Access ошибка 3163


«Run time error ‘3163’: The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.» This error occurs when adding information into a Link to External Worksheet Column in FRx 6.5.After clicking OK, FRx will exit and need to be restarted.


More than 100 characters were entered in the Link to Worksheet column of the Row Format.There is a 100 character limit when defining the cell references from an external worksheet.


To prevent this error, enter less than 100 characters in the Link to Worksheet column. If you must use more than 100 characters, create an additional Link to Worksheet column in the Row Format and add the additional values beyond the 100 characters.


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The error says «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.»

The database is supposed to pull in information from the Excel sheet that is passed through to it, and import the information into a recordset of the text field. However, the text field, somewhere down the line, has been limited to 50 characters. How can I change the maximum size of the text field? Thank you for any help

This is just part of the code, and the textfield I’m trying to make larger is «Idea_#», which is the last line of the code i posted

Sub Read_Recommendations()
On Error GoTo error_code
Dim FD As Office.FileDialog
Dim xlapp As Excel.Application
Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlbook As Excel.Workbook

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim sql As String

Dim WP As String
Dim row As Integer

Dim File As String
Set db = CurrentDb

Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
If FD.Show = True Then
    File = FD.SelectedItems(1)
    Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set xlbook = GetObject(File)
    Set xlsheet = xlbook.Worksheets("Recommendation Approval Form")

    Dim protection As Boolean
    With xlsheet

        'support unprotected worksheets
        protection = xlsheet.ProtectContents
        If protection Then xlsheet.Unprotect "veproject"

        WP = .Range("WP_Number")
        ' Check that active WP and the WP of the uploading form is the same
        ' If WPs are different, awares users and prompts user whether or not to continue
        Dim DifferentProject As String
        If Not get_WP = WP Then
            DifferentProject = MsgBox("You are uploading to the project with WP number: " & WP & " which is not the active project. Do you wish to continue?", vbYesNo)
            If DifferentProject = 7 Then Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Check that WP is correct by checking if it exists in the Record Information table

        ' delete the existing recomendations, we want to keep the most recent recomendations
        ' perhaps change this to a dialog in the future
        sql = "DELETE * from tbl_recomendations WHERE WP_Number = '" & WP & "'"

        db.Execute (sql)
        row = 8

        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_recomendations")
        Do While .Range("D" & row) <> ""
            rs("WP_Number") = WP
            rs("Idea_#") = (.Range("C" & row))


Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 3163
Название ошибки: The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add
Описание ошибки: The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Access
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Объяснение «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add»

«The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add» — это стандартная ошибка времени выполнения. Когда дело доходит до Microsoft Access, инженеры программного обеспечения используют арсенал инструментов, чтобы попытаться сорвать эти ошибки как можно лучше. Поскольку разработчики программного обеспечения пытаются предотвратить это, некоторые незначительные ошибки, такие как ошибка 3163, возможно, не были найдены на этом этапе.

Некоторые пользователи могут столкнуться с сообщением «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.» при использовании Microsoft Access. Во время возникновения ошибки 3163 конечный пользователь может сообщить о проблеме в Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation вернется к коду и исправит его, а затем сделает обновление доступным для загрузки. Поэтому, когда вы сталкиваетесь с запросом на обновление Microsoft Access, это обычно связано с тем, что это решение для исправления ошибки 3163 и других ошибок.

Что на самом деле вызывает ошибку времени выполнения 3163?

Наиболее распространенные вхождения «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add» проблемы при загрузке Microsoft Access. Вот три наиболее заметные причины ошибки ошибки 3163 во время выполнения происходят:

Ошибка 3163 Crash — это типичная ошибка 3163 во время выполнения, которая полностью аварийно завершает работу компьютера. Как правило, это результат того, что Microsoft Access не понимает входные данные или не знает, что выводить в ответ.

Утечка памяти «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add» — если есть утечка памяти в Microsoft Access, это может привести к тому, что ОС будет выглядеть вялой. Потенциальные триггеры могут быть «бесконечным циклом», или когда программа выполняет «цикл» или повторение снова и снова.

Ошибка 3163 Logic Error — Логические ошибки проявляются, когда пользователь вводит правильные данные, но устройство дает неверный результат. Когда точность исходного кода Microsoft Corporation низкая, он обычно становится источником ошибок.

Microsoft Corporation проблемы файла The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add в большинстве случаев связаны с повреждением, отсутствием или заражением файлов Microsoft Access. В большинстве случаев скачивание и замена файла Microsoft Corporation позволяет решить проблему. Более того, поддержание чистоты реестра и его оптимизация позволит предотвратить указание неверного пути к файлу (например The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add) и ссылок на расширения файлов. По этой причине мы рекомендуем регулярно выполнять очистку сканирования реестра.

Распространенные проблемы The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add

Эти проблемы Microsoft Access, связанные с The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add, включают в себя:

  • «Ошибка The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. «
  • «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add не является приложением Win32.»
  • «Извините, The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add столкнулся с проблемой. «
  • «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add не может быть найден. «
  • «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add не может быть найден. «
  • «Ошибка запуска в приложении: The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. «
  • «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add не выполняется. «
  • «Отказ The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.»
  • «Ошибка пути программного обеспечения: The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. «

Проблемы The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add с участием Microsoft Accesss возникают во время установки, при запуске или завершении работы программного обеспечения, связанного с The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add, или во время процесса установки Windows. Запись ошибок The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add внутри Microsoft Access имеет решающее значение для обнаружения неисправностей электронной Windows и ретрансляции обратно в Microsoft Corporation для параметров ремонта.

Причины ошибок в файле The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add

Проблемы The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add вызваны поврежденным или отсутствующим The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add, недопустимыми ключами реестра, связанными с Microsoft Access, или вредоносным ПО.

В первую очередь, проблемы The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add создаются:

  • Поврежденная или недопустимая запись реестра The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО, которые повредили файл The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add или связанные с Microsoft Access программные файлы.
  • Другая программа (не связанная с Microsoft Access) удалила The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add злонамеренно или по ошибке.
  • Другое программное приложение, конфликтующее с The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
  • Microsoft Access (The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.

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  • Question

  • hi!

    I have a code in VBA DAO, linking to a table in backend B, linked to sharepoint 2010 list.

    the code :

    Public Function SaveCd(AmtVar As Double, DstVar As Single, SRCVar As Single, MoisVar As Single, AnVar As Single, ExpVar As Single, cdDateVar As Date, CodeVar As String, CustStrVar As Variant, CustTelVar As Variant, custVarID As Double)
    ‘On Error Resume Next
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

        Set db = OpenDatabase(BackEnd, False, False, «MS Access;pwd=» & DBPSW)

        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(«TableNameStr», dbOpenDynaset)
        Dim Pdate As Date
        Pdate = Date + 6
        Luser = LocalUser()

            rs!CDAmt = AmtVar
            rs!Code = CodeVar
            rs!CDDate = cdDateVar
            rs!ExpRDV = ExpVar
            rs!DayDiff = 6
            rs!SysDate = Date
            rs!DateToPay = Pdate
            rs!An = AnVar
            rs!Mois = MoisVar
            rs!Pays = DstVar
            rs!SRC = SRCVar
            rs!User = Luser
            rs!Customer = custVarID
            rs!CustNmStr = CustStrVar
            rs!CustTelStr = CustTelVar



        Set rs = Nothing
        Set db = Nothing

    End Function 

    when run the function, it work fine for the first time, but after two times, it show the error 3163 : (the field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to Add, try inserting or pasting less data.

    and the debug in code highlighting :  rs!DayDiff = 6 (this field is a numeric), i move that line of code, then another line become yellow again , the rs!CustNmStr = CustStrVar, i move that also , the line line : rs!CustTelStr = CustTelVar
    become yellow too.

    Can Any body Help ?



    Access Odini

I have the following query, which runs perfectly:


[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Transit, 
Format([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].month,"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthOfYear, 
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME AS District, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_NtoB_Amount, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_NtoB_Amount, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_BtoN_Amount, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_BtoN_Amount, 
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].AREANAME, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year
FROM [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2] LEFT JOIN [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2] 
ON ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].AREANAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].AREANAME) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Transit = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Transit) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year);

When I try to reverse the above, as shown


[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Transit, 
Format([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].month,"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthOfYear, 
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME AS District, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_NtoB_Amount, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_NtoB_Amount, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_BtoN_Amount, 
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_BtoN_Amount, 
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].AREANAME, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year
FROM [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2] LEFT JOIN [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2] 
ON ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].AREANAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].AREANAME) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Transit = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Transit) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority) 
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year);

I get the error message «The field is too small to accept the amount of data you are trying to add. try inserting or pasting less data.» I’m not attempting to run an insert or update query.

Access Help lives up to expectations by just repeating the error message, and the posts I can find on the forum which mention this error all seem to include something about a maximum of 254 characters in a field. None of mine are anywhere near that amount.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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