatupgrade_12_0.sql) to C:temp on the SQL server hosting the Backup Exec (BEDB) database.
3) Go to the SQL server and open a command prompt to c:temp, then issue the following command:
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME% -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
Where %COMPUTERNAME% is the SQL server name
Example: C:tempOSQL -E -S sqlserver01 -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
Note: If the Backup Exec database (BEDB) is installed into a “named” SQL instance issue the following command:
osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%%INSTANCENAME% -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
Where %COMPUTERNAME% is the SQL server name
Where %INSTANCENAME% is the named SQL instance name
Example: C:tempOSQL -E -S sqlserver01sqlinstance -dbedb -icatupgrade_12_0.sql
4) Start the Backup Exec Services using servicesmgr.exe
If the ODBC access errors are still displayed in the Alerts, proceed with Solution C.
Solution C
1. Stop the Backup Exec Services using servicesmgr.exe
2. Open a command prompt on the media server
3. Change the directory to the Backup Exec installation directory:
Program FilesSymantecBackup Exec
4. Type the follow and then press Enter:
catrebuildindex -r
5. After the process completes, scroll up and confirm the log show files were successfully migrated
6. Start all of the Backup Exec services using servicesmgr.exe
7. Run a Test Backup Job.
Note: In some cases, it may be necessary to clear the alerts tab and reboot the server after performing the steps above.
If we get the above error when the backup job is running on a specific backup to disk folder , delete the folder.cfg and changer.cfg and run an inventory on the backup to disk folder . This will recreate the folder.cfg and changer.cfg .
Link 2
‘ODBC access error’ occurs after upgrading Backup Exec and/or selections are missing in the Restore Selections window.
ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access catalog index database
1. ERROR: ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access catalog index database
2. Blank restore selection list.
This error usually occurs after an upgrade. It is most common among “multi-step upgrades.” For example, upgrading from 9.1 > 11d > 12.5 OR 10d > 12.0 > 12.5. Multiple alerts and notifications regarding the catalogs are seen in the Windows Event Viewer and the Backup Exec Alerts tab.
One of the following can be tried to resolve such issue:
Resolution 1
1. Stop the Backup Exec Services.
2. Open a command prompt on the media server
3. Change the directory to the Backup Exec installation directory: Program FilesSymantecBackup Exec
4. Type the follow and then press Enter: catrebuildindex -r
5. After the process completes, scroll up and confirm the log show files were successfully migrated
6. Restart all of the Backup Exec Services on the media server.
Note: In some cases, it may be necessary to clear the alerts tab and reboot the server after performing the steps above.
Resolution 2
Change the location of Catalogs folder to another volume using Beutility. For more details on how to change location of catalogs refer to the link below:
Resolution 3
Ensure the value of the following registry keys are as mentioned below.(Depending on the Backup Exec Server configuration)
Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows Registry Editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry and workstation be made prior to making any registry changes.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARESymantecBackup Exec For WindowsBackup ExecServer
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARESymantecBackup Exec For WindowsBackup ExecCatalogs
I. For a Standalone Backup Exec server:
Catalog Remote Server Name = (Does not exist)
II. For a SSO Primary server:
Catalog Remote Server Name = (Does not exist)
III. For a SSO Secondary server:
Catalog Remote Server Name = (Name of primary server)
On Server A I run the following code and it runs successfully.
DECLARE @server_name VARCHAR(100);
DECLARE @instance_name VARCHAR(100);
DECLARE @cmdline VARCHAR(2000);
SET @server_name = ‘ServerA’;
SET @instance_name = ‘InstanceNameHere’;
SET @cmdline =’ bcp «SELECT DISTINCT + «»%sql_dir%tdpsqlc backup «» + rtrim(ltrim(a.name)) + «» full /configfile=%cfg_dir%’ + @server_name + ‘_tdpsql.cfg /tsmoptfile=%cfg_dir%SQLServer_dsm.opt
/logfile=%cfg_dir%BACKUP_FULL_User_Databases.rpt >> %rpt_dir%BACKUP_FULL_User_Databases.rpt»» FROM sys.databases a WHERE a.database_ID > 4 AND state_desc != »OFFLINE» AND a.name NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT dbcs.database_name AS [DatabaseName]
FROM master.sys.availability_groups AS AG LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states as agstates ON AG.group_id = agstates.group_id INNER JOIN master.sys.availability_replicas AS AR ON AG.group_id = AR.group_id INNER
JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states AS arstates ON AR.replica_id = arstates.replica_id AND arstates.is_local = 1 INNER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_cluster_states AS dbcs ON arstates.replica_id = dbcs.replica_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states AS dbrs ON dbcs.replica_id = dbrs.replica_id AND dbcs.group_database_id = dbrs.group_database_id WHERE ISNULL(arstates.role, 3) = 2 AND ISNULL(dbcs.is_database_joined, 0) = 1)» queryout
«G:’+@instance_name+’BACKUPTSM_Jobs’+@instance_name+’BackupsBACKUP_FULL_User_Databases_Part2.txt» -c -T -x
-S’+@server_name +»+@instance_name
—PRINT @cmdline
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmdline
Now I go onto a second server, Server B, and run the same code. Just changing the parameter for the server name and instance name. I get the following error message.
SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Unable to open BCP host data-file
So I attempted to place the full path for the bcp. Here is the code
DECLARE @server_name VARCHAR(100);
DECLARE @instance_name VARCHAR(100);
DECLARE @cmdline VARCHAR(2000);
SET @server_name = ‘ServerB’;
SET @instance_name = ‘InstanceNameHere’;
SET @cmdline =’ C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerClient SDKODBC130ToolsBinnbcp.exe «SELECT DISTINCT + «»%sql_dir%tdpsqlc backup «» + rtrim(ltrim(a.name)) + «» full /configfile=%cfg_dir%’
+ @server_name + ‘_tdpsql.cfg /tsmoptfile=%cfg_dir%SQLServer_dsm.opt /logfile=%cfg_dir%BACKUP_FULL_User_Databases.rpt >> %rpt_dir%BACKUP_FULL_User_Databases.rpt»» FROM sys.databases a WHERE a.database_ID > 4 AND state_desc !=
»OFFLINE» AND a.name NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT dbcs.database_name AS [DatabaseName] FROM master.sys.availability_groups AS AG LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states as agstates ON AG.group_id = agstates.group_id INNER JOIN
master.sys.availability_replicas AS AR ON AG.group_id = AR.group_id INNER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states AS arstates ON AR.replica_id = arstates.replica_id AND arstates.is_local = 1 INNER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_cluster_states
AS dbcs ON arstates.replica_id = dbcs.replica_id LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states AS dbrs ON dbcs.replica_id = dbrs.replica_id AND dbcs.group_database_id = dbrs.group_database_id WHERE ISNULL(arstates.role,
3) = 2 AND ISNULL(dbcs.is_database_joined, 0) = 1)» queryout «G:’+@instance_name+’BACKUPTSM_Jobs’+@instance_name+’BackupsBACKUP_FULL_User_Databases_Part2.txt» -c -T -x
-S’+@server_name +»+@instance_name
—PRINT @cmdline
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmdline
But then I get the message
‘C:Program’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
So then I tried to place quotes around the executable but I must have place them inappropriatly? Here is the code now.
DECLARE @server_name VARCHAR(100);
DECLARE @instance_name VARCHAR(100);
DECLARE @cmdline VARCHAR(2000);
SET @server_name = ‘ServerB’;
SET @instance_name = ‘InstanceNameHere’;
SET @cmdline =’ «C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerClient SDKODBC130ToolsBinnbcp.exe» «SELECT DISTINCT + «»%sql_dir%tdpsqlc backup «» + rtrim(ltrim(a.name)) + «» full /configfile=%cfg_dir%’
+ @server_name + ‘_tdpsql.cfg /tsmoptfile=%cfg_dir%SQLServer_dsm.opt /logfile=%cfg_dir%BACKUP_FULL_User_Databases.rpt >> %rpt_dir%BACKUP_FULL_User_Databases.rpt»» FROM sys.databases a WHERE a.database_ID > 4 AND state_desc !=
»OFFLINE» AND a.name NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT dbcs.database_name AS [DatabaseName] FROM master.sys.availability_groups AS AG LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states as agstates ON AG.group_id = agstates.group_id INNER JOIN
master.sys.availability_replicas AS AR ON AG.group_id = AR.group_id INNER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states AS arstates ON AR.replica_id = arstates.replica_id AND arstates.is_local = 1 INNER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_cluster_states
AS dbcs ON arstates.replica_id = dbcs.replica_id LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states AS dbrs ON dbcs.replica_id = dbrs.replica_id AND dbcs.group_database_id = dbrs.group_database_id WHERE ISNULL(arstates.role,
3) = 2 AND ISNULL(dbcs.is_database_joined, 0) = 1)» queryout «G:’+@instance_name+’BACKUPTSM_Jobs’+@instance_name+’BackupsBACKUP_FULL_User_Databases_Part2.txt» -c -T -x
-S’+@server_name +»+@instance_name
—PRINT @cmdline
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmdline
‘C:Program’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Have I placed the double quotes in the wrong spot?
Ugly |
1 |
Ошибка при бэкапе базы08.12.2010, 09:46. Показов 7272. Ответов 15
Внезапно перестал делаться бэкап. Выдается следующая ошибка: [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3202: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Write on ‘C:BACKUPCoordCoord_db_200409300200.BAK’ failed, status = 112. В чем может быть дело?
__________________ |
Ghost |
08.12.2010, 09:49 |
2 |
все что угодно — начиная от того, что место кончилось и заканчивая тем, что база посыпалась. |
Ugly |
08.12.2010, 10:11 |
3 |
При ближайшем рассмотрении оказалось, что одного гига и в самом деле мало для бэкапа… |
Ghost |
09.12.2010, 19:34 |
4 |
не за что. А как организована политика бакапа? на тот же раздел, где и оперативные данные и система? так за это по ушам дают АБД, чтобы головой думал ) |
windessy |
05.01.2011, 13:03 |
5 |
Почему недопустимо, |
Ghost |
05.01.2011, 15:16 |
6 |
недопустимо сжатие рабочего файла базы. |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 05.06.2010 Сообщений: 23 |
23.01.2011, 09:06 |
7 |
Добрый день, люди дайте команду для копирования базы. 0 |
Silver |
23.01.2011, 09:22 |
8 |
А какие проблемы? |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 05.06.2010 Сообщений: 23 |
23.01.2011, 09:53 |
9 |
Спасибс. 0 |
Silver |
23.01.2011, 10:00 |
10 |
После того, как сформировался JOB залезь в него |
Ghost |
23.01.2011, 10:23 |
11 |
При этом следует понимать, что работающий по аккаунтом SYSTEM SQL Server не имеет доступа к промапленным дискам по определению, и запускать его нужно под другим (доменным) аккаунтом. Что, кстати, почти совпадает с рекомендацциями МС. |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 05.06.2010 Сообщений: 23 |
23.01.2011, 10:37 |
12 |
Под sa можно??? 0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 05.06.2010 Сообщений: 23 |
23.01.2011, 12:23 |
13 |
А почитать по этому поводу где можно. 0 |
Silver |
23.01.2011, 12:49 |
14 |
2 Ghost. Важное замечание насчет запуска под другим аккаунтом. 2 AlexMix. У меня сделано так, что бэкап делается на локальном |
Ghost |
23.01.2011, 13:35 |
15 |
2 Alex — можно. Только локально — sa не имеет никакого отношения к домену, если только, кончено, это не доменный аккаунт 2 Silver — у нас такая-же организация бакапирования. |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 05.06.2010 Сообщений: 23 |
25.01.2011, 06:53 |
16 |
Бекап получился 0 |
Backup Exec has been around in one form or another since the early 1990s and has a reputation as one of the more reliable backup products on the market. Even so, errors do occur in the Veritas product and organizations need Backup Exec support.
Here are six of the most common Backup Exec error codes and how to resolve them, plus a generic error that you will learn how to fix.
Backup Exec error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start
Error 1068 occurs when one or more Backup Exec services fail to start. You can pinpoint the problem service by opening Service Control Manager and checking to see which services have failed. The easiest way to do this is to open PowerShell and enter this command:
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.StartType -eq ‘Automatic’ -and $_.Status -eq ‘Stopped’}
This command will return a list of any services that are configured to run automatically but are not currently running.
You may be able to force a service to start by opening Service Control Manager, right-clicking on the service and choosing the Start command from the shortcut menu. If that doesn’t work, check the Application and System logs in Event Viewer. The log entries should give you a hint as to the cause of the problem. In most of the cases I have seen, the problem is related to the service account’s password being changed. Veritas provides additional information on recovery.
Backup Exec error 1603
Error 1603 is related to the Backup Exec installation process or the agent update process rather than the backup process. You may see one of these Backup Exec error codes:
- Backup Exec agent install failed with error code 1603;
- Backup Exec remote agent failed 1603; or
- Error connecting to the remote server. Ensure the server is available, has WMI enabled and is not blocked by a firewall. 1603.
The cause of this particular error can vary depending on which version of Backup Exec is being used. If you have a reasonably current version, you can generally solve this problem by making sure the Remote Registry service is enabled within Service Control Manager. Veritas provides detailed instructions.
For older versions of Backup Exec running on older versions of Windows, the problem was usually connected to a DLL file conflict related to one of these files:
- Eportmodeller.dll
- Schedu.dll
- Schedngrur.dll
This issue can usually be corrected by making a modification to Windows Registry. Keep in mind that editing the registry is dangerous; a mistake can cripple Windows and/or your applications. You should, therefore, make a full system backup before attempting a registry modification.
After backing up the system, open Registry Editor, and navigate through the registry tree to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib. Right-click on the TypeLib container and choose the Permissions command from the resulting shortcut menu. Give the Administrators group and SYSTEM full control.
Backup Exec error E000FED1: A failure occurred querying the writer status
This error message is related to the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) writer for a particular application. Specifically, one of the VSS writers used to back up an application running on the server reported a status of failed, which caused Backup Exec to produce error E000FED1.
To troubleshoot this issue, enter the command VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS in a Command Prompt window.
Windows will display a list of each VSS writer and note if it is in an error state. You can usually clear a VSS writer error by rebooting the machine. However, VSS writer errors are tied to applications or the OS, rather than to Backup Exec. If a reboot does not clear the error, you will have to troubleshoot the VSS writer itself — and the underlying application — rather than Backup Exec.
The VSSADMIN command can be used to determine which VSS writer is causing your problem.
Backup Exec error E000E020
Error E000E020 is one of the most common Backup Exec code errors. The error pertains to a scheduled job that was unable to run. When this happens, you might see one of the following Backup Exec error codes:
- e000e020. The job was scheduled to run, but the availability window closed before the job could start. There may not have been any destination devices available during the window, or the job may have been submitted to run when the window was closed.
- Error: e000e020. The duration that this job is allowed to remain scheduled has passed. It will be rescheduled. Verify that storage is available and check the job’s schedule settings. Ensure that there is enough time for it to begin running before it is considered missed.
Most of the time, this issue occurs because the job schedule prevents a backup from completing within its backup window. It can also occur when the clocks are changed because of daylight saving time because this shortens the backup window — at least for that one night.
According to Veritas, the unavailability of the backup medium can also trigger this error.
Veritas provides more information.
Backup Exec error E00084EC: A backup storage read/write error has occurred
This is one of the Backup Exec error codes that can be somewhat difficult to troubleshoot, as it corresponds to a read or write failure with the backup media. Early on, the error was commonly accompanied by a message indicating the tape drive needs to be cleaned. However, cleaning the tape drive rarely corrected the problem.
Today, the issue tends to be more generic and can apply to any I/O error, regardless of the backup medium. It is important to note that an E00084EC error does not necessarily indicate that there is a problem with the backup medium itself. The error can also be caused by a communication problem between the backup server and the backup target. Furthermore, you can receive this error if the backup agent loses its ability to communicate with the data deduplication service running on the Backup Exec server. Veritas provides more details.
Backup Exec error A00084f9: A communications failure has occurred between the Backup Exec job engine and the remote agent
Another one of the somewhat common Backup Exec error codes is A00084f9. It indicates that a communications failure has occurred between the Backup Exec job engine and the remote agent. This error is almost always related to the Backup Exec System Logon Account. The error is an indication that this account is missing or that the credentials have changed, causing the login process to fail.
To fix the problem, open Backup Exec and go to Configuration and Settings > Logon Accounts > Manage Logon Accounts. Next, check to see if a system logon account exists. If the account does exist, then select the account and click Edit. This will allow you to modify the account’s credentials.
If the System Logon Account does not exist, you will need to create one. Click the System Account option and then provide a set of credentials when prompted. When you do, make sure to select the This is my Default Logon Account option before clicking OK. Veritas offers specific instructions on the error’s fix.
Backup Exec error: Backup Exec has stopped working
Most of the time when Backup Exec experiences a problem, it will display an error code that you can use to help determine the nature of the problem. In some cases, however, it will crash and you will see a generic error message simply stating that Backup Exec has stopped working.
The reason why the message is so generic and does not include one of the Backup Exec error codes is because the error is being produced by Windows, not by Veritas.
According to Veritas, this error occurs as a result of a change that Microsoft made to the .NET Framework, starting with version 4.8. Veritas has fixed this problem in Backup Exec version 20.x but also provides a hotfix that will correct the issue for users who are running Backup Exec 16 FP2.
For recovery, Veritas recommends that customers who are experiencing this problem upgrade to Backup Exec 20.x. As a temporary workaround, however, you can uninstall .NET Framework 4.8 from your Backup Exec media server and from any servers that have the Backup Exec Remote Administration Console installed. You will need to reboot the server following the removal of the .NET Framework.
Backup Exec services lots of «ODBC access error
Con la herramienta de backup , backup exec, tenemos el siguiente mensaje de error:
After restarting the Backup Exec services lots of «ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database» is received in the Application Log and also similar alerts are generated in Alerts tab in Backup Exec.
El backup comienza a realizarse correctamente, y al final acaba bien, no obstante el problema viene cuando probamos a restaurar, no nos deja debido a que no puede almacenar en la base de datos los indices para restaurar.
Hay un hotfix según veritas:
Backup Exec 15 Rev 1180 Feature Pack 1 (TECH228725).
El problema es que NO nos sirve ya que en nuestro caso ya tenemos una revisión mayor.
Por tanto, única solución, siguiente script para la bd.
C:UsersAdministrator>osql -E -S localhostbkupexec
1> USE bedb;
2> go
1> EXEC Sp_Changedbowner ‘sa’;
2> go
2> go
1> sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1;
2> go
Configuration option ‘show advanced options’ changed from 1 to 1. Run the
RECONFIGURE statement to install.
2> go
1> sp_configure ‘clr enabled’, 1;
2> go
Configuration option ‘clr enabled’ changed from 1 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE
statement to install.
2> go
1> use bedb;
2> go
1> if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where name =
‘) exec (‘ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CatDlmProcessedImage] DROP CONSTRAINT
2> go
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server MCWINBCKPBKUPEXEC, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near ‘;’.
1> if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where name =
‘) exec (‘ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CatDlmProcessedImage] DROP CONSTRAINT
2> go
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server MCWINBCKPBKUPEXEC, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near ‘ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CatDlmProcessedImage] DROP
1> exit
Por si a alguien le ocurre, que no dé mil vueltas …(a no ser que tenga la versión que dice la revisión).
Un saludo,