Apex legends ошибка engine error steam

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Apex Legends Engine Error

Рабочие способы, которые помогут решить ошибку «Engine Error» в Apex Legends. С которой сталкиваются многие игроки. Поэтому на основе их опыта мы отобрали только рабочие советы. Один из них поможет именно вам. Но для этого нужно попробовать каждый способ поочередно.


  1. Решение ошибки «Engine Error» в Apex Legends
  2. Способ №1. Восстановите игровые файлы
  3. Способ №2. Отключите приложения, что отображаются поверх игры
  4. Origin
  5. Discord
  6. Остальные программы
  7. Способ №3. Для владельцев Nvidia
  8. Установите драйвер версии 417.71
  9. Настройте PhysX
  10. Способ №4. Дополнительные меры

Способ №1. Восстановите игровые файлы

Поврежденные файлы игры часто являются причиной ошибки. Потому мы начнём с того, что проверим все ли с ними в порядке.

  1. Откройте библиотеку игр Origin.
  2. Нажмите правой кнопкой мышки на Apex Legends.Apex Legends Восстановить Файлы Игры
  3. Выберите опцию «Восстановить».
  4. Origin проверит игру на наличие поврежденных файлов. А также при необходимости их восстановит.

Способ №2. Отключите приложения, что отображаются поверх игры

Приложения, что отображаются поверх игры могут быть причинной ошибки. Чаще всего — это внутриигровой экран Origin и Discord.


  1. Откройте настройки Origin (Вкладка «Origin» — «Настройки Приложения»).
  2. Перейдите в раздел «Внутриигровой экран Origin».Отключить внутриигровой экран Origin
  3. Отключите опцию «Включить внутриигровой экран».


  1. Откройте настройки Discord. Для этого нажмите на значок шестерёнки. Его можно найти слева внизу возле вашего ника, а также иконок звука и микрофона.
  2. Перейдите в раздел «Оверлей».оверлей discord
  3. Отключите опцию «Включить внутриигровой оверлей».

Остальные программы

Также вам нужно полностью отключить следующие приложения:

  • Skype
  • Asus GPU Tweak II
  • MSI Afterburner
  • Aura for ASUS
  • RivaTuner OSD
  • RivaTuner

Способ №3. Для владельцев Nvidia

Установите драйвер версии 417.71

Владельцы видеокарт от Nvidia могут попробовать драйвер версии 417.71. Для этого сначала нужно удалить текущий драйвер. А потом установить версию 417.71. Этот способ часто срабатывает. Потому игнорировать его нельзя. Если у вас видеокарта от Radeon или Intel, пропустите этот способ.

nvidia 417.71

  • Предварительно загрузите драйвер 417.71 воспользовавшись этой ссылкой.
  • Удалите текущий драйвер с помощью утилиты Display Driver Uninstaller. Скачать приложение можно по этой ссылке.

Видеогайд по удалению текущего драйвера:

  • Запустите загруженный файл из первого пункта.
  • Произведите чистую установку драйвера на свой компьютер.

Настройте PhysX

  1. Нажмите правой кнопкой мышки на рабочем столе.панель управления nvidia
  2. Выберите «Панель управления Nvidia».nvidia настройка physx
  3. Перейдите в раздел «Настройка Surround, Physx».
  4. Установите «ЦП» под опцией процессор.
  5. Нажмите «Применить», чтобы настройки вступили в силу.

Способ №4. Дополнительные меры

  • Снизьте качество графики в игре.
  • Установите режим отображения в окне или в окне без рамок в настройках графики.
  • Отключите функцию G-Sync в панели управления Nvidia. Если у вас видеокарта от AMD Radeon, тогда отключите аналогичную функцию — Freesync.
  • Если игра Apex Legends установлена на внешний накопитель, переустановите её на внутренний диск системы. А также отключите внешний накопитель, если он больше не используется.
  • Отключите брандмауэр Windows. Для этого зайдите в панель управления Windows. Дальше откройте раздел «Система и безопасность», а потом «Брандмауэр Защитника Windows». Перейдите в раздел «Включение и отключение брандмауэра». Выберите два параметра «Отключить брандмауэр» и нажмите «Ок» снизу. Также можно добавить игру в список исключений, если вы не хотите полностью отключать приложение.

В этой статье попытаемся исправить ошибку Engine Error в Apex Legends.

ПК игроки Apex Legends сообщают о сбоях во время матча. Зачастую сбой отображается с сообщением об ошибке Engine Error (DXGI, CreateTexture2D либо CreateShaderResourceView). В данной инструкции будут рассмотрены способы решения этих ошибок.

Engine Error 0x887A0006 — DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG
Сбой устройства приложения из-за неправильно сформированных команд, отправленных приложением.

Engine Error CreateTexture2D
Не удалось создать текстуру _rt_updateddepth # 0 # 1 с HRESULT 0x8007000e: ширина: 1024 высота: 1024 мипы: 1 копии: 1 imgFormat: 0x29  флаги: 0x1080000

Engine Error
Сбой CreateShaderResourceView в Gfx_TextureAsset_ResizeAndCopy в (без имени отладки) с HRESULT 0x887a0005.

Способ №1 для исправления Engine Error

Origin может некорректно установить саму игру и пользователю помогает, банальная переустановка игры. Чтобы это сделать:

  • Откройте «Origin» на вашем ПК.
  • Нажмите «Библиотека игр» на левой панели, затем выберите игру Apex Legends.
  • На экране Apex Legends нажмите на значок шестеренки, это настройки. Он располагается прямо под кнопкой играть.
  • Выберите восстановить из списка параметров в настройках.
  • Подождите, пока процесс восстановления закончится. Как только это будет сделано, желательно, но не обязательно перезагружать компьютер.

Попробуйте сыграть матч в Apex Legends. Проблема со сбоем должна быть решена после восстановления игры через Origin.

Способ №2 для исправления Engine Error

Один пользователь англоязычного форума EA решил проблему отключив overlay, другие приложения и понизив драйвер Nvidia Graphics до версии 417.71.

Overlay это программное обеспечение, которое отображает наложение поверх других окон. Например, отображает FPS, температуру процессора, Origin в игре, Asus GPU Tweak II, MSI Afterburner, Aura для ASUS, RivaTuner OSD, статистика RivaTuner. Если у вас есть что-то из этого, попробуйте отключить их перед запуском Apex Legends.

Если на компьютере установлен драйвер драйвера Nvidia Graphics 418.81, попробуйте понизить его до версии 417.71.

Ссылка на официальный сайт NVidia.

Также можно попробывать временно отключить программы голосовой связи: Skype, Discord и т.д., и если игра всё же зависает, то зайдите в диспетчер задач и отключите всё, что может потреблять много оперативной памяти.

После того, как отключите overlay и установите драйвер Nvidia Graphics 417.71, перезагрузите компьютер и попробуйте сыграть матч в Apex Legends. Ошибка Engine Error должна решиться.

Другие способы

Если же выше варианты не помогли, не лишним будет также:

  • Понизьте графические настройки в игре.
  • Установите режим отображения на Оконный или оконный без полей из игрового меню настроек графики.
  • Запустите тест на совместимость устранения неполадок в Apex Legends. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на ярлыке игры на рабочем столе и выберите устранить неполадки совместимости в контекстном меню.
  • Попробуйте отключить G-Sync с панели управления Nvidia. Если используется видеокарта от AMD, отключите Freesync из программного обеспечения AMD Radeon.
  • Если установлен Apex Legends на внешний жесткий диск, переустановите на внутренний жесткий диск и отключите внешние жесткие диски, которые не используются.
  • Добавьте источник в список разрешенных приложений в списке исключений брандмауэра Защитника Windows, перейдя в Панель управления» Система и безопасность» Брандмауэр Защитника Windows» Параметры разрешенных приложений на компьютере.

You finally get home after a tiring day, sit on your PC, and fire up Apex Legends only to find out that you can’t play it. The game either won’t launch or simply crashes after a few minutes in and it bugs the hell out of you. After every failed attempt at playing the game, a windows error box pops up warning about an Apex Legends engine error. It’s frustrating seeing errors like these stopping you from having a good time with your game. If you want to solve these errors fast so you can get back to sliding and shooting, you’re at the right place. 

Before we dive deeper into the possible fixes, let’s explore what this engine error is and why you have to face it.

Key Highlights

  • This error usually occurs when you launch the game and it abruptly crashes, showing you 3 different types of error depending on the situation.
  • There are many reasons for this problem. 
  • The Apex Legends engine error could occur due to any one of the following reasons:
    • Your game files are corrupted
    • Your graphics card’s driver isn’t up-to-date or it’s also corrupted
    • The game wasn’t launched with sufficient rights
    • Your overclock is unstable and crashing the game
    • In-game overlays are causing a problem. e.g. steam overlay, discord overwolf, etc. 
    • Your anti-virus is messing with your game files detection
    • The game is installed on an external storage device
    • GPU cannot handle higher graphics settings
  • Possible Solutions:
    • Verify your Game Files using the steam client or the origin. This can help in fixing the possibly corrupt files
    • Run apex legends as administrator, this can give higher privileges and access to a part that is unable through normal rights.
    • Incorrect registry values can cause a problem, edit those values to fix the issue. (NOTE: RISKY)
    • Updating your graphics driver can certainly help, as GPU drivers are essential for running the game. Buggy drivers can cause problems while running the game.
    • Try removing any overclocking profiles that might be making the system unstable.
    • Lower your in-game graphics settings and enable an FPS cap to see if the crashing stops. 
    • Alternate between display modes i.e. Window, Full-Screen, and Borderless-Fullscreen.
    • Disable any adaptive sync technologies like Nvidia’s G-Sync or AMD’s Free-Sync to see.
    • Try re-installing Apex Legends from your external drive to an internal one. 
    • Disable any in-game overlays i.e. Discord Overwolf, Nvidia Shadowplay, or Steam Overlay to see if the problem was fixed.
    • Try disabling your anti-virus temporarily to see if the issue resolves. If it does work then go to your Anti-Virus settings, navigate to the folder exclusion setting, and browse the apex legends game files. This will exclude the game files from any interference from the anti-virus. 

Apex Legends Engine Error

Different Types of Errors

There seem to be different types of the engine error, the following are frequent:

  1. First Variant: Engine Error 0X887A0006 – DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG
  2. Second Variant: Engine Error CreateTexture2D
  3. Third Variant: Engine Error CreateShaderResourceView

These errors mostly appear once you launch Apex Legends and it comes to an abrupt crash. Depending on your situation, any one of these dialog boxes could pop up. For some, it’s a random occurrence and for many, it happens every time they start playing the game. 

The Apex Legends engine error could occur due to any one of the following reasons:

  1. Your game files are corrupted
  2. Your graphics card’s driver isn’t up-to-date or it’s also corrupted
  3. The game wasn’t launched with sufficient rights
  4. Your overclock is unstable and crashing the game
  5. In-game overlays are causing a problem. e.g. steam overlay, discord overwolf, etc. 
  6. Your anti-virus is messing with your game files detection
  7. The game is installed on an external storage device
  8. GPU cannot handle higher graphics settings

How To Fix Apex Legends Engine Error

By analyzing some of the causes of the errors, we have come up with some fixes that will surely get rid of the Apex Legend engine error. So wear your troubleshooting caps and let’s follow along with these solutions. 

Verify Game Files

This process is simple enough. It Verifies that your game files aren’t corrupted or missing. 

This process will be different depending on which launcher you play Apex Legends on as it’s available on both Origin and Steam.

For Players on Steam

Apex Legends engine error

Verify Game Files on Steam

To check and repair any damaged or missing files, simply follow the steps below. 

  1. Navigate to the Apex Legends game icon on steam and right-click on it.
  2. Click on the “properties” option and another window will open.
  3. On the left tab, go to the “local files” section. 
  4. Here, select the “verify the integrity of game files” option. 

Depending on your system and storage speed, this process can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes. 

For Players on Origin

Apex Legends engine error

Verify Game Files on Origin

Repairing damaged or missing game files on Origin is also easy. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to your game library in the origins application and select Apex Legends from the list of games.
  2. Click on the “settings” icon next to the play button and a drop-down menu will open.
  3. Select the “repair” option from the bunch and confirm to start the file verification process. 

Similar to steam’s process, this can also take anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on your system and storage speed. 

After this process, the game launchers will re-download any missing or damaged files and your game will start working again. In case the verification process didn’t find any problems with your game files, check out other fixes. 

Check Out More Fixes: Error Fix Guides

Running Apex Legends with Higher Privileges

Running your game with higher privileges might fix your issue quicker than expected.

Sometimes the game needs administrative-level privileges to work properly. Failing to provide these permissions can lead to problems like Apex legends engine error

To apply this fix permanently, follow the instructions below:

  1. Look for the Apex Legends shortcut created on your desktop. 
  2. Right-click on the file and click on propertiesApex Legends Engine Error
    Step 2
  3. Now go to the “Compatibility” tab and click on the “Run this program as an administrator” option under settings.

Apex Legends Engine Error

Now your game will launch with administrative permissions and may solve the crashing and engine error. 

Adding Registry Values

The engine error might also occur due to a missing registry value from the system. This can happen due to multiple reasons, one prevalent seems to be the registry value getting corrupted. 

There are two ways to apply this fix.

One is opening the windows registry editor, navigating to the root, and adding the value manually. However, this is a complicated process and one wrong move can damage your operating system. 

The second method to apply this fix is simpler and doesn’t require much effort. Here’s how to do it. 

Step 1

Apex Legends Engine Error

Step 1

Right-click on your desktop, hover over the “new” option, and click on “Text Document”.

This step will create a text document on your desktop. Before proceeding further, make sure to rename the file to “Fix.reg”. This will convert the text file to a registry file. 

Step 2

Apex Legends Engine Error

Step 2

Now, we’ll add instructions to the file.

To do that, right-click on the file and click on the “edit” option. This will open the file in text view. Add the following lines of text into the file. 

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers] “TdrDelay”=hex(b):08,00,00,00,00,00,00,00

After you are done pasting the text in the file, exit the file and click the “save” option on your way out. 

Step 3

Apex Legends Engine Error

Step 3

After saving the text to the file, all you have to do is double click on it. A dialog box will pop up prompting you to continue. Simply click on the “yes” option.

And that’s it. The fix to the registry was applied quickly and easily. Restart your computer and try playing the game again to confirm if the fix worked for you.

Update Your Graphics Card Drivers

Apex Legends engine error

AMD or Nvidia?

Graphics card drivers play a crucial role in gaming performance and stability. Sometimes new graphics card updates bring useful performance tweaks and fixes for your favorite games. Hence upgrading to newer drivers can help solve Apex Legends engine error too.

This fix will be different depending on if you have an Nvidia GPU or an AMD one. 

Update Nvidia Drivers

Apex Legends engine error

(Image Credit: Future)

Follow the steps below to update your Nvidia graphics drivers:

  1. Go to the Nvidia Geforce Experience application on your PC.
  2. Navigate to the “Drivers” tab on top. 
  3. Here, you’ll see a prompt about new game-ready drivers update and a download button if there are updates available. Try to click on the “check for updates” option to see if there are any updates available for your GPU.
  4. If updates are available, click on the download button.
  5. After the download is complete, select “Express Installation” to seamlessly update to newer drivers. 

The process will take about 5-10 minutes and I recommend you restart your system after that. Now you are successfully using the latest drivers from Nvidia which may resolve the error. 

Update AMD Drivers

Apex Legends engine error

(Image Credit: AMD)

Updating AMD drivers is also a simple process, just follow the steps below:

  1. Access the ” AMD Radeon Settings Panel” application.
  2. Click on the “System” tab on the top right panel. 
  3. Now, you’ll see the updates section on the bottom left of the application.
  4. If you have new updates available, it will prompt you with a “New Update” message. Update to newer drivers by clicking on the “New Recommended” button and selecting “Express Upgrade”. 

After a few moments, you’ll have the latest AMD graphics drivers installed. Make sure to restart after the process is complete to finalize the installation. 

Remove any Overclocking Profiles

Overclocking is an art in itself. Getting more performance out of your hardware and pushing it to the max is what PCMR stands for. 

Unfortunately, overclocking can sometimes lead to unforeseen problems like PC crashes and game problems. When there is no workaround, the last resort for you might be to remove any overclocking from your system. 

Reverting your CPU or GPU clock speeds back to stock has also been known to fix Apex Legends Engine Error

Before proceeding, however, I urge you to take a backup of your settings and values before reverting them back to normal. In case removing overclock doesn’t work for you, at least you’ll be able to apply your overclocks back quickly without going through trial and test again. 

Bonus Fixes

After trying all the major above fixes, these minor ones are worth trying to see if the engine error gets resolved. 

  1. Lower your in-game graphics settings and enable an FPS cap to see if the crashing stops. 
  2. Alternate between display modes i.e. Window, Full-Screen, and Borderless-Fullscreen.
  3. Disable any adaptive sync technologies like Nvidia’s G-Sync or AMD’s Free-Sync to see.
  4. Try re-installing Apex Legends from your external drive to an internal one. 
  5. Disable any in-game overlays i.e. Discord Overwolf, Nvidia Shadowplay, or Steam Overlay to see if the problem was fixed.
  6. Try disabling your anti-virus temporarily to see if the issue resolves. If it does work then go to your Anti-Virus settings, navigate to folder exclusion setting, and browse to the apex legends game files. This will exclude the game files from any interference from the anti-virus. 

Closing Words

Hopefully, you successfully resolved the Apex Legends engine error by going through the fixes above. If the problem still persists, check out Apex Legends official forums for any lead, or let us know in the comments and we’d love to get back to you. 

Questions about Apex Legends Engine Error

Is apex legend engine error caused by hardware failure?

No, the engine error is a strickly software problem that has something to do with your game files. Following these fixes are sure to help you resolve it.

How do I fix error PAK in Apex Legends?

It’s a similar error to an engine error that can also prevent you from playing the game. to solve the error PAK, simply delete the corrupted file and repair the game through steam or origin respectively.

If only some game files are corrupted, do I need to reinstall the whole game?

Not really. If you simply repaired your game files from the respective game launcher either steam or origin, you’ll replace the corrupted files with working ones. This will save you internet bandwidth and time.

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Apex Legends PC is facing errors and issues like Engine Error CreateTexture2D, Engine Error: Unknown file version, crash at launch, Steam Overlay Error, CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile Error, Application Load Error, and more. Here I have compiled a list of errors and issues that PC players are experiencing with Apex Legends along with their fixes and workarounds.

Apex Legends Crash, Steam Overlay Error, And Fixes

Apex Legends took the gaming community by storm and has been going strong ever since with continuous seasonal updates and support from developers. Now the game has arrived on Steam and PC gamers didn’t waste any time downloading and playing the game.

Apex Legends is a well-optimized game but PC players are still reporting errors and issues with it like Engine Error CreateTexture2D, CPU Does Not Have POPCNT, crash at startup, Steam Overlay Error, CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile Error, Application Load Error, and more.

The following are the Apex Legends errors that PC players are experiencing along with their fixes and workarounds.

Steam Overlay Error Fix

Some Apex Legends PC players are reporting that they are unable to play the game as they get the following error.

Linking to your EA Account requires the Steam Overlay to be enabled. Please enable your Steam Overlay and try again.

This Steam Overlay error is being caused by the use of third-party tools and software like Fraps or MSI Afterburner. Disable any third-party software you have installed and the Steam Overlay error will be fixed for Apex Legends.

CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile Error Fix

A lot of Apex Legends PC players are reporting that they are getting the following error while trying to play the game.

CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile(“audio\ship\general_japanese.mstr”)fail to open file;try resyncing

This error is related to the game’s audio and here is how to fix this error. The first fix for the CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile error is to right-click Apex Legends in Steam Library > Properties > click “Set launch options” > type “+miles_language english” and press ok. This will fix the error.

Alternatively, Apex Legends players have to change the language to Japanese, and when the download is complete go to the Steam folder and navigate to “Steam\steamapps\common\Apex Legends\audio\ship”. Copy “general_japanese.mstr” and “general_japanese_1.mstr” files and paste them in another folder. Now change the language to back to English or whatever you were using and copy these files back into the folder. Alternatively, follow this link for detailed steps on how to change the audio language while keeping the UI in English to fix the Apex Legends CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile error.

Game Not Starting, Crash At Startup Fix

Apex Legends players are reporting that the game is crashing at launch or not starting at all. There are a number of reasons why Apex Legends is crashing at startup and here are the fixes.

One reason for Apex Legends crash at startup issue could be the lack of admin rights. Right-click the game’s exe > Properties > Compatibility tab > check “Run This Program As Administrator” and hit apply. This should fix the game’s crash at launch issue.

In case the issue persists, go to the game’s install folder and launch Apex Legends directly from the exe. Chances are, you’ll get an error similar to vcruntime140_1.dll or MSVCP140.dll Was Not Found”. Fix this issue by installing the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables both x64 and x86 versions.

Your anti-virus might be blocking important game files and causing it to crash. Either disable the real-time protection or exclude Apex Legends’ install folder from it. After that, verify game files and the issue should be fixed.

Application Load Error Fix

Players have reported that they are experiencing the Application Load Error 3:0000065432 and are unable to play the game. Your anti-virus/Windows Security might be causing the error.

Disable real-time protection and the issue will be fixed. For Windows Defender, open Windows Security > Virus & Threat Protection > click “Manage Settings” under “Virus & Threat Protection settings” > turn off “real-time protection”. This will fix the Application Load error for the game.

CPU Does Not Have POPCNT Fix

Some Apex Legends players are reporting that they are unable to play the game as they get the ”
Unsupported CPU: CPU Does Not Have POPCNT” error. This error is being caused by your CPU as it doesn’t support a certain instruction set the game requires to run. Upgrade your CPU to fix the “CPU Does Not Have POPCNT” error.

However, there is a workaround to this error. Follow the instruction in this link to workaround the Unsupported CPU error. Note that the workaround might not work for everyone.

Crash Fix

PC players are reporting that Apex Legends is crashing randomly while playing. One reason for the game to crash is the use of third-party tools and software like MSI Afterburner. Disable any third-party software you are using along with Steam overlay and GeForce Experience overlay.

If third-party software isn’t the issue then the culprit behind the Apex Legends in-game crash might be your GPU. Either the GPU is overclocked or is an old one. If the GPU is overclocked, revert it back to its default GPU clock even if it’s factory overclocked.

If the GPU is old then try reducing the GPU clock speed by 100 Mhz. In case you don’t want to mess with the GPU clock then I recommend that you cap the Apex Legends’ max FPS. Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Setting > Program Settings > select “Apex Legends”. Turn on “Max FPS Limit” and set the value to 30. This will lock the game at 30 FPS and will reduce the GPU and CPU load and will stop the game from crashing. In case you are playing the game at an unlocked FPS, then lock the game at 60 FPS and it won’t crash.

Engine Error Fix

Apex Legends players are reporting they are unable to play the game as they get the following error.

Engine Error: Unknown file version (paks\Win64\pc_all.opt.starpak)

This error can be easily fixed by verifying game files. For Steam, go to Steam Library > right-click Apex Legends > Properties > Local Files tab > click “Verify Integrity of Game Files”. This will fix the Apex Legends Engine Error.

In case the error isn’t fixed, delete the file in the error and verify game files. It’ll again download the deleted file and the error will be fixed.

Engine Error CreateTexture2D Fix

Apex Legends are reporting that the game is crashing randomly while playing with the “Engine Error CreateTexture2D” error. This error is related to Virtual Memory. To fix this error, players need to increase their virtual memory. To do that, right-click “My Computer” or “This PC” > Properties > Advance System Settings > click “Settings” under Performance > Advanced tab > click “Change” under Virtual Memory > uncheck “automatically manage Paging file”.

Click once on C drive and check “Custom size” > set the minimum to 15000 MB and maximum to 30000 MB and then press OK. Make sure you have enough disk space in the C drive. Restart your PC and launch Apex Legends and the Engine Error CreateTexture2D will be fixed.

That is all for our Apex Legends fixes for errors and issues like Engine Error CreateTexture2D, Engine Error: Unknown file version, in-game crash, CPU Does Not Have POPCNT, and more. If you are facing errors and issues with other PC games or your PC then also see our hub for commonly occurring PC errors and their fixes.

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