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Revision 02.A.005
JUNE 2020
APC-2000ALW, APR-2000ALW, APR-2000ALW/G,
APR-2000ALW with diaphragm seals
APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warsaw, Morelowa 7 St.
tel. +48 22 814 07 77; fax +48 22 814 07 78
www.aplisens.com, e-mail:
Related Manuals for Aplisens APC-2000ALW
Summary of Contents for Aplisens APC-2000ALW
Page 1
Revision 02.A.005 JUNE 2020 USER’S MANUAL PRESSURE AND DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS APC-2000ALW, APR-2000ALW, APR-2000ALW/G, APR-2000ALW with diaphragm seals APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warsaw, Morelowa 7 St. tel. +48 22 814 07 77; fax +48 22 814 07 78 www.aplisens.com, e-mail: export@aplisens.com… -
Page 2
The QR code or ID number identifies the transmitter and provides quick access to the following documentation on the manufacturer’s website: user’s manual, explosion-proof device user manual, technical information, decla- rations of conformity and copies of certificates. APC-2000ALW APC-2000ALW (Exi) ID:0005 0007 0005 0000 0000 0000 0001 05 ID: 0005 0007 0005 0000 0000 0001 0001 53 https://aplisens.pl/ID/000500070005000000000000000105/00000000… -
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APR-2000ALW (Exi/Exd) ID:0006 0008 0006 0000 0000 0002 0001 42 ID:0006 0004 0006 0000 0000 0002 0001 69 https://aplisens.pl/ID/000600080006000000000002000142/00000000 https://aplisens.pl/ID/000600040006000000000002000169/00000000 APC-2000ALW (Exd) APR-2000ALW (Exd) (For sea uses) (For sea uses) ID:0005 0008 0006 0000 0000 0005 0001 92 ID:0006 0008 0006 0000 0000 0005 0001 89 https://aplisens.pl/ID/000500080006000000000005000192/00000000… -
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APR-2000ALW/G (Exd) APR-2000ALW/G (Exi/Exd) ID:0008 0008 0006 0000 0000 0002 0001 36 ID:0008 0004 0006 0000 0000 0002 0001 63 https://aplisens.pl/ID/000800080006000000000002000136/00000000 https://aplisens.pl/ID/000800040006000000000002000163/00000000 APR-2000ALW APR-2000ALW (Exi) with diaphragm seals with diaphragm seals ID: 0007 0007 0005 0000 0000 0000 0001 96… -
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− possible mechanical impacts, excessive shocks and vibration; − excessive temperature fluctuation; − water vapour condensation, dusting, icing. Changes made to the manufacturing of products may be introduced before the paper version of the manual is updated. The up-to-date manuals are available on the manufacturer’s website: www.aplisens.com. -
Page 6: Table Of Contents
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ………………8 1.1. Purpose of the document ……………….. 8 1.2. Trademarks ……………………. 8 1.3. Definitions and abbreviations ………………9 1.4. Transmitter set range ………………..10 2. SAFETY ………………… 11 3. TRANSPORT AND STORAGE …………..12 3.1.
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EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 9.1. Alarm configuration ………………..28 9.2. Configuration of operating mode …………….30 9.3. Correction of impact of transmitter mounting position on site – pressure reset ..31 9.4. Correction of impact of spacing of distance separators on site ……… 31 9.5. -
Page 8: Introduction
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose of the document The subject of manual are smart pressure transmitters APC-2000ALW, smart differential pressure transmitters APR-2000ALW, APR-2000ALW with diaphragm seals (formerly APR-2200ALW), APR-2000ALW/G (formerly APR-2000GALW), hereinafter referred jointly to as the transmitters. The manual applies to the following versions: standard, PED, flameproof Exd, intrinsically safe Exi and Exi/Exd.
Page 9: Definitions And Abbreviations
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 1.3. Definitions and abbreviations Table 1. Definitions and abbreviations. Item Abbr. Meaning «Lower Range Value» – the value of the set range expressed in physical units corresponding to the current of 4,000 mA, i.e. 0% of the output setpoint. The set range cannot exceed the set range limits. The mini- mum width of the set range |(URV-LRV)| is limited to 10% of the base range (URL-LRL).
Page 10: Transmitter Set Range
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 1.4. Transmitter set range The figure below shows the transmitter set range and limits related to allowable set range, digital pro- cessing range and saturation limits of A/D pressure measurement transducer. As standard, values of 4 mA/20 mA currents are assigned to LRV/URV points. In order to obtain reverse characteristics, it is possible to reverse the assignment so that the LRV/URV points are assigned to 20 mA/4 mA currents.
Page 11: Safety
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW SAFETY − The installation and start-up of the device and any activities related to operation shall be carried out after thorough examination of the contents of user’s manual and the instruc- tions related thereto; − installation and maintenance should be carried out by qualified staff having the required authorizations to install electrical and measuring devices;…
Page 12: Transport And Storage
GUARANTEE General terms and conditions of guarantee are available on the manufacturer’s website: www.aplisens.com/ogolne_warunki_gwarancji The guarantee shall be repealed if the device is used against its intended use, failure to comply with user’s manual or interference with the structure of the device.
Page 13: Identification
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW IDENTIFICATION 5.1. Manufacturer’s address APLISENS S.A. 03-192 Warsaw Morelowa 7 St. Poland 5.2. Transmitter identification Depending on the version of the transmitter, the nameplates may differ in the amount of information and parameters. Figure 2. Example nameplate. 1. Logo and name of manufacturer.
Page 14: Installation
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW INSTALLATION 6.1. General recommendations It is recommended that in case of a gaseous medium, the transmitters should be installed above the measuring point so that condensate may flow to the point from which the meas- ured pressure is collected, while in case of liquid medium or steam, it should be installed below the point of pressure intake.
Page 15: Installation Instructions For Transmitters With Distance Separators
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW Figure 5. Examples of transmitter installation on tanks. 6.1.2. Installation instructions for transmitters with distance separators The protection of the separator diaphragm can only be removed shortly before installation. Hydrostatic pressure of the manometric liquid column in the transmitter-separator system may cause incorrect indication of the measured value.
Page 16: Electrical Connection
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 7.1. Cable connection to transmitter internal terminals All connection and installation operations shall be performed with disconnected supply voltage and other external voltages, if used. Failure to provide proper connection of the transmitter may result in danger. Risk of electric shock and/or ignition in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Page 17: Connection Of Transmitter With The Option Of Using Local Hart Communication
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 7.1.2. Connection of transmitter with the option of using local HART communication The transmitter allows to use the local HART communication. To do this you can use a HART com- municator unit or modem connected to a computer or a smartphone. In order to establish the local communication, it is necessary to: −…
Page 18
It is mandatory to read EN.IX.APC.APR.ALW Explosion-proof Device User Manual, contain- ing important information related to the installation of intrinsically safe and flameproof ver- sions of the transmitter. The converter may also be operated using Aplisens Mobile Configurator installed on smartphones with Android system and connected using wireless communication. ®… -
Page 19: Transmitter Power Supply
0,5 to 5 mm 7.2.4. Cabling specification Aplisens S.A. recommends using two-wire screened twisted pair cable. The outer diameter of the ca- ble shell from 5 to 9 mm is recommended. 7.2.5. Resistance load in power supply line The power line resistance, power source resistance and other additional serial resistances increase the voltage drops between the power source and the transmitter terminals.
Page 20: Shielding, Equipotential Bonding
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW The maximum resistance value in the power circuit (along with the power cables resistance) is de- fined by the formula: (for transmitters in Exd, Exi/Exd version) (for transmitters in standard, Exi version) where U – voltage at the supply terminals of the 4…20 mA current loop [V]. Umin –…
Page 21: Operation
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW OPERATION The transmitter gives the possibility of rotating the housing and adjusting the display position to the mounting position of the body. To rotate the housing, loosen the screw (item 1), position the transmit- ter housing (item 2) as required, tighten the screw (item 1). Access to the extensions (item 4) used to rotate the display is provided after opening the front cover (item 3).
Page 22
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW LCD2 field: The LCD2 field is used mainly to display floating point decimal values in a unit displayed on LCD3. In some cases, other messages may be displayed: − ERROR in case of some operating errors or failure diagnosed in the transmitter, error/failure number Exxxx will appear on LCD2, the ERROR message will be displayed on LCD3. -
Page 23
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW LCD3 field: Abbreviations of physical units of pressures and levels and their description: INH2O inches of water column with tempera- pascals. ture of 0°C. kilopascals. INGH inches of mercury column with temper- TORR torrs. ature of 0°C. atmosphere. feet of water column with temperature MH2O4 metres of water column with tempera- FTH2O… -
Page 24
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW displaying undEr or ouEr message, blinking of the display and setting of the process output to the current alarm mode I_AL<3,600 mA. For standard or Exi transmitters, the exceeding of LRV and URV limits re- sults in displaying the undEr or ouEr message, blinking of the display and setting of the process output to the current alarm mode depending on the configuration I_AL<3,650 mA or I_AL>21,500 mA. -
Page 25: Local Buttons
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW ASCII characters displayed on LCD3 in user’s unit: − using HART communication, the user can configure its own 6-character unit displayed on LCD3. It is possible to display ASCII characters from the range (32…96 dec) or (20…60 hex), i.e.: !»#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` 8.1.
Page 26: Structure Of Local Setpoints Menu
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 8.5. Structure of local setpoints MENU Press and hold any of 3 buttons for 4 seconds. When navigating in the area of the active local MENU, holding the button required to trigger the action is minimum 1 second. Continuous pressing of the ↑ or ↓ button results in scrolling of the MENU posi- tions every 1 second.
Page 27: Remote Configuration Of Setpoints (Hart 5/Hart 7)
− Aplisens S.A. KAP-03, KAP-03Ex communicator (HART 5 only); − communicators from other companies, including those using DDL and DTM libraries; − PC computers equipped with HART modem (e.g. HART/USB converter by Aplisens S.A.) with Windows7 or Windows10 operating system with installed Raport 2;…
Page 28: Start-Up
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW START-UP As standard, the transmitter is adjusted to a set range equal to the base range, unless a specific set range is provided in the order. The base range and the basic unit of the transmitter can be read out from its nameplate (➔…
Page 29: Exi/Exd Version
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW Figure 13. Set range current, saturation currents, alarm currents of transmitters in standard or Exi version. 1 — Set 4…20 mA current area is corresponding to setpoint 0…100% of the process output. 2 — Lower saturation current of 3,800 mA for NAMUR mode. 3 — Lower saturation current of 3,900 mA for NORMAL mode.
Page 30: Configuration Of Operating Mode
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW trigger an alarm I_AL<3,600 mA. The return of the pressure/differential pressure above the LPL point will result in deactivating the alarm and returning the transmitter to its normal operation. In case of transmitters in standard or Exi version, if the pressure/differential pressure value de- creases to the lower limit of ADC measurement converting transducer, reaching the LSAL point, the diagnostics will trigger an alarm depending on the configuration AL_L<3,650 mA or AL_H>21,500 mA.
Page 31: Correction Of Impact Of Transmitter Mounting Position On Site — Pressure Reset
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 9.3. Correction of impact of transmitter mounting position on site – pressure reset Once the transmitter is mounted in a target location, it must be reset. This operation will eliminate the possible influence of the mounting position on the indication of pressure/differential pressure. In order to do so: −…
Page 32: Level Measurements
9.7. Pressure and differential pressure measurements The APC-2000ALW transmitter is intended for measuring the relative (overpressure and underpres- sure) and absolute gas, vapour and liquid pressure. Examples of transmitter installation are shown in ➔Figure 3.
Page 33: Maintenance
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 10. MAINTENANCE 10.1. Periodic inspections Periodic inspections shall be carried out in accordance with applicable standards. During the inspec- tion, the condition of the pressure (absence of loosened elements and leaks) and electrical (check of connections reliability and condition of gaskets and glands) connectors, condition of separating dia- phragms (tarnish, corrosion) and stability of fixing of the housing and mounting bracket (if used) shall be checked.
Page 34: Scrapping, Disposal
EN.IO.APC.APR.ALW 11. SCRAPPING, DISPOSAL Worn or damaged devices shall be scrapped in accordance with WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU) on waste electrical and electronic equipment or returned to the manufactur- 12. HISTORY OF REVISIONS Revision Document revision Description of changes 01.A.001/2019.07 Initial document version. Prepared by DR, DKD, KBF, DCF. QR codes and ID numbers have been changed.
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Revision 01.A.002
Version in accordance with EN 12405-1: 2018 Standard
APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warsaw, Morelowa 7 St.
tel. +48 22 814 07 77; fax +48 22 814 07 78
www.aplisens.com, e-mail:
Related Manuals for Aplisens APC-2000ALW
Summary of Contents for Aplisens APC-2000ALW
Page 1
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID Revision 01.A.002 NOVEMBER 2022 USER’S MANUAL APC-2000ALW PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS Version in accordance with EN 12405-1: 2018 Standard APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warsaw, Morelowa 7 St. tel. +48 22 814 07 77; fax +48 22 814 07 78 www.aplisens.com, e-mail: export@aplisens.com… -
Page 2
− possible mechanical impacts, excessive shocks and vibration; − excessive temperature fluctuation; − water vapour condensation, dusting, icing. Changes made to the manufacturing of products may be introduced before the paper version of the manual is updated. The up-to-date manuals are available on the manufacturer’s website: www.aplisens.com. -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ………………5 1.1. Purpose of the document ……………….. 5 1.2. Trademarks ……………………. 5 1.3. Definitions and abbreviations ………………6 1.4. Transmitter set range ………………..6 2. SAFETY …………………. 7 3. TRANSPORT AND STORAGE …………..7 3.1.
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EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID 9.3. Correction of impact of transmitter mounting position on site – pressure reset ..20 9.4. Sealing of the transmitters………………21 9.5. Pressure measurements ………………. 21 10. MAINTENANCE ………………23 10.1. Periodic inspections ………………..23 10.2. Non-periodic inspections ………………. 23 10.3. -
Page 5: Introduction
INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose of the document The subject of manual are APC-2000ALW smart pressure transmitters, used for gas conversion de- vices 2 type, accorded with EN12405-1:2019 Standard, harmonized to Directive 2014/32/UE (MID), hereinafter referred jointly to as the transmitters. The manual applies to the flameproof Exd, intrinsi- cally safe Exi and PED versions.
Page 6: Definitions And Abbreviations
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID 1.3. Definitions and abbreviations Table 1. Definitions and abbreviations. Item Abbr. Meaning «Lower Range Value» – the value of the set range expressed in physical units corresponding to the current of 4,000 mA, i.e. 0% of the output setpoint. Exceeding the LRV limit, with the MID blockade on, makes the generation of alarm signals by the transmitter, and on the main display the undEr inscription will be showed.
Page 7: Safety
GUARANTEE General terms and conditions of guarantee are available on the manufacturer’s website: www.aplisens.com/ogolne_warunki_gwarancji The guarantee shall be repealed if the device is used against its intended use, or failure to comply with user’s manual or interference with the structure of the device.
Page 8: Identification
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID IDENTIFICATION 5.1. Manufacturer’s address APLISENS S.A. 03-192 Warsaw Morelowa 7 St. Poland 5.2. Transmitter identification The transmitter is labelled with rating plates with data as shown below: ATEX Certification marking Figure 2.Transmitter nameplate. 5.3. CE mark, declaration of conformity The device has been designed to meet the highest safety standards, has been tested and has left the factory in a condition that is safe for operation.
Page 9: Examples Of Transmitter Installation
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID 6.1.1. Examples of transmitter installation Figure 3. Examples of pressure transmitter installation. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 7.1. Cable connection to transmitter internal terminals All connection and installation operations shall be performed with disconnected supply voltage and other external voltages, if used. Failure to provide proper connection of the transmitter may result in danger.
Page 10: Connection Of Transmitter With The Option Of Using Local Hart Communication
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID Housing. Jumper for local HART communication. Internal ground terminal. External ground terminal. Transmitter power terminals, 4…20 mA current loop. Ammeter connection terminals for uninterruptible current measurement (optional). Figure 4. Electrical connection to transmitter. In hazardous zone, do not unscrew the housing covers after connecting the Exd flameproof transmitter to the power source.
Page 11
PARAMETERS, containing important in- formation related to the installation of intrinsically safe and flameproof versions of the trans- mitter. The converter may also be operated using Aplisens Mobile Configurator installed on smartphones with Android system and connected using wireless communication. ®… -
Page 12: Transmitter Power Supply
0,5 to 5 mm 7.2.4. Cabling specification Aplisens S.A. recommends using two-wire screened twisted pair cable. The outer diameter of the ca- ble shell from 5 to 9 mm is recommended. Exemplary cable types are presented in the table below.
Page 13: Shielding, Equipotential Bonding
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID The maximum resistance value in the power circuit (along with the power cables resistance) is de- fined by the formula: where U – voltage at the supply terminals of the 4…20 mA current loop [V]. Umin – minimum supply voltage of transmitter ➔…
Page 14
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID Figure 7. Rotation of the housing, change of display position and access to buttons. 1. Screw. 2. Transmitter housing. 3. Front cover. 4. Buttons. In hazardous zone, do not unscrew the housing covers after connecting the Exd flameproof transmitter to the power source. The LCD has three primary information fields identified in the figure below as LCD1, LCD2, LCD3. -
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EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID LCD2 field: The LCD2 field is used mainly to display floating point decimal values in a unit displayed on LCD3. In some cases, other messages may be displayed: − ERROR in case of some operating errors or failure diagnosed in the transmitter, error/failure number Exxxx will appear on LCD2, the ERROR message will be displayed on LCD3. -
Page 16
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID RESET transmitter hot restart software menu. LCD1VR menu for selection of the type of measurement displayed on LCD1. LCD2VR menu for selection of the type of measurement displayed on LCD2. LCD2DP menu for selecting position of comma/decimal point. FACTOR return to factory values menu. -
Page 17: Local Buttons
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID message displayed on LCD3. It is displayed if: − a user tried to perform an operation that is disabled or unavailable. It may be caused by: − ER_L16 attempting to access the local setpoint change MENU when the access to the local MENU is disabled;…
Page 18: Structure Of Local Setpoints Menu
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID 8.5. Structure of local setpoints MENU Press and hold any of 3 buttons for 4 seconds. When navigating in the area of the active local MENU, holding the button required to trigger the action is minimum 1 second. Continuous pressing of the ↑ or ↓ button results in scrolling of the MENU posi- tions every 1 second.
Page 19: Remote Configuration Of Setpoints (Hart 5)
− Aplisens S.A. KAP-03, KAP-03Ex communicator (HART 5 only); − communicators from other companies, including those using DDL and DTM libraries; − PC computers equipped with HART modem (e.g. HART/USB converter by Aplisens S.A.) with Windows7 or Windows10 operating system with installed Raport 2;…
Page 20: Configuration Of Operating Mode
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID Operating range Figure 9. Set range current, saturation currents, alarm currents of transmitters. 1 — Set 4…20 mA current area is corresponding to setpoint 0…100% of the process output. 2 — Lower saturation current of 3,800 mA for NAMUR mode. 3 — Lower saturation current of 3,900 mA for NORMAL mode.
Page 21: Sealing Of The Transmitters
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID For Exd type transmitters, opening the housing cover in the hazardous zone in order to use the local setpoint change MENU is forbidden. 9.4. Sealing of the transmitters The transmitters are sealed according to the regulations in the place / country of using. The manufacturer seals the side covers and the sensor as well as the nameplate, if it is made of met- al.
Page 22
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID Maximum permissible error (according to EN12405-1:2018) (calculated in relation to the measured value) − : (-25º ÷ 55ºC) ≤ 0,5% at the rated temperature range − at reference conditions ≤ 0,2% − long-term stability / 5 years ≤ 0,5% For the clearing needs, in accordance with Directive 2014/32/EC, should be used one of the two metrological checked transmitter output signals: digital HART signal or loop cur- rent signal. -
Page 23: Maintenance
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID 10. MAINTENANCE 10.1. Periodic inspections Periodic inspections shall be carried out in accordance with applicable standards. During the inspec- tion, the condition of the pressure (absence of loosened elements and leaks) and electrical (check of connections reliability and condition of gaskets and glands) connectors, condition of separating dia- phragms (tarnish, corrosion) and stability of fixing of the housing and mounting bracket (if used) shall be checked.
Page 24: Explosionproof Parameters
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID EXPLOSIONPROOF PARAMETERS 11.1. Transmitters with Exd protection. Transmitters are made in accordance with the requirements of the following standards: EN IEC 60079-0-2018-09, EN 60079-1:2014-12, EN 60079-11:2012, EN 60079-31:2014-10, EN 60079-26:2015-04. 11.2. Transmitter explosion-proof marking Transmitters can operate in potentially explosive areas, in accordance with the assigned marking (feature) of explosion-proof construction: II 1/2 G Ex ia/db IIC T6/T5 Ga/Gb KDB 08 ATEX 224X…
Page 25: Table 3. List Of Cable Glands
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID List of cable glands. Table 3. Other Type Producer Screw Feature Certificate No. markings M20x1.5 Exd IIC Gb 501/423 Hawke International CML 19ATEX1167X (1/2” NPT) Extb IIIC Db M20x1.5 Exd IIC Gb 501/421 Hawke International CML 19ATEX1167X (1/2” NPT) Extb IIIC Db M20x1.5 Exd IIC Gb…
Page 26
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID Flameproof joints. Figure 12. 11.6. Transmitters with Exi protection. Transmitters are made in accordance with the requirements of the following standards: EN IEC 60079-0: 2018, EN 60079-11: 2012, EN 50303: 2000. 11.7. Transmitter explosion-proof marking Transmitters can work in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with the marking of the type of explosion-proof structure: II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T4/T5 Ga/Gb FTZÚ… -
Page 27
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID The principle of feeding from a source with a trapezoidal characteristic. If Uo < then U parameters are interrelated as follows: If Uo < then U parameters are interrelated as follows: –U ≤ 1/2U Rw = dla U For power supply with a rectangular output characteristic -25ºC … -
Page 28: Scrapping, Disposal
EN.IO.APC.ALW.MID SCRAPPING, DISPOSAL Worn or damaged devices shall be scrapped in accordance with WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU) on waste electrical and electronic equipment or returned to the manufactur- HISTORY OF REVISIONS Revision Document revision Description of changes 01.A.001/2022.10 Initial document version. Prepared by DBFD. 01.A.002/2022.11 Addition of the measuring range.
Table of Contents for Aplisens APC-2000ALW:
A1 56 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) Valve manifold 54 28 4 x ∅12 ∅14 ∅6 ∅ 9 34 Adapter M20x1.5/ x1 61 1/4 NPT L 34 H ∅51 Fig. a. Fig. b. 188 ∅51 FIELD TERMINALS 18 132 18 Fig. c. SW27 ∅51 194 ∅12 M20 M8x10 2holes (G1/2″) 15 25,5 terminals side The electrical The electronic circuits and display side steel impulse lines Adapter for valve manifold or line connector Weidable impulse Fig. 17. APR-2000GALW smart differential press
A1 7 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) 1453 Zone 0 Zone 1 or 2 Safe area Zone 0 Zone 1 or 2 Safe area Level transmitter Pressure transmitter pressure transmitter or differential Appendix Exi II. APPENDIX Exi APC–2000ALW PRESSURE TRANSMITTER, APR–2000ALW, APR–2200ALW, APR–2000GALW DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS, APR–2000YALW LEVEL PROBE, AP
A1 18 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) 4. IDENTIFYING MARKS. ORDERING PROCEDURE 4.1. Every transmitter carries a rating plate containing at least the following information: CE mark, manufacturer name, transmitter type, serial number, pressure range, static pressure limit, output signal, power supply voltage. Version types and the method of specifying the desired product are described in the current “Information Cards” and the Catalogue. 4.2.
A1 33 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) EXIT (First announcement which will see after inclusion of Menu Local. | If you will confirm this option, you will go out from Local Menu | and you will come back to continue of measuring) PV ZERO_________ | \ | BACK (Return to Local Menu. If you will confirm this option, | | you
A1 45 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) 15. FIGURES. Input circuitmodule Sensing 1 + _ system Power supply/ measurement min.250 Load resistance Output P r o c e s s o r a/c Converter circuit Modem Communicator filter Noise 2 D Ω Memory Fig. 1. APC…,APR… transmitters – block diagram. Communicator or modem electrical connec
A1 25 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) 6. CONSTRUCTION 6.1. Principle of measurement. Electronic system construction The electrical signal from the sensor which is proportional to the pressure is sent to a digital analog input and converted to a digital signal. The digital signal is transmitted through optoelectronic galvanic barrier to conditioning module. The main pla
A1 40 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) LCD2DP setting the decimal point position on LCD2. Options: XXXXX· XXXX·X XXX·XX XX·XXX X·XXXX In a situation where the value provided to display on the display LCD2 can not be displayed properly due to the position of the decimal point, this is indicated by displaying the four flashing dots • �
A1 1 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) CONTENTS I. APPENDIX Exd.02………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 II. APPENDIX Exi …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 III. APPENDIX MID …………………………………………………………………………………………………
A1 9 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) i Appendix Exi 5.4. Input inductance and capacity a) Ci = 20nF, Li = 1,1mH b) Ci=2,5nF, Li=18µH – for „Version SC” 5.6. Supply voltage min. 13,5VDC ** 5.7. Load resistance: from 28V linear supply Ro max [] = for transmitter without display back lighting
A1 12 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) Appendix MID 4. List of completeness. Together with APC-2000ALW transmitters user receives: a) Product Certificate which is also a warranty, b) Declaration of Conformity — on request c) User’s Manual d) Copies of certificates — on request, e) calibration certificate — on reque
A1 61 DTR.APC.APR.ALW.03 (ENG) M20x1,5 or G1/2″ Moving nut M20x1,5 or G1/2″ Moving nut Impulse line P max. 10 MPa Marerials: R35 — (SO) 304ss — (S) Ordering code: Impulse line — (S) or (SO) /M20x1,5 or G1/2″ Siphon tube P max. 25 MPa Temp. max. 300°C Marerials: R35 — (SO) 304ss — (S) Ordering code: Siphon tube — S or SO /M20x1,5 or G1/2″ 360 Connector to weld Marerials: 15HM — (SO) 316Lss — (S) Orderi
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