Airport код ошибки 4

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I cannot configure my airport express. Every time I try to connect to it, it displays the error -4

I am running windows 7 starter sp1

I have disabled my firewall and a/v, rebooted my computer, reinstalled airport utility, rebooted the router, restarted my wireless board and reset my router.

Airport Express-OTHER,


Posted on Aug 19, 2013 1:33 PM

OK, so the PC was still blocking the connection.

Thanks for the update.

Posted on Aug 19, 2013 2:48 PM

Error -4 Airport Express

Код ошибки 4 airport

Современные роутеры умеют передавать интернет по Wi-Fi в двух частотных диапазонах: 2,4 ГГц и 5 ГГц.

Это не точные значения, потому что на каждом диапазоне ещё есть каналы. Например, реальная частота 6-го канала 2,437 ГГц, а 7-го — 2,442 ГГц.

Когда на одной частоте слишком много роутеров, они создают друг для друга помехи, интернет не работает. Оказалось, проблема именно в этом.

1. Каналы на роутере можно переключать вручную

AirPort Express оказался слишком слабым для моей квартиры

Я включил 5 ГГц на AirPort Express и начал полноценно пользоваться Wi-Fi. Никаких помех, все стабильно работает даже вечером. Но радость оказалась недолгой.

Дело в том, что роутер у меня спрятан в шкафу в коридоре, а рабочее место оборудовано на лоджии. Между ними всего метров 6 по прямой, но целых три стены, одна из которых капитальная.

По данным WiFi Explorer, сила сигнала Wi-Fi в диапазоне 5 ГГц на AirPort Expres — всего 22%, и приложение называет это Very Poor или «очень плохо».

iPhone вообще не видит эту сеть, а на MacBook Pro она чаще отваливается, чем работает.

Вывод: в моем случае AirPort Express слишком слабый для 5 ГГц

Долго не искал, взял первый попавшийся TP-LINK Archer C60

Теперь использую этот TP-LINK Archer C60, спрятал его в шкафу, чтобы не пугаться

Я ещё успевал в какой-нибудь супермаркет бытовой электроники за новым роутером. Психанул, прыгнул за руль, прилетел в ближайший и командным тоном заявил, что мне нужен самый мощный роутер.

Консультант тыкнул пальцем на TP-LINK Archer C60. Забрал его, притянул домой, подключил, настроил 5 ГГц через быстрый старт и начал проверять его силу.

Короче говоря, качество сигнала 5 ГГц в тех же условиях здесь 60% против 22% у AirPort Express. Wi-Fi нормально работает на всех устройствах, и я больше не нервничаю.

60% качество связи, огонь!

Вот только рядом с AirPort Express этот TP-LINK Archer C60 выглядит, как страшный рогатый монстр. Безвкусная вещь, но пять антенн решают.

Кстати, теперь вы знаете, как узнать, почему ваш роутер плохо работает. Проверяйте занятость каналов и силу сигнала.

P. S. Хотел ещё AirPort Express использовать для расширения сети, чтобы переставить его в другое место и усилить сигнал, но ничего не вышло. Скорее всего, он не дружит с TP-LINK.

Favorite В закладки

Встреча абонентов Триколор с ошибкой 4 не сулит ничего хорошего. Появление подобного сообщения указывает на недоступность вещания и возникновение непредвиденных сложностей, с которыми нужно бороться.

К счастью, в большинстве случаев пользователи способны справиться с имеющимися сложностями без помощи специалистов. Для этого достаточно разобраться в причинах произошедшего и последовательно проверить все возможные источники появления неприятностей. Если запастись терпением, восстановление телевидение не вызовет трудностей.

В крайнем случае, пользователи способны связаться с сотрудниками контактного центра и попросить их о помощи. Операторы поддержки разберутся в сложившемся положении, найдут эффективный метод борьбы с затруднениями и скажут, что делать. Или, если устранить неисправностей удалённо невозможно, примут заявку на визит мастера.

триколор тв ошибка 4

Что означает данная надпись

Чтобы исправить ошибку 4 на Триколор ТВ, первым делом стоит сделать сброс настроек ресивера до заводского уровня.

Для этого потребуется:

Если перечисленные методы не помогут исправить положения, стоит включить информационный канал провайдера (обычно 333) и подождать предложения установить обновление ПО. Важно подчеркнуть, что в период загрузки и установки прошивки не разрешается выключать ресивер. Незапланированные прерывание процесса способно привести к поломке оборудования. В результате пользователям придётся тратить деньги на дорогостоящий ремонт техники в сервисном центре.

Другие варианты исправить ошибку 4 на Триколоре

Триколор ТВ – это крупнейший российский оператор цифрового спутникового телевидения. Компания предоставляет всю необходимую техническую поддержку своим клиентам. Но в процессе эксплуатации оборудования, неизбежно могут возникать разного рода сбои. Специалисты в любое время готовы оказать помощь, однако большинство проблем, можно решить без них. Рассмотрим одну из них – почему триколор пишет ошибку 4 и как это исправить (Рисунок 1).

Триколор тв ошибка 4

При очередной попытке переключить телеканал, абонент видит диалоговое окно в котором Триколор информирует об ошибке 4 – что это значит? Дело в том, что на телекоммуникационном рынке существует достаточно жесткая конкуренция. Операторы пользуются одними и теми же спутниками, и похожим оборудованием.

Чтобы разделить своих клиентов, компании стали кодировать каналы и передавать сигнал, со своей цифровой подписью. Сделано это для того, чтобы абонент не мог получить сигнал от другого оператора, предварительно не оплатив его услуги. Так, вот ошибка 4 говорит о том, что канал не вещается оператором Триколор и скорее всего принадлежит другой компании.

Ошибка 4: что это значит

Подобная ситуация происходит по многим причинам и в большинстве случаев, когда триколор показывает ошибку 4, виноват сам абонент (Рисунок 2). Однако есть и хорошие новости, зачастую, проблема решается самостоятельно, без обращения в службу поддержки и ожидания приезда специалистов. У Вас могут возникать и другие ошибки в Триколор ТВ, как их исправить вы можете узнать тут.

Сбой ПО устройства

Произвели все манипуляции, а доступа к просмотру каналов нет – триколор выдает ошибку 4? Остается последний вариант – обращение в службу поддержки компании. Получить помощь можно на официальном сайте в разделе – «центр помощи», во вкладке «помощь online». Свой вопрос можно задать:

Также, если нет доступа к каналам триколор по причине ошибки 4 или другим вопросам, можно связаться со специалистами в социальных сетях: ВКонтакте, одноклассниках, Skype, Facebook или мессенджере – Viber.

Несмотря на то, что уровень развития современной техники очень высок – это не дает абсолютной гарантии бесперебойной работы оборудования. В то же время, Триколор, не раз подтверждал репутацию надежного провайдера.


https://www. iphones. ru/iNotes/nakonec-to-vykinul-apple-airport-express-vot-pochemu-04-24-2019

https://tricolortvgid. com/tricolor-oshibka-4/

https://soft-ok. net/5048-trikolor-tv-oshibka-4.html

  • #1

Got my airport express. Try to login in with password «public» and all I get is error -4. Tried soft and hard resets, shuttgin off airport extreme, from Mac or PC, still the same. What’s up?

  • #2

Just got my Airport Express today and I had the same error message. After trying several ideas, I finally got the AE to accept changes by plugging my laptop directly into my network. In other words, I plugged my ibook into my switch directly and then ran through the set up. After saving my configuration, I disconnected the ethernet cable and everything has been fine since. I don’t know why I needed to be «wired» to do the initial config, but, hey, at least it worked.


  • #3

Did you read the manual or use the setup assistant?

I just switched ISPs and was given a new modem. The cable modem was successfully installed and I connected it to my Apple router (not sure of the exact model, I think it’s the Airport express base station? It’s really small and rectangular and plugs into the wall). I knew I would have to set up my router again, so I got on my laptop and opened Airport Utility. At first it couldn’t find the router but I’ve had that problem before and it was easily fixed by resetting the router. Now, it found the router but when I click «continue» or «manual setup» it doesn’t work. First, it connects to the wireless network and then there’s a status bar and it says «Detecting Apple wireless devices. Please wait…»
Once it finishes an error comes up that says: «An error ocurred while trying to access the Apple wireless device. Make sure your network connection is valid and try again.
Error              -4″
My network connection is working perfectly fine, I’m using it to browse the web as I’m typing this, and to post this question. I’m using version 5.5.3 of Airport Utility. I tried updating to 5.6.1 or whatever the latest version is, but I need Windows 7 SP1 and I unfortunately do not have blank CDs with enought space to install it. I tried installing it from Windows Update, but when I searched for updates it didn’t return SP1. I’m not sure what else I can try. I need it to work so I can set a password for the network, and seeing the router’s light glowing amber instead of green is very annoying.
Can anyone help? Thank you!

Thank you. I tried following the tip but unfortunately, the same error appeared. Maybe I did the factory default reset uncorrectly, but I’m pretty sure I did it right. Here’s what I did to reset the router:
Unplugged the router, then I got a pen and pressed the reset button. Still holding the button, I plugged in the router and let it power on. It flashed green for less than a second, went to yellow and then started flashing. I released the button, it stopped flashing but stayed yellow.
Is this the correct process? I then unplugged it again, then powered on the modem, then the base station and connected the two. I waited a while for them to get started up, then I went back on my laptop and opened airport utility. It recognized the router (yes, the SSID is «Base Station XXXXXX»). I went navigated to the Assist Me option under one of the drop down menus, but after the «Detecting Apple wireless devices» status bar, I got the same error.
Do you think it has something to do with my ISP (Time Warner Cable)? The error is suggesting it has something to do with my network connection, but like I said I’m using the internet just fine. I just need the Airport utility to work so I can secure the connection.

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    TC is not communicating with Airport Utility (error -6753).  I do have a flashing amber light.   The wireless (printer, TiVo), internet (unsecure), and backups to Time Capsule work fine.  I have done many hard and soft Resets, but that has not helped.  Airport utility show the TC as amber and but won’t let me findout the status of what is causing the problem.  

    What mode is the TC running in, router or bridged? You can sometimes have issues if the TC is bridged and the network is getting IP in a different subnet.
    I would recommend disconnecting the TC from the network and plugging it directly into the Mac via ethernet. You may also need to do a reset if the dhcp is off, as in bridge.
    Also note are you pressing the reset for long enough that the led on front starts blinking rapidly.. hold it in for 15sec to be sure.

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    Sure, I don’t remember the exact method on a PC, but on my old XP, I believe it was Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs to uninstall.
    You can download AirPort Utility for Windows from the Downloads section on the main forum page, or use this link.
    Before you uninstall and reinstall, you might want to try checking the Windows Firewall. That and/or the anti-virus program was always trying to block a new connection whenever I used Windows. See if you can list AirPort Utility as a «exception» or «allowed» application.
    If still no luck, you really need to re-post in the AirPort for Windows Forum. The PC guys all hang out over there.

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    Test after each of the following steps until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
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    Step 2
    Triple-click the line below to select it:  
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Open
    from the contextual menu. A folder should open. Move the contents to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password.

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    What are you setting it up as.. join wireless network .. the very worst setup, it will disappear.. reboot the whole network in order modem. router TC.. clients and it will likely reappear.
    Tell us what network setup you are using..
    If you setup with cable to a computer completely isolated from the network with TC also isolated.. finish the setup of everything you want. .before update.. then plug it into the network. .then restart everything in correct order.. it will work most of the time.

  • Unexpected error when connecting Airport Express A1264 to Airport Utility 6.3.1

    My current wireless setup is and has been the following:  Phone Jack —> DSL modem —> Airport Express via Ethernet cable
    Off of that connection we’ve been able to wirelessly run our MacBook, Apple TV and iPhones for several years.
    We recently left for vacation, so I unplugged everything (apparently a huge mistake).  When we returned from vacation, the wireless connection was intermittent and kept being dropped.
    If I connect the Ethernet cable directly from the modem into my MacBook the internet works fine.
    I tried refreshing the Airport Express by unplugging it and cycling it through.  It continued to drop. 
    By opening the Airport Utility, a firmware update was recommended.  However, since that update the Airport Express isn’t detected anymore.
    I tried a hard reset and Utility finds the Airport Express under «Other Wifi Devices» but then, at the end of trying to «Join the Airport Express to the Network» I get an «Unexpected Error» message.
    Airport Express Model Number: A1264
    Airport Utility: 6.3.1
    OS: 10.8.5
    I am very frustrated and way out of my league here with understanding how this all works and what I can do to fix it.  If anyone has any suggestions or expertise to offer, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thank you for your time,

    Hi AMM222,
    «Unexpected Error» message with Mountain Lion and AirPort Utility 6.3.x.  Hopefully this is just a matter of enabling IPv6.
    AirPort base station not seen or «An unexpected error occurred» appears in AirPort Utility 6.3
    This can happen if IPv6 has been disabled. To enable IPv6 for your network interface:
    Choose Apple menu () > System Preferences, and then click Network.
    If a lock icon appears in the lower-left corner, click it and enter your admin name and password to unlock the pane.
    Click your network service (Wi-Fi or Ethernet) in the list, and then click Advanced.
    Click the TCP/IP tab.
    Choose Link-local only from the Configure IPv6 pop-up menu.
    Click OK.
    Click Apply.
    The AirPort device should now appear in AirPort Utility.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • AirPort Utility 5.4.1 reading AEBSn config error -6728

    While in the process of updating the firmware (7.3.2 to 7.4.1) of one of my Airport Extreme N base stations (gig edition), I keep running into the following pop-up error message when I try to access the base station via Manual Setup. After about 37 seconds «Reading the AirPort Extreme configuration…»:
    «An error occurred while reading the configuration. Make sure your Apple wireless device is plugged in and in range of your computer or connected via Ethernet and try again. (-6728)»
    Alternatively, when I try to update the firmware via the Update Firmware button, after it asks for the base station password, it says «Searching for latest firmware version…» and the progress bar spirals forever ( > 10 minutes). I must quit AirPort Utility to stop this endless «searching.»
    I have updated several other AirPort Extreme and Express N base stations in my network without running into the problems above (no problems accessing base station configs, and firmware downloaded and installed immediately), so it appears this particular base station is not fully cooperating with AirPort Utility. However this base station is still functioning within my wireless network, providing access in Finder to an attached USB drive and serving as the main base among several other Extremes in an Extended network.
    I have tried through AirPort Utiliy:
    Base Station -> Identify… THIS WORKS
    Base Station -> Restart… THIS WORKS
    Base Station -> Upload Firmware… -6728 error
    I have also unplugged the unit to force it to cold boot. No success getting into configuration.
    The MacBook Pro from which I am running AirPort Utility 541.9 is connected directly via ethernet to a LAN port of this AirPort Extreme (the laptop’s internal wifi disabled to prevent multi IP conflicts). The AirPort Extreme WAN port is connected via ethernet directly to my router. There is confirmed Internet connectivity, and per my router each device has its own unique IP address.
    1. What does «error (-6728)» mean specifically?
    2. How do I regain access to this base station, so that I can get into its configuration and do a firmware update?

    Thanks Sascha H-K. Your suggestion worked!
    I removed AU 5.4.1.
    I downloaded and installed AU 5.3.2.
    THEN, running AU 5.3.2, I was able to enter the manual setup configuration of my stalwart AirPort Extreme base that would not respond to AU 5.4.1.
    From there I was able to update the base station firmware to 7.4.1.
    I noticed that when running AU 5.3.2, all the updated 7.4.1 base stations do not appear in Wireless Clients in Base Station -> Logs and Statistics. (Running AU 5.4.1 solves that problem.)
    Now, I am back to running AirPort Utility 5.4.1, and I am able to access manual setup configurations for all my base stations.
    It’s weird this method worked. But I’m glad I didn’t have to force a hard reset on the base station and lose all my network settings, bringing down the whole network since it was the main base station that didn’t respond.

  • Loaded Mountain Lion and time capsule no longer works, airport utility can’t be configured, back ups have stopped, sparse bundle in use errors occur, what a mess!!!!

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    I’ve tried to but on the install for Airport Utility 6, after the download I get through the introduction then the license then I get «airport utility can’t be installed on this disk. The version of Mac OS X on this volume is not supported» and that’s it, no more options!?

  • I have a software update to airport utility 6  but I get an error message and a red exclamation mark in my software update.

    I tried several time to install the airport utility 6.0 but it will not install.
    Every time i get an error message with a red exclamation mark.
    I even tried to install the 5.4 utility but then I get the same error message.

    I had to reinstall Lion, that solved the problem but it was a **** of a job.

  • Windows 8.1 and most recent version of Airport Utility.  Error message 6722 during connection.

    New computer with Windows 8.1.  I have downloaded most recent version of the Airport Utility.  The utility finds by airport express but during connection I get error message -6722.  I suspect Windows 8.1 is not compatible with my first generation Airport Express but before I buy a new one would like to know for sure.

    More compatible than v2 of the Express which you cannot configure from windows.. all the later airport routers need v6 utility to configure them.. and this is not available for windows.
    These issues arise due to all sorts of things.. the error message is very unclear in its meaning.
    Plug the Express into the computer by ethernet. Do a factory reset on the Express and see if you can set it up by ethernet.
    Wireless products can be a problem. Set the Express to fixed channel, 11, 6, 1 in that order.. with no security and a simply name, for both the express and wireless. No spaces and pure alphanumeric.
    If the computer cannot connect under the most ideal situation nothing else will fix it.
    If you have an ipad iphone with iOS v6 or later then you can use the apple version Airport utility which is much more likely to work than windows.

  • OSX Lion 10.7.3 and Airport Utility 6 Installation Errors

    I tried to run a Software Update and install the latest upgrades but the installation fails for both Airport Utility 6 and OSX Lion 10.7.3 updates. Each time, the update is downloaded succesfully then after the installer runs for a while an error pops up on the screen saying something like «Error: A number of files could not be installed» and all you can do is «ok» it. Nothing gets installed. When downloading JUST Airport Utility 6 from the Apple website to attempt a manual install, I get the following error:
    I’ve tried running Fix Disk Permissions on the drive, and even Rpair Disk, but found no errors of any kind on the disk. My disk has over 300GB of available space. The Mac is a 2011 MacBook Pro 2.3Ghz with 4G RAM, currently running 10.7.2.
    I’ve never had ewrrors with an Apple Software Update before, so this is very strange…
    Apple, can you please help, or let us know if there will be a fix forthcoming?

    Examination of the system log shows the following error exactly when the update fails:
    xpchelper[1030]: could not open dyld map file: (null)
    Installer[1166]: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

  • Trying to update airport express by downloading airport utility 5.6 on my macbook pro/lion.  getting error message «version of OS X  on this volume is not supported»  What does it mean?

    Trying to update airport express by downloading Airport Utility 5.6 (which it says I need).  When installing I get an error message, «…version of Mac OSX on this volume is not supported.»  What does it mean/what do I do?

    For OS X Lion, you need to download this version directly from Apple Support Downloads.

  • I have an Airport Extreme as my wifi hub and an Airport Express to beam music. All of a sudden the Express stopped working and I get the error message «this version of Airport Utility does not support this base station».  All my software is up to date and

    I have a WiFi system in the house that uses the Airport Extreme for a hub and an older Express for sending music from my Mac to my sound system. Everything worked great till yesterday. When I go to Networks I see the Extreme and I see the Express but the Express is no longer connected and I get an error message «this version of AirPort Utility doesn’t support this base station».  Any ideas?

    This sounds as if you have an older AirPort Express that is no longer supported by the newer Mavericks operating system.
    To check and see if  that might be the case, locate the model number on the side of the AirPort Express. It will start with an «A» followed by four numbers. Hard to see in the faint print… you may need reading glasses or a magnifying class to see the model number clearly.
    Model numbers A1084 and A1088 of the AirPort Express are no longer supported by AirPort Utility in Mavericks.
    You will need to use a Mac running Leopard, Snow Leopard, or a PC to be able to administer the older AirPort Express.

  • After hard reset of time capsule, airport utility cannot setup again. «an unexpected error occurred. try again»

    After starting airport utility, it searches and i select my time capsule. AU grinds for a minute and comes back with «An unexpected error occured. Try again.»

    Hi Philjp,
    If you are having issues connecting to your Airport Time Capsule, even after a factory reset, you may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: AirPort base station not seen or «An unexpected error occurred» appears in AirPort Utility 6.3
    — Brenden

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  • AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4

  1. AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4


    I imac pc is connected to Airport via Dlink Wireless 150 Router DIR-600. My Airport Express was working fine from past 6 months but from few days, I am getting error message : «Bad param error -4». I have also checked in Admin assistant, I tried a soft reset and a hard reset and finally a factory reset. Using the default password «public» I still get the same error (-4). What may be the issue ???

  2. Re: AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4

    Check that the cable routing is adapted to your base station. The AirPort Extreme (802.11n) has 4 Ethernet ports, 1 WAN port (WAN) and 3 LAN ports (LAN). The first AirPort Extreme includes two LAN ports and one WAN port, plus a modem port. Note: The icon used for the Ethernet LAN port on the AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet) is the only Ethernet icon used on products with a single Ethernet port.

  3. Re: AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4

    If you have a wireless Ethernet card 802.11 non-Apple, make sure it is compatible with the software and Apple hardware that you use. The PowerBook G3 work with the card or WaveLan Lucent Orinoco, but only under Mac OS 9. Cards from other manufacturers do not work with AirPort software from Apple when the computer boots into Mac OS X.

  4. Re: AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4

    Make sure that the procedure used by the base station to obtain information (IP via DHCP, BootP, or manually) is that required by your ISP to the Internet. If you use a cable modem or DSL connection, check if your home Internet requires entering your customer ID. Most providers of Internet access do not ask. Do not be surprised if yours does not. The customer ID is provided in the AirPort software version 1.2 or later.

  5. Re: AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4

    You may lose your AirPort connection if you are out of range of the base station or if a barrier between your computer and the terminal blocks wireless signals. To control the intensity of the signal, open the AirPort application (Mac OS 9) or Internet Connection (Mac OS X). The signal strength is it noticeable? Try moving closer to the base station or eliminate potential sources of interference.

  6. Re: AirPort Express Error : Bad param error -4

    The network name is sometimes invisible in the case of a «closed network». It is well defined by the administrator. To connect to a closed network, choose «Other» in the AirPort menu. In case of difficulty, check with the administrator that you correctly enter the network name. To resolve this problem, it may also be useful to make the network name visible.

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