Altstore ошибка could not

Having problems with AltStore or AltServer? Try some of these troubleshooting tips!

I followed the instructions, but I still can’t install AltStore.

Please make sure you tried the following:

  • Have you said “Trust” on both your Mac and iOS device after connecting your device to your Mac? You can check by opening Finder (macOS 10.15 Catalina or later) or iTunes (macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier) with your device connected to your Mac and seeing if a dialog box pops up asking if you want to trust the device.

  • Try using another Apple ID. If necessary, you can

    create a new Apple ID

    specifically for use with AltStore for free.

  • Make sure iTunes and/or iCloud are running while using AltServer.

  • (Windows) Right-click AltServer and choose “Run as Administrator”

  • (Windows) Did you install iTunes or iCloud from the Microsoft Store? If so, you’ll need to uninstall them and download the latest versions directly from Apple.

AltStore freezes/takes forever to sign-in.

This could happen for a number of reasons. If you’re experiencing this issue, please check the following:

  • Are you on public/work/school WiFi? If so, your WiFi might be preventing devices from discovering each other. Try connecting your computer to your phone’s hotspot and trying again. (If you’re using an iPad, make sure it’s connected to your hotspot as well.)

  • Have you said “Trust” on both your Mac and iOS device after connecting your device to your Mac? You can check by Finder (macOS 10.15 Catalina or later) or iTunes (macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier) and seeing if a dialog box pops up asking if you want to trust your phone.

  • (Windows) Firewall might be blocking incoming network connections to AltServer. You must enable network access for AltServer in your firewall settings for it to receive refreshed apps from AltStore.

  • (Windows) Did you install iTunes or iCloud from the Microsoft Store? If so, you’ll need to uninstall them and download the latest versions directly from Apple.

  • You may need to make sure iTunes and iCloud are running on your computer as well.

  • Finally, try plugging your iPhone or iPad into your computer. This should fix all connectivity problems, but does mean AltStore may not be able to automatically refresh apps for you in the background over WiFi.

AltStore says “Could not find AltServer” when trying to sideload or refresh apps.

AltServer must be running on a computer connected to the same WiFi as AltStore in order to sideload or refresh apps. If AltServer is running on the same WiFi network as AltStore and you’re still receiving this error, try the following:

  • Are you on public/work/school WiFi? If so, your WiFi might be preventing devices from discovering each other. Try connecting your computer to your phone’s hotspot and trying again. (If you’re using an iPad, make sure it’s connected to your hotspot as well.)

  • Have you said “Trust” on both your Mac and iOS device after connecting your device to your Mac? You can check by Finder (macOS 10.15 Catalina or later) or iTunes (macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier) and seeing if a dialog box pops up asking if you want to trust your phone.

  • (Windows) Your firewall might be blocking incoming network connections to AltServer. You must enable network access for AltServer in your firewall settings for it to receive refreshed apps from AltStore.

  • (Windows) Did you install iTunes or iCloud from the Microsoft Store? If so, you’ll need to uninstall them and download the latest versions directly from Apple.

  • Finally, try plugging your iPhone or iPad into your computer. This should fix all connectivity problems, but does mean AltStore may not be able to automatically refresh apps for you in the background over WiFi.

I’m unable to change my network settings to allow devices to communicate with each other (such as on school/work/public WiFi).

You can always sideload and refresh apps without WiFi by plugging your iPhone or iPad into your computer. However, this means AltStore may not be able to refresh apps for you in the background over WiFi.

AltServer says “JIT could not be enabled for [App]».

This could happen for a number of reasons. If you’re experiencing this issue, please check the following:

  • Make sure the app you are trying to enable JIT for is running in the foreground on your device.

  • Are you on public/work/school WiFi? If so, your WiFi might be preventing devices from discovering each other. Try connecting your computer to your phone’s hotspot and trying again. (If you’re using an iPad, make sure it’s connected to your hotspot as well.)

  • Have you said “Trust” on both your Mac and iOS device after connecting your device to your Mac? You can check by Finder (macOS 10.15 Catalina or later) or iTunes (macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier) and seeing if a dialog box pops up asking if you want to trust your phone.

  • (Windows) Firewall might be blocking incoming network connections to AltServer. You must enable network access for AltServer in your firewall settings for it to receive refreshed apps from AltStore.

  • (Windows) Did you install iTunes or iCloud from the Microsoft Store? If so, you’ll need to uninstall them and download the latest versions directly from Apple.

  • You may need to make sure iTunes and iCloud are running on your computer as well.

  • Finally, try plugging your iPhone or iPad into your computer. This should fix all connectivity problems, but does mean AltStore may not be able to automatically refresh apps for you in the background over WiFi.

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, you can email

[email protected]

and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can.

What if I need to use the Windows Store version of iCloud?

AltStore requires that you install iCloud directly from Apple in order to authenticate your Apple ID. If you need to use the Windows Store version instead, you can follow these alternate instructions copied from

this reddit post


  1. 1.

    Download and install


    from the official Apple website. Make sure to scroll down and click on «Windows» next to the «Looking for other versions?» text.

  2. 2.

    Download and install


    from the official Apple website. Make sure to scroll down and click on the link in this text: «* On Windows 7 and Windows 8, you can download iCloud for Windows on Apple’s website«.

  3. 3.

    Locate your «C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple» folder. Copy the «Apple Application Support» and «Internet Services» folders, then create a new folder, name it anyway you want, and paste them in.

  4. 4.

    Remove iCloud from your computer. DO NOT remove iTunes! (Also, NEVER remove the «Apple Mobile Device Support» or the «Apple Application Support» that are installed alongside iTunes and iCloud.)

  5. 5.



    from the Windows Store.

  6. 6.

    Download and install


    . When you open it for the first time, click on «Choose Folder…», and locate the folder you created in the 3rd step.

Could Not find Altserver altstore error iOS

Here’s the solution for “Could not Find AltServer” error during installing IPA file on iPhone. 

I got this error “could not find alt server ios” when I was trying to install one of Tweaked++ or you can say third party app on my iPhone.

As you know Apple has stopped signing certificates for installing third-party applications on the iPhone.

During this time AltStore is like a reliable source to install these applications without jailbreaking your device. This is called Sideloading applications on iPhone with AltStore.

What is AltStore?

Altstore is a third-party app installer for iOS non jailbroken devices. This installer makes it possible to install any Tweaked, install third-party apps on your iOS devices which are not available on App Store.

AltStore logo

Recently Altstore released an update where it made it possible to install or you can say Sideload the IPA files on iPhone without jailbreaking.

Normally installing IPA files requires Cydia Impactor which means Jailbreaking your device.

Altstore makes it possible to install IPA files without jailbreaking your device.

Sideloading IPA files in iPhone with AltStore is very easy. You just need to download IPA file on your device.

Open the downloaded file with AltStore or in AltStore App just tap on “ADD” icon and choose IPA file to be added.

How to install AltStore?

AltStore is considered one of the best and safest methods of sideloading third-party applications of iOS.

To install AltStore on iPhone, iPad first you need to install it on your Windows or Mac system.

Just visits the official website of AltStore. AltStore is available for both Windows as well as Mac, download accordingly.

Could Not Find AltServer

How to install AltStore in iOS iPhone

  • Go to the Search tab and search for “AltServer”
  • Run the AltServer
  • Connect your device to the Windows system.
  • Install the AltStore on iOS device

How to download IPA files on iPhone?

Installing an IPA file through AltStore is the best way of sideloading third-party apps on the iPhone.

  • How to download IPA file on iPhone
  • How to download IPA file on iPhone

There are many best websites to download IPA files on the iPhone. Which includes Tweaked++ apps, Emulators as well as Paid apps for free.

Websites such as Vshare IPA Store, CokernutX, iOSNinja, IPALibrary etc provide free IPA files to download.

  • How to download IPA files on iPhone
  • How to download IPA files on iPhone

What is could not find Altserver error?

Once you download an IPA file on iPhone, then we try to install that file by using AltStore.

While Installing IPA file on AltStore an unknown error occurred “Could not find Altserver iOS”. Installation of IPA file failed on iOS.

This error is not related to Altstore app or IPA file so you don’t have to delete or reinstall the AltStore application.

Sometimes you might also face this issue while using “Unc0ver” on iPhone and error comes as Could not find altserver unc0ver.

How to fix AltStore error?

Could Not Find AltServer Error appears very frequently while using AltStore on the iPhone.

Before directly jumping to Solutions make sure you are doing everything right as per below checklist.

  • Laptop / PC with AltStore along with iCloud installed and signed in.
  • iPhone with AltStore installed along with active internet.
  • iPhone connected to Laptop / PC with USB on which AltStore should be running.

You are following all the above-mentioned steps and still getting this error, so the following solution should work for you.

There are many errors that occur during usage of AltServer such as “AltServer could not find this device”, “Altstore already installed on another device”.

Why “Could not find Altserver” error occurs.

Could Not find Altserver IPA File altstore error

The error may occur due to disconnection between your device and Laptop/PC. This might happen 

  • When your device connected to Laptop / PC, you must have unplugged the USB cable.
  • While connected to Laptop/PC you reboot your device.

This leads to disconnection between your device and Laptop/PC.

Solution for Could not find Altserver

Following steps have solved the issue with my device and it should also solve yours. The solution is as below.

Step 1: Disconnect your device from Laptop/PC

Remove the USB cable which is connected to your iPhone/iPad and Laptop.

Step 2: Close AltStore application from Laptop/PC as well as iPhone/iPad

Step 3: ReConnect your iPhone/iPad to your Laptop with USB Cable

Step 4: Open AltStore application on the Laptop/PC

You can search “Altserver” in your laptop’s search bar and run the application named “Altserver”.

Step 5: Sign in AltStore app on iPhone

Open AltStore app on iPhone/iPad and sign in with the same Apple ID which you have used to sign in AltStore Application on Laptop.

Step 6: Install the IPA file on iPhone

Once the iPhone/iPad is connected to the Laptop/PC. Altstore applications are signed in with the same Apple ID on both devices.

Now you can install IPA files without any AltStore error. This is a normal issue and there is a common solution that is just restart everything and try.

This is one of the solutions which I tried personally and worked for me. AltStore always brings out updates related to the latest iOS version.

Always make sure to follow their Twitter account and stay updated. Hope Could Not Find AltServer error will become a major issue for you.

FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions)

Does AltStore work on iOS 14?

Yes, Definitely AltStore works on iOS 14. There have been latest updates released by AltStore where it has fixed major bugs and glitches.

Is AltStore Apple ID Safe?

Yes, As per my knowledge. To use AltStore we need our Apple ID to be used. Here it is not mandatory to use our original Apple ID, you can create one dummy ID and use it.

AltStore uses your Apple ID just to communicate with Apple’s server on behalf of you. Which helps in performing steps and eventually result in installing Third-party apps on an iOS device.

Also, we require to enter our credentials every time we do any activity with AltStore.

Can’t connect to AltStore?

Make sure that both devices are connected to the Internet that is Your Desktop or Laptop and IOS device.

Your device should be connected to a desktop with USB cable properly. Still, facing error?

Then please make sure that your windows firewall is not blocking access of AltStore in your System.

Detailed solution by AltStore itself.

Also find solutions for various other iOS, iPhone issues listed below

  • iPhone Microphone not working on iPhone after iOS 14 Update
  • Wrong Incoming Call name is shown on iPhone After iOS 14 Update: How to Fix
  • How To Hide Photos And Videos In iPhone Without Any Apps

Apple пытается заботиться о своих пользователях, поэтому старается ограничить установку программ из сторонних источников. Это связано с тем, что стороннее ПО может угрожать безопасности устройства. AltServer – это один из удобных инструментов, позволяющих обходить блокировку приложений на Айфоне. Однако с последними обновлениями пользователи, при попытке что-либо установить через АльтСервер появляется ошибка “AltServer Could Not Find» при установке файла IPA на iPhone.AltServer Could Not Find


  1. Из-за чего возникает ошибка?
  2. Общие советы по устранению ошибки
  3. Устранение ошибки: “AltServer Could Not Find”

Из-за чего возникает ошибка?

Apple прекратила подписывать сертификаты для установки сторонних приложений на iPhone. В этот момент AltStore является надежным источником для установки этих приложений без джейлбрейка вашего устройства.

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После загрузки файла IPA на iPhone мы пытаемся установить его с помощью AltStore. При установке файла IPA через AltStore возникает неизвестная ошибка «Не удалось найти AltServer iOS». Установка файла IPA не удалась на iOS.

Эта ошибка не связана с приложением AltStore или файлом IPA, поэтому вам не нужно удалять или переустанавливать приложение AltStore. Иногда вы можете столкнуться с этой проблемой при использовании «Unc0ver» на iPhone, и ошибка будет выглядеть как «Не удалось найти altserver unc0ver».

AltServer Could Not Find сообщение об ошибке

AltServer Could Not Find сообщение об ошибке

Ошибка может возникнуть из-за разрыва связи между вашим устройством и ноутбуком/компьютером. Это может произойти:

  • Когда ваше устройство подключено к ноутбуку/компьютеру, вы отсоединили USB-кабель.
  • Во время подключения к ноутбуку/компьютеру вы перезагрузили ваше устройство. Это приводит к разрыву связи между вашим устройством и ноутбуком/компьютером.

Общие советы по устранению ошибки

Ошибка «Could Not Find AltServer» появляется очень часто при использовании AltStore на iPhone. Прежде чем сразу переходить к решениям, убедитесь, что вы делаете все правильно, следуя следующему контрольному списку:

  • Ноутбук/компьютер с установленным и вошедшим в систему AltStore и iCloud.
  • iPhone с установленным AltStore и активным интернет-соединением.
  • iPhone подключен к ноутбуку/компьютеру с помощью USB, на котором должен работать AltStore.

Во время использования AltServer могут возникать различные ошибки, такие как «AltServer не может найти это устройство» и «Altstore уже установлен на другом устройстве».

Если вы следуете всем вышеперечисленным шагам и все равно получаете эту ошибку, следующее решение должно сработать для вас.

Устранение ошибки: “AltServer Could Not Find”

Вот шаги, которые решили проблему с моим устройством, и они также должны решить вашу проблему. Решение представлено ниже в виде нумерованного списка:

  1. Отключите ваше устройство от ноутбука/компьютера.
  2. Отсоедините USB-кабель, который подключен к вашему iPhone/iPad и ноутбуку.
  3. Закройте приложение AltStore как на ноутбуке/компьютере, так и на iPhone/iPad.
  4. Подключите iPhone/iPad к ноутбуку с помощью USB-кабеля.
  5. Откройте приложение AltStore на ноутбуке/компьютере.
  6. Вы можете найти приложение «Altserver» в поисковой строке вашего ноутбука и запустить приложение с названием «Altserver».
  7. Войдите в приложение AltStore на iPhone.
  8. Откройте приложение AltStore на iPhone/iPad и войдите с помощью того же Apple ID, которым вы использовали для входа в приложение AltStore на ноутбуке.
  9. Установите файл IPA на iPhone.

Когда iPhone/iPad подключен к ноутбуку/компьютеру, приложения Altstore автоматически входят с использованием того же Apple ID на обоих устройствах.
Теперь вы можете устанавливать файлы IPA без ошибок AltStore. Это обычная проблема, и обычное решение заключается в перезапуске всего и попытке снова.

Это одно из решений, которое я лично попробовал и оно сработало для меня. AltStore всегда выпускает обновления, связанные с последней версией iOS.

Всегда следите за их аккаунтом в Twitter и будьте в курсе последних событий. Надеюсь, ошибка «Could Not Find AltServer» больше не будет для вас проблемой.

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Mr-Styx opened this issue

Jan 8, 2020




attempting to install altstore on primary phone.

  • states that altstore was downloaded to other devices and will be unable to be used on other devices. > clicked continue.
  • occasionally after this step it will error out its random but this is the error :The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1011.)

installation failed

  • could not connect to AltServer
  • mail addon is downloaded and enabled in mail preferences


  • MBP 10.15.2
  • iPhone 11 Pro max 13.3
  • downloaded altstore to another iPhone using a different Apple ID.
  • Apple ID freshly created and has not been used to download before.
  • altserver app showed as not responding in activity monitor.

working instal

  • iPhone XR : iOS 13.3
  • used different Apple ID
  • able to re-download altstore with old Apple ID that was originally used.


Having the same problem here all of a sudden. Even tried removing the apps from my phone and I’m still getting both of the messages you were getting. Did you ever find a solution?

11 Pro Max on 13.3.1
MacOS 10.15.3
Using my alternate Apple ID to do this.




The solution listed above should work. Please leave a comment if the issue persists for you on the latest version of AltServer. Closing this issue.

As iPhone user, sometimes we wish to break the jail to use some out of the box features. To do that, AltStore helps to install third party apps. But when users try to use it, they come across issues like could not find altserveraltserver altstore invalid response and altstore could not find altserver.

The main reason for using AltStore is because you don’t have to jailbreak your iPhone and still sideload some apps. But you cannot download a third-party app if you see the “could not find altserver” error as it stops letting you install AltStore on your iPhone. Fortunately, we have found a way to fix this Altserver problem and show you the process of installing AltStore without any stoppage.

Why I See “Could Not Find Altserver”?

This Altserver error usually occurs if there is a disconnection between your iPhone and computer. So when you unplug or restart your device, you will see this issue.

How To Fix Could Not Find Altserver Error

  1. You can fix this Altserver problem by following the below guide. 
  2. Disconnect your device from your Laptop/PC
  3. Close AltStore application from Laptop/PC as well as iPhone/iPad
  4. ReConnect your iPhone/iPad to your Laptop with USB Cable
  5. Open AltStore application on the Laptop/PC. Below we have prepared a full guide to install AltStore.
  6. Sign in AltStore app on iPhone
  7. Install the IPA file on iPhone

Let’s find out how to install AltStore. 

As AltStore considered the most secure way to side load third-party apps, many people prefer to use this platform. Let’s check out the installation process!

  1. First of all, open AltStore official webpage. 
  2. Download AltStore for your computer (Mac or Windows PC)
  3. In the search bar, enter “Altserver.”
  4. Now run the AltStore.
  5. You need to connect your iPhone to PC.
  6. Install AltStore on your iPhone.
  7. After that, you can download the IPA file, which includes Tweaked++ apps, Emulators, and Paid apps for free.

That’s it!

Once you go through the above steps, you will have the AltStore app on your iPhone without any AltServer issue. Now you can sideload many apps on your iPhone which are not available on App Store. 

Many people are also asking that “does AltStore work on iOS 14? So our answer is Yes. Apple’s latest iOS 14 also supports this app without any error. While using AltStore on iPhone, we suggest you create a fake Apple ID to avoid the chances of being ban by Apple. 

While following the above steps and guide, if you still see any issue related AltServer, don’t hesitate to ask us through the comment box directly. We are constantly working for you to give every possible solution. You can also share your workaround to help other iOS users properly install AltStore and use some great paid app for free. 

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