800fc8 ошибка bmw f10

  1. Jevgenij007

    11 фев 2021

    Добрый день
    Перестали работать левая передняя левая задняя фары свет в салоне плафон спереди по центру не горит крайние работают . Прочитал машину 2 ошибки:
    800E8B FRM Terminal 30A connection for lights faulty.
    800FC8 LIN Bus, headlights driver module (TMS) left communication fault
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  3. Jevgenij007

    11 фев 2021

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  6. Jevgenij007

    11 фев 2021

    Считывал rheingold . Подскажите что конкретно сделать ? Я в этом новичок . Буду благодарен за любую информацию

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  8. Jevgenij007

    11 фев 2021

    Спасибо завтра попробую отпишу

  9. Jevgenij007

    11 фев 2021

    Причина в блоке предохранителей

  10. Jevgenij007

    11 фев 2021

    Заменили блок предохранителей и все заработало

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)

ошибка не постоянно горит, иногда на кочках, иногда просто по прямой выскакивает, иногда просто стоишь на месте, никуда не едешь и появляется. Замечал, что когда домкратил, менял колесо, кузов накренился, после поехал ошибки не было около километра. Потом опять выскочила…датчик крена посмотрел спереди — все норм вроде бы, прочистил все от пыли, грязи, провода визуально целые. Снимал бампер, отсоединял фары, смотрел их — внутри все как новое совсем, провода на фару которые подходят тоже целые, модуль в ногах водителя вынимал — обнаружил следы окисла
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)
вот видны следы, но провода целые все. Очистил, обезжирил и на блоке и провода, но результато не дало
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)
блок визуально целый с обеих сторон.

нашел еще ошибки каким-то образом случайно считались пишет что по фаре как раз левой…

Запчасти на фото: 030293. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)

вот ошибка 800FC8 по ней следующая картинка описание ошибки
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)
Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series Gran Turismo (F07)
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Is the ‘Side/daytime lights fault’ message visible on your BMW dashboard? Even if the message is not visible but your side/daytime light is malfunctioning or not shining as it should, the below information should help you identify and solve the problem.

What causes the ‘Side/daytime lights fault’ message to appear?

adaptive headlight failureTMS driver headlight module which is responsible for daytime running lights and proper functioning of LED angel eyes, failure to which system triggers the error message. Other potential malfunctions include the bulb shining, but not turning on as it should.

How to fix bmw side/daytime lights fault?

All depends which BMW car model you have as older models such as 1 series E82 E88, 3-series E90 E91 and LCI Facelift, 5-series E60 E61 and LCI Facelift, 7-series E65 E66, X-series E83 X3, E53 E70 X5 and so on are using angel eye bulb to emit light to the rings, so just simple h10w bulb or h8 35w bulb replacement will fix this malfunction, ofcourse if you want more modern solution we would like suggest to replace with cree led angel eyes bulbs.

If you have new model BMW such as 1-series F20 F21, 3-series F30 F31 F34 GT, 5-series F10 F11 F07 GT and so on it is more complicated to fix, as for example on F10 F11 F07 GT cars use 2 LED diode modules per side to emit light and has LEAR 7258278 63117304906 7267045 7304906 tms headlight driver module per side to control headlamps.

Day time light fault

LEAR TMS headlight driver module is fitted to many different cars such as 5 Series 520i, 523i, 528i, 528xi, 530i, 535i, 550i, 520d, 525d, 530d, 535d, M5, M Sport, 3 series 320i 320d 325i 325d 330d 330i M3 and many other.

Additionally TMS ballasts have many different various part numbers as well: 535051807 01, 53505180701, 535051807 00, 53505180700, 535051806, 7316217, 7329157, 7305235, 7304905, 7267044, 7269494, 7269531, 7316208, 7279625, 7274400, 7304593, 7304592, 7262947 and many other.

The same applies for TMS module types, there are HAL (Halogen), BIX/TFL, BIX TFL, BIXTFL, AHL F07, AHLF07, BIX F07, BIXF07, AHL/TFL, AHL TFL, AHLTFL, AHLF30, AHL F30, BIXF20, BIX F20, AHLF20, AHL F20 any many other.

So it is very important to check if your car has just conventional halogen bulbs fitted or upgraded LED angel eyes bulbs or either it has new type headlights, which has super bright LED halo rings and uses TMS module.

BMW Diagnostic Trouble Codes DTC with definition:

  • 800FC3 Initialisation fault in headlight driver module left
  • 800FC2 Initialisation fault in headlight driver module right
  • 800FC7 Internal fault in STML (Left hand headlamp driver module)
  • 800FC8 Internal fault in STML (Right hand headlamp driver module)
  • 800FC7 lin bus, headlight driver module (TMS) right, communication fault
  • 800FC8 Lin Bus Headlight driver module (TMS), Left: communication fault
  • 800FC9 Lin Bus headlight driver module (TMS), right: communication fault
  • 800F86 Daytime Driving Light / Side Light, left, faulty
  • 800F87 Daytime Driving Light / Side Light, right, faulty
  • 800F88 Output daytime driving light / side light, left, short-circuited
  • 800F89 Output daytime driving light / side light, right, short-circuited
  • 800FCB Headlight driver module (TMS), left, faulty
  • 800FCE Headlight driver module (TMS), right, faulty
  • 8041F4 Headlight Driver Module (TMS) Left Daytime Driving Lights or Position Light, Left has Short Circuited
  • 8041F4 Left headlight engine control unit module (TMS): Daytime running light or side light has a short circuit
  • 804201 Right headlight engine control unit module (TMS): Daytime running light or side light has a short circuit
  • 800FC0 LWR fault in headlight driver module, right
  • 800FC1 LWR fault in headlight driver module, right
  • 800FC5 Environment Fault in Headlight Driver Module, Left (over or Under voltage, over temperature
  • 800F40 Direction Indicator, Front Left, Faulty
  • 800FD0 Design/Side Marker Light, Left, Faulty

How can you solve side/daytime lights malfunctioning?

BMW E90 E91 LED Bulb

First, check to see if any moisture is trapped in your lights by carefully removing the bulbs and wiping them thoroughly. If this has made no effect on the lights themselves and the ‘Side/daytime lights fault’ message is still present, you may need to replace the bulbs.
Taking your car into a standard garage or BMW dealership for replacement side/daytime lights can, unfortunately, be a very costly process. Fortunately, Xenon and LED bulbs can be bought online at a much more cost-effective price without compromising on quality. Even if your current side/daytime lights are not broken or malfunctioning, you may wish to replace the existing bulb for a brighter, more energy-efficient light.

The most common warning messages for faulty TMS module:

  • Daytime/parking lamp malfunction
  • Parking/daytime lights
  • Left turn signal malfunction
  • Right turn signal malfunction
  • Turn indicator front left failure!
  • Turn indicator front right failure!
  • Side/Daytime Lights on left fault!
  • Side/Daytime Lights on right fault!
  • Adaptive headlights failure
  • Adaptive headlight malfunction
  • Headlight Vertical Aim Control Failure
  • Headlamp vertical aim control malfunction
  • Side/daytime lights fault
  • Adaptive Lichtsysteme defekt
  • Fernlicht links defekt
  • Fernlicht rechts defekt
  • Abblendlicht links defekt
  • Abblendlicht rechts defekt
  • Leuchtweitenregulierung defekt
  • Leuchtweiten-Regulierung defekt
  • Kurvenlicht ausgefallen!
  • Leuchtweiten-regulierung gestort!
  • Blinker vorn links defekt
  • Blinker vorn rechts defekt
  • Veilleuse/feu croisement jour def.! defectueux
  • Phares directionnels gauches défectueux
  • Phares directionnels droits défectueux
  • Clignotant gauche defectueux
  • Clignotant droite defectueux
  • Reglage portee des phares defectueux
    Defaut reglage portee des phares!
  • Clignotant avant gauche defectueux
  • Clignotant avant droite defectueux
  • Parkeringsljus/varselljus defekt
  • Blinkers vanster fram defekt
  • Blinkers höger fram defekt
  • Ljusviddsreglering defekt
  • Ljus Vid Reglering defekt
  • Anomalia no controlo da altura dos farois!
  • Pisca esquerdo com falhas
  • Pisca Certo com falhas
  • Pisca luzes conduc diurna com falhas
  • Eclairage virage defectueux
  • Stand-/Tagfahrlicht links ausgefallen!
  • Stand-/Tagfahrlicht rechts ausgefallen!
  • Stand-/Tagfahrlicht defekt
  • Standlicht und Tagfahrlicht defekt
  • Leuchtweitenregulierung der scheinwerfer defekt
  • iLuz de pos. y cond. diurna der. averiada!
  • iLuz de pos. y cond. diurna izq. averiada!
  • Luz de posición y conducción diurna derecho averiada
  • Luz de posición y conducción diurna izquierda averiada
  • iRegulacion alcance luces!
  • Fallo regulacion alcance luces
  • Alcance de luces

Contact Xenons4U

Headlight Driver Module

If you require BMW side/daytime lights, visit Xenons4U and browse our wide selection of bulbs, lighting and car accessories. Unsure which product is right for your vehicle? Simply contact us today and a member of our expert team will help pair you with the perfect product for your needs. Don’t make the mistake of taking your car to a BMW manufacturer to solve a problem you could solve much more efficiently and cost-efficiently with the help of Xenons4U!

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05-09-2018, 09:09 AM

I have BMW F10 headlight problem, it’s dynamic xenon. After replacement do not works left daylight led and high beam in both headlights.

Fault codes:
800FC8 lin bus, headlight driver module (TMS) left, communication fault
E58522 no message (status, exterior lights, front electronics 1, left, 0x1E0), receiver FRM, transmitter TMSL

Module in left headlight is new but with the same part numbers. Wires was changed so it could be ok. Which fuse is exactly for this module?? It’s possible to code it by BMW iCoder??

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elthox  *****

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11-14-2019, 11:56 PM

(05-09-2018, 09:09 AM)elwis272 Wrote: Hello.
I have BMW F10 headlight problem, it’s dynamic xenon. After replacement do not works left daylight led and high beam in both headlights.

Fault codes:
800FC8 lin bus, headlight driver module (TMS) left, communication fault
E58522 no message (status, exterior lights, front electronics 1, left, 0x1E0), receiver FRM, transmitter TMSL

Module in left headlight is new but with the same part numbers. Wires was changed so it could be ok. Which fuse is exactly for this module?? It’s possible to code it by BMW iCoder??

Hi there,

Did you manage to solve Lin bus error? if yes please help.

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11-17-2019, 12:57 AM

write vin and the task you are trying to perform

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elthox  *****

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11-19-2019, 02:37 PM

(11-17-2019, 12:57 AM)olegovich9999 Wrote: write vin and the task you are trying to perform

How to write VIN if the modules are not displayed separately during Read SVT?

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11-19-2019, 05:49 PM

Olegovich wants you to write vin here on forum. We can chceck what was in car and what you want to do…

Are you shure lamps are dynamic? And car is code for dynamic?

elthox  *****

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11-19-2019, 07:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2019, 07:31 PM by elthox.)

(11-19-2019, 05:49 PM)bmwtronic.ns Wrote: Olegovich wants you to write vin here on forum. We can chceck what was in car and what you want to do…

Are you shure lamps are dynamic? And car is code for dynamic?

I understand.

No need to decode the VIN because I know the car options. Difference from the first post is that in my case headlights are just xenon, not adaptive. So, both donor LCI car and receiver PRE LCI car are not adaptive.
I know somehow that FRMIII plays a big role, but I am not sure if it needs replacement. The PRE LCI has already FRMIII. I am not sure if LCI has different module from this.

So the task is to make the F01 LCI headlights work on pre LCI car.

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deutsch  ****

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11-20-2019, 12:31 AM

if module is new it will need coding

If i’ve helped don’t forget the magic buttons, thanks + rep Tup Tup 

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elthox  *****

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11-20-2019, 01:51 AM

(11-20-2019, 12:31 AM)deutsch Wrote: if module is new it will need coding

Used modules only. 
My question mark now is the FRM type for this retrofit.

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deutsch  ****

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11-20-2019, 12:56 PM

(11-19-2019, 07:23 PM)elthox Wrote:

(11-19-2019, 05:49 PM)bmwtronic.ns Wrote: Olegovich wants you to write vin here on forum. We can chceck what was in car and what you want to do…

Are you shure lamps are dynamic? And car is code for dynamic?

I understand.

No need to decode the VIN because I know the car options. Difference from the first post is that in my case headlights are just xenon, not adaptive. So, both donor LCI car and receiver PRE LCI car are not adaptive.
I know somehow that FRMIII plays a big role, but I am not sure if it needs replacement. The PRE LCI has already FRMIII. I am not sure if LCI has different module from this.

So the task is to make the F01 LCI headlights work on pre LCI car.

is your problem same as OP or different problem.

OP has only change one headlight like for like.

you sound like you are changing both headlights, LCI headlights going into pre-LCI car.

what problems are you having?

you say retrofit, what headlights were originally in the pre-LCI car and what LCI headlights are going in xenon or led?? xenon and led look the same from the outside so maybe check for bulbs to be 100% sure

i have just done 2014 330d from pre-LCI xenon to 2018 LCI led retrofit and there was no need to change FEM

If i’ve helped don’t forget the magic buttons, thanks + rep Tup Tup 

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Hey! This is a video tutorial on how to fix BMW Angel Eyes Problem or what you should do when you have the „Headlight Vertical Aim Control Failure” message on the display of your BMW 5 Series F10, F11, F07 (2011-2017).

First, you have to know that TMS module from the headlight is responsible for the next errors / defaults:
– Headlight Vertical Aim Control Failure
– Daytime/parking lamp malfunction
– Left turn signal malfunction
– Right turn signal malfunction
– Turn indicator front left failure
– Turn indicator front right failure
– Adaptive headlights failure
– Side/daytime lights fault

The most common warning messages for faulty TMS module on BMW are:
800FC3 Initialization fault in left headlamp driver module
800FC2 Initialization fault in right headlamp driver module
800FC3 Initialisation fault in headlight driver module left
800FC2 Initialisation fault in headlight driver module right
800FC7 Internal fault in STML (Left hand headlamp driver module)
800FC8 Internal fault in STML (Right hand headlamp driver module)
800FC7 lin bus, headlight driver module (TMS) right, communication fault
800FC8 Lin Bus Headlight driver module (TMS), Left: communication fault
800FC9 Lin Bus headlight driver module (TMS), right: communication fault
800F86 Daytime Driving Light / Side Light, left, faulty
800F87 Daytime Driving Light / Side Light, right, faulty
800F88 Output daytime driving light / side light, left, short-circuited
800F89 Output daytime driving light / side light, right, short-circuited
800FCB Headlight driver module (TMS), left, faulty
800FCE Headlight driver module (TMS), right, faulty

So, in this video I will show you how to replace or remove the TMS module from a BMW 5-Series F10, F11, F07 that is responsible for Angel Eyes problem, in just 18simple steps.

US customers can find Headlight TMS Driver Module for BMW 5 Series F10 F11 F07 F18 523Li 528Li 535Li 530i HERE: —– https://amzn.to/3ZlaUmh
UK & Europe customers can find TMS Module for BMW 5 Series HERE: https://amzn.to/3yqho7b

You can buy also from Aliexpress: –- https://bit.ly/3bQTAln

Required tools:

  • T25 & T30 Torx: https://amzn.to/36xs4T8
  • Trim tool: https://amzn.to/3uy4FMd
  • Flat blade screwdriver: https://amzn.to/3thkKWs
  • Ratchet: https://amzn.to/37ymWzw
  • 8 mm socket: https://amzn.to/37ymWzw
  • TMS module: https://amzn.to/3g5a09h

To reach for TMS module you have to move forward the headlight and to do that you have to remove the front bumper so the part that is under the faulty angel eyes headlight.

To do that you have to start with:
1. Lift the hood and start removing those two plastics from the sides
You can remove those plastic clips using a flat blade screwdriver and a trim tool
2. Remove the rubber and take the plastic part out
You should do the same if you want to remove the front bumper entirely
3. Remove the rubber from the front side of the bumper
4. Remove those 6 bolts using a T30 Torx
5. Rotate the steering wheel to the left side to create more space behind the front right wheel
6. Remove those 2 bolts from the lower side of the the wheel arch cover using an 8 mm socket
7. Remove the first 2 bolts starting from the bottom of the wheel arch cover
8. Take the wheel arch cover on the side and remove those 2 bolts between the fender and the front bumper
9. Remove the right side of the front bumper pulling it down first
You should do the same with the left side (only of you want to remove the front bumper entirely)
10. Remove those 8 bolts from the lower side of the bumper using an 8 mm socket
11. Disconnect all the cables that are attached to the front bumper (from the fog lights and from the parking sensors)
12. Remove the lower grilles front the bumper and then remove the clips
13. Remove the front bumper
14. Remove the 4 bolts from the headlight using a T30 Torx
15. Pull the headlight out and then disconnect the cables from the back
16. Remove those two bolts using a T20 Torx
17. Remove the TMS module and replace it with new one
18. Install the headlight back and connect the cables
You should test the headlight and see if the angel eyes will turn on and then install all the parts back.

If you have any suggestions about new tutorials, let us know in the comments section!

Check these VIDEO TUTORIALS also for BMW:

How to replace front (windshield) wiper blades on BMW 5-Series F10, F11, F30, F32, F80, BMW 3-Series, 4-Series!

UPGRADE with only 10 €uros: BMW iDrive Controller (Ceramic Look) Easy Install in 3 minutes!

How to replace H7 low beam bulb on BMW 5 Series F10 F11 (2011-2017) in 8 steps!

How to reset service reminder indicator on BMW X1 (E84), X3, X5, X6, 5 Series, 3 Series, 1 Series, 2 Series, 6 Series in 5 steps!

How to avoid BMW badge (logo) thieves – a simple, fast and cheap way 

BMW fuse box (panel) & relay diagram (explained)!

See More BMW Accessories at the Best Prices HERE: —- https://bit.ly/2Y8zaLl

Follow us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/service_tutorials/?hl=en
SUBSCRIBE our YOUTUBE channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwObVGIK_LGIYEoJxL6k-bg

This video is only for informative purposes! We do not take any responsibility and we are not liable for any damage as a result of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Thank you!

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