App home ps3 game ошибка 80028f14

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Не запускаются игры — ошибка 80028f14

  1. Оффлайн

    Добрый день, камрады!
    Вчера купил приставку PS3 Fat, продавец заявил, что она прошита Rogero 4.55.
    Хотел залить на нее игрушки, почитал как это делать, оказалось нужен менеджер, например multiMan.
    Проверил версию прошивки — 4.50, скачал мультиман 4.55, установил, залил с флешки через менеджер файлов несколько игр.
    Запускаю их в мультимане, он выбрасывает в ХМВ, как и должен, в разделе игры появляется надпись playstation 3, как я понял это и есть запущенная в мультимане игра, но когда я на нее клацаю — ошибка 80028f14.
    В чем может быть проблема?

  2. Оффлайн


    Звание: Форумщик


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    Ты запускаешь с внешнего источника или с внутреннего HDD?
    Попробуй запустить игру через select+X

    Может не включена эмуляция?(BDemu)

    Еще предположение, что ты скачал не те образы игр. Сейчас очень популярны образы для прошивок Cobra ODE. Если образы для Cobra ODE, то на Rogero они не пойдут.

  3. Оффлайн


    Звание: Форумщик


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    Для корректной работы игры требуется наличия лицензинного диска в приводе-это касается обычных CFW.

    я в вконтакте

  4. Оффлайн


    Звание: Постоялец


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    Трофеев: 3

    с последним мультиманом я вообще забыл про диск,так что не гони

  5. Оффлайн

    1. игры скопировал с флешки на внутрений диск приставки в папку Games, папка с игрой называется Bles и код игры.

    2. версия прошивки согласно инфо о системе 4.50, версия мультимана 4.55
    диска в приводе нет, так как его не было с самой приставкой.

    3. в опциях мультимана емуляция BD включена, в опциях самой игры тоже включал, необходимо ли ставить отдельно файл BDEMU?

    4. пробовал и с селект + крестик — результат тот же

    5. как определить версию образа игры? в файле readme пишет kmeaw 3.55

    6. продавец утверждает что приставка прошита 4.50 роджеро, ссылается на то, что в меню есть пункт instal file package, но при этом при загрузке приставки надписи роджеро нет — продавец говорит что должна быть.

    7. как вообще можно проверить прошита приставка или нет?

  6. Оффлайн


    Звание: Форумщик


    Сообщений: 84

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    Трофеев: 4

    В настройках, там где просмотр прошивки, должно быть написано Rogero и версия прошивки.
    У меня при включении, вместо надписи «Playstation» у меня пишется «Rogero»
    И мультимен не установится на оф прошивку

    Попробуй перепрошить на rogero 4.55, установи последний multiman, предполагаю, что должно заработать

  7. Оффлайн

    Разобрался — оказалось что стоит у меня не Роджеро 4.50 а miralatijera-cfw-4-50-mlt-with-3-3-1. И работает она с менеджером Ирис. Теперь все супер.
    Остался только вопрос: можно ли перейти с miralatijera-cfw-4-50-mlt-with-3-3-1 на роджеро и как это сделать? Ну и конечно нужно ли это делать?

  8. Оффлайн


    Звание: Профи!


    Сообщений: 4929

    Симпатий: 135

    Трофеев: 11

    Цитата: half2002

    Остался только вопрос: можно ли перейти с miralatijera-cfw-4-50-mlt-with-3-3-1 на роджеро и как это сделать?

    Можно и легко.

    Цитата: half2002

    Ну и конечно нужно ли это делать?

    Вопрос предпочтения.

    Прошивка PS3,/PS2/Nintendo 3DS/2DS
    Freeboot Xbox 360

  9. Оффлайн

    Подскажите пожалуйста в чем глобально разница?
    И если есть описание процесса как это делать?

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How to solve error 80028F14 in app_home \ PS3_GAME ?

So installed rebug rex 4.82.2 in my slim 2503a console and when try to enter the folder app_home \ PS3_GAME in xmb menu of ps3 i receive this error 80028F14 how to fix ? tried alot and searched alot

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  7. Rebug 4.70 MultiMan Error 80028F14

Post: Rebug 4.70 MultiMan Error 80028F14

KushsmokerModz's Avatar

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Just installed Rebug 4.70 REX, before i was on 4.65.2 and always used multiman to load MW3 And Ghosts.
All other games where loaded without problems on Irisman, exept these 2,
Now i installed new rebug, and i get a error 80028F14 while click on the folder /APP_Home/PS3_Game

Any idea’s ?


privateuser3250's Avatar

in multiman set «BD EMU» = enabled

KushsmokerModz's Avatar

privateuser3250's Avatar

Originally posted by KushsmokerModz

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it says (Unavillable)

reinstall latest multiman version.

KushsmokerModz's Avatar

i have this one: multiMAN ver 04.66.06 STEALTH (20141201)

KAOSxGaming's Avatar

Originally posted by KushsmokerModz

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i have this one: multiMAN ver 04.66.06 STEALTH (20141201)

Well mutliman is not updated to 4.70 CFW that may be why im not 100% sure though.

privateuser3250's Avatar

Originally posted by KushsmokerModz

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i have this one: multiMAN ver 04.66.06 STEALTH (20141201)

simply resinstalling fixes this issue in the past.

KushsmokerModz's Avatar

thanks, any managers i can use to load them ?
ita manager didnt work well

KAOSxGaming's Avatar

Originally posted by KushsmokerModz

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thanks, any managers i can use to load them ?
ita manager didnt work well

irisman is one.

privateuser3250's Avatar

Originally posted by KushsmokerModz

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thanks, any managers i can use to load them ?
ita manager didnt work well

why are you not using built in webman / cobra ?

use rebug toolbox to enable them.

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Unsolved 4.50 rogero error 80028F14 in apps_home/PS3_game

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  • #1

also goes black screen when going into multiman or SEN or homebrew. the ps3 loads up just fine but anything under game seems not to work now.

I was getting a 80010009 error when launching gta5 and I decided to update 4.46 rogero to 4.50, didn’t help.
so then I tried deleting game off hdd, then using disc to recopy game, when I clicked the disc the screen went black and hard froze. I pulled the plug (only option) and now when I get on I cant get into multiman (blackscreen) or apps_home (80028F14 error).
I tried reinstalling the update but no luck and I don’t see much of this problem online, can anyone lend a hand?

was going to downgrade using that rogero pup and toggle_ap.pkg, then update again, would this fix this problem?

any help is much appreciated as I got this ps3 this morning and it was working until that gta5 error.
this is not my first cfw ps3 or console, but im not that experienced in errors or problems with them

  • #2

also goes black screen when going into multiman or SEN or homebrew. the ps3 loads up just fine but anything under game seems not to work now.

I was getting a 80010009 error when launching gta5 and I decided to update 4.46 rogero to 4.50, didn’t help.
so then I tried deleting game off hdd, then using disc to recopy game, when I clicked the disc the screen went black and hard froze. I pulled the plug (only option) and now when I get on I cant get into multiman (blackscreen) or apps_home (80028F14 error).
I tried reinstalling the update but no luck and I don’t see much of this problem online, can anyone lend a hand?

was going to downgrade using that rogero pup and toggle_ap.pkg, then update again, would this fix this problem?

any help is much appreciated as I got this ps3 this morning and it was working until that gta5 error.
this is not my first cfw ps3 or console, but im not that experienced in errors or problems with them

Yes downgrade using Rogero rsod downgrader 3.55 then re-install Rogero 4.50; delete all of your apps as well and re-install fresh pkg. files after you re-install 4.50. That should fix your issue.

  • #3

Ty so much, i waiting until i got feedback, just incase. I really didnt want to ruin a day old ps3

  • #4

Ty so much, i waiting until i got feedback, just incase. I really didnt want to ruin a day old ps3

That’s understandable, just make sure you downgrade properly and then re-install 4.50. Question though before you start the downgrade process, did you have your 4.50 spoofed to 4.55, that way you could connect properly to PSN to play online? If not then that is probably your problem :wink:

  • #5

yes with SEN, ive downgraded and updated to 4.21cfw and its still the same case…. 
when updating through xmb with the toggle it gives me error 8002f157 and when updating through recovery it stays on checking please wait (longer than 45 minutes) I don’t understand what could be wrong. I don’t want to loose my games reformatting as I don’t have a way to burn discs

  • #6

tried reformatting, tried restore file system, restore database nothing seems to help.

tried to use downgrader.pup again, worked….but now says corrupt data when updating even through recovery.

so im stuck at 3.55 rogero hybrid that cannot update and cant use multiman or apps_home, still can install pkgs but none seem to help.

can anyone fix this ps3? I just want to play gta5 with some mods and it feels like a waste of money that I just got yesterday

  • #7

tried reformatting, tried restore file system, restore database nothing seems to help.

tried to use downgrader.pup again, worked….but now says corrupt data when updating even through recovery.

so im stuck at 3.55 rogero hybrid that cannot update and cant use multiman or apps_home, still can install pkgs but none seem to help.

can anyone fix this ps3? I just want to play gta5 with some mods and it feels like a waste of money that I just got yesterday

Try re-installing the Rogero 3.55 rsod pup again you may have a corrupt file. Because once you are on that you should be able to install any CFW you’d like.

  • #8

if I swapped bd and swapped back to original would I still have to remarry the original bd that was in it or should it still work fine?
I see a lot of people have blackscreening homebrew because the bd isn’t married but is connected. I have the remarr file and im trying to downgrade to 3.55 to try again, the remarry isn’t working on 4.25 rogero from recovery

  • #9

Ive tried to remarry the working drive from my ofw ps3 but when its downloading it it fails and says data is not supported.

This driving me nuts, is there a place that could service the ps3 and get it running or jb my other ps3?

  • #10


C++ Programmer
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any help is much appreciated as I got this ps3 this morning

Coincidentally, I stumbled over this issue earlier while trying to swap blue ray drives!
Turns out the DVD drive itself has an issue, the wire connecting to the motherboard has got old & split OR you’ve inserted a different drive without re-mounting the original logic board (What I did XD) !
If the original logic board isn’t connected properly, Multiman fails to start!
If its not the connection & you’re seller has given you a PS3 without original logic board, contact him or use hardware flasher to re-set the drive

This driving me nuts, is there a place that could service the ps3 and get it running or jb my other ps3?

There are services posted all over ebay that downgrade consoles, I personally used this service so I can verify he’s good, communication is great (ask him anything XD) & he’s also highly experienced.
I do not know him in person, but I did have a rather long convo with him through texting (drop him a txt with whatever questions you have before purchasing if you wish)

  • #11

Ive already made a purchase through vfr yesterday, but ill swap ribbons and see if that helps any, the logic board and bd are stock so maybe that could be the key…would that also cause the app home error?

  • #12


C++ Programmer
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The error you’re receiving about open
Multiman —> Black screen —> Back to XMB
Is defiantly caused by the logic board, won’t be the power ribbon, would be incorrect logic board or the grey wires that attach to the main board is split/broken over time

  • #13

I launch any homebrew I get a blackscreen and it doesn’t do anything after that…no xmb or error,
I see error code when I click app_home-80028f14

  • #14


C++ Programmer
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Sorry, I’m tired & must of mis-read ..
I’m not sure what’s wrong with your console then, weird

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