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18.09.2017, 23:42
64 417
Мод Always Full Exp — изменит систему начисления опыта в Ведьмак 3, теперь вы гарантированно будете получать опыт даже за дополнительные задания в игре.
Данный мод стоит устанавливать с осторожностью, он меняет баланс в игре, вы можете прокачать персонажа слишком быстро, что не очень хорошо.
В скачанном архиве есть 8 архивов:
Существует 4 версии мода, каждая из них есть для GOTY и обычной версии игры.
1) — «Always Full Exp» — вы всегда будете получать 100% опты для любых квестов.
2) — «Always Difficulty Exp» — зависит от сложности игры (100% опыта будет даваться на сложности игры легкая/нормальная, 90% опыт на сложности сложной, 80% опыт на самом высокой сложности).
3) — «Always Mixed Exp» — полный опыт будет даваться для основных квестов, а для побочных будет даваться 50% опыта.
4) — «Always DLC Exp» — теперь при выполнении квестов выше вашего уровня вы будете получить 150% опыта, и 50% при выполнении квеста ниже вашего уровня.
Как установить Always Full Exp?
1) Скачиваем архив и распаковываем его.
2) Выбираем версию мода, из архива достаем папку, например modAlwaysFullExp
3) Открываем папку с игрой, переносим папку с модом в папку mods
Как устанавливать моды на Ведьмак 3, более подробная инструкция.
Скачать мод Always Full Exp
Версия игры 1.30 —1.31:
always-full-exp.7z [2,83 Mb] (cкачиваний: 27707)
Описание, инструкции и рекомендации
Небольшой читерный мод, который позволяет всегда получать максимальное количество опыта, независимо от уровня Геральта и уровня выполненного квеста.
Версия игры: 1.30/1.31/GOTY
Особенности Always Full Exp:
— Мод скриптовый, конфиг с характеристиками квестов не правит.
— Независимо от разницы в уровнях квеста и Геральта, а так же цвета квеста, полученный опыт по завершению квеста всегда будет максимален.
Установка мода Always Full Exp:
— В архиве две версии мода
Always_Full_Exp_v1.5_p_1.30-1.31 — для патча 1.30 или 1.31
Always_Full_Exp_v1.5_p1.31_GOTY — для релиза «Игра года»
— Папку modAlwaysFullExp из архива, поместить в папку …\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\Mods\…(если такой не существует, то создайте ее)
— Если после установки на шаге компиляции будет происходить вылет, то как и для всех скриптовых модов на Witcher 3: Дикая Охрота, установите Witcher 3 MOD Scripting FIX.
Go to witcher
All things related to The Witcher — books, games, TV… You name it.
The Witcher is a critically acclaimed fantasy book series created by Andrzej Sapkowski. The series follows Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter in a universe where people often prove more wicked than beasts. Though originally written in Polish, the franchise gathered a large international following from likewise acclaimed game adaptions by CD Projekt. The books now translated into a dozen languages have also been adapted for TV.
Always Full Exp (1.22) install question
Mod | Witcher 3
This is the first time i am using mods for the witcher 3 and would like to check if i have installed the mod correctly as it is not working after a couple of tests. Im sure there are a couple of people on here that have used it before.
My Game is installed here — D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\
I did not have a mod folder so i created one as follows — D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\mods
Now my full path with the mod installed is as follows — D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\mods\Always Full Exp-820-1-4\modAlwaysFullExp\content\scripts\game\r4Game.ws
Is this correct ?
Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Hello everyone. I hope it’s okay to add my own question to this thread. I registered today in order to post and cannot start a new topic because I haven’t posted before.
I am encountering a script compilation error, even though I have successfully run the latest version of Script Manager to resolve all conflicts.
The error message is:
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\r4game.ws(2418): Unexpected end of file found after ‘{‘ at line 37
Lines 36 and 37 in that file:
import class CR4Game extends CCommonGame
There is a ton of data following the {, far too much to paste here. It starts with saved var zoneName : EZoneName; and ends with the close bracket }
These are the mods I’m running:
Graphics and Visuals:
Improved Sign Effects
Weather Enhanced
Better Torches
Auto Apply Oils
Crippling Strikes Deal Damag
Crossbow Balance Boost and Balance
Full Monster Experience
Galloping in Cities
Jump in Shallow Water
No Witcher Zoom Sense
Additional Stash Locaitons
Ghost Mode
Slots Slots Slots
The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project
User Interface:
All Quest Objectives on Map
Colored Map Markers
XP & Leveling
Always Full Exp
I was running the game fine until yesterday when I installed Always Full Exp, Auto Apply Oils 1.31.1, and when I updated Crippling Strikes and Auto Apply Oils. I then redid my merges in Script Merger.
I’m not sure how to fix this error. I also tried the edit of the telemetrykeyword file update and deleting the hacks folder, as explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQrwMolsX2o
But neither worked.
I’m pretty far into my game and would very much like to fix it rather than starting over.
pepperg;n10547882 said:
I was running the game fine until yesterday when I installed Always Full Exp, Auto Apply Oils 1.31.1, and when I updated Crippling Strikes and Auto Apply Oils.
The only mod out of those three that modifies r4Game.ws is Always Full Exp. So, are you sure you installed the right version of that? There are two different versions, one for the GOG GOTY edition and another for non-GOTY version 1.31 (Steam and presumably Origin).
If you’re sure you’ve got the right version installed, you can use Pastebin to paste the entire file and then link the generated paste here. Seeing just the line that’s causing the error isn’t enough to fix the issue, though I’m pretty sure I know what the problem is.
Need to see the entire file to fix.
Also, welcome to the forums.
Hey Muffliato,
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I wasn’t aware of the distinction btwn the GOTY and non-GOTY versions of Always Full Exp so I uninstalled and downloaded and installed the non-GOTY 1.31 version of it b/c I am running the Steam install of the game (all DLCs).
I re-ran the Script Merger app and launched, and didn’t encounter that same issue again, but I did encounter this. A different file this time, the npc and the ingamemenu files.
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\npc\npc.ws(2452): syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_ELSE, near ‘else’
Error [modghostmode]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(310): Could not find function ‘RefreshMainMenuAfterContentLoaded’
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function ‘EnableDebugOverlayFilter’ was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function ‘EnableDebugPostProcess’ was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function ‘DebugSetEShowFlag’ was not exported from C++ code.
If I’m doing pastebin correctly, here is the link to the npc file:
And to the ingamemenu file:
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pepperg;n10548202 said:
A different file this time, the npc and the ingamemenu files.
The latter makes me suspect you’re lacking the Unification Patch, which is required by Ghost Mode. Install that if you don’t have it.
The npc.ws error may be because Full Monster Experience conflicts with Ghost Mode; the script shows overlap between the two mod.
Try uninstalling the exp mod; IIRC Ghost Mode has a setting to enable full exp built in it. Always Full Exp is also unnecessary with GM, come to think of it.
The C++ errors will go away once script errors are resolved (at least they always have for me), so don’t worry about them.
Edit: Actually, several of your mods may be conflicting with GM, as it’s a full gameplay overhaul.
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Thanks for the advice. I installed the Unification patch as per its instructions, and disabled and removed the Full Monster Experience mod.
Re-ran the Script Merger, solved the conflicts, and restarted. Got these errors:
Error [content0]game\gui\commonmainmenubase.ws(73): Could not find function ‘GetChosenMainMenuType’
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\maincreditsmenu.ws(397): Could not find function ‘GetChosenMainMenuType’
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function ‘EnableDebugOverlayFilter’ was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function ‘EnableDebugPostProcess’ was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function ‘DebugSetEShowFlag’ was not exported from C++ code.
It seems that the Script Merger app doesn’t work as well as one would hope, as it seems to be unable to resolve all the issues.
Here is the Environment file:
Main Credits Menu file:
These errors seem like they’re related to the Unification patch, as I see several mentions of the main menu in the notes:
Patch changes
main menu will be random as in GOG GOTY version (if you’re using Friendly HUD mod, you can select any type of main menu animation);
— non-GOTY game will get small fix for NG+ item levels that exists for GOG GOTY version only;
— «DLC installed» message will no longer pop up after loading a save;
— main menu greeting message will no longer be shown (not in GOG GOTY, needed for compatibility reasons);
Edit — It looks like the Ghost Mode mod has been updated. I’m going to uninstall it in NMM and install the new version.
Will I need to then reinstall the Unification patch again after, in case any of its file are overwritten?
2nd Edit- Updating the Ghost Mod and redoing script merger still results in the same errors.
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Figured I’d start a new reply instead of all these edits to the prior one.
So when I chose the Ghost Mod over the Always Full Exp in the script merger app, I am back to that «unexpected end of file on line 37» error. Here’s the pastebin:
I’m thinking that Ghost Mod and Always Full Exp might be incompatible together? If there’s a way to resolve the error to have both, that would be excellent. I’m at level 22 in the game and have a number of lower level seconardy quests, but I’m not motivated to finish them b/c the experience points are so low currently. Would very much like to get proper experience points reward to finish them.
pepperg;n10548382 said:
NMM isn’t recommended to use for Witcher 3 mods, as it can easily break things. Manual install is safer, or nowadays there’s this that’s even recommended by the GM author.
Also, I’d still recommend making sure your mods aren’t conflicting with GM.
The crossbow mod for example could definitely have conflicts, as GM also overhauls crossbows. Slots slots slots will override some of GM’s changes in Blood & Wine content, based on what I read in GM’s comments.
[content0] errors are caused by the base game files, rather than mod files, so something is seriously wrong.
If all else fails:
1. Uninstall all mods, and delete the Mods folder from your Witcher 3 folder
2. Download the original base game non-GOTY 1.31 scripts (Always Full Exp mod for example has that file available)
3. Replace your entire [path to Witcher 3]\content\content0\scripts folder with the downloaded file
4. Reinstall mods one by one —
but not with NMM
— test if game launches after every mod (also run Script Merger after installing a mod with scripts)
5. Repeat step 4 until the problem mod is found or game launches with everything installed
Saw your latest post.
Always Full Exp is not needed because Ghost Mode has settings that can be used to achieve the same effect (the author has said that in GM’s comment thread). And, like you discovered the two mods are not even compatible with each other.
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Thanks again. I uninstalled the Always Full Exp mod and my game loaded fine after I did the Script Merger again. I guess Ghost Mod isn’t compatible with it. But I see what you mean re: the options in Ghost Mod.
Do you think I would be able to run the Extra Skill Slots and Mutations mod with the Ghost Mod?
Murzinio;n7021130 said:
Can you help? Yes. I’m having problems in 2018:
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\inventorycontext.ws(207): syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_ELSE, expecting TOKEN_FUNCTION, near ‘else’
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\projectile\playerboltprojectile.ws(934): Unexpected end of file found after ‘{‘ at line 10
https://pastebin.com/UgkQwa2j This is for projectile
Inventorycontext.ws: https://pastebin.com/yrQFhgFq
I’m having several errors while trying to install FriendlyStash along with FriendlyHUD. The most recurrent error is this:
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles] game \ components \ inventorycomponent.ws (6087): Found unexpected ‘}’
If I delete the ‘}’, other errors appear.
UPatch installed.
CPStalker;n10643671 said:
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles] game \ components \ inventorycomponent.ws (6087): Found unexpected ‘}’
If I delete the ‘}’, other errors appear.
Added one { and the error should be fixed now. Sending file in PM.
Muffliato;n10643771 said:
Added one { and the error should be fixed now. Sending file in PM.
Thanks for your help, mate. After paste your archive, it’s showing these erros:
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\r4game.ws(1270): I dont know any ‘_mainMenuType’ Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\r4game.ws(1270): I dont know any ‘availableMainMenuTypes’ Error [modfriendlyhud]game\gui\commonmainmenubase.ws(73): Could not find function ‘GetChosenMainMenuType’ Error [modfriendlyhud]game\gui\main_menu\maincreditsmenu.ws(397): Could not find function ‘GetChosenMainMenuType’ Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\blacksmithmenu.ws(666): I dont know any ‘dontMarkAsNew’ Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\blacksmithmenu.ws(668): I dont know any ‘dontMarkAsNew’ Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\blacksmithmenu.ws(735): I dont know any ‘dontMarkAsNew’ Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function ‘EnableDebugOverlayFilter’ was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function ‘EnableDebugPostProcess’ was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function ‘DebugSetEShowFlag’ was not exported from C++ code.
Yeah, what I thought: you (probably) didn’t install UPatch correctly. These two mods don’t have conflicts normally.
and these errors (look like) are UPatch errors now.
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rfuzzo;n10643911 said:
Yeah, what I thought: you didn’t install UPatch correctly. These two mods dot have conflicts normally.
and these errors are UPatch errors now.
I extrated the Upatch folders «Mods» and «content» into «The Witcher 3» folder.
Then i re-merged all mods.
Am I doing something wrong?
Nevermind I fixed it
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The_I3arracuda;n10688401 said:
Nevermind I fixed it
Can you post the fix for reference?
I just deleted my folder with the merged scripts and remerged everything.
Scriptmerger just screwed up somewhere it seems.
hi! i have been having a really similar problem and i’m this close to giving up
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\charactermenu.ws(3588): Unexpected end of file found after ‘{‘ at line 55
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11324): Found unexpected ‘}’
character menu : https://pastebin.com/uhD0MznH
witcher file : https://pastebin.com/YNnGX1pz
the mods in the first are : The Enhancement System full,multiple mutations (the version compatible with slots slots slots) and slots slots slots ultimate version.
the mods on the second error are : auto loot menu,The Enhancement System full,friendly UI,friendly Stash,quest objective full,multiple mutations (the version compatible with slots slots slots) and slots slots slots ultimate version.
i might have fucked up in merging them as there were conflicts to resolve,but i’m really new at modding this way,so i’m not sure what i did wrong.
gabrielcooper;n10718261 said:
Hasn’t been updated since patch 1.22. I’m betting it’s causing your issues; you should never use script mods not updated for the latest patch, unless it’s explicitly stated that they still work.
Slots slots slots includes the option for multiple mutations in its recent versions, anyway.
(Your characterMenu.ws is missing an entire function except for one line, which is causing the issue.)
I’d suggest removing Multiple mutations, re-merging everything and then trying to launch the game again.