Adsl ошибки uas

Сообщение об ошибке 1067 «Процесс был неожиданно завершен» возникает при попытке выполнить действие, которое вызывает запуск службы. Чаще происходит при запуске службы SQL и ей подобных. Узнаем подробнее, как ее исправить.

Предоставление учетной записи управлять службой

Проблема часто связана с различными разрешениями и для ее решения предоставьте текущей учетной записи пользователя доступ к элементам управления службой. Это решение примените в первую очередь. Поскольку оно универсально и может быть использовано независимо от того, какая служба отображает сообщение об ошибке 1067.

Нажмите Win + R и выполните команду services.msc.

Найдите службу, которая выдает ошибку, щелкните на нее правой кнопкой мыши и перейдите в Свойства. На вкладке Общие посмотрите состояние. Если она запущена, остановите ее нажатием на соответствующую кнопку.

Затем на вкладке Вход в систему кликните на «Обзор».

В поле ввода имен выбираемых объектов наберите имя текущей учетной записи, кликните на «Проверить имена», чтобы проверить ее правильность, и нажмите на «ОК». Либо выберите имя с помощью кнопок Дополнительно – Поиск.

Затем введите пароль, и примените изменения на «ОК». Закройте окно, и перезагрузите компьютер. В большинстве случаев, этим способом удается исправить ошибку с кодом 1607.

Переустановка службы

В этом решении используем более продвинутый способ перезапуска службы, которая была повреждена и ее не удается исправить в свойствах.

Откройте редактор реестра выполнением команды regedit из окна Win + R.

На левой панели перейдите к разделу:


В разделе Services найдите проблемную службу, кликните на нее правой кнопкой мыши и удалите. Подтвердите все запросы, которые могут возникнуть в процессе удаления, и перезагрузите компьютер

Если не удается удалить проблемный раздел, попробуйте добавить дополнительные разрешения.

Правым щелчком мыши на службе в левой панели вызовите контекстное меню и выберите «Разрешения».

В разделе группы или имена пользователей найдите текущую учетную запись. Если не отображается, нажмите Добавить – Дополнительно – Найти. Выберите ее из результатов поиска.

Установите курсор на текущую учетную запись в разделе группы и имена пользователей, отметьте флажком поле полный доступ в разделе Разрешения и примените изменения.

После этого попробуйте снова удалить раздел и перезагрузите компьютер.

После перезагрузки запустите командную строку от имени администратора с помощью системного поиска.

Запустите следующую команду, которая позволит восстановить удаленный раздел из реестра:

sfc /scannow

Дождитесь завершения сканирования и перезапустите ПК. Проверьте, решена ли проблема.

Перезапуск MySQL

Если ошибка 1607 связана со MySQL, сначала ее остановим, затем удалим несколько файлов в каталоге установки.

Откройте Панель управления командой control из окна Win + R.

В правом верхнем углу экрана установите просмотр на крупные значки и перейдите в раздел Администрирование. В правой части окна выберите Службы.

Найдите MySQL и дважды кликните на нее, чтобы открыть свойства. Остановите ее нажатием на соответствующую кнопку.

Затем перейдите в проводнике в каталог установки MySQL, который находится на системном диске в папке Program Files (x86). Откройте его и перейдите в папку Data. Найдите два файла ib_logfile0 и ib_logfile1, кликните на них правой кнопкой мыши и удалите.

Вернитесь в окно служб и запустите MySQL. Проверьте, удалось ли устранить ошибку 1067.

Directory Service
by Eric Jansen on Dec 2013

Greetings all, it’s Eric here again, wait nope…this is the first time posting to CB5! I’m a guest blogger on the Crandall brothers’ site today and I wanted to talk about an interesting case that I had regarding the ADWS service not starting on most of the DC’s at one of my customers’ hub site. I want to cover what kind of impact that can have, so I’ll talk about what ADWS does, requirements of ADWS, how to troubleshoot the issue, and some workarounds to fix the issue.

First of all, I’ll give you a high level overview of ADWS. ADWS is the Active Directory Web Service and it’s a new component that shipped with Windows 2008 R2 and is installed by default when adding the ADDS or ADLDS roles. It’s a web service interface for managing your Active Directory Domains, database Instances, or database mounting tools . One great thing is that all management is done over a single (non configurable) port, TCP 9389. Also, just as a side note, this service runs independently of IIS.

Due to the fact that the Active Directory Module for PowerShell uses/requires ADWS to function, a lot of things can be rendered useless if those services don’t start. Some examples of that are things like the AD-Recycle Bin (though you can still un-delete objects via LDP), the Active Directory Administrative Center, PowerGUI, certain client applications, or anything else that uses PowerShell on the back end that manages the directory.

So, as far as requirements for ADWS, they are as follows:

< 2008 R2

  • 2003 or 2008 DC’s with the Active Directory Management Gateway Service
  • .NetFramework 3.5 SP1 (need that to be able to install the ADMGS)
  • Depending on the OS that ADMGS is being installed, hotfixes from the following knowledge base articles:
    • KB969166
    • KB969429
    • KB967574

>= 2008 R2

  • 2008 R2 OS
  • Event Log Service. It’s a hidden dependency, but ADWS will not start without the “Windows Event Log” service being started


  • If certificates are involved, then ADWS needs to use a Server Authentication certificate for encryption purposes to be able to start. They key here is encryption, as you’ll see in the update at the bottom of the page.

In my customer’s case, they had all of the basic requirements met, to include a “valid” Server Authentication certificate, but their ADWS service still didn’t start. They got the following errors:

  • When attempting to start the service they got “Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.”
  • When rebooting, they saw ADWS Event ID 1002 in the ADWS Logs that said: “Active Directory Web Services could not initialize its endpoints. A networking error could have occurred.”

OK, now what?? Now we turn on diagnostics logging for ADWS and see what’s going on.

To do this we need to modify the Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe.config file found in the %Windir%ADWS directory. You’ll need to add the following lines into the <AppSettings> section. Be sure that its between the <appSettings> and </appSettings> section boundaries…

<add key=”DebugLevel” value=”Info” />

<add key=”DebugLogFile” value=”c:windowsdebugadws.log” />

Valid values for the DebugLevel value are:

0 – No logging

1 – Error (this logs critical errors only)

2 – Warn (this logs warning events as well as error events) – Recommended value to use unless you need full tracing

3 – Info (verbose)

Use strings rather than numbers, so just to be clear, type “Info” between the quotes instead of “3” for example. Once this is done, you’ll see some new events trigger in the ADWS Event log, and then you’ll see the ADWS.log start to populate with diagnostics info.

Note: So you don’t gather too much data, just turn logging on, reproduce your issue by trying to start the service, wait for it to fail, and then turn logging back off.

When I did that I found the problem as seen in the snip below:


Well, again, the DC had a server authentication certificate, so it should have worked, so I compared the certificate store of the DC’s where ADWS was failing to the one that was working. The difference was the OCSP Signing Cert… The three that were failing had the OCSP cert, and the one that was working did not.. The domain controllers that were unable to start the ADWS service also had the OCSP Responder role installed on them as well (this isn’t recommended BTW). So I did a quick test by deleting the OCSP Signing cert and then trying to start the service…voila! It worked…until you rebooted the server or manually re-enrolled to pick up a new OCSP Signing cert and then tried to restart the service.. As a temporary work around what I did was delete the OCSP Signing cert, started the service and then re-enrolled, telling the customer that if they rebooted to follow my work around so everything was functional again.

Later on, I sent the customer two other more permanent work around that were better, but still not great. They are as follows:

  1. Move OCSP Responders off of the DCs, so the OCSP Signing Certs go away. This is the best case scenario as it is not recommended to collocate the directory service and OCSP role.
  2. Modify the “OCSP Response Signing” certificate template to add encryption to the certificates purpose. This can be done by going to the template and modifying the Request Handling.
    1. Open up the Certificate Authority, right click on Certificate Templates and select “Manage”
      1. Go to the properties of the “OCSP Response Signing” template and then to the “Request Handling” tab
      2. Change “signature” to “signature and encryption”.
      3. signature_encryption

In the end, the service is supposed to use the first “valid” server authentication certificate that it finds on startup, but I’ve found that in at least my one customers case, this isn’t true. This appears to be an unintended behavior in the certificate selection process for the ADWS service and there’s no way that I know of to manually select what it uses.

Note: In my customers case, they copied and modified the default template. Using the default template, I’m not able to reproduce this issue. Once I find the discrepancy in the modified template, I intend to update this blog entry.

UPDATE (4/1/2011):

I went back to visit one of my customers (the same one that had the issue that I wrote this blog about) and just in catching up, they mentioned that a while back, the Active Directory Web Service wasn’t starting on any of their DCs. This occurred after a major PKI environmental change. Essentially they cutover from managing their own PKI infrastructure, to being moved under a larger entity. In doing this, they had to get new certificates for all of their DC’s. I never got a call about this though because this customer has a secret weapon, “SuperG”. SuperG figured out the root cause out after finding this blog, and it pointing him down the right path.

When turning on Debug logging, he saw the exact same error:

StartService: couldn’t start WCF (invalid argument), System.ArgumentException: The certificate ‘’ must have a private key that is capable of key exchange. The process must have access rights for the private key.

However this time, there was no OCSP Signing Cert, only a DC Cert, so that pretty much pointed straight to the problem, he just needed to figure out what was wrong with the cert and how to correct it for future certificate requests. After looking into it, he found that it was a “type 2” key, so it had a “signature” key type and not a “type 1” key, an “exchange” key type . He then requested a new cert, with the correctly selected option (seen below), and then everything was good after that.


If you aren’t sure what kind of key type your DC Cert has, you can check using the certutil command.  The first thing that you’ll want to run is:

certutil –verifystore my >c:CertutilVerifyStoreMy.txt

From there you’ll need to review the output and find your current DC certificate.  In my customer’s case, there was only one certificate on the DC, so it should have been “Certificate 0”, however, they had 20 other archived certificates that showed up in the dump, and the current/only certificate that was in the personal store ended up being Certificate 4.  Now that I knew which certificate it was, I could go gather some more verbose data about that certificate to try to figure out what was wrong with it.  To do that you’d run the following command, changing the 4 to whatever the number is for the certificate that you’re interested in:

certutil –v –store my 4 >c:CertutilVerboseStoreMy4.txt

That will give you a detailed output for that certificate.  What I was interested in was the key type that I mentioned earlier.  That information is located in the output file, however it’s not called key type, you’ll need to search for KeySpec. When I did a search for it, I found the following, which as noted above is not what we want:

KeySpec = 2 — AT_SIGNATURE

It should be:


  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • Hello everyone

    I’ve an old server upgraded from windows Server 2003 to windows 2008 R1 to windows server 2008 R2

    Then this year I’ve upgraded it to windows 2012 R2

    Right now I’m facing this issue

    I’ve goggled it and tried all solutions I’ve found but there’s no way

    tried : Fixing the regedit directory, as for ADWS from working server

    all fsmo roles exists on another server

    no problem with the replication

    no problem with certifications

    even I’ve copied «C:\windows\ADWS» folder from working 2012R2 server to this server but no solution


Attempts to stop the IBM Rational License Manager service thru the Microsoft Windows Control Panel Services applet, you receive a pop-up error message: Could not stop the FLEXlm License Manager service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.


There are a number of different causes why this error can occur.

Resolving The Problem

Workaround 1

Workaround 2

Workaround 3

Workaround 4

Workaround 1:

Even though you receive this pop-up error message, the IBM Rational License Manager service stops successfully.

One workaround to avoid receiving this error message is to stop the License Manager service using the License Tools utility. To use this tool in Rational Suite 2003, use the following procedure:

  1. Select Start > Programs > Rational Software > License Tools
  2. Select the Stop/Start/Reread Tab and select the ShutDownServer button.
  3. The IBM Rational License Manager service will stop successfully.

Workaround 2:

If the installation was done on a drive other than the default C:\ drive, copying the contents of the perm.dat file into a license.dat file under C: \FLEXlm

Workaround 3:

Validate that Microsoft Internet Explorer is not an older version than required for your version of the IBM Rational products you are using.

Workaround 4:

This workaround will resolve the following problems which can cause this error:

  1. The license file used by the FLEXlm license server does not contain any license key (no INCREMENT line)
    1. No license key has been installed
    2. The FLEXlm license server is not configured correctly. The wrong license file is used.

      For example: Floating temporary keys have been installed but the license file

      rational_perm.dat is used instead of rational_server_temp.dat.

  2. The license file is corrupted.
    The words SERVER and DAEMON could be on the same line.

Solution to cause 1:

    1. Install a temporary or a permanent license key.
    2. Configure the FLEXlm license server following the steps below:
      1. Access Start > Run enter lmtools.exe and hit enter.
      2. From the Service/License File tab choose Configuration using Services, go to the Configure Services tab and update the Path to the license file.

        There are four types of license files:

        Contains all node-locked temporary license keys.
        Contains all node-locked permanent license keys.
        Contains all temporary floating license keys on a license server.
        Contains all permanent floating license keys on a license server.

        The FLEXlm license server can also be configured so that both temporary and permanent license files are used.

      3. Select Start >Run, enter regedit and hit enter
      4. Navigate to the following key:
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Flexlm License Manager\Flexlm Service
      5. The value license should contain the paths of both your temporary and permanent license files, separated by a semi colon. Do not enter any space before or after the ‘;’.
        For example:
        D:\Program Files\Rational\Common\rational_server_temp.dat;D:\Program Files\Rational\Common\ rational_server_perm.dat

    Solution to cause 1:

    Make sure the license file has the following format

    1. If Permanent or TLA key are used:
      (PACKAGE lines)


      hostname of the license server    Hostid of the license server
      DAEMON rational path of rational.exe
      VENDOR rational
      INCREMENT  line which is the license key itself

      ex:  SERVER    ALLURE   DISK_SERIAL_NUM=7d00b0e
      DAEMON  rational

      D:\Program Files\Rational\Common\rational.exe
      VENDOR   rational

      INCREMENT RationalSuiteEnterprise rational 1.0 10-jan-2001 1 \
      980FBBD8D88E \                                      VENDOR_STRING="3121-08469|Floating|0|ClearQuest:1.1, \
      RequisitePro:4.0, soda_word:3.5, rose_enterprise_windows:6.0, \
      TestFactory:7.1, Robot:7.1, TestManager:7.1, LogViewer:7.1, \
      VisualPureCoverage:6.0, PurifyNT:6.0, VisualQuantify:6.0, \
      UnifiedProcess:5.1 " HOSTID=ANY OVERDRAFT=0 SUPERSEDE \
      DUP_GROUP=UH vendor_info="XXXXX-0-XXX|Rational Suite \
      Enterprise|1.0 " ISSUED=11-Jun-2001 NOTICE="Yourcompanyname"\

    2. If temporary key are used,

      (PACKAGE lines)


      hostname_ of_ the_ license_ server    ANY
      DAEMON rational  path_ of_ rational.exe
      VENDOR rational
      INCREMENT  line which is the license key itself

      ex: SERVER    ALLURE   ANY
      DAEMON  rational

      D:\Program Files\Rational\Common\rational.exe
      VENDOR   rational

      INCREMENT TestStudio rational 1.0 20-MAY-2001 9999 \
      37ACADB8BDEE \
      VENDOR_STRING="3121-08475|Floating|0|RequisitePro:4.0, \
      soda_word:3.5, TestFactory:7.1, ClearQuest:1.1, Robot:7.1, TestManager:7.1, \
      LogViewer:7.1, VisualPureCoverage:6.0, PurifyNT:6.0, VisualQuantify:6.0, \
      UnifiedProcess:5.1" HOSTID=ANY  DUP_GROUP=UH OVERDRAFT=0 \
      vendor_info="XXXXX-0-XXX|Rational Suite TestStudio|<B.0.V.>" \
      NOTICE="Rational Startup License"  ck=0

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SSTMW6″,»label»:»Rational License Key Server»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU053″,»label»:»Cloud & Data Platform»},»Component»:»General Information»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Version»:»2001a.04.00;2002.05.00;2002.05.20;2003.06.00;2003.06.01;2003.06.10;2003.06.12;2003.06.13;2003.06.14;2003.06.15″,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB45″,»label»:»Automation»}}]

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Фоновые службы Windows обеспечивают правильную работу функций Windows. Если с сервисами произойдут какие-то ошибки, то вы столкнетесь с проблемами. В этой статье мы расскажем вам, как исправить одну из ошибок, возникающих в службах Windows – Ошибка 1067: процесс неожиданно завершился . Следуйте проверенному решению, приведенному ниже.


  1. Шаг 1.
  2. Шаг 2.
  3. Шаг 3.
  4. Шаг 4.
  5. Шаг 5.
  6. Шаг 6.
  7. Шаг 7 .
  8. Шаг 8.
  9. Шаг 9.
  10. Шаг 10.
  11. Шаг 11.

Шаг 1.

На клавиатуре нажмите Клавиша Windows + клавиша R вместе, чтобы открыть окно “Выполнить”.
Введите в поле regedit и нажмите Введите , чтобы открыть окно редактора реестра.

Шаг 2.

Нажмите Да в ответ на запрос UAC (контроль учетных записей).

Шаг 3.

В окне редактора реестра разверните HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services .

Шаг 4.

Найдите и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши службу с ошибкой 1067 в диалоговом окне “Службы”.
Затем выберите Экспорт .
Выберите место для сохранения во всплывающем окне. -верхнее окно.

Шаг 5.

Вернувшись в окно редактора реестра, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на той же службе.
На этот раз выберите Удалить .
Затем закройте окно.

Шаг 6.

Введите cmd в поле поиска.
Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Командную строку на выбор.

Шаг 7 .

Нажмите Да при появлении запроса от UAC.

Шаг 8.

Введите sfc/scannow во всплывающем окне.
Нажмите Enter , чтобы запустить его.
Дождитесь завершения проверки 100% .

Шаг 9.

Закройте окно и перезагрузите ваш компьютер.
Затем найдите свой служебный файл, сохраненный на шаге 4.
Щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы выбрать Объединить .
Нажмите Да по запросу UAC.

Шаг 10.

Откройте окно «Выполнить», введите в нем services.msc и нажмите Enter , чтобы откройте окно “Службы”.

Шаг 11.

В окне” Службы “найдите службу и щелкните ее правой кнопкой мыши. .
Затем нажмите Пуск и закройте окно.
Проверьте, существует ли ошибка.

Вот и все. Надеюсь, это помогло вам.

В случае возникновения путаницы, пожалуйста, оставьте свой комментарий ниже, спасибо.

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