Error Code 80200011 in Windows 7 can put your system in a critical scenario or your computer might get serious problems, such as Blue Screen, system crash or program freeze. That is why, it is essential to troubleshoot 80200011 Windows 7 error.
Error Code 80200011 in Windows 7 is typically caused by misconfigured system files that generate registry errors within your computer system. This Windows error 80200011 can result in program lock-ups, slow PC performance, system crashes, computer freezing and many more.
Table of Contents
- 0.0.1 The common error message may appears as:
- 0.1 Potential Causes of the Error Code 80200011
- 1 Don’t worry!
- 1.1 ………by reading this blog, you will find a good solution to fix it immediately.
- 1.2 4 Simple Methods to Resolve Error Code 80200011
- 1.2.1 Method 1: open windows update troubleshooter
- 1.2.2 Method 2: check for corrupt system files
- 1.2.3 sfc /scannow
- 1.2.4 Method 3: Restart the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
- 1.2.5 Method 4: Temporarily disable any installed 3rd Party Antivirus
The common error message may appears as:
–Windows could not search for new updates. An error occurred while checking for new updates for your computer.
-Some updated were not installed. Failed: 13 updates
-Error(s) found: Code 80200011 Windows update encountered an unknown error.
Potential Causes of the Error Code 80200011
80200011 errors usually takes place when you are trying to install new programs over old ones without the old programs being completely uninstalled. This can result in registry pile-ups and 80200011 error messages.
The error can also occur due to the following reasons:-
1. Internet Connection issue
2. Incorrect system configuration
3. System Level conflict
4. Application conflict
5. Junk store location is infected with malware
Regarding malware removal from PC, you might refer : SpyHunter Antimalware Tool , which is available at complete free of cost.
SpyHunter integrating newly enhanced rootkit detection technology, enables it’s users to perform an instant rootkit scan and eliminate the detected malware programs from PC.
Don’t worry!
………by reading this blog, you will find a good solution to fix it immediately.
4 Simple Methods to Resolve Error Code 80200011
Method 1: open windows update troubleshooter
Run the Windows Update troubleshooter to resolve the issue. It makes sure that your system is connected to the network, and verifies to check whether your network adapter and Windows Update services are running appropriately.
Method 2: check for corrupt system files
Step#1: In Start Search box type “CMD”.
Step#2: Click on CMD.
Step#3: Just copy following commands in the command Prompt (Simply select the command and hold Ctrl+C and press Ctrl+V in command prompt to paste)
sfc /scannow
The system will take certain time to diagnose the error. Let it run for a while. If it finds any issues in “system” integrity, it will fix it automatically.
Note: You will need Administrator Access to run the command overhead. Simply Right Click on cmd and select “Run as Administrator”.
Method 3: Restart the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
Step#1: Click “Start”.
Step#2: Type “services.msc” in the “Start” search box and “Enter.”
Step#3: Right-click the “Background Intelligent Transfer Service” service & click “Stop” to break the service.
Step#4: Right-click the service and click “Start” to initiate the service.
Step#5: Double-click the service.
Step#6: select “Automatic” under the “Startup type” drop-down.
Step#7: Click “Apply” and “OK”.
By following above steps, you can quickly resolve Error Code 80200011.
Method 4: Temporarily disable any installed 3rd Party Antivirus
Sometimes, Antivirus/Malware/Adware programs distinguishes Microsoft Windows installer files as Spam and blocks or prevents it from installing.
So, visit your vendor’s website for disabling it for a temporary period of time. After completion of installation, you can activate it again.
NOTE: This solution also applies for other versions of Microsoft Windows such as windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, and windows 10
In most cases Microsoft Windows update error 80200011 couldn’t be fixed by following steps overhead. If the issue still persists then there may be some critical issue in your system which needs to be fixed manually and is recommended to be done by an experienced Technician.
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We have an Active Directory domain (Win 2012 R2 DCs) that uses a Proxy Server (‘Squid’, ver. 3.5.20, on Linux) to reach the internet. There’s a WSUS server (also Win 2012 R2) to handle patching. Patch Server has 17 GB free on C:, 174 GB free on D: (where
it stores downloaded patches). It uses the Windows Internal Database and does not download the actual patch files until they are approved.It had apparently been working fine, but at some point it started failing to download patches. It synchronizes directly from Microsoft Update with no errors, gets the patch list, displays applicable patches, and we approve them.
Then it starts trying to download them and fails. Application Log shows Event ID 364 Task Category 2 «Content file download failed. Reason: The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length
header is not available in the server’s HTTP reply». BITS looks like it’s running, but the state says ‘Ignores_Shutdown’. I tried building a clean new VM with the intent of setting up a new WSUS server to experiment with. It is not joined
to the domain. I tried to patch it directly from Microsoft Update, not going through my WSUS server. It fails to download patches. The failure looks like the same problem the WSUS server is having, but the error code is 0x80200011.
The WindowsUpdate.log file looks like the BITS job is being built correctly — at least, it seems to be pointing at the proxy server correctly — but every download job has a ‘Download job failed because of insufficient range support’ error. I asked the
network / proxy guys if the proxy server supports http 1.1, specifically the Range Request feature, but that have not responded.
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I have about 15 laptops running Windows 7 Pro SP1 (brand new, just out of the box). I’ve been able to install quite a few updates on about 3 of them (just started working on them). However, now, I’m getting error code 80200011 when I attempt
to install additional «required» updates.I’ve tried clearing the BITS queue, deleting softwaredistribution folder and ran SFC and nothing came up as being an issue. I’ve searched the net on this issue, but there doesn’t appear to be much on this specific problem. These systems
are behind a proxy server. I have other (XP, Windows 2003) systems that are able to update, but is there an issue between WIn 7 and some proxy servers? If so, why would I be able to install some updates?Any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks all.
Chek that your proxy is configured correctly, and if you can follow these steps to resolve this issue : stop the Windows Update service and make sure that the «Backround Intelligent Transfer Service» and «Cryptographic service» are started and then go to
C:\Windows and rename the software distribution folder to UpdateOLD , and finally restart the Windows Update Service
Oussama Oueslati | System Engineer | vNext Consulting
Edited by
Friday, December 16, 2011 11:24 PM
Marked as answer by
Arthur Xie
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:14 AM
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The server did not return the file size. BITS only transfers static content and requires the HTTP server to return the Content-Length header. The transfer request
fails if the URL points to dynamic content.When BITS sends a HEAD request and server/proxy doesn’t return Content-Length header in the response, BITS puts the job in ERROR state with BG_E_MISSING_FILE_SIZE.
BITS 1.5 puts the job in ERROR state with BG_E_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE error. Apache 2.0 proxy server is known to exhibit this behavior.In order to further research this issue, please collect the Windows Update log(%windir%\Windowsupdate.log), then upload these via SkyDrive and post a link here.
Hope that helps
William Tan
TechNet Community Support
Marked as answer by
Arthur Xie
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:14 AM
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A malfunction marked with the error code “0x80200011” can be caused by several different reasons. Common causes are, for example, incorrectly configured System Settings or irregular entries in system elements. Such problems can be solved with special software that repairs system elements and adjusts system settings to restore stability.
The article explains what the problem means, its possible causes, and ways to solve the problem.
Experienced computer users can fix a problem with this code by manually changing system elements, while other users may want to hire a technician to do it for them. However, since changes to any part of the Windows system carry the risk that the operating system will not start if the user doubts his technical skills or knowledge, he should use special software designed to repair Windows systems without requiring the user to have special skills.
Below are two simple and easy ways to solve the problem:
Manual Repair (Only for advanced computer users with technical skills or knowledge):
1. Start your computer and log in as an administrator
2. Click Start, point to Windows System, point to Control Panel, click Recovery, and then click Open System Restore
3. Select the latest system restore point and then click Next
4. Click Next in the confirmation window
5. Restart your computer when the recovery is complete.
If the problem persists even after restarting the computer, you need to go through other troubleshooting methods. Click here to know more(Enter the error code or problem details in the search bar of the redirected website)
Automatic Repair (All – Novice or Advanced PC Users):
1. Download the repair tool
2. Install and run the application
3. Click “Scan Now” to identify possible causes of the problem
4. Click the “Fix All” button to fix the problems found.
The same application can be used to perform preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of this or other system problems in the future.
Meaning of error code “0x80200011”.
Error code 0x80200011 is the name of the problem, which contains information about the error, including the reason, system component or application failure, and other information. The numeric code in the problem name usually contains information that can be interpreted by the manufacturer of the faulty component or application. The problem with this code can occur in different parts of the system, so although there are some details in its name, it is still difficult for the user to find and eliminate the cause of the problem without special technical knowledge or appropriate software.
Causes of error code “0x80200011”
If you received this warning on your computer, it means that an error has occurred in the operation of your system. Error code 0x80200011 is one of the problems that users may encounter due to incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left incorrect entries in system elements. Other possible causes include an improper system shutdown such as a power failure, a person with little technical knowledge accidentally unchecking a necessary system file or system element, and many other factors.
Recommended solution
Our recommended solution is to download and install the Repair Tool for Error 0x80200011. This tool has been designed to diagnose and repair various Windows issues while simultaneously increasing system performance, optimizing memory, improving security, and fine-tuning your PC for maximum reliability.
Special Offer
Windows Repair Tool
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Compatibility: Win 11, 10, 8, 7
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Limitations: The 7-day trial version offers unlimited scans & free manual fixes. Full version with all features starts from $9.99. Free trial lets you fix all detected items manually within each category.