Sometimes, as you try to sign in to Microsoft Teams or Outlook, you may encounter the TPM error 80284001. So, even though you are connected to the network, you may see an error like, Connection error – or you may see something like, Your computer’s trusted platform module has malfunctioned.
However, the error 80284001 has nothing to do with the connection, and it mainly occurs with the Microsoft Teams desktop app. Besides, a similar TPM issue has also been noticed with other Microsoft Office apps like Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook. The error code is either the same or with other codes like 80090034 or 80090030. Having said that, today we will address the TPM error 80284001 on Teams or Outlook.
What causes TPM errors?
The error 80284001 is related to the Trusted Platform Module of your device, and it mostly occurs if it’s not working correctly. Chances are that the TPM settings in the BIOS are incorrect or the drivers are outdated. However, it could also be possible that you are not running the current version of MS Office or Microsoft Teams/Outlook.
While there could be several reasons why you encounter the TPM error 80284001 on Teams or Outlook, we have some proven solutions that help you fix the issue.
- Update Windows, Office and TPM 2.0 driver
- Prepare TPM
- Backup data and Clear TPM
- Disable ADAL in the Registry
- Delete the Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin folder
- Take ownership of the Ngc folder and delete it
1] Update Windows, Office and TPM 2.0 driver
You may want to check if Windows OS and Microsoft Office are updated to the latest version.
Also, check if the TPM 2.0 driver is updated to the latest version, or if it needs to be reinstalled. If you have the TPM 2.0 installed on the PC, it should appear under Security Devices in Device Manager.
Read: Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned, 80090034, Encryption failed
2] Prepare TPM
Sometimes, you may encounter TPM errors on Teams or Outlook if the TPM is not set correctly. Hence, make sure that you modify the TPM settings to fix the TPM error. For this, open the Run console (Win + R) > tpm.msc > Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on Local Computer > Prepare the TPM (on the right). Now, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process and this should help you fix the error.
3] Backup data and clear TPM
Alternatively, you can clear the TPM and check if this helps fix the TPM error 80284001 on Teams or Outlook. Before that, create a backup of any important system data. Now, go to Taskbar, expand the system tray, and click the Windows Security icon. Next, click on Device Security on the left, and on the right, under Security Processor, click on Security Processor details, then press Security Processor troubleshooting. On the next screen, click on Clear TPM.
Read: What is a Trusted Platform Module? How to check if you have a TPM chip?
4] Disable ADAL in the Registry
One of the other reasons why you may encounter the TPM error on Teams or Outlook is due to an authentication issue. In this case, you can either disable the ADAL key in the registry or enable the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) in the Microsoft 365 admin center. You can follow our detailed guide, “Your computer’s Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned Error 80090030” for the method, and fix the TPM error 80284001. However, before you make any changes to the registry, make sure that you create a backup of the registry settings to restore data in case any is lost during the process.
5] Delete the Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin folder
Sometimes, the TPM error on Teams or Outlook could be related to the corrupted Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin folder. Therefore, to fix the issue, it’s important to delete the folder. So, for this, open the File Explorer, navigate to the below path, and delete the folder:
Once you delete the folder, you can try logging into Teams or Outlook and check if you still see the error 80284001.
6] Take ownership of the Ngc folder and delete it
If the TPM error still persists with Teams, you may take ownership of the NGC folder and delete it. In this case, launch the File Explorer (Win + E), and navigate to the below path:
Now, take ownership of the NGC folder and once that is done successfully, delete the contents of the folder.
Read: Fix Microsoft Teams Error 80090016
How do I fix the Microsoft TPM error?
To fix the TPM error, first restart your Windows PC and boot into UEFI or BIOS. Now, in the BIOS settings, select the Security or Advanced tab and select the “Clear the TPM” option. Now, save the changes, and restart your PC. So, whether you encounter the Microsoft TPM error 80090034 or 80090030, the issue should be fixed.
How do I fix the TPM 2.0 error?
To fix the TPM 2.0 error, for example, your PC must support TPM 2.0, the first thing you must check is if you have TPM 2.0. If yes, then make sure it’s enabled. If that does not help, you can check for the latest driver for Trusted Platform Module 2.0 and if available, make sure you update it to the latest version.
Благодаря инструменту совместной работы Microsoft Teams пользователи теперь могут обмениваться файлами, вместе работать над проектами и общаться друг с другом в режиме реального времени. Этот инструмент упростил многие процессы, которые когда-то было сложно или невозможно выполнить онлайн.
Вот почему некоторым пользователям немного не повезло столкнуться с несколькими кодами ошибок при использовании Microsoft Teams, включая 80284001, 80284002 и 80070008.
Изображение предоставлено: Microsoft
В этой статье перечислено несколько шагов, которые вы можете предпринять, чтобы решить проблему с Microsoft Teams, чтобы вы могли вернуться к использованию приложения в кратчайшие сроки.
Отключить ограничения в приложении Microsoft Teams
Ограничения стороннего антивирусного программного обеспечения иногда могут приводить к проблемам при использовании приложений Microsoft, таких как Teams. Если у вас установлено антивирусное приложение, которое накладывает ограничения, возможно, вы захотите сначала отключить его, чтобы предотвратить появление кодов ошибок 80284001, 80284002 и 80070008.
Начните с чистой загрузки на ПК с Windows
Вы можете попробовать выполнить чистую загрузку на компьютере, на котором вы используете Microsoft Teams. При чистой загрузке Windows запустится только с минимальным набором загрузочных программ и драйверов. Это поможет вам определить и устранить проблемы со сторонним программным обеспечением.
Вот шаги, которые необходимо выполнить для выполнения чистой загрузки:
- Войдите в систему как администратор на своем компьютере.
- Запустите меню «Пуск», затем введите msconfig.
- В результатах поиска выберите «Конфигурация системы».
- Выберите вкладку «Загрузка» в окне «Конфигурация системы».
- Выберите «Минимальный» в разделе «Выбор метода запуска».
- Нажмите кнопку «Применить».
- Нажмите кнопку «Перезагрузить».
После перезагрузки компьютера Windows загрузится с минимальным набором загрузочных программ и драйверов. После завершения перезагрузки попробуйте снова открыть Microsoft Teams и проверьте, исчез ли код ошибки.
Обновите приложение Microsoft Teams до последней версии
Изображение предоставлено: Microsoft
Если мысль о выполнении чистой загрузки для вас слишком сложна, вы всегда можете придерживаться более простого шага — убедиться, что ваши команды Microsoft Teams обновлены до последней версии.
- Это проще, потому что все, что вам нужно сделать, это запустить Teams.
- Нажмите на значок шестеренки для настроек, расположенный в правом верхнем углу окна.
- Выберите Проверить наличие обновлений.
- Teams автоматически загрузит и установит обновление, если оно доступно.
Проверьте модуль TPM вашего ПК с Windows
Если описанная выше чистая загрузка не помогла решить вашу проблему, вы также можете попытаться проверить, работает ли модуль TPM вашего компьютера должным образом. Модуль TPM — это чип безопасности, в котором хранятся ключи шифрования, а также другие конфиденциальные данные.
Модуль TPM, который работает неправильно, может вызвать проблемы с некоторыми приложениями на вашем компьютере, и Microsoft Teams не является исключением.
Коды ошибок 80284001, 80284002 или 80070008 в Microsoft Teams могут помешать вам максимально эффективно использовать этот полезный инструмент для совместной работы. Хорошо, что для устранения проблемы и устранения ошибок не потребуется много времени, и вы сможете сразу же вернуться к использованию Teams.
Sometimes, as you try to sign in to Microsoft Teams or Outlook, you may encounter the TPM error 80284001. So, even though you are connected to the network, you may see an error like, Connection error – or you may see something like, Your computer’s trusted platform module has malfunctioned.
However, the error 80284001 has nothing to do with the connection, and it mainly occurs with the Microsoft Teams desktop app. Besides, a similar TPM issue has also been noticed with other Microsoft Office apps like Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook. The error code is either the same or with other codes like 80090034 or 80090030. Having said that, today we will address the TPM error 80284001 on Teams or Outlook.
What causes TPM errors?
The error 80284001 is related to the Trusted Platform Module of your device, and it mostly occurs if it’s not working correctly. Chances are that the TPM settings in the BIOS are incorrect or the drivers are outdated. However, it could also be possible that you are not running the current version of MS Office or Microsoft Teams/Outlook.
Fix 80284001 TPM error on Teams or Outlook
- Update Windows, Office and TPM 2.0 driver
- Prepare TPM
- Backup data and Clear TPM
- Disable ADAL in the Registry
- Delete the Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin folder
- Take ownership of the Ngc folder and delete it
1] Update Windows, Office and TPM 2.0 driver
You may want to check if Windows OS and Microsoft Office are updated to the latest version.
Also, check if the TPM 2.0 driver is updated to the latest version, or if it needs to be reinstalled. If you have the TPM 2.0 installed on the PC, it should appear under Security Devices in Device Manager.
Read: Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned, 80090034, Encryption failed
2] Prepare TPM
Sometimes, you may encounter TPM errors on Teams or Outlook if the TPM is not set correctly. Hence, make sure that you modify the TPM settings to fix the TPM error. For this, open the Run console (Win + R) > tpm.msc > Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on Local Computer > Prepare the TPM (on the right). Now, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process and this should help you fix the error.
3] Backup data and clear TPM
Alternatively, you can clear the TPM and check if this helps fix the TPM error 80284001 on Teams or Outlook. Before that, create a backup of any important system data. Now, go to Taskbar, expand the system tray, and click the Windows Security icon. Next, click on Device Security on the left, and on the right, under Security Processor, click on Security Processor details, then press Security Processor troubleshooting. On the next screen, click on Clear TPM.
Read: What is a Trusted Platform Module? How to check if you have a TPM chip?
4] Disable ADAL in the Registry
One of the other reasons why you may encounter the TPM error on Teams or Outlook is due to an authentication issue. In this case, you can either disable the ADAL key in the registry or enable the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) in the Microsoft 365 admin center. You can follow our detailed guide, “Your computer’s Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned Error 80090030” for the method, and fix the TPM error 80284001. However, before you make any changes to the registry, make sure that you create a backup of the registry settings to restore data in case any is lost during the process.
5] Delete the Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin folder
Sometimes, the TPM error on Teams or Outlook could be related to the corrupted Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin folder. Therefore, to fix the issue, it’s important to delete the folder. So, for this, open the File Explorer, navigate to the below path, and delete the folder:
Once you delete the folder, you can try logging into Teams or Outlook and check if you still see the error 80284001.
6] Take ownership of the Ngc folder and delete it
Now, take ownership of the NGC folder and once that is done successfully, delete the contents of the folder.
Read: Fix Microsoft Teams Error 80090016
How do I fix the Microsoft TPM error?
How do I fix the TPM 2.0 error?
To fix the TPM 2.0 error, for example, your PC must support TPM 2.0, the first thing you must check is if you have TPM 2.0. If yes, then make sure it’s enabled. If that does not help, you can check for the latest driver for Trusted Platform Module 2.0 and if available, make sure you update it to the latest version.
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I have an HP EliteBook 8460W Workstation Laptop. Previously running Windows Vista and Windows 7, Bit Locker works fine.
I installed the latest Insider Preview for Windows 10 (10074), and tried to activate Bit Locker. I cleared the TPM and reinitialized it to take ownership in the new OS installation, and the TPM reports as «The TPM is ready for use, with reduced functionality»
When I try to start Bit Locker, I get the message…
ERROR: An error occurred (code 0x80284001):
An internal error has occurred within the Trusted Platform Module support program.
Restarting and reinitializing the TPM has no change.
Only extra setting in the HP BIOS is «Allow TPM Management from OS» which is turned on.
I guess I’ll wait until the next Windows 10 build and see if it works better.
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Thursday, May 7, 2015 8:54 AM
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Thursday, May 7, 2015 9:56 PM -
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Thursday, May 7, 2015 9:56 PM
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Thanks to the collaboration tool Microsoft Teams, users can now share files, work on projects together, and chat with each other in real-time. The tool simplified many processes that were once difficult or impossible to do online.
That’s why it’s a bit unlucky for some users to encounter several error codes when using Microsoft Teams, including 80284001, 80284002, and 80070008.
Troubleshooting Methods for Microsoft Teams Error Code 80284001, 80284002 or 80070008
This article lists down a few steps you can take to solve the Microsoft Teams issue so you can go back to using the app in no time.
Disable Restrictions on Microsoft Teams App
Restrictions of third-party antivirus software may sometimes result in issues when using Microsoft applications such as Teams. If you have an antimalware app installed that poses restrictions, you might want to disable it first so you can prevent error codes 80284001, 80284002, and 80070008.
Start with a Clean Boot on your Windows PC
You can try to perform a clean boot on the PC where you’re using Microsoft Teams. A clean boot will start Windows with just the minimum set of startup programs and drivers. This will then help you determine and troubleshoot issues with third-party software.
Here are the steps to follow for performing a clean boot:
- Sign in as an administrator to your PC.
- Launch the Start menu then type msconfig.
- From the search results, choose System Configuration.
- Select the Boot tab in the window for System Configuration.
- Choose Minimal under the option for Select the startup method.
- Tap the Apply button.
- Select the Restart button.
Windows will boot with a minimal set of startup programs and drivers after your computer restarts. Once the reboot is finished, try to open Microsoft Teams again and check if the error code is gone.
Update Microsoft Teams App to the Latest Version
If the thought of performing a clean boot is too much for you, you can always stick with a simpler step, which is to ensure that your Microsoft Teams has been updated to the latest version.
- This one is easier because all you have to do is launch Teams.
- Click on the gear icon for Settings located in the upper right corner of the window.
- Choose Check for updates.
- Teams will download and install the update automatically if one is available.
Check the TPM Module of Your Windows PC
If the clean boot above wasn’t of any help to your issue, you can also try to check if the TPM module of your computer is functioning as it should. The TPM module is the security chip that stores the encryption keys as well as other sensitive data.
A TPM module that doesn’t work correctly can cause issues with some apps on your PC and Microsoft Teams is no exemption.
Error codes 80284001, 80284002, or 80070008 on Microsoft Teams can hinder you from making the most out of this helpful collaboration tool. The good thing here is that it doesn’t take much to fix the issue and get rid of the bugs so you can go back to using Teams in no time.