Абс ошибки фредлайнер

Коды Компонентов (MID)
MID         Описание         Old Text Message         New Text Message *

128 Двигатель #1 ENGINE ENG
130 АКПП — † Trans
136 Анти-блокировочная Система Тормозов (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake
140 Панель, Левая INSTRCLST Instr
142 Панель, Правая #1 INSTRCLST MGMT
172 Диагностическая Система DIAGNOSTC DIAG
179 Чёрный Ящик LOG CMPTR CMPTR
181 Спутниковая Система COMM SAT Satl
190 Кондиционер ACPU A/C
219 Радар VORAD Radar
231 Система Сотовой Связи COMM CELL Phone
234 Панель, Правая #2 INSTRCLST Instr
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the MID number will display.

Коды Параметров (PID) 51 — 63
51 Положение Педали Газа THROTTLE POS Throttle Pos
52 Температура Интеркулера INTERCLR TEMP Intercool TEMP
53 Сцепление Синхронизатора SYNCRO CLUTCH Synchro Clutch
54 Тормоз Синхронизатора SYNCRO BRAKE Synchro Brake
55 Положение Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR POS Shift FNGR Pos
56 Статус переключателя диапазонов RANGE SWITCH RANGE Switch
57 Статус Активатора #2 КПП ACTTRSTATUS#2 Actuator #2
58 Статус Механизма Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR ACT Shift FNGR Act
59 Статус Мотора Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR GEAR Shift FNGR Gear
60 Положение Кулисы КПП SHFT FNGR RAIL Shift FNGR Rail
61 Статус Активатора Стояночного Тормоза PRKBRKACTUATOR Park Brake Act
62 Статус Моторного Тормоза RETARDRINHIBIT RetardrInhibit
63 Статус Активатора #1 КПП ACT STATUS #1 Actuator #1
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

Коды Параметров (PID) 64 — 97
64 Статус Переключателя Направления DIRCTNSWCHSTAT Dir Switch

Коды Параметров (PID) 64 — 97
65 Статус Переключателя Тормозов SVCBRK SW STAT Serv Brake Sw
66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status VEHENABLCMPTST Veh ENABLING
67 Статус Переключатель Подключения Передач SHFT RQST SWCH Shift RQST Switch
68 Фактор Ограничения Крутящего Момента TRQ LIMIT FCTR TORQ LimitFctr
69 Статус Переключателя Двухскоростного Оси 2SPEEDAXLSWTCH 2 SPEEDAxl Sw
70 Переключатель Стояночного Тормоза PARKBRK SWITCH Park Brake Sw
71 Статус Таймер Холостого Хода IDLESHUTDWNTMR IdleShutdwnTmr
72 Положение Клапана Воздуха в Кондиционере BLOWRBYPASSPOS Blowr BYPASVal
73 Давление Дополнительной Помпы AUXWATRPMPPRSS Aux PUMP Press
74 Максимальная Скорость Движения MAXROADSPEED Max ROAD SPEED
75 Температура Масла Передней Оси STRNGAXLTEMP Str. Axle TEMP
76 Давление Подъёмника Оси AXLLIFTAIRPRES Axle Lift Pres
77 Температура Масла Средней Оси FWDRRDRVAXLTMP FR DrvAxl TEMP
78 Температура Масла Задней Оси RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP
79 Температура Покрытия Дорог ROAD SRFC TEMP Road Surf TEMP
80 Уровень Жидкости Омывателя WASHRFLUIDLEVL Washer Level
81 Давление в Ловушке Частицы PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press
82 Давление Системы Пневматического Стартера AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres
83 Статус Ограничения Скорости Движения ROADSPDLIMITST ROAD SPEED Lim
84 Скорость Движения ROAD SPEED ROAD SPEED
85 Переключатель Круиза CRUISECNTRLST Cruise Status
86 Переключатель Круиза «Set Speed» CRUISE SET Cruise Set
87 Переключатель Круиза «High—Set» CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set
88 Переключатель Круиза «Low—Set» CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set
89 Статус Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO STATUS PTO Status
90 Температура Масла Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil TEMP
91 Положение Педали Газа (Процент Полного Хода) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal
92 Процент Нагрузка на Двигателе ENG LOAD % % ENG LOAD
93 Выходящий Крутящий Момент OUTPUT TORQUE OUTPUT TORQUE
94 Давление Подачи Топлива FUEL DLVR PRSS Fuel DlvrPress
95 Разница Давления через Фильтр Топлива FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter
96 Уровень Топлива FUEL LEVEL Fuel Level
97 Индикатор Воды в Топливе WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

Коды Параметров (PID) 98 — 127
98 Уровень Масла в Двигателе OIL LEVEL Oil Level
99 Разница Давления через Фильтр Масла OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres
100 Давление Масла в Двигателе OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure
101 Давление Картерных Газов CRANKCASE PRES CrankcasePress
102 Давление, Добавленное Турбокомпрессором BOOST PRESSR Boost Press
103 Скорость Турбокомпрессора TURBO SPEED Turbo SPEED
104 Давление Масла в Турбокомпрессоре TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress
105 Давление в Коллекторе INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP
106 Давление Воздух, Входящий в Фильтр AIR INLET PRSS AirInlet Press
107 Разница Давления через Фильтр Воздуха AIR FILTER Air Filter
108 Барометрическое Давление BAROM PRESSURE Baro Press
109 Давление Охлаждающей Жидкости COOLNT PRESSR Coolant Press
110 Температура Охлаждающей Жидкости ENGCOOLANTTEMP Coolant TEMP
111 Уровень Охлаждающей Жидкости COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level
112 Разница Давления через Фильтр Антифриза CLNTFLTRDIFPRS CoolFltDiffPrs
113 Диапазон Регулятора Компрессора GOVERNOR DROOP Governor DROOP
114 Ток Комплекта Аккумуляторов (амперы) NET BATT CURR Battery AMPS
115 Ток Генератора (амперы) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS
116 Рабочее Давление Тормозов BRK APPL PRESS APPLI Press
117 Давление 1-го Ресивера BRK PRIM PRESS Primary Press
118 Давление 2-го Ресивера BRK SEC PRESSR Sec. Press
119 Давление Гидравлического Ретардера HYD RTDR PRESS Retarder Press
120 Температура Масла Гидравлического Ретардера HYDRRTDROILTMP Retdr Oil TEMP
121 Статус Моторного Тормоза ENGRTDRSTATUS Retardr Status
122 Процент Моторного Тормоза ENG RETARDER % % Retarder
123 Давление Сцепления CLUTCH PRESSR Clutch Press
124 Уровень Масла в КПП OIL LEVEL Oil Level
125 Указатель Уровня Масла в КПП TRANSOIL HI/LO Oil Level
126 Разница Давления через Фильтр Масла в КПП FILTER PRESSUR FilterDifPress
127 Давление Масла в КПП OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

Коды Параметров (PID) 154 — 183
154 Статус Дополнительного Входа/Выхода #2 AUX INP/OUTP#2 Aux. In/Out #2

Коды Параметров (PID) 154 — 183
155 Статус Дополнительного Входа/Выхода #1 AUX IN/OUT #1 Aux. In/Out #1
156 Общее Давление Система Распределения Форсунок AUX IN/OUT #1 Inj Time Press
157 Общее Давление Система Подачи Форсункам INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press
158 Переключенное Напряжение Аккумуляторов BATTVLTGSWTCHD Volts (BattSw)
159 Давление Подачи Газа (не дизель) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press
160 Скорость Вторичного Вала MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED
161 Скорость Входного Вала INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED
162 Положение Переключатель «Диапазон» КПП RANGE SELECTED RANGE Selected
163 Положение «Диапазон» КПП RANGE ATTAINED RANGE Attained
164 Давление Управления Впрыска INJ CTRL PRESR Inj Ctrl Press
166 Рейтинг Мощности Двигателя RATED ENG PWR Rated Power
167 Напряжение на Генераторе VOLTS (ALT) Volts (Alt)
168 Напряжение на Аккумуляторах VOLTS (BATT) Volts (Batt)
169 Температура Внутри Кузова CARGOAMBTEMP CARGO TEMP
170 Температура Внутри Кабины CAB INT TEMP CAB TEMP
171 Температура Наружного Воздуха AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP
172 Температура в Коллекторе AIR INLET TEMP Air Inlet TEMP
173 Температура Выхлопных Газов EXH GAS TEMP Exh Gas TEMP
174 Температура Топлива FUEL TEMP Fuel TEMP
175 Температура Масла в Двигателе ENG OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
176 Температура Масла в Турбокомпрессоре TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP
177 Температура Масла в КПП TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
178 Нагрузка на Передней Оси FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt.
179 Нагрузка на Задних Осях REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt.
180 Вес Прицепа TRAILER WEIGHT Trailer WEIGHT
182 Количество Топлива за Поездку TRIP FUEL TRIP Fuel
183 Расход Топлива FUEL RATE Fuel Rate
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

Коды Параметров (PID) 184 — 253
184 Мгновенный Расход Топлива INST FUEL ECON Inst Fuel Econ
185 Средний Расход Топлива AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel Econ

Коды Параметров (PID) 184 — 253
186 Скорость Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO SPEED PTO SPEED
187 Ограниченная Скорость Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO SET SPEED PTO Set SPEED
188 Обороты Холостого Хода IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED
189 Рейтинг Скорости Двигателя RATED ENG SPD Rated SPEED
191 Скорость Выходного Вала КПП TRAN OUT SPEED OUTPUT SPEED
232 Исправление DGPS DGPS DIF CRCTN DGPS Correctn
233 Заводский Код POWER UNIT # — †
234 Версия Софта SOFTWARE ID Software ID
235 Итого Часы При Холостом Ходе TOTL IDLE HRS Total Idle Hrs
236 Итого Топлива При Холостом Ходе TOTL IDLE FUEL Totl Idle Fuel
238 Направление Велосита Движения VELOCITYVECTOR VelocityVector
239 Положение Машины (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. Position
240 Заводский Код CHG REF # CHANGE Ref #
241 Давление в Шинах Колёс TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure
242 Температура Колёс TIRE TEMP Tire TEMP
243 Идентификация Компонентов COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID
244 Пробег Поездки TRIP DISTANCE TRIP Distance
245 Итог Пробега TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist
246 Итог Рабочих Часов Машины TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs.
247 Итог Рабочих Часов Двигателя TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs.
248 Итог Рабочих Часов Коробки Отбора Мощности TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs.
249 Итог Оборотов Двигателя TOTAL ENG REVS Total ENG Revs
250 Итого Сжигающего Топлива TOTAL FUELUSED Total FUELUsed
251 Часы CLOCK Clock
252 Дата DATE Date
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the PID number will display.

MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 1 — 32
1 Форсунка Цилиндра #1 CYL#1 INJECTR Cyl #1 Injectr
2 Форсунка Цилиндра #2 CYL #2 INJECTR Cyl #2 Injectr
3 Форсунка Цилиндра #3 CYL #3 INJECTR Cyl #3 Injectr

MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 1 — 32
4 Форсунка Цилиндра #4 CYL #4 INJECTR Cyl #4 Injectr
5 Форсунка Цилиндра #5 CYL #5 INJECTR Cyl #5 Injectr
6 Форсунка Цилиндра #6 CYL #6 INJECTR Cyl #6 Injectr
7 Форсунка Цилиндра #7 CYL #7 INJECTR Cyl #7 Injectr
8 Форсунка Цилиндра #8 CYL #8 INJECTR Cyl #8 Injectr
9 Форсунка Цилиндра #9 CYL #9 INJECTR Cyl #9 Injectr
10 Форсунка Цилиндра #10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr
11 Форсунка Цилиндра #11 CYL 11 INJECTR Cyl 11 Injectr
12 Форсунка Цилиндра #12 CYL 12 INJECTR Cyl 12 Injectr
13 Форсунка Цилиндра #13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr
14 Форсунка Цилиндра #14 CYL 14 INJECTR Cyl 14 Injectr
15 Форсунка Цилиндра #15 CYL 15 INJECTR Cyl 15 Injectr
16 Форсунка Цилиндра #16 CYL 16 INJECTR Cyl 16 Injectr
17 Главный Клапан Отключения Топлива FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff
18 Клапан Управления Подачи Топлива FUEL CONTROL Fuel Control
19 Клапан Байпас Акселератора THROTTLE BYPAS ThrottleBYPASS
20 Механизм, Управляющий Распределение TIMINGACTUATOR TIMINGActuator
21 Датчик Положения Коленвала ENG POS SENSOR PositionSensor
22 Датчик Распред. Вала TIMING SENSOR TIMING Sensor
23 Механизм Топливной Плиты RACK ACTUATOR Rack Actuator
24 Датчик Положения Топливной Плиты RACKPOS SENSOR Rack Pos Sens
25 Сигнал Системы, Защищающей Двигатель EXT ENG PROTCT ExtENG Protect
26 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #1 AUXOUTDRIVER1 AuxOut Driver
27 Управляющий Механизм #1 Турбокомпрессора TURBO ACTUATR1 Turbo Actuator
28 Управляющий Механизм #2 Турбокомпрессора TURBO ACTUATR2 TurboActuator2
29 Вход Сигнала Топливной Системы EXT FUEL INPUT Ext Fuel INPUT
30 Вход Сигнала Скорости EXT SPEEDINPUT Ext SPEEDINPUT
32 Драйвер Перепускного Клапана Турбокомпрессора WASTEGATEDRVR WASTEGATE Drvr
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 33 — 64
33 Управление Пневмомуфты FANCLTCH DRV Fan Clutch Drv
34 Датчик Подпора Выхлопа EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens

MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 33 — 64
35 Соленоид Регулировки Давления Выхлопных Газов EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol
36 Лампа Системы Свечи Накаливания GLOWPLUGLAMP Glow PLUG LAMP
37 Реле Питания DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay
38 Реле Системы Свечи Накаливания GLOWPLUGRELAY GlowPLUG Relay
39 Реле Стартера STARTER RELAY Starter Relay
40 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #2 AUXOUT DRIVER2 Auxout Driver2
41 ECM 8-Волтовое Питание ECM 8VDC SUPLY ECM 8VDC
42 Регулятор Давление Форсунок INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG
43 Регулятор Высоких Передач АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act.
44 Регулятор Низких Передач АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.
45 Регулятор Нейтральной Передачи АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTNTL GR Neutral Act.
46 Цепь Земли АвтоШифта (минус) AUTOSHFTCOMLO Common
47 Форсунка Цилиндра #17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr
48 Форсунка Цилиндра #18 CYL 18 INJECTR Cyl 18 Injectr
49 Форсунка Цилиндра #19 CYL 19 INJECTR Cyl 19 Injectr
50 Форсунка Цилиндра #20 CYL 20 INJECTR Cyl 20 Injectr
51 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #3 AUXOUT DRIVER3 Auxout Driver3
52 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #4 AUXOUT DRIVER4 Auxout Driver4
53 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5
54 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #6 AUXOUT DRIVER6 Auxout Driver6
55 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7
56 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8
57 Дополнительный PWM #1 AUX PWM DRVR 1 Aux PWM Drvr 1
58 Дополнительный PWM #2 AUX PWM DRVR 2 Aux PWM Drvr 2
59 Дополнительный PWM #3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3
60 Дополнительный PWM #4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4
61 Клапан Смеся Образования VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve
62 Prestroke Sensor PRESTROKE SNSR PreStroke Snsr
63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr
64 Датчик #2 Скорости Двигателя SPEED SENSOR2 SPEED Sensor 2
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 65 — 78
65 Датчик Кислорода OXYGEN SENSOR — †

MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 65 — 78
66 Сигнал Контроля Сжигания IG MODE SIGNAL — †
67 Сигнал Распределения Сжигания IG TIME SIGNAL — †
68 Давление во Втором Входе Турвокомпрессора TURBO PRSSRE 2 — †
69 Температура Афтеркулера ACOC COOL TEMP — †
70 Подогрев входного воздуха #1 — † — †
71 Подогрев входного воздуха #2 — † — †
72 Форсунка Цилиндра #21 CYL 21 INJECTR — †
73 Форсунка Цилиндра #22 CYL 22 INJECTR — †
74 Форсунка Цилиндра #23 CYL 23 INJECTR — †
75 Форсунка Цилиндра #24 CYL 24 INJECTR — †
76 Датчик Детонации KNOCK SENSOR — †
77 Клапан Управления Подачи Газа GASMETER VALVE — †
78 Управляющий Механизм Топливного Насоса — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 1 — 14
1 Датчик ABS, 1-ый Ось, Левый (передний) WH SNSR AXL 1L Wh Snsr Axl 1L
2 Датчик ABS, 1-ый Ось, Правый (передний) WH SNSR AXL 1R Wh Snsr Axl 1R
3 Датчик ABS, 2-ой Ось, Левый (средний) WH SNSR AXL 2L Wh Snsr Axl 2L
4 Датчик ABS, 2-ой Ось, Правый (средний) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R
5 Датчик ABS, 3-ий Ось, Левый (задний) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L
6 Датчик ABS, 3-ий Ось, Правый (задний) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R
7 Модулятор ABS, 1-ый Ось, Левый (передний) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve A1L
8 Модулятор ABS, 1-ый Ось, Правый (передний) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve A1R
9 Модулятор ABS, 2-ой Ось, Левый (средний) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod. Valve A2L
10 Модулятор ABS, 2-ой Ось, Правый (средний) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. Valve A2R
11 Модулятор ABS, 3-ий Ось, Левый (задний) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve A3L
12 Модулятор ABS, 3-ий Ось, Правый (задний) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod. Valve A3R
13 Реле Моторного Тормоза RTDR CNTRL RLY Rtdr Cntrl Rly
14 Реле, Диагональное Напряжение 1 RLAY DIAGONAL1 Relay DIAG. 1
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 15 — 47
15 Реле, Диагональное Напряжение 2 RLAY DIAGONAL2 Relay DIAG. 2
16 Переключатель ABS ABS MODE SWTCH ABS Mode Swtch
17 Переключатель ASR ASR MODE SWTCH ASR Mode Swtch
18 Клапан DIF 1-ASR ASR DIF1 VALVE ASR Dif1 Valve
19 Клапан DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve
20 Пневматический Контроль Двигатель PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl
21 Электрический Контроль Двигатель ELEC ENG CNTRL Elec ENG Cntrl
25 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Переднего Моста SENSOR AX1 AVG Sensor AX1 AVG
26 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Переднего Редуктора SENSOR AX2 AVG Sensor AX2 AVG
27 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Заднего Редуктора SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG
28 Модулятор Клапана ABS для Редукторов PRSSRMODDRVAXL Mod, Relay Valve
29 Датчик Давления Клапана ABS для Редукторов PRSSRXDCDRVAXL Trans, Relay Vlv
30 Главное Реле Управления Системы ABS MASTER RELAY Master Relay
31 Передний Мост Прицепа, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
32 Передний Мост Прицепа, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
33 Задний Мост Прицепа, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
34 Передний Мост Прицепа, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
35 Передний Ось Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
36 Передний Ось Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
37 Передний Редуктор Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
38 Передний Редуктор Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
39 Задний Редуктор Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
40 Задний Редуктор Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
41 Реле Высоты Подвески — † — †
42 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
43 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
44 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
45 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
46 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
47 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 48 — 80
SID Описание Old Text Message New Text Message *
48 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
49 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
50 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
51 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
52 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
53 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
54 Мотор Гидронасоса — † — †
55 Переключатель Тормозных Фар 1 — † — †
56 Переключатель Тормозных Фар 2 — † — †
57 Электрический Контроль Давление, 1-ый Ось — † — †
58 Контроль Давления Запасной Системы, Ось 1 — † — †
59 Давления Тормозов, Ось 1 — † — †
60 Электрический Контроль Давление, 2-ой Ось — † — †
61 Контроль Давления Запасной Системы, Ось 2 — † — †
62 Давления Тормозов, Ось 2 — † — †
63 Электрическая Регулировка Тормозов, Ось 3 — † — †
64 Электрический Контроль Давление, 3-ий Ось — † — †
65 Давления Тормозов, Ось 3 — † — †
66 Электрическая Регулировка Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
67 Пневматическое Управление Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
68 Давления Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
69 Датчик Нагрузки на Осях — † — †
70 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
71 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
72 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
73 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
74 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
75 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
76 Передатчик Сигнал Торможения — † — †
77 Датчик Сигнал #1 Торможения — † — †
78 Датчик Сигнал #2 Торможения — † — †
79 Размер Колёс — † — †
80 Контроль Торможения Машины — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

MID 190 Коды Подсистем Кондиционера
1 Уровень Фреона REFRGNT CHRG REFRIG Pres
2 Уровень Влажности во Фреоне REFRIG MOISTR REFRIG Moistr
3 Неконденсирующийся Газ во Фреоне GAS IN REFRIGN Gas In REFRIGN
4 Соленоид, Управляющий Поток Фреона RFRG FLOW CTRL RFRG Flow Ctrl
5 Датчик Низкого Давления Фреона LOW PRS SWITCH Low Pres SW
6 Цепь Управление Компрессора Фреона CLUTCH CIRCUIT Clutch Cir
7 Цепь Термостата Радиатора Кондиционера — † Tstat Cir
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

MID 219 Коды Подсистем Радара VORAD
1 Передняя Антенна — † — †
2 Электроники Антенны — † — †
3 Монитор Тормозной Системы — † — †
4 Монитор Динамика — † — †
5 Монитор Положения Руля Управления — † — †
6 Монитор Спидометра — † — †
7 Монитор Правого Поворотника — † — †
8 Монитор Левого Поворотника — † — †
9 Дисплей — † — †
10 Датчик в Правой Стороне — † — †
11 Датчик в Левой Стороне — † — †
12 Задний Датчик — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 151 — 153
151 Системный Диагностический код #1 — † — †
152 Системный Диагностический код #2 — † — †
153 Системный Диагностический код #3 — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 154 — 248
154 Системный Диагностический код #4 — † — †
155 Системный Диагностический код #5 — † — †
219 Индикатор Сжигания † — — †
220 Электрическое Подключение Тягач/Прицеп (ISO 11992) — † — †
221 Напряжение Питания для Датчиков — † — †
222 Лампа «PROTECT» — † — †
223 Датчик Яркости — † — †
224 Сигнализация — † — †
225 Желтая Лампа — † — †
226 Датчик Передач КПП — † — †
227 Дополнительный Вход #1 — † — †
228 Переключатель Высокого Давления HI PRES SWITCH HI Pres SW
229 Переключатель Kickdown — † — †
230 Переключатель Подтверждения Холостого Хода — † — †
231 Цепь SAE J1939 — † — †
232 5-Волтовое DC Питание — † — †
233 Драйвер #2 — † — †
234 Механизм «ON» Стояночного Тормоза — † — †
235 Механизм «OFF» Стояночного Тормоза — † — †
236 Устройство Подключения Питания — † — †
237 Устройство Подключения Сжигания — † — †
238 Диагностическая Лампа — Красная — † — †
239 Диагностическая Лампа — Желтая — † — †
240 Память — † — †
242 Переключатель «RESUME» Круиза — † — †
243 Переключатель «SET» Круиза — † — †
244 Переключатель «ENABLE» Круиза — † — †
245 Переключатель #1 Педали Сцепления — † — †
246 Переключатель #1 Тормозной Педали — † — †
247 Переключатель #2 Тормозной Педали — † — †
248 Диагностическая цепь ОЕМ — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 249 — 254
249 Цепь SAE J1922 SAE J1922 SAE J1922
250 Цепь SAE J1708 (J1587) — † — †
252 Модуль Калибровки — † — †
253 Память Калибровки — † — †
254 Контроллер #1 CONTROLLER Controller
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

Коды Неисправности (FMI)
FMI        Описание       Text Message
00 Выше нормы HIGH
01 Ниже нормы Low
02 Плавающий или Неправильный Сигнал Erratic
03 Напряжение выше нормы или КЗ в питание Short Hi
04 Напряжение ниже нормы или КЗ в землю Short Lo
05 Ток ниже нормы или обрыв OPEN
06 Ток выше нормы или КЗ в землю Short
07 Механическая система не правильно отвечает NoRESPONSE
08 Необычная Частота, Длина Импульса, или Период SIGNAL
09 Необычная Частота Обновления UPDATE
10 Необычная Скорость Изменение Rate
11 Ошибка не понятна Not Known
12 Сам блок не правильно работает Bad
13 Неправильно калибрирован Calibrate
14 Особенные Инструкции RSRVD
15 Резервирован RSRVD

Для записи на ремонт или ответ на интересующие вопросы обращайтесь по телефону:

+7 908 744 98 79


51 2 Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error 51 3 Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed High 51 4 Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed Low 51 10 Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error 51 18 Intake Throttle Position Rationality Error 84 3 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High 84 4 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low 84 13 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is Missing 84 19 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is Erratic 84 21 Vehicle Speed Sensor Erratic 94 2 Low Side Fuel Pressure Not Plausible 94 3 Low Side Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High 94 4 Low Side Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low 94 15 Fuel Filter Service Warning 94 16 Fuel Filter Replacement Required 96 2 Fuel Tank Level Sensor Stuck in Position 97 3 Water in Fuel Circuit Failed High 97 4 Water in Fuel Circuit Failed Low 97 14 Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning – Ignored 97 15 Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning 97 16 Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning 97 31 Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning – Ignored 100 0 Engine Oil Pressure Stuck 100 1 Engine Oil Pressure Very Low 100 3 Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed High 100 4 Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed Low 100 10 Low Oil PSI Derate 100 17 Engine Oil Pressure Low 102 16 Intake Manifold Pressure too High 102 18 Intake Manifold Pressure too Low 103 0 Turbo Charger Speed Above Threshold (Low Box) 103 1 Turbo Charger Speed Below Threshold (High Box) 103 2 Turbocharger Speed Out of Range High 108 3 Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed High 108 4 Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed Low 110 0 Coolant Temperature High 110 3 Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High 110 4 Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low 110 14 Coolant Temperature / Engine Oil Temperature Plausibility Fault 110 15 Coolant Temperature High Pre-warning 110 16 Coolant Temperature High Alarm 157 10 Under capacity in High Pressure Circuit 157 15 Fuel Rail pressure too low – Low Pressure Circuit 157 16 Fuel Rail Pressure too Low 157 17 Minimum Rail Pressure for Injection Not Achieved 157 18 Fuel Rail Pressure too High 158 2 Ignition Switch Not Plausible 164 2 Rail Pressure Fuel Trim Lower Limit 164 3 Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High 164 4 Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low 164 5 Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Open 164 15 Fuel Rail pressure too low – High Pressure Circuit 164 20 Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift (High) 164 21 Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift (Low) 168 0 Battery Voltage High 168 1 Battery Voltage Low 174 0 Fuel Temperature Before High Pressure Pump too High 174 3 Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed High 174 4 Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed Low 174 17 Fuel Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility 175 0 Oil Temperature High Warning 175 3 Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed High 175 4 Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed Low 175 14 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Plausibility Fault 175 15 Oil Temperature High Pre Warning 175 18 Oil Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility 188 31 Idle Speed Out of Range 190 0 Engine Speed High 190 14 Engine Overspeed while Driving 190 15 Engine Overspeed Pre-warning 190 16 Engine Overspeed while Stationary 191 13 J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is Missing 191 19 J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is Erratic 411 0 EGR Differential Pressure Failed (Low Box) 411 1 EGR Differential Pressure Failed (High Box) 411 2 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low 411 3 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit High 411 4 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit Low 411 13 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration High 523 13 J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is Missing 523 19 J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is Erratic 625 8 MCM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving 625 9 No Data Received from Engine CAN Link 625 14 ACM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving 625 17 No ACM2 Communication – Pre Warning 625 18 No ACM2 Communication – Warning 636 1 Crankshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground 636 2 No Match of Camshaft and Crankshaft Signals 636 3 Crankshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit 636 8 Crankshaft Position Sensor Time Out 636 10 Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic 636 11 Crankshaft Position Sensor Failure 641 3 Turbo Control Circuit Failed High 641 4 Turbo Control Circuit Failed Low 641 5 Turbo Control Circuit Open 647 3 Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed High 647 4 Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low 647 5 Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open 651 3 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) 651 4 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) 651 5 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open 651 6 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit 651 7 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open 652 3 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) 652 4 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) 652 5 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open 652 6 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit 652 7 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open 653 3 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) 653 4 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) 653 5 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open 653 6 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit 653 7 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open 654 3 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) 654 4 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) 654 5 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open 654 6 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit 654 7 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open 655 3 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) 655 4 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) 655 5 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open 655 6 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit 655 7 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open 656 3 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) 656 4 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) 656 5 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open 656 6 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit 656 7 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open 677 2 Starter Switch Inconsistent 677 3 Engine Starter Relay Shorted to High Source 677 4 Engine Starter Relay Circuit Failed Low 677 5 Engine Starter Relay Open Circuit 677 7 Engine Starter Relay – Starter Does Not Engage 705 3 Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed High 705 4 Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed Low 710 3 Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed High 710 4 Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed Low 723 8 Camshaft Position Sensor Time Out 723 10 Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic 723 11 Camshaft Position Sensor Failure 723 31 Backwards Running Engine Detected 961 2 CPC Clock Data Invalid 1033 15 MCM Engine Run Timer Plausibility 1033 17 MCM Engine Off Timer Plausibility 1071 3 Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed High 1071 4 Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low 1071 5 Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open 1072 3 Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed High 1072 4 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low 1072 5 Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open 1073 3 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed High 1073 4 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low 1073 5 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open 1077 3 Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error 1077 4 Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error 1077 5 Quantity Control Valve Error, Current too Low 1077 6 Quantity Control Valve, Desired Current Doesn’t Match Actual Current 1077 14 Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System too High (Leak Down Test) 1172 3 Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High 1172 4 Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low 1231 9 ACM Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving 1322 31 Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected at Idle 1323 31 Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Misfire at Idle 1324 31 Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Misfire at Idle 1325 31 Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Misfire at Idle 1326 31 Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Misfire at Idle 1327 31 Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Misfire at Idle 1328 31 Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Misfire at Idle 1636 0 Charge Air Cooler Low Efficiency 1636 2 Difference Intake Manifold and Icooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (Low Box) 1636 3 Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed High 1636 4 Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed Low 1639 2 Fan Speed Error 1659 1 Thermostat Error 2630 2 Difference Intake Manifold and Icooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (High Box) 2630 3 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High 2630 4 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low 2630 16 Charge Air Cooler Performance Monitor 2631 1 Low Air Flow 2659 0 EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic – High Flow 2659 18 EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic – Low Flow 2791 0 EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Alert 2791 2 EGR Valve Actuator, Position Deviation Error 2791 7 EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off 2791 11 EGR Valve Actuator, Motor Off 2791 12 EGR Valve Actuator, Frozen 2791 14 EGR Valve Actuator, CAN Error 2791 15 EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Warning 2791 16 EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Too Large 2791 18 EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Too Small 2791 31 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve actuator (unknown error code) 2797 3 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Battery 2797 4 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Ground 2798 3 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Battery 2798 4 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Ground 3058 9 EGR Slow Response Low Box 3058 10 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Slow Response 3216 2 NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error 3216 10 NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error 3216 16 NOx inlet sensor plausibility error high 3216 18 NOx inlet sensor plausibility error low 3216 21 SCR NOX Inlet Sensor Drift Low 3464 3 IAT Motor Circuit Shorted to Battery 3464 4 IAT Motor Circuit Shorted to Ground 3464 5 IAT Motor Short Circuit/Over Current 3464 16 Intake Manifold Pressure too High 3464 18 Intake Manifold Pressure too Low 3464 31 H Bridge 1 IAT Circuit Open Load 3471 3 HC Doser Circuit Failed High 3471 4 HC Doser Circuit Failed Low 3471 5 HC Doser Circuit Failed Open 3480 0 Fuel Compensation Pressure High 3480 1 Doser Fuel Supply Pressure Abnormal 3480 2 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Low 3480 3 Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High 3480 4 Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low 3480 14 Doser FLP Sensors Failed Self Test 3480 21 Fuel Cut Off Valve Pressure Not Plausible 3482 3 Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed High 3482 4 Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Low 3482 5 Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Open 3509 3 5V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High 3509 4 5V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low 3510 3 5V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High 3510 4 5V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low 3511 3 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High 3511 4 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low 3512 3 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High 3512 4 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low 3563 3 Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed High 3563 4 Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed Low 3563 20 Ambient and Inlet Mani 3563 21 Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (High Box) 3597 3 Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed High 3597 4 Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low 3598 3 Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed High 3598 4 Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low 3599 3 MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed High 3599 4 MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed Low 3659 3 Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MAX) 3659 4 Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MIN) 3659 5 Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Circuit Open 3659 6 Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Valve Shorted Circuit 3660 3 Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MAX) 3660 4 Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MIN) 3660 5 Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Circuit Open 3660 6 Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Valve Shorted Circuit 3661 3 Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MAX) 3661 4 Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MIN) 3661 5 Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Circuit Open 3661 6 Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Valve Shorted Circuit 3662 3 Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MAX) 3662 4 Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MIN) 3662 5 Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Circuit Open 3662 6 Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Valve Shorted Circuit 3663 3 Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MAX) 3663 4 Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MIN) 3663 5 Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Circuit Open 3663 6 Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Valve Shorted Circuit 3664 3 Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MAX) 3664 4 Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Abnormal Operation (MIN) 3664 5 Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Circuit Open 3664 6 Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve (“Amplifier”), Valve Shorted Circuit 3716 31 High Idle Regeneration (HIR) aborted – Low Coolant Temp 4077 0 Doser Fuel Line Pressure High 4077 3 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High 4077 4 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low 4077 14 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Failed Self Test 4193 2 Coolant Inlet Temperature Not Plausible 4193 3 Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High 4193 4 Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low 4193 17 Coolant Outlet Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility 4257 3 Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Battery 4257 4 Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Ground 4258 3 Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Battery 4258 4 Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Ground 4752 0 EGR Cooler Low Efficiency 4752 15 EGR Cooler Performance Monitor 4765 0 Exhaust Temperature Out of Range High 4814 3 Water Pump Circuit Failed High 4814 4 Water Pump Circuit Failed Low 4814 5 Water Pump Circuit Failed Open 5312 7 Intake Manifold Pressure Very Low 5323 13 Excessive Time to Enter Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control 5357 16 Total Injected Fuel Mass too High 5357 18 Total Injected Fuel Mass too Low 5395 15 Idle Fuel Quantity Out of Range 5418 3 FMU High Side Short-Circuit to Battery 5418 4 FMU Low Side Short-Circuit to Ground 5444 1 Engine Crankcase Breather Oil Separator Speed too Low 5571 7 Pressure Limiting Valve, Failed to Close 5588 9 CAN3 Communication Error 5927 2 Electronically Controlled Water Pump Limp Home Mode 5927 7 Electronically Controlled Water Pump Mechanical Defect Detected 520253 14 Software Reset Detected 520253 31 Software Reset Detected 520261 31 Speed Limitation Fault 520267 2 CPC Clock Data Invalid 520267 15 MCM Engine Run Timer Plausibility 520267 17 MCM Engine Off Timer Plausibility 520268 16 Fuel Rail Pressure Too High, Similar Condition 520268 18 Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low, Similar Condition 520279 7 Starter Inhibit due to Improper Condition 520280 7 Engine Brake High Inhibit due to Improper Condition 520281 7 Engine Brake Inhibit due to JB1 Improper Condition 520282 7 Engine Brake Inhibit due to JB2 Improper Condition 520286 31 Software Reset Detected 520287 7 MCM Hardware Reset 520287 13 MCM Software Reset 520287 14 MCM missing VIN 520296 3 EGR Valve Actuator, Low Supply Voltage 520296 13 EGR Valve Actuator, Error 520296 19 EGR Valve Actuator, Communication Error 520296 31 EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Incomplete 520305 3 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold 520305 4 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold 520306 3 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold 520306 4 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold 520307 3 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold 520307 4 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold 520308 3 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold 520308 4 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold 520309 3 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold 520309 4 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold 520310 3 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold 520310 4 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold

Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting

See also:

  • Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – Automated-Manual Transmissions
  • Freightliner Service Repair Manuals PDF

Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault codes ABS

Freightliner Business Class M2

Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting

Meritor WABCO Pneumatic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs

Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 001 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 7 and 8 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the LF wheel 30 rpm. Voltage is 0.2 Vac or greater Sensor adjustment solved the problem.
Voltage is less than 0.2 Vac Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed.
136 001 02 Incorrect tire size Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.

Correct as needed.

136 001 03 Sensor shorted to power 2. Measure the voltage across pins 7 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 8 and ground. Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377LF+ and 377LF– in chassis harness and sensor cable.

If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor.

No voltage at either pin Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 001 04 Short to ground 3. Measure the resistance between pin 7 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 8 and ground. Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377LF+ and 377LF– in chassis harness or sensor cable.

If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor.

Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

136 001 05 Open circuit 4. Measure the resistance between pins 7u and 8 of the X2 (black) connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–.

Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists.

Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. Perform test 5.
136 001 05 Open circuit 5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377LF+ and 377LF– in chassis harness.
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms Replace the sensor.
136 001 06 Short circuit Perform tests 4 and 5.
136 001 07 Damaged tone ring Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed.
136 001 08 Excessive wheel slip Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds.
136 001 09 Wire mismatch 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. Correct wiring connections, as needed.
Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 001 10 Intermittent signal 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. Signal output OK Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem.
Signal output incorrect Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.

Repair as needed.

136 001 11 Erratic signal Perform test 7.
136 001 12 Frequency too high 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. Wiring OK Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists.
Wiring incorrect Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed.
Right Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 002)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 002 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 5 and 6 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the RF wheel 30 rpm. Voltage is 0.2 Vac or greater Sensor adjustment solved the problem.
Voltage is less than 0.2 Vac Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed.
136 002 02 Incorrect tire size Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.

Correct as needed.

136 002 03 Sensor shorted to power 2. Measure the voltage across pin 5 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 8 and ground. Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377RF+ and 377RF– in chassis harness and sensor cable.

If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor.

No voltage at either pin Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

Right Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 002)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 002 04 Short to ground 3. Measure the resistance between pin 5 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 6 and ground. Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377RF+ and 377RF– in chassis harness or sensor cable.

If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor.

Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

136 002 05 Open circuit 4. Measure the resistance between pins 5 and 6 of the X2 (black) connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–.

Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists.

Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. Perform test 5.
5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377RF+ and 377RF– in chassis harness.
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms Replace the sensor.
136 002 06 Short circuit Perform tests 4 and 5.
136 002 07 Damaged tone ring Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed.
136 002 08 Excessive wheel slip Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds.
136 002 09 Wire mismatch 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. Correct wiring connections, as needed.
Right Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 002)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 002 10 Intermittent signal 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. Signal output OK Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem.
Signal output incorrect Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.

Repair as needed.

136 002 11 Erratic signal Perform test 7.
136 002 12 Frequency too high 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. Wiring OK Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists.
Wiring incorrect Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed.
Left Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 003)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 003 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 1 and 2 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the LR wheel 30 rpm. Voltage is 0.2 Vac or greater Sensor adjustment solved the problem.
Voltage is less than 0.2 Vac Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed.
136 003 02 Incorrect tire size Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.

Correct as needed.

136 003 03 Sensor shorted to power 2. Measure the voltage across pin 1 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 2 and ground. Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377LR+ and 377LR– in chassis harness and sensor cable.

If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor.

No voltage at either pin Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

Left Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 003)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 003 04 Short to ground 3. Measure the resistance between pin 1 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 2 and ground. Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377LR+ and 377LR– in chassis harness or sensor cable.

If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor.

Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

136 003 05 Open circuit 4. Measure the resistance between pins 1 and 2 of the X3 (green) connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–.

Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists.

Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. Perform test 5.
5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377LR+ and 377LR– in chassis harness.
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms Replace the sensor.
136 003 06 Short circuit Perform tests 4 and 5.
136 003 07 Damaged tone ring Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed.
136 003 08 Excessive wheel slip Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds.
136 003 09 Wire mismatch 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. Correct wiring connections, as needed.
Left Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 003)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 003 10 Intermittent signal 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. Signal output OK Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem.
Signal output incorrect Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.

Repair as needed.

136 003 11 Erratic signal Perform test 7.
136 003 12 Frequency too high 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. Wiring OK Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists.
Wiring incorrect Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed.
Right Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 004)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 004 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 3 and 4 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the RR wheel 30 rpm. Voltage is 0.2 VAC or greater Sensor adjustment solved the problem.
Voltage is less than 0.2 VAC Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed.
136 004 02 Incorrect tire size Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.

Correct as needed.

136 004 03 Sensor shorted to power 2. Measure the voltage across pin 3 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 4 and ground. Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377RR+ and 377RR– in chassis harness and sensor cable.

If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor.

No voltage at either pin Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

Right Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 004)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 004 04 Short to ground 3. Measure the resistance between pin 3 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 4 and ground. Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377RR+ and 377RR– in chassis harness or sensor cable.

If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor.

Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–.

Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists.

136 004 05 Open circuit 4. Measure the resistance between pins 3 and 4 of the X3 (green) connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–.

Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists.

Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. Perform test 5.
5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. Resistance is 900–

2000 ohms

Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377RR+ and 377RR– in chassis harness.
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms Replace the sensor.
136 004 06 Short circuit Perform tests 4 and 5.
136 004 07 Damaged tone ring Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed.
136 004 08 Excessive wheel slip Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds.
136 004 09 Wire mismatch 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. Correct wiring connections, as needed.
Right Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 004)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 004 10 Intermittent signal 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. Signal output OK Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem.
Signal output incorrect Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.

Repair as needed.

136 004 11 Erratic signal Perform test 7.
136 004 12 Frequency too high 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. Wiring OK Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists.
Wiring incorrect Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed.
Left Front Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 007)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 007 03 Short to power

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire.

1. Measure the voltage between pins 2, 10, and 11 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. No voltage at either pin Repeat test. Check circuits 378LFI, 378LFO, and 378LF– for

intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary.

If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault.

Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit 378LFI, 378LFO, or 378LF–.
136 007 05 Open circuit

Inlet or outlet circuit open.

2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve resistance test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378LFI, 378LFO, or 378LF–.
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace the modulator valve.
136 007 06 Short to ground

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground.

3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378LFI, 378LFO, or 378LF– for

short to ground. Repair as necessary.

Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace modulator valve.
Right Front Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 008)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 008 03 Short to power

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire.

1. Measure the voltage between pins 3, 4, and 9 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. No voltage at either pin Repeat test. Check circuits 378RFO, 378RFI, and 378RF– for

intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary.

If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault.
Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit 378RFO, 378RFI, or 378RF–.
136 008 05 Open circuit

Inlet or outlet circuit open.

2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve resistance test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378RFO, 378RFI, or 378RF–.
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace the modulator valve.
136 008 06 Short to ground

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground.

3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378RFO, 378RFI, or 378RF– for

short to ground. Repair as necessary.

Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace modulator valve.
Left Rear Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 009)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 009 03 Short to power

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire.

1. Measure the voltage between pins 10, 11, and 12 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. No voltage at either pin Repeat test. Check circuits 378LRI, 378LRO, and 378LR– for

intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary.

If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault.

Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit 378LRI, 378LRO, or 378LR–.
136 009 05 Open circuit

Inlet or outlet circuit open.

2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve resistance test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378LRI, 378LRO, and 378LR–.
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace the modulator valve.
Left Rear Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 009)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 009 06 Short to ground

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground.

3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378LRI, 378LRO, and 378LR– for

short to ground. Repair as necessary.

Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace modulator valve.
Right Rear Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 010)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 010 03 Short to power

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire.

1. Measure the voltage between pins 7, 8, and 9 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. No voltage at either pin Repeat test. Check circuits 378RRO, 378RR–, and 378RRI

for intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires.

Repair as necessary.

If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault.
Measurable voltage at either pin Repair short to power in circuit 378RRO, 378RR–, or 378RRI.
136 010 05 Open circuit

Inlet or outlet circuit open.

2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378RRO, 378RRI, and 378RR–.
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace the modulator valve.
136 010 06 Short to ground

Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground.

3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. Check harness wiring circuits 378RRI, 378RRO, and 378RR–

for short to ground. Repair as necessary.

Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. Replace modulator valve.
Ground Faults Troubleshooting (SID 014)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 014 04 Low voltage or open circuit 1. Disconnect the X1 (gray) connector at the ABS ECU. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between pins 1 and 12. Voltage is 9.5 to 14 volts. System voltage is acceptable. Check for intermittent low voltage. Check the batteries and charging system. Voltage may have been temporarily too low. Repair as necessary.
Voltage is less than 9.5 volts. Check vehicle batteries and charging system. Check ABS ECU power and ground circuits for open or high resistance.

Repair as necessary.

136 014 05 Central group open or high resistance 2. Disconnect the X1 (gray) connector at the ABS ECU. Check the ground circuit (pin 11) for high resistance or open circuit. Ground is okay Verify the fault. Check the ground circuits for open or high resistance. Repair as necessary.
Ground is open or has high resistance Repair ground circuit as necessary.
136 014 06 Internal relay does not open If fault repeats, replace the ABS ECU.
Ground Faults Troubleshooting (SID 015)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 015 03 ATC valve grounded to power. 1. Disconnect the X3 (green) connector, check for voltage between pin 6 and ground. Voltage at pin 6. Circuit 378T- is shorted to power. Locate fault and repair as necessary.
No voltage at pin 6. Verify fault. Check for intermittent fault in circuit 378-, repair as necessary.
136 015 04 Low voltage or open circuit 2. Disconnect the X1 (gray) connector at the ABS ECU. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between pin 2 and a good ground. Voltage is 9.5 to 14 volts System voltage is acceptable. Check for intermittent low voltage. Check the batteries and charging system. Voltage may have been temporarily too low. Repair as necessary.
Voltage is less than 9.5 volts Repair voltage supply to ECU.
136 015 05 ATC Valve – High Impedance Replace ABS ECU if fault persists.
06 ATC Valve circuit shorted to ground Disconnect the X3 (green) connector, check resistance between pin 6 and a good ground. Resistance is less than 10,000 ohms Verify fault. Check for intermittent fault in circuit 378-, repair as necessary.
Resistance is great than 10,000 ohms Verify fault. Check for intermittent fault in circuit 378T-, repair as necessary.
Ground Faults Troubleshooting (SID 015)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 015 07 Internal relay fault If fault repeats, replace the ABS ECU.
ATC  Valve Troubleshooting (SID 018)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 018 03 Short to power. 1. Disconnect the X3 (green) connector from the ABS ECU. Disconnect the ATC valve connector. Measure the voltage between pin 5 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis harness. Voltage Circuit 378T+ is shorted to power. Repair as necessary.
No voltage Check circuit 378+ for intermittent short to power. Repair as necessary. If fault persists, suspect ECU at fault.
136 018 05 Open circuit 2. Disconnect the ATC Valve connector. Measure the resistance across the two pins of the ATC valve.

NOTE If the vehicle does not have an ATC valve, reconfigure the ECU.

Resistance is 7 to 14 ohms. Go to step 3.
Resistance is not 7 to 14 ohms. Replace ATC Valve.
3. Reconnect the ATC valve connector. Measure the resistance across pins 5 and 6 of the X3 connector. Resistance is 7 to 14 ohms. Verify fault. Check for intermittent open circuit in 376T+ and 376 T-. Repair as necessary.
Resistance is not 7 to 14 ohms. Repair circuit 376T+ or 376T-.
136 018 07 Short to ground. 4. Disconnect the X3 (green) connector, check resistance between pin 6 and a good ground. Continuity Circuit 376T+ is shorted to ground. Repair as necessary.
No continuity Verify fault. Check circuit 376T+ for intermittent short to ground. Repair as necessary.
Auxiliary Output Troubleshooting (not currently used) (SID 019)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 019 03 Short to power. This fault should not appear. Re- configure the ECU. If fault continues to appear, check the wiring in the X2 (black) connector. This ABS ECU connector should be unused. Make sure there are no connections to these pins. If incorrect wiring is found, correct it and reconfigure the ECU. If this does not correct the problem, contact Meritor.
136 019 05 Open circuit Verify fault. Contact Meritor WABCO if fault persists.
136 019 06 Short to ground This fault should not appear. Reconfigure the ECU. If fault continues to appear, check the wiring in the X2 (black) connector. This ABS ECU connector should be unused. Make sure there are no connections to these pins. If incorrect wiring is found, correct it and reconfigure the ECU. If this does not correct the problem, contact Meritor.
J1939 Datalink Troubleshooting (SID 231)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 231 02 J1939 speed plausibility error.

NOTE: This fault indicates a discrepancy between vehicle speed reported on J1939 and ABS sensed vehicle speed.

Check the speedometer calibration. Check for the tire size mismatch. The vehicle speed reported on the J1939 databus does not agree with the wheel sensor speeds.
136 231 05 J1939 open/short Refer to SB 54-133 for troubleshooting J1939. Repair J1939 datalink as necessary.
136 231 06 J1939 open/short

Code 13s231 05 may be active as well.

Check the driveline retarder ECU and wires. Check the J1939 Datalink.

Freightliner SB 54-133

Repair J1939 datalink as necessary.
J1939 Datalink Troubleshooting (SID 231)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 231 07 J1939 time out

NOTE: Fault occurs if engine retarder sends message incorrectly.

Check the driveline retarder ECU and wires.

Freightliner SB 54-133

Check J1939 datalink and driveline retarder ECU. Repair as necessary.
136 231 08 J1939 time out

NOTE: Fault occurs if engine retarder sends message incorrectly.

Check engine ECU and wires. Check J1939 datalink.

Freightliner SB 54-133

Check J1939 datalink and engine ECU. Repair as necessary.
136 231 09 J1939 time out

NOTE: Fault occurs if engine retarder sends message incorrectly.

Check engine and transmission ECUs and wires. Check J1939 datalink.

Freightliner SB 54-133

Check J1939 datalink, engine ECU, transmission ECU, and wiring. Repair as necessary.
136 231 10 J1939 time out

NOTE: Fault occurs if the exhaust retarder sends a message incorrectly.

Check the engine ECU and wires. Check the J1939 datalink.

Freightliner SB 54-133

Check J1939 datalink and engine ECU. Repair as necessary.
136 231 12 J1939 internal error Verify fault. Clear code from the ECU memory. If fault persists, replace the ABS ECU.
Voltage Troubleshooting (SID 251)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 251 03 Overvoltage

Voltage to ECU was too high for more than 5 seconds.

Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, check the diagonal voltages with the engine running at governed speed, or measure the voltage at the batteries with the engine running at governed speed. Voltage is 9.5 to 14 volts Check for intermittent sources of high voltage. Check condition of charging system and batteries. Verify fault.
Voltage is greater than 14 volts. Check charging system. Repair as necessary.
Configuration Errors Troubleshooting (SID 253)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 253 01 ATC configuration error

NOTE: ATC valve is detected without engine datalink (J1939).

Check J1939 for proper wiring. Check engine ECU for communication. Repair as necessary, then reconfigure ECU.
136 253 02 ABS

configuration/ wheel parameter incorrect.

Reconfigure ECU. If fault repeats then the wrong ECU is installed. Replace with the correct ECU.
136 253 12 Check sum error. Check parameter setting. Check if diagnostic device was disconnected during active diagnosis.
Miscellaneous Faults Troubleshooting (SID 254)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 254 05 ABS/ATC ECU,

no loads

No modulator valve connected. Fault may have resulted from end of line test at factory.
136 254 08 Excessive wheel slip. Check wheel speed sensor air gaps. One wheel was much faster than the other. May have been caused by testing vehicle on a dynamometer.
136 254 09 Modulator valve actuated too long. Modulator valve was activated too long (more than 75% of 5 minutes). After a delay, function will return to normal.
136 254 12 Internal error If fault persists, replace the ABS ECU.
136 254 13 Accelerometer out of range If fault persists, replace the ABS ECU.
Miscellaneous Faults Troubleshooting (SID 254)
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 254 14 ECU Mounting Check ECU mounting. Replace

the ECU if fault persists.

Extreme banked road (measured acceleration not plausible) No correction required. This fault is for reporting only.
Accelerometer linearity

(measured acceleration not plausible)

Meritor WABCO Hydraulic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs

Fault Codes

J1587 Fault Code (MID-SID) Description
136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor *
136-002 Right Front Wheel Sensor
136-003 Left Rear Wheel Sensor
136-004 Right Rear Wheel Sensor
136-013 Retarder
136-014 Power
136-023 ABS Warning Light
136-030 Recirculation Pump Relay
136-042 Left Front Inlet Solenoid Valve
136-043 Right Front Inlet Solenoid Valve
136-044 Left Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve
136-045 Right Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve
136-048 Left Front Outlet Solenoid Valve
136-049 Right Front Outlet Solenoid Valve
136-050 Left Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve
136-051 Right Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve
136-054 Recirculation Pump
136-055 ECU
136-251 Low Voltage
136-253 Internal Tire Parameter
136-254 ECU Internal Fault

* Blink codes 5-1, 5-3 and 5-4 indicate a fault with the right front, right rear and left rear wheel sensors respectively.

Troubleshooting Tables

J1587 Fault 136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Incorrect sensor air gap

1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 5 and 8 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LF+ and 377 LF–) while rotating the left front wheel 30 rpm.  

Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC

Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h).
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary.
J1587 Fault 136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance

NOTE: This SAE J1587

fault code can also be caused by incorrect or mixed tire size. Also see test 4.


2. Measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 8 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LF– and 377 LF+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 3.


3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–). Repair as necessary. Go to Test 4.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.








Incorrect or mixed tire size NOTE: This SAE J1587

fault code can also be caused by an intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance. Also, see tests 2 and 3.


4. Check for tire size deviation in excess of 16 percent. Mixed tire sizes can cause this fault.

Correct tire size and size variation does not exceed 16 percent Perform Test 2 and Test 3 if not already done. If the problem is not found, verify the fault and check the ECU.
Incorrect tire size or size variation exceeds 16 percent  

Install the correct size tires.

J1587 Fault 136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Open circuit


5. Measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 8 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LF– and 377LF+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 6.


6. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.

J1587 Fault 136-002 Right Front Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Incorrect sensor air gap

1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 4 and 9 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–) while rotating the right front wheel 30 rpm.  

Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC

Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h).
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary.
J1587 Fault 136-002 Right Front Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance


2. Measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 9 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RF– and 377RF+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 3.


3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.








Open circuit


4. Measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 9 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RF– and 377RF+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 5.


5. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.

J1587 Fault 136-003 Left Rear Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Incorrect sensor air gap

1. Adjust the  sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 3 and 10 of  the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–) while rotating the left rear wheel 30 rpm.  

Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC

Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h).
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary.







Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance


2. Measure the resistance across Pins 3 and 10 of  the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LR– and 377LR+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 3.


3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.








Open circuit


4. Measure the resistance across Pins 3 and 10 of  the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LR– and 377LR+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 5.


5. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.

J1587 Fault 136-004 Right Rear Wheel Sensor
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Incorrect sensor air gap

1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 6 and 7 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–) while rotating the right rear wheel 30 rpm.  

Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC

Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h).
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary.







Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance


2. Measure the resistance across Pins 6 and 7 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RR– and 377RR+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 3.


3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.








Open circuit


4. Measure the resistance across Pins 6 and 7 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RR– and 377RR+).


Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms

Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Go to Test 5.


5. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side).

Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–). Repair as necessary.
Resistance reading below 500 or above

2000 ohms


Replace the wheel sensor.

J1587 Fault 136-013 Retarder
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Short to power

1. Disconnect the black X2 connector at the ECU. Disconnect the retarder relay. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 7 of the black X2 ECU connector and a good chassis ground.  

Voltage zero

Check for an intermittent short to power in Circuit 376R. If okay, ECU may be at fault.

Voltage not zero

Check for a short to power in Circuit 376R. Repair as necessary.







Open circuit

2. Disconnect the black X2 connector at the ECU. Disconnect the retarder relay. Measure the resistance between Pin 7 of the black X2 ECU connector and relay connector cavity that corresponds to pin 85 of the relay.  

Resistance less than 1 ohm

Check relay coil resistance (should be 60-85 Ohms). If okay, check circuit 81C (power to relay coil) for open. Repair as necessary.
Resistance more than 1 ohm Repair open in circuit 376R.







Short to ground

3. Disconnect the black X2 connector at the ECU. Disconnect the retarder relay. Measure the resistance between pin 7 of the X2 connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance is less than 10 Ohms Check circuit 376R for short to ground. Repair as necessary.
Resistance is much greater than 10 Ohms Check for intermittent short to ground in circuit 376R.  If okay, ECU may be at fault.
J1587 Fault 136-014 Power
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Voltage supplied to ECU with ignition OFF

1. Check for voltage backfeeding to ECU with the ignition off, especially to pins 7/X2 and 10/X2.  

Voltage zero


Repair as necessary.








No voltage supplied to ECU with ignition ON


2. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 3 of the black X2 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat between pin 11 and ground.


Voltage between

9.5 and 14 volts at both pins.

Check Circuit 376A for an intermittent open circuit. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Voltage below

9.5 volts at one or both pins.

Check Circuit 376A for an open circuit and check Fuse F16. Repair as necessary.
J1587 Fault 136-023 ABS Warning Light
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Open circuit or low current


1. Disconnect the black X2 connector from the ECU. Turn the ignition ON.


ABS light illuminates

Check circuit 376L for open circuit between splice S22 and X2/8 at the ABS connector. Repair as necessary.

ABS light does not illuminate

Check the bulb and wire (circuit 376L between splice S22 and ICU pin B11. If okay, replace the ICU.
J1587 Fault 136-030 Recirculation Pump Relay
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Relay shorted to power


1. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 6 and a good chassis ground.


Voltage zero

If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.

Voltage not zero

Circuit 376H is shorted to power. Repair as necessary.







Relay open circuit


2. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Measure the resistance between Pin 6 and a good chassis ground.

Resistance between 50 and

200 ohms

If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.

Resistance below 50 or

above 200 ohms

Check the relay coil, relay coil ground circuit, and Circuit 376H for an open circuit. Repair as necessary.







Relay short to ground


3. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Measure the resistance between Pin 6 and a good chassis ground.

Resistance between 50 and

200 ohms

If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance below 50 or

above 200 ohms

Check Circuit 376H for a short to ground. Repair as necessary.
J1587 Fault 136-030 Recirculation Pump Relay
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Pump relay sticks, pump continues to run when ECU deactivates the relay

NOTE: The problem may be intermittent and a new relay may be required to correct the fault.


4. If the fault is active, disconnect the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, check to see if the recirculation pump is running.


Pump OFF

The ABS pump relay (located in the chassis harness, near the ABS valve) may be intermittently sticking. Try a new relay and verify that the problem is solved.

Pump ON

The ABS pump relay (located in the chassis harness, near the ABS valve) is sticking. Replace the relay.
J1587 Fault 136-042 Left Front Inlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (inlet valve)

Open circuit (inlet valve)

Shorted to ground (inlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 3 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LFI and GRDE).

Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LFI between modulator connector Pin 12 and connector Pin 3 on the gray X1 ECU connector. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378LFI.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 12 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-043 Right Front Inlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (inlet valve)

Open circuit (inlet valve)

Shorted to ground (inlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RFI and GRDE).

Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.

4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RFI between modulator connector Pin 4 and connector Pin 4 on the gray X1 ECU connector.

Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378RFI.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-044 Left Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (inlet valve)

Open circuit (inlet valve)

Shorted to ground (inlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LRI and GRDE).

Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.

4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LRI between modulator connector Pin 2 and connector Pin 5 on the gray X1 ECU connector.

Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378LRI.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 2 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-045 Right Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (inlet valve)

Open circuit (inlet valve)

Shorted to ground (inlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 6 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RRI and GRDE).

Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.

4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RRI between modulator connector Pin 11 and connector Pin 6 on the gray X1 ECU connector.

Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378RRI.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 11  and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-048 Left Front Outlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (outlet valve)

Open circuit (outlet valve)

Shorted to ground (outlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 10 and 2  of the gray X1  ECU connector (Circuits 378LFO and GRDE).

Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LFO between modulator connector Pin 13 and connector Pin 10 on the gray X1 ECU connector. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378LFO.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 13 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-049 Right Front Outlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (outlet valve)

Open circuit (outlet valve)

Shorted to ground (outlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 9 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RFO and GRDE).

Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.

4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RFO between modulator connector Pin 5 and connector Pin 9 on the gray X1 ECU connector.

Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378RFO.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-050 Left Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (outlet valve)

Open circuit (outlet valve)

Shorted to ground (outlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 8 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LRO and GRDE).

Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.

4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LRO between modulator connector Pin 1 and connector Pin 8 on the gray X1 ECU connector.

Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378LRO.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 1 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-051 Right Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action









Shorted to power (outlet valve)

Open circuit (outlet valve)

Shorted to ground (outlet valve)

NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve.


1. Measure the resistance across Pins 7 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RRO and GRDE).

Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms  

Go to Test 2.

2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 3.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check and repair the ground circuit.
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 4.

Resistance reading not close to zero Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary.
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RRO between modulator connector  Pin 10 and connector Pin 7 on the gray X1 ECU connector. Resistance reading close to zero  

Go to Test 5.

Resistance reading not close to zero  

Repair Circuit 378RRO.


5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 10 and 8 on the modulator connector.


Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms

Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms Replace the modulator valve.
J1587 Fault 136-054 Recirculation Pump
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Recirculation pump on without being activated by ECU

NOTE: In this case the ECU is sensing voltage on the pump monitor circuit (Pin 10 of the black X2 connector) when the pump relay was not activated by the ECU (Pin 6 of the black X2 connector).

1. Remove the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 10 and a good chassis ground.  

Voltage zero

Check the ECU and verify the fault.
Voltage not zero Go to Test 2.

2. Remove the ABS pump relay (R17) and repeat Test 1.


Voltage zero

Check the ABS pump relay R17; it may be sticking or shorted.

Voltage not zero

Check for a short to power in Circuit 376B causing the pump to run when  it should not be. Repair as necessary.






Recirculation pump does not switch on when activated by the ECU

NOTE: In this case the ECU does not sense voltage on the pump monitor circuit (Pin 10 of the black X2 ECU connector) when the pump relay was activated by the ECU (Pin 6 of the black X2 ECU connector).


3. Remove the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, link Pins 6 and 3 while measuring the voltage between Pin 10 and a good chassis ground. The pump should run (do not hold for more than 1 minute).


Voltage between

9.5 and 14 volts


Check for intermittent connections in Circuit 376B and check the ABS pump relay for intermittent operation. Repair as necessary.


Voltage below

9.5 or above 14 volts


Check Circuit 376A and check Relay R17. Repair as necessary.







Recirculation pump sticks or is locked

NOTE: In this case, the ECU senses high current on the pump monitor circuit (Pin 10 of the black X2 ECU connector) indicating the pump motor is locked.


4. Remove the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, momentarily link Pins 6 and 3. The pump should run (do not hold for more than 1 minute).


Pump runs


Repeat the test to verify. If the fault persists, suspect a problem with the ECU.


Pump does not run


Replace the recirculation pump.

J1587 Fault 136-055 ECU
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Reference to ground interrupted

1. With the ignition OFF, measure the voltage between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuit GND) and a good chassis ground. Voltage zero volts Go to Test 2.
Voltage not zero volts Check the ground circuit for a short to positive voltage.

2. Measure the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground.


Resistance near zero ohms

Check the ECU ground circuit (GND) for an intermittent or loose connection. Check ground Splice S10. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Resistance above zero ohms Check the ECU ground circuit (GND). Repair as necessary.
J1587 Fault 136-251 Low Voltage
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action







Voltage too high

NOTE: Voltage to the ABS ECU must be between 9.5 and 14 volts to function properly.


1. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Start the engine and run it at governed speed while measuring the voltage between Pins 3 and 9.


Voltage between

9.5 and 14 volts

Check the electrical system. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Voltage below

9.5 or above 14 volts

Check the batteries and charging system for malfunction. Repair as necessary.







Low voltage to ABS solenoid valves

NOTE: Voltage to the ABS ECU must be between 9.5 and 14 volts to function properly.


2. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Start the engine and run it at idle while measuring the voltage between Pins 3 and 9 of the black X2 ECU connector.


Voltage between

9.5 and 14 volts

Verify that the batteries were not drained or the charging system was not overloaded when the fault occurred. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault.
Voltage below

9.5 or above 14 volts

Check the batteries and charging system for malfunction. Repair as necessary.
J1587 Fault 136-253 Internal Tire Parameter
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 253 02 Incorrect internal tire parameter Contact Meritor WABCO (1-800-535-5560).
J1587 Fault 136-254 ECU Internal Fault
MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action
136 254 12 Internal ECU Fault Replace the ECU.

What are SPN and FMI codes?

FMIs are used in conjunction with SPNs to provide specific information that pertains to a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC). FMI may indicate that a problem has been detected
with an electronic circuit or electronic component. FMI can also indicate that an abnormal operating condition has been detected.

J1939 problems?

Switch off the ignition and disconnect the batteries. Set the multimeter to resistance and place the wires between CAN + (pin C) and CAN — (pin D).

CAN + and CAN — will be tested separately. Switch on the ignition and connect one test lead to ground and the other wire to CAN + (pin C) or CAN — (pin D).

Freightliner SPN Fault Code Guide Download


Parameter IDs or PIDs are numbers and names used to identify the displayed data. So think if the PID is in terms of «readings» such as oil temperature, coolant level, distance traveled, engine
rpm and so on. PID is a J1708 term and PID is 0 to 511.


Now that we have defined the MID (Component) and PID (Data Types), we can talk about Failure Mode Identifiers (FMI). Every diagnostic trouble code (DTC) found will have an FMI. This code is set
by the ECM detecting various problems such as too high voltage, under voltage, incorrect resistance, etc. So, here is a list of possible FMI values:

0 = data valid but above normal operating range, most severe

1 = data valid but below normal operating range, most severe level

2 = data is inaccurate, intermittent, or incorrect (rationality)

3 = voltage above normal or short circuit to high voltage source

4 = voltage below normal or short circuit to high voltage source

5 = undercurrent or open circuit

6 = Above current or grounded circuit

7 = Mechanical system not responding or not adjusted

8 = abnormal frequency or pulse width or period

9 = Abnormal refresh rate

10 = Abnormal rate of change

11 = The fault code cannot be identified

12 = Bad smart device or component

13 = Calibration failed

14 = Special instructions

15 = Data Valid but Above Normal Range: Least Severe Level

16 = Data valid but above normal range: moderately severe

17 = Data Valid but Below Normal Range: Least Severe Level

18 = Data valid but below normal range: moderately severe

19 = Received network data in error: (multiplexed data)

20 = high data drift (high level of rationality)

21 = Low data drift (low level of rationality)

22 to 30 = Reserved for SAE Assignment

31 = Condition exists


Now that we understand that MID is a component, for example an engine, it can be broken down into subsystems. Each subsystem has its own set of SIDs. For example, MID 128 (engine) might have SID
6 for injector number 6. However, SID 6 on Mid 136 (transmission) is for solenoid valve C6.

We have put together a PDF containing all the SIDs for J1708. It’s broken down into MID, giving you this list:

Common SID

Engine Safety Identifiers (MID = 128, 175, 183, 184, 185, 186)

Transmission Security Identifiers (MID = 130)

Brake Safety Identifiers (MID = 136, 137, 138, 139, 246, 247)

We’ve also compiled a list of smaller subsystems, which includes:

Dashboard Security Identifiers (MID = 140, 234)

SID of vehicle management systems (MID = 142)

Fuel system SID (MID = 143)

Cab climate control safety identifiers (MID = 146, 200)

Suspension SID (MID = 150, 151, 152, 153)

Vehicle Security Identifiers (MID = 162, 191)

Vehicle Security Identifiers (MID = 163)

Tire Safety Identifiers (MID = 166, 167, 168, 169)

Special SID trap systems (MID = 177)

SID of refrigerant management systems (MID = 190)

SI for tractors / trailers (MID = 217, 218)

SID for collision avoidance radars (MID = 219)

Transmission Retarder Safety Identifiers (MID = 222)

Vehicle Sensors for Data Coverter Security Identifiers (MID = 178)

Restraint System Security Identifiers (MID = 232)

Road Image Forwarding Processor Security Identifiers (MID = 248).

Component Codes (MID)

MID 128 — Engine

MID 130 — Transmission Control Unit

MID 136 — Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)

MID 140 — Instrument Cluster

MID 142 — Satellite Communications

MID 144 — Vehicle ECU

MID 146 — Climate Control ECU

MID 206 — Radio

MID 216 — Lighting Control Module


MID 232 — Airbag Control Unit

MID 249 — Body Builder Module

MID 250 — Steering Wheel Module

Parameter Codes (PID) 51 — 63

51 Throttle Pedal Position THROTTLE POS Throttle Pos

52 Temperature Intercooler INTERCLR TEMP Intercool TEMP

53 SYNCRO CLUTCH Synchro Clutch

54 SYNCRO BRAKE Synchro Brake

55 Gearbox Control Finger Position SHFT FNGR POS Shift FNGR Pos


57 Status of the Activator # 2 Gearbox ACTTRSTATUS # 2 Actuator # 2

58 Status of Gear Control Pin Gear SHFT FNGR ACT Shift FNGR Act

59 Gear Shift Motor Status SHFT FNGR GEAR Shift FNGR Gear

60 Position Gear Shift SHFT FNGR RAIL Shift FNGR Rail

61 Status of the Park Brake Actuator PRKBRKACTUATOR Park Brake Act

62 Motor Brake Status RETARDRINHIBIT RetardrInhibit

63 Status of the Activator # 1 gearbox ACT STATUS # 1 Actuator # 1

Parameter Codes (PID) 64 — 97

64 Dir Switch Status DIRCTNSWCHSTAT Dir Switch

Parameter Codes (PID) 64 — 97

65 Status of Brake Switch SVCBRK SW STAT Serv Brake Sw

66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status VEHENABLCMPTST Veh ENABLING

67 Status Gear Connection Switch SHFT RQST SWCH Shift RQST Switch

68 Torque Limit Factor TRQ LIMIT FCTR TORQ LimitFctr

69 Switch Status of Two Speed Axis 2SPEEDAXLSWTCH 2 SPEEDAxl Sw


71 Status Idle Timer IDLESHUTDWNTMR IdleShutdwnTmr

72 Air Valve Position in Air Conditioner BLOWRBYPASSPOS Blowr BYPASVal

73 Auxiliary Pump Pressure AUXWATRPMPPRSS Aux PUMP Press

74 Maximum Travel Speed MAXROADSPEED Max ROAD SPEED

75 Front Axle Oil Temperature STRNGAXLTEMP Str. Axle TEMP

76 Axle Lift Pressure AXLLIFTAIRPRES Axle Lift Pres

77 Oil Temperature Center Axle FWDRRDRVAXLTMP FR DrvAxl TEMP

78 Oil Temperature Rear Axle RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP

79 Road Surface Temperature ROAD SRFC TEMP Road Surf TEMP

80 Washer Fluid Level WASHRFLUIDLEVL Washer Level

81 Particle Trap Pressure PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press

82 Pressure Air Starter System AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres



85 Cruise Switch CRUISECNTRLST Cruise Status

86 Cruise Switch «Set Speed» CRUISE SET Cruise Set

87 Cruise Switch «High — Set» CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set

88 Cruise Switch «Low — Set» CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set

89 PTO Status PTO STATUS PTO Status

90 Oil Temperature PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil TEMP

91 Throttle Pedal Position (Percentage of Full Stroke) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal

92 Percentage Engine Load ENG LOAD%% ENG LOAD


94 Fuel Supply Pressure FUEL DLVR PRSS Fuel DlvrPress

95 Differential Pressure Through Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter

96 Fuel Level FUEL LEVEL Fuel Level

97 Water in Fuel Indicator WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel

Parameter Codes (PID) 98 — 127

98 Engine Oil Level OIL LEVEL Oil Level

99 Differential Pressure through Oil Filter OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres

100 Engine Oil Pressure OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure

101 Crankcase Pressure CRANKCASE PRES CrankcasePress

102 Pressure Added by Turbocharger BOOST PRESSR Boost Press

103 Speed Turbocharger TURBO SPEED Turbo SPEED

104 Oil Pressure in the Turbocharger TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress

105 Manifold Pressure INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP

106 Air Pressure Into Filter AIR INLET PRSS AirInlet Press

107 Differential Pressure Through Air Filter AIR FILTER Air Filter

108 Barometric Pressure BAROM PRESSURE Baro Press

109 Coolant Pressure COOLNT PRESSR Coolant Press

110 Coolant Temperature ENGCOOLANTTEMP Coolant TEMP

111 Coolant Level COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level

112 Pressure Difference through Antifreeze Filter CLNTFLTRDIFPRS CoolFltDiffPrs

113 Compressor Regulator Range GOVERNOR DROOP Governor DROOP

114 Battery Kit Current (amps) NET BATT CURR Battery AMPS

115 Alternator Current (amps) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS

116 Working Pressure Brakes BRK APPL PRESS APPLI Press

117 Pressure of the 1st Receiver BRK PRIM PRESS Primary Press

118 Pressure of the 2nd Receiver BRK SEC PRESSR Sec. Press

119 Pressure Hydraulic Retarder HYD RTDR PRESS Retarder Press

120 Oil Temperature of Hydraulic Retarder HYDRRTDROILTMP Retdr Oil TEMP

121 Engine Brake Status ENGRTDRSTATUS Retardr Status

122 Percentage Motor Brake ENG RETARDER%% Retarder

123 Clutch Pressure CLUTCH PRESSR Clutch Press

124 Oil Level in the gearbox OIL LEVEL Oil Level

125 Oil Level Gauge in the TRANSOIL HI / LO Oil Level

126 Pressure Difference through the Oil Filter in the gearbox FILTER PRESSUR FilterDifPress

127 Oil pressure in the gearbox OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure

Parameter Codes (PID) 154 — 183

154 Status of Auxiliary Input / Output # 2 AUX INP / OUTP # 2 Aux. In / Out # 2

Parameter Codes (PID) 154 — 183

155 Status of Auxiliary Input / Output # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux. In / Out # 1

156 Total Pressure Injector Distribution System AUX IN / OUT # 1 Inj Time Press

157 Total Pressure Injector Delivery System INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press

158 Switched Battery Voltage BATTVLTGSWTCHD Volts (BattSw)

159 Gas Supply Pressure (not diesel) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press

160 Output Shaft Speed MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED

161 Input Shaft Speed INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED

162 Position Switch «Range» gearbox RANGE SELECTED RANGE Selected

163 Position «Range» Gearbox RANGE ATTAINED RANGE Attained

164 Injection Control Pressure INJ CTRL PRESR Inj Ctrl Press


166 Motor Power Rating RATED ENG PWR Rated Power

167 Voltage on the Generator VOLTS (ALT) Volts (Alt)

168 Voltage on Batteries VOLTS (BATT) Volts (Batt)

169 Temperature Inside the Body CARGOAMBTEMP CARGO TEMP

170 Temperature Inside Cab CAB INT TEMP CAB TEMP

171 Outside Temperature AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP

172 Temperature in the Manifold AIR INLET TEMP Air Inlet TEMP

173 Exhaust Gas Temperature EXH GAS TEMP Exh Gas TEMP

174 Fuel Temperature FUEL TEMP Fuel TEMP

175 Engine Oil Temperature ENG OIL TEMP Oil TEMP

176 Oil Temperature in the Turbocharger TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP

177 Oil Temperature in the transmission TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP

178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt.

179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt.

180 Trailer Weight TRAILER WEIGHT Trailer WEIGHT


182 Fuel Per Trip TRIP FUEL TRIP Fuel

183 Fuel Consumption FUEL RATE Fuel Rate

Parameter Codes (PID) 184 — 253

184 Instant Fuel Consumption INST FUEL ECON Inst Fuel Econ

185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel savings

Parameter Codes (PID) 184 — 253


187 PTO SET SPEED PTO Set SPEED PTO Set Speed Limited Speed


189 Engine Speed Rating RATED ENG SPD Rated SPEED


191 Output Shaft Speed Gearbox TRAN OUT SPEED OUTPUT SPEED

232 DGPS Correction DGPS DIF CRCTN DGPS Correctn

233 Factory Code POWER UNIT # — †

234 Software Version SOFTWARE ID Software ID

235 Total Idle Hours TOTL IDLE HRS Total Idle Hrs

236 Total Idle Fuel TOTL IDLE FUEL Totl Idle Fuel


238 Velocity Velocity Direction VELOCITYVECTOR VelocityVector

239 Machine Position (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. Position

240 Factory Code CHG REF # CHANGE Ref #

241 Tire Pressure TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure

242 Wheel Temperature TIRE TEMP Tire TEMP

243 Component Identification COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID

244 Mileage Trip TRIP DISTANCE TRIP Distance

245 Total Run TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist

246 Total Machine Working Hours TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs.

247 Total Engine Working Hours TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs.

248 Total Working Hours Power Take Off TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs.

249 Total Engine RPM TOTAL ENG REVS Total ENG Revs

250 Total Fired Fuel TOTAL FUELUSED Total FUELUsed

251 CLOCK Clock

252 Date DATE Date


MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 1 — 32

1 Injector Cyl # 1 CYL # 1 INJECTR Cyl # 1 Injectr

2 Injector Cyl # 2 CYL # 2 INJECTR Cyl # 2 Injectr

3 Injector Cyl # 3 CYL # 3 INJECTR Cyl # 3 Injectr

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 1 — 32

4 Injector Cyl # 4 CYL # 4 INJECTR Cyl # 4 Injectr

5 Injector Cyl # 5 CYL # 5 INJECTR Cyl # 5 Injectr

6 Injector Cyl # 6 CYL # 6 INJECTR Cyl # 6 Injectr

7 Injector Cyl # 7 CYL # 7 INJECTR Cyl # 7 Injectr

8 Injector Cyl # 8 CYL # 8 INJECTR Cyl # 8 Injectr

9 Injector Cyl # 9 CYL # 9 INJECTR Cyl # 9 Injectr

10 Injector Cylinder # 10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr

11 Injector Cylinder # 11 CYL 11 INJECTR Cyl 11 Injectr

12 Injector Cylinder # 12 CYL 12 INJECTR Cyl 12 Injectr

13 Injector Cylinder # 13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr

14 Injector Cylinder # 14 CYL 14 INJECTR Cyl 14 Injectr

15 Injector Cylinder # 15 CYL 15 INJECTR Cyl 15 Injectr

16 Injector Cylinder # 16 CYL 16 INJECTR Cyl 16 Injectr

17 Main Fuel Shutoff Valve FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff

18 Fuel Control Valve FUEL CONTROL Fuel Control

19 THROTTLE BYPAS ThrottleBYPASS Accelerator Bypass Valve

20 Mechanism, Controlling Distribution TIMINGACTUATOR TIMINGActuator

21 Crankshaft Position Sensor ENG POS SENSOR PositionSensor


23 Fuel Plate Mechanism RACK ACTUATOR Rack Actuator

24 Fuel Plate Position Sensor RACKPOS SENSOR Rack Pos Sens

25 Engine Protective System Signal EXT ENG PROTCT ExtENG Protect

26 Auxiliary Input Driver # 1 AUXOUTDRIVER1 AuxOut Driver

27 Control Mechanism # 1 Turbocharger TURBO ACTUATR1 Turbo Actuator

28 Control Mechanism # 2 Turbocharger TURBO ACTUATR2 TurboActuator2

29 Fuel System Signal Input EXT FUEL INPUT Ext Fuel INPUT



32 WASTEGATEDRVR WASTEGATE Drvr Turbocharger Wastegate Valve Driver

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 33 — 64

33 Control Pneumatic Couplings FANCLTCH DRV Fan Clutch Drv

34 Exhaust Pressure Sensor EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 33 — 64

35 Exhaust Gas Pressure Regulating Solenoid EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol


37 Power Relay DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay

38 Glow Plug System Relay GLOWPLUGRELAY GlowPLUG Relay

39 Starter Relay STARTER RELAY Starter Relay

40 Additional Input Driver # 2 AUXOUT DRIVER2 Auxout Driver2


42 Injector Pressure Regulator INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG

43 High Gear Adjuster AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act.

44 Low Gear Adjuster AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.

45 Autoshift Neutral Regulator AUTOSHFTNTL GR Neutral Act.

46 AutoShift Ground Circuit (minus) AUTOSHFTCOMLO Common

47 Injector Cylinder # 17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr

48 Injector Cylinder # 18 CYL 18 INJECTR Cyl 18 Injectr

49 Injector Cylinder # 19 CYL 19 INJECTR Cyl 19 Injectr

50 Injector Cylinder # 20 CYL 20 INJECTR Cyl 20 Injectr

51 Additional Input Driver # 3 AUXOUT DRIVER3 Auxout Driver3

52 Additional Input Driver # 4 AUXOUT DRIVER4 Auxout Driver4

53 Additional Input Driver # 5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5

54 Additional Input Driver # 6 AUXOUT DRIVER6 Auxout Driver6

55 Additional Input Driver # 7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7

56 Additional Input Driver # 8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8

57 Additional PWM # 1 AUX PWM DRVR 1 Aux PWM Drvr 1

58 Additional PWM # 2 AUX PWM DRVR 2 Aux PWM Drvr 2

59 Additional PWM # 3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3

60 Additional PWM # 4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4

61 Mixture Formation Valve VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve

62 Prestroke Sensor PRESTROKE SNSR PreStroke Snsr

63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr

64 Sensor # 2 Engine Speed SPEED SENSOR2 SPEED Sensor 2

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 65 — 78

65 Oxygen Sensor OXYGEN SENSOR

MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 65 — 78

66 Combustion Control Signal IG MODE SIGNAL

67 Combustion Distribution Signal IG TIME SIGNAL

68 Pressure at the Second Inlet of the Turbocharger TURBO PRSSRE 2

69 Aftercooler temperature ACOC COOL TEMP

70 Heated inlet air # 1

71 Heated inlet air # 2

72 Nozzle Cylinder # 21 CYL 21 INJECTR

73 Nozzle Cylinder # 22 CYL 22 INJECTR

74 Nozzle Cylinder # 23 CYL 23 INJECTR

75 Nozzle Cylinder # 24 CYL 24 INJECTR

76 Knock Sensor KNOCK SENSOR

77 Gas Control Valve GASMETER VALVE

78 Fuel Pump Control Mechanism

MID 136 Codes of Subsystems ABS 1 — 14

1 ABS sensor, 1st Axle, Left (front) WH SNSR AXL 1L Wh Snsr Axl 1L

2 ABS sensor, 1st Axle, Right (front) WH SNSR AXL 1R Wh Snsr Axl 1R

3 ABS sensor, 2nd Axle, Left (middle) WH SNSR AXL 2L Wh Snsr Axl 2L

4 ABS sensor, 2nd Axis, Right (middle) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R

5 ABS sensor, 3rd Axle, Left (rear) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L

6 ABS sensor, 3rd Axle, Right (rear) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R

7 ABS modulator, 1st Axle, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve A1L

8 ABS modulator, 1st Axle, Right (front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve A1R

9 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod. Valve A2L

10 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Right (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. Valve A2R

11 ABS modulator, 3rd Axis, Left (rear) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve A3L

12 ABS modulator, 3rd Axis, Right (rear) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod. Valve A3R

13 Motor Brake Relay RTDR CNTRL RLY Rtdr Cntrl Rly

14 Relay, Diagonal Voltage 1 RLAY DIAGONAL1 Relay DIAG. 1

MID 136 Codes of Subsystems ABS 15 — 47

15 Relay, Diagonal Voltage 2 RLAY DIAGONAL2 Relay DIAG. 2


17 ASR switch ASR MODE SWTCH ASR Mode Swtch

18 Valve DIF 1-ASR ASR DIF1 VALVE ASR Dif1 Valve

19 Valve DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve

20 Pneumatic Control Motor PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl

21 Electrical Control Engine ELEC ENG CNTRL Elec ENG Cntrl




25 Average Speed of Front Axle ABS Sensors SENSOR AX1 AVG Sensor AX1 AVG

26 Average Speed ABS Sensor Front Gearbox SENSOR AX2 AVG Sensor AX2 AVG

27 Average Speed ABS Sensors Rear Gearbox SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG

28 ABS Valve Modulator for Reducers PRSSRMODDRVAXL Mod, Relay Valve

29 Pressure Sensor Valve ABS for Reducers PRSSRXDCDRVAXL Trans, Relay Vlv

30 Main Control Relay for ABS MASTER RELAY Master Relay

31 Front Axle Trailer, Left Brake, Adjust Incorrect BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

32 Front Axle Trailer, Right Brake, Adjusting Incorrect BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

33 Trailer Rear Axle, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

34 Front Axle Trailer, Right Brake, Adjust Incorrect BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

35 Front Axle Tractor, Left Brake, Adjustment Incorrect BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

36 Front Tractor Axle, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

37 Front Tractor Gearbox, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

38 Front Tractor Gearbox, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

39 Rear Tractor Gearbox, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

40 Rear Tractor Gearbox, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust

41 Relay Height Suspension

42 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Left

43 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Right

44 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Left

45 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Right

46 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Left

47 Holding Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Right

MID 136 Codes of Subsystems ABS 48 — 80

48 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Left

49 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 1 Right

50 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Left

51 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 2 Right

52 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Left

53 Relief Valve Solenoid — Axis 3 Right

54 Hydraulic pump motor

55 Brake Light Switch 1

56 Brake Light Switch 2

57 Electrical Pressure Control, 1st Axis

58 Pressure Control Replacement System, Axle

59 Brake Pressure, Axle

60 Electrical Pressure Control, 2nd Axis

61 Pressure Control Replacement System, Axle

62 Brake Pressure, Axle 2

63 Electric Brake Adjustment, Axle 3

64 Electric Pressure Control, 3rd Axis 65 Brake Pressure, Axis 3

66 Electric Brake Adjustment, Trailer

67 Pneumatic Brake Control, Trailer

68 Pressure Brakes, Trailer

69 Axle Load Sensor

70 Pad Thickness Gauge — Axis 1 Left

71 Pad Thickness Sensor — Axis 1 Right

72 Pad Thickness Sensor — Axis 2 Left

73 Pad Thickness Sensor — Axis 2 Right

74 Pad Thickness Sensor — Axis 3 Left

75 Pad Thickness Sensor — Axis 3 Right

76 Transmitter Brake Signal

77 Sensor Signal # 1 Braking

78 Sensor Signal # 2 Braking

79 Wheel Size

80 Brake Control Machine

MID 190 Air Conditioner Subsystem Codes


2 Moisture Level in Freon REFRIG MOISTR REFRIG Moistr

3 Non-condensing Gas in Freon GAS IN REFRIGN Gas In REFRIGN

4 Solenoid Controlling Freon Flow RFRG FLOW CTRL RFRG Flow Ctrl

5 Freon Low Pressure Sensor LOW PRS SWITCH Low Pres SW

6 Circuit Freon Compressor Control CLUTCH CIRCUIT Clutch Cir

7 Air Conditioner Radiator Thermostat Circuit Tstat Cir

MID 219 VORAD Radar Subsystem Codes

1 Front Antenna

2 Electronics Antennas

3 Brake System Monitor

4 Monitor Dynamics

5 Steering Wheel Position Monitor

6 Speedometer Monitor

7 Right Turn Monitor

8 Left Turn Signal Monitor

9 Display

10 Sensor on the right side

11 Left side sensor

12 Rear Sensor

General Subsystem Codes (SIDs for any MIDs) 151 — 153

151 System Diagnostic Code # 1

152 System Diagnostic Code # 2

153 System Diagnostic Code # 3

General Subsystem Codes (SIDs for any MIDs) 154 — 248

154 System Diagnostic Code # 4

155 System Diagnostic Code # 5

219 Combustion Indicator

220 Electrical Connection Tractor / Trailer (ISO 11992)

221 Supply Voltage for Sensors

222 Lamp «PROTECT»

223 Brightness Sensor

224 Alarm

225 Yellow Lamp

226 Gear Transmission Sensor

227 Additional Entrance # 1

228 High Pressure Switch HI PRES SWITCH HI Pres SW

229 Kickdown Switch

230 Idle Air Confirmation Switch

231 SAE J1939 Chain

232 5-Volt DC Power Supply

233 Driver # 2

234 Mechanism «ON» Parking Brake

235 Mechanism «OFF» Parking Brake

236 Power Connector

237 Combustion Connector

238 Diagnostic Lamp — Red

239 Diagnostic Lamp — Yellow

240 Memory

242 Switch «RESUME» Cruise

243 Switch «SET» Cruise

244 Switch «ENABLE» Cruise

245 Clutch Pedal Switch # 1

246 Switch # 1 Brake Pedal

247 Switch # 2 Brake Pedal

248 Diagnostic circuit OEM

General Subsystem Codes (SID for any MIDs) 249 — 254

249 Chain SAE J1922 SAE J1922 SAE J1922

250 Chain SAE J1708 (J1587)


252 Calibration Module

253 Calibration Memory

254 Controller # 1 CONTROLLER Controller

Fault Codes (FMI)

00 Above normal HIGH

01 Below normal Low

02 Floating or Incorrect Erratic Signal

03 Voltage above normal or short circuit in power supply Short Hi

04 Voltage below normal or short circuit to earth Short Lo

05 Current below normal or open circuit OPEN

06 Above normal current or short-circuit to earth Short

07 Mechanical system does not respond correctly NoRESPONSE

08 Unusual Frequency, Pulse Length, or SIGNAL Period

09 Unusual Update Rate UPDATE

10 Unusual Rate Change Rate

11 The error is not clear Not Known

12 The unit itself does not work correctly Bad

13 Calibrate incorrectly calibrated

14 Special Instructions RSRVD

15 Reserved RSRVD

Автор Сообщение


Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
Сообщения: 28


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Сообщение abs tractor

Доброе утро! Подскажите пожалуйста порядок запуска диагностики abs на фреде коламбии ( с помощью кнопки в левом ящике» abs diagnos») ,как прочитать коды ? При нажатии на тормоз и одновременном включении зажигания слышны четыре «пшика» ,лампа abs горит постоянно и не реагирует на кнопку диагностики!

07 фев 2011 05:36

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Site Admin

Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
Сообщения: 21854
Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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Сообщение Re: abs tractor

Фред может диагностировать все системы, поэтому диагностика АБС аналогична диагности других компонетов. Кнопка на блоке для тех производителей, кто не имеет общего модуля и тогда это диагностируется отдельно.
Вот, видите, группа 136 АБС


Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
07 фев 2011 19:49

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    Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
    Сообщения: 28


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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Доброе утро! Диагностика двигателя выдаёт только 25(активных ошибок нет) ,больше ошибок нет! Но лампа abs горит постоянно( на включённом зажигании). Получается что кроме сервиса никто не поможет? Тогда зачем кнопка диагностики?

    08 фев 2011 05:01

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение


    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
    Сообщения: 21854
    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

    Ответить с цитатой

    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Я делал сервис на БМВ дизель, надо было долить мочевину ( а то комп мне обещал заглушить машину через 1000 км) когда на сервисе долили и погасли все коды, через день загорелась лампочка экология, мать ее так, но при этом все системы диагностики показывали норму. Ехать в сервис было неохота, машина ехала, вчера эта ср@н@я экология погасла, вот так.

    Но если тока баба Ванда.

    Здесь спросите.


    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    08 фев 2011 16:07

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    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    ABC на работоспособность двигателя не влияет, если АВС Вас раздражает, то выложите ошибки, которые выдает АВС.
    Вам здесь подскажут, что делать дальше и где искать собаку!
    Пример ошибок по АВС:
    1. 136 s 012 05 ( OPEN Brake Mod, Valve A3R)
    Ошибка по правому заднему датчику АВС (третья задняя ось на автомобиле)– обрыв в проводке или не исправен сам датчик.
    2. 136 s 007 05 ( OPEN Brake Mod, Valve A1L)
    Ошибка по левому переднему датчику АВС (первая ось передняя на автомобиле)– обрыв в проводке или не исправен сам датчик.

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    08 фев 2011 18:02

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  • Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Уважаемые господа супер профи я у ВАС хочу спросить как правильно заставить лампочку abc мигать( чтобы прочитать коды она должна мигать)! На машине нет табло на котором высвечивались бы ошибки.Ошибки можно посчитать по миганиям лампочки(правильно?),а она не мигает!,просто горит всё время!Попытка нажать на кнопку и одновременно включить зажигание к успеху не привела(лампочка abs просто горит!),так же она просто горит при нажатии на тормоз +зажигание+нажатие на кнопку, пробывал на ходу та же история.Что надо сделать что бы она замигала?? Или лампочка abs мигать не должна? Может есть другая лампочка ? тогда где она? Подскажите пожалуйста!

    08 фев 2011 18:48

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Дак в том то и дело, что не может он их (ошибки) вытащить сам. :lol: Я сам тоже не пытался этой диагност. кнопкой, на Центури проще — на дисплей ошибки выводятся.

    Умничая, надо быть готовым к тому, что ты облажаешься.
    08 фев 2011 18:49

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    У меня к вам вопрос, какая у вас машина, Columbia или Центурии?
    От этого и будем плясать!

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    08 фев 2011 18:55

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  • Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    FREIGHTLINER CL120 COLUMBIA VIN 1FUJA6CG33LK78433 2002 гв. двигатель Detroit Diesel 12,7 ,коробка еатон 10

    08 фев 2011 19:04

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    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Если я не ошибаюсь, то;
    Полевой стороне по ходу машины в кабине со стороны водителя есть дверка за водительским седеньем, её отрываете, там увидите черный квадратный блок с кнопкой, при включенном зажигании нажимаете на эту кнопку и считываете код ошибки.
    Это процедура для вашей машины, для центурии другая.

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    08 фев 2011 19:15

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  • Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Всё правильно,с левой стороны на стойке есть дверка там блок предохранителей,маленькая черная коробочка и кнопка диагностики ,но проблема в том что при нажатии на неё ничего не происходит(как лампочка горела так и горит).

    08 фев 2011 19:22

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    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Ошибки нужно смотреть на приборной панели, где показание спидометра!

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    08 фев 2011 19:27

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  • Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Спасибо! Ещё вопрос — код ошибки должен высветиться на табло где спидометр в цифровом виде (правильно?), а далее смотреть по кодам (так?).

    08 фев 2011 19:35

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    09 фев 2011 04:47

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  • Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Добрый день! Сегодня попробывал воспользоваться вашими советами но результатов это не дало,на табло не появляется никаких кодов,перепробывал все режимы.Может есть другие способы? Подскажите а где находится сам блок авс? Может от него начать искать ?

    09 фев 2011 13:48

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение


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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    А вы не на нем нажимали кнопочку ??? В нише за сиденьем он находится.

    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    09 фев 2011 18:41

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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Нужно подольше посидеть за компом в режиме ПОИСК и всё найдёшь! На клавишу которая в «трансформаторной будке» за водительским сиденьем , нужно давить 1 сек. (из опыта — лампа ABS, чутка ярче загорится) Отпускаем кнопку и читаем коды по лампочке. Но при всём этом на дисплее тоже читаются ошибки. Если первые три цифры 136 — это про ABS.

    С уважением, Владимир!
    09 фев 2011 22:05

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    Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    А вы не на нем нажимали кнопочку ??? В нише за сиденьем он находится.[/quote]
    :unknown: В нише только кнопка! и блок предохранителей на салон.

    10 фев 2011 05:26

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Обычно там и стоит! Может у тебя его того, спи…ли? :D Давно на этой машине и АБС давно горит?

    Умничая, надо быть готовым к тому, что ты облажаешься.
    10 фев 2011 05:49

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

    Oleg 848


    Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2011 06:11
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Машина куплена с пробегом по России в ноябре 2010,а авс горит после того как все лампочки в щиток вставил .А блок где то есть! т.к. при нажатии на педаль тормоза и одновременном включении зажигания клапаны авс (два спереди и два сзади срабатывают»пшикают!»)

    10 фев 2011 06:03

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Поставь машину на ручник.
    Включи зажигание, после прохождения диагностики или вовремя прохождения включи кнопку круиз контроля и посмотри на табло, должно, что-то появится.
    По Коламбии я точно не знаю!
    На данном форуме про АВС на писано очень много, поищи!

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    10 фев 2011 06:15

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  • alex725


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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    А что на Центури появляется? Не делал так, интересно просто. :)

    Умничая, надо быть готовым к тому, что ты облажаешься.
    10 фев 2011 06:21

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    Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2010 05:27
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Я, тоже так не пробовал, но видел как делают на Коламбии!
    На Центуре все проще сам знаешь, тебя учить не надо!

    Сергей А. тел: 8 917 140 7 ноль сорок шесть
    [i]Как трудно жить без Светлой Сказки![/i]
    10 фев 2011 06:24

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  • alex725


    Аватара пользователя

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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    От нехрен делать пошел посмотреть как это будет выглядеть ну Центури (кнопка диагностики АБС)! Включил зажигание, нажал кнопку (нажать и держать пару секунд, затем отпустить), начинает моргать лампочка АБС на панели. Проморгала 1 — 1 (система ОК). Держал долго (сек. 5), загорелась лампочка WEEL SPIN — постоянно, лампочка АБС проморгала 17 — 8 (ATC System Disable for Dynamometer Test). Машина без воздуха, давно не заводил. Проморгала — потухла, WEEL SPIN горит. Выкл. — вкл. зажигание, все потухло. Снова нажал кн. диаг. АБС, лампочка моргает 1 — 1. Уже не мог добиться чтобы загорелась ламп. WEEL SPIN. (для проверки алгоритма). Вот примерно так! Да, блок прикручен на дверке внизу (как и было :D ). Подходит шт. 5 фишек, посмотри не болтаюся они у тебя просто так?

    Умничая, надо быть готовым к тому, что ты облажаешься.
    10 фев 2011 07:15

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    John Doe


    Зарегистрирован: 18 мар 2010 04:44
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    Сообщение Re: abs tractor

    Круиз никакого отношения к ABS не имеет так же, как кнопка «abs diagnos» к
    круизу и кодам на экране любого трака. Внимательно посмотрите на картинку:

    Кнопка включена параллельно лампочке той что на приборной доске и при
    её нажатии на секунду-две лампочка должна чуть ярче вспыхнуть, а после
    её отпускания должны полезть коды. Если лампочка не изменяет яркость
    то, как вариант, следует уделить внимание перемычке между 9-12-15
    пинами. Эта перемычка на то и расчитана что если кто чинил ABS путём
    отсоединения коннектора то лампочка будет гореть постоянно, ни как
    не реагируя на кнопку. Странным является то что клапаны пшикают т.к.
    выдернув коннектор и питание на блок не будет подаваться.
    Кстати, блок ABS может располагаться под кабиной.

    10 фев 2011 20:15

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

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