80200010 ошибка обновления windows 7 как исправить

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  • I am a dummie with a new computer that came with Vista Home Premium.  It is set for automatic updates.  The log for the last few weeks shows several updates to Defender.  One failed (KB 915597), and the details show error code 80200010.  Supposedly this is an important update.  What do I do now?

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  • I must be dummy 2 have same problem

  • i have six errors on a new puter that is runnin home verson vista kb936824 kb932818 kb905866 kb931099 kb932246 kb890830 with the error code 80200010 plus have a low disk space recovery d  that comes up every time i start my puter that will not go away i have called dell a few times and nothing seems to help is there anyone that can help me….or lead me in the right direction…thanks….

  • i am starting to get really pissed at this error stuff ..can anyone help me out? like if u had the same problem and fixed it write a reply.

  • I don’t know if it will help, but I received the same error code.  I just installed a new wireless network and a new mouse, then I noticed my screensaver wouldn’t come on.  In trying to find a fix for that problem, I stumbled onto the 80200010 error.  I uninstalled Norton Internet Security (my subscription was running out anyways) and no more error.  Perhaps disabling your security software for 15 minutes or so would get the same results??? 

    Hope that helps…

    • Proposed as answer by

      Friday, September 17, 2010 1:08 PM

  • thanks for your information. This really solved my issue

  • Thank goodness for your help!!  I was having a miserable time trying to install updates on my computer until I read your post.  Not only did it solve my problem so that I could complete the installation of my updates, but it also kept me from pulling out anymore of my hair due to extreme frustration.  So, thank you again!

    Ever so sincerely,


  • Please please help me. I have the same Error code 80200010. I don’t have any anti-virus software but still it won’t install. I tried installing and restarting but it still doesn’t work. Are there any other ways? Please help me!

  •  supermaita wrote:

    Please please help me. I have the same Error code 80200010. I don’t have any anti-virus software but still it won’t install. I tried installing and restarting but it still doesn’t work. Are there any other ways? Please help me!


    Maybe this is the problem thats why you have an error, you need again to un-install the updates, because before you do an update on your computer you need to check first some instances on your computer

    First try to scan your computer for viruses and spyware

    second, you need to check the availability of your computer for that update because maybe that update is SERVICE PACK 1 for windows VISTA

    Try to do this:

    1. Try to run a system restore on your computer, so that it will restore it files on it good known configuration, if you dont have any restore point,

    2. try to uninstall the windows updates on your PC

    HOPE will works!!

  • Thank you for your suggestion  but it still didn’t work.  I tried restoring my system a couple of times to different restore points but the Windows Update with the error code still won’t go away.  How can I delete that update given that it is not yet installed? I see no option and it really won’t go away.

    Do you think I should really uninstall the Windows Updates on my PC? I am Windows Vista Home Basic.

  •  supermaita wrote:

    Thank you for your suggestion  but it still didn’t work.  I tried restoring my system a couple of times to different restore points but the Windows Update with the error code still won’t go away.  How can I delete that update given that it is not yet installed? I see no option and it really won’t go away.

    Do you think I should really uninstall the Windows Updates on my PC? I am Windows Vista Home Basic.


    Ok… Try to do this, try to un-install the service pack 1 that you have right now on your computer, then after that try to update the BIOS version of your computer after that you need to install the 3 pre-requesits of the service pack 1 for vista, just try to look that on microsoft.com then if you are finished installing the 3 pre-requesits try to install the service pack 1 for vista….ok?


  • We got our computer for Christmas 2007.  I’m not a computer genius.  What do I do with this error code?  Please help!

  •  milliganjanet wrote:

    We got our computer for Christmas 2007.  I’m not a computer genius.  What do I do with this error code?  Please help!

    try system restore

  •  ZAIS06 wrote:

     supermaita wrote:

    Please please help me. I have the same Error code 80200010. I don’t have any anti-virus software but still it won’t install. I tried installing and restarting but it still doesn’t work. Are there any other ways? Please help me!


    Maybe this is the problem thats why you have an error, you need again to un-install the updates, because before you do an update on your computer you need to check first some instances on your computer

    First try to scan your computer for viruses and spyware

    second, you need to check the availability of your computer for that update because maybe that update is SERVICE PACK 1 for windows VISTA

    Try to do this:

    1. Try to run a system restore on your computer, so that it will restore it files on it good known configuration, if you dont have any restore point,

    2. try to uninstall the windows updates on your PC

    HOPE will works!!

  • I have run into this one several times.  I hate to admit it, but sometimes I did not notice that I had lost my connection to the internet.  Another cause, is misconfigured permission acounts:  do not ever change anything there — I know — I did and it took me a long time to get things working correctly again.  A third cause is some incompatible software from an add-on or download.  If there was a recent download of something other than Microswoft Update, try uninstalling it..  I would rather not mention any particular software supplier.  You can that info from Windows Problem Reports and Solutions  >  Dave

     ZAIS06 wrote:

     supermaita wrote:

    Please please help me. I have the same Error code 80200010. I don’t have any anti-virus software but still it won’t install. I tried installing and restarting but it still doesn’t work. Are there any other ways? Please help me!


    Maybe this is the problem thats why you have an error, you need again to un-install the updates, because before you do an update on your computer you need to check first some instances on your computer

    First try to scan your computer for viruses and spyware

    second, you need to check the availability of your computer for that update because maybe that update is SERVICE PACK 1 for windows VISTA

    Try to do this:

    1. Try to run a system restore on your computer, so that it will restore it files on it good known configuration, if you dont have any restore point,

    2. try to uninstall the windows updates on your PC

    HOPE will works!!

  • Also since it’s a network failure, WINSOCK hijacks are common along with firewalls.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Peter Mcain
      Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:11 AM

  • I went there first and it does not solve the issue as I haven’t disconnected from the internet during the whole process and it is not just a vista code!  Happens
    on other OS too.

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Ошибка установки обновления

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  • Здравствуйте, помогите с этой ошибкой как исправить ошибку на ОС Windows 7 (Домашняя расширенная) проблема: WindowsUpdate_80200010

    • Изменено

      30 июля 2015 г. 4:54


  • https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/958047

    В целом, сломаться особо нечему обычно, поэтому останавливается служба обновлений и BITS, удаляется кэш, запускаем все назад, проверяем.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Vector BCOModerator
      7 сентября 2015 г. 12:27

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Vector BCOModerator
      7 сентября 2015 г. 12:27

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Windows 7 по-прежнему остается самой популярной ОС Windows, несмотря на усилия Microsoft убедить пользователей перейти на Windows 10.

Microsoft по-прежнему хорошо заботится о своей старой доброй Windows 7, регулярно выпуская обновления для исправления различных проблем безопасности и повышения производительности системы.

Все версии ОС Windows подвержены различным ошибкам обновления, и Windows 7 не является исключением.

Если не удается установить обновления, система отображает различные коды ошибок, предоставляя дополнительную информацию о причине, вызвавшей сбой обновления.

Чтобы помочь вам быстро интерпретировать эти коды ошибок и найти решение для их устранения, мы перечислим наиболее распространенные коды ошибок Windows 7, а также ссылки на страницы поддержки Microsoft, описывающие надлежащие обходные пути, которые следует использовать.

Почему обновление Windows занимает так много времени? Узнайте, как решить эту проблему, ознакомившись с нашим руководством!

How to fix the issue reported by «error code windowsupdate_80200010»

Special Offer


The following steps should fix the windowsupdate_80200010 issue:

  • Step 1.Download Outbyte PC Repair application See more information about Outbyte uninstall instructions EULA Privacy Policy
  • Step 2.Install and launch the application
  • Step 3.Click the Scan Now button to detect issues and abnormalities
  • Step 4.Click the Repair All button to fix the issues
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A malfunction reported by «error code windowsupdate_80200010» may happen due to a number of different factors. Common causes include incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the system elements, to name a few. Such issues may be resolved with special software that repairs system elements and tunes system settings to restore stability.

The article provides details on what the issue means, potential causes, and ways to resolve the issue.

  • 1Meaning of the «error code windowsupdate_80200010»
  • 2Causes of the «error code windowsupdate_80200010»
  • 3Ways to repair the «error code windowsupdate_80200010»

Meaning of the «error code windowsupdate_80200010»

«Error code windowsupdate_80200010» is an issue name that usually contains details of the malfunction, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned, along with some other information. The numerical code in the issue name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The issue with using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the issue cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of the «error code windowsupdate_80200010»

If you have received this warning on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. «Error code windowsupdate_80200010» is one of the issues that users get as a result of the incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your system elements, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or system element entry, as well as a number of other causes.

Ways to repair the «error code windowsupdate_80200010»

For an immediate fix of such issues, advanced PC users may be able to repair it by manually editing system elements, and others may want to hire a technician to do it for them. However, since any manipulations with Windows system elements carry a risk of rendering the operating system unbootable, whenever a user is in any doubt of their technical skills or knowledge, they should use a special type of software that is meant to repair Windows system elements without requiring any special skills from the user.

The following steps should help fix the issue:

  • Download Outbyte PC Repair application Special offer. See more information about Outbyte uninstall instructions EULA Privacy Policy
  • Install and launch the application
  • Click the Scan Now button to detect potential issue causes
  • Click the Repair All button to fix found abnormalities

The same application can be used to run preventative measures to reduce the chance of this or other system issues appearing in the future.

Windows error code 80200010 (Error Code: 0x80200010) can be solved. Check out our guide for troubleshooting the Update error code and how to prevent it from coming back in the future.

What happens

This error code appears when you attempt to access the Microsft Windows Update website or the Microsft Update website. It does not have a message included with the error and simply displays 0x80200010 on the screen.

What the experts recommended when Windows code 80200010 is displayed

The error code will appear when you try to access one of two Update sites for Microsoft and is caused by a missing content link header in the Background Intelligent Transfer Service or when you access a proxy that does not support the HTTP/1.1 protocol. The first step is to make sure you are connected to the Internet by choosing a Web page you usually visit and then clicking on a link. If you are connected then try to install updates again.

If you still cannot install the updates and you are running your PC on the Windows XP operating system click on Starton your main toolbar and then click on Runfrom the pop-up menu. When the Command Prompt opens enter notepadand then press the Enterkey. You can also open notepad by clicking on Startand choosing All Programs. Choose Accessoriesfrom the Menu and then click on Notepadon the submenu.

Once Notepad is open it is necessary to enter the following in the Notepad application: net stop bits, net stop wuauserv, Ipconfig /flushdns, cd «Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader” del qmgr0.dat, del qmgr1.dat, net start bits, net start wuauserv. When you have all of the commands entered in Notepad you can save the file as clear.bat on your PC’s desktop. Once the file is on your Desktop click on the clear.bat file and this will delete everything in the Background Intelligent Transfer queue so you can attempt to install updates again.

If you are running the Windows Vista operating system you can open Notepad by entering notepad into the search box from Start and enter the same commands as described above and follow the same procedure by saving the clear.bat file to your PC’s desktop. Right click on the clear.bat file on your desktop and then choose Run as administrator. Type in your administrator password if it is requested. If your password is not requested simply click on Continue to clear the queue in Background Intelligent Transfer and then try to install the updates again. For both Windows XP and Windows Vista you can delete the clear.bat file when you are finished with this troubleshooting procedure.

TipFor more information, please see: How to fix Update error #80200010

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