I install the latest version of Android Studio Android Studio 4.0.1.then after i open Android studio and create sample project.after that i open AVD manager and «create virtual device»,then after i download Android 10.0+ API 30 level emulator. Issue is AVD not start.please check Images
PC configuration:
Window 7 Professional,Service Pack 1,
8GB RAM,64-bit,intel core i3,Asus
I already enable VT- x in my pc
Vadim Kotov
8,1048 gold badges48 silver badges62 bronze badges
asked Aug 16, 2020 at 12:17
I made VT-x enabled and saved it many times,but AVD did not start.
I changed lithium battery on MB,so now AVD works.
I think if lithium battery on MB is low,BIOS will not work properly.
answered Dec 1, 2020 at 7:08
I did this and it solved my problem:
- Go to SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> remove «Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM Installer)»
- Click OK to uninstall HAXM.
- When the uninstall process is complete, close SDK Manager, open it again and install HAXM again the same way.
- Optional: Wipe data of your emulator and perform a cold boot.
- If the problem still exists uninstall/install Android emulator in SDK Manager -> SDK Tools as well.
If your system has low resources (RAM, CPU) like mine, it just can’t. Don’t push it.
answered Jan 26, 2021 at 18:02
Ali HasAli Has
6081 gold badge8 silver badges24 bronze badges
In addition to reinstalling HAXM, I added android SDK , JDK & JRE paths in environment variable and I got AVD working.
Add new entry user variables in environment variables where
variable name= ANDROID_HOME
value= C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
variable name= JAVA_HOME
value= C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.11
variable name= JRE_HOME
value= C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_291
Add new entries/apend ANDROID_HOME;JAVA_HOME;JRE_HOME to path user variable in environment variable.
answered Jun 15, 2021 at 14:45
I’m a newbie, my problem is when I try to make a new AVD I get this message :
«an error occurred while creating the avd. see idea.log for details»
I just downloaded android studio , dunno what to do
this is from the log file : unable to find a ‘userdata.img’ file for ABI x86 to copy into the avd folder
asked Mar 29, 2017 at 22:28
Mohamad HasanMohamad Hasan
431 gold badge1 silver badge8 bronze badges
If you are in linux, try this:
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
It worked for me!
answered Mar 31, 2017 at 10:11
You pasted x86_64
file inside the default folder
C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-29\default
Past it in android-29
folder not in default
JG in SD
5,4273 gold badges34 silver badges46 bronze badges
answered Feb 12, 2020 at 15:05
On windows:
- Used ‘Clone Device’ option on device definition, it will add new device into list with appending ‘(edited)1’ string.
- select this clone device: press ‘Next’
- select this clone device: press ‘Next’
- select system image as per your requirement: press ‘Next’
- select ‘Show Advance Setting’ scroll down: in ‘Memory and Storage’ choose ‘External file’ (which is disable/gray-out in actual device but available in clone device) keep entry empty.
- press ‘Finish’
Hope this will solve your issue.
answered Apr 13, 2019 at 6:01
I had this same issue and after trying @Tiago Elias’s answer, I got passed that stage but ran into another problem whereby the emulator could not launch. Surprisingly, all of these where happening because I did not install the Android Emulator from SDK Tools. To do this,
Open the SDK Manager
Select the SDK Tools tab, If Android Emulator is unchecked, then check it and click on OK.
You can now create a new emulator and run your app in it.
answered Apr 17, 2019 at 4:08
1,21219 silver badges25 bronze badges
There might be several reason for this error, but this solution worked for me:
Go to your avd location «C:\Users.android\avd», delete all the files inside this, and create the AVD Emulators once again from the Android Studio.
answered Dec 16, 2020 at 8:45
9081 gold badge10 silver badges25 bronze badges
Update for latest Android 2021 September — on Windows i deleted the SDK and reinstalled it, that fixed it for me.
answered Sep 11, 2021 at 19:13
6081 gold badge6 silver badges20 bronze badges
when avd runs gradle build is running sudden error occured that:
Darkaction bar theme is not found and resource linking failed.
answered Aug 16, 2022 at 8:50
Error: An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details – When it occurs: When you want to add an AVD into your android studio then you will face this issue. This issue will not allow to add your required virtual device to android studio unless you solve it.
Error: An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details – What it means to say:
- Error: An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details – What it means to say:
- Error: An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details – How to fix this issue?:</h2
AVD stands for Android virtual device which is in technical terms called as emulator. There are two types of virtual devices we have one is Emulator and other one is Simulator. Simulator the activity of something that it is simulating and Emulator is like clone of an original device. Both are based on testing and usage are also same with some different limitations.
Error: An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details – How to fix this issue?:</h2
Solution : Provide file all type permission(777) to the android studio folder.
For Mac Users : You can use file ownership commands through terminal
Changing File Owner with Chown by command through terminal:
Command 1: sudo chown -v cory myFile.rtf
After this it will ask for system password.
For Linux Users : Below command will do the work for you
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
For Windows Users :
Follow below steps to install AVD in android studio
1. Select ‘Clone Device’ option , selecting this will add new device into list with appending ‘(edited)1’ string.
2. Select this clone device: press ‘Next’
3. Select this clone device: press ‘Next’
4. Select system image as per your requirement: press ‘Next’
5. Select ‘Show Advance Setting’ scroll down: in ‘Memory and Storage’ choose ‘External file’ (which is disable/gray-out in actual device but available in clone device) keep entry empty.
6. Press ‘Finish’
Read More –
- Malwarebytes for Android
- How to Fix Gmail Server Error 007?
- How to Fix ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome 2021
Note: Also check you have available space of your drive that can also cause these issues to occur.
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Experiencing the «Emulator Process for AVD was terminated» error in Android Studio can be quite frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of a project. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to resolve this issue and get your Android Virtual Device (AVD) up and running again.
Table of Contents
- Check Your System Requirements
- Update Android Studio and SDK Tools
- Reconfigure or Create a New AVD
- Disable or Uninstall Conflicting Software
- FAQs
- Related Links
1. Check Your System Requirements
Ensure your system meets the minimum requirements to run the Android Emulator. According to the official Android Studio documentation, your system should have the following specifications:
- 64-bit processor
- 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended
- Hardware virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V)
- Updated graphics drivers
Updating Android Studio and SDK Tools to the latest version can help resolve this issue. Follow these steps:
- Open Android Studio.
- Click on Help in the top menu bar, then click Check for Updates (On Mac, click Android Studio > Check for Updates).
- If updates are available, follow the prompts to install them.
- Open the SDK Manager by clicking Tools > SDK Manager.
- In the SDK Manager, ensure that the following components are up to date:
- Android SDK Platform-Tools
- Android SDK Build-Tools
- Android Emulator
- If any updates are available, select the components and click Apply to install them.
3. Reconfigure or Create a New AVD
Corrupted or misconfigured AVDs can cause the emulator process to terminate. To fix this, try reconfiguring or creating a new AVD:
- Open the AVD Manager by clicking Tools > AVD Manager.
- Select the problematic AVD and click the Edit button (pencil icon).
- Check the AVD configuration and ensure it aligns with your project requirements.
- If the AVD is still not working, consider creating a new AVD by clicking the Create Virtual Device button in the AVD Manager.
4. Disable or Uninstall Conflicting Software
Some software, like antivirus programs and virtualization tools, can interfere with the Android Emulator. To resolve the «Emulator Process for AVD was terminated» issue, disable or uninstall any software that might be conflicting with the emulator.
Q1: What does the ‘Emulator Process for AVD was terminated’ error mean?
This error occurs when Android Studio is unable to launch the Android Emulator properly. It can be caused by various factors, such as outdated software, misconfigured AVD settings, or conflicts with other software on your system.
Q2: How do I check if my system supports hardware virtualization?
To check if your system supports hardware virtualization, you can use a tool like Intel Processor Identification Utility for Intel processors or AMD-V Detection Utility for AMD processors.
Q3: Can I use an alternative emulator if the Android Emulator doesn’t work?
Yes, you can use alternative emulators like Genymotion or BlueStacks, which might be compatible with your system if the Android Emulator is not working.
Q4: Can I run the Android Emulator on a system with less than 4 GB RAM?
Although the minimum requirement for running the Android Emulator is 4 GB RAM, it might be possible to run it on a system with less RAM. However, the emulator’s performance might be significantly slower, and you may encounter issues during usage.
Q5: How do I update my graphics drivers to improve emulator performance?
To update your graphics drivers, visit the official website of your graphics card manufacturer (such as NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel) and download the latest drivers for your specific model. Then, follow the provided installation instructions.
- Android Studio User Guide
- Run apps on the Android Emulator
- Genymotion: Android Emulator
- BlueStacks: Android Emulator
When starting the simulator, you need to download Andriod 10.0 (Google), I use Over the Wall to download and then select «COULD NOT START AVD» after downloading the downloaded mobile phone type, or when used in the second boot When you drop down to the AVD Manager, you will pop up TIPS: COULD NOT Start AVD when running the downloaded virtual phone, as shown below:
Workaround — Open the terminal execution command:
sudo chown ly -R /dev/kvm
The role of this sentence is: , ly is my username, in exchange for your personal username.
Run the Activity under Android Studio again to display it.
Эмулятор в Android Studio не запускается
Я думаю, что это проблема со ссылкой на SDK в структуре проекта, но когда я нажимаю «Выполнить» и выбираю «Запуск эмулятора», ничего не появляется.
У меня такая же проблема. Я только что создал AVD с 768 МБ ОЗУ, и он отлично работал!
У меня была аналогичная проблема . Android-эмулятор не открывается. Вам нужно выяснить причину этого . Вы можете запустить свой эмулятор из командной строки. Для этого вы можете скопировать и вставить свою командную строку из консоли Android Studio «Выполнить» или «AVD». Например:
» android-sdk tools emulator.exe -avd Default_Nexus_5 -netspeed full -netdelay none»
Когда вы запускаете его из терминала командной строки, он выдает сообщение с ошибкой. В моем случае это было полезно для обнаружения проблемы:
.. android-sdk tools> emulator: ОШИБКА: для эмуляции x86 в настоящее время требуется аппаратное ускорение! Убедитесь, что Intel HAXM правильно установлен и может использоваться. Состояние ускорения процессора: модуль ядра HAX не установлен!
Мне нужно было активировать ускорение графического процессора с помощью инструмента, чтобы включить его на моей машине. Я решил установить из SDK Manager инструмент HAXM .
У меня была другая проблема . Например, я назначил неправильный URL-адрес для пути к скину моего виртуального устройства . Чтобы решить эту проблему, я настроил свое виртуальное устройство с допустимым скином из моей платформы sdk: ‘ android- sdk platform android- skins ‘
Сейчас открывается нормально.
Обновление 08.08.2019:
Для более новой версии Android SDK путь к эмулятору должен быть:
» android-sdk emulator emulator.exe»
В моем случае андроид зависает при запуске. Я решил стереть пользовательские данные и принудительно выполнить холодную загрузку с помощью Android Virtual Device Manager (Инструменты-> AVD Manager)
Похоже, что «Ожидание подключения целевого устройства . » — это общее сообщение, которое появляется всегда, когда эмулятор не может запуститься должным образом. И в чем причина этого? Как видите, причин могло быть много.
Я думаю, что лучший способ найти конкретную ошибку в эмуляторе — запустить его в терминале. Так:
1 — Откройте терминал и перейдите в эту папку:
2 — Запустите эмулятор с помощью этой команды:
Вы можете увидеть имя ваших (ранее созданных с помощью AVD Manager) эмуляторов с помощью этой команды:
Если все в порядке, программа не запускается, а пишет в терминале конкретную ошибку.
В моем случае приложение сообщает, что возникла проблема с загрузкой графического драйвера (« ошибка libGL: невозможно загрузить драйвер: r600_dri.so »). Как объясняется здесь , похоже, что Google упаковал с Android Studio старую версию одной библиотеки, и эмулятор не работает, когда пытается использовать мою графическую карту.
Решение? Очень просто: использовать системные библиотеки вместо упакованных в Android Studio. Как? Добавление «-use-system-libs» в конец команды. Так:
Окончательное решение — установить для переменной среды ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS значение 1 для вашего пользователя / системы. С этим изменением, когда я запускаю эмулятор в Android Studio, он также загружает системные библиотеки.
PS 1 — Самый простой способ установить переменную среды, который я нашел, — это изменить скрипт, запускающий Android Studio ( studio.sh , в моем случае он находится внутри / opt / android-stuido / bin ), и добавить в начале это:
PS 2 — Я работаю с Debian Jessie и Android Studio 2.2.3. Моя графическая карта — ATI Radeon HD 6850 от Sapphire.
ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ Декабрь 2017: у меня была такая же проблема с Debian Stretch и Android Studio 3.0.1 (та же графическая карта). У меня работает то же решение.
AVD doesn’t work after installing Android Studio [closed]
Questions on Android Enthusiasts should be asked from a end-user point of view and within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 6 months ago .
I installed Android Studio, but when I try to run, the emulator is not working. When I googled, I find some instructions in which the
- Open SDK Manager and Download Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) if you haven’t.
Now go to your SDK directory (C:usersusernameAppDataLocalAndroidsdk, generally). In this directory Go to extra > intel > Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager and run the file named «intelhaxm-android.exe».
In case you get an error like «Intel virtualization technology (vt,vt-x) is not enabled». Go to your BIOS settings and enable Hardware Virtualization.
- Restart Android Studio and then try to start the AVD again.
but I don’t know where is BIOS setting of my computer. I have HP desktop CPU and try to find the BIOS from start, F10 as well as from change PC setting in Windows, but all in vain.
3 Answers 3
I faced a similar problem recently on my windows 10 laptop and found out that the Intel virtualization technology (vt-x) was disabled from BIOS.
In case you are using a new laptop which comes per-installed with Windows 8/8.1/10 then chances are that you cannot enter the BIOS manually while booting. Reason being they have changed BIOS to UEFI which is no longer accessible through boot but instead you need to do the following steps:
Go to Windows > Settings > Update and Security > Recovery. Then under Advanced startup, click Restart now. The system will restart and show the Windows 10 boot menu. Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > UEFI Firmware Settings. Click Restart to restart the system and enter UEFI (BIOS). from here you can access the UEFI menu (which is similar to BIOS)
Search for the VT-x setting (It may be named as Intel VT or Vanderpool or Virtualization Extensions or something similar depending on your OEM and BIOS.)