Ambient sounds ошибка


I just got forge yesterday and I also got optifine to run with a shader I was using. The mod loaded just fine into the system but there is no sound. Any thoughts?


I’m not entirely sure what is causing the issue, but apparently there are some issues with custom sound settings. If the default playback device differs from the system default it might not work.


So I’ve got the same thing. I tried Switching the sound output device both in windows and in-game but no configuration seemed to be working. This is especially concerning if we include the fact that it worked normally just a few hours earlier. I spent some time flying in spectator around the world testing how the mod works in different environments. I lowered the volume of cave sounds and sent a question about them on discord. When I came back after some time the problem first appeared. Tried reloading the game, setting settings to default, and reinstalling both the mod and Creative Core (I’m using fabric). Nothing worked so far :/
Edit: Also I’m using the newest 1.19 version. And the sound works but ONLY in water.


If you’ll need some more data about my game for some testing or smth let me know


2022-07-09_18 37 17

2022-07-09_18 39 23

So I checked on debug mode and it seems like the sounds are playing, I just can’t hear them for some reason. As if everything was muted. I checked in the options and everything is set on 1, yet the game plays at volume 0. The only thing That’s on 1 is water. Reloading the mod doesn’t seem to work.


Yes, I’m using Simple voice chat at the screens but it acted exactly the same without any other mods installed. Is there a way to reset settings via a command? ALSO when I play the sound using /playsound everything works just fine so I doubt that this is due to the wrong audio output. I checked that multiple times…


I have the same problem as you, with this versions of Forge, Optifine and the 2 mods :(
Sans titre 1


the problem of the mod is also caused by fabric


@Robiken does it happen if only CreativeCore and AmbientSounds is installed? Did the version for 1.18 work fine? Does ingame music work fine?

@Nixoup that’s not how you install forge and optifine (the jar file needs to be in the mods folder). But thanks, because makes sure it’s not a fabric specific issue.


@CreativeMD And yet, before 1.19, everything worked like that, I don’t understand? :o

So I followed your instructions but it still doesn’t work, did I miss something?


@Nixoup my hint had nothing to do with the issue itself. Just wanted to say if you want to use Optifine and Forge together you need to put Optifine in the mods folder.


I am on 1.18.2 and this stopped working when I switched to the Optifine Compatible version of Forge (40.0.24) and loaded BSL Shaders.


Hello, I’m on 1.19 and forge 41.0.63 if i remember it correctly. I’ve the same problem.

I’m also using “Sound physics remastered” and I had no problems at all. I switched to fabric for a short time trying out other mods but later switched again to forge and just copied my forge mod folder I saved before back in.

Now I also can’t hear the sound, only underwater. They are in fact playing in the debug menu but I just can’t hear them.

l’ll do a fresh install of minecraft and everything and see if that works.
My girlfriend got the same mods (we play lan) and she has no problems at all.

If you require any sorts of testing, just tell me. It’s really a weird bug cause I diden’t change anything. I hope we find a solution here :)


@Hurainzone500 yeah that is weird. Would be good to know if a fresh install does actually fix.


@CreativeMD Yes it did. I did a fresh install (took a while thanks to mc launchers bugs aswell :D) and downloaded forge 41.0.105 I think (the one which is compatible with the latest optifine preview).

Later inserted my shader, complimentary shaders and only the CC and AS mods, latest versions.

Works as intended :)

But let’s wait until I install sound physics remastered again or boot up my old world cause I created a new one after the fresh install.

EDIT: Everything is still fine after installing the mod and playing my old world. Enjoying the ambience now :)
If I make any changes i‘ll keep an ear on it if it breaks, maybe we know what’s causing the bug then ?!


@Hurainzone500 thanks for all the information!

I guess a clean install seems to be the solution for now. I guess it is some sort of the issue with Minecrafts audio engine. Minecraft does not stream and loop audio files like AmbientSounds does. It has been an issue before but got fixed. Maybe a clean install removes some old outdated libraries.


@CreativeMD Your welcome !
If your interested and you still developing the mod further, I have some suggestions for it.
I don’t want to open another topic.

Sometimes in certain Biomes it get‘s a little bit annoying if you here the same bird / crow all the time. I’m not into coding (right now ^^) but maybe it’s possible to add a time variable which determines how often the same sound is played or between the loop.
And the player could adjust it, like a minimum and a maximum time between the sound loops.

Or simply adding more bird /crow or whatever sounds in certain biomes.

I could be more specific but I don’t know exactly how it works, it’s detecting game time, dimension and biomes (mixes biome sounds depending on how close you are to them) ? It’s just what I’ve read from the debug menu ^^
But yeah :D

EDIT: Well, just found the how to create your own engine in the code and there is a “pause”. Have to check the ingame options again… ;)


@Hurainzone500 yeah take a look at the assets/ambientsounds/basic/ folder in there you can find all the data for the engine. The tutorial is out of date. Sounds for birds are picked randomly, but maybe some biomes do not have enough sounds to choose from. I would need more information of what biome it is to pinpoint the issue.


Does anyone still have this issue?


I don´t, the fresh install of mc got rid of it. Never had it again.


Just out of curiosity. @Hurainzone500 have you ever changed the minecraft volume setting of Ambient/ Environment?


@CreativeMD Yes, i think i did when i first got the mod. I did not knew i could turn down the volume of individiual souds in the mod menu, that´s why i turned down the whole ambient/environment sounds when i was underground.

Since the fresh install, i never touched it since i knew i can change the specific sound in the mod menu.

That might be the cause of the issues at the beginning.
Still using the mod and having no problems :)


Ok, I will close this issue. If anyone has this issue ever again. Check what happens if you set useSoundMasterSource to true in the config and see if it fixes it. If not report it here again.


Somebody else posted the same issue on curseforge and it was caused by the fadeVolume and fadePitch setting being set to zero. Use the command /cmdclientconfig go to ambientsounds and hit the reset button next to these two options. Hit save and the issue should be solved. I’m not sure yet if a bug caused these config options to be zero.

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fixed in dev

Fixed and committed to source control; not in a published build

mod compat

Inter-mod compatibility issue which requires changes

  • #1

Hello guys,

I migrated my map from 1.26 to and i’ve noticed that the ambient sounds no longer work ( Fire, lakesoundloop, watersoundloop etc and basically any 3d sound attached to a region). This isn’t a specific problem to my map. Then i noticed that the 1.26 version allows me to choose the the sound provider between dobly sound, miles emulated 3D and creative labs EAX2 while 1.30 is by default FMOD.

Also, is there a problem with the file paths of the game in 1.30? I’m using a custom skin for the RoC version of the Felhound (units\demon\felhound\felstalker.blp) but it didn’t load in 1.30.

Thank you.

  • #2

Unless the hotfix yesterday fixed it, sounds are bugged and only play once right now. They changed the sound engine I believe.

That skin not working is probably something to do with the new CASC filestructure that replaced MPQs, though it’s weird that it would affect imports to the map.

  • #2

для него нужен был плагин FMI, потом я нашел решение

Может в этом и дело?

  • #3

В ошибке как я понимаю было написано, что плагин не был найден и требовал его.

  • #4

В ошибке как я понимаю было написано, что плагин не был найден и требовал его.

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решение«

  • #5

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решение»

В этом дело вряд-ли быть может. Я это написал как пояснение скорее.

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решение»

Только что проблему решил, нужно было пути для файлов прописать, чтобы они воспроизводились в интерфейсе. Странно, что именно это использовалось в Ambient Sounds, ибо там закачка уже в плагине реализована.

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

В этом дело вряд-ли быть может. Я это написал как пояснение скорее.

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Только что проблему решил, нужно было пути для файлов прописать, чтобы они воспроизводились в интерфейсе. Странно, что именно это использовалось в Ambient Sounds, ибо там закачка уже в плагине реализована.

А нет, не решил

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решени

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решение»

Я имел ввиду, что решение нашел, которое позволило плагину работать, но еррор лог все же был.

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решение»

[Dev + Any] Files Management Interface — AlliedModders FMI, Ambient Sounds Ambient Sounds.

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Как это связано с мои вопросом?

Сообщения автоматически склеены:

Плюс вы бы приложили ссылки на ресурсы: Ambient Sounds, FMI, а так же объяснили бы что за «потом я нашел решение»

Решением была перезагрузка плагина мапконфигом.

Последнее редактирование:

NOTICE: If I closed your thread due to innactivity and you don’t feel like making a new one, give me a shout here so I’ll reopen it (you must be logged to ask)

's Avatar Gothic — 1 month ago

I didn’t, clean up your cookies if you can’t see it

You forgot to update the thumbnail for the ST Railgun, Gothic.

I submitted the Gross Elemental, Craneo allowed and requested me to do it

I’m also gonna submit the Devastator from Demon Eclipse, also with SOF sprites. I remember it was submitted once in the old formus, I believe it was Ghastly

I plan to update the Pyro Cannon with SoniKOFan sprites, but they seem to be even bigger than the original sprites.

I never noticed that, I guess I never used that monster. It should be updated one of these days

Is it a holdover from a DeHacked implementation? I know I first saw them in ActionDoom.

Did you know that since it was submitted 15(!) years ago, the Imp Trite makes the Mancubus attack sound? That’s pretty funny.

's Avatar anon — 1 month ago

But visuals, like the clouds, somehow run smoothly and at a normal fps, in the background when the menu overlay is pulled up

's Avatar anon — 1 month ago

Clean installs and purging configs changes nothing. The game’s resource use is negligible. Lower than potato and higher than maximum settings run equally poorly

's Avatar anon — 1 month ago

(ie. Ryzen 7 5800H, Radeon RX 6600XT, 16 GB of RAM)

's Avatar anon — 1 month ago

The flatpak version of Wolfenstein Blade of Agony is running at less than 1 fps at lower than potato settings on a pretty high-end gaming rig. Ideas?

's Avatar anon — 1 month ago

The flatpak version of Wolfenstein Blade of Agony is running at less than 1 fps at lower than potato settings on a pretty high-end gaming rig. Ideas?

Ah, wonderful! Thank you. I’ll try using that and see about updating one of my monsters later.

's Avatar nobody — 1 month ago

Use A_Stop.

Didn’t mean to post that twice. But yeah, like a Cacodemon being shot and is now moving backwards. Is there something to force them to stop their movement?

Quick question, is there a function that would force an actor to stop all movement? Including floating actors and being pushed by attacks?

Quick question, is there a function that would force an actor to stop all movement? Including floating actors and being pushed by attacks?

Help I can’t post replies

Please check the WIP thread if you want to check all of them, I also uploaded the Hell Smith

Okay, decided to port the rest of the Hell-Forged enemies by myself, not 100% accurate, some of them even are missing GLDefs but Amuscaria didn’t done much.

as for the regular Blood Fiend and Devil, I decided to only use the new sprite sets, and tossed the old ones

BIG updates to the Super Devil and Cyber Fiend, now they look like the modern Blood Fiend and Devil, and gave them brightmaps

new update to elven sorceress

's Avatar I6g9o5r1 — 3 months ago


Never Fear.. I Was Here :P

The site is improving further and further, keep going good!

Thanks for your feedback!

It’s working better now. The «Latest» area is now my bookmark home. ? Sign in, and it automatically shows all the new stuff. Convenient

Did some more work today, that helps to indicate new posts in the overview and the categories. Also topic icons are working again

*Me trying to not click a new feature implemented so the bot doesn’t ban my IP again. Seriously, I was trying to look a preview and the IP bot banned me again*

Nah, imo I don’t like it. Can’t see ‘New’ posts and it looks too complicated. But hey, it’s your site.

Imo it looks really coolo

Got a big bunch done, I hope it is already bettrr

People, please stop using Mediafire for hosting files, I’ll reinforce this rule harder from now on

I saw, it’s garbled AF on the page. Weird glitch?

Enjoy another neat monster concept: The Rat King

The pages are way too crushed down horizontally now. The repository looks scuffed too

Okay them — finished most of my overhaul of the page. How do you like it?

My fault that I left the replace thing after I tested it D: thanks for the update

The Automatic Crossbow has been updated, I didn’t notice it was replacing the Chaingun for some reason.

@Gothic Seems like you forgot to update the editor numbers document when you added Toenails’ techno columns.

Sorry, didn’t realise Enter posts. A lot of the weapon submissions need some tweaking and they’d be fantastic additions.

There are some good submissions, my sprite work isn’t great or even good by comparison, however I can script decorate.

Man I haven’t been active here in a long time. Maybe I should actually get off my ass and review some submissions again. And update the MVP submission again.

I’m loving what I’m seeing so far :D

Neat work! A page rework is always not bad when it comes to good updated features ;)

Currently working on an overhaul of the page, don’t worry if things are behaving strangely ;)

The D’sparil staff has been updated, check the update log inside to see what’s new.

Oh, nevermind, I could access now, thank you! :D

's Avatar Ganbare — 5 months ago

Hello? It’s me, Ganbare-Lucifer, can you delist me from the ‘black list’, everytime I try to log in it blocks my access and became annoying.

's Avatar Eisenfaust — 8 months ago

Dans Blade of agony, je n’arrive pas à ouvrir le coffre fort. Je pense avoir la combinaison (la date anniversaire de l’officier allemand), mais…

The Spray Cannon and BFG2704 have been updated. Besides the change of file, projectiles no longer bounce infinitely. Merry Christmas.

Yeah, if you’re using other people’s stuff, make sure they gave permission for their use, or ask them for permission

What is the rules concerning it do I need to find the Authors and Include them in a Text Document in the Pk3?

I want to submit a Six Barrel Shotgun Decorate that I condensed down to work in Regular Projects from Brutal Doom, I cannot find any info on whom made it

Yeah, I noticed that too, I sent Tormentor a message.

's Avatar Gothic — 9 months ago

Something is wrong with the site, the links are directing incorrectly, they should have /index.php/

Hi guys, it has been aeons I didn’t peek here… I might come soon with texture pack. Life has been very harsh on my end, and there is still a lot to fight

I’ve submited a file to the besteary, someone let me know if there are problems with the monster, i’ll fix em

's Avatar DoubleU — 10 months ago

You should be able to preview the audio files

's Avatar Ramal — 10 months ago


Patched Up textures ha been updated with a couple of new textures.

Holy ****balls, old posts with Mediafire links completely break those pages.

For reporting issues with BOA, you should instead put them up on its’ GitHub issue tracker.

's Avatar jens — 1 year ago

sorry for spam :(

's Avatar Jens — 1 year ago

Hi guys, i experience the problem, that the game will be displayed on the wrong monitor with fullscreen. What can i do?

Hmm, seems like image embed on the forum are broken.

's Avatar Vandorian — 1 year ago

I don’t suppose someone could program (I am not sure how to make them) a Battlelord Sentry from Duke Nukem 3D? I would love to use them as choke point bosses

What’s the spam post, you mean the two messages below you ?

Don’t worry folks, I’ve already reported the spam post in the Let us Know Thread while Torm is not around.

i don’t know why the Wild Demonic Leeches aren’t showing up on the latest submissions

's Avatar InnerConflict — 1 year ago — some issues like hitboxes and camera skips

@Dingor We can’t really help you with problems that have to do with BOA, you should report them on BOA’s GitHub

@DBJ87 I’m definitely looking forward to that.

Happy Realm day R667. Ally Marine submission update in the works, inc Jetpack, Riot Shield, Tank, Quad SG, Hellstorm Cannon, Sonic RG & Freeze Rifle users

's Avatar Dingor — 1 year ago

Hi everyone! Can someone help with my problem? On fog maps I have very low fps and on Tunis mission I have black screen outdoors coz of sandstorm.

's Avatar Sanxion — 1 year ago

Thank you for making BOA, it makes really fun. I like that game. Great work!

Hmm, are you talking to me ?

i still need to finish my Hpack map

wish I could check them again, i remember some of those being pretty good

since nothing from the old site was saved, i’m saving even the rejected entries

I can split the weapon they drop pretty easily. But the other weapon that both the NPCs and players can use, is too intertwined with the NPC.

Would I need to split the weapon they drop, and the sort-of weapon that both the NPC and player can use into separate submissions ?

Alright, I finally finished a project of mine. But it includes an NPC, a weapon that the NPC drops, and a sort-of weapon, that both the NPC and players can use.

Check the Staff forum, on my latest post, hopefully that answers your question

@Gothic I need your help, how do you manage to remove the duplicate file size, that appears on the download sections of new resource articles ?

's Avatar doom — 1 year ago


I should really stop bothering with taking time to write replies. And just spit them out ASAP, and edit them later to add or fix anything on them.

's Avatar Vostyok — 1 year ago

Hello! Just stopping by to give my thanks for this site and repositories. Has been a great help over the years. Hope all is well 3

's Avatar I am a fella — 1 year ago

Can’t seem to find a way to register for the forums.. Is there a way to turn off the lighting effect in BoA that casts rays off everything? It’s a bit much ^^

's Avatar Boofus — 1 year ago

I was wondering, I noticed a German spying from the bushes at the Allied HQ, is he just an easter egg or is there more to it?

while i’m here, How are yall doin?

damn it’s been awhile since ive been here

took care of the issue with the filesize showing twice

's Avatar Anna — 1 year ago

WHO ERA YOU??????????????????2022

's Avatar Annna — 1 year ago

how are you?

And I removed them because most of them were spam and/or nonsense.

's Avatar Jonathan — 1 year ago

Hello I don’t know if anyone received my posts or not how will I know if they did?

Hmm, seems like the file size of the new Candlesticks resource appears in its’ name for some reason. And I can’t remove it.

Hopefully 2022 will be better than 2021! Have a happy New Year!

Happy New year Slayers! I don’t think I’ll be here for that! But take care and be safe fam!

Merry late christmas to you as well

More like Better Never than Ever.

Merry Christmas to all of you, maybe a bit too late but better now than never :)

@Gothic When approving submissions, don’t forget to add their editor numbers to the document.

Anyway thanks for the quick response fixing this, appreciate it.

‘Large Fire Bowl’ or ‘Fire Cauldron’ perhaps? I originally interpreted the ShadowCaster sprite as containing a mound of lava hence the weird name.

they’ll stay unpublished until i fix them both

Or, do you wish to rename it to something else? I see the mention of coal, so it can’t be lava, but it needs a different name from the existing fire bowl

I’ll fix that, I’ll rename the Lava Cauldron to Lava Bowl so they don’t get mixed

zrrion’s submission appears to have been replaced instead of the Lava Bowl.

I believe the two have been mixed up — perhaps my submission should be relabled to ‘Fire Bowl Large’

my recent ‘Fire Bowl’ entry was to replace the existing ‘Lava Cauldron’ entry. However it seems there was already another Fire Bowl entry by zrrion the insect

I don’t know where to even start with everything I have to do both here and outside of the site. After a month of being stuck on a fossilized Optiplex 760.

I’m back on my actual PC, after a month of trying to get my CPU replaced.

Was the first thread that was made here about ripping the Juggernaut from PB as a standlone resource removed ? Because I can’t find it anywhere.

I’m pretty sure I’ve spent about as much time, if not more, dealing with getting a working CPU, than I did actually using my new PC ever since getting it.

As for my CPU, I was able to ship it back to Intel yesterday, now I have to wait 10 days to see if my refund is approved.

And I bought it instead of a GTX 16xx card because it has at least primitive hardware real time ray tracing and DLSS, so it’s more future proof.

Tell me about it, I had to buy an RTX 2060 for 400€, by now and with how weak it is compared to the rest of the RTX 20xx series, it should’ve cost 150€ by now.

Prizes for GPUs are… terrible

I hope you get this sorted. Was offline for a while as well, my GPU broke and currently it’s one of the worst things that can happen.

I think I’m at the final stage of wrangling Intel into sending me a replacement under warranty, or at least I sure hope so. I can’t afford paying another 200€.

Forgot to mention, but it turns out that the CPU had just died, my data and other hardware is sfae.

In the meantime I’m stuck on the same god awful Optiplex 760 I’ve been on for the past 7 years. So I cannot even try out the submissions and updates to them.

I’ll be going back to the shop that built it in the following hours, hopefully it can be fixed and I didn’t lose any data.

I should probably mention that I haven’t been active. Because long story short, my new PC stopped booting 2 days ago.

's Avatar FlyingDeath — 2 years ago

When I turned off view bob it seemed pretty seamless. Too busy (lazy) to test new version atm.

It’s meant to be used with some kind of barrier such as walls or hills between the skybox and playable area, otherwise the effect becomes obvious.

Yeah I don’t really have the skill to make it as seamless as the 3D skyboxes in Source.

's Avatar FlyingDeath — 2 years ago

If you are close to objects in backdrop it is more obvious, but even distant things had a slightly uncanny look if you were paying attention. Will test soon.

It’s not that much better, AFAIK it does account for view bob now, but the difference from the bobbing is so minor that the camera doesn’t even move from it.

's Avatar FlyingDeath — 2 years ago

@inkoalawetrust Stoked to try out the new sky camera.

's Avatar FlyingDeath — 2 years ago

@inkoalawetrust Stoked to try out the new sky camera.

Appreciate you taking the time to review and fix my submissions, thanks :-)

All updates crediting freesound(s).com instead of have been fixed, I hope

Now I can also upload my APC after making a new update to it, since it no longer has to rely on the modified version of the Allied Marines pack it uses.

I’ve finished my next submission. But before submitting it, I have to make the showcase video.

Honestly those submissions seem a bit too minor, it would’ve been better to just merge them all in one pack of human corpses.

Just realised I have credited ‘’ instead of ‘’ in a few of my recent submissions. Do you want me to reupload these?

@flyinddeath I also made a change that should make the camera account for view bobbing, and replaced the user variable with a custom argument.

I updated the Parallaxing Sky Camera submission, I replaced the thumbnail with a GIF that should hopefully do a better job of showing what the camera does.

@inkoalawetrust you can move threads, simply use the «moderate» functions on the forum

@Gothic what width would you like to have on desktop resolutions? I can change that

Also I’ll probably see about updating the thumbnail of my parallaxing sky camera submission to a small animated GIF. To actually show it in action.

Is there no way for us to move threads on the forum ?

Screens keep getting wider, yet websites keep getting stretched :/

Thanks for that. I forgot to fill that part in!

I added the summon list, when there are many variants I use [these if at least 1 is needed] (and these if they’re optional)

And CaptainToenail’s info file just has no mention of the actor names since there’s too many of them, I guess I’ll just set it as «Too many to list».

I’m uh, not too sure what to add on the «Summon» info for the Crystal Clusters submission, there’s too many crystal actor variants on it.

Apparently I’m too controlling of how indentation and formatting on the submissions should be done, so I’ll focus on that less.

Since that would actually be able to show what the resource does, unlike just using its’ editor icon.

Also, could I replace the thumbnail for my parallaxing sky camera submission with a small animated GIF ?

Also whatever is going on here with how the previous posts on the reply page are shown looks pretty bad.

There seems to be an issue, the changes I make to the SCAYT spellcheck aren’t stored, be it adding words like ZDoom to the dictionary or even turning it on.

Glad that you are onboard!

It has taken me a long time to work on it let alone finish it for a lot of reasons.

I’ve finally made some progress on one of the submissions I’ll make here in about a week or two.

Welcome LoganMTM and inkoalawetrust, our new additional repo maintainers :)

Sorry for missing this, I had a lot of work to do for my job after being in vacation. Just wrote a line to you over at ZDoom, mail is info AT realm667 DOT com

Even though currently he was last online about 4 days ago.

I’ve also noticed that for months now, some Salahmander dude keeps appearing as being online at the bottom of the main board page.

Yeah I’ve noticed that too.

Hi there, just a small bug report for the Board… The Bestiary subforum topic counter seems to be broken, ’cause it just says permanently ‘No topics’ on it…

And was only able to find that long text string to add to the Git wiki template, I didn’t even know it was called a commit hash, until I saw your summary lol.

I have no idea how Git or GitHub work, so I just tried to find whatever counts as the commit that the addition of the BF_ONLYVISIBLETHINGS flag was made on.

Also @BlueShadow I noticed the edit you made on the A_Blast article on the wiki and the Summary you left on it.

Any Zandronum-compatible DECORATE code has to use A_CustomMissile, which shows deprecation warnings in GZDoom. Because Zandro doesn’t have A_SpawnProjectile.

By the way you may want to add an exception to the tool tip saying that the code in a submission should run with no errors on the latest GZDoom build.

@Tormentor667 I have JavaScript enabled for the site, but your address is still getting replaced with a message that it is being protected from spam bots.

The «There was an error completing the request.»-error should be fixed as well.

@inkoalwetrust please send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can discuss this there

Hopefully my new PC can be completed this week, so I can begin modding again, I have a lot of stuff I want to make and submit here.

@Tormentor667 You could make me a maintainer, I can look at the site basically every day an respond to a new thread in less than a day.

Anyway. I may not be able to update the sky camera until I get a new computer that ISN’T a SFF Optiplex 760, the parts for the new PC are already here.

My messages here only appear after I reload the page.

Ok well it seems my reply was sent here after all, seems like the whole forum is borked lol.

@flyingdeath I’ll see if I can do anything to fix it, keep in mind I may not be able to though, since I didn’t write the original code for it, drPyspy did.

Also, an advice to other users, while this error occurs, do not send your message again, just refresh the page

«There was an error completing the request. Please try again. If you see this error multiple times, please contact the administrator of the site.» Ok. Hi Torm

's Avatar sad zmrd — 2 years ago

i need download doom luncger but i can not find direct download shiii.

looks more intuitive than the tiny computers

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