Avaya ошибка лицензии

Doc ID    SOLN277298
Version:    3.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    07 Feb 2022
Created Date:    22 Oct 2015


After installing Appliance Virtualization Platform showing License expired error / AVP showing License expired error. 

Problem Clarification

AVP showing License expired error. 


After installing AVP it requires you to first accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).


After installing AVP you need to first ‘ssh’ to the AVP server to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).  You need to use the ‘root’ account and password you configured in the Kickstart File Generator used when installing AVP to access the server through ssh.  Detailed instructions can be found in the «Installing Appliance Virtualization Platform» section in the «Deploying Avaya Aura® Applications» (for release 7) document.

Deploying Avaya Aura® Applications


Additional Relevant Phrases

AVP after upgrading to 7.1.3.x showing VMWare license expired. Unable to add AVP to SDM.

Avaya — Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy

Модератор: Administrator


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Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration

Всем добрый день.
Недавно стала выскакивать ошибка при подключении Site Administration

License file is missing or corrupted
system administration will be blocked in approximately 30 days
contact your service representative immediately
see the documentation that came with the switch you are connecting to for details

Подскажите в какую сторону копать для устранения….

err_lic.JPG (21.99 КБ) 12289 просмотров


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


Koks777 »

Или реально лицензии закончились или проблема в плате IPSI. Есть такая же трабла, т.е. выдает переодичесчи что лицухи слетели, устраняем путем busy платы :lol:
Сама авая говорит что прошивать IPSI надо на новую прошивку и все буит чики-пуки)


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


dokilopik »

Заметил что не работает WebLM server .
В статусе Virtual Machine Management указано — starting ( Запускается)
Можно перегрузить через тот же management но не знаю за что еще может отвечать сервер.
Так же не известно где физически находится сервер.

WebLM.JPG (45.64 КБ) 12261 просмотр


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


vlads7 »

dokilopik писал(а):Заметил что не работает WebLM server .
В статусе Virtual Machine Management указано — starting ( Запускается)
Можно перегрузить через тот же management но не знаю за что еще может отвечать сервер.
Так же не известно где физически находится сервер.

Фраза Virtual Machine ни на что не наводит? Видимо WebLM находится физически там же, где и CM…


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


StarT »

Если что — у вас поддержка вроде до 2014 года, так что при наличии доступа на avaya.com сможете скачать и поставить лицензию заново. Лицензия насколько я помню привязывается к номеру шасси на котором стоит система.
Перезагружать Weblm можете сколько угодно раз, это ни на что не повлияет т.к. это виртуальная машина и сейчас она все равно бесполезна.
Можете для верности перезагрузить вообще всю систему, только в нерабочее время и обязательно сохраните настройки communication manager’а перед этим (save tra).


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Зарегистрирован: Пн 12 окт 2015, 15:21

Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


seth88 »

dadmin@MSK-CM6SRV> statuslicense -v
CommunicaMgr License Mode: License Error
System Administration Will Be Blocked in Approximately 28 days.
Contact Your Service Representative Immediately.
License File is Missing or Corrupted
Unable to contact WebLM Server at the specified URL.
checking application CommunicaMgr version R016x.00.1.510.1
WebLM server used for License: https://192.168.ХХ.ХХ:52233/WebLM/LicenseServer
Module ID is 1
System ID is 1

WebLM висит на SM, а на нем все лицензии есть


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


seth88 »

andrhome писал(а):

А адрес WebLM от принтскрина отличается, так и должно быть?

это адрес SM, на нем же и WebLm… И принт скрины не мои, обратите внимание на даты)) решил не плодить темы, отписался в старой.


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


seth88 »

gosha писал(а):Дело не в старости. И речь, наверное, все-таки про System Manager, а не Session Manager. Точно версию SMGR и номер патча CM озвучьте.

разве я что-то говорил о session manager?
проблема в том что слетела лицензия на СМ и был вопрос — есть ли смысл воспользоваться reset sys 1, кто пробовал?
И собственно вопрос не изменился.
На WebLM (развернутом на SM) лицензия на СМ есть 6й версии.
СМ ругается на отсутствие или повреждение лицензии.

License-Error CM 19.10.15.jpg
License-Error CM 19.10.15.jpg (149.8 КБ) 10092 просмотра


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Контактная информация:

Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


Pterodahtil »

seth88 писал(а):

gosha писал(а):Дело не в старости. И речь, наверное, все-таки про System Manager, а не Session Manager. Точно версию SMGR и номер патча CM озвучьте.

разве я что-то говорил о session manager?
проблема в том что слетела лицензия на СМ и был вопрос — есть ли смысл воспользоваться reset sys 1, кто пробовал?
И собственно вопрос не изменился.
На WebLM (развернутом на SM) лицензия на СМ есть 6й версии.
СМ ругается на отсутствие или повреждение лицензии.

SM это и есть сокращение для Session Manager. А на нём никакого WebLM нет.
если зайти по https://192.168.ХХ.ХХ:52233/WebLM/LicenseServer там все лицензии есть?
reset sys 1 мне помог, когда новые лицензии на WebLM залил, а станция их не видела минут 20. При таком ресете станция полностью не перегружается, но секунд 10 может быть тишина. sav tra перед этим хорошо бы сделать.

Настрою IP Office и классическую Avaya


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


seth88 »

Понял, спасибо.
Вот еще вычитал что помогает reset sys 2 — холодный резет, какие тут риски, был ли у кого опыт?
ps. SM имел ввиду System Manager, сорри если ввел в заблуждение неправильной терминологией, но в данном контексте вроде понятно, что подразумевался не session manager)))


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Re: Ошибка лицензии при открытии Site Administration


Snark »

6 это не версия. Это мажорный релиз, который в GA поступил в версии 6.0.3
Версия SMGR вообще не очень интересна, интересен weblm в ней.
Я, как вариант предложил бы — перезагрузить CM, посмотреть, появились хотя бы на пару минут лицензии, потом перезагрузить SMGR, и опять посмотреть, есть ли лицензии.
Но вообще, вероятнее всего потребуется какое-то более глубокое исследование проблемы.

Доброго времени суток всем.

1. Переустановил станцию S8400. Подгружаю лицензию *.lic
Станция пишет.

License file downloaded to the server

Installing License file…
License installation successful
loadlicense: Install completed successfully
WARNING: The license installation requires a restart of the web server. Please wait 15 seconds for the restart to finish before clicking another link.

2. далее при проверке лицензии в течении получаса висит сообщение

The License File Web page allows installation of Avaya license files.

CommunicaMgr License Mode Not available due to recent system restart.
26 minutes left before License Audit runs.
Network used for License: NONE
License Serial Number is 071613402830 on NONE

CommunicaMgr License Mode Not available due to recent system restart.
26 minutes left before License Audit runs.

Enterprise Wide Licensing Not Activated

3. По истечении получаса примерно на минуту полторы выдает сообщение.

The License File Web page allows installation of Avaya license files.

CommunicaMgr License Mode: Normal
Network used for License: NONE
License Serial Number is 071613402830 on NONE

CommunicaMgr License Mode: Normal

Enterprise Wide Licensing Not Activated

4. через минуту выдает нижеследующую инфу.

The License File Web page allows installation of Avaya license files.

CommunicaMgr License Mode: License Error
System Administration Will Be Blocked in Approximately 30 days.
Contact Your Service Representative Immediately.
Serial Number Mismatch
Network used for License: NONE
License Serial Number is 071613402830 on NONE

CommunicaMgr License Mode: License Error
System Administration Will Be Blocked in Approximately 30 days.
Contact Your Service Representative Immediately.
Serial Number Mismatch

Enterprise Wide Licensing Not Activated

Походу не та лицензия ? Или с настройками IPSI и сервера не то?

Avaya Virtualization Platform: AVP entering license error mode


Alarms/Error Codes, Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform, Avaya Aura® System Manager, Break/Fix, Maintenance, Troubleshooting


AVP license error mode (host could be hosting any appliance

System Manager shows AVP license error when logging in to system manager web page. (see attachment)

System MAnager shows AVP license error notification in the dashboard.

Problem Clarification

AVP entering license error mode. Using SDM or Utility Server to enable SSH on AVP. From AVP shell /opt/avaya/bin/statuslicense it will summarize the License Mode, Type, and WebLM address.

For example this license is in Normal Mode:

/opt/avaya/bin # ./statuslicense

AVP License Mode: Normal

License requested: Maximum AVP dual CPU Common Servers

WebLM Server used for License: https://fakeweblm.company.com:52233/WebLM/LicenseServer

The type is determined by the hardware that AVP is installed on.

Note: To enable ssh use command AVP_SSH enable

System MAnager shows AVP license error notification in the dashboard.


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Avaya Breeze™ servers and some snap-ins require license files. A properly
licensed Avaya Breeze™ server or a snap-in is in the License Normal Mode. A major
alarm is raised if a Avaya Breeze™ server or a licensed snap-in has a license error. The
server or the snap-in enters License Error Mode with the 30-day license
grace period. While in License Error Mode, the Avaya Breeze™ servers and the licensed snap-ins provide full functionality.

If the license error has not been corrected before the 30-day license
grace expires, a critical alarm is raised and the server or the snap-in
enters License Restricted Mode. In the case of an Avaya Breeze™ server in License Restricted Mode, the server goes to
the Deny New Service state. The server automatically returns to service
when the license error is resolved. In the case of a snap-in in License
Restricted Mode, the snap-in is uninstalled from all the clusters.
You cannot reinstall the snap-in before the license error is resolved.
You must manually install the snap-in after the license error is resolved,
and the snap-in returns to License Normal Mode.

The possible causes of license error include:

  • There is no Avaya Breeze™ or snap-in license file installed in System Manager WebLM.

  • The major release of the Avaya Breeze™ server or the snap-in is higher than the major release
    specified in the license file.

  • There are more Avaya Breeze™ servers administered than allowed by the Avaya Breeze™ license file.

  • The license file of the server or the snap-in has expired.

LIC-ERR (License-Error Mode)

MO Name (in

Alarm Log)

Alarm Level




The License-Error Mode maintenance object (LIC-ERR) is a non-traditional

MO. As a result, there are no associated tests or commands that are

executed in the traditional manner.

Maintenance object LIC-ERR works in concert with maintenance object NO-LIC to

look for any errors/violations associated with the License File. Once a License File

error occurs, maintenance object LIC-ERR logs the error, raises an alarm, and

starts a timer that is associated with the error. When the timers threshold has

been exceeded, MO NO-LIC will cause call processing to be restricted. All call

origination will be restricted to outgoing emergency numbers, incoming calls will

be restricted to an Administration (Attendant Console) number.

The license file is loaded onto a switch during initialization of the switch software,

restore of translations, and periodically. After initialization, a query is made to a

software module called the License Server. This module reads the license file,

compares a serial number in the license file to a serial number in hardware,

compares the software version in the license with the running software version,

and if a match occurs, delivers permission to run to the Avaya MultiVantage

Software along with a new feature mask. The feature mask controls

revenue-associated options.

Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values

Table 325. LIC-ERR Error Log Entries










These Error Types can be cleared by providing the correct License File per local instructions.


Initial Command to Run


Associated Test

Alarm Level








Full Name of MO

License-Error Mode



Test to Clear Value


See footnote


See footnote


See footnote


See footnote

Issue 5 October 2002







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License Error


19 Sep 13 08:00

I am running a CM rel 2 on an S8300 installed in G700 gateways with all IP Phones. Several months ago we starting receiving an alarm stating the following.

License-Error: Feature Usage Exceeds Limits
System Administration Will Be Blocked in Approximately 30 days
Contact Your Service Representative Immediately.

What we found was that the system was showing that we had exceeded our license count on the number of administered IP Soft Phone Agents. We are licensed for 40 and the system was showing we were using 89 when we aren’t using any. We reset the system and the issue went away.

A couple of days ago the issue came back but now the system reads that the counter has expired and our admin is blocked. I have a system reboot scheduled for tomorrow night because I believe it may fix it but I am concerned that, now that the countdown has expired, the system will reboot in No Licence Mode and all call processing with be stopped.

I have seen another thread with the exact same issue. The user did reset the system and it that worked but they were also still within the 30 day count down window.

I am asking for some advise on whether or not I am being overly cautious or do I have reason for concern that the system may not come back online properly.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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From what I see you are talking about IP OFFICE. If so, the licenses or profile is configured to the user. So you should deactivate the permission in the other users so that you have them available and use it in others

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Author ITDohn

Correct. I am talking about the soft console licensing in IP Office. There is a setting that can be edited to reset the license count somewhere. I can’t remember where it is located. In the IP Office Admin panel, only 1 user is assigned the ‘Receptionist’ label under profiles. A new PC was configured with the Soft Console software. Upon logging in for the first time, it gave the same error.

To clarify, the instance is tied to a single profile that is logged in from different local user sessions on a Windows 7/10 PC. A receptionist will log into the PC using their own AD credentials and then log into the Soft Console application using the same shared login for Soft Console.

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Please read carefully information below if you have problems with using Avaya Integration module.

If you need any assistance from us then let’s have skype call or teamviewer session. My skype is andrew.uymin
Please tell me date and time range when we can communicate (please send your time range in UTC)

For self-diagnosis, please see tips below.

General problem with Avaya Integration:

  1. Avaya license
  2. TAPI. It’s the most common issue!
  3. Firewalls and PBX-connector server accessible issue
  4. Module license

1. Avaya license issue

There is a list with installed licenses In Avaya administration panel.
Please make sure you have installed valid license for
a. Avaya CTI Link Pro
b. Avaya VoiceMailPro (only if you want to have audio recording in phone call log)

2. TAPI issues

To make sure you don’t have problems with TAPI please do the following:
2.1. Please try to use TAPI softphone http://office.vedisoft.ru/__files/Phone.exe
Just run this application on your PBX-connector server. This softphone use the same TAPI protocol in the same manner as our module does.
When you run this softphone you should be able to choose one of TAPI-lines in dropdown.
If you will not see TAPI-lines in that softphone then you have problem with TAPI connection/TAPI driver/TAPI license. Please go to paragraph #2.2 and #2.3 below.
If you will see TAPI lines, then please choose one of them and try to call somewhere. If you call successfully please go to paragraph #3 below.
2.2. Please go to windows system-log. Please find events with TAPI and review them (there should be info about connected TAPI lines).
2.3. Please replace exe file inside folder with our module on that one http://office.vedisoft.ru/files/All-In-One_CTI_Avaya.exe. This file has extended log for TAPI events. Start this application and send us TAPI log.

3. Firewalls and PBX-connector server accessible issue

Copy-paste into new tab in your browser the URL from host parameter of All-In-One CTI Configuration in Administration in SugarCRM. It looks like ws://YOUR_PBX_CONNECTOR_SERVER:port For example ws://
Before you open URL in new tab please replace ws with http (or if you use wss, then replace it with https).
You should get URL like http://YOUR_PBX_CONNECTOR_SERVER:port For example
You should get 403 error (Forbidden). If you get this error then it means your PBX-connector is running. If you don’t get 403 error and you get error 500 (server is not found), then your PBX-connector is not running OR you can’t access PBX-connector server from your computer (pay attention your computer should have access to PBX-connector server by TCP on specified port).

4. Module license issue

Check what you have in module’s log file. Log files are located according to your settings in config.txt. File config.txt locates in your installation directory (by default — C:Program FilesVedisoftAll-In-One CTI – Avaya). If you see “License is expired” in log file then
• Make sure you put correct license into config.txt. Required license is not the license you get on SugarOutfitters or SuiteCRM Store. You should get license directly from us. If you didn’t get license from us please send us email.
• Your PBX-connector server does not have access to our license server. Our license sever address is https://license.prostiezvonki.ru (port 443 on your PBX-connector server should be open for that address).

If you still can’t make it work, then please send your problems to:
— a@vedisoft.ru
— or into skype: andrew.uymin


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Basic User License Error

Basic User License Error


I’ve had this happen twice now in the past week. We replaced a Primary Server (version for a customer due to end of life on the equipment and we are seeing the following,

In the SSA — Insufficient license type for this configuration. License Type: Basic User

When trying to create a new user it will say «743 instances of the Basic User License could not be acquired.»

Also getting a Weblm error + grace period only for the Basic User License. All other licenses are valid.

I don’t think basic users require licensing?

Not sure why this is happening or how to get rid of it. Any ideas?

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I’ve been grinding away at this issue for 6 hours with two different techs, and I’m at a standstill. I hope somebody on here has some ideas that can help me out.

I’m getting this error in my System Status window:

Image: post content

All of the functions that rely on those licensed modules are down. Voicemail, auto-attendants, etc. I need to get this up tonight. I have a tech who is en-route with a new unit, but I’m not sure how long he is going to take.

I’ve already tried:

  • removing the licenses, rebooting, and re-adding them
  • reformatting the SD card, adding the license and bin files back and rebooting
  • removing licenses, shutting the unit off, uninstalling all instances of the IP Office Manager software on our network, turning the unit on, installing the software clean, and re-adding the licenses
  • Googling the heck out of the issue

Version build 941

Does anybody else have any suggestions?

Best Answer

  • Author Justin Marks

    So we got everything resolved yesterday.

    I’m not sure why it took 9 months to fail, but apparently when the system was installed my vendor copied my config from another Avaya unit we had and never changed the licenses. So this system had a set of licenses that weren’t actually assigned to that SD card and serial. We didn’t find this out until early Monday.

    The vendor ended up bring out a brand new SD card with all of the appropriate licenses on it, and the issues went away after a restart of our voicemail pro server.

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