Amd action authenticate sp ошибка

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Error logging into App Store — AMD-Action:authenticate:SP

I just erased my hard drive to do a hard restore and when in the boot menu I am trying to reinstall OS X El Capitan. I select my HD as the drive to install on and it prompts me to log into the App Store. I enter my info and it begins to login and then I get the message «An unexpected error occurred while signing in. AMD-Action:authenticate:SP.»

I am stuck and have no way to boot my computer because the HD is wiped. Any suggestions to get past this?


OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)

Posted on Oct 3, 2016 11:23 AM

Error logging into App Store — AMD-Action:authenticate:SP

«Не удалось войти X-Apple-AMD-Action_message»

Ошибка «X-Apple-AMD-Action_message» в iOS и iTunes — как исправить?

Доброго времени суток! Компания Apple хоть и достаточно тщательно следит за программным обеспечением своих устройств, однако нет ничего идеального. В частности, в последнее время, некоторые пользователи столкнулись с очень странной ошибкой, которая проявляется при попытке загрузить приложение или игру из App Store (как на мобильных устройствах, так и на ПК) – «Не удалось войти X-Apple-AMD-Action_message».

На самом деле, в интернете крайне мало информации, по поводу этого «бага», даже пользователи из Китая (которые впереди планеты всей по части что-нибудь «взломать») называют только один действенный способ решения данной ситуации (о нем ниже). В общем, мы с Вами, будем, так сказать, первопроходцами:) Давайте разбираться, как избавится от этого надоедливого сообщения и можно ли вообще это сделать? Поехали!

Выглядит это, кстати, вот так:

Ошибка x-apple-amd-action_message на iPhone

Убираем «X Apple AMD Action message» в iTunes на Mac и Windows

Судя по иноязычным форумам, на компьютере данный сбой возникает в случае смены какого-то компонента (например жесткого диска) или просто спонтанно, при работе с магазином App Store в общем, и, iBooks, в частности.

Однако они же (американские пользователи), нашли выход:

  1. Необходимо выйти из учетной записи iTunes и «отвязать» устройство от компьютера. В программе iTunes (левый верхний угол – iTunes Store – деавторизовать этот компьютер).Деавторизовываем компьютер в iTunes
  2. Перезагрузить ПК.
  3. Авторизоваться заново.

Должно помочь.

Кстати, если обратиться к официальной службе поддержки Apple, то

Она советует поступить точно также.

Убедиться в этом можно вот по этой ссылке.

Как избавиться от «Не удалось войти X Apple AMD…» на iPhone и iPad

Здесь все намного тяжелее.

Дело в том, что полностью блокируется установка приложений из App Store (официального, хотя есть и другие), и программы просто отказываются загружаться.

Кстати, зачастую данный «глюк» проявляется на iPhone и iPad с установленным джейлбрейком или бета-версией прошивки.

Пользователи, у которых на устройстве официальная (не взломанная) iOS, чувствуют себя спокойно.

Что можно сделать?

  1. Выйти из учетной записи App Store (Меню – Настройки – iTunes Store, Apple Store – Apple ID – Выйти). Перезагрузить гаджет и зайти заново.
  2. Установить последнюю версию прошивки (не бета).
  3. Избавится от джейлбрейка. Напомню, для этого понадобится восстанавливать телефон (или обновлять ПО), простым сбросом настроек отделаться не получится.

На данный момент, это все варианты борьбы с данным сбоем, но самое главное – они работают и после этих манипуляций iTunes и App Store заработают как часы!

P.S. Ставьте «лайки», если Вам помогла данная статья или пишите в комментариях что получилось, а что нет.

P.S.S. А лучше и «лайк» поставить, и коммент написать! Потому что… а почему бы и нет?:)

Дорогие друзья! Минутка полезной информации:

1. Вступайте в группу ВК — возможно, именно там вы сможете получить всю необходимую вам помощь!
2. Иногда я занимаюсь ерундой (запускаю стрим) — играю в игрушки в прямом эфире. Приходите, буду рад общению!
3. Вы всегда можете кинуть деньги в монитор (поддержать автора). Респект таким людям!
P.S. Моя самая искренняя благодарность (карта *9644, *4550, *0524, *9328, *1619, *6732, *6299, *4889, *1072, *9808, *7501, *6056, *7251, *4949, *6339, *6715, *4037, *2227, *8877, *7872, *5193, *0061, *7354, *6622, *9273, *5012, *1962, *1687 + перевод *8953, *2735, *2760 + без реквизитов (24.10.2021 в 18.34; 10.12.2021 в 00.31)) — очень приятно!

When doing a clean re-installation of El Capitan (highest supported version) from a bootable USB on an older Mac (MBP, 15-inch, Late 2008), I get this error:

An unexpected error occured while signing in.

The error shows up, while logging in with the Apple ID into the App Store in the installer.

    I tried with different Apple IDs,

Also tried running these commands in the Recovery Terminal and restarting:

Выполняя чистую переустановку El Capitan (самая высокая поддерживаемая версия) с загрузочного USB на более старшем Mac (MBP, 15 дюймов, конец 2008 года), я получаю эту ошибку:

При входе в систему произошла непредвиденная ошибка.

AMD-Действие: аутентифицировать: SP

Ошибка появляется при входе в Apple ID в App Store в установщике.

    Я пробовал с разными идентификаторами Apple,

Также попытался выполнить эти команды в терминале восстановления и перезапуске:

2 ответа

Проблема заключалась в том, что старый Mac не установил правильную дату.

Удерживайте Option (ALT) + Command + R при запуске Mac, чтобы запустить восстановление в Интернете

Переход в Utilities > Terminal запускает терминал восстановления

Выполнить date mmddHHMMyy — это решает проблему (дата должна быть в PST!)

Запустите csrutil enable

Запустите csrutil clear

Выйдите из терминала восстановления и продолжите установку OS X как обычно.

Для меня проблема была в том, что у меня не было доступа к общей папке в разделе «Пользователи» на основном диске. Когда я изменил разрешение для общей папки с помощью «Получить информацию> разрешение папки> Установить для чтения», проблема была решена.

Доброго времени суток! Компания Apple хоть и достаточно тщательно следит за программным обеспечением своих устройств, однако нет ничего идеального. В частности, в последнее время, некоторые пользователи столкнулись с очень странной ошибкой, которая проявляется при попытке загрузить приложение или игру из App Store (как на мобильных устройствах, так и на ПК) – «Не удалось войти X-Apple-AMD-Action_message».

На самом деле, в интернете крайне мало информации, по поводу этого «бага», даже пользователи из Китая (которые впереди планеты всей по части что-нибудь «взломать») называют только один действенный способ решения данной ситуации (о нем ниже). В общем, мы с Вами, будем, так сказать, первопроходцами:) Давайте разбираться, как избавится от этого надоедливого сообщения и можно ли вообще это сделать? Поехали!

Выглядит это, кстати, вот так:

Убираем «X Apple AMD Action message» в iTunes на Mac и Windows

Судя по иноязычным форумам, на компьютере данный сбой возникает в случае смены какого-то компонента (например жесткого диска) или просто спонтанно, при работе с магазином App Store в общем, и, iBooks, в частности. Однако они же (американские пользователи), нашли выход:

  1. Необходимо выйти из учетной записи iTunes и «отвязать» устройство от компьютера. В программе iTunes (левый верхний угол – iTunes Store – деавторизовать этот компьютер).
  2. Перезагрузить ПК.
  3. Авторизоваться заново.

Должно помочь. Кстати, официальная служба поддержки Apple советует поступить также (смотреть).

Как избавиться от «Не удалось войти X Apple AMD…» на iPhone и iPad

Здесь все намного тяжелее, дело в том, что полностью блокируется установка приложений из App Store (официального, хотя есть и другие), и программы просто отказываются загружаться. Данный «глюк» проявляется на iPhone и iPad с установленным джейлбрейком или бета-версией прошивки. Пользователи, у которых на устройстве официальная (не взломанная) iOS, чувствуют себя спокойно.

Что можно сделать?

  1. Выйти из учетной записи App Store (Меню – Настройки – iTunes Store, Apple Store – Apple ID – Выйти). Перезагрузить гаджет и зайти заново.
  2. Установить последнюю версию прошивки (не бета).
  3. Избавится от джейлбрейка. Напомню, для этого понадобится восстанавливать телефон (или обновлять ПО), простым сбросом настроек отделаться не получится.

На данный момент, это все варианты борьбы с данным сбоем, но самое главное – они работают и после этих манипуляций iTunes и App Store заработают как часы!

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply

ask a new question.

AMD-Action:authenticate:SP error while trying to download Xcode 7.1

I am not sure if this the right forum.

While trying to update from Xcode 7.0.1 to Xcode 7.1, I do receive the error «AMD-Action:authenticate:SP».

This is only true for Xcode. Other apps can be downloaded.

It also not possible to see details of my account but I can see all my bought products.

Any hint?

OS X El Capitan (10.11)

Posted on Oct 23, 2015 12:13 AM

4 replies

Question marked as


Nov 8, 2015 11:57 AM in response to hjbflyer

I was having a similar issue.

After selecting Update or Update All in the Mac OS X App Store, and entering my correct Apple Id username and password, I get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred while signing in.


I am using two-step verification with my Apple Id.

Turns out my problem was related to the location of the /Users/Shared/adi directory.

My /Users/Shared directory was a symbolic link to another volume, which, based on other research and looking at the App Store debug logs, appears to cause issues.

I removed the symlink, recreated the /Users/Shared directory on the boot volume, moved the adi directory from the other Volumes, and then recreated symlinks to the other directories I had in /Users/Shared. which resolved the App Store issue.

Question marked as


Oct 24, 2015 12:47 AM in response to hjbflyer

I’ve been getting the same thing for the last couple of days.

When I switched back to Yosemite I had to accept a new Mac App Store agreement (price changes for Apple TV) before I could download anything, after that I had no problem installing XCode 7.1.

Switching back to 10.11.1 and the error is still there, so I suspect there is something wrong with the ability to display the new agreement in EC, but just a guess. I’ve tried logging out and back into the Store, but could not get back in.

Question marked as


Oct 24, 2015 6:25 AM in response to hjbflyer

I had the same issue for a couple of days.

What I did to solve it:

— Open iTunes

— Go to Apps tab

— Click to download an app update (any app)

A page about the agreements, price changes, … opened. I cas then able to accept it.

And I could download updates from Mac App Store (in AppStore application).

Question marked as


Nov 1, 2015 7:15 AM in response to vbjelak

I have found that my problem was due to the fact that my /Users directory was on another physical drive (I have a HDD and a SSD in my macbook pro). Moving the /Users/Shared folder from my HDD to my (primary) SSD solved the problem.

17 replies

Question marked as


Oct 24, 2015 12:47 AM in response to hjbflyer

I’ve been getting the same thing for the last couple of days.

When I switched back to Yosemite I had to accept a new Mac App Store agreement (price changes for Apple TV) before I could download anything, after that I had no problem installing XCode 7.1.

Switching back to 10.11.1 and the error is still there, so I suspect there is something wrong with the ability to display the new agreement in EC, but just a guess. I’ve tried logging out and back into the Store, but could not get back in.

Question marked as


Oct 24, 2015 6:25 AM in response to hjbflyer

I had the same issue for a couple of days.

What I did to solve it:

— Open iTunes

— Go to Apps tab

— Click to download an app update (any app)

A page about the agreements, price changes, … opened. I cas then able to accept it.

And I could download updates from Mac App Store (in AppStore application).

Oct 24, 2015 11:16 AM in response to MadMacs0

I found a solution which worked for me.

I have several machines and I had no problems downloading Xcode 7.1 on the other systems I finally did the following:

1. rename (just to be sure)

2. I copied new new Xcode version (7.1) from my MacBook to my MacPro.

3. I opened a terminal and typed in the following commands

  • cd /Applicatoions
  • su chown -R root:wheel

4. Next I started Xcode (7.1). Everything seem to work fine. But after a while Xcode wanted to update libraries, docs … It complaint that there was

a problem with the account. So I opened Settings->Acocunt. The dialog showed (in red) that it could not login into my account. I typed in my

password again — and the error was gone — and Xcode could download the missing parts.


Oct 24, 2015 12:37 PM in response to Earil Kint

Thanks, but it didn’t work for me. I got the app without the agreement, so that doesn’t appear to be my issue.

Oct 24, 2015 12:39 PM in response to hjbflyer

That got me signed me back into my developer AppleID account, but I still can’t log into MAS.

Oct 31, 2015 6:32 AM in response to MadMacs0

Same problem here, can’t log into MAS, meaning no app update or new downloads.

Nov 1, 2015 7:10 AM in response to Earil Kint

Thanks but issue persist for me.. I can download app from iTunes App but Apple Store App is still troublesome.. :S

I can not update or download any APP (including free apps, Xcode or final version of El Capitan cause i am still on beta)

Question marked as


Nov 1, 2015 7:15 AM in response to vbjelak

I have found that my problem was due to the fact that my /Users directory was on another physical drive (I have a HDD and a SSD in my macbook pro). Moving the /Users/Shared folder from my HDD to my (primary) SSD solved the problem.

Nov 1, 2015 8:33 AM in response to samric

Me too.. I kinda supposed that is the problem but could’t resolve it. Actually I could update Xcode by making new login account but there is no trace of El Capitan final (10.11.1) update.. So i am with temporal solution, but no final X OS

Nov 3, 2015 12:54 PM in response to samric


it looked that what you have found could also have been the problem on my system. As you might have read above, I found a different solution for me.

But the difference on the 3 systems which could be updated without any problems and the one with problems was exactly like yours:

/Users was on a different physical drive.

Question marked as


Nov 8, 2015 11:57 AM in response to hjbflyer

I was having a similar issue.

After selecting Update or Update All in the Mac OS X App Store, and entering my correct Apple Id username and password, I get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred while signing in.


I am using two-step verification with my Apple Id.

Turns out my problem was related to the location of the /Users/Shared/adi directory.

My /Users/Shared directory was a symbolic link to another volume, which, based on other research and looking at the App Store debug logs, appears to cause issues.

I removed the symlink, recreated the /Users/Shared directory on the boot volume, moved the adi directory from the other Volumes, and then recreated symlinks to the other directories I had in /Users/Shared. which resolved the App Store issue.

Nov 9, 2015 5:47 AM in response to bnixon67

Hi bnixon67

I’m having the same problem: when I want to download updates from MAS I got the «AMD-Action:authenticate:SP» error.

I want to try your solutions, but I’m not that experienced, so please could you give some (a lot of) more detailled instructions how to do the «/Users/Shared» delete/move/copy thing?

I’m having 2 disks (one SSD «Macintosh HD», one HDD «Macintosh HD 2», the SSD contains MacOS, all Apps and a Symlink to the Users directory, the HDD contains all the rest (incl. users directories).

Looking forward to your explanations 😕


Nov 10, 2015 2:45 PM in response to samric

samric wrote:

Moving the /Users/Shared folder from my HDD to my (primary) SSD solved the problem.

Thanks, that was my problem, as well. Report filed with Apple.

Nov 19, 2015 9:22 PM in response to beatus100

That worked for me! Thanks.

Via command line (make sure Shared doesn’t already exist on your primary drive and then run…):

$ cd /Volumes/PRIMARY/Users

$ sudo mkdir Shared

$ sudo ditto /Volumes/SECONDARY/Users/Shared /Volumes/PRIMARY/Users/Shared/ /

Nov 5, 2016 11:05 AM in response to hjbflyer

This is alternate solution if your comfortable with the command line and using a terminal.

I had relocated the Shared directory and was using a symbolic link from /Users/Shared -> To my second disk location, then I upgrade and bang started getting the error. I figured the problem out but was not satisfied with answer and though I could work around it I wanted something better.

I had a space issue’s as I use music software, the samples want to install under /Users/Shared. So being available for every user with an account. I did not have the luxury of space on the primary drive. But I have to say that apple not respecting a symbolic link is pretty stupid, that’s why they where invited to help relocate resource and abstract away and make transparent any dependencies.

Regardless I found an alternate solution , the apple version of the mount command has less functionality than the version found on Linux. On Linux you can use the mount command with a —bind option to mount a directory from one location to another directory.

So this solution makes use of bindfs a tool design fro the job.

  1. Install FUSE for OS X
  2. Install Brew or update your existing install via
    brew update
  3. In a Terminal:
    brew install bindfs
  4. sudo mkdir /Users/Shared
  5. sudo bindfs -o volname=»Shared» /Volumes/MySecondDisk/Shared/ /Users/Shared

This presents a volume at the correct system level, its a simple matter of putting this in script and associating with your start-up items eg.


sudo /opt/local/bin/bindfs -o volname=»Shared» /Volumes/USB1/Shared/ /Users/Shared

AMD-Action:authenticate:SP error while trying to download Xcode 7.1

When doing a clean re-installation of El Capitan (highest supported version) from a bootable USB on an older Mac (MBP, 15-inch, Late 2008), I get this error:

An unexpected error occured while signing in.


The error shows up, while logging in with the Apple ID into the App Store in the installer.

  • I tried with different Apple IDs,

  • Also tried running these commands
    in the Recovery Terminal and restarting:

    csrutil clear

    csrutil enable

Community's user avatar

asked Feb 22, 2017 at 9:41

Peter Gerhat's user avatar


The problem was that the old Mac did not have its date set correctly.

  1. Hold Option (ALT) + Command + R at Mac startup to start internet recovery

  2. Going into Utilities > Terminal starts the recovery terminal

  3. Run date mmddHHMMyy — this solves the problem (date must be in PST!)

  4. Run csrutil enable

  5. Run csrutil clear

  6. Exit the recovery terminal and continue OS X installation normally.

Here is the full step-by-step solution to solve the problem.

answered Feb 22, 2017 at 13:48

Peter Gerhat's user avatar

Peter GerhatPeter Gerhat

4512 gold badges6 silver badges19 bronze badges


For me, the problem was because I did not have access to the Shared folder under Users in the primary drive. When i changed permission for the Shared folder via ‘Get Info>Folder permission>Set to read’, the problem was resolved..

Hope this helps

answered Aug 31, 2017 at 14:30

Rems's user avatar

This is most likely related to two factor authentication. I was getting this error message when trying to download MacOS High-Sierra from an El-Capitan installation. What fixed the problem for me was to first download something else from the app store. I as then asked to authenticate with tfa and subsequently was allowed to download macos.

answered Jun 1, 2019 at 12:50

Jubei's user avatar


3202 silver badges8 bronze badges

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Over the last few weeks, I’ve been plagued with an issue within the OSX El Capitan App Store, that resulted in me being unable to install any updates or install/purchase new applications. At first, I wondered if this was due to my hasty upgrade to the GM of OSX 10.11, which almost certainly was going have a few bugs and issues being the initial release of a new OS.

After a few attempts at trying to fix the issue using Google, it seemed that although I wasn’t the only one being stung by this error message, it also wasn’t particularly wide spread. A recurring theme was the use of multiple Volumes on OSX, where the ‘/Users/’ directory was not where the App Store expected it to be.

I had an alert for some new updates that needed applying. I clicked the notification to find out that it was an update for iTunes & OSX 10.11.1. Excellent! Maybe a quick and easy fix for my problem. My first worry was that the update wouldn’t work as it was via the App Store (oh the irony!), however it sailed through and I rebooted my box.

I excitedly clicked the App Store icon, and hit ‘Update’ — no joy. Up popped “AMD-Action:authenticate:SP”.

Eventually, after a bit more googling and studying of other fixes, I managed to come up with the following fix:

  1. Check where you user directory resides.

This can be checked by going to ‘Users & Groups’ in System Preferences, and right-clicking your user – you may need to click the lock at the bottom left of the window to allow access to the menu. From here, select ‘Advanced Options’ and look for the home directory.

Once you know this directory, it’s time to jump into Terminal and run some command line magic.

  1. Symlink the correct Users directory to ‘/Users/’
cd /
sudo rm -rf /Users #Run this at your own risk!!
sudo mkdir /Users
sudo ditto -V /Volumes/Your HDD/Users/Shared /Users/Shared

What that final line does, it copies the files within the Shared directory in your user path, to the same directory in the root. Please remember to swap the first location to that of your user directory — tab completion may help here!

After doing all of this, I ran the App Store, and voila! Updates were once again working.

При чистой переустановке El Capitan (самая поддерживаемая версия) с загрузочного USB на старом Mac (MBP, 15-дюймовый, конец 2008 г.) я получаю эту ошибку:

При входе произошла непредвиденная ошибка.

AMD-Действие: Аутентификация: SP

Ошибка появляется при входе с Apple ID в App Store в установщике.

  • Я пытался с разными идентификаторами Apple,
  • Также попытался запустить эти команды в терминале восстановления и перезапустить:

    csrutil ясно

    csrutil enable

Вместо или в дополнение к слову « на старом Mac » предоставьте точную информацию об оборудовании модели Mac, с которой вы работаете.



Проблема заключалась в том, что на старом Mac не была правильно установлена ​​дата.

  1. Держите Option (ALT) + Command + Rпри запуске Mac, чтобы начать восстановление интернета

  2. Зайдя в Utilities > Terminalзапускает терминал восстановления

  3. Выполнить date mmddHHMMyy— это решает проблему (дата должна быть в PST!)

  4. Запустить csrutil enable

  5. Запустить csrutil clear

  6. Выйдите из терминала восстановления и продолжите установку OS X в обычном режиме.

Вот полное пошаговое решение проблемы.

Произошло со мной на старом MacBook, который я не загружал некоторое время, когда пытался сделать обновление. El Capitain уже был установлен, поэтому мне не нужно было переходить в режим восстановления. Корректировать время было достаточно.

Дэвид Онгаро

Установка времени тоже сработала для меня. Хотя пришлось использовать ФДТ из-за времени года.


Просто добавьте к ответу Питера Герхата (у меня недостаточно представителя, чтобы прокомментировать его напрямую): если у вас включена двухфакторная аутентификация и вы нажали это сообщение, измените дату в соответствии с инструкциями, полностью выйдите из восстановления, перезагрузите компьютер снова, затем действуйте как обычно.

Крис Чендлер

От Криса Чандлера: «Если у вас включена двухфакторная аутентификация, и вы нажали это сообщение, измените дату в соответствии с инструкциями, полностью выйдите из восстановления, перезагрузите компьютер и продолжите как обычно».


Для меня проблема была в том, что у меня не было доступа к общей папке в папке «Пользователи» на основном диске. Когда я изменил разрешение для общей папки с помощью «Получить информацию> Разрешение папки> Установить для чтения», проблема была решена ..

Надеюсь это поможет

Скорее всего, это связано с двухфакторной аутентификацией. Я получал это сообщение об ошибке при попытке загрузить MacOS High-Sierra из установки El-Capitan. То, что исправило проблему для меня, было сначала загрузить кое-что еще из магазина приложений. Я как тогда попросил пройти аутентификацию с tfa и впоследствии получил разрешение на загрузку macos.

  • #5

Just for people who might find this post;

NEVER EVER Type: sudo rm -rf /Users

Unless you want to

lose everything

in your user profile…


One of the reasons this issue occurs when /Users/Shared/adi is not on the booted volume. The adi directory is the one the App Store uses for your macOS.

For example:

If you type:

and you get something like:


lrwxr-xr-x   1 root        admin    20 April  5 16:20 Shared -> /Volumes/HOME/Users/Shared

then the Shared folder is linked to another location, and is not actually on /

i.e. this is what you should get:


drwxr-xr-x   1 root        admin    20 April  5 16:20 Shared

Notice the difference between:



l for link, and d for directory.

If you have a link, and not an actual directory, you simply delete the link and recreate the directory.


Here is the correct code to do so:


sudo -s
<enter your admin user password at the prompt>
cd /Users
ls -al
rm Shared
mkdir Shared
chown root Shared
chgrp staff Shared
chmod 775 Shared

If you have a directory, then simply deleting the adi directory and allowing the App Store to recreate it should resolve your issue after restarting of course.

Last edited: May 5, 2017

When doing a clean re-installation of El Capitan (highest supported version) from a bootable USB on an older Mac (MBP, 15-inch, Late 2008), I get this error:

An unexpected error occured while signing in.


The error shows up, while logging in with the Apple ID into the App Store in the installer.

  • I tried with different Apple IDs,

  • Also tried running these commands
    in the Recovery Terminal and restarting:

    csrutil clear

    csrutil enable

Community's user avatar

asked Feb 22, 2017 at 9:41

Peter Gerhat's user avatar


The problem was that the old Mac did not have its date set correctly.

  1. Hold Option (ALT) + Command + R at Mac startup to start internet recovery

  2. Going into Utilities > Terminal starts the recovery terminal

  3. Run date mmddHHMMyy — this solves the problem (date must be in PST!)

  4. Run csrutil enable

  5. Run csrutil clear

  6. Exit the recovery terminal and continue OS X installation normally.

Here is the full step-by-step solution to solve the problem.

answered Feb 22, 2017 at 13:48

Peter Gerhat's user avatar

Peter GerhatPeter Gerhat

4512 gold badges6 silver badges19 bronze badges


For me, the problem was because I did not have access to the Shared folder under Users in the primary drive. When i changed permission for the Shared folder via ‘Get Info>Folder permission>Set to read’, the problem was resolved..

Hope this helps

answered Aug 31, 2017 at 14:30

Rems's user avatar

This is most likely related to two factor authentication. I was getting this error message when trying to download MacOS High-Sierra from an El-Capitan installation. What fixed the problem for me was to first download something else from the app store. I as then asked to authenticate with tfa and subsequently was allowed to download macos.

answered Jun 1, 2019 at 12:50

Jubei's user avatar


3402 silver badges8 bronze badges

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When doing a clean re-installation of El Capitan (highest supported version) from a bootable USB on an older Mac (MBP, 15-inch, Late 2008), I get this error:

An unexpected error occured while signing in.


The error shows up, while logging in with the Apple ID into the App Store in the installer.

  • I tried with different Apple IDs,

  • Also tried running these commands
    in the Recovery Terminal and restarting:

    csrutil clear

    csrutil enable

Best Answer

The problem was that the old Mac did not have its date set correctly.

  1. Hold Option (ALT) + Command + R at Mac startup to start internet recovery

  2. Going into Utilities > Terminal starts the recovery terminal

  3. Run date mmddHHMMyy — this solves the problem (date must be in PST!)

  4. Run csrutil enable

  5. Run csrutil clear

  6. Exit the recovery terminal and continue OS X installation normally.

Here is the full step-by-step solution to solve the problem.

Related Solutions

MacOS – Mac OSX – Install Failed

The Genius Bar will reinstall your OS and/or diagnose any potential hardware problems at no charge regardless of warranty status. The only time they will require a fee is if your Mac is indeed out of warranty and requires a hardware repair, at which time you would need to pay in order to have the repair performed.

If visiting an Apple store is an option for you then by all means don’t let your warranty status stop you from visiting. They should be able to install 10.6 since it came with your Mac and/or 10.8 if you can show proof of purchase for it.

For the actual question, you can view the log file while performing the installation under either File > View Log or View > Log, I don’t have an install in progress at the moment to reference. One of those should show you the log from the installation which would hopefully give you a reference as to what part of the installation failed.

MacBook – Samsung V-Nand SSD 850 EVO 1TB not working

I found the ususal 8GB USB drive was not large enough and only got El Capitan to boot from USB of 16GB or more!

You can see what is happening when you boot the mac using Verbose mode like so:

Right upon hearing the startup chime, press and hold the Command (⌘) – V key combination for Verbose Mode.

As the Mac boots it will spit out lines of code:

You may be able to see whta the problem is from this, or come back and type in teh last few lines fro us to read. Or take a pic with your phone and post that!

  • #1

So I erased my hard drive, and trying to start fresh with this iMac. I was able to erase the hard drive, and every time I go to install MacOS Sierra I get the error «AMD-Action:downloadProduct:SP». I can’t seem to figure this out with any information online. Please help!


Cory Cooper

  • #2

Hello and welcome.

I have heard of this Apple ID signin issue. Normally, it resolves itself in a day or two.

Have you tried it again since Sunday?


  • #3

I did not try it at all yesterday. But since I’m at the reboot screen it doesn’t give me any option to sign in, I’m just clicking to install the OS and I get that error. I’ll try again tonight and see, but please let me know if you have any other ideas I can try.

Cory Cooper

  • #5

Yes that’s what I’m using. I get to the point where I’ve selected the HD and selected to install Sierra, that loads for a few seconds and then the error comes up. At that point I can either retry or cancel. Both get me nowhere.

Cory Cooper

  • #6

OK, I assume you are connected to Wi-Fi or to your network with an Ethernet cable?



  • #7

Yes WiFi. Would cable be better?

Cory Cooper

  • #8

Not necessarily…it just needs a connection to Apple to allow signin and to download the installer. You could try it however, just to rule out a connectivity issue.


  • #9

Ok. Do I need to login to my Apple account from another computer and authorize that computer or something along those lines as well?

  • #10

The iMac is still listed in my Apple account that I can view from my iPhone. Should I remove it from the account and then try?

Cory Cooper

  • #11

You don’t need to authorize it from another device, as it can verify eligibility on its own.

You could try removing it from the account, not sure that would help or if it may cause more issues.

I found this thread in the Apple Communities — Error logging into App Store — AMD-Action:authenticate:SP

Maybe some of their recommendations would help?



  • #12

Ok thanks. I’ve found that thread before, but a key difference. That error is “authenticate” and I’m having the download error. I’ve worked through that thread before without success.

Cory Cooper

  • #13


Do you have another Mac? If so, you could download the Sierra installer and create a bootable installer drive using an app like DiskMaker X.

I personally haven’t run into this issue before in my experience, so I am basically searching for any possible fixes via the Internet as well.

Will keep at it,


  • #14

Also when I get the error, and I click cancel I receive another error that states “ The App Store recovery purchase failed”. Does that shed any light for you?


Cory Cooper

  • #15

A little.

I know you tried Recovery Mode, which attempts to install the last version you had…have you tried Internet Recovery? It will install the version of OS X/macOS that your iMac came with. You can then upgrade to any later versions using App Store > Purchased.

Internet Recovery — power on or restart and hold Command-Option-R immediately when you hear the startup chime. Keep holding until your see the Starting Internet Recovery globe icon. You should then get prompted to join a Wi-Fi network. Once joined, you should see a progress bar, then the OS X Utilities screen, where you can choose Reinstall OS X. It can take quite a while for this to appear, since it is loading from Apple’s servers over the Internet.

See how that goes,


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