Abb dcs400 ошибки

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя ABBДля простоты общения со столь сложной электроникой все частотные преобразователи оснащены небольшими дисплеями с помощью которых выводятся информационные сообщения с кодами ошибок, расшифровав которые можно сразу же узнать причину ее возникновения. Если учесть распространенность данной промышленной электроники, то появляется острая нужда в расшифровке кодов ошибок частотных преобразователей.

Существует несколько видов ошибок, некоторые из них можно устранить автоматически, а некоторые возможно исправить только, обратившись в специализированный сервисный центр. В таблицах ниже приведены все коды ошибок частотного преобразователя ABB ACS 400 и их расшифровка, то есть причина по которой возникла та или иная ошибка.

Коды ошибок частотника ABB ACS 400 сигнализирующие о неисправности и аварии

Преобразователь частоты ABB ACS 400 генерирует коды состояния неисправности и состояния аварии для внешней системы управления. Доступ к этим кодам возможно получить исключительно по последовательной линии связи (доступа с пульта управления нет).

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя ABB ACS 400 выводятся на месте группы параметров 3. В этой группе также содержатся копии командного кода и кода состояния. Параметры группы 3 доступны только для чтения; однако оба кода состояний могут быть сброшены путем записи в них нуля.

Коды состояния, неисправности, аварии частотного преобразователя ABB ACS 400






Доступная только для чтения копия командного слова..




Доступная только для чтения копия слова состояния..




Информация о неисправности. При активизиро- ванной неисправности устанавливается значение в соответствующем разряде. Описания разрядов приведены в Таблица 32.




Информация о неисправности. При активизиро- ванной неисправности устанавливается значение в соответствующем разряде. Описания разрядов приведены в Таблица 32.




Информация об аварийном состоянии. При активизированном аварийном состоянии устанавливается значение в соответствующем разряде. Разряд остается установленным до тех пор, пока не будет сброшено все слово аварийных состояний путем записи в него 0. См. Таблица 33.




Информация об аварийном состоянии. При активизированном аварийном состоянии устанавливается значение в соответствующем разряде. Разряд остается установленным до тех пор, пока не будет сброшено все слово аварийных состояний путем записи в него 0. См. Таблица 33.

Аварийная и предупредительная индикация выводится на 7-сегментный дисплей пульта ACS100-PAN используя систему кодов «ALxx» и «FLxx», где xx код соответствующего предупреждения либо аварии. На цифровой дисплей пульта управления ACS100-PAN вместе с кодами ошибок и предупреждений дополнительно выводятся короткие сообщения.

Предупреждения сопровождаются миганием зеленого светодиода, при выводе кода ошибки частотного преобразователя горит или мигает красный светодиод.

Информационные сообщения и коды ошибок частотного преобразователя ABB ACS 400

Для сброса аварийных кодов ошибок ЧП, сопровождаемых миганием светодиода красного цвета, достаточно на некоторое время отключить питание ЧП. Другие аварийные коды ошибок частотника ABB (при постоянно горящем красным светодиоде) можно сбросить или с пульта управления (последовательный канал связи / цифровой вход), или с помощью временного отключения питания привода. После устранения причины возникновения ошибки и ее сброса можно запустить электродвигатель.


Предупредительные коды частотного преобразователя ABB ACS 400






Неудачная загрузка/разгрузка параметра. Могут быть несовместимы версии программного обеспечения приводов. Версии программного обеспечения можно определить по параметру 3301 ВЕР СИЯ ПРОГР.



Работа пульта управления не разрешена при активизированном сигнале пуска.



В текущем режиме управления (местном или дистанционном) работа пульта управления не разрешена. Режим управления является местным, если на пульте управления выводится LOC, и дистанционным, если на пульте управления выводится REM.



Работа пульта управления запрещена по одной из следующих причин:

Клавиша START/STOP заблокирована с цифрового входа. Это может происходить в определенных конфигурациях цифровых входов. См. главу «Макропрограммы».

Кнопка REVERSE (Реверс) заблокирована, так как направление вращения вала задано параметром 1003 НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ.

Привод работает в режиме дистанционного управления и клавиши START/STOP и REVERSE не действуют.



Работа пульта управления не разрешена:

Параметр 1602 БЛОКИР ПАРАМ запрещает редактирование параметров

Параметр 1605 ЗАПРЕТ МЕСТ УПР запрещает местное управление.



Работа пульта управления запрещена: выбранная макропрограмма

«Заводские установки» не допускает никаких изменений. Макропрограмма «Заводские установки» предназначена для применения без пульта управления.



Активизирован контроллер превышения по току.



Активизирован контроллер превышения по напряжению.



Активизирован контроллер пониженного напряжения.



Направление вращения фиксировано параметром 1003 НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ.



Отсутствует связь по последовательному каналу.

Проверьте соединения между внешней системой управления и преобразователем ACS 400.

См. параметры 5003 ПЕРИОД ОШ ОБМЕН и 5004 ОШИБКА ОБМЕНА.



По каналу «Стандарт Modbus« передан сигнал исключительной ситуации шины Modbus. Возможно, ведущее устройство шины передает запросы, которые не могут быть обработаны преобразователем ACS 400. См. раздел «Стандартная свясь по последовательному каналу«.

Три последних кода исключительных ситуаций хранятся в параметрах 5213-5215.



Отсутствие аналогового входа 1. Значение аналогового сигнала на входе 1 меньше, чем МИНИМУМ АВХ1 (3022). Обратитесь также к параметру   3001 АВХ СИГНАЛ<MIN.



Отсутствие аналогового входа 2. Значение аналогового сигнала на входе 2 меньше, чем МИНИМУМ АВХ2 (3023). Обратитесь также к параметру   3001 АВХ СИГНАЛ<MIN.



Отсутствие пульта. Пульт отключен, когда

привод работает в режиме местного управления (на дисплей пульта управления выводится LOC), или

привод работает в режиме дистанционного управления (REM) и в его конфигурации разрешен прием команд Пуск/Стоп/Направление или опорный сигнал с пульта управления. Обратитесь к параметрам групп 10 ВХОДЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ и 11 НАСТРОЙКА ЗАДАНИЯ.

См. также параметр 3002 ОБРЫВ ПАНЕЛИ УПР.



Перегрев преобразователя ACS 400. Этот аварийный сигнал выводится, когда температура достигает 95 % предела срабатывания защиты.



Перегрев электродвигателя по оценке преобразователя ACS 400. См. Параметры 3004…3008.



Слишком низкая нагрузка электродвигателя. Проверьте исправность управляемого оборудования. См. параметры 3013…3015.



Электродвигатель работает в области опрокидывания. Это может быть вызвано слишком большой нагрузкой или недостаточной мощностью электродвигателя. См. параметры 3009…3012.



Обнаружена потеря связи по последовательному каналу DDCS.

  • Проверьте состояние адаптера локальной сети fieldbus.

См. руководство соответствующего адаптера локальной сети fieldbus.

  • Проверьте дополнительный модуль DDCS и оптоволоконные кабели.
  • Проверьте соединение между внешней системой управления и адаптером локальной сети fieldbus.

См. «Руководство по дополнительному модулю DDCS» и параметры 5003…5006.


  • Зарезервирован.


  • Зарезервирован.



Перегрузка инвертора. Выходной ток преобразователя ACS 400 превышает номинальные значения, указанные на стр. 27 настоящего руководства.



Преобразователь ACS 400 собирается выполнить операцию автоматического сброса неисправности (автоматического повторного включения). В результате после сброса привод может запуститься. См. группу параметров 31 АВТ ПОВТОР ВКЛЮЧ.



Активна функция отключения ПИД-регулятора. При деактивизации

функции отключения ПИД-регулятора возможно ускорение привода.  См. параметры 4018 УРОВЕНЬ ОТКЛ, 4013 ВЫДЕРЖКА ОТКЛ Р, 4014 УРОВЕНЬ ОТК РЕГ и 4015 ВЫДЕРЖКА ВКЛ Р.



Активна функция авточередования блока управления насосами и вентиляторами. Подробнее см. группу параметров 81 УПР НАСОСАМИ ВЕНТ и приложение.



Активны блокировки (контроль состояния) блока управления насосами и вентиляторами. Преобразователь ACS 400 не может запустить ни один двигатель (при использовании авточередования) или ACS 400 не может запустить двигатель с регулируемой скоростью (если авточередование не используется).

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя ABB ACS 400






Слишком большой выходной ток.

  • Нагрузка двигателя может быть слишком большой.
  • Может оказаться слишком малым время ускорения (параметры 2201 ВРЕМЯ УСКОРЕН 1 и 2203 ВРЕМЯ УСКОРЕН 2).
  • Возможна неисправность электродвигателя или кабеля двигателя, либо неправильное подключение.



Слишком высокое постоянное напряжение в промежуточной цепи.

  • проверьте, нет ли в сети питания постоянного или периодического перенапряжения.
  • может оказаться слишком малым время торможения (параметр 2202 время замедлен1 или 2204 время замедлен2)
  • тормозной прерыватель (если имеется) может быть слишком малой мощности.



Слишком высокая температура радиатора охлаждения преобразователя частоты ACS 400. Предел срабатывания температурной защиты составляет 95 °С.

  • Проверьте, не перекрыты ли воздушные потоки. Проверьте работу вентилятора.
  • Сравните мощность двигателя и мощность преобразователя.



Неисправность по току. Возможны следующие причины:

  • Короткое замыкание в кабеле(-ях) электродвигателя или в электродвигателе
  • Помехи в цепи питания.



Перегрузка инвертора. Выходной ток преобразователя ACS 400 превышает номинальные значения, указанные на стр. 27 настоящего руководства.



Недостаточное постоянное напряжение в промежуточной цепи.

  • Возможно отсутствие одной из фаз в сети питания
  • Возможно, перегорел предохранитель.



Потеря сигнала аналогового входа 1. Значение аналогового сигнала на входе 1 меньше, чем MIN AВХ 1 (3022). Обратитесь также к параметру 3001 АВХ СИГНАЛ<MIN.



Потеря сигнала аналогового входа 2. Значение аналогового сигнала на входе 2 меньше, чем MIN AВХ 2 (3023). Обратитесь также к параметру 3001 АВХ СИГНАЛ<MIN.



Перегрев электродвигателя по данным ACS 400. Обратитесь к параметрам 3004…3008.



Потеря связи с пультом. Пульт отсоединен, когда с него поступает команда Пуск/Стоп/Направление.

  • привод работает в режиме местного управления (на дисплей пульта управления выводится LOC), или
  • привод работает в режиме дистанционного управления (REM) и в его конфигурации разрешен прием команд Пуск/Стоп/Направление или опорный сигнал с пульта управления. Обратитесь к параметрам групп 10 ВХОДЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ и 11 НАСТРОЙКА ЗАДАНИЯ.

См. также параметр 3002 ОБРЫВ ПАНЕЛИ УПР.



Несовместимые значения параметров:

  • MIN AВХ 1 > MAX АВХ1 (параметры 1301 и 1302)
  • MIN AВХ 2 > MAX АВХ2 (параметры 1304 и 1305)
  • MIN чАСТОТА > MAX чАСТОТА (параметры 2007 и 2008)
  • Блок PFC пытается использовать модуль расширения ввода/вывода (NDIO), но канал DDCS имеет неправильные параметры.



Опрокидывание электродвигателя. Это может быть вызвано слишком большой нагрузкой или недостаточной мощностью электродвигателя. См. параметры 3009…3012.



Отсутствие связи по последовательному каналу «Стандарт Modbus».

  • Проверьте соединения между внешней системой управления и преобразователем ACS 400.
  • См. параметры 5003 ПЕРИОД ОШ ОБМЕН и 5004 ОШИБКА ОБМЕНА.



Наличие сигнала внешней неисправности. Обратитесь к параметру 3003 ВНЕШНЯЯ АВАРИЯ.



Замыкание на землю. Несбалансированная нагрузка входной системы электропитания.

  • Возможна неисправность электродвигателя или его кабеля.
  • Кабель электродвигателя может быть слишком длинным.



Пульсации напряжения на шине постоянного тока.

  • Проверьте наличие фаз в сети электропитания.
  • Проверьте, не перегорел ли предохранитель.



Слишком низкая нагрузка электродвигателя. Проверьте, исправно ли приводимое оборудование. См. параметры 3013…3015.


  • Зарезервирован.



Неисправность в линии DDCS.

  • Проверьте дополнительный модуль DDCS и оптоволоконные кабели.
  • Проверьте состояние адаптера локальной сети fieldbus. См. руководство соответствующего адаптера локальной сети fieldbus.
  • Проверьте соединение между внешней системой управления и адаптером локальной сети fieldbus.
  • Либо проверьте состояние модулей расширения ввода/вывода (NDIO), необходимых для блока PFC. См. также «Руководство по дополнительному модулю DDCS» и параметры 5004…5007.

20 **


Значение аналогового входа за пределами допустимого диапазона. Проверьте уровень аналогового входного сигнала.

21 — 26



Аппаратная ошибка. Обратитесь к поставщику.

Мигает весь дисплей (ACS100- PAN)


Неисправность последовательного канала связи. Плохое соединение между пультом управления и преобразователем ACS 400.


Сброс ошибок и Ремонт частотников в сервисном центре

Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте частотных преобразователей ABB ACS 400. Логотип компании 'Кернел'Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленного преобразователя частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт промышленной электроники производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт частотного преобразователя. Оставьте заказ на ремонт оборудования используя форму на сайте, либо свяжетесь с нашими менеджерами, сделать это очень просто.

Как с нами связаться

У вас остались вопросы, связанные с ремонтом, программированием и настройкой частотного преобразователя ABB? Задайте их нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Либо позвонив по номеру: +7(8482) 79-78-54; +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту:

Далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.


6.4.1 Display of status, alarm and fault si-


The available signals (messages) for thyristor power

converters series DCS 400 are subdivided:

• Converter’s 7-segment LED

(located behind the Panel)

General messages

Starting errors

Fault signals

Alarm signals

• Panel LCD display

• Panel LEDs

A seven segment display on the control board

SDCS-CON-3A of the thyristor power converters se-

ries DCS 400 is used to show general messages,

starting errors, fault and alarm signals. The signals

(messages) are displayed as codes. If the codes

consist of several parts, the characters/individual

digits will be indicated respectively e.g.:

F 14 = Armature Overcurrent




In addition to the seven segment display, the LCD of

the control panel DCS 400 PAN will be able to show

the fault and alarm signals as well as the diagnostic

messages as clear text.

Note: The languages available for display as text

depend on Parameter 7.01.

Diagnosis [7.03]

Fault Word 1 [7.09]

Fault Word 2 [7.10]

Fault Word 3 [7.11]

Alarm Word 1 [7.12]

Alarm Word 2 [7.13]

Alarm Word 3 [7.14]

contain diagnosis messages and several fault and

alarm signals as a binary code. For subsequent

evaluation the information is available via serial inter-

faces using parameter transmission.

Last alarm signal is coded as an individual error code

in the location Volatile Alarm [7.08].

Also a Faultlogger is available where the last 16 faults

and alarms occured are stored. Read the messages

by using panel function ‘Read Faultlogger’ or using

the PC tool ‘Drives Window Light’ to recognize the

fault and alarm history.

II K 6-24

6.4.2 General messages

The general messages will only be shown on the

seven segment display of the control board SDCS-


Panel Text





normal output display Normal situation, no fault / no


Visible for short time during boot up.


Visible during Boot mode of Firmware Download Program.

Unit should be switched off. Please check jumper S4=3-4 and

S5=5-6 and switch on electrically; if fault occurs again, the PCB

SDCS-CON-3A has to be checked and if necessary to be chan-


6.4.3 Starting errors (E)

The starting errors will only be shown on the seven

segment display of the control board SDCS-CON-3A.

With starting errors it will not be possible to start the


Panel Text














(1) Unit should be switched off and on electrically; if fault occurs again

please contact local ABB service center.

Operating Instructions


Program is not running

alarm signal


Internal FPROM checksum error

Reserved for External FPROM

checksum error

Internal error in even address of


Internal error in odd address of


Invalid board

Software hold by watchdog func-









ABB DCS 400 Manual

  • Contents

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DCS Thyristor power converter

for DC drive systems

20 to 1000 A

9 to 522 kW


DCS 400

II K 1-1

Related Manuals for ABB DCS 400

Summary of Contents for ABB DCS 400

  • Page 1
    DCS Thyristor power converter for DC drive systems 20 to 1000 A 9 to 522 kW Manual DCS 400 II K 1-1…
  • Page 2
    This manual is valid for DCS 400 Rev A including software version 108.0 List of contents ANUAL 1 DCS 400 — the compact-size DC drive ..II K 1-3 2 System overview of DCS 400 ….II K 2-1 2.1 Environmental conditions ……….
  • Page 3
    1 DCS 400 — the compact-size DC drive DCS 400 is a new generation of DC drives, which integrate more accessories within the same space. is rated from 9 to 522 KW and for use on all line The compact design has been partly achieved by supply voltages from 230 to 500 V.
  • Page 4
    DCS 400 — the compact-size DC drive Unit functions Activation and operator-control inputs outputs Drive functions analogue and digital • Speed ramp function generator (S-ramp, fieldbusses 2 accel / decel ramps) (man-machine communication) via: • Speed feedback via tacho, encoder, EMF •…
  • Page 5
    ‚ à y à ‚ … à ‡ ‚ †  ‚ ‚ ˆ ‘ à Q à i ‘ ‘ à ‡ optical fibre RS232 ‘ ‚ ‡ Fig. 2/1: System overview of DCS 400 II K 2-1…
  • Page 6
    2.1 Environmental conditions System overview of DCS 400 Mains supply — power part Environmental limit values Voltage, 3-phase: 230 to 500 V in acc. with IEC 38 Permissible ambient temp. with rated current I : +5 to +40°C Voltage deviation: ±10% permanent…
  • Page 7
    2.2 DCS 400 power converter modules System overview DCS 400 Sizes Size A2 Size A1 Size A4 Size A3 Size Current Dimensions Weight Min. Clearances Fan connection Fuses range H x W x D appr. top/butom/side [mm] [kg] [mm] 20…25 A…
  • Page 8
    2.3 DCS 400 overload withstand capability System overview of DCS 400 To match a drive system’s components as efficiently as possible to the driven machine’s load profile, the power converters can be dimensioned by means of the load cycle. Load cycles for driven machines have been defined in the IEC 146 or IEEE specifications, for example.
  • Page 9
    Control and Display Units of the DCS 400 System overview DCS 400 For operation, commissioning, diagnosis and for The coupling to an overriding system (PLC) takes controlling the drive, there are different possibil- place over a serial interface with a fibre-optic link ities available.
  • Page 10
    System overview of DCS 400 Operation by PC Drive Window Light Components : Drive Window Light is a PC tool for on-line start- • RS232 standard cable, 9-pin sub-D connector, up, diagnosis, maintenance and troubleshooting. male-female, non-crossing Functionality: System configuration display •…
  • Page 11
    Technical data 3 Technical Data 3.1 Module dimensions Module A1 DCS 401.0020 DCS 401.0045 DCS 401.0065 DCS 401.0090 DCS 401.0125 DCS 402.0025 DCS 402.0050 DCS 402.0075 DCS 402.0100 DCS 402.0140 Module A2 DCS 401.0180 DCS 401.0230 DCS 402.0200 DCS 402.0260 Module A3 DCS 401.0315 DCS 401.0405…
  • Page 12
    Technical data Module A4 DCS 401.0610 DCS 401.0740 for M6 DCS 401.0900 DCS 402.0680 DCS 402.0820 DCS 402.1000 Dimensions in mm for M12 Fig. 3.1/2: Dimension drawing A4-Module II K 3-2…
  • Page 13
    1 x 150 1 x 150 * Busbar connection 5 x 40 mm is recommended Table 3.2/1: Cross-sectional areas — tightening torques DCS 400 ❶ You will find instructions on how to calculate the PE conductor’s cross-sectional area in VDE 0100 or in equivalent national standards.
  • Page 14
    • The DCS 400 should be installed in an enclosure that is minimum 150% of the dimensions of con- verter. • The DCS 400 is suitable for use in a circuit capable of delivering not more than 18 kA rms Symetrical amperes, 500 V AC maximum. Recommended fuses must be used to provide short circuit protec- tion.
  • Page 15
    895 1416 1986 DCS402.1000 1000 1116 1786 2527 Table 3.3/1: DCS 400 Power losses of armature circuit Remarks on the table • The values stated are are maximum values ob- tained under the most unfavourable conditions. DCS 400 field supply 440V…
  • Page 16
    DCS 40x.0900…DCS 40x.1000 1x W2E250 (230 V) DCS 40x.0900. 2…DCS 40x.1000. 2 1x W2E250 (115 V) Configuration 1 Table 3.4/1: Fan assignment for DCS 400 Fan data for DCS 400 (data per fan) !»ÃWhp X99: Fan type CN2B2 W2E200 W2E200…
  • Page 17
    The control board SDCS-CON-3A has three serial communication channels: • X7: is a serial communication channel which is used for — DCS 400 PAN — Adapter (3AFE 10035368) • X6: is a standard RS232 serial communication channel. It is a 9-pin D-Sub female connector •…
  • Page 18
    Digital and analogue I/O connection of the SDCS-CON-3A Technical data Reso- Input/output Scaling Load Common Remarks 6’&6&21 Software lution values mode 90-270 V X1:1 [bit] Hardware range 30-90 V R115 100k 100k ±90…270 V 8-30 V AITAC ➀ ➁ 11 + sign ±30…90 V R 115/ ±20 V 100k…
  • Page 19
    Technical data 3.6 Power Interface Board SDCS-PIN-3A The power interface board SDCS-PIN-3A is used for all converter modules model A1…A4. Functions: — firing pulse circuits — power supply for complete converter electronics — measurement of the armature current — fuses for field supply. Fuse data F100…F102: — snubber circuit Bussmann KTK-15A (600V) — AC and DC voltage measurement…
  • Page 20
    3.7 Field exciter SDCS-FIS-3A Technical data The DCS 400 converter has an build-in three-phase field exciter with the following features: • smoothed field voltage — better commutation of the motor T100 — increased brush life SDCS-FIS-3A • less heat generation in the motor •…
  • Page 21
    Technical data System con- Field nection voltage range Line [V~] [V-] DCS 40x.0020…DCS 40x.0140 50…237 50…392 50…413 50…428 50…440 50…440 50…440 50…440 Table 3.7/1: Field voltage range related to 0,01 specified input voltage Fig. 3.7/3 Operating area of field exciter 0.1…6 A DCS 40x.0180…DCS 40x.1000 Fig.
  • Page 22
    3.8 Ciruit diagrams Technical data » » » » » » Ã Ã » » Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã » » Ã » Ã D & & Ã $ » » &…
  • Page 23
    Technical data » » » » » Ã Ã » Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã » » Ã » Ã D & & Ã $ » » & » » » » » Ã…
  • Page 24
    Technical data II K 3-14…
  • Page 25
    Overview of Software 4 Overview of software (The software delivered may contain minor changes to the product described here.) Parameter Function menu The parameters of the converter are subdivided into Special functions of the control panel are listed in the functional groups.
  • Page 26
    4.1 General information about application Macros Overview of Software Macros are pre-programmed parameter sets. During start-up, the analog outputs, which reference value sources are used, etc. is drive can be configured easily without changing individual parame- already defined in the macro. ters.
  • Page 27
    Overview of Software Overview of factory settings of macro-dependent parameters: Í Ï Macro Parameter Standard Man/Const Sp Hand/Auto Hand/MotPot Jogging Motor Pot ext Field Rev Torque Ctrl Cmd Location (2.02) Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Cur Contr Mode (3.14) Speed Contr Speed Contr Speed Contr…
  • Page 28
    4.2 Application Macros Overview of Software The following application macros are available: Macro 1: Standard Macro 5: Jogging Drive switch-on/switch-off and enable via 2 Drive switch-on/switch-off and enable via 2 di- digital inputs. gital inputs. Speed reference via analog input. Speed reference via analog input 1.
  • Page 29
    Overview of Software II K 4-5…
  • Page 30
    4.2.1 Macro 1 — Standard Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Jog speed 1. Speed can be defined in parameter 5.13. Accel/Decel Ramp for Jogging can be defined in parameter 5.19/5.20. Jog speed 2. Speed can be defined in parameter 5.14. Accel/Decel Ramp for Jogging can be defined in parameter 5.19/5.20.
  • Page 31
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.02 5.03 Fault or Alarm 6.14 Zero-speed 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  User alarm ‚ ‡…
  • Page 32
    4.2.2 Macro 2 — Man/Const Sp Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Drive is started by closing digital input DI1 (DI=1). Switches the drive ON and START Drive is stopped by opening digital input DI2 (DI2=0). DI2 has a higher priority than DI1, i.e. if DI2 is open the drive can not be started.
  • Page 33
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Zero-speed 6.14 Fault 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for ON 6.11 Fixed speed 2 Fixed speed 1 Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01 Ramp 1 / Ramp 2 Direction of rotation Stop Start…
  • Page 34
    4.2.3 Macro 3 — Hand/Auto Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Start / Stop Hand. Start and stop the drive. DI1=0=STOP , DI1=1=START Start switches the drive ON and START. Stop the drive in according to parameter Stop-Mode and afterwards switch the drive off.
  • Page 35
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Zero-speed 6.14 Fault 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for ON 6.11 Start/Stop Auto Direct. of rot. Auto Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01 Fixed speed / AI1 Direct.
  • Page 36
    4.2.4 Macro 4 — Hand/MotPot Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Start / Stop. Start and stop the drive. DI1=0=STOP , DI1=1=START. Start switches the drive ON and START. Stop the drive in according to parameter Stop-Mode and afterwards switch the drive off and resets speed reference to zero.
  • Page 37
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Zero-speed 6.14 Fault 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for ON 6.11 Decrease speed Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Increase speed Reset 2.01 Emergency stop AI1 / MotPot Direction of rotation Jogging Start/Stop…
  • Page 38
    4.2.5 Macro 5 — Jogging Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Direction of rotation. DI1=0=forward , DI1=1=reverse Jog speed 1. Speed can be defined in parameter 5.13. Accel/Decel Ramp for Jogging can be defined in parameter 5.19/5.20. Jog speed 2.
  • Page 39
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Fault or Alarm 6.14 speed level reached 6.13 Zero-speed 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  ‚ ‡…
  • Page 40
    4.2.6 Macro 6 — Motor Pot Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Direction of rotation. DI1=0=forward , DI1=1=reverse Motor pot function „faster“.Accel Ramp 5.09 Motor pot function „slower“. Decel Ramp 5.10. Slower has precedence above faster. 2.01 Minimum speed.
  • Page 41
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Fault or Alarm 6.14 reached 6.13 reached 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  Min speed ‚ ‡…
  • Page 42
    4.2.7 Macro 7 — ext Field Rev with remanence contactor Overview of Software Short description Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Non Field Reversal Mode: External field reversal with external field reversing switch. Only for 2Q application. • DI1 = 0 V (contact open), DI1=0=no field reversal only effective if drive is in DI1=1=field reversal…
  • Page 43
    Overview of Software field reversal K3 energized 1.03 / 1.04 no field reversal K3 de-energized 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Field reversal ON Fault or Alarm Field reversal OFF 6.14 Field reversal activ. 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con-…
  • Page 44
    4.2.8 Macro 8 — Torque Ctrl Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Funktion COAST. Closed-circuit principle, must be closed for operation. COAST is the fastest way to stop the current controller. The current controller will decrease the armature current to zero as fast as possible. This command will stop the drive so that the motor is left running and friction together with the load will decrease the speed to zero.
  • Page 45
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Fault or Alarm 6.14 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  User Alarm ‚ ‡ ‡…
  • Page 46
    4.3 Digital and analogue Inputs/Outputs Overview of Software Digital inputs DI1…DI8 Tachogenerator input (11 Bits + sign) The drive is controlled via the digital inputs DI1…DI8. The speed feedback with tachogenerator is set with The significance of the inputs are defined by a macro. the parameter Speed Meas mode (5.02) = Tacho.
  • Page 47
    80% of full resolution. A speed measure- ment up to 125% of nominal speed is possible. The accuracy is 0,06% related to nominal speed. Drive controlled by Serial Communication DCS 400 Speed reference Speed reference à $Ãiv‡†vt Fieldbus accuracy $È…
  • Page 48
    4.4 Drive Logic Overview of Software The drive logic controls the switching on and off of the Other behaviour during switching on and off converter and the motor and protects both in excep- Switching off modes other than the default setting can tional situations, in case of fault or emergency stop.
  • Page 49
    (5.15). When the drive starts again (RUN=1) the drive will switch over to nominal field current. Drive is in operation 9…v‰rÃv†Ã…ryrh†rq) 10sec 10sec AvryqÃurh‡vt Fig. 4.4/1: Switch-on sequence of DCS 400 Field current Fan On Zero Speed Programmable Fan Delay (2.13) II K 4-25…
  • Page 50
    Switch off fan 9…v‰rÃv†ÃPAA) AhÃP 2. Possible circuitry Since the requisite edges can Fig. 4.4/2: Switch-off sequence of DCS 400 be generated by means of a Reset Rdy On signal when the elec- Eme Stop tronics supply is switched on…
  • Page 51
    • the drive thus remains simple and safe. thresholds. This is not the case with the DCS 400, whose power section can be operated on a mains On the basis of the computed minimum permissible supply voltage of 230V…500V without any further…
  • Page 52
    Overview of Software 5% above this tripping threshold, an alarm signal Monitoring the Mains Voltage: A02-Mains Voltage Low will be generated. The alarm range shifts when the Net Underv Trip (1.10) e.g. Mains Supply Voltage = 400 V parameter is altered. Application = 4-Q Armature Voltage Nominal = 420 V…
  • Page 53
    Overview of Software Monitoring the Mains Voltage: Auto Reclosing In parameter Net Fail Time (1.11) the maximum e.g. Mains Supply Voltage = 400 V tolerated mains voltage failure time is set. In case of Application = 4-Q mains undervoltage the drive is blocked and alarm Armature Voltage Nominal = 420 V A02 is displayed during this time.
  • Page 54
    [217 A Correlation of Armature Voltage and EMF 440 V 390 V The DCS 400 drive calculates the true EMF and does not take the Armature Voltage instead. EMF is calculated by Ua actual Under full load condition, at full speed:…
  • Page 55
    Overview of Software Without speed-dependent current limiting 4.5.4 Overtemperature Protection The field weakening mode is selected or not selected as a function of the parameter values Base Speed Converter: (1.05) and Max Speed (1.06): DCS400 is equipped with an overtemperature protec- tion on the heat sinks of the thyristors.
  • Page 56
    Overview of Software 4.5.5 Armature current controller Second current limitation The motor’s maximum armature current is limited by The Arm Cur Nom (1.01), Arm Cur Max (3.04), the Arm Cur Max (3.04) parameter. This absolute Torque Lim Pos (3.07) and Torque Lim Neg (3.08) limitation is always active.
  • Page 57
    Overview of Software Armature current controller operating modes The speed of a DC motor is altered with the armature voltage. The range up to the point where the rated armature voltage is reached is referred to as the armature operating range. To enable the motor’s speed to be increased above these rated armature voltage, the field’s magnetic flux has to be reduced.
  • Page 58
    Overview of Software 1 = Speed Contr / 2 = Torque Contr 4 = Speed + Torque Depending on the application involved, however, a Depend on application in speed control mode a pre- constant torque is also required in the field weakening control of torque is required to have the drive more range (Torque-Controlled Mode (3.14) = Torque dynamic.
  • Page 59
    Overview of Software 6 = Lim Trq Ctr (Window Control Mode) t function The idea of Window Control Mode is to deactivate the The DCS400 is equiped with an I t-protection for the speed control as long as the speed deviation remains motor, which can be enabled if required.
  • Page 60
    Overview of Software The overload phase is set using parameters Arm Cur 4.5.8 Alternative Parameters for the Speed Max (3.04) and Overload Time (3.05). The recovery Controller phase is set using parameter Recovery Time (3.06). In order not to overload the Motor, the I t-plane of the A second parameter set is available for the speed two phases have to be identical:…
  • Page 61
    Overview of Software 4.5.9 Service Procedures, Contr Service (7.02) After successful autotuning the following controller parameters are set: Armature current controller Field Cur KP (4.03) (Motor does not turn) Field current controller proportional gain Field Cur TI (4.04) Autotuning Field current controller integral time constant •…
  • Page 62
    Overview of Software Speed controller After successful autotuning the following controller parameters are set: Attention: Motor will accelerate twice to 80% of Field Cur 40% (4.07) Base Speed now Field current for 40% flux Field Cur 70% (4.08) Autotuning Field current for 70% flux •…
  • Page 63
    Overview of Software This internal scaling does not apply to the transmis- 4.5.10 Internal Scaling sion of parameters via PLC. In this kind of transmis- You can display all parameters of the DCS400 in their sion, decimal values are simply transmitted in binary physical quantities by means of operating panel or the form i.e.
  • Page 64
    Overview of Software 4.5.11 Signal definitions Signal «Overtemp Mot» / «Overtemp DCS» Signal «At Set Point» in case of Alarm Speed reference reached. Speed actual value Speed Act (5.05) correspondes PTC (DCS / Motor-AI2) to speed reference value before ramp generator Digital Output DOx Ramp In Act (5.33).
  • Page 65
    Overview of Software 4.5.12 User events Adaptation of digital inputs for user events First four digital inputs DI1…DI4 are re-configurable in parameter group 9-Macro Adaptation for macro 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This functionality is not available for macro 2, 3 and 4. For some user specific application it’s helpful do assign these inputs to user events External Fault or External Alarm.
  • Page 66
    4.6 Software Structure Overview of Software DO1 Assign 9…v‰rÃG‚tvpÃhqÃT‡h‡ˆ†ÃQ…‚pr††vt 6.11 Eme Stop constant 0 Reset constant 1 DO2 Assign Macro depend 6.12 Rdy for On Start Rdy for Run DI Act Macro Select Stop Running DO3 Assign 6.28 2.01 6.13 Eme Stop act Fault Macro dep.
  • Page 67
    Overview of Software P‰r…‰vrÃ‚sÃhy‡r…h‡v‰rÃ9…v‰rÃ8‚‡…‚yyvt††vivyv‡vr† Srsr…rpr†Ã8‚‡…‚y 6p‡ˆhyÉhyˆr†ÃT‡h‡ˆ† ‚rÂsÇur†r v†Ãƒ‚††viyrÄ Fieldbus Fieldbus Adapter Module 7ˆ†Ã†’†‡r€ Adapter Module 7ˆ†Ã†’†‡r€ SHF DG D(N) D(P) SHF DG D(N) D(P) D‡r…hyÃ…‚pr††vt R XD R XD Nx xx -01 Fieldbus DS1.1 DS2.1 Nxxx-01 TX D Fieldbus TX D x xx xx x xx x xx xx x xx ADA PTER…
  • Page 68
    4.7 Parameter list Overview of Software Parameter overview 1 — Motor Settings 2 — Operation Mode 3 — Armature 4 — Field 1.01 Arm Cur Nom * 2.01 Macro Select * 3.01 Arm Cur Ref 4.01 Field Cur Ref 1.02 Arm Volt Nom * 2.02 Cmd Location 3.02 Arm Cur Act 4.02 Field Cur Act…
  • Page 69
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom setting Grp 1 Motor Settings 1.01 Arm Cur Nom 1000 Wizard Nominal motor current in amperes (indicated on the motor’s rating plate). 1.02 Arm Volt Nom Wizard Nominal motor voltage in volts (indicated on the motor’s rating plate).
  • Page 70
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom setting Grp 1 Motor Settings (continued) 1.11 Net Fail Time 10.0 During this time the supply voltage must return to a value higher than Net Underv Trip (1.10). Otherwise an undervoltage trip will be generated.
  • Page 71
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode 2.01 Macro Select Text Wizard Selection of desired macro: 0 = Standard 1 = Man/Const Sp 2 = Hand/Auto 3 = Hand/MotPot 4 = Jogging 5 = Motor Pot 6 = ext FieldRev 7 = Torque Cntrl…
  • Page 72
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) 2.04 Eme Stop Mode Text Wizard Selection of the desired operating response to an Eme Stop command (controller blocking) 0 = Ramp Motor decelerates in acc. to Eme Stop Ramp (5.11). If Zero Speed Lev (5.15) is reached Main Contactor is switched off.
  • Page 73
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) 2.05 Main Ctrl Word Signal The Main Ctrl Word maps the control bits of the drive. This parameter indicates the control bits of the terminal block or of the bus communication.
  • Page 74
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) Long Parameter Menu 2.07 Comm Fault Mode Text Selection of the desired operating response to a communication failure: 0 = Ramp Motor is decelerated in accord. to a ramp (5.10) 1 = Torque Lim Motor is decelerated in accord.
  • Page 75
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 3 Armature 3.01 Arm Cur Ref Signal Armature current reference value in amperes. 3.02 Arm Cur Act Signal Measured armature current actual value in amperes. 3.03 Arm Volt Act Signal Measured armature voltage actual value in volts.
  • Page 76
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 3 Armature (continued) 3.10 Arm Cur Reg TI 1000.0 50.0 auto- Integration time constant of the armature current tuning controller (PI controller) in milliseconds. 3.11 Cont Cur Lim auto- Armature current value at the limit between tuning…
  • Page 77
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 3 Armature (continued) Text 3.15 Torque Ref Sel Selection of the desired torque reference location: 0 = Macro depend / dependent on the select. macro 1 = AI1 / analog input 1 (X2:1-2) 2 = AI2 / analog input 2 (X2:3-4) 3 = Bus Main Ref / main fieldbus reference value 4 = Bus Aux Ref / auxiliary fieldbus reference value…
  • Page 78
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 4 Field 4.01 Field Cur Ref Signal Field current reference value in amperes. 4.02 Field Cur Act Signal Measured field current actual value in amperes. 4.03 Field Cur KP 0.000 13.499 0.300…
  • Page 79
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller 5.01 Speed Ref Sel Text Selection of the desired speed reference location: 0 = Macro depend / dependent on the selected macro 1 = AI1 / analog input 1 (X2:1-2) 2 = AI2 / analog input 2 (X2:3-4) 3 = Bus Main Ref / main fieldbus reference value 4 = Bus Aux Ref / auxiliary fieldbus reference value…
  • Page 80
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) Long Parameter Menu 5.12 Ramp Shape 0.00 10.00 0.00 0 = linear >0 = ramp shape time Setting the ramp shape: This parameter adds a filter to the output of the ramp generator to create a ramp shape.
  • Page 81
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 5.15 Zero Speed Lev Wizard Zero speed signal. Speed level below which the signal is issued that the motor has reached zero speed. Is used for stall protection, as a standstill message to the drive logic and for the generation of the Zero Speed signal.
  • Page 82
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 0.000 19.000 0.200 integer 5.22 Alt Speed KP Proportional gain of the speed controller (PI controller) for the alternative parameter set. 5.23 Alt Speed TI 6553.5 5000.0 Integration time constant of the speed controller…
  • Page 83
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 5.30 Act Filt 2 Time 0.00 10.00 0.00 Filter time constant 2 for smoothing speed deviation at the input of the speed regulator. 5.31 Speed Lim Fwd 6500…
  • Page 84
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 6 Input / Output 6.01 AI1 Scale 100% 2.50 11.00 10.00 Scaling of analog input 1: input of a voltage value in volts, which correspond to 100% reference. 6.02 AI1 Scale 0% -1.00…
  • Page 85
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.11 DO1 Assign Text Wizard Desired assignment of digital output 1: 0 = none 0 constant (for test purposes) 1 = Constant 1 1 constant (for test purposes) 2 = Macro depend the output is defined by macro, see macro…
  • Page 86
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) Text 6.12 DO2 Assign Wizard esired assignment of digital output 2: Assignment identical with DO1 (6.11). 6.13 DO3 Assign Text Wizard Desired assignment of digital output 3: Assignment identical with DO1 (6.11).
  • Page 87
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.20 Dataset 2.2 Asn Text Selection of the desired assignment for fieldbus dataset 2.2: 0 = Speed Act / speed actual value (5.05) 1 = Speed Ref / speed reference value (5.04) 2 = Arm Volt Act / armature voltage act.
  • Page 88
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.22 MSW Bit 11 Asn Text Function assignement for bit 11 in the main fieldbus status word (2.06): 0 = none 0 constant (for test purposes) 1 = Constant 1 1 constant (for test purposes) 2 = Macro depend…
  • Page 89
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.23 MSW Bit 12 Asn Text Function assignment for bit 12 in the main fieldbus status word (2.06): Assignment identical with MSW Bit 11 Asn (6.22) 6.24 MSW Bit 13 Asn Text…
  • Page 90
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 7 Maintenance 7.01 Language Text Wizard Selection of the panel language: 0 = English 1 = Deutsch 2 = Français 3 = Italiano 4 = Español 7.02 Contr Service Text Action…
  • Page 91
    = ShortcV13/26 = ShortcV14/21 = Ground Fault = NoThrConduc 7.04 SW Version integer Const. Display of the DCS 400 software version used. 7.05 Conv Type Text Const. Display of the converter type: 0 = DCS401 (2Q) 1 = DCS402 (4Q)
  • Page 92
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 7 Maintenance (continued) 7.06 Conv Nom Cur Const. Display of the converter’s nominal current in amperes. 7.07 Conv Nom Volt Const. Display of the converter’s nominal voltage in volts. 7.08 Volatile Alarm Text…
  • Page 93
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 7 Maintenance (continued) 7.12 Alarm Word 1 Signal Alarm word 1. Significance of the individual bits: All the pending alarms are displayed if the corresponding bits are set to log. «1». Alarm definition 00 0001…
  • Page 94
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 7 Maintenance (continued) 7.15 Commis Ref 1 -32768 32767 integer Commissioning reference value 1 Scaling: Field current 0…100%= 0…4096 Torque 0…100%= 0…4096 Armature current 0…100%= 0…4096 Speed 0…max = 0…max rpm 7.16 Commis Ref 2…
  • Page 95
    Overview of Software For detailed description see «Fieldbus Description» ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 8 Fieldbus Long Parameter Menu 8.01 Fieldbus Par 1 Text 0 = Disable no communication with PLC 1 = Fieldbus PLC communication via fieldbus adapter 2 = RS232-Port PLC communication via RS232 Port / Modbus protocol…
  • Page 96
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation Long Parameter Menu 9.01 MacParGrpAction Text Before a new function can be assigned to a digital input or control bit, the actual function has to be disabled. This can be done in two ways.
  • Page 97
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.05 User Fault Text Fault function will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter: 0=Macro depend 1=Disable 2=DI1 3=DI2 4=DI3 5=DI4…
  • Page 98
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.10 MotPot Incr Text MotorPot Increase speed function will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 only effective if MotPot Decr (9.11) is not set to 1 = Disable State of binary signal:…
  • Page 99
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.14 AlternativParam Text Alternative parameter set will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 State of binary signal: 0= Standard parameter set for speed controller effective 5.07 Speed Reg KP…
  • Page 100
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.19 Disable Bridge1 Text Bridge 1 will be controlled from binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 State of binary signal: 0= Enable Bridge 1 1= Disable Bridge 1.
  • Page 101
    If the consignment is incomplete or contains any incorrect items, please contact the supplier. The technical data and specifications are valid as of going to press. ABB reserves the right to make CAUTION! subsequent alterations. The thyristor power converter weighs quite a lot and should therefore not be held by the front cover.
  • Page 102
    5.1 Safety instructions Installation in conformity with the low-voltage directive 73/23/EEC 1. General 4. Installation In operation, drive converters, depending on their degree of protec- The installation and cooling of the appliances shall be in accordance tion, may have live, uninsulated, and possibly also moving or rotating with the specifications in the pertinent documentation.
  • Page 103
    Common Warnings Installation Warnings • The thyristor power converter possesses a number of automatic Warnings provide information on states which if the specified reset functions. When these functions are executed, the unit will procedure for the state concerned is not meticulously complied with be reset after an error and will then resume operation.
  • Page 104
    (line filters, screened power cables) in the lower power range NOTE! The conformity procedure is matter of responsibility of ABB Automation Products GmbH and of the machine manufactur- ers or the plant builders corresponding to their share of the ex- tension of the electrical equipment.
  • Page 105
    Installation Definitions Earth, earthing for safety Ground, grounding for EMC, connection with chassis or housing with low inductance Important instructions for plants with line fil- ters Filter in an earthed line (TN or TT Network) The filters are suitable for earthed lines only, for example in public European 400 V lines.
  • Page 106
    Installation Classification Medium-voltage line Medium-voltage line Supply transformer of Supply transformer of a Converter an industry region residental region with light transformer (rated power normally industry (rated power with earthed ≤ 1.2 MVA) normally ≤ 1.2 MVA) Earthed star point iron core (and if Earthed…
  • Page 107
    Europe for example with 400 V between the phases. Such lines have an earthed neutral conduc- tor. ABB offers suitable three — phase filters for 400 V and 25 A…600 A and 500 V filters for 440 V lines outside Europe (see Ap- pendix A).
  • Page 108
    Installation Due to the maximum power of public 400 V transformers Õ = 1.2 MVA = 1732 A) and due to their relative short circuit voltage V of 6% or 4% the maximum AC current which is available for a ≤…
  • Page 109
    Installation Separation A separation transformer makes line chokes unnecessary because transformers of its leakage inductance, and a grounded screen between its windings saves an EMC filter, see and 4. The screen and the iron core must be well connected with the mounting plate of the con- verter.
  • Page 110
    Installation Screening Signal cables The cables for digital signals, which are longer than 3 m and all ca- bles for analogue signals, must be screened. Each screen must be connected at both ends by metal clamps (see figure 5.2-4) or comparable means directly on clean metal surfaces, if both earthing points belong to the same earth line.
  • Page 111
    Installation Power cables If a screen is not necessary (see 13) the armature current cable without screens must be a four-wire cable because two wires are needed as con- ductors for the parasitic RF currents from the motor to the RF filter in the cubicle.
  • Page 112
    Installation Others Earthed public The rated voltages of a public European low voltage line are 400 V low voltage between the 3 phases and 230 V between a phase and the neutral lines conductor. These voltages are provided by a transformer with its 3- phase secondary winding in star connection.
  • Page 113
    Installation Industrial low Industrial low voltage lines are local lines in plants or factories. voltage lines They have own supply transformers (see 6). In most cases they are insulated (IT network / no earthed star point) and their voltages are often higher than 400 V. The loads tolerate higher noise levels. Therefore and because industrial lines are decoupled from public lines by their transformers and distances, converters do not need EMC filters at industrial low-voltage lines (see 6).
  • Page 114
    Installation Connection exam- See figure 5.2 — 7. ple in accordance with EMC Armature and See figure 5.2 — 7. field cables with screens for “first environ- ment” Armature and See figure 5.2 — 7. field cables without screens for “second en- vironment”…
  • Page 115
    Installation Mounting plate Filter Field supply unit Mounting plate with PE DC motor bar and terminals Armature and field cables with A1 A2 screens for «first environment» 6FUHHQV 7DFKR Contact to the motor PE bar housing at the whole screen perimeter The armature current cable must contain a third wire for a PE c Cv‡)Ã…
  • Page 116
    Installation Important hint The example shows the principle structure of a DC drive and its connections. It is not a binding recommendation, and it cannot re- spect all conditions of a plant. Therefore each drive must be con- sidered separately and with respect to the special application. Addi- tionally the general installation and safety rules must be taken into account.
  • Page 117
    Connection examples Installation Installation 5.3.1 Connection example for digital and analogue coupling of a PLC 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 2.01 Remark The drive is controlled via digital inputs/outputs. Speed 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 reference is given via analogue input AI1.
  • Page 118
    Installation Installation 5.3.2 Connection example for serial communication of a PLC 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark The drive is controlled serial via MainControlWord 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 and MainStatusWord.
  • Page 119
    Installation Installation 5.3.3 Connection example for Emergeny Off (valid for all macros) General situation 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark In cases of Emergency Off it is necessary to have an 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 OFF-delay relais (K22) in the Emergency Off circuit 6.05 / 6.06 / 6.07…
  • Page 120
    Installation Installation 5.3.4 Connection example with DC breaker and controlled deceleration 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark In cases of Emergency Off it is necessary to have an 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 OFF-delay relais (K22) in the Emergency Off circuit 6.05 / 6.06 / 6.07…
  • Page 121
    Installation Installation 5.3.5 Connection example with DC breaker and drive coasting 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark Switch Main Contactor (K1) On and Off is controlled 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 by digital output DO5.
  • Page 122
    Installation 5.3.6 Connection example for Motor fan and Converter fan (useful for all macros) General situation 0 a 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 Fan On Fan Delay 2.13 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10…
  • Page 123
    • basic knowledge of physics and electrical engi- Panel link neering, electrical wiring principles, components The DCS 400 PAN is connected to the drive via a and symbols used in electrical engineering, and serial interface and is removable under power.
  • Page 124
    6.1 Panel Operating Instructions Panel mode: Menu selection 2XWSXW GLVSOD 0HQX VHOHFWLRQ 0(18 440V 368A 1500rpm 1 Motor Settings 1500rpm 0(18 OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> 2 Operation Mode 3 Armature 4 Field 5 Speed Controller…
  • Page 125
    Operating Instructions Panel mode: Parameter programming Pˆ‡ƒˆ‡Ãqv†ƒyh’ HrˆÃ†ryrp‡v‚ Qh…h€r‡r…Æryrp‡v‚ Qh…h€r‡r…Ãpuhtvt 0(18 (17(5 (17(5 440V 368A 1500rpm 1 Motor Settings 1.01 Arm Cur Nom 1.01 Arm Cur Nom 200A 200A 1500rpm 0(18 0(18 0(18 OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN>…
  • Page 126
    Operating Instructions Set Typecode Read Faultlogger Only visible in Long Par List. Disabled if the drive is in ON-state. Non-volatile memory — 16 Set Typecode Read Faultlogger entries. Use only for replacement of SDCS-CON-3A. OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN>…
  • Page 127
    Operating Instructions Factory Setting Panel Lock Disabled if the drive is in ON-state. Before any change in the Panel Lock mode can Enter PIN Code become effective, the PIN number (“400“) first has to Factory Setting Resets all parameters to be entered.
  • Page 128
    Panel mode: Drive control Operating Instructions 440V 368A 1500rpm Actual value display 1500rpm Reference display OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> Status display 440V 368A 1500rpm (17(5 0(18 Activate reference 1500rpm OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> /2&…
  • Page 129
    Guided Commissioning Operating Instructions The DCS 400 converters of ABB offer the possibility This section describes the guided commissioning to have a guided commissioning by means of interac- with the panel. The necessary dialogue, also Panel tive dialogue through the parameter programming.
  • Page 130
    Operating Instructions Parameter entries The entries required during the guided commission- ing procedure are divided into selection parameters and value parameters. Selection parameters are selected from a prede- fined text list and confirmed. The control panel display only shows one line of this text list at a time.
  • Page 131
    Operating Instructions Start of guided commissioning Commissioning step Comments Unexpected trouble during guided commissioning can be eliminated easily. Find in the following chapters the reason and carry out the measures described there. For faults, alarms and diagnosis messages, see chapter 6.4 Troubleshooting . For other reasons, see chapter 6.3 Useful hints for commssioning .
  • Page 132
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Fieldweakening? Field weakening Yes/No OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> 1.06 Max Speed Maximum speed for field- 1.06 Max Speed is set to the value of weakening operation 100rpm 1.05 Base Speed see motor name plate OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM…
  • Page 133
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Field Autotuning? Field current controller opti- mization OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> CAUTION CAUTION Field voltage of the motor will be Observe safety energized. instructions Start Drive Press key on panel to apply Press (I) field voltage to the motor.
  • Page 134
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Armature Autotuning? Armature current controller optimization OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> CAUTION CAUTION Motor will be energized. Observe safety instructions Press key on panel to apply Start Drive Press (I) field voltage armature voltage to the motor.
  • Page 135
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Do not use this path, if speed Speed Meas Adjust? controller adjustment is already done! OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> Speed measurement mode 5.02 Speed Meas Mode Select and confirm. Depending on the selection made, EMF or Tacho or Encoder commission- Analogue Tacho OUTPUT…
  • Page 136
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Speed Autotuning? Speed controller optimization Select and confirm. OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> CAUTION CAUTION Observe safety Motor will accelerate twice up to instructions 80% of Base Speed! Press key on panel to switch Start Drive Press (I) on and enable the drive.
  • Page 137
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Flux Adaptation? Flux optimization only available in Field weaken- OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> ing Mode. CAUTION CAUTION Observe safety Motor will accelerate up to 50% instructions of Base Speed! Press key on panel to switch Start Drive Press (I) on and enable the drive.
  • Page 138
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Stall Protection? Stall protection OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> 3.17 Stall Torque Stall torque 100% OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> 3.18 Stall Time 0.0s Stall time OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN>…
  • Page 139
    Arm Autotun Switch the drive ON and increase speed reference slowly up to the value of Base Speed (1.05) by using a reference potentiometer or by using the DCS 400 operating panel in LOCal mode. Read parameter Speed Ref (5.04); same as Base Speed! Tacho Speed Act (5.06);…
  • Page 140
    Operating Instructions with EMF feedback Set parameters Arm Cur Nom (1.01): see motor name plate Arm Volt Nom (1.02): see motor name plate Field Cur Nom (1.03): see motor name plate Field Volt Nom (1.04): see motor name plate Base Speed (1.05): see motor name plate Max Speed (1.06): same as Base Speed…
  • Page 141
    Operating Instructions with Encoder feedback Set parameters Arm Cur Nom (1.01): see motor name plate Arm Volt Nom (1.02): see motor name plate Field Cur Nom (1.03): see motor name plate Field Volt Nom (1.04): see motor name plate Base Speed (1.05): see motor name plate Armature control range Field weakening range…
  • Page 142
    Useful hints for commissioning Operating Instructions F12 — Field Undercurrent Field Autotuning failed F09 — Mains Undervoltage Check parameter Diagnosis (7.03) and read chapter 6.4.7 Diagnostic Messages A02 — Mains Voltage Low Drive doesn’t start Armature Autotuning failed DCS400 is suitable for main supply of 230…500V Check parameter Diagnosis (7.03) and read chapter without any parameter settings.
  • Page 143
    Operating Instructions Hints for speed controller autotuning Drive accelerates to overspeed Only successfully commissioned selftuning will change With default parameter values (defaults: KP=0.200 / parameters of the speed controller Speed Reg KP TI=5000.0 ms) and slow ramps it may happen, that (5.07) and Speed Reg TI (5.08), other-wise parame- the drive accelerates to overspeed limit bypassing ters remain unchanged.
  • Page 144
    Eliminate speed offset via Tacho Offset (5.34) fieldweakening • switch drive OFF If a DCS 400 is intended to be used in regenrative • read Speed Actual from panel mode including field-weakening we recommend the • set Tacho Offset (5.34) to this value incl. polarity following sequence to switch the drive on: •…
  • Page 145
    A compromise is provided by two series- Then DCS 400 is using automatic field weakening connected fuses, as used in the power supply. to achieve full speed but will lose torque in field weakening range.
  • Page 146
    Reserved for External FPROM checksum error In addition to the seven segment display, the LCD of the control panel DCS 400 PAN will be able to show COMM LOSS Internal error in even address of the fault and alarm signals as well as the diagnostic messages as clear text.
  • Page 147
    After Reset, switch ON and RUN off and on again. DCS 400 Initialisation phase initialisation phase After the electronics supply has been switched on, both LEDs light up briefly during the initialisation phase of the DCS 400. Flashes Flashes DCS 400 Hardware problem with the power supply…
  • Page 148
    SDCS-CON-3A as codes F . . as well as on the LCD Fault no. of the control panel DCS 400 PAN as plain text. Auxiliary Voltage Fault All fault signals — with the exception of F1 to F6 — can be reset by Aux Voltage Fault 7.09…
  • Page 149
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source Fault message Fault message Fault no. Fault no. Converter Over Temperature Mains Synchronization Fault Converter Overtemp 7.09 F 11 Mains Sync Fault 7.09 Temperature of the converter too The synchronization to the mains bit 6 bit 10 high.
  • Page 150
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source Fault message Fault message Fault no. Fault no. Field Overcurrent Tacho Polarity Fault F 13 Field Overcurrent 7.09 F 17 Tacho Polarity Fault 7.10 Field current has reached a limit Polarity of feed back signal from bit 12 bit 0…
  • Page 151
    Operating Instructions Definition / Possible source Fault message Fault no. Local Control Lost F 21 Local Control Lost 7.10 During operation in Local control bit 4 mode no message has been received for a time longer than the value that has been set in Parameter Comm Fault Time (2.08).
  • Page 152
    Possible source Alarm message control board SDCS-CON-3 as codes A . . as well as on the LCD of Alarm no. the control panel DCS 400 PAN as clear text. Alarm signals will only Parameters Added Alarm Parameters Added 7.12 be displayed, if there is no fault signal active.
  • Page 153
    Wizard. Then Mains Drop Out Alarm Main Voltage Drop Out 7.12 read out parameter Diag- DCS 400 is equipped with an bit 7 nosis (7.03) manually and „Auto Reclosing“ that allows for also the Fault Logger for a continous operation after more information.
  • Page 154
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source Alarm message Alarm message Alarm no. Alarm no. A 14 Up/Download Failed Alarm Upload Download Fai- 7.12 A 18 Parameter Restored Parameter Restored 7.13 bit 13 To enable data loss in the bit 1 The checksum verification failed FlashProm to be detected, the…
  • Page 155
    None Actually no problems Internal software causes. Reference list of Diagnostic messages Please contact your ABB local — sorted by alphabetical order service center. Tune Aborted Procedure aborted by FAULT or switching off the RUN command.
  • Page 156
    Field R Meas Not enough measurement for the de- Upload or Download start timeout. tection of field resistance. The value of Please contact your ABB local “Field R” is used for calculation the service center. Parameter 4.04 (Field Cur TI).
  • Page 157
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source 7.03 Diagnosis 7.03 Diagnosis Diagn. message Diagn. message AI2 vs PTC AI2 is set as PTC evaluation and Ref- 3bbbb 3bbbb 3bbbb faulty thyristor diagnosis erence value source. (b=bridge) If PTC is allocated to AI2 this input will 3bbbb 1…6 = thyr.
  • Page 158
    Operating Instructions II K 6-36…
  • Page 159
    Drive configuration with serial communication The drive can be operated (ON / RUN / Reset / Emergency Stop) The DCS 400 is equipped with the following serial interfaces: according to parameter Cmd Location (2.02) via terminal X4: or • Panel-Port (standard, built-in) one out of three serial interfaces (Panel-Bus or RS232-Bus or •…
  • Page 160
    Serial Interfaces T‡h‡rÂs 6p‡ˆhy 6p‡ˆhy 9…v‰r ‰hyˆr ‰hyˆr DataSet 2.1 DataSet 2.2 DataSet 2.3 HhvÃT‡h‡ÃX‚…q 6p‡ˆhyÃWhyˆrà 6p‡ˆhyÃWhyˆrÃ! SHF DG D(N) D(P) R XD Nxxx-01 TX D x xx xx x xx ADA PTER XM I T BU S TE R M I N A TI O N R EC ER R O R +2 4 V…
  • Page 161
    Serial Interfaces DataSet 3.1 DataSet 3.2 DataSet 3.3 DataSet 4.1 DataSet 4.2 DataSet 4.3 9vtv‡hyÃSrs 6hy‚tÃSrs 6hy‚tÃSrs AyqÃ8ˆ…Ã6p‡ Q‚r…Ã6 p‡ U‚…„ˆrÃ6 p‡ SHF DG D(N) D(P) R XD Nx xx -01 TX D x xx xx x xx ADA PTER XM I T BU S TE R M I N A TI O N…
  • Page 162
    Serial Interfaces Communcation Parameters Necessary parameter-settings for fieldbus communication Parameter Parameter name possible settings recommended The following communication paramters are relevant 2.02 Cmd Location 0=Macro depend in case of external drives control. 1=Terminals 2=Bus 2=Bus Cmd Location (2.02) 3=Key Purpose: Determines whether Drive is externally con- 2.07 Comm Fault Mode 0=Ramp…
  • Page 163
    Irrespective of the bus protocol, these ports main control word (2.05) and main status word communicate with the DCS400 software via specified (2.06) of the DCS 400 converter. The allocation is as data sets. Four data sets are available with three 16- follows: bit words each.
  • Page 164
    Serial Interfaces Status word allocation Panel-Port 4 bits of the status word (data set 2.1) can be param- The Panel Port is normally used for connection of the eterized. The signals are selected in the parameters control panel. The default settings of this interface are MSW bit 11 Ass (6.22), MSW bit 12 Ass (6.23), MSW as follows: bit 13 Ass (6.24) and MSW bit 14 Ass (6.25).
  • Page 165
    Serial Interfaces RS232-Port The RS232 interface is normally used for setting parameter in the drive via the PC Tool Drive Window Light. The default settings of this interface are as follows: Signal level: RS232 (+12V / -12V) Description Data format: UART not connected Message format:…
  • Page 166
    Several fieldbus protocol specific adapters are avail- Fieldbus cable able as options for the DCS 400. The following de- scription is an overview. Detailed information is avail- able from the specific adapter descriptions. DG D( N ) D( P )
  • Page 167
    Data Set Offset 0…255 0 = no Offset 8.07 Cut Off Timeout 0…255 (20ms grid) between NPBA-02 and 30 = 600ms Master 8.08 Comm Profile 0 = ABB DRIVES 0 = ABB DRIVES 1 = CSA 2.8/3.0 II K 7-9…
  • Page 168
    Serial Interfaces Modbus (including parameter transfer) Parameter Meaning Alternative settings Typical settings 8.01 Module Type 0 = Disable 1 = Fieldbus Fieldbus 2 = RS232-Port 3 = Panel-Port 4 = Res Feldbus 8.02 Modbus Mode 0 = RTU wdg:flt 0 = RTU wdg:flt 1 = RTU wdg:rst 8.03 Station Number…
  • Page 169
    0 = Disable 1 = Fieldbus Fieldbus 2 = RS232-Port 3 = Panel-Port 4 = Res Feldbus 8.02 Protocol 1 = ABB CS31 8.03 Modul ID 0 = Word 0 = Word 1 = Binary 8.04 Station Number 0… 5 (Word Mode) 0…57 (Binary Mode)
  • Page 170
    Parameter settings for the most commonly used fieldbus adapters For detailed information please refer to the related fieldbus adapter description. In the case you need a fieldbus other than shown, please contact your local ABB sales office. ABB is continuously developing on new solutions. II K 7-12…
  • Page 171
    Serial Interfaces DCS 400 Fieldbus parameter PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 1 — Motor Settings 40101 3065 Arm Cur Nom 40102 3066 Arm Volt Nom 40103 3067 Field Cur Nom 40104 3068 Field Volt Nom…
  • Page 172
    Serial Interfaces PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 4 — Field 40401 3191 Field Cur Ref 40402 3192 Field Cur Act 40403 3193 Field Cur KP 40404 3194 Field Cur TI 40405 3195 Fld Ov Cur Trip 40406 3196 Field Low Trip…
  • Page 173
    Serial Interfaces PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 6 — Input/Output 40601 3259 AI1 Scale 100% 40602 325A AI1 Scale 0% 40603 325B AI2 Scale 100% 40604 325C AI2 Scale 0% 40605 325D AO1 Assign 40606 325E AO1 Mode…
  • Page 174
    Serial Interfaces PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 8 — Fieldbus 40801 3321 Fieldbus Par 1 40802 3322 Fieldbus Par 2 40803 3323 Fieldbus Par 3 40804 3324 Fieldbus Par 4 40805 3325 Fieldbus Par 5 40806 3326 Fieldbus Par 6…
  • Page 175
    Appendix A Appendix Appendix A — Accessories Line chokes L1 DCS type Type of Fig. 500V reactor 2-quadrant converter DCS401.0020 ND01 DCS401.0045 ND02 DCS401.0065 ND04 DCS401.0090 ND05 DCS401.0125 ND06 DCS401.0180 ND07 DCS401.0230 ND07 DCS401.0315 ND09 DCS401.0405 ND10 DCS401.0500 ND10 DCS401.0610 ND12 DCS401.0740 ND12…
  • Page 176
    Appendix A Line chokes type ND Type Choke Weight Power loss peak [mH] [kg] ND 01 ND 02 ND 04 ND 05 ND 06 ND 07 12.6 ND 09 37.5 16.0 ND 10 25.0 22.2 ND 12 18.8 36.0 ND 13 18.2 1047 46.8…
  • Page 177
    Appendix A Line chokes type ND 07…ND 12 H ±2 C ±1 ±0.3 3 AST 4 7 8 2 2 3 D5 3AFE 10014603 0 . 0 1 8 8 mH 4 9 0 A I ma x 7 3 4 A Max D F ±0.3 B ±1…
  • Page 178
    Appendix A Fuses and fuse holders for armature- circuit supply The semiconductor fuses used are blade fuses. The relevant data are listed in the table below. The fuses’ construction requires special fuse holders. Fuse hold- er of the OFAX and OFAS type series are available for this purpose.
  • Page 179
    Appendix A L1 L2 L3 Manufacturer/ Type Loss [W] Resistance [mW] Fuse F1 Size Fuse holder Caliper [mm] Bussman 170M 1564 50A 660V UR OFAX 00 S3L 78.5 Bussman 170M 1566 80A 660V UR OFAX 00 S3L 78.5 Bussman 170M 1568 125A 660V UR OFAX 00 S3L 78.5…
  • Page 180
    Grids of this kind DCS401.0020 NF3-500-25 250x150x65 have an earthed neutral conductor. For DCS401.0045 NF3-500-50 250x150x65 these cases, ABB offers its three-phase DCS401.0065 NF3-500-64 250x150x65 DCS401.0090 NF3-500-80 450x170x90 mains filters for 500 V and 25 A … 1000 A.
  • Page 181
    Appendix B — Declaration of conformity II K B-1…
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    Appendix C — Quick Installation & Commissioning guide II K C-1…
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    Appendix C II K C-2…
  • Page 184
    Appendix D — Examples for basic parameter programming The experience has shown that certain parameters must be adapted in most applications. These parameters show the following tables. Table 1: Operation for armature control mode Table 2: Operation for field control mode Table 3: Operation for field control mode with speed-dependent current limitation Table 4:…
  • Page 185
    Appendix D Operation for field control mode Armature control range Field control range norm Base Speed Max Speed Table 2 Parameter Parameter Significance Contents Entry number name Arm Cur Nom Nominal armature current Arm Volt Nom Nominal armature voltage Field Cur Nom Nominal field current Field Volt Nom Nominal field voltage…
  • Page 186
    Appendix D Operation for field control mode with speed-dependent current limiting Armature Field control range norm control range Speed-dependent current limiting Base Speed Cur Lim Speed Max Speed Table 3 Parameter Parameter Significance Contents Entry number name Arm Cur Nom Nominal armature current Arm Volt Nom Nominal armature voltage…
  • Page 187
    Appendix D Common parameters for the three operating modes Table 4 Parameter Parameter Significance Contents Entry number name Arm Cur Max Maximum current limit Overload Time Overload time Recovery Time Recovery time Torque Lim Pos Positive torque limit Torque Lim Neg Negative torque limit Stall Torque Stall torque…
  • Page 188
    Index Symbole 7-Segment display 2-5, 3-7, 6-24, 6-26, 6-30 Factory Setting 6-5 Fan data 3-6 Fault Signals (F) 6-26 Alarm Signals (A) 6-30 Faultlogger 6-4 Alternative parameters for speed controller Field current controller 3-10, 4-37, 4-54 4-2, 4-36 Field Exciter Board SDCS-FIS-3A 3-10 Analogue Tacho feedback 6-17 Field heating 4-25 Application Macros 4-2…
  • Page 189
    Index Operating Instructions 6-1 Overload 2-4 Overtemperature Protection 4-31 Overview of software 4-1 Paint finish 2-2 Panel DCS400PAN 1-4, 2-5, 6-1, 6-7, 6-24, 6-25, 7-6 Panel LEDs 6-25 Panel Lock 6-5 Panel mode 6-2 Drive control 6-6 Function selection 6-3 Menu selection 6-2 Parameter programming 6-3 Panel-Port 7-6…
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    ABB Automation Products GmbH Postfach 1180 D-68619 Lampertheim Telefon +49(0) 62 06 5 03-0 Telefax +49(0) 62 06 5 03-6 09…

ABB DCS 400 Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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DCS Thyristor power converter

for DC drive systems

20 to 1000 A

9 to 522 kW


DCS 400

II K 1-1

Related Manuals for ABB DCS 400

Summary of Contents for ABB DCS 400

  • Page 1
    DCS Thyristor power converter for DC drive systems 20 to 1000 A 9 to 522 kW Manual DCS 400 II K 1-1…
  • Page 2
    This manual is valid for DCS 400 Rev A including software version 108.0 List of contents ANUAL 1 DCS 400 — the compact-size DC drive ..II K 1-3 2 System overview of DCS 400 ….II K 2-1 2.1 Environmental conditions ……….
  • Page 3
    1 DCS 400 — the compact-size DC drive DCS 400 is a new generation of DC drives, which integrate more accessories within the same space. is rated from 9 to 522 KW and for use on all line The compact design has been partly achieved by supply voltages from 230 to 500 V.
  • Page 4
    DCS 400 — the compact-size DC drive Unit functions Activation and operator-control inputs outputs Drive functions analogue and digital • Speed ramp function generator (S-ramp, fieldbusses 2 accel / decel ramps) (man-machine communication) via: • Speed feedback via tacho, encoder, EMF •…
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    ‚ à y à ‚ … à ‡ ‚ †  ‚ ‚ ˆ ‘ à Q à i ‘ ‘ à ‡ optical fibre RS232 ‘ ‚ ‡ Fig. 2/1: System overview of DCS 400 II K 2-1…
  • Page 6
    2.1 Environmental conditions System overview of DCS 400 Mains supply — power part Environmental limit values Voltage, 3-phase: 230 to 500 V in acc. with IEC 38 Permissible ambient temp. with rated current I : +5 to +40°C Voltage deviation: ±10% permanent…
  • Page 7
    2.2 DCS 400 power converter modules System overview DCS 400 Sizes Size A2 Size A1 Size A4 Size A3 Size Current Dimensions Weight Min. Clearances Fan connection Fuses range H x W x D appr. top/butom/side [mm] [kg] [mm] 20…25 A…
  • Page 8
    2.3 DCS 400 overload withstand capability System overview of DCS 400 To match a drive system’s components as efficiently as possible to the driven machine’s load profile, the power converters can be dimensioned by means of the load cycle. Load cycles for driven machines have been defined in the IEC 146 or IEEE specifications, for example.
  • Page 9
    Control and Display Units of the DCS 400 System overview DCS 400 For operation, commissioning, diagnosis and for The coupling to an overriding system (PLC) takes controlling the drive, there are different possibil- place over a serial interface with a fibre-optic link ities available.
  • Page 10
    System overview of DCS 400 Operation by PC Drive Window Light Components : Drive Window Light is a PC tool for on-line start- • RS232 standard cable, 9-pin sub-D connector, up, diagnosis, maintenance and troubleshooting. male-female, non-crossing Functionality: System configuration display •…
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    Technical data 3 Technical Data 3.1 Module dimensions Module A1 DCS 401.0020 DCS 401.0045 DCS 401.0065 DCS 401.0090 DCS 401.0125 DCS 402.0025 DCS 402.0050 DCS 402.0075 DCS 402.0100 DCS 402.0140 Module A2 DCS 401.0180 DCS 401.0230 DCS 402.0200 DCS 402.0260 Module A3 DCS 401.0315 DCS 401.0405…
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    Technical data Module A4 DCS 401.0610 DCS 401.0740 for M6 DCS 401.0900 DCS 402.0680 DCS 402.0820 DCS 402.1000 Dimensions in mm for M12 Fig. 3.1/2: Dimension drawing A4-Module II K 3-2…
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    1 x 150 1 x 150 * Busbar connection 5 x 40 mm is recommended Table 3.2/1: Cross-sectional areas — tightening torques DCS 400 ❶ You will find instructions on how to calculate the PE conductor’s cross-sectional area in VDE 0100 or in equivalent national standards.
  • Page 14
    • The DCS 400 should be installed in an enclosure that is minimum 150% of the dimensions of con- verter. • The DCS 400 is suitable for use in a circuit capable of delivering not more than 18 kA rms Symetrical amperes, 500 V AC maximum. Recommended fuses must be used to provide short circuit protec- tion.
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    895 1416 1986 DCS402.1000 1000 1116 1786 2527 Table 3.3/1: DCS 400 Power losses of armature circuit Remarks on the table • The values stated are are maximum values ob- tained under the most unfavourable conditions. DCS 400 field supply 440V…
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    DCS 40x.0900…DCS 40x.1000 1x W2E250 (230 V) DCS 40x.0900. 2…DCS 40x.1000. 2 1x W2E250 (115 V) Configuration 1 Table 3.4/1: Fan assignment for DCS 400 Fan data for DCS 400 (data per fan) !»ÃWhp X99: Fan type CN2B2 W2E200 W2E200…
  • Page 17
    The control board SDCS-CON-3A has three serial communication channels: • X7: is a serial communication channel which is used for — DCS 400 PAN — Adapter (3AFE 10035368) • X6: is a standard RS232 serial communication channel. It is a 9-pin D-Sub female connector •…
  • Page 18
    Digital and analogue I/O connection of the SDCS-CON-3A Technical data Reso- Input/output Scaling Load Common Remarks 6’&6&21 Software lution values mode 90-270 V X1:1 [bit] Hardware range 30-90 V R115 100k 100k ±90…270 V 8-30 V AITAC ➀ ➁ 11 + sign ±30…90 V R 115/ ±20 V 100k…
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    Technical data 3.6 Power Interface Board SDCS-PIN-3A The power interface board SDCS-PIN-3A is used for all converter modules model A1…A4. Functions: — firing pulse circuits — power supply for complete converter electronics — measurement of the armature current — fuses for field supply. Fuse data F100…F102: — snubber circuit Bussmann KTK-15A (600V) — AC and DC voltage measurement…
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    3.7 Field exciter SDCS-FIS-3A Technical data The DCS 400 converter has an build-in three-phase field exciter with the following features: • smoothed field voltage — better commutation of the motor T100 — increased brush life SDCS-FIS-3A • less heat generation in the motor •…
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    Technical data System con- Field nection voltage range Line [V~] [V-] DCS 40x.0020…DCS 40x.0140 50…237 50…392 50…413 50…428 50…440 50…440 50…440 50…440 Table 3.7/1: Field voltage range related to 0,01 specified input voltage Fig. 3.7/3 Operating area of field exciter 0.1…6 A DCS 40x.0180…DCS 40x.1000 Fig.
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    3.8 Ciruit diagrams Technical data » » » » » » Ã Ã » » Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã » » Ã » Ã D & & Ã $ » » &…
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    Technical data » » » » » Ã Ã » Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã » » Ã » Ã D & & Ã $ » » & » » » » » Ã…
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    Technical data II K 3-14…
  • Page 25
    Overview of Software 4 Overview of software (The software delivered may contain minor changes to the product described here.) Parameter Function menu The parameters of the converter are subdivided into Special functions of the control panel are listed in the functional groups.
  • Page 26
    4.1 General information about application Macros Overview of Software Macros are pre-programmed parameter sets. During start-up, the analog outputs, which reference value sources are used, etc. is drive can be configured easily without changing individual parame- already defined in the macro. ters.
  • Page 27
    Overview of Software Overview of factory settings of macro-dependent parameters: Í Ï Macro Parameter Standard Man/Const Sp Hand/Auto Hand/MotPot Jogging Motor Pot ext Field Rev Torque Ctrl Cmd Location (2.02) Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Terminals Cur Contr Mode (3.14) Speed Contr Speed Contr Speed Contr…
  • Page 28
    4.2 Application Macros Overview of Software The following application macros are available: Macro 1: Standard Macro 5: Jogging Drive switch-on/switch-off and enable via 2 Drive switch-on/switch-off and enable via 2 di- digital inputs. gital inputs. Speed reference via analog input. Speed reference via analog input 1.
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    Overview of Software II K 4-5…
  • Page 30
    4.2.1 Macro 1 — Standard Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Jog speed 1. Speed can be defined in parameter 5.13. Accel/Decel Ramp for Jogging can be defined in parameter 5.19/5.20. Jog speed 2. Speed can be defined in parameter 5.14. Accel/Decel Ramp for Jogging can be defined in parameter 5.19/5.20.
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    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.02 5.03 Fault or Alarm 6.14 Zero-speed 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  User alarm ‚ ‡…
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    4.2.2 Macro 2 — Man/Const Sp Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Drive is started by closing digital input DI1 (DI=1). Switches the drive ON and START Drive is stopped by opening digital input DI2 (DI2=0). DI2 has a higher priority than DI1, i.e. if DI2 is open the drive can not be started.
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    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Zero-speed 6.14 Fault 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for ON 6.11 Fixed speed 2 Fixed speed 1 Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01 Ramp 1 / Ramp 2 Direction of rotation Stop Start…
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    4.2.3 Macro 3 — Hand/Auto Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Start / Stop Hand. Start and stop the drive. DI1=0=STOP , DI1=1=START Start switches the drive ON and START. Stop the drive in according to parameter Stop-Mode and afterwards switch the drive off.
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    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Zero-speed 6.14 Fault 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for ON 6.11 Start/Stop Auto Direct. of rot. Auto Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01 Fixed speed / AI1 Direct.
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    4.2.4 Macro 4 — Hand/MotPot Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Start / Stop. Start and stop the drive. DI1=0=STOP , DI1=1=START. Start switches the drive ON and START. Stop the drive in according to parameter Stop-Mode and afterwards switch the drive off and resets speed reference to zero.
  • Page 37
    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Zero-speed 6.14 Fault 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for ON 6.11 Decrease speed Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Increase speed Reset 2.01 Emergency stop AI1 / MotPot Direction of rotation Jogging Start/Stop…
  • Page 38
    4.2.5 Macro 5 — Jogging Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Direction of rotation. DI1=0=forward , DI1=1=reverse Jog speed 1. Speed can be defined in parameter 5.13. Accel/Decel Ramp for Jogging can be defined in parameter 5.19/5.20. Jog speed 2.
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    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Fault or Alarm 6.14 speed level reached 6.13 Zero-speed 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  ‚ ‡…
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    4.2.6 Macro 6 — Motor Pot Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Direction of rotation. DI1=0=forward , DI1=1=reverse Motor pot function „faster“.Accel Ramp 5.09 Motor pot function „slower“. Decel Ramp 5.10. Slower has precedence above faster. 2.01 Minimum speed.
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    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Fault or Alarm 6.14 reached 6.13 reached 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  Min speed ‚ ‡…
  • Page 42
    4.2.7 Macro 7 — ext Field Rev with remanence contactor Overview of Software Short description Description of I/O’s functionality Param Function Non Field Reversal Mode: External field reversal with external field reversing switch. Only for 2Q application. • DI1 = 0 V (contact open), DI1=0=no field reversal only effective if drive is in DI1=1=field reversal…
  • Page 43
    Overview of Software field reversal K3 energized 1.03 / 1.04 no field reversal K3 de-energized 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Field reversal ON Fault or Alarm Field reversal OFF 6.14 Field reversal activ. 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con-…
  • Page 44
    4.2.8 Macro 8 — Torque Ctrl Overview of Software Description of I/O’s functionality Param Funktion COAST. Closed-circuit principle, must be closed for operation. COAST is the fastest way to stop the current controller. The current controller will decrease the armature current to zero as fast as possible. This command will stop the drive so that the motor is left running and friction together with the load will decrease the speed to zero.
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    Overview of Software 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 Fault or Alarm 6.14 6.13 Running 6.12 Ready for Run 6.11 On/Off Main con- 6.15 tactor ON Reset Emergency stop 2.01  User Alarm ‚ ‡ ‡…
  • Page 46
    4.3 Digital and analogue Inputs/Outputs Overview of Software Digital inputs DI1…DI8 Tachogenerator input (11 Bits + sign) The drive is controlled via the digital inputs DI1…DI8. The speed feedback with tachogenerator is set with The significance of the inputs are defined by a macro. the parameter Speed Meas mode (5.02) = Tacho.
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    80% of full resolution. A speed measure- ment up to 125% of nominal speed is possible. The accuracy is 0,06% related to nominal speed. Drive controlled by Serial Communication DCS 400 Speed reference Speed reference à $Ãiv‡†vt Fieldbus accuracy $È…
  • Page 48
    4.4 Drive Logic Overview of Software The drive logic controls the switching on and off of the Other behaviour during switching on and off converter and the motor and protects both in excep- Switching off modes other than the default setting can tional situations, in case of fault or emergency stop.
  • Page 49
    (5.15). When the drive starts again (RUN=1) the drive will switch over to nominal field current. Drive is in operation 9…v‰rÃv†Ã…ryrh†rq) 10sec 10sec AvryqÃurh‡vt Fig. 4.4/1: Switch-on sequence of DCS 400 Field current Fan On Zero Speed Programmable Fan Delay (2.13) II K 4-25…
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    Switch off fan 9…v‰rÃv†ÃPAA) AhÃP 2. Possible circuitry Since the requisite edges can Fig. 4.4/2: Switch-off sequence of DCS 400 be generated by means of a Reset Rdy On signal when the elec- Eme Stop tronics supply is switched on…
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    • the drive thus remains simple and safe. thresholds. This is not the case with the DCS 400, whose power section can be operated on a mains On the basis of the computed minimum permissible supply voltage of 230V…500V without any further…
  • Page 52
    Overview of Software 5% above this tripping threshold, an alarm signal Monitoring the Mains Voltage: A02-Mains Voltage Low will be generated. The alarm range shifts when the Net Underv Trip (1.10) e.g. Mains Supply Voltage = 400 V parameter is altered. Application = 4-Q Armature Voltage Nominal = 420 V…
  • Page 53
    Overview of Software Monitoring the Mains Voltage: Auto Reclosing In parameter Net Fail Time (1.11) the maximum e.g. Mains Supply Voltage = 400 V tolerated mains voltage failure time is set. In case of Application = 4-Q mains undervoltage the drive is blocked and alarm Armature Voltage Nominal = 420 V A02 is displayed during this time.
  • Page 54
    [217 A Correlation of Armature Voltage and EMF 440 V 390 V The DCS 400 drive calculates the true EMF and does not take the Armature Voltage instead. EMF is calculated by Ua actual Under full load condition, at full speed:…
  • Page 55
    Overview of Software Without speed-dependent current limiting 4.5.4 Overtemperature Protection The field weakening mode is selected or not selected as a function of the parameter values Base Speed Converter: (1.05) and Max Speed (1.06): DCS400 is equipped with an overtemperature protec- tion on the heat sinks of the thyristors.
  • Page 56
    Overview of Software 4.5.5 Armature current controller Second current limitation The motor’s maximum armature current is limited by The Arm Cur Nom (1.01), Arm Cur Max (3.04), the Arm Cur Max (3.04) parameter. This absolute Torque Lim Pos (3.07) and Torque Lim Neg (3.08) limitation is always active.
  • Page 57
    Overview of Software Armature current controller operating modes The speed of a DC motor is altered with the armature voltage. The range up to the point where the rated armature voltage is reached is referred to as the armature operating range. To enable the motor’s speed to be increased above these rated armature voltage, the field’s magnetic flux has to be reduced.
  • Page 58
    Overview of Software 1 = Speed Contr / 2 = Torque Contr 4 = Speed + Torque Depending on the application involved, however, a Depend on application in speed control mode a pre- constant torque is also required in the field weakening control of torque is required to have the drive more range (Torque-Controlled Mode (3.14) = Torque dynamic.
  • Page 59
    Overview of Software 6 = Lim Trq Ctr (Window Control Mode) t function The idea of Window Control Mode is to deactivate the The DCS400 is equiped with an I t-protection for the speed control as long as the speed deviation remains motor, which can be enabled if required.
  • Page 60
    Overview of Software The overload phase is set using parameters Arm Cur 4.5.8 Alternative Parameters for the Speed Max (3.04) and Overload Time (3.05). The recovery Controller phase is set using parameter Recovery Time (3.06). In order not to overload the Motor, the I t-plane of the A second parameter set is available for the speed two phases have to be identical:…
  • Page 61
    Overview of Software 4.5.9 Service Procedures, Contr Service (7.02) After successful autotuning the following controller parameters are set: Armature current controller Field Cur KP (4.03) (Motor does not turn) Field current controller proportional gain Field Cur TI (4.04) Autotuning Field current controller integral time constant •…
  • Page 62
    Overview of Software Speed controller After successful autotuning the following controller parameters are set: Attention: Motor will accelerate twice to 80% of Field Cur 40% (4.07) Base Speed now Field current for 40% flux Field Cur 70% (4.08) Autotuning Field current for 70% flux •…
  • Page 63
    Overview of Software This internal scaling does not apply to the transmis- 4.5.10 Internal Scaling sion of parameters via PLC. In this kind of transmis- You can display all parameters of the DCS400 in their sion, decimal values are simply transmitted in binary physical quantities by means of operating panel or the form i.e.
  • Page 64
    Overview of Software 4.5.11 Signal definitions Signal «Overtemp Mot» / «Overtemp DCS» Signal «At Set Point» in case of Alarm Speed reference reached. Speed actual value Speed Act (5.05) correspondes PTC (DCS / Motor-AI2) to speed reference value before ramp generator Digital Output DOx Ramp In Act (5.33).
  • Page 65
    Overview of Software 4.5.12 User events Adaptation of digital inputs for user events First four digital inputs DI1…DI4 are re-configurable in parameter group 9-Macro Adaptation for macro 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This functionality is not available for macro 2, 3 and 4. For some user specific application it’s helpful do assign these inputs to user events External Fault or External Alarm.
  • Page 66
    4.6 Software Structure Overview of Software DO1 Assign 9…v‰rÃG‚tvpÃhqÃT‡h‡ˆ†ÃQ…‚pr††vt 6.11 Eme Stop constant 0 Reset constant 1 DO2 Assign Macro depend 6.12 Rdy for On Start Rdy for Run DI Act Macro Select Stop Running DO3 Assign 6.28 2.01 6.13 Eme Stop act Fault Macro dep.
  • Page 67
    Overview of Software P‰r…‰vrÃ‚sÃhy‡r…h‡v‰rÃ9…v‰rÃ8‚‡…‚yyvt††vivyv‡vr† Srsr…rpr†Ã8‚‡…‚y 6p‡ˆhyÉhyˆr†ÃT‡h‡ˆ† ‚rÂsÇur†r v†Ãƒ‚††viyrÄ Fieldbus Fieldbus Adapter Module 7ˆ†Ã†’†‡r€ Adapter Module 7ˆ†Ã†’†‡r€ SHF DG D(N) D(P) SHF DG D(N) D(P) D‡r…hyÃ…‚pr††vt R XD R XD Nx xx -01 Fieldbus DS1.1 DS2.1 Nxxx-01 TX D Fieldbus TX D x xx xx x xx x xx xx x xx ADA PTER…
  • Page 68
    4.7 Parameter list Overview of Software Parameter overview 1 — Motor Settings 2 — Operation Mode 3 — Armature 4 — Field 1.01 Arm Cur Nom * 2.01 Macro Select * 3.01 Arm Cur Ref 4.01 Field Cur Ref 1.02 Arm Volt Nom * 2.02 Cmd Location 3.02 Arm Cur Act 4.02 Field Cur Act…
  • Page 69
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom setting Grp 1 Motor Settings 1.01 Arm Cur Nom 1000 Wizard Nominal motor current in amperes (indicated on the motor’s rating plate). 1.02 Arm Volt Nom Wizard Nominal motor voltage in volts (indicated on the motor’s rating plate).
  • Page 70
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom setting Grp 1 Motor Settings (continued) 1.11 Net Fail Time 10.0 During this time the supply voltage must return to a value higher than Net Underv Trip (1.10). Otherwise an undervoltage trip will be generated.
  • Page 71
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode 2.01 Macro Select Text Wizard Selection of desired macro: 0 = Standard 1 = Man/Const Sp 2 = Hand/Auto 3 = Hand/MotPot 4 = Jogging 5 = Motor Pot 6 = ext FieldRev 7 = Torque Cntrl…
  • Page 72
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) 2.04 Eme Stop Mode Text Wizard Selection of the desired operating response to an Eme Stop command (controller blocking) 0 = Ramp Motor decelerates in acc. to Eme Stop Ramp (5.11). If Zero Speed Lev (5.15) is reached Main Contactor is switched off.
  • Page 73
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) 2.05 Main Ctrl Word Signal The Main Ctrl Word maps the control bits of the drive. This parameter indicates the control bits of the terminal block or of the bus communication.
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    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) Long Parameter Menu 2.07 Comm Fault Mode Text Selection of the desired operating response to a communication failure: 0 = Ramp Motor is decelerated in accord. to a ramp (5.10) 1 = Torque Lim Motor is decelerated in accord.
  • Page 75
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 3 Armature 3.01 Arm Cur Ref Signal Armature current reference value in amperes. 3.02 Arm Cur Act Signal Measured armature current actual value in amperes. 3.03 Arm Volt Act Signal Measured armature voltage actual value in volts.
  • Page 76
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 3 Armature (continued) 3.10 Arm Cur Reg TI 1000.0 50.0 auto- Integration time constant of the armature current tuning controller (PI controller) in milliseconds. 3.11 Cont Cur Lim auto- Armature current value at the limit between tuning…
  • Page 77
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 3 Armature (continued) Text 3.15 Torque Ref Sel Selection of the desired torque reference location: 0 = Macro depend / dependent on the select. macro 1 = AI1 / analog input 1 (X2:1-2) 2 = AI2 / analog input 2 (X2:3-4) 3 = Bus Main Ref / main fieldbus reference value 4 = Bus Aux Ref / auxiliary fieldbus reference value…
  • Page 78
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 4 Field 4.01 Field Cur Ref Signal Field current reference value in amperes. 4.02 Field Cur Act Signal Measured field current actual value in amperes. 4.03 Field Cur KP 0.000 13.499 0.300…
  • Page 79
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller 5.01 Speed Ref Sel Text Selection of the desired speed reference location: 0 = Macro depend / dependent on the selected macro 1 = AI1 / analog input 1 (X2:1-2) 2 = AI2 / analog input 2 (X2:3-4) 3 = Bus Main Ref / main fieldbus reference value 4 = Bus Aux Ref / auxiliary fieldbus reference value…
  • Page 80
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) Long Parameter Menu 5.12 Ramp Shape 0.00 10.00 0.00 0 = linear >0 = ramp shape time Setting the ramp shape: This parameter adds a filter to the output of the ramp generator to create a ramp shape.
  • Page 81
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 5.15 Zero Speed Lev Wizard Zero speed signal. Speed level below which the signal is issued that the motor has reached zero speed. Is used for stall protection, as a standstill message to the drive logic and for the generation of the Zero Speed signal.
  • Page 82
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 0.000 19.000 0.200 integer 5.22 Alt Speed KP Proportional gain of the speed controller (PI controller) for the alternative parameter set. 5.23 Alt Speed TI 6553.5 5000.0 Integration time constant of the speed controller…
  • Page 83
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 5.30 Act Filt 2 Time 0.00 10.00 0.00 Filter time constant 2 for smoothing speed deviation at the input of the speed regulator. 5.31 Speed Lim Fwd 6500…
  • Page 84
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 6 Input / Output 6.01 AI1 Scale 100% 2.50 11.00 10.00 Scaling of analog input 1: input of a voltage value in volts, which correspond to 100% reference. 6.02 AI1 Scale 0% -1.00…
  • Page 85
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.11 DO1 Assign Text Wizard Desired assignment of digital output 1: 0 = none 0 constant (for test purposes) 1 = Constant 1 1 constant (for test purposes) 2 = Macro depend the output is defined by macro, see macro…
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    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) Text 6.12 DO2 Assign Wizard esired assignment of digital output 2: Assignment identical with DO1 (6.11). 6.13 DO3 Assign Text Wizard Desired assignment of digital output 3: Assignment identical with DO1 (6.11).
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    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.20 Dataset 2.2 Asn Text Selection of the desired assignment for fieldbus dataset 2.2: 0 = Speed Act / speed actual value (5.05) 1 = Speed Ref / speed reference value (5.04) 2 = Arm Volt Act / armature voltage act.
  • Page 88
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.22 MSW Bit 11 Asn Text Function assignement for bit 11 in the main fieldbus status word (2.06): 0 = none 0 constant (for test purposes) 1 = Constant 1 1 constant (for test purposes) 2 = Macro depend…
  • Page 89
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 6 Input / Output (continued) 6.23 MSW Bit 12 Asn Text Function assignment for bit 12 in the main fieldbus status word (2.06): Assignment identical with MSW Bit 11 Asn (6.22) 6.24 MSW Bit 13 Asn Text…
  • Page 90
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 7 Maintenance 7.01 Language Text Wizard Selection of the panel language: 0 = English 1 = Deutsch 2 = Français 3 = Italiano 4 = Español 7.02 Contr Service Text Action…
  • Page 91
    = ShortcV13/26 = ShortcV14/21 = Ground Fault = NoThrConduc 7.04 SW Version integer Const. Display of the DCS 400 software version used. 7.05 Conv Type Text Const. Display of the converter type: 0 = DCS401 (2Q) 1 = DCS402 (4Q)
  • Page 92
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 7 Maintenance (continued) 7.06 Conv Nom Cur Const. Display of the converter’s nominal current in amperes. 7.07 Conv Nom Volt Const. Display of the converter’s nominal voltage in volts. 7.08 Volatile Alarm Text…
  • Page 93
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 7 Maintenance (continued) 7.12 Alarm Word 1 Signal Alarm word 1. Significance of the individual bits: All the pending alarms are displayed if the corresponding bits are set to log. «1». Alarm definition 00 0001…
  • Page 94
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 7 Maintenance (continued) 7.15 Commis Ref 1 -32768 32767 integer Commissioning reference value 1 Scaling: Field current 0…100%= 0…4096 Torque 0…100%= 0…4096 Armature current 0…100%= 0…4096 Speed 0…max = 0…max rpm 7.16 Commis Ref 2…
  • Page 95
    Overview of Software For detailed description see «Fieldbus Description» ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 8 Fieldbus Long Parameter Menu 8.01 Fieldbus Par 1 Text 0 = Disable no communication with PLC 1 = Fieldbus PLC communication via fieldbus adapter 2 = RS232-Port PLC communication via RS232 Port / Modbus protocol…
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    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation Long Parameter Menu 9.01 MacParGrpAction Text Before a new function can be assigned to a digital input or control bit, the actual function has to be disabled. This can be done in two ways.
  • Page 97
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.05 User Fault Text Fault function will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter: 0=Macro depend 1=Disable 2=DI1 3=DI2 4=DI3 5=DI4…
  • Page 98
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.10 MotPot Incr Text MotorPot Increase speed function will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 only effective if MotPot Decr (9.11) is not set to 1 = Disable State of binary signal:…
  • Page 99
    Overview of Software custom. ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.14 AlternativParam Text Alternative parameter set will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 State of binary signal: 0= Standard parameter set for speed controller effective 5.07 Speed Reg KP…
  • Page 100
    Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Default Unit custom. setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.19 Disable Bridge1 Text Bridge 1 will be controlled from binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 State of binary signal: 0= Enable Bridge 1 1= Disable Bridge 1.
  • Page 101
    If the consignment is incomplete or contains any incorrect items, please contact the supplier. The technical data and specifications are valid as of going to press. ABB reserves the right to make CAUTION! subsequent alterations. The thyristor power converter weighs quite a lot and should therefore not be held by the front cover.
  • Page 102
    5.1 Safety instructions Installation in conformity with the low-voltage directive 73/23/EEC 1. General 4. Installation In operation, drive converters, depending on their degree of protec- The installation and cooling of the appliances shall be in accordance tion, may have live, uninsulated, and possibly also moving or rotating with the specifications in the pertinent documentation.
  • Page 103
    Common Warnings Installation Warnings • The thyristor power converter possesses a number of automatic Warnings provide information on states which if the specified reset functions. When these functions are executed, the unit will procedure for the state concerned is not meticulously complied with be reset after an error and will then resume operation.
  • Page 104
    (line filters, screened power cables) in the lower power range NOTE! The conformity procedure is matter of responsibility of ABB Automation Products GmbH and of the machine manufactur- ers or the plant builders corresponding to their share of the ex- tension of the electrical equipment.
  • Page 105
    Installation Definitions Earth, earthing for safety Ground, grounding for EMC, connection with chassis or housing with low inductance Important instructions for plants with line fil- ters Filter in an earthed line (TN or TT Network) The filters are suitable for earthed lines only, for example in public European 400 V lines.
  • Page 106
    Installation Classification Medium-voltage line Medium-voltage line Supply transformer of Supply transformer of a Converter an industry region residental region with light transformer (rated power normally industry (rated power with earthed ≤ 1.2 MVA) normally ≤ 1.2 MVA) Earthed star point iron core (and if Earthed…
  • Page 107
    Europe for example with 400 V between the phases. Such lines have an earthed neutral conduc- tor. ABB offers suitable three — phase filters for 400 V and 25 A…600 A and 500 V filters for 440 V lines outside Europe (see Ap- pendix A).
  • Page 108
    Installation Due to the maximum power of public 400 V transformers Õ = 1.2 MVA = 1732 A) and due to their relative short circuit voltage V of 6% or 4% the maximum AC current which is available for a ≤…
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    Installation Separation A separation transformer makes line chokes unnecessary because transformers of its leakage inductance, and a grounded screen between its windings saves an EMC filter, see and 4. The screen and the iron core must be well connected with the mounting plate of the con- verter.
  • Page 110
    Installation Screening Signal cables The cables for digital signals, which are longer than 3 m and all ca- bles for analogue signals, must be screened. Each screen must be connected at both ends by metal clamps (see figure 5.2-4) or comparable means directly on clean metal surfaces, if both earthing points belong to the same earth line.
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    Installation Power cables If a screen is not necessary (see 13) the armature current cable without screens must be a four-wire cable because two wires are needed as con- ductors for the parasitic RF currents from the motor to the RF filter in the cubicle.
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    Installation Others Earthed public The rated voltages of a public European low voltage line are 400 V low voltage between the 3 phases and 230 V between a phase and the neutral lines conductor. These voltages are provided by a transformer with its 3- phase secondary winding in star connection.
  • Page 113
    Installation Industrial low Industrial low voltage lines are local lines in plants or factories. voltage lines They have own supply transformers (see 6). In most cases they are insulated (IT network / no earthed star point) and their voltages are often higher than 400 V. The loads tolerate higher noise levels. Therefore and because industrial lines are decoupled from public lines by their transformers and distances, converters do not need EMC filters at industrial low-voltage lines (see 6).
  • Page 114
    Installation Connection exam- See figure 5.2 — 7. ple in accordance with EMC Armature and See figure 5.2 — 7. field cables with screens for “first environ- ment” Armature and See figure 5.2 — 7. field cables without screens for “second en- vironment”…
  • Page 115
    Installation Mounting plate Filter Field supply unit Mounting plate with PE DC motor bar and terminals Armature and field cables with A1 A2 screens for «first environment» 6FUHHQV 7DFKR Contact to the motor PE bar housing at the whole screen perimeter The armature current cable must contain a third wire for a PE c Cv‡)Ã…
  • Page 116
    Installation Important hint The example shows the principle structure of a DC drive and its connections. It is not a binding recommendation, and it cannot re- spect all conditions of a plant. Therefore each drive must be con- sidered separately and with respect to the special application. Addi- tionally the general installation and safety rules must be taken into account.
  • Page 117
    Connection examples Installation Installation 5.3.1 Connection example for digital and analogue coupling of a PLC 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 2.01 Remark The drive is controlled via digital inputs/outputs. Speed 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 reference is given via analogue input AI1.
  • Page 118
    Installation Installation 5.3.2 Connection example for serial communication of a PLC 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark The drive is controlled serial via MainControlWord 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 and MainStatusWord.
  • Page 119
    Installation Installation 5.3.3 Connection example for Emergeny Off (valid for all macros) General situation 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark In cases of Emergency Off it is necessary to have an 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 OFF-delay relais (K22) in the Emergency Off circuit 6.05 / 6.06 / 6.07…
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    Installation Installation 5.3.4 Connection example with DC breaker and controlled deceleration 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark In cases of Emergency Off it is necessary to have an 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 OFF-delay relais (K22) in the Emergency Off circuit 6.05 / 6.06 / 6.07…
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    Installation Installation 5.3.5 Connection example with DC breaker and drive coasting 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 Remark Switch Main Contactor (K1) On and Off is controlled 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10 by digital output DO5.
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    Installation 5.3.6 Connection example for Motor fan and Converter fan (useful for all macros) General situation 0 a 1.03 / 1.04 1.05 / 1.06 1.01 / 1.02 5.03 5.02 6.14 6.13 6.12 Fan On Fan Delay 2.13 6.11 6.15 Emergency Stop 2.01 6.08 / 6.09 / 6.10…
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    • basic knowledge of physics and electrical engi- Panel link neering, electrical wiring principles, components The DCS 400 PAN is connected to the drive via a and symbols used in electrical engineering, and serial interface and is removable under power.
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    6.1 Panel Operating Instructions Panel mode: Menu selection 2XWSXW GLVSOD 0HQX VHOHFWLRQ 0(18 440V 368A 1500rpm 1 Motor Settings 1500rpm 0(18 OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> 2 Operation Mode 3 Armature 4 Field 5 Speed Controller…
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    Operating Instructions Panel mode: Parameter programming Pˆ‡ƒˆ‡Ãqv†ƒyh’ HrˆÃ†ryrp‡v‚ Qh…h€r‡r…Æryrp‡v‚ Qh…h€r‡r…Ãpuhtvt 0(18 (17(5 (17(5 440V 368A 1500rpm 1 Motor Settings 1.01 Arm Cur Nom 1.01 Arm Cur Nom 200A 200A 1500rpm 0(18 0(18 0(18 OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN>…
  • Page 126
    Operating Instructions Set Typecode Read Faultlogger Only visible in Long Par List. Disabled if the drive is in ON-state. Non-volatile memory — 16 Set Typecode Read Faultlogger entries. Use only for replacement of SDCS-CON-3A. OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN>…
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    Operating Instructions Factory Setting Panel Lock Disabled if the drive is in ON-state. Before any change in the Panel Lock mode can Enter PIN Code become effective, the PIN number (“400“) first has to Factory Setting Resets all parameters to be entered.
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    Panel mode: Drive control Operating Instructions 440V 368A 1500rpm Actual value display 1500rpm Reference display OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> Status display 440V 368A 1500rpm (17(5 0(18 Activate reference 1500rpm OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> /2&…
  • Page 129
    Guided Commissioning Operating Instructions The DCS 400 converters of ABB offer the possibility This section describes the guided commissioning to have a guided commissioning by means of interac- with the panel. The necessary dialogue, also Panel tive dialogue through the parameter programming.
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    Operating Instructions Parameter entries The entries required during the guided commission- ing procedure are divided into selection parameters and value parameters. Selection parameters are selected from a prede- fined text list and confirmed. The control panel display only shows one line of this text list at a time.
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    Operating Instructions Start of guided commissioning Commissioning step Comments Unexpected trouble during guided commissioning can be eliminated easily. Find in the following chapters the reason and carry out the measures described there. For faults, alarms and diagnosis messages, see chapter 6.4 Troubleshooting . For other reasons, see chapter 6.3 Useful hints for commssioning .
  • Page 132
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Fieldweakening? Field weakening Yes/No OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> 1.06 Max Speed Maximum speed for field- 1.06 Max Speed is set to the value of weakening operation 100rpm 1.05 Base Speed see motor name plate OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM…
  • Page 133
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Field Autotuning? Field current controller opti- mization OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> CAUTION CAUTION Field voltage of the motor will be Observe safety energized. instructions Start Drive Press key on panel to apply Press (I) field voltage to the motor.
  • Page 134
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Armature Autotuning? Armature current controller optimization OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> CAUTION CAUTION Motor will be energized. Observe safety instructions Press key on panel to apply Start Drive Press (I) field voltage armature voltage to the motor.
  • Page 135
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Do not use this path, if speed Speed Meas Adjust? controller adjustment is already done! OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> Speed measurement mode 5.02 Speed Meas Mode Select and confirm. Depending on the selection made, EMF or Tacho or Encoder commission- Analogue Tacho OUTPUT…
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    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Speed Autotuning? Speed controller optimization Select and confirm. OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> CAUTION CAUTION Observe safety Motor will accelerate twice up to instructions 80% of Base Speed! Press key on panel to switch Start Drive Press (I) on and enable the drive.
  • Page 137
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Flux Adaptation? Flux optimization only available in Field weaken- OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> ing Mode. CAUTION CAUTION Observe safety Motor will accelerate up to 50% instructions of Base Speed! Press key on panel to switch Start Drive Press (I) on and enable the drive.
  • Page 138
    Operating Instructions Commissioning step Comments Stall Protection? Stall protection OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> 3.17 Stall Torque Stall torque 100% OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN> 3.18 Stall Time 0.0s Stall time OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM <RUN>…
  • Page 139
    Arm Autotun Switch the drive ON and increase speed reference slowly up to the value of Base Speed (1.05) by using a reference potentiometer or by using the DCS 400 operating panel in LOCal mode. Read parameter Speed Ref (5.04); same as Base Speed! Tacho Speed Act (5.06);…
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    Operating Instructions with EMF feedback Set parameters Arm Cur Nom (1.01): see motor name plate Arm Volt Nom (1.02): see motor name plate Field Cur Nom (1.03): see motor name plate Field Volt Nom (1.04): see motor name plate Base Speed (1.05): see motor name plate Max Speed (1.06): same as Base Speed…
  • Page 141
    Operating Instructions with Encoder feedback Set parameters Arm Cur Nom (1.01): see motor name plate Arm Volt Nom (1.02): see motor name plate Field Cur Nom (1.03): see motor name plate Field Volt Nom (1.04): see motor name plate Base Speed (1.05): see motor name plate Armature control range Field weakening range…
  • Page 142
    Useful hints for commissioning Operating Instructions F12 — Field Undercurrent Field Autotuning failed F09 — Mains Undervoltage Check parameter Diagnosis (7.03) and read chapter 6.4.7 Diagnostic Messages A02 — Mains Voltage Low Drive doesn’t start Armature Autotuning failed DCS400 is suitable for main supply of 230…500V Check parameter Diagnosis (7.03) and read chapter without any parameter settings.
  • Page 143
    Operating Instructions Hints for speed controller autotuning Drive accelerates to overspeed Only successfully commissioned selftuning will change With default parameter values (defaults: KP=0.200 / parameters of the speed controller Speed Reg KP TI=5000.0 ms) and slow ramps it may happen, that (5.07) and Speed Reg TI (5.08), other-wise parame- the drive accelerates to overspeed limit bypassing ters remain unchanged.
  • Page 144
    Eliminate speed offset via Tacho Offset (5.34) fieldweakening • switch drive OFF If a DCS 400 is intended to be used in regenrative • read Speed Actual from panel mode including field-weakening we recommend the • set Tacho Offset (5.34) to this value incl. polarity following sequence to switch the drive on: •…
  • Page 145
    A compromise is provided by two series- Then DCS 400 is using automatic field weakening connected fuses, as used in the power supply. to achieve full speed but will lose torque in field weakening range.
  • Page 146
    Reserved for External FPROM checksum error In addition to the seven segment display, the LCD of the control panel DCS 400 PAN will be able to show COMM LOSS Internal error in even address of the fault and alarm signals as well as the diagnostic messages as clear text.
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    After Reset, switch ON and RUN off and on again. DCS 400 Initialisation phase initialisation phase After the electronics supply has been switched on, both LEDs light up briefly during the initialisation phase of the DCS 400. Flashes Flashes DCS 400 Hardware problem with the power supply…
  • Page 148
    SDCS-CON-3A as codes F . . as well as on the LCD Fault no. of the control panel DCS 400 PAN as plain text. Auxiliary Voltage Fault All fault signals — with the exception of F1 to F6 — can be reset by Aux Voltage Fault 7.09…
  • Page 149
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source Fault message Fault message Fault no. Fault no. Converter Over Temperature Mains Synchronization Fault Converter Overtemp 7.09 F 11 Mains Sync Fault 7.09 Temperature of the converter too The synchronization to the mains bit 6 bit 10 high.
  • Page 150
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source Fault message Fault message Fault no. Fault no. Field Overcurrent Tacho Polarity Fault F 13 Field Overcurrent 7.09 F 17 Tacho Polarity Fault 7.10 Field current has reached a limit Polarity of feed back signal from bit 12 bit 0…
  • Page 151
    Operating Instructions Definition / Possible source Fault message Fault no. Local Control Lost F 21 Local Control Lost 7.10 During operation in Local control bit 4 mode no message has been received for a time longer than the value that has been set in Parameter Comm Fault Time (2.08).
  • Page 152
    Possible source Alarm message control board SDCS-CON-3 as codes A . . as well as on the LCD of Alarm no. the control panel DCS 400 PAN as clear text. Alarm signals will only Parameters Added Alarm Parameters Added 7.12 be displayed, if there is no fault signal active.
  • Page 153
    Wizard. Then Mains Drop Out Alarm Main Voltage Drop Out 7.12 read out parameter Diag- DCS 400 is equipped with an bit 7 nosis (7.03) manually and „Auto Reclosing“ that allows for also the Fault Logger for a continous operation after more information.
  • Page 154
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source Alarm message Alarm message Alarm no. Alarm no. A 14 Up/Download Failed Alarm Upload Download Fai- 7.12 A 18 Parameter Restored Parameter Restored 7.13 bit 13 To enable data loss in the bit 1 The checksum verification failed FlashProm to be detected, the…
  • Page 155
    None Actually no problems Internal software causes. Reference list of Diagnostic messages Please contact your ABB local — sorted by alphabetical order service center. Tune Aborted Procedure aborted by FAULT or switching off the RUN command.
  • Page 156
    Field R Meas Not enough measurement for the de- Upload or Download start timeout. tection of field resistance. The value of Please contact your ABB local “Field R” is used for calculation the service center. Parameter 4.04 (Field Cur TI).
  • Page 157
    Operating Instructions Definition / Definition / Possible source Possible source 7.03 Diagnosis 7.03 Diagnosis Diagn. message Diagn. message AI2 vs PTC AI2 is set as PTC evaluation and Ref- 3bbbb 3bbbb 3bbbb faulty thyristor diagnosis erence value source. (b=bridge) If PTC is allocated to AI2 this input will 3bbbb 1…6 = thyr.
  • Page 158
    Operating Instructions II K 6-36…
  • Page 159
    Drive configuration with serial communication The drive can be operated (ON / RUN / Reset / Emergency Stop) The DCS 400 is equipped with the following serial interfaces: according to parameter Cmd Location (2.02) via terminal X4: or • Panel-Port (standard, built-in) one out of three serial interfaces (Panel-Bus or RS232-Bus or •…
  • Page 160
    Serial Interfaces T‡h‡rÂs 6p‡ˆhy 6p‡ˆhy 9…v‰r ‰hyˆr ‰hyˆr DataSet 2.1 DataSet 2.2 DataSet 2.3 HhvÃT‡h‡ÃX‚…q 6p‡ˆhyÃWhyˆrà 6p‡ˆhyÃWhyˆrÃ! SHF DG D(N) D(P) R XD Nxxx-01 TX D x xx xx x xx ADA PTER XM I T BU S TE R M I N A TI O N R EC ER R O R +2 4 V…
  • Page 161
    Serial Interfaces DataSet 3.1 DataSet 3.2 DataSet 3.3 DataSet 4.1 DataSet 4.2 DataSet 4.3 9vtv‡hyÃSrs 6hy‚tÃSrs 6hy‚tÃSrs AyqÃ8ˆ…Ã6p‡ Q‚r…Ã6 p‡ U‚…„ˆrÃ6 p‡ SHF DG D(N) D(P) R XD Nx xx -01 TX D x xx xx x xx ADA PTER XM I T BU S TE R M I N A TI O N…
  • Page 162
    Serial Interfaces Communcation Parameters Necessary parameter-settings for fieldbus communication Parameter Parameter name possible settings recommended The following communication paramters are relevant 2.02 Cmd Location 0=Macro depend in case of external drives control. 1=Terminals 2=Bus 2=Bus Cmd Location (2.02) 3=Key Purpose: Determines whether Drive is externally con- 2.07 Comm Fault Mode 0=Ramp…
  • Page 163
    Irrespective of the bus protocol, these ports main control word (2.05) and main status word communicate with the DCS400 software via specified (2.06) of the DCS 400 converter. The allocation is as data sets. Four data sets are available with three 16- follows: bit words each.
  • Page 164
    Serial Interfaces Status word allocation Panel-Port 4 bits of the status word (data set 2.1) can be param- The Panel Port is normally used for connection of the eterized. The signals are selected in the parameters control panel. The default settings of this interface are MSW bit 11 Ass (6.22), MSW bit 12 Ass (6.23), MSW as follows: bit 13 Ass (6.24) and MSW bit 14 Ass (6.25).
  • Page 165
    Serial Interfaces RS232-Port The RS232 interface is normally used for setting parameter in the drive via the PC Tool Drive Window Light. The default settings of this interface are as follows: Signal level: RS232 (+12V / -12V) Description Data format: UART not connected Message format:…
  • Page 166
    Several fieldbus protocol specific adapters are avail- Fieldbus cable able as options for the DCS 400. The following de- scription is an overview. Detailed information is avail- able from the specific adapter descriptions. DG D( N ) D( P )
  • Page 167
    Data Set Offset 0…255 0 = no Offset 8.07 Cut Off Timeout 0…255 (20ms grid) between NPBA-02 and 30 = 600ms Master 8.08 Comm Profile 0 = ABB DRIVES 0 = ABB DRIVES 1 = CSA 2.8/3.0 II K 7-9…
  • Page 168
    Serial Interfaces Modbus (including parameter transfer) Parameter Meaning Alternative settings Typical settings 8.01 Module Type 0 = Disable 1 = Fieldbus Fieldbus 2 = RS232-Port 3 = Panel-Port 4 = Res Feldbus 8.02 Modbus Mode 0 = RTU wdg:flt 0 = RTU wdg:flt 1 = RTU wdg:rst 8.03 Station Number…
  • Page 169
    0 = Disable 1 = Fieldbus Fieldbus 2 = RS232-Port 3 = Panel-Port 4 = Res Feldbus 8.02 Protocol 1 = ABB CS31 8.03 Modul ID 0 = Word 0 = Word 1 = Binary 8.04 Station Number 0… 5 (Word Mode) 0…57 (Binary Mode)
  • Page 170
    Parameter settings for the most commonly used fieldbus adapters For detailed information please refer to the related fieldbus adapter description. In the case you need a fieldbus other than shown, please contact your local ABB sales office. ABB is continuously developing on new solutions. II K 7-12…
  • Page 171
    Serial Interfaces DCS 400 Fieldbus parameter PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 1 — Motor Settings 40101 3065 Arm Cur Nom 40102 3066 Arm Volt Nom 40103 3067 Field Cur Nom 40104 3068 Field Volt Nom…
  • Page 172
    Serial Interfaces PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 4 — Field 40401 3191 Field Cur Ref 40402 3192 Field Cur Act 40403 3193 Field Cur KP 40404 3194 Field Cur TI 40405 3195 Fld Ov Cur Trip 40406 3196 Field Low Trip…
  • Page 173
    Serial Interfaces PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 6 — Input/Output 40601 3259 AI1 Scale 100% 40602 325A AI1 Scale 0% 40603 325B AI2 Scale 100% 40604 325C AI2 Scale 0% 40605 325D AO1 Assign 40606 325E AO1 Mode…
  • Page 174
    Serial Interfaces PROFIBUS Modbus, CAN-BUS DCS400 DCS-400 Par.Name Remark Par. No Modbus+ Par.No. 8 — Fieldbus 40801 3321 Fieldbus Par 1 40802 3322 Fieldbus Par 2 40803 3323 Fieldbus Par 3 40804 3324 Fieldbus Par 4 40805 3325 Fieldbus Par 5 40806 3326 Fieldbus Par 6…
  • Page 175
    Appendix A Appendix Appendix A — Accessories Line chokes L1 DCS type Type of Fig. 500V reactor 2-quadrant converter DCS401.0020 ND01 DCS401.0045 ND02 DCS401.0065 ND04 DCS401.0090 ND05 DCS401.0125 ND06 DCS401.0180 ND07 DCS401.0230 ND07 DCS401.0315 ND09 DCS401.0405 ND10 DCS401.0500 ND10 DCS401.0610 ND12 DCS401.0740 ND12…
  • Page 176
    Appendix A Line chokes type ND Type Choke Weight Power loss peak [mH] [kg] ND 01 ND 02 ND 04 ND 05 ND 06 ND 07 12.6 ND 09 37.5 16.0 ND 10 25.0 22.2 ND 12 18.8 36.0 ND 13 18.2 1047 46.8…
  • Page 177
    Appendix A Line chokes type ND 07…ND 12 H ±2 C ±1 ±0.3 3 AST 4 7 8 2 2 3 D5 3AFE 10014603 0 . 0 1 8 8 mH 4 9 0 A I ma x 7 3 4 A Max D F ±0.3 B ±1…
  • Page 178
    Appendix A Fuses and fuse holders for armature- circuit supply The semiconductor fuses used are blade fuses. The relevant data are listed in the table below. The fuses’ construction requires special fuse holders. Fuse hold- er of the OFAX and OFAS type series are available for this purpose.
  • Page 179
    Appendix A L1 L2 L3 Manufacturer/ Type Loss [W] Resistance [mW] Fuse F1 Size Fuse holder Caliper [mm] Bussman 170M 1564 50A 660V UR OFAX 00 S3L 78.5 Bussman 170M 1566 80A 660V UR OFAX 00 S3L 78.5 Bussman 170M 1568 125A 660V UR OFAX 00 S3L 78.5…
  • Page 180
    Grids of this kind DCS401.0020 NF3-500-25 250x150x65 have an earthed neutral conductor. For DCS401.0045 NF3-500-50 250x150x65 these cases, ABB offers its three-phase DCS401.0065 NF3-500-64 250x150x65 DCS401.0090 NF3-500-80 450x170x90 mains filters for 500 V and 25 A … 1000 A.
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    Appendix B — Declaration of conformity II K B-1…
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    Appendix C — Quick Installation & Commissioning guide II K C-1…
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    Appendix C II K C-2…
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    Appendix D — Examples for basic parameter programming The experience has shown that certain parameters must be adapted in most applications. These parameters show the following tables. Table 1: Operation for armature control mode Table 2: Operation for field control mode Table 3: Operation for field control mode with speed-dependent current limitation Table 4:…
  • Page 185
    Appendix D Operation for field control mode Armature control range Field control range norm Base Speed Max Speed Table 2 Parameter Parameter Significance Contents Entry number name Arm Cur Nom Nominal armature current Arm Volt Nom Nominal armature voltage Field Cur Nom Nominal field current Field Volt Nom Nominal field voltage…
  • Page 186
    Appendix D Operation for field control mode with speed-dependent current limiting Armature Field control range norm control range Speed-dependent current limiting Base Speed Cur Lim Speed Max Speed Table 3 Parameter Parameter Significance Contents Entry number name Arm Cur Nom Nominal armature current Arm Volt Nom Nominal armature voltage…
  • Page 187
    Appendix D Common parameters for the three operating modes Table 4 Parameter Parameter Significance Contents Entry number name Arm Cur Max Maximum current limit Overload Time Overload time Recovery Time Recovery time Torque Lim Pos Positive torque limit Torque Lim Neg Negative torque limit Stall Torque Stall torque…
  • Page 188
    Index Symbole 7-Segment display 2-5, 3-7, 6-24, 6-26, 6-30 Factory Setting 6-5 Fan data 3-6 Fault Signals (F) 6-26 Alarm Signals (A) 6-30 Faultlogger 6-4 Alternative parameters for speed controller Field current controller 3-10, 4-37, 4-54 4-2, 4-36 Field Exciter Board SDCS-FIS-3A 3-10 Analogue Tacho feedback 6-17 Field heating 4-25 Application Macros 4-2…
  • Page 189
    Index Operating Instructions 6-1 Overload 2-4 Overtemperature Protection 4-31 Overview of software 4-1 Paint finish 2-2 Panel DCS400PAN 1-4, 2-5, 6-1, 6-7, 6-24, 6-25, 7-6 Panel LEDs 6-25 Panel Lock 6-5 Panel mode 6-2 Drive control 6-6 Function selection 6-3 Menu selection 6-2 Parameter programming 6-3 Panel-Port 7-6…
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    ABB Automation Products GmbH Postfach 1180 D-68619 Lampertheim Telefon +49(0) 62 06 5 03-0 Telefax +49(0) 62 06 5 03-6 09…

DCS400- компактный цифровой привод постоянного тока, предназначенный для  использования в самых различных применениях с двигателями постоянного тока мощностью до 522 кВт.

Данная модель имеет два исполнения – для 2-х и 4-х квадрантного управления двигателем.

Настройка DCS400 осуществляется посредством цифровой панели управления или с помощью программного обеспечения, данная модель привода постоянного тока отличается простотой настройки и ввода в эксплуатацию.

За счет компактных размеров, большого количества программируемых аналоговых и дискретных входоввыходов, поддержке сетевых протоколов Profibus, DeviceNet, CANopen, Modbus, цифровой привод постоянного тока DCS400 достаточно просто интегрируется в любую систему управления.

Основные особенности DCS400:

• Функция управление моментом двигателя

• Простота подключения

• Глубокая система диагностики

• Работа с различными датчиками обратной связи (энкодеры, тахогенераторы)

• Управление током обмотки возбуждения (встроенный контроллер поля до 20А)

• 2-х и 4-х квадрантное исполнение

• Рекуперация энергии в сеть

• Функция автоматического ослабления поля

Номинальный ток, напряжение питания, степень защиты DCS400:

• 3 х 230-500 В

Номинальный ток двигателя 20-1000А

Степень защиты – IP00

IP21(шкафное исполнение)

Охлаждение DCS400:

• Вентиляторы охлаждения

• Радиатор

Входывыходы управления DCS400:

• Количество программируемых дискретных входов – 8

• Количество программируемых дискретных выходов – 4

• Количество программируемых аналоговых входов – 2

• Количество программируемых аналоговых выходов – 2

• Количество программируемых встроенных реле -1

• Порт для подключения энкодера -1

Температура окружающей среды для DCS400:

• Работа +5/+55 °С

• Хранение -40/+55 °С

Доступные опции  для DCS400:

Модули связи:

• Profibus-DP

• DeviceNet

• CANopen

• Modbus

• Сетевые дроссели

• Предохранители

• ЭМС фильтры

На данный момент привод постоянного тока DCS400 заменяется на следующую модель — DCS800.

В зависимости от мощности и количества квадрантов, существуют следующие модели привода постоянного тока DCS400:

2-Q преобразователи

I вых длительный

Р вых.

4-Q преобразователи

I вых длительный

Р вых.

Выходной ток встроенного возбудителя

Типоразмер корпуса
















































































































Добрый день!
Клеммы Х98:1-2 — это нормально открытый релейный выход, на нём не должно быть напряжения. Реле коммутирует внешнее напряжение, приходящее из системы управления.

Андреев Юрий, 07.05.2018

На проводе 98,2 нет напряжения

Владимир 05.05.2018

Добрый день!
Данная информация не предоставляется производителем, т.к. потребление реактивной мощнсти больше зависит от характеристик двигателя и ражима работы, чем от самого преобразователя.
Эмпирическим путём установлено, что cos «фи» может изменяться в диапазоне 0…0,9 для 2-х квадрантных преобразователей и 0…0.85 для 4-х квадрантных.
Оптимальный вариант — провести измерение реальных значений реактивной мощности при разных режимах работы двигателя.

Андреев Юрий, 28.03.2017

Нам необходимо подобрать конденсаторную установку для снижения реактивной нагрузки. У нас установлен привод DCS400 для управления двигателем пост. тока мощностью 220 КВт при напряжении 470 В. Какой будет косинус «фи» данной установки, хотя бы приблизительно?

Глаголев Олег Александрович 27.03.2017



публиковаться не будет

Я согласен на обработку моих персональных данных

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Зарегистрирован: 25 окт 2013, 15:09



komldo » 26 окт 2013, 06:29

Добрый день, помогите пожалуйста!!!! есть привод DC ABB и инвертор DCS401.0065 reva1 при нормальной работе отключился и выдал ошибку A7 и B12 недостаточный ток возбуждения. Как проверить? те какое напряжение подать на управление х14 (1 и 3) ножку

Не в сети

Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 25 окт 2013, 15:09

Re: DCS400


komldo » 27 окт 2013, 11:56

komldo писал(а):Добрый день, помогите пожалуйста!!!! есть привод DC ABB и инвертор DCS401.0065 reva1 при нормальной работе отключился и выдал ошибку A7 и B12 недостаточный ток возбуждения. Как проверить? те какое напряжение подать на управление х14 (1 и 3) ножку



6.4.1 Display of status, alarm and fault si-


The available signals (messages) for thyristor power

converters series DCS 400 are subdivided:

• Converter’s 7-segment LED

(located behind the Panel)

General messages

Starting errors

Fault signals

Alarm signals

• Panel LCD display

• Panel LEDs

A seven segment display on the control board

SDCS-CON-3A of the thyristor power converters se-

ries DCS 400 is used to show general messages,

starting errors, fault and alarm signals. The signals

(messages) are displayed as codes. If the codes

consist of several parts, the characters/individual

digits will be indicated respectively e.g.:

F 14 = Armature Overcurrent




In addition to the seven segment display, the LCD of

the control panel DCS 400 PAN will be able to show

the fault and alarm signals as well as the diagnostic

messages as clear text.

Note: The languages available for display as text

depend on Parameter 7.01.

Diagnosis [7.03]

Fault Word 1 [7.09]

Fault Word 2 [7.10]

Fault Word 3 [7.11]

Alarm Word 1 [7.12]

Alarm Word 2 [7.13]

Alarm Word 3 [7.14]

contain diagnosis messages and several fault and

alarm signals as a binary code. For subsequent

evaluation the information is available via serial inter-

faces using parameter transmission.

Last alarm signal is coded as an individual error code

in the location Volatile Alarm [7.08].

Also a Faultlogger is available where the last 16 faults

and alarms occured are stored. Read the messages

by using panel function ‘Read Faultlogger’ or using

the PC tool ‘Drives Window Light’ to recognize the

fault and alarm history.

II K 6-24

6.4.2 General messages

The general messages will only be shown on the

seven segment display of the control board SDCS-


Panel Text





normal output display Normal situation, no fault / no


Visible for short time during boot up.


Visible during Boot mode of Firmware Download Program.

Unit should be switched off. Please check jumper S4=3-4 and

S5=5-6 and switch on electrically; if fault occurs again, the PCB

SDCS-CON-3A has to be checked and if necessary to be chan-


6.4.3 Starting errors (E)

The starting errors will only be shown on the seven

segment display of the control board SDCS-CON-3A.

With starting errors it will not be possible to start the


Panel Text














(1) Unit should be switched off and on electrically; if fault occurs again

please contact local ABB service center.

Operating Instructions


Program is not running

alarm signal


Internal FPROM checksum error

Reserved for External FPROM

checksum error

Internal error in even address of


Internal error in odd address of


Invalid board

Software hold by watchdog func-









Operating Instructions

Alarm message

Alarm no.

Definition /

Possible source


A 7 Field Volt Limited Alarm Field Voltage at Limit

This alarm is issued if the field

voltage reaches the value that

was set in Parameter Field Volt

Nom (1.04) and therefore the

field current cannot be set to the

required value.

Please check the resistance and

the temperature of the field and

the Parameters Field Cur Nom

(1.03) and Field Volt Nom



bit 6

A 8 Mains Drop Out Alarm Main Voltage Drop Out

DCS 400 is equipped with an

Auto Reclosing that allows for

a continous operation after

short-time mains dropout (pro-

vided that the power supply for

the controller is not interrupted).

If the mains voltage comes back

within the time period that was

set in Parameter Net Fail Time

(1.11). This alarm will automati-

cally be reset if the mains volt-

age comes back within that pe-

riod, otherwise the relevant

faults are issued (F9, F11, F12).


bit 7

A 9 Eme Stop Pending Alarm Emergency Stop

This alarm is issued if the emer-

gency stop bit from Fieldbus

communication is missing or if

the digital input DI5 Emergency

Stop is not set to high“.

Please check the digital input or

the condition of all related emer-

gency stop buttons. Also, if the

control is done via Fieldbus de-

vice, please check the situation

of the Fieldbus control program

or the communication state of

the Fieldbus. If Parameter Cmd

Location (2.02) is set to Field-

bus, a Fieldbus device must be

connected and selected in Pa-

rameter Group 8.


bit 8

Alarm message

Alarm no.

Definition /

Possible source


A 10 Autotuning Failed Alarm Autotuning Failed

If any autotuning fails dur-

ing Commssioning Wiz-

ard press MENU or

ENTER to see the con-

cerning diagnosis mes-

sage. For detailed diagno-

sis information please refer

manual chapter 6.4.7.

Press ENTER to continue.

Note: Any Fault during

Commissioning Wizard will

cancel the Wizard. Then

read out parameter Diag-

nosis (7.03) manually and

also the Fault Logger for

more information. Could be

there is more than one


If autotuning fails started by

Contr Service (7.02) press

MENU or ENTER and se-

lect Diagnosis (7.03) to

see the concerning diagno-

sis message. Refer chapter

6.4.6 also.

For further information see also

chapter 6.3 Useful hints for



bit 9

A 11 Comm Interrupt

see also F20

Alarm Communication Inter-


If the Parameter Cmd Location

(2.02) is notFieldbus, this

alarm is issued instead of F20, if

no message have been recieved

for a period longer than the time

which has been set in Parame-

ter Comm Fault Time (2.08).

Please check the connection of

Fieldbus cable and check the

function of all Fieldbus devices

according to the values in Pa-

rameter Group 8


bit 10

A 12 External Alarm

see also F22

Alarm External Alarm

This alarm can be issued by the

customer via one of the digital

inputs if the selected macro of-

fers this function. There is no

problem with the drive itself!

In case of problems please

check the logical level and the

connection of the circuit that is

connected to the related digital



bit 11

A 13 ill Fieldbus Setting Alarm illegal Fieldbus Setting

The Fieldbus parameters in Pa-

rameter Group 8 are not set

according to the Fieldbus de-

vice. The device has not been


Please check the configuration

of the Fieldbus device and set

all related parameters in Pa-

rameter Group 8 accordingly.


bit 12


(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the ABB DCS 400 Document (Main Content), UPD: 02 April 2023)

  • 49, Overview of Software Neither the ON nor the RUN command is active in this phase. Only upon reaching the minimum speed, can the drive be restarted with the rising edges of the ON and the RUN command. If Eme Stop Mode (2.04) = Coast is set the pulses will be blocked, the main contactor, the fans and the field input will be switched off and thereby the drive will be disconnected from the mains. The drive is coasting without control. Neither the ON nor the RUN command is effective in this phase. O…

  • 119, Installation 5.3.3 Connection example for Emergeny Off (valid for all macros) General situation Fig. 5.3/3: Connection example for Emergeny Off — General situation Installation Remark In cases of Emergency Off it is necessary to have an OFF-delay relais (K22) in the Emergency Off circuit and an auxiliary contact from the Emergency Off button connected to Emergency Stop input of the drive. When the Emergency Off occurs it starts the time delay of K22 and the Emergency Stop mode in the …

  • 151, Operating Instructions Fault message Fault no. Definition / Possible source Param. F 21 Local Control Lost Local Control Lost During operation in Local control mode no message has been received for a time longer than the value that has been set in Parameter Comm Fault Time (2.08). Please check the connection of the Control panel / PC Tool. 7.10 bit 4 F 22 External Fault see also A12 External Fault This fault can be set by the cu- stomer via one of the digital input if the select…

  • 99, ABB DCS 400 Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Min Max Default Unit (1) custom. setting Grp 9 Macro Adaptation (continued) 9.14 AlternativParam Alternative parameter set will be controlled from a binary signal which is assigned in this parameter. Assignment identical with 9.05 State of binary signal: 0= Standard parameter set for speed controller effective 5.07 Speed Reg KP 5.08 Speed Reg TI 5.09 Accel Ramp 5.10 Decel Ramp…

  • 81, Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Min Max Default Unit (1) custom. setting Grp 5 Speed Controller (continued) 5.15 Wizard Zero Speed Lev Zero speed signal. Speed level below which the signal is issued that the motor has reached zero speed. Is used for stall protection, as a standstill message to the drive logic and for the generation of the Zero Speed signal. 0 100 50 rpm 5.16 Wizard Speed L…

  • 21, Technical data 20 0,1 1 10 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 I F U F [A] [V] 220 1.5 0.3 16 Important note: Nominal field voltage and field current of the motor has to be within the field controller operating range. For application with constant field it is easy to check: Transfer values of field current and field voltage to the diagram and check that the point of intersection is within the operating range. F…

  • 175, Appendix Appendix A — Accessories DCS type Type of Fig. 500V reactor 2-quadrant converter DCS401.0020 ND01 1 DCS401.0045 ND02 1 DCS401.0065 ND04 1 DCS401.0090 ND05 1 DCS401.0125 ND06 1 DCS401.0180 ND07 2 DCS401.0230 ND07 2 DCS401.0315 ND09 2 DCS401.0405 ND10 2 DCS401.0500 ND10 2 DCS401.0610 ND12 2 DCS401.0740 ND12 2 DCS401.0900 ND13 3 4-quadrant converter DCS402.0025 ND01 1 DCS402.0050 ND02 1 DCS402.0075 ND04 1 DCS402.0100 ND05 1 DCS402…

  • 95, Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Min Max Default Unit (1) custom. setting Grp 8 Fieldbus Long Parameter Menu 8.01 Fieldbus Par 1 0 = Disable no communication with PLC 1 = Fieldbus PLC communication via fieldbus adapter 2 = RS232-Port PLC communication via RS232 Port / Modbus protocol 3 = Panel-Port PLC communication via Panel Port / Modbus protocol 4 = Res Fieldbus Reset all fieldbu…

  • 78, Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Min Max Default Unit (1) custom. setting Grp 4 Field 4.01 Signal Field Cur Ref Field current reference value in amperes. —A 4.02 Signal Field Cur Act Measured field current actual value in amperes. —A 4.03 auto- tuning Field Cur KP Proportional gain of the field current controller (PI controller). 0.000 13.499 0.300 integer 4.04 auto- tuning Field Cur TI Integration time constant of the field current control…

  • 123, Operating Instructions 1500rpm 440V 368A 1500rpm OUTPUT MENU AUTO OFF HAND REM LOC <RUN> 6 Operating Instructions General This manual is designed to help those responsible for planning, installing, start-up and servicing the thyris- tor power converter. These people should possess: • basic knowledge of physics and electrical engi- neering, electrical wiring principles, components and symbols used in electrical engineering, and • basic exper…

  • 11, Technical data 3 Technical Data 3.1 Module dimensions Module A1 DCS 401.0020 DCS 401.0045 DCS 401.0065 DCS 401.0090 DCS 401.0125 DCS 402.0025 DCS 402.0050 DCS 402.0075 DCS 402.0100 DCS 402.0140 Module A2 DCS 401.0180 DCS 401.0230 DCS 402.0200 DCS 402.0260 Module A3 DCS 401.0315 DCS 401.0405 DCS 401.0500 DCS 402.0350 DCS 402.0450 DCS 402.0550 Dimensions in mm Fig. 3.1/1: Dimension drawing A1, A2, A3-Module

  • 10, Operation by PC Components : Functionality: System requirements/recommendation: Start-up wizard Drive Window Light System configuration display offers an overview the system. Drive control to be used for control of a selected drive. Parameter programming to be used to process signals and parameters of the destination drive. Trending monitors the feedback values of the destination drive. Fault logger enables you to view the err…

  • 112, ABB DCS 400 Installation 17 Others 18 Earthed public low voltage lines The rated voltages of a public European low voltage line are 400 V between the 3 phases and 230 V between a phase and the neutral conductor. These voltages are provided by a transformer with its 3- phase secondary winding in star connection. The star point is con- nected with the neutral conductor and it is earthed at the trans- former station. The electri…

  • 177, ABB DCS 400 Appendix A Type A B C D E F G H I K ND 07 285 230 86 115 253 176 65 80 9×17 385 ND 09 327 290 99 120 292 224 63 100 11×21 423 ND 10 408 290 99 120 373 224 63 100 11×21 504 ND 12 458 290 120 145 423 224 63 100 11×21 554 Line chokes type ND 07…ND 12 C ±1 Max D B ±1 F ±0.3 H ±2 15 7 3AST 478223 D5 3AFE 10014603 0.0188 mH 490 A I max 734 A 15 K I (6x) G ±4A ±2 E ±2 A-A E ±2 10 ±0.3F A A Line chokes type ND…

  • 72, Overview of Software ParNo. Parameter name and significance Min Max Default Unit (1) custom. setting Grp 2 Operation Mode (continued) 2.04 Wizard Eme Stop Mode Selection of the desired operating response to an Eme Stop command (controller blocking) 0 = Ramp Motor decelerates in acc. to Eme Stop Ramp (5.11) . If Zero Speed Lev (5.15) is reached Main Contactor is switched off. 1 = Torque Lim Motor decelerates in acc.…

  • 142, Operating Instructions 6.3 Useful hints for commissioning 1. Select EMF and confirm, even if Analog Tacho or Encoder is in use. 2. Caution! Start the Drive and Stop the Drive using (I) button as soon as the motor will turn. 3. Drive can be started and stopped alternately us- ing (I) button. 4. After successful check of rotation press MENU but- ton to go back to previous commissioning step. 5. Select Previous. 6. Select Analog Tacho or Encoder as requested and continue. Start…


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komldo »

Добрый день, помогите пожалуйста!!!! есть привод DC ABB и инвертор DCS401.0065 reva1 при нормальной работе отключился и выдал ошибку A7 и B12 недостаточный ток возбуждения. Как проверить? те какое напряжение подать на управление х14 (1 и 3) ножку

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Зарегистрирован: 25 окт 2013, 15:09

Re: DCS400


komldo »

komldo писал(а):Добрый день, помогите пожалуйста!!!! есть привод DC ABB и инвертор DCS401.0065 reva1 при нормальной работе отключился и выдал ошибку A7 и B12 недостаточный ток возбуждения. Как проверить? те какое напряжение подать на управление х14 (1 и 3) ножку


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