Access ошибка 438

First of all, you should know, that some of functions, used on the worksheet, have limitations. So my point is avoid of using them in VBA, if it is not necessary.
For example, function POWER() returns error on attempt to raise a zero to zero. An alternative is to use 0 ^ 0 combination, which is exactly doing the same, but looks more simply and operates without such error.
But also there is no embedded alternative in VBA to the FACT() function, so you can use it, or simply add your own function factor() — it’s uppon your choise.

If you just have started learning VBA, I would recomend you to use Option Explicit. It will help you to find out, which variables are not defined, and sometimes to avoid errors related to variable names missprint.

Here is your code, fixed and a little bit optimized:

Option Explicit' It is an option that turns on check for every used variable to be defined before execution. If this option is not defined, your code below will find undefined variables and define them when they are used. Good practice is to use this option, because it helps you, for example to prevent missprinting errors in variable names.

Sub Bezier()
    Dim C as Double , t As Double
    Dim k  As Long, n As Long, i As Long
    n = 3
    For i = 0 To 100
        t = i * 0.01
        Cells(i + 2, 6) = 0
        Cells(i + 2, 7) = 0
        For k = 0 To n
            C = (WorksheetFunction.Fact(n) / WorksheetFunction.Fact(k)) / WorksheetFunction.Fact(n - k)
            Cells(i + 2, 6) = Cells(i + 2, 6).Value + Cells(k + 2, 1).Value * C * (t ^ k) * ((1 - t) ^ (n - k))
            Cells(i + 2, 7) = Cells(i + 2, 7).Value + Cells(k + 2, 2).Value * C * (t ^ k) * ((1 - t) ^ (n - k))
End Sub

Here are some examples of factorial calculations.

    Public Function fnFact(number) ' a simple cycle example of Factorial function
    Dim tmp As Long ' new temporary variable to keep the "number" variable unchanged
    tmp = number
    fnFact = number
    While tmp > 1
        tmp = tmp - 1
        fnFact = fnFact * tmp
End Function

Public Function fnFactR(number) ' a simple example of recursive function for Factorial calculation
    If number > 0 Then
        fnFactR = fnFactR(number - 1) * number ' function calls itself to continue calculations
        fnFactR = 1 ' function returns {1} when calculations are over
    End If
End Function

    Dim number As Long
    number = 170 ' change me to find Factorial for a different value
    MsgBox "Cycle Factorial:" & vbNewLine & number & "!= " & fnFact(number)
    MsgBox "WorksheetFunction Factorial:" & vbNewLine & number & "!= " & WorksheetFunction.Fact(number)
    MsgBox "Recursive Factorial:" & vbNewLine & number & "!= " & fnFactR(number)
End Sub

All those functions are available to calculate Factorial only for numbers before 170 inclusively, because of large result value.
So for my PC the limitation for WorksheetFunction.Fact() function is also 170.
Let me know, if your PC has different limitation for this function, — it’s quite interesting thing. :)

It is recomended to use Long data type instead of Integer each type when integer (or whole number) variable is needed. Long is slightly faster, it has much wider limitations and costs no additional memory. Here are proof links:
1. MSDN:The Integer, Long, and Byte Data Types
2. Vs Integer
3. code optimization — why using long instead of integer?
Thanks for @Ioannis and @chris neilsen for the information about Long data type and proof links!

Good luck in your further VBA actions!

I have the following class module BlSecurity in my Access database:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private tiendaRepo As ITiendaRepository

Public Sub Init(ptiendaRepo As ITiendaRepository)
    tiendaRepo = ptiendaRepo
End Sub

Public Sub Login(code As String)
    If tiendaRepo.CheckIfCodeExists(code) = "" Then
        Err.Raise Number:=CustomErrors.CenterCodeNotExisting
    End If
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set tiendaRepo = Nothing
End Sub

This is TiendaRepository code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Implements ITiendaRepository

Public Function ITiendaRepository_CheckIfCodeExists(ByVal code As String) As String
    Err.Raise vbObjectError, "CheckCode", "Not implemented"
    Exit Function
End Function

And this is the «interface» ITiendaRepository I’m implementing:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function CheckIfCodeExists(ByVal code As String) As String
End Function

Then, inside a button handler:

Private Sub btnLogin_Click()
    Dim bl As blSecurity
    Set bl = New blSecurity
    bl.Init (New TiendaRepository)
    bl.Login (txtUsuario.Value)
End Sub

But when I click the button, I receive message:

Object doesn’t support this property or method

in line bl.Init (New TiendaRepository)

. What’s wrong with it?

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  • Question

  • Hi everyone,

    I have an error 438 on all 7 buttons on a form, I will show you one of them hopefully if we can solve one, the others will be easier to solve.

    Here is the form, the button I choose is the purple one:

    Here is the code on that purple button:

    Public Sub CanadianEMVPrePaidSale_Click()
            Dim dbs As DAO.Database
            Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
            Set dbs = CurrentDb
            Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("FactureMERCURYTemp TOTAUX")
             ' this code example will serve for the Canadian EMV PrePaid Issues, Sales, Returns and Balance inquiries where
             ' card information is obtained from the PINPad. For PrePaid transactions with manually-entered account information,
             ' use the same code as for non-EMV PrePaid Sales -- there will be no EMV interaction in these cases. See
             ' PrePaidSaleExample()
             ' PrePaid Voids are also handled just like non-EMV PrePaid Void transactions, with no EMV interaction necessary.
             ' See PrePaidVoidSaleExample()
             ' Request object contains transaction information
             Dim request As New Transaction.request
             Dim response As New Transaction.response
             request.TenderType = TenderTypes_PrePaid
             ' Use PrePaid, not CanadianEMV...
             request.TransactionType = TransactionTypes_Sale
             ' Required transaction information
             request.GiftServers = ";"
             request.MerchantID = "MPS53001"
             ' Mercury Supplied, Token enabled MID.
             request.Memo = "[Auto-Caisse restaurant, Version 3.0]"
             ' Supply your POS product and version number
             request.UserID = rst![serveurTrans]
             ' UserID PA-DSS requirement logging
             request.InvoiceNumber = rst![Réf commande]
             request.ReferenceNumber = rst![Réf commande]
             request.CanadianEMVTerminalID = "TerminalID"
             ' optional terminal identifier
             request.MerchantLanguage = "French"
             ' required, "English" or "French"
             request.UserTraceData = "[Auto-Caisse restaurant, Version 3.0]"
             ' Supply your POS product and version number
             ' Set the amount of the transaction
             request.AmountData.PurchaseAmount = rst![Somme De mtTransApTaxes]
             ' EMV requires PINPad interaction. To communicate with the POS peripheral device,
             ' you must configure the PinPadConfig object
             Dim pinPadConfig As New Transaction.pinPadConfig
             pinPadConfig.PinPadType = PinPadType_VerifoneVX810CAEMVGlobal1
             ' Verifone vx810 currently only
             ' supported peripheral for EMV
             pinPadConfig.MerchantID = "MPS53001"
             ' required, unique to position
             pinPadConfig.ComPort = 3
             ' required, integer value between 1 - 254
             pinPadConfig.SequenceNumber = "0010010010"
             ' required, pass value returned from previous transaction,
             ' default "0010010010"
             pinPadConfig.PinPadConnectionMethod = PinPadConnectionMethod_Serial
             ' Set the PinPadConfig property for each EMV request
             request.pinPadConfig = pinPadConfig
             ' MercuryShieldUI accepts the Request object to process the transaction
             Dim msui As New MercuryShield.MercuryShieldUI
             Set response = msui.MercuryShieldResponse
             ' Handle Response here.
         End Sub

    When debugging, the error shows on the bold line:

    request.pinPadConfig = pinPadConfig

    Thank you for your help

    Claude from Quebec, Canada

    Claude Larocque


  • It looks like the properties of request are not preceded by a naming convention…

    Dim request As New Transaction.request

    request.TenderType = TenderTypes_PrePaid
    request.TransactionType = TransactionTypes_Sale
    request.GiftServers = «;»
    request.MerchantID = «MPS53001»
    request.Memo = «[Auto-Caisse restaurant, Version 3.0]»
    request.UserID = rst![serveurTrans]
    request.InvoiceNumber = rst![Réf commande]
    request.ReferenceNumber = rst![Réf commande]
    request.CanadianEMVTerminalID = «TerminalID»
    request.MerchantLanguage = «French»
    request.UserTraceData = «[Auto-Caisse restaurant, Version 3.0]»
    request.AmountData.PurchaseAmount = rst![Somme De mtTransApTaxes]

    Dim pinPadConfig As New Transaction.pinPadConfig
    pinPadConfig.PinPadType = PinPadType_VerifoneVX810CAEMVGlobal1

    request.pinPadConfig = pinPadConfig


    Except for the PadConfig property…

    So, maybe:
    request.PadConfig = pinPadConfig
    Set request.PadConfig = pinPadConfig


    Brisbane Australia, GMT+10, Access 2003,
    Public at SkyDrive

    • Proposed as answer by

      Friday, August 17, 2012 6:09 PM

    • Marked as answer by
      Claude Larocque
      Saturday, August 18, 2012 5:09 AM

  • I don’t know your custom type but pinPadConfig looks like an Object to me.  It looks to me that request is an Object which has the property pinPadConfig which is itself an Object.

    To assign the Object pinPadConfig (that your statements assign different settings) the property pinPadConfig of the Object request, you need to use the keyword Set like:

    Set request.pinPadConfig = pinPadConfig

    Van Dinh

    • Marked as answer by
      Claude Larocque
      Saturday, August 18, 2012 5:09 AM

  • Hi Claude.

    First part…

    First up may I say I have absolutely no knowledge of that system and therefore this is just a guess. Having said that, I’m not at all sure you would see any indication that the code has executed.

    The bottom of page 18 of the manual on your SkyDrive seems to indicate that msUI.ProcessTransactionNoUI is a silent transaction and that you may need to call msUI.ShowDialog to get some user display.

    So, rather than:-

    Note also that page 18 says a transaction which requires processTransactionNoUI, but instead calls ShowDialog, will result in an error: “Not Implemented.”

    So, if you use msUI.ShowDialog and get a “Not Implemented” error then that may indicate that msui.ProcessTransactionNoUI is required and your code working correctly in silent mode.

    Again, though, that is just a guess because I can’t test it.

    Second part…

    Some time ago you mentioned a drag and drop floor plan for a restaurant. At the time you indicated you wanted to use it for costing of table orders during service. I indicated such drag and drop on a touch screen would cause excessive abrasion to the screen
    and I’ll stand by that.

    However, a touch screen should also allow the use of a mouse so I built a drag and drop floor plan demo using the mouse. It is not intended for costing during service but rather as a means by which a manager can pre-plan a floor layout after hours.

    I envisage its use to pre-plan the floor layout for private restaurant bookings such as for weddings and the like. The idea being that, given the number of people, the type of event, the seating arrangement and any special wishers of the person making the booking,
    the floor plan can be done on screen prior to the event. On the day a report can be printed to enable the staff to rearrange the restaurant.

    The demo is done to scale where 1 twip equals 2 millimetres. It would require each restaurant to make up an empty template of the size and shape of their premises. Once that is done the rest is fairly easy. Standard templates can then be built, reused, modified
    and saved.

    If you care to use it the demo can be found on my SkyDrive in my signature under ‘Drag Floor Plan’. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.

    Drag Floor Plan


    Brisbane Australia, GMT+10, Access 2003,
    Public at SkyDrive

    • Edited by
      Chris A O’Brien
      Friday, August 17, 2012 11:14 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Claude Larocque
      Saturday, August 18, 2012 5:09 AM

  • … I sent an email to the suppliers of the dll’s and I am waiting for an answer…

    Sorry, Claude…

    We don’t know your Custom Library / Class to be able to offer any help but emailing the DLL suppliers seems like the correct way to go…

    Van Dinh

    • Marked as answer by
      Claude Larocque
      Saturday, August 18, 2012 5:09 AM

Return to VBA Code Examples

This article will demonstrate how to Fix VBA Error 438 – Object Doesn’t Support Property or Method.

Error 438 is a frequently occuring error in Excel VBA and is caused by either omitting a property or method when referring to an object, or by using a property or method that is not available to an object in the VBA code.

Check the VBA code to Fix Error 438

Let us examine the following code:

Sub RemoveWorksheet()
  Dim wb As Workbook
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  Dim sheetName As String
  sheetName = "Sheet 1"
  Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
  For Each ws In wb.Sheets
     If ws = sheetName Then
        Exit For
     End If
  Next ws
End Sub

If we run this code, Error 438 will occur.

VBAError438 errormsg

To resolve this issue, we click on Debug to see where the error is occurring.

VBAError438 debug

This line of code is trying to equate the worksheet (depicted by the variable ws) to the sheet name. This is not possible as the worksheet is an object but the sheet name is a string so Error 438 is therefore returned.

To solve this, compare the string sheetName to the name property of the worksheet object: = sheetName

Now the code runs without issue!

To show a list of all the properties or methods that are available to the worksheet object, we can type a dot (.) after the object.

VBAError438 properties

This invokes the VBA Editor’s Intellisense feature. To make sure it’s turned on, in the Menu, select Tools > Options.

VBAError438 auto list members

Make sure Auto List Members is checked and then click OK.

NOTE: This is usually on by default.

You can also find a list of all the Properties, Methods and Events for an Excel Object in the Object Browser.

In the Menu, select View > Object Browser or press F2 (See more VBE shortcuts).

VBAError438 menu object browser

A list of classes and objects will appear in the left hand side of the screen. If you click on the object you wish to use (eg: Workbook), a list of all the Properties, Methods and Events that that object supports will appear in the right hand side of the screen. (eg: Members of Workbook).

VBAError438 object browser

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We already know that this is the most frustrating Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA issue which you are getting in day-to-day life, So today we are surely here going to show you some top best accessible methods and solutions and some tips and tricks to get rid out of it permanently from your Windows PC as well on your device too if you are facing on it also.

This shows an error code message like,

Run time Error 438

When you are running a Visual Basic or running the Microsoft Excel 2000, then you might get this error problem. This error occurs when you are trying to use variables for workbooks & worksheet names. This Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA may also happen when you are running a program in which a form is assigned to a variable & that variable is used to access a control on the form. This error includes your PC system crashes, virus infection or sometimes freezes too. It also starts when you are trying to execute the BW query. This error may occur if the installed AMD drivers out of date.

Causes of Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA Issue:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic runtime
  • Windows PC error issue
  • An object does not support this property or method epaceengagement

So, here are some quick tips and tricks for efficiently fixing and resolve this type of Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA Windows PC Code issue from you permanently.

How to Fix & Solve Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA Issue

1. Disable the Enhanced Protected Mode from Internet Explorer –

Disable the Enhanced Protected Mode from Internet Explorer

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Click on the tools option there, on the right side
  • Click on the Internet Options there
  • On the Advanced option,
  • Uncheck the option box for “Enable Enhanced Protected Mode.”
    It’s under the Security tab
  • Now, click on Apply to apply these settings
  • Click on OK to save this configuration
  • After completing, close all the tabs there
  • That’s it, done

By disabling the Enhanced Protected Mode from your Internet Explorer browser can get rid out of this Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 vba excel code problem.

2. Install an Automatic Repair Tool on your Windows PC –

Install an Automatic Repair Tool

  • Go & Search for Automatic Repair Tool on the Internet
  • Download it from there
  • Now, Click on ‘RUN‘ & Install it
  • Open it and use the automatic repair tool
  • After finish, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By installing an automated repair tool on your Windows PC will fix this Runtime Error 438 excel vba access problem quickly from you.

3. Uninstall Microsoft Works Add-in on your Windows PC –

Uninstall Microsoft Works Add-in

  • Click on the Start menu
  • Search for Control Panel or directly open it
  • Open ‘Add or Remove Programs‘ tab there
  • Click on the file location in the options tab
  • On the Uninstall/Install option,
  • Select the Words in Works Suite Add-in
  • Again, click on the Add or Remove Programs there
  • Follow the ON Screen instructions
  • After completing, close all the tabs from there
  • Restart your PC
  • Load the Microsoft Word again
  • That’s it, done

By uninstalling the Microsoft Works Add-in can get back you from this type of excel Runtime Error 438 VBA code issue.

4. Use a Registry Cleaner to Clean the Registry of your Windows –

Clean or Restore the Registry

Clean your registry by any registry cleaner software so that it can fix and solve this VBA Runtime Error 438 object doesn’t support access problem from your PC completely.

5. Reinstall the Drivers for the Device on your PC –

Reinstall the drivers for the device

By Reinstalling the drivers for the device will fix your Visual Basic outlook Runtime Error 438 fix problem.

6. Run a Full Scan of your Windows PC for Malware or Virus –

Scan your PC for Virus/Malware Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the “Microsoft Security Essentials” there
  • Click on it and opens it there
  • A Pop-up will open there
  • Check the ‘Full‘ option there to scan thoroughly
  • After, click on the ‘Scan Now‘ option to scan carefully
  • After scanning, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By running a full scan of your PC can get rid out of this Runtime Error 438 word Excel VBA problems from your PC completely.

7. Create a System Restore Point on your Windows PC –

Fix System Restore Features Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the ‘System Restore.’
  • Clicks on it and open it there
  • After that, tick on the “Recommended settings” or ‘Select a restore point‘ there
  • After selecting, click on the Next option there
  • Now, follow the wizard
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

So by applying this method on your Microsoft Windows PC can quickly solve this VBA Runtime Error 438 excel MAC issue.


Run System Restore & Create a Restore Point Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the ‘System Properties.’
  • Click on it and opens it
  • After that, go to the “System Protection” option there
  • Now, click on the “System Restore” option there
  • & Create a Restore point there
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

Run a system restore and creating a new restore point by any of these two methods can solve this Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 ecw excel mac problem from your PC completely.

8. Troubleshoot & Run an Automatic Windows Repair on your PC –

Repair your PC (Computer) Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the PC settings there
  • Click on the ‘Troubleshoot‘ option there
  • After opening, click on the ‘Advanced options‘ there
  • Then, click on the “Automatic Repair” option there
  • After troubleshooting, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By running an automatic repair of your PC can get rid out of this Microsoft Visual Basic excel vba Runtime Error 438 problem from your PC.

9. Disable or Uninstall your Windows Antivirus Software on your PC –

Disable or Reinstall Antivirus Software Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA

By Disabling or uninstalling your antivirus software can quickly fix and solve this Runtime Error 438 object doesn’t support this property or method epaceengagement problem.

10. Restart your Windows PC [OPTIONAL] –

Restart your Computer Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA

  • Go to the Start menu
  • Click on the right side of ‘Shutdown.’
  • Click on Restart option there to restart
  • That’s it, done

If this is your first time you have seen this stop error screen then by restarting your PC again will quickly fix this Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA problem.

These are the quick and the best way methods to get quickly rid out of this Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA Windows PC Code problem from you entirely. Hope these solutions will surely help you to get back from this Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA issue.

If you are facing or falling in this Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 438 VBA Windows PC Code problem or any error problem, then comment down the error problem below so that we can fix and solve it too by our top best quick methods guides.

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