Apb reloaded ошибка 11002

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Hey yall, so I decided that I wanted to play this game again and redownloaded it. I had/have a character that at the time was close to max level and spent a pretty penny on gear and all that good stuff. I’m aware that other people are having the same issue as me, getting the error 11002 when trying to logon. It says error, expired password. I changed both my steam PW and gamerfirst, to no avail. I sent a support ticket about 3-4 days ago, I know some people have been reporting they have been waiting for more than a month now. I just wanted to get clarification on how long the wait can be so this issue can be resolved for the others and I.

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Same problem, wanted to come back after some years and error 11002. Actually first it was 11001, now it is 11002… played through steam back in the day, tried changing password but apparently that only changed the password for the gamersfirst account, not the steam account I used to play on (they have the same email probably). I had almost 500 hours in so rather not make new account.

Made a ticket, ID #79625

EDIT: I can login through gamersfirst account just fine, but that is empty because I always played trough steam

Edited by ColorBauss

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i have the same issue i played apb 1-2 years ago over steam now i wanted to come back again but it says pw expired. I tried every email i had to login into gamersfirst but none of it worked like i only played over Steam . Cant remember that i had a gamersfirst account . idk how to fix this dont want to wait 1.-2 months on a reply from the support like … i wanna play ,_,

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Are you trying to login to Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002)? The easiest way to do that is to use the official links that we have provided below. We keep all of our links up to date at all times.

So, if you ever need to login to Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002 again, you can rest assured that we will have the most up to date and official links available.

Last updated on: 21st Thursday, 2023

Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

If you want to login to Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002, then there is a very easy way to do it.

A lot of websites will offer you convoluted ways about doing it. However, there is a much easier way. All you need to do is follow these simple instructions below.

If you have any issues, please follow our troubleshooting guide below.

  • Step 1 – Go to the Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002 official login page via our official link below. After you click on the link, it will open in a new tab so that you can continue to see the guide and follow the troubleshooting steps if required.
  • Step 2 – Simply login with your login details. You will have to have been given these by Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002, either on sign up, or by your authority of Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002.

  • Step 3 – You should now have a “successfully logged in” message. Congratulations, you are now logged in successfully to Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002.
  • Step 4 – If you can not log in to the Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002 website, then follow our troubleshooting guide, found here.

Error code: 11002 can't log in :: APB Reloaded General ... - Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

Error code 11002 :: APB Reloaded General Discussions - Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

Error code 11002 :: APB Reloaded General Discussions

Jul 25, 2018 — Hey yall, I’ve recently decided to get back into APB and when I got to the logon … it gives this error «11002» your password has expired please reset it. … just disable the steam login. … …

error 11002 with steam - PC - GamersFirst Forums - Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

Apb reloaded steam login error 11002. - Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

Apb reloaded steam login error 11002.

Oct 13, 2018 — I decided to get a a Sapphire I’ll take an opinion. I don’t know if happen is no one knows can’t install it’s driver With the smartsearch you can … …

Help needed regarding account : APB - Reddit - Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

Error 11002 - APB - Reddit - Apb Reloaded Steam Portal Error 11002

Error 11002 — APB — Reddit

Error code: 11002 = Account pending status. … Only other thing I could find about this is to play the game through steam. … r/APB4du/tr3ntishereOFFICIAL. …

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Login FAQ on Cee-Trust

What is Cee-Trust?

Cee-Trust is a simple web-based tool, which helps you in making your Login Process much more easier and stress-free. You can also say it Digital Search Engine for Login.

How Cee-Trust is beneficial to us?

There are too many advantages of Cee-Trust. But the most important is Time Management and accurate information. Unlike the traditional methods, with this tool, you don’t need to spend hours to find the Login Page across a bunch of web pages. You can quickly get the right login page just by typing the name of the website.

How to find Login Page of Any Website using Cee-Trust?

Finding the Login Page of any website is never easier before; all you need to do is to open cee-trust.org and type the name of the site in the search box. This tools will automatically find the official login page of the website and give it link to you.

How many Login Page Links are available in this tool?

We have a database of more than 1,000,000 Login Pages, and we keep adding 500 new website data every day. So now you don’t have a look here and there for the login page of any website. Just come on Cee-trust and get the direct link of Login Page of Any website.

How much accurate the information which is given by Cee-Trust?

As we are analyzing every result manually, so the chances of Spam or incorrect information is too less. In 95% of cases, you’ll get the correct data.

Is this official login page?

Yes, this all is the official login page of the website. Our team at Cee-Trust have manually analyzed each result and then select and put the right one here!

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Find out you can resolve all the crashes, freezes, errors and learn how to fix them when when playing APB Reloaded on Steam.

All Points Bulletin is still alive and it has found a new life at Steam. APB Reloaded ‘Free to Play version of the game’ can now be played using Steam and if you are among those who are already testing it out, you wouldn’t know the game is not without bugs. Don’t worry though, we have jotted down every possible workaround that can help you resolve all APB Reloaded Errors and Fixes.

APB Reloaded Errors and Fixes

#1 Game Crashes Constantly Error – ‘Out of Memory’
If you meet minimum memory requirements but are still facing the issue then you can try this workaround to make full use of the available memory.

#2 Game Crashes With Error 0x776be3fb
You can try following workaround to resolve this issue:

  • Reinstall the Physx
  • Check the File integrity (some files might be missing)
  • Or if you are using AMD gfx, use only one monitor while disable the rest.

#3 Being Kicked By Punckbuster/Server Kick
If the server keeps kicking you, you can try the following workarounds:

  • Open the Windows Control Panel, and navigate to “Add/Remove Programs” (on XP) or “Uninstall a program” (on Vista/Win7).
  • Uninstall “PunkBuster Services”.
  • Restart the machine after the uninstallation process has completed.
  • Open the APB Launcher. It will indicate that it is installing PunkBuster.

If the above workaround doesn’t work for you, you can try this alternative:

  • Navigate to the folder where APB is installed, and open the Binaries folder. Inside Binaries, select the ‘pb’ folder and delete it.
  • Open the web page
  • Type in the Security Code and click Download Now.
  • Save the ‘pbsetup.zip’ file to your computer, and extract the ‘pbsetup.exe’ file from inside the zip file.
  • Run ‘pbsetup.exe’.
  • Click I Agree and OK and Click ‘Add a Game’.
  • Next to Game, select APB Reloaded in the drop down.
  • Next to Game Path, browse to the Binaries folder inside your APB installation folder. For example if APB is installed at C:\Games\APB Reloaded, then the box should read “C:\Games\APB Reloaded\Binaries\”.
  • Click ‘Add Game’ and then Click ‘Check for Updates’.
  • When the update process completes, click OK and close the application.

#4 Error – District Failed to Connect
If you can’t connect to district after login then you need to reinstall/update your Punkbuster.

#5 Being Kicked by Punkbuster – Loosing Key Packets
You should uninstall Punkbuster, restart your PC and re-install Punkbuster to solve the issue. Follow the link for detailed instructions.

#6 Can’t Connect/Enter Armas Marketplace
Add APB_Geckoprogram in your firewall exceptions list or just disable your firewall to resolve this issue. You may have to disable your anti-virus, if it is blocking this file.

#7 Crossfire Launch/Performance Issue
If you are using dual cards through a crossfire then you should rename the “APBprogram” file to “Crysisprogram” as APB does not support Crossfire by default.

#8 Game Launcher Does Not Start
If you don’t get the launcher after executing the file then you should:

  • Update Internet Explorer to the latest version (regardless if you use IE or not)
  • And make sure that you have latest version of .Net Framework.

#9 Getting 60004 Error
The only way to get rid of this issue is to contact the customer support and tell them your character’s name and world. They will fix the issue for you.

#10 Error – Failed To Initialize Physx
If you are getting this error then uninstall the Physx, restart your system, and reinstall it from APB folder>\TPI\PhysX\PhysX_9.10.0129_SystemSoftwareprogram.

#11 ABP Error Codes and Their Meanings
If you are receiving any error code, then check the reason for that particular code so that you can find the appropriate solution:

General Error Codes
Error 10001 – Wrong patch.
Error 10004 – Someone else is logged into your account.
Error 10007 – Login server is down and will be back online shortly.
Error 8 – Login server is down or unreachable.
Error 9 – Same as Error 8, just with the worldwide servers.
Error 10010 – This means that your log-in details are incorrect. (Or your closed beta account is not activated)
Error 10013 – Correct log-in details but something else is stopping you from logging in.

G1 Error Codes
Error 11001 – Account connection failed.
Error 11002 – Account is in pending status.
Error 11003/11004 – Account connection failed. Check username and password.
Error 11006 – Account doesn’t meet the age requirement for APB.
Error 60004 – Account is locked into another district

Socket Error Codes
Socket Error 10004 – Interrupted function call
Socket Error 10013 – Permission denied
Socket Error 10014 – Bad address
Socket Error 10022 – Invalid argument
Socket Error 10024 – Too many open files
Socket Error 10035 – Resource temporarily unavailable
Socket Error 10036 – Operation now in progress
Socket Error 10037 – Operation already in progress
Socket Error 10038 – Socket operation on non-socket
Socket Error 10039 – Destination address required
Socket Error 10040 – Message too long
Socket Error 10041 – Protocol wrong type for socket
Socket Error 10042 – Bad protocol option
Socket Error 10043 – Protocol not supported
Socket Error 10044 – Socket type not supported
Socket Error 10045 – Operation not supported
Socket Error 10046 – Protocol family not supported
Socket Error 10047 – Address family not supported by protocol family
Socket Error 10048 – Address already in use
Socket Error 10049 – Cannot assign requested address
Socket Error 10050 – Network is down
Socket Error 10051 – Network is unreachable
Socket Error 10052 – Network dropped connection on reset
Socket Error 10053 – Software caused connection abort
Socket Error 10054 – Connection reset by peer
Socket Error 10055 – No buffer space available
Socket Error 10056 – Socket is already connected
Socket Error 10057 – Socket is not connected
Socket Error 10058 – Cannot send after socket shutdown
Socket Error 10060 – Connection timed out
Socket Error 10061 – Connection refused
Socket Error 10064 – Host is down
Socket Error 10065 – No route to host
Socket Error 10067 – Too many processes
Socket Error 10091 – Network subsystem is unavailable
Socket Error 10092 – WINSOCK.DLL version out of range
Socket Error 10093 – Successful WSAStartup not yet performed
Socket Error 10094 – Graceful shutdown in progress
Socket Error 11001 – Host not found
Socket Error 11002 – Non-authoritative host not found
Socket Error 11003 – This is a non-recoverable error
Socket Error 11004 – Valid name, no data record of requested type

Thanks Shadows @ GamersFirst Forums.

#12 ABP Reloaded Lag Fix
To fix the high pings and lag, you can try the following workaround:

  • Pando media booster is a program that is installed automatically along with the game. Uninstalling can free up your resources a bit.
  • Or try this latency fix to reduce the ping.

#13 Can’t Login Through Steam
If your Steam account is not working then login with gamersfirst ID.

#14 Vivox Voice Doesn’t Load/Start
You can try starting the program manually from Gamersfirst/APB Reloaded/Binaries folder.

If you are facing any other issues, let us know in the comments below and we will try to help you out.

About the Author

Ali is editor in chief of SegmentNext.com. He is EA Sports FIFA fanatic, have won multiple championships nationally. When he is not playing FIFA, he is completing single player role-playing games, you can call him …

Click here follow the steps to fix Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002 and related errors.



To Fix (Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs from $19.95.

Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002 may be caused by a number of different reasons.

If you have Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002 then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002 that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-09-15 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. What are Windows errors?
  •   2. What are the different types of errors?
  •   3. How to fix Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002

What are Windows errors?

A Windows error is an error that happens when an unexpected condition occurs or when a desired operation has failed. When you have an error in Windows — whether it’s Windows 7, Windows XP or Windows Vista — it may be critical and cause your programs to freeze and crash or it may be seemingly harmless yet annoying. Left unchecked, your system will become increasingly unstable, run more slowly and crash more frequently. You may be left unable to run programs at all.

The procedures necessary to correct Windows errors differ from one case to another. You could try a do it yourself or DIY method to fix Windows errors. This requires that you research the exact error message that’s listed on the error pop-up window. But what if it’s a virus causing this Windows error? Or what if your search doesn’t turn up any fixes? If you manage to find the fix, it’s something best done by professional technicians or a professional Windows Repair program.

The recommended solution is to use the Reimage professional Windows system repair software which runs a deep scan of your Windows system, finds and automatically fixes system files and components that are causing those Windows errors. Reimage is the only program that has over 25,000,000 files in a repository and actually fixes your corrupted, malfunctioning and missing Windows software files. Run Reimage repair now to get a free PC report to see what PC problems you have and also get a free spyware and virus scan.

Reimage increases performance, stops computer freezing and system crashes as well as improves overall PC stability. With regular use, Reimage will constantly refresh your operating system, which keeps your computer running at its best. Reimage is a fast, easy and safe solution to fixing Windows errors.

What are the different types of errors?

Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002 may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

Blue Screens AKA Blue Screen of Death

stop error screen or bug check screen, commonly called a Blue Screen of Death (also BSoDbluescreen), is caused by a fatal system error and is the error screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows family of Operating Systems upon encountering a critical error, of a non-recoverable nature, that causes the system to «crash.» Stop errors are usually hardware or driver related, causing the computer to stop responding. Bluescreens are typically caused by unsuspected software errors in device drivers.

How to fix Blue Screen of Death?

You could try a do it yourself or DIY method to fix Blue Screen errors. This requires that you research the exact error message that’s listed on the Blue Screen. However, what if it’s a virus causing the blue screen error? Or what if your search doesn’t turn up any fixes? If you manage to find the fix, it’s something best done by professional technicians or a professional PC Repair program. You can spend countless hours trying to figure out how to repair your Blue Screen error but wouldn’t it save time to have an automatic program do it?

One solution is to use the Reimage professional Windows system repair software which runs a deep scan of your Windows system, finds and automatically fixes system software problems that are causing those Blue Screens.

Reimage is the only program that has over 25,000,000 files in a repository and actually fixes your corrupted, malfunctioning and missing Windows software files. Run a scan with a program like Reimage to get a free PC report to see what PC problems you have and also get a free spyware and virus scan. In case you have an hardware problem the scan will detect it and inform you.

Reimage also increases performance, stops computer freezing and system crashes as well as improves overall PC stability. With regular use, Reimage will constantly refresh your Operating System which will keep your computer running at its best. Reimage is a fast, easy and safe solution to fixing Blue Screens and all other Windows errors.

DLL Errors

A DLL error is the most common Windows error. You’ve likely had a message pop up, at least once or twice, informing you that a DLL error has occurred. If you’re like a lot of people, you probably shut your computer down and rebooted, hoping the problem had gone away. But, what exactly is a DLL error, and how does it affect your computer?

DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library. Essentially, a DLL file is a necessary component of a particular program or application. Without that DLL file, the program or application cannot run properly. Some DLL files are shared by numerous programs, and if a particular DLL file becomes corrupted or is accidentally deleted, it could wreak havoc on how those programs, that are associated with it, are run.

Missing DLL — this means that a call has been made by an application for a particular DLL. However, that DLL could not be found. In some cases this means that the DLL file in questions cannot be found on your system. However, when a DLL is called, the application must provide a path to that library.

A missing DLL error can occur in cases where the actual DLL name does not match the name of the DLL being called. It may also mean that the path being called does not match the actual path of the existing DLL. The DLL may be on your system, but it is possible that it could have an incorrect name or be in the incorrect location. This could be an error with the DLL itself or with the coding of the application causing the error.

Corrupt DLL — a DLL, like any other file or folder on your computer, can become corrupt. They become corrupt for one of a number of reasons. Spyware or virus infections can certainly lead to a number of important files on your system becoming corrupt. If you have manually attempted to alter the contents of a file, then this too can lead to a corruption. An interrupted installation or even an interrupted execution of the DLL may also lead to a corrupt DLL error message.

Reimage and Windows DLL Errors

Sure, you can spend countless hours trying to figure out how to repair your DLL error but wouldn’t it save time to have an automatic program do it?

  • Reimage will replace your missing/damaged DLL files with fresh, clean and up-to-date ones
  • Reimage will replace ALL DLL files* that are missing and/or damaged — Even those you don’t know about!

Freezing Computer

Computer hanging or freezing occurs when either a program or the whole Operating System ceases to respond to inputs. In the most commonly encountered scenario, a program freezes and all windows belonging to the frozen program become static, and though the mouse cursor still moves on the screen, neither typing on the keyboard nor clicking the mouse produces any effect in the program’s windows. The mouse cursor may also be stuck in a form indicating that it is waiting for some operation to complete, such as an hourglass or a spinning wait cursor. Almost always, the only way to recover from a system freeze is to reboot the machine, usually by power cycling with an on/off or reset button.

What Causes my Windows to Freeze?

The most common but least severe cause of your computer screen freezing is when your system is using all RAM (memory) available — at that particular moment. If so, you’ve got a hardware problem. Our free Reimage scan can tell you how your PC’s RAM compares to a worldwide average. Find out how your PC’s hardware ranks, in under 5 minutes.

How to Fix «Computer Screen Freeze»

Simple Fixes

  • This problem might be temporary. Wait a few moments to see if everything starts functioning again.
  • Either increase your RAM or start closing programs that are running in the foreground and background of your computer that you don’t need. Follow the following steps:
    1. Press the ‘Alt’, ‘Ctrl’ and ‘Del’ buttons all at the same time, and you should bring up Windows Task Manager.
    2. See if any programs show up in the ‘Applications’ window as not being responsive.
    3. If anything shows, highlight it and click ‘End Task’.
    4. Wait a few seconds, and the non-responsive programs should shut down.

More Complicated Fixes

If the problem isn’t a purely short term, temporary one, then it’s something more serious.

  • Fire up your trusty anti-virus program and run a full virus scan now. If you don’t have anti-virus software already, you can download the program from MacAfee, or use Reimage’s free scan to diagnose malware.

An Automatic Solution

The recommended solution is to use the professional Windows system repair software which runs a deep scan of your Windows system, finds and automatically fixes system software problems that are causing your computer to freeze. Reimage is the only program that has over 25,000,000 files in a repository and actually fixes your corrupted, malfunctioning and missing Windows software files. Run Reimage scan to get a free PC report to see what PC problems you have and also get a free spyware and virus scan.

Reimage also increases performance, stops computer freezing and system crashes as well as improves overall PC stability. With regular use, Reimage will constantly refresh your operating system which will keep your computer running at its best. Reimage is a fast, easy and safe solution to fixing PC freeze and all other Windows problems.

Virus Damage

Once your computer has been infected with a virus, it’s no longer the same. After removing it with your anti-virus software, you’re often left with lingering side-effects. The symptoms vary, but the bottom line is the same: Your computer doesn’t work the way it used to. Your favorite programs crash frequently, your registry entries are a mess and even your wallpaper is mysteriously missing.

Why did this happen? You’ve already removed the virus. Shouldn’t the havoc it caused go away, along with it? What about the damage caused to your system? Isn’t it simply erased, along with the malware that caused it?

Technically, your computer might no longer be infected, but that doesn’t mean it’s error-free. Simple removing a virus can actually harm your system.

Invisible Virus Damage

Many Trojans and viruses do not advertise their presence on your computer. Viruses can surreptitiously infiltrate your PC, and both the files and the system will remain operable. Trojans can hide themselves in and secretly corrupt your PC without you suspecting anything is wrong.

This is the reason an antivirus program is so essential.

Anti-virus Programs and Reimage

Reimage is a complementary solution to your anti-virus software. Your anti-virus software is there to detect new threats, terminate them and constantly protect your PC while Reimage is there to heal the damage these viruses have already caused.

That’s why a full system scan of your entire hard drive with a good anti-virus program is always recommended after a Reimage repair.

Reimage Gets Rid of Virus Damage

Reimage uses a number of different virus engines simultaneously and a custom virus engine, developed by our R&D team. We use white lists together with black lists to better detect what should and should not reside in your operating system. This allows us to pinpoint and exterminate harmful components.
The Reimage repair automatically compares system files with the Reimage repository files. Infected files are easily pointed out and then replaced with healthy ones. Infected files locked by viruses or by your operating system will be replaced when you reboot your PC.

Operating System Recovery

A clean reinstallation of Windows is often the only solution when your computer gets too congested to work anymore. However, a thorough reinstall of the Operating System is a time-consuming task that involves lengthy back-ups, long installations, and days to find and reinstall all of your favorite programs.

Reimage is the best alternative to that long, unnecessary process. You can reduce your computer’s idle time and reinstall the Windows Operating System, without resorting to an unnecessary and often risky technique that’s best left to professional technicians.

The Reimage process saves you the time and hassle of having to:

  1. Download endless registry cleaners and system optimizers that simply don’t work
  2. Figure out if you have a virus
  3. Find your Windows installation CD and realize it is outdated or scratched
  4. Reinstall Windows and actually «start from scratch»
  5. Reinstall broken drivers, software applications, recover license keys and passwords

In most cases, it means you will never need to reinstall Windows again.

One download, a few clicks, and the software will refresh your entire Windows PC.

Reimage will revive your entire system, leaving it error-free and stable, safely and securely.

One click & a free scan gets you started.

How to fix
Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002?

Follow these steps to fix your problem:

It is highly suggested that you carry out all the steps in exact manner to effectively get rid of your problem.

Scan the Computer with Reimage Repair Tool

This repair tool is free to download as well as easy to use. It scans, detects and repairs your computer for system errors like Apb Reloaded Error Code 11002. The tool is powerful enough to find malicious items that are hidden on the computer.

1. Download Reimage Repair Tool from the link below. Save the file to your Desktop so that we can access the file easily.
Reimage Repair Tool Download Link (right-click and save to your Desktop)

2. After downloading, navigate to the file location and double-click it. This will start the installation procedure. User Account Control will prompt if you want to run the program, click Yes to continue.

3. On initial launch of the program, it will display a welcome screen as shown in the image below. Leave the checkbox unticked to allow the repair tool to start an automatic scan and click Install to start the installation procedure.

4. Reimage will now install itself on your computer. The tool will download necessary updates so Internet connection is required at this point.

5. The tool will automatically start a preliminary scan of your machine to help determine the health of your PC.

6. Once the scan is complete Reimage will tell you which areas of your PC are damaged and if a repair is necessary. If it is, click on the Start Repair button in the bottom right corner.

7. After Reimage has finished it’s repair your computer should be fixed. You may need to restart your computer to complete the process.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)

Ошибка сокета 10004 — Прерванный вызов функции
Ошибка сокета 10013 — Доступ запрещен
Ошибка сокета 10014 — Плохо адрес
Ошибка сокета 10022 — Неверный аргумент
Ошибка сокета 10024 — Слишком много открытых файлов
Ошибка сокета 10035 — Ресурс временно недоступен
Ошибка сокета 10036 — Операция выполняется
Ошибка сокета 10037 — Операция уже выполняется
Ошибка сокета 10038 — операции с сокетом на не-разъем
Ошибка сокета 10039 — Требуется указать адрес назначения
Ошибка сокета 10040 — сообщение слишком длинное
Ошибка сокета 10041 — неправильный тип протокола для сокета
Ошибка сокета 10042 — плохой вариант протокола
Ошибка сокета 10043 — Протокол не поддерживается
Ошибка сокета 10044 — Гнездо типа не поддерживается
Ошибка сокета 10045 — Операция не поддерживается
Ошибка сокета 10046 — семейство протоколов не поддерживается
Ошибка сокета 10047 — Семейство адресов не поддерживается семейством протоколов
Ошибка сокета 10048 — Адрес уже используется
Ошибка сокета 10049 — Невозможно присвоить запрошенный адрес
Ошибка сокета 10050 — Сеть недоступна
Ошибка сокета 10051 — Сеть недоступен
Ошибка сокета 10052 — Сеть связи упали на сброс
Ошибка сокета 10053 — Программное обеспечение вызвало связи прервать
Ошибка сокета 10054 — Соединение разорвано
Ошибка сокета 10055 — Недостаточно буферного пространства
Ошибка сокета 10056 — Socket уже подключен
Ошибка сокета 10057 — Нет соединения на сокете
Ошибка сокета 10058 — Не могу отправить после выключения гнездо
Ошибка сокета 10060 — тайм-аут подключения
Ошибка сокета 10061 — в подключении отказано
Ошибка сокета 10064 — сервер временно недоступен
Ошибка сокета 10065 — не путь к хосту
Ошибка сокета 10067 — Слишком много процессов
Ошибка сокета 10091 — сетевой подсистемы недоступен
Ошибка сокета 10092 — WINSOCK.DLL из версии диапазоне
Ошибка сокета 10093 — Успешное WSAStartup еще не выполнена

Ошибка сокета 10094 — Изящный выключения в процессе
Ошибка сокета 11001 — Сервер не найден
Ошибка сокета 11002 — Неавторитетная сервер не найден
Ошибка сокета 11003 — Это неустранимая ошибка
Ошибка сокета 11004 — допустимое имя, данные записи требуемого типа prof

Ошибка 1008 — Аккаунт заблокирован! fear

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