Asus ez flash 2 ошибка чтения

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  • #1

I was planning to update the BIOS to version v3701 using Asus EZ Flash 2 Utility v01.04.
My motherboard is a P8P67-M P67 B3 Revision. (UPC: 6108317973 / part number : 90-MIBDVA-G0UAY0DZ)

When I was planning to do the update i did not have a USB with me that time, so I searched and saw a video that you could access the ROM file from the HDD. So that’s what I did. This is also I believe the begining of the problem and my mistake. After selecting the ROM from the Asus EZ Flash 2 Utility v01.04, the EZ Flash Utility said Update successful and the computer would restart. After the restart my computer would just keep going back to EZ Flash Utility and a window saying «Reading Failed!».

I’ve rebooted and just keeps going back to EZ Flash while saying «Reading Failed!»

There is no way to enter the BIsOS settings.
I have tried to select the original BIOS from the Support CD but it just says it’s outdated.

Whenever I move the mouse a message : «reading failed» appears. Though I am ABLE to navigate through my PS2 keyboard.

Is there anyway I could fix this issue?
How can I get my system back to work?
Will this be fixed if I update propperly through a USB stick?

Since the incident I have not yet turned on my PC hoping to find the right way to solve this before I turn it back on.

Thank you for your help in advance and hoping I could still save my system. :)

P.S. I’m new to this BIOS stuff and I admit that what I did, not backing up my BIOS and not following proper protocols was stupid and noobish. Pardon my ignorance. :)

Image of the «reading failed» :

  • U


I had the exactly same problem with my Asus P8P67 EVO motherboard. I started to update the BIOS using the EZ Flash updater from the dowloaded update file on my HDD (C:\Temp\BIOS\P8P67-EVO-ASUS-3602.ROM)
When the update was finished the computer restarted and stopped at «Reading failed!» and nothing else I could do.

I put the update file on a USB-flash drive. Same thing = Reading failed!

Then I put the update file in the same folder on the USB-drive as I had previously on the HDD -> :\Temp\BIOS\P8P67-EVO-ASUS-3602.ROM and renamed the USB drive to the same as the HDD. (Don’t know if renaming was necessary)

Worked instantly!


Närpes, Finland


Jul 16, 2011




  • #2

Have you tried reseting the bios? In the motherboard manual there should be instructions on how to do so each motherboard is a little bit differnt usually it requires you moving a jumper onto some pins and restarting the computer then turning it off placing them back and turning it on again. This might help so give it a shot

  • #3

[quotemsg=10976211,0,531635]Have you tried reseting the bios? In the motherboard manual there should be instructions on how to do so each motherboard is a little bit differnt usually it requires you moving a jumper onto some pins and restarting the computer then turning it off placing them back and turning it on again. This might help so give it a shot[/quotemsg]

Thank you for a swift reply sir =) . I haven’t tried that yet, as I was thinking that I might make matters worse. Though since you have suggested it, are there certain repercussions that I should take note of? Thank you! :)


Jun 5, 2013




  • #4

If you have a RAID, might have to rebuild

  • #5

[quotemsg=10976339,0,1333705]If you have a RAID, might have to rebuild[/quotemsg]

No RAID sir =)


Jul 16, 2011




  • #6

Theres no repercussions from resetting a bios thats how there designed

  • #7

[quotemsg=10976412,0,531635]Theres no repercussions from resetting a bios thats how there designed [/quotemsg]

Ok sir, will be trying that out. Update if it works. Thank you! :)


Jun 5, 2013




  • #8

Good for no RAID, that’s about the biggest thing, other than that not really — but wanted to throw it out quick…other things to keep in mind, if OCing or have DRAM 1600 and up, may well have to restet it, if you have an SSD that’s set up properly may want to check that drives are set to AHCI, many mobo BIOSs default to IDE mode…..but YES, there can be repercussions, most of are the annoying easy kind, rebuilding a RAID, can be a pain if it uses custom block sizes, etc

  • #9

[quotemsg=10976471,0,1333705]Good for no RAID, that’s about the biggest thing, other than that not really — but wanted to throw it out quick…other things to keep in mind, if OCing or have DRAM 1600 and up, may well have to restet it, if you have an SSD that’s set up properly may want to check that drives are set to AHCI, many mobo BIOSs default to IDE mode…..but YES, there can be repercussions, most of are the annoying easy kind, rebuilding a RAID, can be a pain if it uses custom block sizes, etc[/quotemsg]

No OC here also :) , using a RIP JAWS F3-1066. No SSD set up also, all of my HDD are SATA. :) . Will keep the notes in mind sir! :) Thank you! :)

  • #12

Hey all,

I just wanted to confirm that this works as I just had the exact same problem crop up with trying to update the bios from a secondary hard drive. Switching to a USB key did the trick.

Awesome job!


Jun 5, 2013




  • #13

Good troubleshooting, will have to earmark that idea for the future, thanks for sharing it with us

  • #14

I had the exactly same problem with my Asus P8P67 EVO motherboard. I started to update the BIOS using the EZ Flash updater from the dowloaded update file on my HDD (C:\Temp\BIOS\P8P67-EVO-ASUS-3602.ROM)
When the update was finished the computer restarted and stopped at «Reading failed!» and nothing else I could do.

I put the update file on a USB-flash drive. Same thing = Reading failed!

Then I put the update file in the same folder on the USB-drive as I had previously on the HDD -> :\Temp\BIOS\P8P67-EVO-ASUS-3602.ROM and renamed the USB drive to the same as the HDD. (Don’t know if renaming was necessary)

Worked instantly!


Närpes, Finland

  • #15

After poking at this I noticed that the «reading failed» message only appeared when I moved the mouse after closing the previous message.

So don’t move the mouse. Unplug it if you have to. Navigate using the keyboard (tab, arrows, enter) and go to the drive with the BIOS .ROM file and select it to update again.

  • #16

Thank you guys! I also had a similar problem. Was using a USB stick to update my bios and on every boot i got stuck at the ez flash tool. Apparently the Bios changed the drive letter and couldnt find the update to finish it after the reboot. Tried to clear cmos and nothing helped. But i reformated my USB drive on another computer, recopied the update file, unplugged everything but mouse keyboard and usb stick and this time the ez flash tool found the update file! it worked :)))

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Не удается обновить UEFI BIOS на материнской плате ASUS M5A97-R2.0


Отредактировано niko22512.02.2014, 16:16

16:14, 12.02.2014 | #1

Нет аватара

Сообщений: 13

Вхожу в UEFI BIOS, там запускаю утилиту ASUS EZ Flash2 (v.01.04), в ней нахожу файлы обновления BIOS.
Утилита спрашивает «Прочитать файл», нажимаю «Да». В ответ получаю: «Выбранный файл не является EFI BIOS».
Сейча версия моего BIOS: 1903 (Обновлял сам с файла M5A97-LE-R20-ASUS-1903, правда из-под Win8)
Пробовал M5A97-LE-R20-ASUS-2006, M5A97-LE-R20-ASUS-2103, M5A97-LE-R20-ASUS-2202 — всё тоже самое!
В чем дело? Помогите! (Может где-то включен запрет на обновление, как отключить?)

Мать M5A97-LE-R2.0


17:25, 12.02.2014 | #2

Аватар valeryd


Сообщений: 865

niko225, Если вы скачали с оф. сайта биос с расширением .CAP, то скачайте утилиту ASUS Update и обновите биос через эту программу выбрав скаченный ранее файл биоса.


18:25, 12.02.2014 | #3

Нет аватара

Сообщений: 13

Цитата berton562 ()

niko225, Файл BIOS необходимо переименовать с помощью прилагающейся утилиты с офсайта материнки.

Если не трудно — как называется утилита?


Отредактировано berton56212.02.2014, 18:36

18:35, 12.02.2014 | #4

Аватар berton562


niko225, Точно не помню,кажись Bios -Renaymer


18:38, 12.02.2014 | #5

Нет аватара

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Цитата valeryd ()

niko225, Если вы скачали с оф. сайта биос с расширением .CAP, то скачайте утилиту ASUS Update и обновите биос через эту программу выбрав скаченный ранее файл биоса.

Запускаю утилиту, выбираю «обновить из файла», «ОК». Выдает: «Модуль образа BIOS не соответствует текущему BIOS». Если выбрать «обновить BIOS из интернет», то выдает «Подключение к серверу…» и ничего (не дождался)



18:43, 12.02.2014 | #6

Аватар berton562



Отредактировано niko22512.02.2014, 20:22

18:57, 12.02.2014 | #7

Нет аватара

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Цитата berton562 ()

niko225, Файл BIOS необходимо переименовать с помощью прилагающейся утилиты с офсайта материнки.

Скачал утилиту BRenamer. Переименовал M5A97-LE-R20-ASUS-2202.CAP в M5A97LE.CAP, перенес на флешку и через утилиту ASUS EZ Flash2 попытался обновить BIOS и опять та же надпись: «Выбранный файл не является EFI BIOS»!

Похоже тупик!


Отредактировано berton56212.02.2014, 20:43

20:33, 12.02.2014 | #8

Аватар berton562


Цитата niko225 ()

Похоже тупик!

так,вопрос -скачанный файл был распакован архиватором?И какой у него вес(в проводнике отображает 8 194 Kb)?Порт USB для флешки с файлом пробовали сменить(главное- чтоб не usb3.0!)?


21:30, 12.02.2014 | #9

Аватар valeryd


Сообщений: 865

Цитата niko225 ()

Похоже тупик!

Сейчас обновил биос с 2103 до 2202 на плате M5A97 LE R2.0 через AsusUpdate. Затем ради интереса вернулся вновь до 2103 и вновь удачно обновился до 2202 уже при помощи утилиты ASUS EZ Flash2, даже на флешку не кидал указал расположение распакованного файла на жестком диске.
Может действительно не соответствует размер файла, должен быть как писал выше berton562 8 194 kb. Как вариант попробуйте скачать по другой ссылке Global


23:29, 12.02.2014 | #10

Нет аватара

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Сообщений: 13

Цитата berton562 ()

так,вопрос -скачанный файл был распакован архиватором?И какой у него вес(в проводнике отображает 8 194 Kb)?Порт USB для флешки с файлом пробовали сменить(главное- чтоб не usb3.0!)?

Скачал запакованным. Распаковал WinRar-ом, ошибок не выдавал. Пробовал устанавливать и с USB и с жесткого диска. (правда думаю, что с USB 3.0)/

Цитата valeryd ()

Может действительно не соответствует размер файла, должен быть как писал выше berton562 8 194 kb

Файл(переименованный) весит 8194КБ — он тоже не работает!
Возвращаюсь к мысли: может где-то надо снять запрет на обновление БИОС?

Добавлено (12.02.2014, 23:29)
Уважаемые berton562, valeryd, должен перед вами извиниться за свою невнимательность: у меня материнка не M5A97-LE-R2.0 а M5A97-R2.0(помню сразу после покупки обнаружил дефект в материнке, пошел поменял «на такую-же», положил в принесенную коробку от M5A97-LE-R2.0, а только сейчас обнаружил, что биос мне говорит, что у меня стоит M5A97-R2.0 !)
Скачал правильный файл и обновил БИОС без проблем через утилиту ASUS Update (размер тот-же!)

Ещё раз всем спасибо и я дико извиняюсь! bye


15:57, 15.02.2014 | #11

Аватар dante2015

Сообщений: 910

И кстати насколько я помню переименовальщик нужен только для прошивки через флешку из под выключенной системы и функцией USB BIOS FLASH, EZу вроде без разницы как файл называется, он его проверяет до прошивки..

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  • #1

I was planning to update the BIOS to version v3701 using Asus EZ Flash 2 Utility v01.04.
My motherboard is a P8P67-M P67 B3 Revision. (UPC: 6108317973 / part number : 90-MIBDVA-G0UAY0DZ)

When I was planning to do the update i did not have a USB with me that time, so I searched and saw a video that you could access the ROM file from the HDD. So that’s what I did. This is also I believe the begining of the problem and my mistake. After selecting the ROM from the Asus EZ Flash 2 Utility v01.04, the EZ Flash Utility said Update successful and the computer would restart. After the restart my computer would just keep going back to EZ Flash Utility and a window saying «Reading Failed!».

I’ve rebooted and just keeps going back to EZ Flash while saying «Reading Failed!»

There is no way to enter the BIsOS settings.
I have tried to select the original BIOS from the Support CD but it just says it’s outdated.

Whenever I move the mouse a message : «reading failed» appears. Though I am ABLE to navigate through my PS2 keyboard.

Is there anyway I could fix this issue?
How can I get my system back to work?
Will this be fixed if I update propperly through a USB stick?

Since the incident I have not yet turned on my PC hoping to find the right way to solve this before I turn it back on.

Thank you for your help in advance and hoping I could still save my system. :)

P.S. I’m new to this BIOS stuff and I admit that what I did, not backing up my BIOS and not following proper protocols was stupid and noobish. Pardon my ignorance. :)

Image of the «reading failed» :

Last edited:

  • #2

You can get back into bios by turning off PC, turning PSU rocker switch to 0 (off) then unplugging PSU from wall, then pushing case ON switch until mobo lights go out, then shorting the CMOS jumper by moving to other 2 of three pins. Then wait a minute and reverse proceedure.

«Reading failed» could mean several things. Most likely there was more flashing to come. Unfortunately with ASUS, «successfull» does not mean «finished».
If your flash got to that point, your HDD image useage was prob fine, it either picks it up or it doesnt.

There may have been an ME OPROM upgrade also involved which is separate from the bios partition itself. After running these flashes one must sit like a stone for a minute or two to see if more action is on the way. Rerunning the flash after the wait isnt a bad idea either, since it will say already done if not needed — cant hurt. You could retry the flash right now before the CMOS reset.

These ME involved upgrades also must have a PSU unplugged CMOS reset for the oprom to «register» immediately after the flash and before trying to boot into Windows. Only SOME bios vers have ME upgrades. And you should run latest Intel ME DRIVER PAK before flash to allow it to load latest avail vers appropriate for your mobo/bios’

At this point I think you should buy a new chip from ASUS (it only goes in one way — watch the little half moon cutout), then once again — the PSU unplugged CMOS reset before any boot attempt, then into bios and reset config.
It will automatically come with latest bios, or any vers you specify.

  • #3

Thank you for the informative reply sir :) Though since i’m unfamiliar with the terms regarding the motherboard, may you kindly explain to me the following terms as I am unfamiliar with them :)

— «ME OPROM upgrade»
— «ME»

If I just want to revert the things as they were before, will it be restored just by reseting through the CMOS switch? or should I push through with the flashing through a USB? :)

Thank you in advance :)

Jun 28, 2004




  • #4

I remember having something like that happen to me a while back. I think mine was from a usb drive. If i remember i put the usb drive back in( i took it out after the update) and let it boot to the ez flash then once in ez flash went back to the main menu and changed the boot sequence back to my hard drive. the cmos on these boards are pins with a jumper near the bottom right of this board. Look at the manual(if its p8p67) then its section 2.19

  • #5

I remember having something like that happen to me a while back. I think mine was from a usb drive. If i remember i put the usb drive back in( i took it out after the update) and let it boot to the ez flash then once in ez flash went back to the main menu and changed the boot sequence back to my hard drive. the cmos on these boards are pins with a jumper near the bottom right of this board. Look at the manual(if its p8p67) then its section 2.19

So i just have to flash again with a USB and then reset in CMOS? or I should just reset in CMOS? :)

Jun 28, 2004




  • #6

reset the cmos and see what happens. In my case i had to put the usb that i tried to update from back in, got to the update screen and then i could cancel and get back into the bios to get it to work

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Asus ez flash error occurred while erasing blocks

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I tried to update the bios with the asus ez flash 2 utility, I saved the new bios in my usb memory, then I entered to the EZ flash utility, update the bios and an error ocurred

Error occurred while erasing blocks

Why??? I dont understand

please help me, thanks

  • #2

I downloaded the latest Bios, but when I Tried to update it, ‘Error occurred while erasing blocks’


Feb 8, 2009




  • #3

^ You didn’t list your MOBO; many newer ASUS MOBO’s offer «ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 utility» to recover from a bad flash. Follow the procedure to recover:

link —

1. No POST
1.1 Please clear CMOS to have a try (refer to motherboard manual for details)
1.2 If the problem still persists, please contact your retailer for a check

2. There is error message during POST: BIOS ROM checksum error. Detecting floppy drive A media… Insert system disk and press enter
2.1 If the support CD supplied with motherboard is available
2.1.1 Please restart system and put support CD into optical drive, then the system will recover BIOS automatically using CrashFree utility
2.2 If the support CD supplied with motherboard is not available
2.2.1 Prepare a formated floppy disk, then unzip the BIOS file downloaded from ASUS website into the floppy disk.
2.2.2 Please restart system and insert the floppy disk into floppy drive, then the system will recover BIOS automatically using CrashFree utility
2.3 If it is not helpful after the troubleshooting as the steps 2.1 or 2.2, please clear CMOS( referring to the manual introduction)
2.4 If the problem still persists, please contact your retailer for a check

Good Luck!

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16-05-13, 08:43




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[Solved] Asus EZ Flash 2 does not see or detect USB stick / USB drive

These steps worked for me.

1. Ensure Enable USB Legacy Support is enabled in the BIOS.
2. Format your USB stick to FAT (not FAT32).

Initially I formatted my 4Gb USB stick FAT32, and EZ Flash 2 did not detect the media, just an A: and C: drive. Then I formatted with FAT and EZ Flash 2 detected the drive, loaded the *.BIN from and flashed the BIOS successfully.

Hope this helps others.

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16-05-13, 08:57




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Were you updating or restoring after failure?

Because you can use ASUS Update software (for upgrade) to flash BIOS from under Windows (it’s safe). And ASUS mobos have an ability to restore native BIOS from the supplementary CD in case the BIOS was killed bby some actions (emergency restore). Simply turn on the PC and put Mobo CD in the lowest drive (follow Mobo manual if necessary).

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Last edited by EscondeR; 16-05-13 at 09:57.

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16-05-13, 10:10




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Asus recommend NOT using Asus Update, which is a third party app. I didn’t want to take the chance of bricking my mobo.

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16-05-13, 10:22




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Originally Posted by tlr online
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Asus recommend NOT using Asus Update…

Interesting. Can you link me to the source? BTW, since when Asus Update Utility is a third-party program?..
I have used Asus Update (which updates frequently) on numerous mobos and never had any issues with it.

Personally I think it’s not the program itself to blame for problems. It’s badly configured and glitchy Windows installations of end users and/or power failures. Well in the case of misconfigured OSes you’re right, the lower the level of updating is — the better
Yet for failures we have emergency recover from CD

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Last edited by EscondeR; 16-05-13 at 10:33.

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16-05-13, 14:16




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16-05-13, 16:58




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Oh, well, let’s put it properly: ASUS Update is not for novice and for those who don’t know how to play it safe ASUS Update itself doesn’t threaten your update, but misuse does. Of course using EZ Flash gives you less abilities to screw something by being a low level operation.

Obviously nobody will run BIOS update from the Internet (first DL, then update only).
Obviously nobody will keep connection enabled, antivirus and firewall active during the update.
Obviously if you’re careful enough you’ll get UPS to update the safest possible way.
Etc, etc, etc…

Thus if one wants to avoid all those precautions (except UPS usage), use EZ Flash

And I’ll keep playing by my rules

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