Adf cover open ошибка принтера oki

Эта ошибка возникает на некоторой ограниченной партии принтеров B4200 и В4300, а также сделанных на их базе ОЕМ-аналогах (очень редко
может возникать и на принтерах B4100 / B4250 / B4350 и более ранних OKIPAGE 6ex / 10ex / 12i / 14ex / 14i, а также факсах OKIFAX 5600 / 5650 / 5680 / 5700 / 5750 / 5780 исключительно в силу наличия аналогичной же конструкции).
Появляется она из-за того, что внутри принтера ломается пластиковый рычажок, который под действием открывающейся крышки нажимает на микро-переключатель на материнской плате. Нужно снять кожух, открыть верхнюю крышку, отсодединить шлейф печатающей головки и снять крышку. К её левому (если смотреть на принтер с морды) крепежу подходит пластиковый рычажок, который уходит внутрь принтера и нажимает там на микрик. Он может ломаться. Для устранения ошибки нужно либо заменить этот рычажок на новый (код заказа в СЦ OKI — 3PP4083-6058P001 и называется эта деталь — SWITCH ARM) —  он теперь металлический, либо склеить старый. Как вариант можно задублировать микрик, на который нажимает этот рычажок и вывести дублёра наверх, чтобы иметь возможность нажимать на него тогда, когда принтер требует открыть крышку — например при замине бумаги. Но это, конечно, колхоз, к тому же на сегодня сильно устаревший.


  1. Страница 138: Решение проблемы замятия бумаги
  2. Adf cover
  3. Установите барабан переноса изображений, оснащенный картрид.
  4. Ус тр а не ни е неисправност ей .
  5. Когда можно увидеть документ внутри АПД .
  6. Сообщения об ошибке, Сообщения об ошибке, отображенные на экране, 7 сообщения об ошибке
  7. Сообщения об ошибке .
  8. Сообщения об ошибке .
  9. Сообщения об ошибке .

Страница 138: Решение проблемы замятия бумаги

7. Устранение неисправностей

В данной главе имеются способы решения проблем, которые могут быть обнаружены при работе с устройством.

В данной главе объяснено, как решить проблему замятия бумаги.

Для получения подробной информации о каждом компоненте компьютера, см.

Для получения подробной информации о местонахождении каждого компонента устройства, см.

Проверка сообщений об ошибках

Когда происходит замятие бумаги, на экране
дисплея появится сообщение [Paper jam] или
[Document jam] и замигает кнопка на панели оператора. Код ошибки и
описание отличаются в зависимости от того, где
происходит замятие бумаги.

Проверьте код ошибки, который появится из списка
снизу, и см. соответствующую процедуру для
решения проблемы замятия бумаги.

Решение проблемы замятия

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Барабан переноса изображений (зеленый ролик) очень
хрупкий. Обращайтесь с ним осторожно.

Не подвергайте барабан переноса изображений прямому
воздействию солнечных лучей или слишком яркому
внутреннему свету (примерно более чем 1500 люксов). Даже
при нормальном внутреннем освещении не оставляйте его
более чем на 5 минут.

Код ошибки 370, 371, 372 (дуплексное
замятие бумаги)

Извлеките документы из лотка подачи
документов, если там таковые имеются.

Нажмите кнопку открытия верхней крышки
(1) и откройте верхнюю крышку.

Paper Jam Occurs: 3##С
Please open the scanner unit and the top
cover And, please check.

Автор Musa задал вопрос в разделе Железо

Принтер говорит: «Open top cover. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Отправитель[гуру]
Откройте верхнюю крышку,
Удалите (снимите) контейнер с тонером (картридж видимо) ,
Затем проверьте уровень экрана,
Удалите застрявшую бумагу (замятую)
Установите картридж на место
И закройте верхнюю крышку.
Короче у тебя принтер бумагу зажевал походу.

Если нижний край бумаги виден,
удерживайте бумагу и осторожно

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Блок разгрузки бумаги (Замятие бумаги)

Если нижний край бумаги в принтере виден,

удерживайте и вытаскивайте бумагу

Если видно замятие бумаги в блоке разгрузки бумаги и если
бумага видна изнутри верхней крышки, вытащите буагу по
направлению внутрь принтера.

Если нижний край бумаги не виден, но виден

верхний край в блоке разгрузки бумаги,
удерживайте верхний край бумаги и
осторожно вытаскивайте бумагу. Если
невозможно извлечь бумагу, следуя шагам
(А)1 и (А)2, вытаскивайте бумагу при помощи
следующих шагов (В).

Если не удалось извлечь замятую бумагу, не

прилагайте усилий, чтобы ее извлечь, а
следуйте нижеприведенным шагам.

Поместите картридж барабана переноса
изображений обратно в принтер и закройте
верхнюю крышку.

Сначала выключите питание принтера (О), а
затем снова включите (I). Когда движок начнет
крутиться, удерживайе верхний край бумаги и
вытаскивайте бумагу.

Если замятие бумаги происходит, когда Вы загружаете бумагу,
проверьте, чтобы она не оставалась ни в одном боке подачи
бумаги. Помните, что можно сбросить сигнальный дисплей
только тогда, когда откроете верхнюю крышку, а затем снова ее

Установите барабан переноса изображений, оснащенный картрид.

Установите барабан переноса изображений,
оснащенный картриджем, заново,
убедившись, что выступы (1&2) находятся в
правильном положении в слотах с каждой
стороны принтера (3).

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Закройте верхнюю крышку.

Код ошибки 390 (Замятие подачи бумаги
(Многоцелевой лоток))

Извлеките документы из лотка подачи
документов, если там таковые имеются.

Нажмите кнопку открытия верхней крышки
(1) и откройте верхнюю крышку.

Осторожно выберите барабан переноса
изображений, оснащенный картриджем. Не
дотрагивайтесь и не поцарапайте
поверхность зеленого барабана.

Если верхний край бумаги виден с тыльной
стороны прозрачных направляющих,
поверните их в сторону печки и держите
верхний край бумаги и осторожно
вытаскивайте бумагу.

Если не виден ни верхний ни нижний

край бумаги, переместите замятую

бумагу в сторону стрелки как

показано. держивайте верхний край

бумаги и осторожно вытаскивайте

Если нижний край бумаги виден,
удерживайте бумагу и осторожно

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Ус тр а не ни е неисправност ей .

Установите барабан переноса изображений,
оснащенный картриджем, заново,
убедившись, что выступы (1&2) находятся в
правильном положении в слотах с каждой
стороны принтера (3).

Закройте верхнюю крышку.

Код ошибки 391, 392 (Замятие подачи

Код ошибки 391 указывает на ошибку в лотке 1 и код
ошибки 392 указывает на замятие бумаги в лотке 2.

Лоток 1 приведен в качестве примера для данной процедуры.

Вытащите и удалите кассету для бумаги
указанного лотка.

Извлеките замятую бумагу.

Поместите лоток обратно в устройство.

Нажмите кнопку открытия верхней крышки
(1) и откройте верхнюю крышку.

Закройте верхнюю крышку.

Произошло замятие документа

Когда можно увидеть документ в
дуплексном пути прохождения бумаги

Откройте крышку АПД и извлеките документ
по направлению вверх.

Когда можно увидеть документ внутри АПД .

Когда можно увидеть документ внутри

Извлеките документы из лотка подачи
документов, если там таковые имеются.

Откройте крышку АПД.

Удерживайте замятую бумагу за верхний
край и осторожно вытащите ее.

Если верхний край документа виден из под
направляющих (1), поднимите их, а затем вытащите

Если сторона документа не видна в АПД, поднимите
лоток подачи документов (2), а затем вытащите

Вытащите лоток подачи документов.

Закройте крышку АПД.

Сообщения об ошибке, Сообщения об ошибке, отображенные на экране, 7 сообщения об ошибке

Общие сообщения об ошибках для всех функций

Сообщения об ошибке

Сообщения об ошибке

В данном разделе объяснены причины и способы их удаления для сообщений об ошибках, отображенных на
экране отображения и функция кнопки .

Сообщения об ошибке, отображенные на экране

В следующих списках:

— «%COLOR%» указывает на К (черный)

— «%TRAY%» указывает на лоток 1, лоток 2 или МЦ лоток

— «%ERRCODE%» указывает на код ошибки

— «%FS_ERR%», «%CODE%» и «%FATALSTRING1%» указывают на детальную информацию об ошибках

— «%MEDIA_SIZE%» указывает на размер бумаги

— «%MEDIA_TYPE%» указывает на тип бумаги

— «%COVER%» указывает на верхнюю крышку или заднюю крышку.

Если отображенное сообщение содержит текст «Смотрите раздел Помощи для получения подробной информации», ожно проверить
контрмеры ошибок, нажав кнопку на панели оператора.

Если отображено сообщение «

на панели управления для удаления ошибки.

Для получения подробной информации о функции кнопки , см.

Общие сообщения об ошибках для всех функций

Требуется проверка.
PU Flash Error

Ошибка прошивки.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

Требуется проверка.
PU Communication Error

Ошибка прошивки.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

%COLOR% Toner Low.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается* Картридж указанного цвета на исходе.

Приготовьте новый картридж.

* Если кнопка > [Установки Админ.] >

[Device Management] > [Установки Системы] > [Near life LED]
установлена на [Disable], кнопка не

Image Drum Unit Near Life.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается* Срок эксплуатации блока барабана переноса

изображений подходит к концу.
Подготовьте к замене барабан переноса

* Если кнопка >[Установки Админ.] >

[Device Management] > [Установки Системы] > [Status in Near
] установлена на [Enable] и [Near life LED] установлено на
[Disable], кнопка не включается.

Если [Status in Near life] установлено на [Disable], сообщение не
отображается и кнопка не включается.

%COLOR% Toner Empty

Please see Help for details.

Картридж указанного цвета пуст.
Замените его на новый картридж.
413 : К

Сообщения об ошибке .

Сообщения об ошибке

%COLOR% Toner Empty

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Картридж указанного цвета пуст.

Замените его на новый картридж.

%COLOR% Toner cartridge not installed. :

Please see Help for details.

Картридж указанного цвета установлен неправильно.
Установите его заново.
613 : К

%COLOR% Toner cartridge not installed.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Картридж указанного цвета установлен неправильно.

Установите его заново.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Указанный лоток пуст.

Загрузите бумагу в лоток.

File System is full.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Файловая система заполнена.

File System is write protected.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Файловая система, в которую Вы пытались записать,

защищена от записи.

Please see Help for details.

Память переполнена.
Если выполняются несколько заданий
одновременно, завершите их и попробуйте снова.
Если не работает, уменьшите разрешение печати.

Memory Overflow. : 420

Please see Help for details.

Память переполнена.
Уменьшите разрешение печати. Если не работает,
уменьшите размер печатных данных.

Access Limitation Error
Deleted unauthorized user data.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Устройство удалило задание

Accounting Log Buffer is near full.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Журнал учета заданий почти заполнен.

Accounting Log Buffer Full (Delete old logs)

Загорается Старые учетные журналы удалены, так как журнал

учета заданий почти заполнен.

Сообщения об ошибке .

Сообщения об ошибке

Accounting Log Writing Error

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Ошибка записи заданий в журнал учета.

Disk Use Failed %FS_ERR%

Please see Help for details.

Ошибка операции диска.

Please check data.
Message Data Write Error : %CODE%.

Загорается Ошибка записи сообщений для загрузки.

Обратитесь к дилеру.

Please check %COLOR% Toner Cartridge.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Что-то не в порядке с сенсором картриджа

указанного цвета во время печати.
Проверьте, что картридж указанного цвета
установлен правильно.

Please check %COLOR% Toner Cartridge. :

Please see Help for details.

Что-то не в порядке с сенсором картриджа
указанного цвета.
Проверьте, что картридж указанного цвета
установлен правильно.
543 : К

Please check %COLOR% Toner Cartridge. :

Please see Help for details.

Картридж указанного цвета не зафиксирован
должным образом.
Проверьте рычажок фиксации, чтобы он скользил
547 : К

Paper Jam: %ERRCODE%
Please open the scanner unit and the top cover.

Please see Help for details.

Замятие бумаги.
Удалите замятую бумагу.
Ошибка 372: Застревание из дуплекса
Ошибка 380: Подача бумаги
Ошибка 381: Транспорт
Ошибка 382: Выход
Ошибка 389: Потеря печатной страницы
Ошибка 390: МЦ Лоток
Ошибка 390: Ручной

Paper Jam: %ERRCODE%
Please pull out the paper cassette of the indicated

Please see Help for details.

Произошло замятие бумаги при подаче бумаги из
указанного лотка.
Удалите замятую бумагу.
391 : Лоток 1
392 : Лоток 2

Please check the %COVER%.: %ERRCODE%

Please check the %COVER%.

Please see Help for details.

Открыта верхняя крышка.
Закройте верхнюю крышку.
310 : Верхняя крышка
587 : Задняя крышка

Please see Help for details.

Крышка АПД открыта.
Закройте крышку АПД.

Сообщения об ошибке .

Сообщения об ошибке

Выключите и включите питание
%ERRCODE%: Error

Произошла ошибка в устройстве.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Требуется проверка.

Произошла ошибка в устройстве.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

Выключите и включите питание

Произошла ошибка в устройстве.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если появится такая же ошибка, выключите
устройство, а затем снова включите его. Если
ошибка не удалена или такая же ошибка появляется
снова, обратитесь к дилеру.

Document Jam
Please open the scanner unit and the ADF cover.

Please see Help for details.

Замятие документа.
Откройте крышку АПД, а затем извлеките замятую

Lamp Error. Please call service.

Please see Help for details.

Указывает на ошибку лампочки.
Данное сообщение отображается, так как
интенсивность света лампочки слабее.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Кассета бумаги отсутствует в указанном лотке.

Вставьте кассету бумаги в указанный лоток.
Если кассета уже помещена в устройство, вытащите
ее и установите заново в нужном положении.

Please close %TRAY%.: 430,440
To cancel, select [Cancel]

Кассета бумаги отсутствует в указанном лотке.
Вставьте кассету бумаги в указанный лоток.
Если кассета уже помещена в устройство, вытащите
ее и установите заново в нужном положении.

Требуется проверка.

Обработка отсканированного изображения не
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Please call service.
Scanner unit failed to detect printer unit.

Ошибка между блоками сканера и принтера.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

SIP Firmware Missing

Обнаружена неполадка платы.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Wait a moment.
Network initializing .

Загорается Измененные настройки сети сохранены.

Please change SD Memory Card.
Error Code: 085

Загорается Содержимое SD карты не может быть прочитано

Если та же карта используется далее, может
произойти та же ошибка. Замените SD карту.

Выключите и включите питание
Carriage Error

Please see Help for details.

Указывает на ошибку картриджа.
Сообщение отображается, так как картридж сканера
работает ненормально.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Выключите и включите питание
Carriage Error

Указывает, что произошла следующая ошибка
2: Ошибка исходного положения (ошибка
соединения картриджа)
3: Ошибка определения стартовой позиции
Если ошибка не устраняется, обратитесь к Вашему

Error Message List

Wait a moment. Network initializing .

The network is being initialized.

Wait for a while until the machine connects to the network.

Checking File System

File system in the hard disk is being checked. Wait for a while.

Inspection is required. PU Flash Error

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Inspection is required. PU Communication Error

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Offline Mode

The machine is offline. Press the Online button to set it to [Online].

Data present.

Data remains unprinted.

Deleting data.

The job was cancelled or user is unauthorized.

Warming up.

The machine is adjusting the temperature of the fuser unit. Wait for a while.

Preparing .

Color registration and density are being adjusted. Wait for a while.

Updating firmware. Do not turn OFF the power.

The programs on the machine are being updated.

Do not turn the machine off until the update completes.

The machine automatically restarts after the update completes.

Toner Low.

The toner indicated on the screen is low. Have a new toner cartridge ready.

Waste Toner Full Replace with new Toner Cartridge.

Waste toner is full. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red)

C Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

M Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

Y Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

K Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum K (Black) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

Error Postscript

A postscript error has occurred.

Image Drum Near Life.

The image drum indicated on the screen is near life. Have a new image drum ready.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Fuser Near Life.

The fuser unit is near life. Have a new fuser unit ready.

Belt Unit Near Life.

The belt unit is near life. Have a new belt unit ready.

Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit.

The fuser unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the fuser unit with a new one.

Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit.

The belt unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the belt unit with a new one.

Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge.

The toner indicated on the screen is empty. Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Toner cartridge not installed.

A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.

Install the toner cartridge.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit.

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

TRAY is empty.

No paper is loaded in the tray. Load paper.

File System is full.

Memory in the file system is full.

Delete unnecessary files.

The File System is write-protected.

The file you are trying to write is write-protected.

Check the file name.

Insufficient page memory to collate.

Insufficient memory error has occurred during collate printing.

Reduce the number of pages to print.

Insufficient memory. Error: 014

Memory full error has occurred during PC Fax reception. Press [Close].

Unauthorized user, job cancelled.

Unauthorized job was sent or unauthorized user attempted to print or send a fax. Data was deleted. Contact your administrator to use this machine.

File erasing .

Files stored for authentication print are being deleted.

Wait for a while.

Deleting encrypted authentication print data.

Files stored for encrypted authentication print are being deleted. Wait for a while.

Erased Data Full

Files supposed to be deleted are full. Erase the files.

Secure job storage period exceeded.

Files whose authentication print data storage period expired were automatically deleted.

Disk Read/Write Error

An error has occurred in the file system. Press [Close].

Flash Error

An error has occurred when firmware was being updated.

Contact the administrator.

Invalid print data received.

Invalid print data or PC fax data was received. To erase the message, press [Close].

If you performed authentication printing, the data was deleted because it was incomplete. Print again.

Received data has been discarded because Job Type is restricted.

Data whose job type is not defined in the acceptable job type settings was received. The data was discarded without being processed.

Select a job type defined in the acceptable job type settings for [Job Type] of the printer driver and print again.

Manual Request. Error : 500

Print on paper fed manually. Load paper in the MP tray.

Please change [MEDIA_SIZE] [MEDIA_TYPE] in [TRAY]. Error: 461, 462, 463, 464

The size and type of fed paper do not match those indicated on the screen. Use the same size and type of paper selected on the application.

Please change [MEDIA_SIZE] [MEDIA_TYPE] in MP Tray Error: 460

The size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray do not match those indicated on the screen. Make sure that the size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray match those selected on the application.

Wait a moment. Message Data processing .

Messages to be displayed on the machine are being updated. Wait for a while.

Wait a moment. Message Data writing .

Messages to be displayed on the machine are being updated. Wait for a while.

Restart the machine. Writing message data has been complete.

Messages to be displayed on the machine are now updated.

Turn the machine off, and then back on.

Wait for a while.

Please check data. Message Data Write Error

Updating messages to be displayed on the machine failed.

Make sure that you use right data for this machine.

Wait a moment. Network Configuration writing .

Network settings for this machine is changed. The new settings are being stored. Wait for a while.

Wait a moment. Network initializing .

Network settings for this machine are initializing.

Paper [TRAY] is empty Set [MEDIA_SIZE] Error: 490, 491, 492, 493, 494

No paper is loaded in the indicated tray. Load paper of the displayed size.

[TRAY] cassette is missing. Open and Close the indicated cassette. Error: 440, 441, 442, 430, 431, 432, 433

The tray is not installed. Install the cassette. If the cassette is already inserted, pull it out, and then insert it again.

Insufficient memory. Error: 420

Data is too complicated. Memory full error has occurred during processing. Reduce the volume of the print data.

Waste Toner Full Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 414, 415, 416, 417

Waste toner of the toner cartridge is full. Opening and closing the front cover can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red)

Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 410, 411, 412, 413

The indicated cartridge ran out of toner.

Opening and closing the front cover can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Incompatible C Toner. Error: 552, 556, 616, 622

The installed C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Incompatible M Toner. Error: 551, 555, 615, 621

The installed M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Incompatible Y Toner. Error: 550, 554, 614, 620

The installed Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Incompatible K Toner. Error: 553, 557, 617, 623

The installed K (Black) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Toner Not Installed. Error: 610, 611, 612, 613

A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.

Install the toner cartridge.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Sensor Error Check Image Drum. Error: 540, 541, 542, 543

The sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen.

Uninstall the image drum, and then install it again.

If the message persists, uninstall the toner cartridge and install it again.

If the toner cartridge is not installed, install it.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Multiple sheets of paper have been fed. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 401

The indicated tray fed multiple sheets of paper at a time.

Remove the cassette from the tray, and then load paper again.

Paper Size Error. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 400

Paper size error has occurred in the indicated tray. Make sure that the size made by paper loaded in the tray matches the setting made by the paper size dial in the paper cassette. Load paper according to the paper size and direction set for the paper size dial.

If the setting made by the paper size dial is wrong, cancel printing first, set the paper size dial, and then print again.

Make sure that the cassette does not feed multiple sheets of paper at a time after starting printing. If it happens, remove paper, and then load paper correctly.

Paper jam has occurred. Open the front cover and remove the paper. Error: 390

Paper jammed via the paper feed path from the MP tray.

If the edge of the jammed paper is not visible, open the front cover and remove the paper.

Paper jam has occurred. Pull out the [TRAY] cassette and then remove the paper. Error: 391, 392, 393, 394

A paper jammed via the paper feed path from the indicated tray.

Pull out the cassette, and then remove paper. If multiple sheets of paper are fed at a time, remove paper and reload paper.

Make sure that the paper stoppers are set in the right position.

Paper jam has occurred. Open the front cover and remove the paper. Error: 372, 380

Paper jammed in the paper feed path of the machine. Open the front cover and remove the jammed paper.

A paper jam has occurred under the image drum or around the fuser unit. Please remove paper. Error: 381, 382, 383, 348, 389

A paper jam has occurred inside the machine.

Open the cover and remove jammed paper.

A Paper Jam has occurred and paper remains near the Duplex Unit. Please remove paper. Error: 370, 371, 373

Paper jammed near the duplex printing unit.

Pull out the duplex unit on the back of the machine, and then remove jammed paper.

The 2-Sided Printing unit is not set correctly. Error: 360

The duplex unit is not properly installed. Install the duplex unit.

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 350, 351, 352, 353

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible, however.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 680, 681, 682, 683

Printing has stopped because the image drum indicated on the screen reached its lifetime. Replace with a new image drum to print.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit. Error: 354

The fuser unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the fuser unit with a new one.

Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.

Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 355

The belt unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the belt unit with a new one.

Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.

The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 348

The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit. If the error persists after re-installing, replace the fuser unit with a new one.

Waste Toner Full. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 356

Waste toner of the belt unit is full. Replace the belt unit with a new one. Opening and closing the cover can resume printing. Printing stops after 500 sheets are printed.

Toner cartridge not properly installed. Error: 544, 545, 546, 547

A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.

Make sure that the lever on the toner cartridge is fully turned and the protective tape is removed.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum not properly installed. Check Image Drum. Error: 340, 341,342, 343

The indicated image drum is not installed correctly.

Remove and re-install the image drum.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 320

The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit.

Belt Unit not installed correctly. Re-set the Belt Unit. Error: 330

The belt unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the belt unit.

[COVER] Open. Error: 310, 311, 587

Indicated cover is open. Close the cover.

Error: 310 The output tray, 311 The front cover, 587 The upper output tray

Please check data. Program Data Write Error

An error occurred when firmware was being updated.

Use a correct update file.

Power OFF/ON

Turn the machine off, and then back on.

If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Inspection is required.

Turn the machine off, and then back on.

If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Cancelling .

The cancel button was pressed while copying. The copy job is being cancelled. Wait for a while.

Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover is open.

The ADF cover of the scanner is open. Close the cover.

Document jam has occurred. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check.

Paper jammed in the ADF of the scanner.

Open the ADF cover and remove jammed paper.

Multiple sheets of document have been fed. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check.

Multiple sheets of document have been fed. Fan a stack of the paper well and place them on the automatic document feeder (ADF). Use the document glass if a tag or label is affixed to the document.

Scanner lamp error check the lamp.

Light volume of the scanner is low. Contact your dealer.

Power OFF/ON Carriage Error

An error has occurred on the carriage of the scanner. Turn the machine off, and then back on.

If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

USB Memory Full

Scan To USB Memory was cancelled because the USB Memory is full.

Check the free space in the USB Memory.

Writing to USB memory failed.

The USB Memory is write-protected. Unlock the protection.

USB Memory disconnected.

The USB Memory was removed while performing Scan To USB Memory.

Connect to PC failed.

No destination computer was found for Scan to Computer. Make sure that your computer is turned on and recordable.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Insufficient memory occurred during Rx.

Memory full error has occurred during fax reception. Ensure available memory.

Communication Error

An error has occurred during fax transmission or fax reception.


The external phone is in use.

File Transmission Error

An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a network cable has occurred while performing Scan To shared folder.

Check the network connection.

To erase the message, press [Close].

E-mail Transmission Error

An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a network cable has occurred while performing Scan To E-mail. Check the network connection.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Please check SMTP settings.

Cannot connect to the SMTP server. Check the network settings.

Please check POP3 settings.

Cannot connect to the POP3 server. Check the network settings.

SMTP Login failed.

An attempt to log into the SMTP server ended up an authentication error.

Check the network settings.

SMTP Auth. Unsupported

The SMTP server does not support the authentication system.

Check the network settings.

POP3 Login failed.

An attempt to log into the POP3 server ended up an authentication error.

Check the network settings.

Getting target IP failed. Please Check DHCP settings.

The DHCP server cannot be detected. Check the network connection.

Please check DNS settings.

Cannot connect to the DNS server. Check the network connection.

Please check Server settings.

Cannot connect to the file server. Check the network settings.

Server Login failed.

Logging into the file server failed. Check the server settings.

Entering directory failed.

Connecting to the directory of the FTP server failed. Check the server settings.

Changing data Transfer Type failed.

File transmission failed because the file transfer type was not accepted by the FTP server. Change the FTP transfer type to «binary».

File writing failed.

Files sent using Scan To shared folder could not be written. Check the access rights for the shared folder.

FTP destination Full.

Memory in the FTP server is low. Delete unnecessary files and ensure the free space.

Please change File Name.

The specified file name is not acceptable. Check the FTP server settings and change the file name.

Device communication protocol not supported.

The server does not support CIFS or FTP. Check the server settings.

Please check Network Share Name.

The name of the network shared folder is not correct. Check the folder name.

Please check data. Program Data Write Error

An error has occurred when program was being updated.

Please insert USB Memory.

Scan To USB Memory or print from USB Memory with USB Memory not inserted was attempted.

Insert USB Memory.

[TRAY] cassette missing.

The cassette in the indicated tray is pulled out.

Install the cassette.

Access Limitation Error Monochrome printing was performed due to the color printing limitation.

A color print job was converted to a mono print job due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.

Access Limitation Error Data was deleted due to the color printing limitation.

A color print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.

Restricted access error Data deleted due to printing restrictions.

A print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for printing.

Incompatible USB device connected. Remove the connected USB device.

An unsupported USB device is connected. Remove the USB device.

Please remove the connected USB device. USB device has not been recognized.

The connected USB device was not recognized. Remove the USB device.

Please remove the USB Hub. USB Hub is connected.

A USB hub is connected. Remove the USB hub. This machine does not support USB hub.

Inspection is required. SIP Error

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Please call service. Scanner unit failed to detect printer unit.

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

HDD Error 0

While initializing this machine, a hard disk which needs formatting was detected.

HDD Error 250

While initializing this machine, a damaged file for encrypted authentication printing was found. Format the hard disk again.

Accounting Log buffer is near full.

The accounting log buffer is almost full.

Acquire the log and free the buffer.

Accounting Log Writing Error

An accounting log writing error has occurred.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Job Log Database Error

A data base access error has occurred while writing or reading the job log. Turning the machine off and on may resolve the problem.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Accounting Log Buffer Full (Delete old logs)

Old logs were deleted, because accounting log buffer was full. Acquire the log and free the buffer.

Power OFF/ON

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

A decoding error occurred. Check the image data.

An error has occurred in the image data sent to this machine. Check the image data.

Process has been canceled as there is no space on the device. Please free up enough memory space by reducing usage and try again.

Processing data was cancelled due to memory full.

Reduce the usage on the device to ensure available memory, and then retry.

Process has been canceled by a device error. After maintenance or change of the device, please try again.

Processing data was cancelled because an error occurred on the device.

Repair or replace the device, and then retry.

Access denied to PC. Please check PC.

Connecting to a computer failed when performing Scan to Computer. Check the settings on the computer.

Deleting data.

This machine ran out of color toner. Color print data is being deleted.

Error PDF

The PDF file is damaged.

This PDF file is password protected.

This PDF file is password protected. Enter a password to print.

Valid password required to print document.

This PDF needs authentication. Enter a password to print.

No communication with the SNTP server.

Obtaining current time from the SNTP server failed. Check the server.

USB Memory disconnected.

The USB Memory was removed while printing from USB Memory. Do not remove USB Memory while printing is in progress.

Cannot open the file.

The specified file could not be Opened. Check the file.

Cannot read the file.

Files could not be read. Check the device where the files are stored.

File loading from USB.

Data is being read from USB Memory.

Press the Stop button to cancel reading.

An error occurred. Scanning is pending.

Printing has stopped due to an error.

Image Drum Sensor Error.

The toner sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen.

Printing was stopped. Rear Output Tray was opened during printing. Open the Output Tray. Error code: 409

The rear output tray was moved while printing.

Place the rear output tray in the correct position, and then open and close the output tray.

Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge.

The indicated cartridge ran out of toner.

Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.

Wait Timeout in menu is disabled. Printing is disabled except by USB. Clear page buffer and enable time out in menu.

Wait Timeout is disabled.

Insufficient memory occurred during Fax Tx reservation.

Insufficient memory error has occurred during Scan To fax.

Insufficient memory.

Insufficient memory error has occurred during fax reception.

E-mail receiving has been cancelled.

E-mail reception was cancelled.

Check the file format and size of the attached file.

Wireless settings are incomplete.

Wrong values are set or items remain unset in the wireless LAN settings. Check the wireless settings.

Not connected to wireless access point.

No wireless LAN access points are found.

Make sure that the access point is turned on.

Disconnect and re-connect to wireless LAN.

Wireless startup failed.

Restart the machine. If the error persists, contact your dealer.

Firmware Update Error Please try again. If network doesn’t work, please try firmware update over USB.

Updating the firmware failed. Update again.

Registering with Google Cloud Print. Don’t turn off the power until registration is complete.

This machine is being registered to the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.

Deleting from Google Cloud Print.

This machine is being removed from the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.

Caution, unknown Consumable detected Go to User Manual «Trouble Shooting» to restore operation Error 709

You can use any consumables in your product, but you must accept the risks of using non-genuine consumables.

If the use of non-genuine consumables causes damage to the product or results in your product not functioning to its full specification, then such damage or effect on the product is not covered by warranty.

To accept these risks and to restore function;

Turn off the machine.

Holding the [CLEAR] button, turn on the machine.

Release the [CLEAR] button when «RAM CHECK 100%» is displayed.

This operation log is recorded in the product.

If you have any questions, contact your dealer.

Replace the image drum. [PAGES] Pages Left.

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Replace the image drum. Print Quality Not Guaranteed.

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Receiving data timeout.

Data could not received within a certain period of time.

IPv4 address is conflicted. Please change IPv4 address.

The IP address assigned to this machine is duplicated with that of another device.

Check the IP addresses, and then assign another IP address.

Incompatible [COLOR] Image Drum. Error: 984, 685, 686, 687, 690, 691, 692, 693, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707

Non-optimum image drum is installed.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

C Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 696

Cyan (blue) image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

M Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 695

Magenta (red) image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

Y Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 694

Yellow image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

K Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 697

Black image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

Blank pages were detected on all pages. Please check how the document was set.

Scanned pages are all blank. Turn over the document.

In order to set paper that cannot be output to the Upper Output Tray, the paper was output from Output Tray. To turn off this display, press the [Close] button.

Check the type of the specified paper.

Simplex printing was performed as the paper setting did not allow duplex printing.

Duplex printing is not available on the specified paper.

Check the size and thickness of paper.

Multi-purpose tray has not been set to be used as the tray, so multiple copies have been printed. Please verify multi-purpose tray settings. Press [Close] button to remove this dialog

MP tray setting is set to [Do Not Use]. Change the MP tray setting.

Output Paper Full. Remove the paper on [TRAY]. Error: 480, 485

Paper in the output tray is full.

Remove the handout.

Changing Language. Panel operation is disabled.

Display language is being changed.

Wait for a while.

Language Change Failed. Error num: %CODE%

Switching display languages failed. Press the power button to turn the machine off, and then back on.

Detected an abnormality of internal database. The data must be deleted. After pressing [Format], the data will be deleted, and then reboot.

Data base is beyond restoration.

To delete the data base, press [Format].

Cannot print because your Summary Account balance is 0. User name for Printing: [USERNAME] Summary Account Name for Insufficient Balance: [ACCOUNTNAME] To continue the print job, increase the balance and select [Start]. To increase the balance, please contact the device administr. To cancel the print job, select [Cancel].

The number of print jobs excesses the limit. No more print jobs are authorized. Contact your administrator.

Copyright © 2015 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.



  1. Oki c822 toner sensor error
  2. Oki c822 toner sensor error
  3. Error Message List

Oki c822 toner sensor error

Причина в том, что принтер «не видит» прыгающей в своём окошке шторки датчика тонера (см. статью о механизме работы датчика). Есть пять простых вариантов причины возникновения этой проблемы:
1. Не до упора повёрнута ручка запирания тонер-картриджа. Окошко в торце ручки должно находиться строго напротив отверстия в корпусе принтера, за которым расположена оптопара датчика тонера. Нажмите ручку до упора.
2. На белую шторку, появляющуюся в окошке, налип тонер, отчего она перестаёт отражать свет оптопары. Шторку необходимо очистить от тонера, чтобы пропало сообщение об ошибке датчика.
3. В принтере, где уже побывал покупной картридж, оказался вновь стартовый. В комплекте поставки всех младших принтеров, начиная с лета 2004 года, идут стартовые тонер-картриджи, у которых нет датчика тонера (см. выше), а вместо него просто наклеен кусочек фольги. Такой картридж может нормально работать в принтере только с самого начала. При его наличии принтер считает расход тонера только по формуле и когда достчитывает до конца, требует заменить картридж. После этого в принтер необходимо установить покупной картридж, в котором есть датчик тонера. Как только такой картридж попадает в принтер, он переходит в режим контроля датчика тонера и если после этого в него опять вставить стартовый картридж, то принтер, не увидев работающего датчика, выдаст ошибку датчика тонера.
4. Размер окошка слишком велик. Возможна ситуация, когда окошко, за которым находится белая шторка, слишком велико и поэтому оптопара не может корректно сфокусировать отражение от шторки и получить устойчивое срабатывание. Исправить ситуацию можно следующим образом: необходимо заклеить чёрным не блестящим скотчем окошко сверху так, чтобы высота прорези была не более 4мм:

5. Установлен не тот фотокартридж. В нижней части фотокартриджа расположен небольшой металлический штифт (или несколько штифтов), которые попадают в прорези на металлической пластине, расположенной на правой части внутри принтера.

Штифты могут быть установлены в разные позиции. Именно положение штифтов определяет «совместимость» того или иного фотокартриджа с тем или иным принтером. Если в принтер вставлен фотокартридж не того типа, то картридж устанавливается в принтере не под нужным углом и окошко датчика тонера просто не попадает напротив оптопары. Штифт, в принципе, можно переставить, но для этого необходимо разобрать картридж, так как вынуть его наружу невозможно: на его конце находится шляпка, не позволяющая вытянуть его. Поэтому где-то эту причину тоже можно отнести к сложным вариантам. Впрочем, можно открутить металлическую пластину внутри принтера, ту самую, в которую упираются эти металлические штырьки, тогда в принтер можно будет установить печатный картридж от любого принтера 3000й или 5000й серии.

Теперь «сложные» варианты сами по себе. Вынув тонер-картридж и удерживая его в том же положении, как он стоит в принтере, покрутите пальцем шестерню снизу. Белая шторка должна периодически на короткое время убираться вверх из окошка. Если этого не происходит, значит возникла механическая проблема.
1. Заклинил рычажок датчика. Белая шторка застряла либо в верхнем либо в нижнем положении. Попробуйте вручную (например иголкой) раскачать шторку вверх и вниз. Обычно это можно сделать не разбирая картриджа.
2. Оторвалась мешалка внутри тонер-картриджа. При вращении шестерни мешалка не вращается внутри картриджа, отчего и шторка тоже не прыгает. Очевидно, что для восстановления работоспособности необходимо разобрать картридж и восстановить вращение мешалки.
3. В картридж засыпан магнитный тонер. О такой проблеме доводилось слышать только по отношению к чёрному картриджу, который пытались заправлять чёрным магнитным тонером от ч/б принтеров. Такой тонер, находящийся в картридже, «навсегда» притягивает к себе магнитик, отчего шторка уходит из своего окошка вверх, давая на датчике постоянное false. Решение очевидно – воспользоваться немагнитным тонером, тщательно вычистив внутренности тонер-картриджа от остатков магнитного порошка.

У новой серии принтеров С3000 и C5000 датчик тонера расположен в фотокартридже. Снаружи он виден как прямоугольное окошко, расположенное на торце фотокартриджа с той стороны, где располагается запирающая ручка тонер-картриджа:

Это окошко закрывается специальной шторкой, когда тонер-картридж отсоединяется от фотокартриджа (на рисунке ниже мигает красным, но на самом деле эта шторка — чёрная):

Так вот, ошибка датчика тонера может возникать на этих принтерах от того, что при закрывании ручки тонер-картриджа шторка не ушла наверх. В этом случае оптопара «не увидит» движущегося за окошком отражающего сектора, который и вызывает срабатывание оптопары. Соответственно, закрыть ручку тонер-картриджа до упора или если это не помогает, принять другие меры для того, чтобы эта шторка ушла вверх.


Oki c822 toner sensor error

mariam » 01:47 — 23.10.07

KudesNIK » 10:08 — 23.10.07

Гость » 10:33 — 23.10.07

До этого — печатали. Ошибка датчика синего тонера. Ничего особенного не делали, пару раз бумага застревала на ленте переноса, вытаскивала картриджи аккуратненько, извлекала бумагу и дальше печатала. Но это реально пару раз всего и было, и проблем не вызывало. Я конечно куплю сейчас новый картридж, и/или фотокартридж если проблема в нем, принтер очень нужен в рабочем состоянии и времени разбираться особенно нет, но все равно очень хочу понять что случилось и как быть в таких ситуциях. Заранее спасибо за помощь

KudesNIK » 16:04 — 23.10.07

Вариантов с этим датчиком несколько.
1. Не до конца закрыта ручка, запирающая тонер-картридж в драм-картридже.
2. При закрытии картриджа не полностью поднялась шторка, закрывающая отверстие для отражалки в драм-картридже.
3. На оптопару насыпался тонер и свет просто не проходит
У меня тут пара фоток есть, ща я их обработаю и в соответствующий FAQ положу для простоты восприятия.

Кстати, в FAQ фотки и пояснения к ним уже прицепил, так что желающие могут их там посмотреть.

mariam » 16:53 — 24.10.07

Слов нет, одни эмоции. С тех пор как принтер встал, приходили два разных мальчика-ремонтника (не ОКИ, у нас нет специализированного сервиса в городе), чесали репы, бормотали что-то про чипы. А я, после недолгого, но проникновенного рассматривания новых картинок в «соответствующем FAQ» (не пойму как ссылки добавлять, простите) у KudesNIKa, залезла, что-то интуитивно поковыряла в окошке датчика, почистила на всяк. случ. еще раз оптопару, закрыла крышку и на глазах у изумленной публики принтер заработал.

Спасибо! Мы будем покупать принтеры А3 формата, и тот факт, что это будут OKI во многом определил тот факт, что у OKI есть такой замечательный KudesNIK Я теперь Ваша фанатка.

KudesNIK » 10:33 — 25.10.07

mariam , а в каком городе у нас сервис-центр отсутствует? Судя по IP-адресу ты пишешь из Казани. А в Казани есть сервис по OKI. Но IP-адрес вещь неверная, поэтому расскажи, в какую сторону надо развиваться?

А ссылки просто вставляются — надо нажать кнопку URL и добавить нужную ссылку в тег
» [url=http:\www.ссылка.ru] «, потом написать то, что должно появиться и снова нажать кнопку URL. Усё.

mariam » 12:30 — 25.10.07

В данный момент вещаю из г. Набережные Челны. Гипотетически сервис может и есть, но его никак не найти, мы честно и долго искали, с тех пор еще когда у нас старые ОКИ стояли. Опять же, теоретически Казань недалеко, но не тащиться же туда из-за мелких проблем. Картриджи и проч. заказываю через Инет и вожу Грузовозоффым, т.к. в городе в продаже тоже нету. Но, насколько мне известно, здесь не так много ОКИ вообще в городе, у нас два с5900, да еще пару мест всего знаю. Да и городишко малюсенький.


Error Message List

Wait a moment. Network initializing .

The network is being initialized.

Wait for a while until the machine connects to the network.

Checking File System

File system in the hard disk is being checked. Wait for a while.

Inspection is required. PU Flash Error

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Inspection is required. PU Communication Error

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Offline Mode

The machine is offline. Press the Online button to set it to [Online].

Data present.

Data remains unprinted.

Deleting data.

The job was cancelled or user is unauthorized.

Warming up.

The machine is adjusting the temperature of the fuser unit. Wait for a while.

Preparing .

Color registration and density are being adjusted. Wait for a while.

Updating firmware. Do not turn OFF the power.

The programs on the machine are being updated.

Do not turn the machine off until the update completes.

The machine automatically restarts after the update completes.

Toner Low.

The toner indicated on the screen is low. Have a new toner cartridge ready.

Waste Toner Full Replace with new Toner Cartridge.

Waste toner is full. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red)

C Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

M Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

Y Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

K Non Recommended Toner.

An optimum K (Black) toner cartridge is not installed.

Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.

Error Postscript

A postscript error has occurred.

Image Drum Near Life.

The image drum indicated on the screen is near life. Have a new image drum ready.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Fuser Near Life.

The fuser unit is near life. Have a new fuser unit ready.

Belt Unit Near Life.

The belt unit is near life. Have a new belt unit ready.

Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit.

The fuser unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the fuser unit with a new one.

Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit.

The belt unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the belt unit with a new one.

Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge.

The toner indicated on the screen is empty. Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Toner cartridge not installed.

A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.

Install the toner cartridge.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit.

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

TRAY is empty.

No paper is loaded in the tray. Load paper.

File System is full.

Memory in the file system is full.

Delete unnecessary files.

The File System is write-protected.

The file you are trying to write is write-protected.

Check the file name.

Insufficient page memory to collate.

Insufficient memory error has occurred during collate printing.

Reduce the number of pages to print.

Insufficient memory. Error: 014

Memory full error has occurred during PC Fax reception. Press [Close].

Unauthorized user, job cancelled.

Unauthorized job was sent or unauthorized user attempted to print or send a fax. Data was deleted. Contact your administrator to use this machine.

File erasing .

Files stored for authentication print are being deleted.

Wait for a while.

Deleting encrypted authentication print data.

Files stored for encrypted authentication print are being deleted. Wait for a while.

Erased Data Full

Files supposed to be deleted are full. Erase the files.

Secure job storage period exceeded.

Files whose authentication print data storage period expired were automatically deleted.

Disk Read/Write Error

An error has occurred in the file system. Press [Close].

Flash Error

An error has occurred when firmware was being updated.

Contact the administrator.

Invalid print data received.

Invalid print data or PC fax data was received. To erase the message, press [Close].

If you performed authentication printing, the data was deleted because it was incomplete. Print again.

Received data has been discarded because Job Type is restricted.

Data whose job type is not defined in the acceptable job type settings was received. The data was discarded without being processed.

Select a job type defined in the acceptable job type settings for [Job Type] of the printer driver and print again.

Manual Request. Error : 500

Print on paper fed manually. Load paper in the MP tray.

Please change [MEDIA_SIZE] [MEDIA_TYPE] in [TRAY]. Error: 461, 462, 463, 464

The size and type of fed paper do not match those indicated on the screen. Use the same size and type of paper selected on the application.

Please change [MEDIA_SIZE] [MEDIA_TYPE] in MP Tray Error: 460

The size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray do not match those indicated on the screen. Make sure that the size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray match those selected on the application.

Wait a moment. Message Data processing .

Messages to be displayed on the machine are being updated. Wait for a while.

Wait a moment. Message Data writing .

Messages to be displayed on the machine are being updated. Wait for a while.

Restart the machine. Writing message data has been complete.

Messages to be displayed on the machine are now updated.

Turn the machine off, and then back on.

Wait for a while.

Please check data. Message Data Write Error

Updating messages to be displayed on the machine failed.

Make sure that you use right data for this machine.

Wait a moment. Network Configuration writing .

Network settings for this machine is changed. The new settings are being stored. Wait for a while.

Wait a moment. Network initializing .

Network settings for this machine are initializing.

Paper [TRAY] is empty Set [MEDIA_SIZE] Error: 490, 491, 492, 493, 494

No paper is loaded in the indicated tray. Load paper of the displayed size.

[TRAY] cassette is missing. Open and Close the indicated cassette. Error: 440, 441, 442, 430, 431, 432, 433

The tray is not installed. Install the cassette. If the cassette is already inserted, pull it out, and then insert it again.

Insufficient memory. Error: 420

Data is too complicated. Memory full error has occurred during processing. Reduce the volume of the print data.

Waste Toner Full Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 414, 415, 416, 417

Waste toner of the toner cartridge is full. Opening and closing the front cover can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red)

Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 410, 411, 412, 413

The indicated cartridge ran out of toner.

Opening and closing the front cover can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Incompatible C Toner. Error: 552, 556, 616, 622

The installed C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Incompatible M Toner. Error: 551, 555, 615, 621

The installed M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Incompatible Y Toner. Error: 550, 554, 614, 620

The installed Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Incompatible K Toner. Error: 553, 557, 617, 623

The installed K (Black) toner cartridge is not optimum.

We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.

Toner Not Installed. Error: 610, 611, 612, 613

A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.

Install the toner cartridge.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Sensor Error Check Image Drum. Error: 540, 541, 542, 543

The sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen.

Uninstall the image drum, and then install it again.

If the message persists, uninstall the toner cartridge and install it again.

If the toner cartridge is not installed, install it.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Multiple sheets of paper have been fed. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 401

The indicated tray fed multiple sheets of paper at a time.

Remove the cassette from the tray, and then load paper again.

Paper Size Error. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 400

Paper size error has occurred in the indicated tray. Make sure that the size made by paper loaded in the tray matches the setting made by the paper size dial in the paper cassette. Load paper according to the paper size and direction set for the paper size dial.

If the setting made by the paper size dial is wrong, cancel printing first, set the paper size dial, and then print again.

Make sure that the cassette does not feed multiple sheets of paper at a time after starting printing. If it happens, remove paper, and then load paper correctly.

Paper jam has occurred. Open the front cover and remove the paper. Error: 390

Paper jammed via the paper feed path from the MP tray.

If the edge of the jammed paper is not visible, open the front cover and remove the paper.

Paper jam has occurred. Pull out the [TRAY] cassette and then remove the paper. Error: 391, 392, 393, 394

A paper jammed via the paper feed path from the indicated tray.

Pull out the cassette, and then remove paper. If multiple sheets of paper are fed at a time, remove paper and reload paper.

Make sure that the paper stoppers are set in the right position.

Paper jam has occurred. Open the front cover and remove the paper. Error: 372, 380

Paper jammed in the paper feed path of the machine. Open the front cover and remove the jammed paper.

A paper jam has occurred under the image drum or around the fuser unit. Please remove paper. Error: 381, 382, 383, 348, 389

A paper jam has occurred inside the machine.

Open the cover and remove jammed paper.

A Paper Jam has occurred and paper remains near the Duplex Unit. Please remove paper. Error: 370, 371, 373

Paper jammed near the duplex printing unit.

Pull out the duplex unit on the back of the machine, and then remove jammed paper.

The 2-Sided Printing unit is not set correctly. Error: 360

The duplex unit is not properly installed. Install the duplex unit.

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 350, 351, 352, 353

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible, however.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 680, 681, 682, 683

Printing has stopped because the image drum indicated on the screen reached its lifetime. Replace with a new image drum to print.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit. Error: 354

The fuser unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the fuser unit with a new one.

Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.

Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 355

The belt unit reaches its lifetime.

Replace the belt unit with a new one.

Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.

The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 348

The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit. If the error persists after re-installing, replace the fuser unit with a new one.

Waste Toner Full. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 356

Waste toner of the belt unit is full. Replace the belt unit with a new one. Opening and closing the cover can resume printing. Printing stops after 500 sheets are printed.

Toner cartridge not properly installed. Error: 544, 545, 546, 547

A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.

Make sure that the lever on the toner cartridge is fully turned and the protective tape is removed.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Image Drum not properly installed. Check Image Drum. Error: 340, 341,342, 343

The indicated image drum is not installed correctly.

Remove and re-install the image drum.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 320

The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit.

Belt Unit not installed correctly. Re-set the Belt Unit. Error: 330

The belt unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the belt unit.

[COVER] Open. Error: 310, 311, 587

Indicated cover is open. Close the cover.

Error: 310 The output tray, 311 The front cover, 587 The upper output tray

Please check data. Program Data Write Error

An error occurred when firmware was being updated.

Use a correct update file.

Power OFF/ON

Turn the machine off, and then back on.

If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Inspection is required.

Turn the machine off, and then back on.

If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Cancelling .

The cancel button was pressed while copying. The copy job is being cancelled. Wait for a while.

Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover is open.

The ADF cover of the scanner is open. Close the cover.

Document jam has occurred. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check.

Paper jammed in the ADF of the scanner.

Open the ADF cover and remove jammed paper.

Multiple sheets of document have been fed. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check.

Multiple sheets of document have been fed. Fan a stack of the paper well and place them on the automatic document feeder (ADF). Use the document glass if a tag or label is affixed to the document.

Scanner lamp error check the lamp.

Light volume of the scanner is low. Contact your dealer.

Power OFF/ON Carriage Error

An error has occurred on the carriage of the scanner. Turn the machine off, and then back on.

If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

USB Memory Full

Scan To USB Memory was cancelled because the USB Memory is full.

Check the free space in the USB Memory.

Writing to USB memory failed.

The USB Memory is write-protected. Unlock the protection.

USB Memory disconnected.

The USB Memory was removed while performing Scan To USB Memory.

Connect to PC failed.

No destination computer was found for Scan to Computer. Make sure that your computer is turned on and recordable.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Insufficient memory occurred during Rx.

Memory full error has occurred during fax reception. Ensure available memory.

Communication Error

An error has occurred during fax transmission or fax reception.


The external phone is in use.

File Transmission Error

An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a network cable has occurred while performing Scan To shared folder.

Check the network connection.

To erase the message, press [Close].

E-mail Transmission Error

An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a network cable has occurred while performing Scan To E-mail. Check the network connection.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Please check SMTP settings.

Cannot connect to the SMTP server. Check the network settings.

Please check POP3 settings.

Cannot connect to the POP3 server. Check the network settings.

SMTP Login failed.

An attempt to log into the SMTP server ended up an authentication error.

Check the network settings.

SMTP Auth. Unsupported

The SMTP server does not support the authentication system.

Check the network settings.

POP3 Login failed.

An attempt to log into the POP3 server ended up an authentication error.

Check the network settings.

Getting target IP failed. Please Check DHCP settings.

The DHCP server cannot be detected. Check the network connection.

Please check DNS settings.

Cannot connect to the DNS server. Check the network connection.

Please check Server settings.

Cannot connect to the file server. Check the network settings.

Server Login failed.

Logging into the file server failed. Check the server settings.

Entering directory failed.

Connecting to the directory of the FTP server failed. Check the server settings.

Changing data Transfer Type failed.

File transmission failed because the file transfer type was not accepted by the FTP server. Change the FTP transfer type to «binary».

File writing failed.

Files sent using Scan To shared folder could not be written. Check the access rights for the shared folder.

FTP destination Full.

Memory in the FTP server is low. Delete unnecessary files and ensure the free space.

Please change File Name.

The specified file name is not acceptable. Check the FTP server settings and change the file name.

Device communication protocol not supported.

The server does not support CIFS or FTP. Check the server settings.

Please check Network Share Name.

The name of the network shared folder is not correct. Check the folder name.

Please check data. Program Data Write Error

An error has occurred when program was being updated.

Please insert USB Memory.

Scan To USB Memory or print from USB Memory with USB Memory not inserted was attempted.

Insert USB Memory.

[TRAY] cassette missing.

The cassette in the indicated tray is pulled out.

Install the cassette.

Access Limitation Error Monochrome printing was performed due to the color printing limitation.

A color print job was converted to a mono print job due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.

Access Limitation Error Data was deleted due to the color printing limitation.

A color print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.

Restricted access error Data deleted due to printing restrictions.

A print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for printing.

Incompatible USB device connected. Remove the connected USB device.

An unsupported USB device is connected. Remove the USB device.

Please remove the connected USB device. USB device has not been recognized.

The connected USB device was not recognized. Remove the USB device.

Please remove the USB Hub. USB Hub is connected.

A USB hub is connected. Remove the USB hub. This machine does not support USB hub.

Inspection is required. SIP Error

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

Please call service. Scanner unit failed to detect printer unit.

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

HDD Error 0

While initializing this machine, a hard disk which needs formatting was detected.

HDD Error 250

While initializing this machine, a damaged file for encrypted authentication printing was found. Format the hard disk again.

Accounting Log buffer is near full.

The accounting log buffer is almost full.

Acquire the log and free the buffer.

Accounting Log Writing Error

An accounting log writing error has occurred.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Job Log Database Error

A data base access error has occurred while writing or reading the job log. Turning the machine off and on may resolve the problem.

To erase the message, press [Close].

Accounting Log Buffer Full (Delete old logs)

Old logs were deleted, because accounting log buffer was full. Acquire the log and free the buffer.

Power OFF/ON

Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.

A decoding error occurred. Check the image data.

An error has occurred in the image data sent to this machine. Check the image data.

Process has been canceled as there is no space on the device. Please free up enough memory space by reducing usage and try again.

Processing data was cancelled due to memory full.

Reduce the usage on the device to ensure available memory, and then retry.

Process has been canceled by a device error. After maintenance or change of the device, please try again.

Processing data was cancelled because an error occurred on the device.

Repair or replace the device, and then retry.

Access denied to PC. Please check PC.

Connecting to a computer failed when performing Scan to Computer. Check the settings on the computer.

Deleting data.

This machine ran out of color toner. Color print data is being deleted.

Error PDF

The PDF file is damaged.

This PDF file is password protected.

This PDF file is password protected. Enter a password to print.

Valid password required to print document.

This PDF needs authentication. Enter a password to print.

No communication with the SNTP server.

Obtaining current time from the SNTP server failed. Check the server.

USB Memory disconnected.

The USB Memory was removed while printing from USB Memory. Do not remove USB Memory while printing is in progress.

Cannot open the file.

The specified file could not be Opened. Check the file.

Cannot read the file.

Files could not be read. Check the device where the files are stored.

File loading from USB.

Data is being read from USB Memory.

Press the Stop button to cancel reading.

An error occurred. Scanning is pending.

Printing has stopped due to an error.

Image Drum Sensor Error.

The toner sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen.

Printing was stopped. Rear Output Tray was opened during printing. Open the Output Tray. Error code: 409

The rear output tray was moved while printing.

Place the rear output tray in the correct position, and then open and close the output tray.

Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge.

The indicated cartridge ran out of toner.

Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.

Wait Timeout in menu is disabled. Printing is disabled except by USB. Clear page buffer and enable time out in menu.

Wait Timeout is disabled.

Insufficient memory occurred during Fax Tx reservation.

Insufficient memory error has occurred during Scan To fax.

Insufficient memory.

Insufficient memory error has occurred during fax reception.

E-mail receiving has been cancelled.

E-mail reception was cancelled.

Check the file format and size of the attached file.

Wireless settings are incomplete.

Wrong values are set or items remain unset in the wireless LAN settings. Check the wireless settings.

Not connected to wireless access point.

No wireless LAN access points are found.

Make sure that the access point is turned on.

Disconnect and re-connect to wireless LAN.

Wireless startup failed.

Restart the machine. If the error persists, contact your dealer.

Firmware Update Error Please try again. If network doesn’t work, please try firmware update over USB.

Updating the firmware failed. Update again.

Registering with Google Cloud Print. Don’t turn off the power until registration is complete.

This machine is being registered to the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.

Deleting from Google Cloud Print.

This machine is being removed from the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.

Caution, unknown Consumable detected Go to User Manual «Trouble Shooting» to restore operation Error 709

You can use any consumables in your product, but you must accept the risks of using non-genuine consumables.

If the use of non-genuine consumables causes damage to the product or results in your product not functioning to its full specification, then such damage or effect on the product is not covered by warranty.

To accept these risks and to restore function;

Turn off the machine.

Holding the [CLEAR] button, turn on the machine.

Release the [CLEAR] button when «RAM CHECK 100%» is displayed.

This operation log is recorded in the product.

If you have any questions, contact your dealer.

Replace the image drum. [PAGES] Pages Left.

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Replace the image drum. Print Quality Not Guaranteed.

The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

Receiving data timeout.

Data could not received within a certain period of time.

IPv4 address is conflicted. Please change IPv4 address.

The IP address assigned to this machine is duplicated with that of another device.

Check the IP addresses, and then assign another IP address.

Incompatible [COLOR] Image Drum. Error: 984, 685, 686, 687, 690, 691, 692, 693, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707

Non-optimum image drum is installed.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

C Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 696

Cyan (blue) image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

M Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 695

Magenta (red) image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

Y Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 694

Yellow image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

K Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 697

Black image drum is not installed.

Install the image drum.

Blank pages were detected on all pages. Please check how the document was set.

Scanned pages are all blank. Turn over the document.

In order to set paper that cannot be output to the Upper Output Tray, the paper was output from Output Tray. To turn off this display, press the [Close] button.

Check the type of the specified paper.

Simplex printing was performed as the paper setting did not allow duplex printing.

Duplex printing is not available on the specified paper.

Check the size and thickness of paper.

Multi-purpose tray has not been set to be used as the tray, so multiple copies have been printed. Please verify multi-purpose tray settings. Press [Close] button to remove this dialog

MP tray setting is set to [Do Not Use]. Change the MP tray setting.

Output Paper Full. Remove the paper on [TRAY]. Error: 480, 485

Paper in the output tray is full.

Remove the handout.

Changing Language. Panel operation is disabled.

Display language is being changed.

Wait for a while.

Language Change Failed. Error num: %CODE%

Switching display languages failed. Press the power button to turn the machine off, and then back on.

Detected an abnormality of internal database. The data must be deleted. After pressing [Format], the data will be deleted, and then reboot.

Data base is beyond restoration.

To delete the data base, press [Format].

Cannot print because your Summary Account balance is 0. User name for Printing: [USERNAME] Summary Account Name for Insufficient Balance: [ACCOUNTNAME] To continue the print job, increase the balance and select [Start]. To increase the balance, please contact the device administr. To cancel the print job, select [Cancel].

The number of print jobs excesses the limit. No more print jobs are authorized. Contact your administrator.

Copyright © 2015 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


Oki Printer Error Codes If you are not sure how to solve a problem, enter the error message or error code into “Error Message List”, and then check the error cause and its solution.

Oki Printer Error Code Solutions

Error Message Solution
Wait a moment. Network initializing … The network is being initialized. Wait for a while until the machine connects to the network.
Checking File System File system in a flash memory device is being checked. Wait for a while.
Inspection is required. PU Flash Error Turn off the machine, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Inspection is required. PU Communication Error Turn off the machine, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Offline Mode Press [Print] > [Online] on the touch panel. The ‘STATUS’ button turns off when the machine turns online.
Data present Data remains unprinted. Wait for a while and if the message does not disappear, check the data.
Deleting data The job was cancelled or user is unauthorized. Wait for a while.
Warming up The machine is adjusting the temperature of the fuser unit. Wait for a while.
Preparing Color registration and density are being adjusted. Wait for a while.
Wait a moment. Executing maintenance The programs on the machine are being updated. Do not turn off the machine until the update completes. The machine automatically restarts after the update completes.
Toner Low The toner indicated on the screen is low. Have a new toner cartridge ready.
Waste Toner Full. Replace with new Toner Cartridge Waste toner is full. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
C Non Recommended Toner. An optimum C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not installed. Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
M Non Recommended Toner. An optimum M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not installed. Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
Y Non Recommended Toner. An optimum Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not installed. Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
K Non Recommended Toner. An optimum K (Black) toner cartridge is not installed. Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
Error Postscript A postscript error has occurred. Please check data.
Image Drum Near Life The image drum indicated on the screen is near life. Have a new image drum ready. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Fuser Near Life The fuser unit is near life. Have a new fuser unit ready.
Belt Unit Near Life The belt unit is near life. Have a new belt unit ready.
Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit. The fuser unit reaches its lifetime. Replace the fuser unit with a new one.
Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit. The belt unit reaches its lifetime. Replace the belt unit with a new one.
Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge. The toner indicated on the screen is empty. Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Toner cartridge not installed. A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed. Install the toner cartridge. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.

Replace the image drum with a new one.

C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black

[TRAY] empty. No paper is loaded in the indicated tray. Load paper.
Disk Memory Full. Memory in the file system is full. Delete unnecessary files.
The File System is write-protected. The file you are trying to write is write-protected. Contact the device administrator.
Insufficient page memory to collate. Insufficient memory error has occurred during collate printing. Reduce the number of pages to print.
Insufficient memory. Error: 014 Memory full error has occurred while receiving PC Fax data. Press [Close].
Unauthorized user, job cancelled. Unauthorized job was sent or unauthorized user attempted to print or send a fax. Data was deleted. Contact your administrator to use this machine.
File erasing… Stored document files are being deleted. Wait for a while.
Erased Data Full Files supposed to be deleted are full. Erase the files.
Expired saved files have been deleted. Private printing files whose storage period expired were automatically deleted.
Disk Read/Write Error An error has occurred in the file system. Press [Close].
Flash Error An error has occurred when firmware was being updated. Contact the administrator.
Invalid print data received. Invalid print data or PC fax transmission data was received. To erase the message, press [Close]. If you performed private printing, the data was deleted because it was incomplete. Print again.
Received data has been discarded because Job Type is restricted. Data whose job type is not defined in the acceptable job type settings was received. The data was discarded without being processed. Select a job type defined in the acceptable job type settings for [Job Type] of the printer driver and print again.
Manual Request. Print on paper fed manually. Load paper in the MP tray.
Change [TRAY] paper. The size and type of paper set in the machine do not match those indicated on the screen. Use the same size and type of paper selected on the application.
Change MP Tray paper. The size or type of paper loaded in the MP tray do not match those indicated on the screen. Make sure that the size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray match those selected on the application.
Wait a moment. Network Configuration writing… Network settings for this machine is changed. The new settings are being stored. Wait for a while.
Wait a moment. Network initializing … Network settings for this machine are initializing. Wait for a while.
Paper [TRAY] is empty. Set [MEDIA_SIZE]. Error: 490, 491, 492, 493, 494 No paper is loaded in the indicated tray. Load paper of the displayed size.
[TRAY] cassette is missing. Open and Close the indicated cassette. Error: 440, 441, 430, 431, 432 The tray is not installed. Install the cassette. If the cassette is already inserted, pull it out, and then insert it again.
Insufficient memory. Error: 420 Data is too complicated. Memory full error has occurred during processing. Reduce the volume of the print data.
Waste Toner Full. Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 414, 415 Waste toner of the toner cartridge is full. Opening and closing the output tray can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible. Y: Yellow, M: Magenta (red)
Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 410, 411, 412, 413 The indicated cartridge ran out of toner. Opening and closing the output tray can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
C Non Recommended Toner. Error: 552, 556, 616, 622 The installed C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not optimum. We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
M Non Recommended Toner.Error: 551, 555, 615, 621 The installed M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not optimum. We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
Y Non Recommended Toner. Error: 550, 554, 614, 620 The installed Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not optimum. We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
K Non Recommended Toner.Error: 553, 557, 617, 623 The installed K (Black) toner cartridge is not optimum. We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
Toner Not Installed. Error: 610, 611, 612, 613 A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed. Install the toner cartridge. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Sensor Error. Check Image Drum. Error: 540, 541, 542, 543 A sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen. Uninstall the image drum, and then install it again. If the message persists, uninstall the toner cartridge and install it again. If the toner cartridge is not installed, install it. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Multiple sheets of paper have been fed. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 401 The indicated tray fed multiple sheets of paper at a time. Remove the cassette from the tray, and then load paper again.
Paper Size Error. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 400 Paper size error has occurred in the indicated tray. Make sure that the size of paper loaded in the tray matches the [Paper Size] setting set on the operator panel. Load paper according to the paper size and direction set. To resume printing, open and close the output tray. If the setting set on the operator panel is wrong, cancel printing first, set the right paper size from [Paper Size] on the operator panel, and then print again. Make sure that the cassette does not feed multiple sheets of paper at a time after starting printing. If it happens, remove paper, and then load paper correctly.
Paper jam has occurred. Please open Output Tray to remove paper. Error: 390 Paper jammed via the paper feed path from the MP tray. Remove jammed paper. If the edge of the jammed paper is not visible, open the output tray and remove the paper.
Paper jam has occurred. Pull out the [TRAY] cassette and then remove the paper. Error: 391, 392, 393 A paper jammed via the paper feed path from the indicated tray. Pull out the cassette, and then remove paper. If multiple sheets of paper are fed at a time, remove paper and reload paper. Make sure that the paper stoppers are set in the right position.
A paper jam has occurred under the image drum or around the fuser unit. Please remove paper. Error: 380, 381, 382, 385, 389 A paper jam has occurred inside the machine. Open the output tray and remove jammed paper.
Paper jam has occurred under the belt unit or in the fuser unit. Please remove paper. Error: 370, 371, 372 A paper jam has occurred inside the machine. Open the output tray and remove jammed paper.
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 350, 351, 352, 353 The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime. Replace the image drum with a new one. Opening and closing the output tray can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible, however. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567 The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime. Replace the image drum with a new one. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 680, 681, 682, 683 Printing has stopped because the image drum indicated on the screen reached its lifetime. Replace with a new image drum to print. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit. Error: 354 The fuser unit reaches its lifetime. Replace the fuser unit with a new one. Opening and closing the output tray can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.
Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 355 The belt unit reaches its lifetime. Replace the belt unit with a new one. Opening and closing the output tray can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.
Waste Toner Full. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 356 Waste toner of the belt unit is full. Replace the belt unit with a new one. Opening and closing the output tray can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.
Toner cartridge not properly installed. Error: 544, 545, 546, 547 A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed. Make sure that the lever on the toner cartridge is fully turned and the protective tape is removed. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum not properly installed. Check Image Drum. Error: 340, 341,342, 343 The indicated image drum is not installed correctly. Remove and re-install the image drum. C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 320 The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit.
Belt Unit not installed correctly. Re-set the Belt Unit. Error: 330 The belt unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the belt unit.
[COVER] Open. Error: 310 Indicated cover is open. Close the cover. Error: 310 The output tray.
Power OFF/ON Turn off the machine, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Inspection is required. Turn off the machine, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Cancelling… The cancel button was pressed while copying. The copy job is being cancelled. Wait for a while.
Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover is open. The ADF cover of the scanner is open. Close the cover.
Document jam has occurred. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check. Paper jammed in the ADF of the scanner. Open the ADF cover and remove jammed paper.
Scanner lamp error check the lamp. Light volume of the scanner is low. Contact your dealer.
Power OFF/ON Carriage Error <1> An error has occurred on the carriage of the scanner. Turn off the machine, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
USB Memory Full Scan To USB Memory was cancelled because the USB Memory is full. Check the free space in the USB Memory.
Writing to USB memory failed. The USB Memory is write-protected. Unlock the protection.
USB Memory disconnected. The USB Memory was removed while performing Scan To USB Memory. Connect USB Memory and try again.
Connect to PC failed. No destination computer was found for Scan to Computer. Make sure that your computer is turned on and recordable. To erase the message, press [Close].
Insufficient memory occurred during Rx. Memory full error has occurred during fax reception. Ensure available memory.
Communication Error An error has occurred during fax transmission or fax reception.
Telephone The external phone is in use. Use the device after ending the call in progress.
File Transmission Error An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a LAN cable has occurred while performing Scan To shared folder. Check the network connection. To erase the message, press [Close].
Please check SMTP settings. Cannot connect to the SMTP server. Check the network settings.
Please check POP3 settings. Cannot connect to the POP3 server. Check the network settings.
SMTP Login failed. An attempt to log into the SMTP server ended up an authentication error. Check the network settings.
SMTP Auth. Unsupported The SMTP server does not support the authentication system. Check the network settings.
POP3 Login failed. An attempt to log into the POP3 server ended up an authentication error. Check the network settings.
Getting target IP failed. Please Check DHCP settings. The DHCP server cannot be detected. Check the network connection.
Please check DNS settings. Cannot connect to the DNS server. Check the network connection.
Please check Server settings. Cannot connect to the file server. Check the network settings.
Server Login failed. Logging into the file server failed. Check the server settings.
Entering directory failed. Connecting to the directory of the FTP server failed. Check the server settings.
Changing data Transfer Type failed. File transmission failed because the file transfer type was not accepted by the FTP server. Change the FTP transfer type to “binary”.
File writing failed. Files sent using Scan To shared folder could not be written. Check the access rights for the shared folder.
FTP destination Full. Memory in the FTP server is low. Delete unnecessary files and ensure the free space. Available memory for fax reception may be short or faxes received using Secure Receive may be left unprinted. Check preview images and delete unnecessary files to ensure the free space.
Please change File Name. The specified file name is not acceptable. Check the FTP server settings and change the file name.
Device communication protocol not supported. The server does not support CIFS or FTP. Check the server settings.
Please check Network Share Name. The name of the network shared folder is not correct. Check the folder name.
Please insert USB Memory. Scan To USB Memory or print from USB Memory with USB Memory not inserted was attempted. Insert USB Memory.
[TRAY] cassette missing. The cassette in the indicated tray is pulled out. Install the cassette.
Access Limitation Error. Monochrome printing was performed due to the color printing limitation. A color print job was converted to a mono print job due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.
Access Limitation Error. Data was deleted due to the color printing limitation. A color print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.
Restricted access error. Data deleted due to printing restrictions. A print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for printing.
Incompatible USB device connected. Remove the connected USB device. An unsupported USB device is connected. Remove the USB device.
Please remove the connected USB device. USB device has not been recognized. The connected USB device was not recognized. Remove the USB device.
Please remove the USB Hub. USB Hub is connected. A USB hub is connected. Remove the USB hub. This machine does not support USB hub.
Inspection is required. SIP Error Turn off the machine, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Job Log Database Error A data base access error has occurred while writing or reading the job log. Turning off and on the machine may resolve the problem. To erase the message, press [Close].
Job Log Buffer Full(Delete old logs) Old job logs were deleted, because job log buffer was full.
A decoding error occurred. Check the image data. An error has occurred in the image data sent to this machine. Check the image data.
Process has been canceled as there is no space on the device. Please free up enough memory space by reducing usage and try again. Processing data was cancelled due to memory full.
Process has been canceled by a device error. After maintenance or change of the device, please try again. Processing data was cancelled because an error occurred on the machine. Contact your dealer.
Access denied to PC. Please check PC. Connecting to a computer failed when performing Scan to Computer. Check the settings on the computer.
Deleting data. This machine ran out of color toner. Color print data is being deleted. Wait for a while.
Color toner empty. Job cancelled. This message indicates that the color print job was cancelled because toners other than black are empty. Press [Close] to exit the status window.
Error PDF The PDF file is damaged. Check the file.
This PDF file is password protected. This PDF file is password protected.
Valid password required to print document. This PDF needs authentication.
No communication with the SNTP server. Obtaining current time from the SNTP server failed. Check the server.
USB Memory disconnected. The USB Memory was removed while printing from USB Memory. Do not remove USB Memory while printing is in progress.
Cannot open the file. The specified file could not be Opened. Check the file.
Cannot read the file. Files could not be read. Check the device where the files are stored.
Image Drum Sensor Error. The sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen. Uninstall the image drum, and then install it again. If the message persists, uninstall the toner cartridge and install it again.
Rear Output Tray is open, so 2-sided printing is disabled. Error code: 581 2-sided printing (duplex printing) failed because the rear output tray is open. Close the rear output tray and tray again.
Printing was stopped. Rear Output Tray was opened during printing. Open the Output Tray. Error code: 409 The rear output tray was moved while printing. Open the output tray and remove the jammed paper remaining inside of the unit.
Wait Timeout in menu is disabled. Printing is disabled except by USB. Clear page buffer and enable time out in menu. Wait Timeout is disabled. Press [Device Settings], select [Admin Setup] > [Print Setup] > [Print menu] > [Printer Adjust] > [Timeout Injob] on the touch panel, and then select a longer print timeout value.
Insufficient memory occurred during Fax Tx reservation. Insufficient memory error has occurred during Scan To fax.
Insufficient memory. Insufficient memory error has occurred during fax reception.
E-mail receiving has been cancelled. Receiving E-mail was cancelled because the format of the E-mail is not supported or attached file is too large. Check the file format and size of the attached file.
Wireless settings are incomplete. Wrong values are set or items remain unset in the wireless LAN settings. Check the wireless settings.
Not connected to wireless access point. No wireless LAN access points are found. Make sure that the access point is turned on. Disconnect and re-connect to wireless LAN.
Wireless startup failed. Turn off the machine, check that the wireless LAN module is correctly installed, and then reboot the machine. If the error persists, contact your dealer.
Deleting from Google Cloud Print. This machine is being removed from the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.
Replace the image drum. [PAGES] Pages Left. The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime. Replace the image drum with a new one.
Caution, unknown Consumable detected. Go to User Manual “Trouble Shooting” to restore operation. Error: 709 You can use any consumables in your product, but you must accept the risks of using non-genuine consumables. If the use of non-genuine consumables causes damage to the product or results in your product not functioning to its full specification, then such damage or effect on the product is not covered by warranty.
Receiving data timeout. Data could not received within a certain period of time. Press [Device Settings], select [Admin Setup] > [Print Setup] > [Print menu] > [Printer Adjust] > [Timeout Injob] on the touch panel, and then select a longer print timeout value.
IPv4 address is conflicted. Please change IPv4 address. The IP address assigned to this machine is duplicated with that of another device. Check the IP addresses, and then assign another IP address.
Changing Language. Panel operation is disabled. Display language is being changed. Wait for a while.
Language Change Failed. Error num: %CODE% Switching display languages failed. Press the power button to turn off the machine, and then back on.

Oki Printer Troubleshooting

Trouble Cause
Nothing is displayed on the display screen after turning the printer on. The power cord is unplugged. Turn the printer off, and then plug in the power cord firmly.
The power is out. Check whether the power is supplied to the outlet.
The power cord is not firmly plugged in. Plug in the power cord firmly.
The printer is turned off. Turn the printer on.
The power switch LED lamp quickly flashes at approximately 0.3- second intervals. The printer may be malfunctioning. Unplug the power cord immediately, and then contact your dealer.
The printer does not start printing. An error is displayed. Check the error code, and then follow the onscreen instructions.
A LAN cable or USB cable is unplugged. Plug in a LAN cable or USB cable firmly
There may be a problem with the LAN cable or USB cable. Use another LAN cable or USB cable.
A LAN cable or USB cable does not meet the standard. -Use a USB 2.0 cable. -Use an Ethernet 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX / Gigabit Ethernet cable.
The output port of the printer driver is incorrect. Specify the output port for connecting a LAN cable or USB cable.
Nothing is displayed on the display screen. The printer is in Sleep mode or Deep Sleep mode. Press ‘POWER SAVE’ to start the printer.
Print data is not sent. A LAN cable or USB cable is damaged. Connect a new cable.
The time-out period set on the computer has elapsed. Set a longer time-out period.
There is an abnormal sound. The printer is inclined. Place the printer on a flat surface.
There are waste paper or foreign objects inside the printer. Check inside the printer, and then remove any objects.
The top cover is opened. Close the top cover.
There is a buzzing sound. The printer is printing on heavy or light paper when the temperature inside is high. This is not a malfunction. You can proceed with the operation.
The printer does not start printing immediately. The printer does not start printing immediately. The printer is warming up to exit Power Save, Sleep, or Deep Sleep mode. If you set longer time to [POW SAVE TIME] or [SLEEP TIME] in [SYSTEM ADJUST] on the printer’s setup menu, you can extend the time period before entering Power Save, Sleep or Deep Sleep mode.
The printer may be cleaning the image drum. Wait for a while.
The printer is adjusting the temperature of the fuser unit. Wait for a while.
The printer is processing data from another interface. Wait until printing is completed.
Printing stops halfway. The temperature inside the printer rises due to continuous printing for a long time, resulting in the temperature being adjusted. Wait for a while. When the printer reaches the suitable temperature, printing restarts automatically.
Free space in memory is insufficient. The print data is complicated. Simplify the print data.
All pages are not printed. The WSD port is used. Change the print port to Standard TCP/IP Port.
Printing is slow. Printing process is also processed in the computer. Use a computer with faster processing speed.
The print data is complicated. Simplify the print data.
The printer driver is not correctly displayed. The printer driver may not be operating correctly. Uninstall the printer driver, and then install it again.
The printer turns off automatically. If the printer is not used for a certain period of time (the factory default is 4 hours), the printer turns off automatically. This function is called Auto Power Off.

ES3640e MFP User’s Guide

 Troubleshooting — 159

Paper jams – ADF

To clear a paper jam in the ADF:


Press down the ADF Release button (1).


Gently open the ADF front cover (2).


Carefully pull the paper out of the ADF.


If there is paper jammed at the ADF exit area, open the 
ADF document cover, operate the coloured release lever 
situated on the underside of the cover at (3) and carefully 
pull out the jammed paper. Close the document cover.


Close the ADF front cover.


Ensure that all jammed paper has been totally removed 
before proceeding.

In the event of an ADF paper jam, as with an ADF cover open 
error, Flatbed cover open error or Hard disk full error, the 
current scan/copy job will be cancelled.

Dealing with unsatisfactory copying results

As well as the suggestions provided in 

, ensure that the scanner 

unit glass is clean at all times.





  1. Страница 138: Решение проблемы замятия бумаги
  2. Adf cover
  3. Установите барабан переноса изображений, оснащенный картрид.
  4. Ус тр а не ни е неисправност ей .
  5. Когда можно увидеть документ внутри АПД .
  6. Сообщения об ошибке, Сообщения об ошибке, отображенные на экране, 7 сообщения об ошибке
  7. Сообщения об ошибке .
  8. Сообщения об ошибке .
  9. Сообщения об ошибке .

Страница 138: Решение проблемы замятия бумаги

7. Устранение неисправностей

В данной главе имеются способы решения проблем, которые могут быть обнаружены при работе с устройством.

В данной главе объяснено, как решить проблему замятия бумаги.

Для получения подробной информации о каждом компоненте компьютера, см.

Для получения подробной информации о местонахождении каждого компонента устройства, см.

Проверка сообщений об ошибках

Когда происходит замятие бумаги, на экране
дисплея появится сообщение [Paper jam] или
[Document jam] и замигает кнопка на панели оператора. Код ошибки и
описание отличаются в зависимости от того, где
происходит замятие бумаги.

Проверьте код ошибки, который появится из списка
снизу, и см. соответствующую процедуру для
решения проблемы замятия бумаги.

Решение проблемы замятия

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Барабан переноса изображений (зеленый ролик) очень
хрупкий. Обращайтесь с ним осторожно.

Не подвергайте барабан переноса изображений прямому
воздействию солнечных лучей или слишком яркому
внутреннему свету (примерно более чем 1500 люксов). Даже
при нормальном внутреннем освещении не оставляйте его
более чем на 5 минут.

Код ошибки 370, 371, 372 (дуплексное
замятие бумаги)

Извлеките документы из лотка подачи
документов, если там таковые имеются.

Нажмите кнопку открытия верхней крышки
(1) и откройте верхнюю крышку.

Paper Jam Occurs: 3##С
Please open the scanner unit and the top
cover And, please check.

Adf cover

Автор Musa задал вопрос в разделе Железо

Принтер говорит: «Open top cover. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Отправитель[гуру]
Откройте верхнюю крышку,
Удалите (снимите) контейнер с тонером (картридж видимо) ,
Затем проверьте уровень экрана,
Удалите застрявшую бумагу (замятую)
Установите картридж на место
И закройте верхнюю крышку.
Короче у тебя принтер бумагу зажевал походу.

Если нижний край бумаги виден,
удерживайте бумагу и осторожно

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Блок разгрузки бумаги (Замятие бумаги)

Если нижний край бумаги в принтере виден,

удерживайте и вытаскивайте бумагу

Если видно замятие бумаги в блоке разгрузки бумаги и если
бумага видна изнутри верхней крышки, вытащите буагу по
направлению внутрь принтера.

Если нижний край бумаги не виден, но виден

верхний край в блоке разгрузки бумаги,
удерживайте верхний край бумаги и
осторожно вытаскивайте бумагу. Если
невозможно извлечь бумагу, следуя шагам
(А)1 и (А)2, вытаскивайте бумагу при помощи
следующих шагов (В).

Если не удалось извлечь замятую бумагу, не

прилагайте усилий, чтобы ее извлечь, а
следуйте нижеприведенным шагам.

Поместите картридж барабана переноса
изображений обратно в принтер и закройте
верхнюю крышку.

Сначала выключите питание принтера (О), а
затем снова включите (I). Когда движок начнет
крутиться, удерживайе верхний край бумаги и
вытаскивайте бумагу.

Если замятие бумаги происходит, когда Вы загружаете бумагу,
проверьте, чтобы она не оставалась ни в одном боке подачи
бумаги. Помните, что можно сбросить сигнальный дисплей
только тогда, когда откроете верхнюю крышку, а затем снова ее

Установите барабан переноса изображений, оснащенный картрид.

Установите барабан переноса изображений,
оснащенный картриджем, заново,
убедившись, что выступы (1&2) находятся в
правильном положении в слотах с каждой
стороны принтера (3).

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Закройте верхнюю крышку.

Код ошибки 390 (Замятие подачи бумаги
(Многоцелевой лоток))

Извлеките документы из лотка подачи
документов, если там таковые имеются.

Нажмите кнопку открытия верхней крышки
(1) и откройте верхнюю крышку.

Осторожно выберите барабан переноса
изображений, оснащенный картриджем. Не
дотрагивайтесь и не поцарапайте
поверхность зеленого барабана.

Если верхний край бумаги виден с тыльной
стороны прозрачных направляющих,
поверните их в сторону печки и держите
верхний край бумаги и осторожно
вытаскивайте бумагу.

Если не виден ни верхний ни нижний

край бумаги, переместите замятую

бумагу в сторону стрелки как

показано. держивайте верхний край

бумаги и осторожно вытаскивайте

Если нижний край бумаги виден,
удерживайте бумагу и осторожно

Убедитесь, что внутри устройства не осталось бумаги.

Осторожно извлеките бумагу, чтобы не порвать. Если это
произойдет, извлеките все остатки.

Ус тр а не ни е неисправност ей .

Установите барабан переноса изображений,
оснащенный картриджем, заново,
убедившись, что выступы (1&2) находятся в
правильном положении в слотах с каждой
стороны принтера (3).

Закройте верхнюю крышку.

Код ошибки 391, 392 (Замятие подачи

Код ошибки 391 указывает на ошибку в лотке 1 и код
ошибки 392 указывает на замятие бумаги в лотке 2.

Лоток 1 приведен в качестве примера для данной процедуры.

Вытащите и удалите кассету для бумаги
указанного лотка.

Извлеките замятую бумагу.

Поместите лоток обратно в устройство.

Нажмите кнопку открытия верхней крышки
(1) и откройте верхнюю крышку.

Закройте верхнюю крышку.

Произошло замятие документа

Когда можно увидеть документ в
дуплексном пути прохождения бумаги

Откройте крышку АПД и извлеките документ
по направлению вверх.

Когда можно увидеть документ внутри АПД .

Когда можно увидеть документ внутри

Извлеките документы из лотка подачи
документов, если там таковые имеются.

Откройте крышку АПД.

Удерживайте замятую бумагу за верхний
край и осторожно вытащите ее.

Если верхний край документа виден из под
направляющих (1), поднимите их, а затем вытащите

Если сторона документа не видна в АПД, поднимите
лоток подачи документов (2), а затем вытащите

Вытащите лоток подачи документов.

Закройте крышку АПД.

Сообщения об ошибке, Сообщения об ошибке, отображенные на экране, 7 сообщения об ошибке

Общие сообщения об ошибках для всех функций

Сообщения об ошибке

Сообщения об ошибке

В данном разделе объяснены причины и способы их удаления для сообщений об ошибках, отображенных на
экране отображения и функция кнопки .

Сообщения об ошибке, отображенные на экране

В следующих списках:

— «%COLOR%» указывает на К (черный)

— «%TRAY%» указывает на лоток 1, лоток 2 или МЦ лоток

— «%ERRCODE%» указывает на код ошибки

— «%FS_ERR%», «%CODE%» и «%FATALSTRING1%» указывают на детальную информацию об ошибках

— «%MEDIA_SIZE%» указывает на размер бумаги

— «%MEDIA_TYPE%» указывает на тип бумаги

— «%COVER%» указывает на верхнюю крышку или заднюю крышку.

Если отображенное сообщение содержит текст «Смотрите раздел Помощи для получения подробной информации», ожно проверить
контрмеры ошибок, нажав кнопку на панели оператора.

Если отображено сообщение «

на панели управления для удаления ошибки.

Для получения подробной информации о функции кнопки , см.

Общие сообщения об ошибках для всех функций

Требуется проверка.
PU Flash Error

Ошибка прошивки.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

Требуется проверка.
PU Communication Error

Ошибка прошивки.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

%COLOR% Toner Low.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается* Картридж указанного цвета на исходе.

Приготовьте новый картридж.

* Если кнопка > [Установки Админ.] >

[Device Management] > [Установки Системы] > [Near life LED]
установлена на [Disable], кнопка не

Image Drum Unit Near Life.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается* Срок эксплуатации блока барабана переноса

изображений подходит к концу.
Подготовьте к замене барабан переноса

* Если кнопка >[Установки Админ.] >

[Device Management] > [Установки Системы] > [Status in Near
] установлена на [Enable] и [Near life LED] установлено на
[Disable], кнопка не включается.

Если [Status in Near life] установлено на [Disable], сообщение не
отображается и кнопка не включается.

%COLOR% Toner Empty

Please see Help for details.

Картридж указанного цвета пуст.
Замените его на новый картридж.
413 : К

Сообщения об ошибке .

Сообщения об ошибке

%COLOR% Toner Empty

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Картридж указанного цвета пуст.

Замените его на новый картридж.

%COLOR% Toner cartridge not installed. :

Please see Help for details.

Картридж указанного цвета установлен неправильно.
Установите его заново.
613 : К

%COLOR% Toner cartridge not installed.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Картридж указанного цвета установлен неправильно.

Установите его заново.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Указанный лоток пуст.

Загрузите бумагу в лоток.

File System is full.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Файловая система заполнена.

File System is write protected.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Файловая система, в которую Вы пытались записать,

защищена от записи.

Please see Help for details.

Память переполнена.
Если выполняются несколько заданий
одновременно, завершите их и попробуйте снова.
Если не работает, уменьшите разрешение печати.

Memory Overflow. : 420

Please see Help for details.

Память переполнена.
Уменьшите разрешение печати. Если не работает,
уменьшите размер печатных данных.

Access Limitation Error
Deleted unauthorized user data.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Устройство удалило задание

Accounting Log Buffer is near full.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Журнал учета заданий почти заполнен.

Accounting Log Buffer Full (Delete old logs)

Загорается Старые учетные журналы удалены, так как журнал

учета заданий почти заполнен.

Сообщения об ошибке .

Сообщения об ошибке

Accounting Log Writing Error

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Ошибка записи заданий в журнал учета.

Disk Use Failed %FS_ERR%

Please see Help for details.

Ошибка операции диска.

Please check data.
Message Data Write Error : %CODE%.

Загорается Ошибка записи сообщений для загрузки.

Обратитесь к дилеру.

Please check %COLOR% Toner Cartridge.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Что-то не в порядке с сенсором картриджа

указанного цвета во время печати.
Проверьте, что картридж указанного цвета
установлен правильно.

Please check %COLOR% Toner Cartridge. :

Please see Help for details.

Что-то не в порядке с сенсором картриджа
указанного цвета.
Проверьте, что картридж указанного цвета
установлен правильно.
543 : К

Please check %COLOR% Toner Cartridge. :

Please see Help for details.

Картридж указанного цвета не зафиксирован
должным образом.
Проверьте рычажок фиксации, чтобы он скользил
547 : К

Paper Jam: %ERRCODE%
Please open the scanner unit and the top cover.

Please see Help for details.

Замятие бумаги.
Удалите замятую бумагу.
Ошибка 372: Застревание из дуплекса
Ошибка 380: Подача бумаги
Ошибка 381: Транспорт
Ошибка 382: Выход
Ошибка 389: Потеря печатной страницы
Ошибка 390: МЦ Лоток
Ошибка 390: Ручной

Paper Jam: %ERRCODE%
Please pull out the paper cassette of the indicated

Please see Help for details.

Произошло замятие бумаги при подаче бумаги из
указанного лотка.
Удалите замятую бумагу.
391 : Лоток 1
392 : Лоток 2

Please check the %COVER%.: %ERRCODE%

Please check the %COVER%.

Please see Help for details.

Открыта верхняя крышка.
Закройте верхнюю крышку.
310 : Верхняя крышка
587 : Задняя крышка

Please see Help for details.

Крышка АПД открыта.
Закройте крышку АПД.

Сообщения об ошибке .

Сообщения об ошибке

Выключите и включите питание
%ERRCODE%: Error

Произошла ошибка в устройстве.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Требуется проверка.

Произошла ошибка в устройстве.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

Выключите и включите питание

Произошла ошибка в устройстве.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если появится такая же ошибка, выключите
устройство, а затем снова включите его. Если
ошибка не удалена или такая же ошибка появляется
снова, обратитесь к дилеру.

Document Jam
Please open the scanner unit and the ADF cover.

Please see Help for details.

Замятие документа.
Откройте крышку АПД, а затем извлеките замятую

Lamp Error. Please call service.

Please see Help for details.

Указывает на ошибку лампочки.
Данное сообщение отображается, так как
интенсивность света лампочки слабее.
Обратитесь к дилеру.

Please see Help for details.

Загорается Кассета бумаги отсутствует в указанном лотке.

Вставьте кассету бумаги в указанный лоток.
Если кассета уже помещена в устройство, вытащите
ее и установите заново в нужном положении.

Please close %TRAY%.: 430,440
To cancel, select [Cancel]

Кассета бумаги отсутствует в указанном лотке.
Вставьте кассету бумаги в указанный лоток.
Если кассета уже помещена в устройство, вытащите
ее и установите заново в нужном положении.

Требуется проверка.

Обработка отсканированного изображения не
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Please call service.
Scanner unit failed to detect printer unit.

Ошибка между блоками сканера и принтера.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

SIP Firmware Missing

Обнаружена неполадка платы.
Выключите устройство, а затем снова включите его.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Wait a moment.
Network initializing .

Загорается Измененные настройки сети сохранены.

Please change SD Memory Card.
Error Code: 085

Загорается Содержимое SD карты не может быть прочитано

Если та же карта используется далее, может
произойти та же ошибка. Замените SD карту.

Выключите и включите питание
Carriage Error

Please see Help for details.

Указывает на ошибку картриджа.
Сообщение отображается, так как картридж сканера
работает ненормально.
Если ошибка не удалена, обратитесь к дилеру.

Выключите и включите питание
Carriage Error

Указывает, что произошла следующая ошибка
2: Ошибка исходного положения (ошибка
соединения картриджа)
3: Ошибка определения стартовой позиции
Если ошибка не устраняется, обратитесь к Вашему

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