Ark ошибка there s another pending session

Если вы играете в ARK survival на своем сервере и пытаетесь создать закрытую сессию для ваших друзей, вы могли столкнуться с ошибкой «There’s another pending session».

Это означает, что существует другая сессия, которую нужно завершить, прежде чем вы сможете создать новую. Обычно это происходит, когда кто-то ранее посетил ваш сервер и не завершил свою игровую сессию.

Как решить эту проблему?

Существует несколько способов решения этой проблемы:

  1. Попробуйте перезапустить сервер и создать закрытую сессию для друзей снова. Это может помочь, если сессия не завершена из-за неполадок на сервере.

  2. Если первый способ не работает, попробуйте выйти из игры и войти снова. Это тоже может помочь, если проблема связана с вашим соединением.

  3. Если ни первый, ни второй способы не сработали, попробуйте проверить, нет ли других открытых сессий на вашем сервере. Иногда игроки могут забыть закрыть свою сессию после выхода из игры.

  4. Если все остальные способы не работают, попробуйте удалить файлы сохранения на сервере и перезапустить сервер. Это сбросит все текущие сессии и позволит вам создать новую закрытую сессию.

Надеемся, что один из этих способов поможет вам решить проблему ошибки «There’s another pending session» и создать закрытую сессию для ваших друзей в ARK survival. Удачной игры!

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Обновлено: 20.09.2023

В этой теме 1 ответ, 2 участника, последнее обновление Francya Viet 3 года/лет, 7 мес. назад.

Добрый день
Я решил эту проблему.
У меня такая ошибка происходила из-за того что у меня мод обновлялся ,во время того когда я заходил на сервер ,при чем мода такова на сервере нет(У меня устанавливался мод на карту Volcano)
Это можно узнать из иконки в нижнем левом углу когда вы находитесь в меню сервера.
1 Можно просто открыть арк и подождать пока все моды установятся.
2(Мой случай)При установке мода происходила какая-то ошибка и из-за этого иконка висела бесконечно.Я решил эту проблему тем ,что просто отписался от этого мода в мастерской.(Компьютер после этого желательно перезагрузить)
Попробуйте ,надеюсь ,что вам поможет.

There is another pending session ark как решить

18 ноя. 2015 в 7:09

This error came up for me today, i can join other server but specifically in one i’m playing i can’t.
I’ve been diging around but havent found much information, as only it’s server based issue, As well to mention Theres anothr 6 players on server and 2 friends of mine who are able to join .

I wonder i anyone know’s if there any fix or workaround from client side for this.

You get this when you exit a server for some not normal reason then attempt to go back in the server before that server is able to detect that the player left. Usually takes a little while because the system has to wait to kick the prior session as being idle(can be up to 20 minutes in my experience). Then one can usually get back on after that.

It can also if one attempts to join and is in the middle of the process of joining a server and dc’s then tries again.

20 ноя. 2015 в 15:05
20 ноя. 2015 в 15:13
Nope mate, I just went away after server restart, Im assuming that thats an issue within server side. as it seems that upon exit youe session isn’t fully cleared. and it remains on server.
But that’s just my assumption, I could be completely wrong as well.

I tested your theory.
Its not the session issue, otherwise i would be able to connect to ANY server that i have not played yet.
I was able to connect to «no taming» official test server but not one regular server.
After countless tries, i connected to some random PVE server and game finally started to load. Then it crashed.

I am suspecting duplicators causing it. Thats exactly what happened last time they did a roll back.

Please help me out, been playing since the game came out, but daaamn i had heard of this yet i didnt believe til i experienced it myself. Only I cant join a particular server, without being banned or anything. I keep getting this error — Connection Timeout/There is another pending session.

Last time it took a day, but now i cant join for 2 whole days. Any ideas on a solution. I hate things that fix themselves. :(

There is another pending session ark как решить

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One of the most frustrating parts of ARK: Survival Evolved is trying to connect to a server and not making the connection. Most players have experienced an issue that can be due to the game, your mods, the server, or the way you’re trying to connect.

Since there are so many potential solutions, the best thing to do is work your way through them to get back to fighting and taming dinosaurs. 

Table of Contents

Why Does Unable to Query Server Info for Invite Happen?

When you try to log onto a server, your computer has to reach out, connect to it, verify your compatibility, and then let you into the server. Unfortunately, many factors can prevent the connection from completing.

  • Your computer may be experiencing issues making a connection. Even if you aren’t aware of it, a bug can prevent you from connecting to specific servers, including ARK servers.
  • Your modem and router may need reset.
  • You could be connecting to the server in a way that isn’t working. If that’s the case, there are a few other ways to connect, depending on the server you’re attempting to connect to.
  • The server itself might have an issue.
  • You may be missing game or mod updates that prevent you from connecting to the server.

The reason why you see the error won’t always be apparent. Going through each step can help you quickly determine the cause and solution.

Start by checking the settings on your computer. From there, you can decide which steps you need to follow to restore your connection to the desired server.

Check Your PC Settings

There are two PC settings you should check if you’re getting this error when connecting to an ARK server: your firewall settings and your DNS cache. 

Your firewall manages what programs can access your PC with incoming and outgoing connections. If ARK isn’t added as an exception in the Windows firewall, it can prevent you from successfully reaching a server.

  1. Press Windows key + X
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Click Update and Security.
  4. Choose Windows Security from the left pane.
  5. Click Firewall and Network Protection.
  6. Click Allow an App Through Firewall.
  7. Look for the entry in the list for ARK: Survival Evolved. There may be two listings.
  8. Click the box next to ARK – or both entries for ARK, if needed – to allow it to operate through the firewall.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Try to connect to the server again.

If your firewall was the issue, you will be able to connect. If not, you can try to flush your DNS cache. Sometimes the records your computer keeps of connections you’ve made can have errors or old data. Flushing the DNS cache allows you to start fresh and can sometimes fix errors involving querying an ARK server.

  1. Press Windows key + X.
  2. Choose Windows Power Shell (Admin.) If you have the option for an elevated Command Prompt there instead, you can use that. These commands work in Power Shell and Command Prompt, but they need to be run as an administrator.
  3. Type the following commands. Press Enter after each one to execute it and wait for it to complete before entering the next.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Try to connect to ARK again.

If it still doesn’t work, your next step should be to ensure your Internet connection is working correctly.

Troubleshooting Your Internet

Sometimes even when things seem to be working correctly, your connection might have a flaw. Resetting your modem and router is simple and worth the few moments it takes to be sure that isn’t the issue with connecting to your ARK server.

  1. Shut down your computer.
  2. Unplug your router and modem. Wait for five minutes before proceeding.
  3. Plug the modem back in. It takes a bit for a modem to grab a connection from your ISP and start to transmit it. Wait until all the lights on it are functioning to show that it is working before continuing.
  4. Plug the router back in. As with the modem, it can take some time for it to take and send out the connection. Wait until the lights are lit to know it’s working. In both cases, waiting two minutes should be sufficient.
  5. Turn on your computer. Let everything load before trying to start ARK.
  6. Try to rejoin the server. 

Now that you know your firewall and connection are functioning correctly, you can start working with ARK itself.

Use Different Connection Methods

There are three ways to connect to an ARK server. You can connect through the search function of the game itself, through Steam, or your server management panel if you have an external server host. Each should work – but sometimes one of them bugs and says it’s unable to query the server to invite you aboard.

Trying another may help fix the problem when you see this error.

Connecting through ARK itself is how most people join a server. It works for everyone, no matter what their server permissions. You don’t have to know the IP or have a previous connection to the server to get on.

  1. Start ARK.
  2. Click Join ARK.
  3. Click the drop-down by Session Filters. You can choose which kind of server you want to look for here.
    • You can search for servers that are official, unofficial, and other classifications if you’re looking for a new server.
    • The Friends filter is helpful if you have Steam friends playing on a server you’re trying to join. Sometimes it can bring up the correct server if other search methods don’t.
    • Use the My Survivors filter if you have a character already on the server giving you the error.
    • Favorites is another good filter option to help you quickly find a frequently-played server.
  4. Click to highlight the server you want to join from the list of available sessions.
  5. Click Join.

The game should start loading you in. While it is, don’t switch to a different program. Let it go entirely through the process without touching anything.

If that doesn’t work, try connecting through Steam. This is usually the connection method that players say gives them the most trouble, so it’s always good to try it after trying the standard connection method.

  1. Open the Steam desktop application.
  2. Open ARK.
  3. Click Join
  4. Return to Steam.
  5. Click View.
  6. Click Servers. Steam maintains a list of servers you’ve connected to for multiple games, including ARK. You can filter them using the tabs at the top of the server list.
    The Recent and Friends tabs are particularly helpful for finding relevant ARK servers. On the Internet tab, you can adjust your filters, choose ARK only, and change any other options that might help you find the correct server.
  7. Highlight the server you want to join.
  8. Click Connect. Switch back to ARK to see whether the connection is successful.

If the server isn’t listed, right-click in the empty space in the server browser on the Favorites tab and then click Add Server by IP Address.

If that doesn’t work and you have a server hosted externally, you can click to connect from the Control Panel. It should work in the same way that the Steam connection does.

Check the Server Status

One thing to consider is whether the server itself is having issues. If there are problems with the server, you might not be able to connect to it.

  • Sometimes the server host goes down, and the server isn’t available.
  • Sometimes the server is experiencing errors, so it shows as available but can’t accept connections.
  • The server might also be experiencing too many incoming connections so that it starts rejecting new ones.

Use the Steam server browser to see whether the server is available and functioning properly. If the server is in your history, it’s easy to check and see whether it’s working.

  1. Open Steam.
  2. Click View.
  3. Click Servers.
  4. Find the server to which you want to connect in the list. If it’s in Favorites, it will be easiest. If the server isn’t responding, it might say so next to it on the list. 
  5. Right-click on the server.
  6. Click View Server Info.
  7. Check whether the server is working, whether there are other players, and how long they’ve been connected. If everyone has only gotten on very recently, the server might be recovering from an error. If the server isn’t responding, no one will be able to connect.

If the server is working and you still can’t connect, check to ensure your game and mods are updated. ARK servers reject connections from those with outdated games or mods.

  1. Shut down any Steam games you have running.
  2. Close Steam.
  3. Reopen Steam.
  4. Click Downloads to see whether any ARK updates are pending.
  5. Wait for the downloads to complete.
  6. Attempt to rejoin ARK.

Keep in mind that if the server isn’t updated, but your game is, you may also not be able to connect. At that point, all you can really do is reach out to the server owner and ask when they might update the server.

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  • Автор


  • Доброго времени суток. У меня такая проблема, при входе в арк и выборе сервера вылетает табличка с ошибкой. Такого плана
    Assertion failed: FCompression::UncompressMemory( Flags, Dest, Chunk.UncompressedSize, CompressedBuffer, Chunk.CompressedSize, (Padding > 0) ? true : false ) [File:C:\SVN_Ark\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Serialization\Archive.cpp] [Line: 409]

    VERSION: 237.4
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    Удаление и установка заново результатов не приносит.
    Подскажите кто нибудь, как это исправить.
    Заранее благодарю

    Добрый день
    Я решил эту проблему.
    У меня такая ошибка происходила из-за того что у меня мод обновлялся ,во время того когда я заходил на сервер ,при чем мода такова на сервере нет(У меня устанавливался мод на карту Volcano)
    Это можно узнать из иконки в нижнем левом углу когда вы находитесь в меню сервера.
    1 Можно просто открыть арк и подождать пока все моды установятся.
    2(Мой случай)При установке мода происходила какая-то ошибка и из-за этого иконка висела бесконечно.Я решил эту проблему тем ,что просто отписался от этого мода в мастерской.(Компьютер после этого желательно перезагрузить)
    Попробуйте ,надеюсь ,что вам поможет.

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Для ответа в этой теме необходимо авторизоваться.

The fact is that any game that offers custom servers can have problems connecting people. But the “No Sessions Found” error in ARK: Survival Evolved doesn’t even let players see the list of servers to choose from.

This bug has been detected on PC and PS4, so if you’re one of those players who regularly gets an empty window in the session list, we have a possible fix in our step-by-step guide below.

Fix 1: For PC Users

The “No Sessions Found” error on PC can be caused by several things, so let’s take a look at them all.

First of all, you can get the empty session list because of low ping, which can be adjusted in your Steam menu:

  1. Open Steam client
  2. Go to View in the top menu
  3. Select Settings option
  4. Click on In-Game tab
  5. Set Max Ping to 250

If that doesn’t help, then you can manually pick a server through a Steam client:

  1. Select ARK: Survival Evolved in Steam Game Library
  2. Go to View top menu
  3. Select Servers option
  4. Click on the internet tab

You will see all ARK servers listed in the Steam window. Just choose any one you like by double-clicking it.

Lastly, if neither of the two methods helped you, then you need to reset your network settings:

  1. Go to Start menu in Windows 10
  2. Type CMD in Search
  3. Right-click Command Prompt
  4. Select Run as Administrator
  5. In the CMD window type: netsh winsock reset
  6. Press Enter
  7. Restart your PC

Fix 2: For PS4 Users

Many PS4 users have been reporting that they can’t find sessions of the PC servers, while all other servers are showing just fine.

The solution, thankfully, is really simple, and all you need to do is find a friend with a PC who would be able to send you an invitation through ARK’s server list.

As a result, you will see all PC sessions in your PS4 version of ARK: Survival Evolved.

For more ARK: Survival Evolved guides, check out the list below:

  • How to Use Ascension Commands
  • Otter Locations and Taming Tips
  • How to Ascend and Find the Final Boss
  • Console Commands
  • Power Leveling Tips and Strategies

About the author

Serhii Patskan

Sergey has been a freelancer in the video games industry for more than five years, writing for various publications around the world. His favorite games are MtG, Dark Souls, Diablo, and Divinity: Original Sin.

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