A ball an dolls найдите ошибки

Задания составлены для тренировки материала по определенным и неопределенным артиклям для начинающих. Упражнения даны с ответами для проверки своих знаний.

Упражнение # 1

Поставьте артикль х / a / an

1. _ girl
2. _ house
3. _ apple
4. _ ice-cream
5. _ rose
6. _ boy
7. _ milk
8. _ egg
9. _ tree
10. _ eye

11. _ orange
12. _ elephant
13. _ table
14. _ umbrella
15. _ vitamin
16. _ door
17. _ doll
18. _ fish
19. _ cow
20. _ tea

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 1

1. a girl
2. a house
3. an apple
4. an ice-cream
5. a rose
6. a boy
7. (x) milk
8. an egg
9. a tree
10. an eye

11. an orange
12. an elephant
13. a table
14. an umbrella
15. a vitamin
16. a door
17. a doll
18. a fish
19. a cow
20. (x) tea

Упражнение # 2

Поставьте артикли, где они необходимы.

1. Sasha wants … bicycle.
2. I saw … bears.
3. … My car is red.
4. Anna has … cat.
5. I like … sweets.
6. I need … blue pen.
7. My father is … teacher.
8. We live in … Moscow.
9. They have … house.
10. This is … orange.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2

1. Sasha wants a bicycle.
2. I saw bears.
3. My car is red.
4. Anna has a cat.
5. I like sweets.
6. I need a blue pen.
7. My father is a teacher.
8. We live in Moscow.
9. They have a house.
10. This is an orange.

Упражнение # 3

Найдите ошибки.

1. a ball
2. an dolls
3. an house
4. a school
5. a TV
6. a water
7. a coffee
8. the Russia.
9. a teachers
10. an advice.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3

1. a ball
2. (x) dolls
3. a house
4. (x) school
5. (x) TV
6. (x) water
7. (x) coffee
8. (x) Russia.
9. (x) teachers
10. (x) advice.

Упражнение # 4

Выберите правильные предложения — где артикли расставлены правильно.

a) The your car is nice.
b) We saw Eiffel Tower.
c) He is a Russian gymnast.
d) Dan worked all a Saturday.
e) I don’t watch TV.
f) I sent Anna a email.
g) There are six new people.
h) Do you have pencil?
i) Weather is good a today.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4

Правильные предложения: c; e; g;

Предложения с правильно расставленными артиклями:
a) Your car is nice.
b) We saw the Eiffel Tower .
c) He is a Russian gymnast.
d) Dan worked all Saturday.
e) I don’t watch TV.
f) I sent Anna an email.
g) There are six new people.
h) Do you have a pencil?
i) The weather is good today.

Упражнение # 5

Артикли в контексте.
Расставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. I planted … tree in … my garden … last year. … tree has now grown big.
2. … Today I saw … my doctor. … doctor said that I should stay … at home for … week.
3. She has … very beautiful daughter. … daughter is 16.
4. I viewed … your video. … video is interesting.
5. I have … cat. … cat is black.
6. What did Kate buy? She bought … new dress.
7. I have … grandmother. … her name is Maria. She likes … flowers very much.
8. There is … pencil on … table. Give me … pencil, please.
9. He told … interesting story. … story was interesting.
10. I live in … Toronto. It’ … my favorite city.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 5

1. I planted a tree in my garden last year. The tree has now grown big.
2. Today I saw my doctor. The doctor said that I should stay at home for a week.
3. She has a very beautiful daughter. The daughter is 16.
4. I viewed your video. The video is interesting.
5. I have a cat. The cat is black.
6. What did Kate buy? She bought a new dress.
7. I have a grandmother. Her name is Maria. She likes flowers very much.
8. There is a pencil on the table. Give me the pencil, please.
9. He told an interesting story. The story was interesting.
10. I live in Toronto. It’ my favorite city.

Упражнение # 6
Скажите по-английски следующие предложения, не забывайте про артикли.

1. Он помогает своей матери.
2. Эти розы прекрасны.
3. Я хочу купить квартиру.
4. Я ходил в спортзал.
5. Мы собираемся в Канаду.

6. Утром я пью кофе.
7. Когда я проснулась было утро.
8. Он играет на пианино.
9. Мы купили новые авто.
10. Я не ем завтрак.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 6

1. He helps his mother.
2. Those roses are beautiful.
3. I want to buy an apartment.
4. I went to the gym.
5. We are going to Canada.
6. I drink coffee in the morning.
7. It was morning when I woke up.
8. He plays the piano.
9. We bought new cars.
10. I don’t eat breakfast.





4 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

В каких словах не правильно вставлена артикли , скажите пожалуйста

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(0 оценок)



4 года назад

Светило науки — 6314 ответов — 50283 помощи

1 a ball — верно

2 dolls — мн. число, без артикля

3 a house

4 a school

5 a TV

6 water — неисчисляемое

7 coffee

8 Russia  

9 teachers — множ. число (ед. число — a teacher)

10 advice — неисчисл. (если нужно сказать «один совет», то это a piece of advice)

(0 оценок)


Плиз. Срочно!!!
Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. Did you have the good summer?
Yes, I did.
2. She goes shopping once week.
3. Was the weather cold the week ago?
4. Little Tom doesn’t never swin there.
5. There are a ball and three dolls in the box.
6. Is there any people near the shop?
7. There isn’t no lake in the forest.
8. Is there a bookshop near your school?
Yes, it is.
9. There were something fanny in the box.
10. It will be a lot of flyovers in the park.

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1. Have you had a good summer? — Yes, I have.
2. She goes shopping once a week.
3. Was the weather cold a week ago?
4. Little Tom doesn’t ever swim there.
5. There is a ball and three dolls in the box.
6. Are there any people near the shop? 
7. There isn’t any lake in the forest.
8. Is there a bookshop near your school? — Yes, there is.
9. There was something funny in the box.
10. There will be a lot of flowers in the park.

Прочти текст и кратко ответь на вопросы. Larry and Lulu’s toys. Larry and Lulu have got a lot of different toys: big and small and of all colours. Larry has got a toy soldier, a ball and jack-in-the-box. Lulu has got a puppet, a ballerina and a doll. Larry’s favourite toy is a toy soldier. It’s got dark hair and brown eyes. Where’s the toy soldier? It’s on the shelf. Lulu’s favourite toy is a ballerina. It’s got blue eyes, fair hair, a small nose, small ears and a pink mouth. It’s very pretty. Where’s ballerina? It’s in the toy box. 1. What toys has Larry got? A toy soldier, a ball and jack-in-the-box. 2. What’s his favourite toy? 3. What toys has Lulu got? 4. What’s her favourite toy? 5. Where’s the toy soldier? 6. Where’s the ballerina? 7. What toys have you got? 8. What’s your favourite toy? 9. Where is it?

Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Прочти текст и кратко ответь на вопросы. Larry and Lulu’s toys. Larry and Lulu have got a lot of different toys: big and small and of all …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

Найти готовые ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Прочти текст и кратко ответь на вопросы. Larry and Lulu’s toys. Larry and Lulu have got a lot of different toys: big and small and of all colours. Larry has got a toy soldier, a ball and jack-in-the-box. Lulu has got a puppet, a ballerina and a doll.

Помогите пожалуйста с заданием задание такое Прочти текст и дополни предложения после него .

This is my doll.

It is a very nice doll.

L like it.

And this is my ball.

It is green .

L have got a doll and a ball.

L like my toys!

1. My_____is nice.

2. My______is green.

3. l have got many_____.

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