8007065b ошибка на xbox 360

How to fix status code 8007065b for Xbox 360

Error 8007065b is an error that you may encounter when using Xbox Live on Xbox 360. It is a notorious bug that has plagued many Xbox 360 players. Supported content for Xbox 360 is no longer maintained and therefore it’s understandable if you get this error while playing on it. So in this guide let’s see how to fix Xbox Live status code 8007065b for your Xbox 360.

How to fix error 8007065b for Xbox Live

how to fix xbox live status error code 8007065b

  • Restart your Xbox 360: Starting with the most basic fix, restart your Xbox 360. Click Xbox button on your controller. From now select the option Restart Console and select Restart. After your console restarts, check to see if you still get the error.

Thanks to Xbox Support to share the fixes below you can also search for other errors you may encounter there.

  • Check Xbox service status: This error mainly occurs when Xbox service is down. You can check the service status of online services at Xbox Service Status Page.
  • Remove Xbox 360 profile and re-add it:
    1. Open settings and select System.
    2. Here select Memory and select Profile.
    3. Now select the profile you want to delete and click delete.
    4. You can delete it by selecting Delete profile only, it only deletes profiles, not achievements and saved games. Or you can choose Delete profiles and entries, this will completely delete the profile including saved games and achievements.
    5. Now go to Setting and select Memory. Here choose Device selection and choose Clean system cache.
    6. After deleting your account and clearing the Cache unplug your Xbox 360.
    7. Wait at least 30 seconds And after that re-login.

That covers everything you need to know about fixing status code 8007065b on Xbox 360 Live. See our other guides on how to fix sticky button on your Xbox controller and how to play 120 FPS on Xbox series X | S.

https://gamertweak.com/xbox-status-code-8007065b-fix/ How to fix status code 8007065b for Xbox 360

Photo of Luke Plunkett

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Do you see the status code 8007065b on your screen while you try to play your favorite Xbox game? You are not alone. These days, everyone reports this issue on the Xbox forums. In this guide, we will show how to fix status code 8007065b. Solving this problem is simple if you follow the steps listed below.

What is the status code 8007065b?

Every tech giant has a complex database system that interconnects each other. However, this interconnection has drawbacks. When one of the database systems gives an error, it will affect the entire system. The status code 8007065 informs us about a problem. This problem may indicate that Xbox Live’s database service is down. Also, you can see this code on your screen when you change your gamer tag.

Before you follow the steps listed below, you need to check your Xbox Live status page. To do that, you need to go to the page with this link. After that, you should check the service alert top of the page. If you see an alert, you do not need to follow the steps listed below. You can set up an alarm informs about the service is ready to use. Unfortunately, only US consumers can use this feature. To do that you need to select notify me under the app or service name when this service or app is running.

If the Xbox services run properly, you need to follow the steps listed below to solve the status code 8007065b.

Sign out and restart your console

signing out and restart your console is an easy way to solve status code 8007065b. Here is how:

  1. Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
  2. Press the profile and system.
  3. Open settings
  4. Press account.
  5. Click remove accounts.
  6. You need to select the Xbox account which you use.
  7. Select remove and confirm the removal.

After you follow the steps listed above, you need to restart your Xbox. Right now, you need to add your account on Xbox again.

  1. Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
  2. Press profile and system.
  3. Enter your email address which you use for your Microsoft account.
  4. Write down your email password.
  5. Confirm the Microsoft service agreement and Privacy statement.
  6. You need to click accept.

These steps will solve your problem unless you are Xbox 360 owner.

Remove and re-add your profile on Xbox 360

Xbox 360 runs an old Xbox system. That’s why Xbox 360 owners need to follow the steps below.

  1. Open the settings and select the system.
  2. Select storage.
  3. Open profiles.
  4. Select your Xbox Profile
  5. Select Delete
  6. You should delete the profile only in this step. Unless you do, the system will delete your achievements and items which is stored on your profile stash.

Right now, you need to add your account back to fix status code 8007065b. To do that, you need to follow the steps listed below:

  1. Press the Guide button on your controller.
  2. Select download profile.
  3. Enter your email address and password.
  4. Select your profile information’s storage location.

After you finish removing and adding your Microsoft account to your Xbox, you need to follow the steps below.

  1. You need to clear the cache. If you do not know how to do that, you can learn it with this link.
  2. Unplug your Xbox 360 and your network hardware for 5 minutes.
  3. Restart your Xbox 360.
  4. Sign in.

If you have any problems with the steps listed above, you can write us in the comment section.

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When I unboxed my first Xbox 360, I cannot believe my eyes. I cannot expect the best gaming machine as a birthday present. I was the happiest person in the world.

This may indicate that the Xbox Live service is down. You might also see this error after you change your gamertag, which may mean your gamertag change did not apply correctly to your account.

What is error code 80070525 on Xbox 360?

Code: 80070525

You were trying to sign in to Xbox Live using a Microsoft account that has no security proofs associated with it and that isn’t usually associated with the Xbox console that you’re using.

What is status code 807b0193 on Xbox 360?

Error 807b0193

This may mean that the Xbox Live service is temporarily down or there’s a problem with your Xbox Live profile.

What is error code 80072746 on Xbox 360?

This may mean that your account is blocked from accessing certain kinds of content. For example, this error can occur when you try to access unrated content.

How do I fix error 80070570 on Xbox 360?

This means that you’re signed in under another profile. Press X  to sign out, confirm, and then select Download Profile. At the bottom of the Download Profile screen, select Download Profile. Enter the email address of the Microsoft account that’s associated with your Xbox Live profile.

Help! Error Code 8007065b (Xbox 360)

How do I fix error code 0x80070bff on Xbox?

— Press and hold the Pair button (located on the left side of the console) and the Eject button (located on the front of the console), and then press the Xbox button on the console. — Continue holding the Pair and Eject buttons for 10-15 seconds.

What is error 0x80070070 on Xbox?

Error 0x80070070 occurs when installing an Xbox Game Pass game on a PC. This means that you don’t have enough hard drive space to install this game.

What is error code 0x8007055b4 on Xbox?

Solution 1: Do a power cycle

Press the Xbox button  on the front of the console for 10 seconds until the console shuts down completely. Unplug the power cable. Wait 10 seconds. Plug the power cable in and press the Xbox button  to turn your Xbox back on.

What is the error code for overheating Xbox 360?

Xbox 360 Secondary Error Codes

0011, 0012, 0013 Console is overheating. If the console has already been disassembled, then one of the heat sync screws may not be fastened properly. 0022 CPU error probably resulting from a poor solder (happens more often on older consoles).

What is status code 8007045D on Xbox 360?

You see error code 0x8007045D or 8007045D when you try to download your Xbox Live profile or launch a game or app on your Xbox console: Sorry, Xbox Live profiles can’t be downloaded right now. Try again later. This means that an error occurred during the download.

What is error code 80072751 on Xbox 360?

Error xxxx-xxxx-xx8x-xxxx-8007-2751 occurs when you download an update to your Xbox 360 console. Note Xbox 360 support content is no longer being maintained. If you need more info about your Xbox 360 console, visit the Xbox forums.

What is code 800704cd on Xbox 360?

Status Code: 800704DC

This may mean that the Xbox Live service is down, or that there’s a problem with your Microsoft account.

What is error 807b01f7 on Xbox 360?

Status Code: 807b01f7

This might mean that the Xbox Live service is experiencing difficulties and is temporarily unavailable, or that there is a problem with your connection to Xbox Live.

What is error code 0x80070c00 on Xbox?

This means that your console doesn’t have enough system memory to launch the game or open the guide.

What is error code 80151901 on Xbox 360 Live?

Status code: 80151901

This may mean that your Xbox profile is corrupted.

How do I fix 0x800705b4?


  1. Method 1: Deselect get updates for other Microsoft products when updating Windows.
  2. Method 2: Temporarily disable Windows Defender.
  3. Method 3: Run Windows Update in Clean Boot.
  4. Method 4: Using Microsoft Updated Troubleshooter and Restarting Windows Update Service.

What time is 0x800705b4?

This just means the local machine’s time source isn’t available. To fix this error you need to set the client machine to use an external time source like another server.

What is error code 0x800700b7 on Xbox One?

This means that either we couldn’t locate the drive on which you originally installed the game, or that you don’t have enough storage space on your Windows device to install the game.

What is 0x80070070 disk space?

You get this error if the System Reserved partition in Disk Management is too small. The system reserve partition needs to be at least 450 to 500 MBs. Click the system drive to view the size.

What is error code 7 0x80070070?

What does error code 0x80070070 mean? Error code 0x80070070 usually occurs when you perform an upgrade like upgrading to Windows 11, which is a sign that there is not enough free space on the drive you are planning to store the operating system on.

What is system error E203 0000080F 80073CF6 for Xbox?

When you see a system error E203 (in my case was error E203 0000080F 80073CF6, but your message can vary depending on the situation), it means that a software update didn’t install successfully.

What is error code 0x80072741 on Xbox?

This may mean the following: Some Xbox features are not available because of system maintenance or a temporary Xbox Live issue. You can’t access some Xbox features because of a network configuration issue. There’s a problem with your payment option.

What is error 80070570 file corrupted?

One of the major reasons for getting the error 0x80070570 is having corrupt storage. The easiest way to fix this is by moving the inaccessible files to any other location. In this way, you can also check if the error 0x80070570 occurs due to any corrupt storage or unreadable files.

What is code 0 * 80070570?

Error 0x80070570: The file or directory is corrupted or unreadable. Usually, we organize the disk file data and delete the unused files or folders to reduce the disk space capacity.

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Last Updated on July 24, 2023

Are you having the error code 8007065b with the Xbox 360 while using Xbox Live or while downloading anything to your account? If yes then in this post we will share all the details related to the error along with the workarounds you are required to to resolve the error.

What Is Xbox 360 Error Code 8007065b?

As per our research, the error code 8007065b mainly comes with the Xbox 360 while downloading any content or while using Xbox Live.

As per the information shared by the Xbox, the error indicates the issues related to the Xbox Live service being down. But in some cases, other factors can also lead to the error.

The error can come with two different error messages,

“Sorry, there’s a problem with the credentials that you’re using to sign in. Go to https://account.live.com to fix the problem 8007065B”

 “Some Xbox live content is unavailable 8007065B” 

Fixes For Xbox 360 Error Code 8007065b

Fix 1: Check Xbox Status

As per the official instruction shared by the Xbox support page, you should first check the Xbox server status.

To check the Xbox server status you can visit here, once you are on the server status page, then from the top of the page check for the Xbox Live service alert.

In case there is any alert for the Xbox Live service then we will suggest you to wait for some time and try again.

Fix 2: Sing Out From The profile And Re-sign in

Next, we will suggest you to sign out from your profile and resign in back. This will help you clear any temporary glitch from your account which might be causing the error.

  • Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
  • Then choose Profile & System.
  • Then choose Sign Out.
  • Then Restart your Xbox console.
  • Then Sing in back to your profile.
  • Then check if the error still appears.

Fix 3: Remove And Re-Add Your Xbox 360 profile

If you still receive the error then we will suggest you to remove and re-add your Xbox 360 profile to check if that helps. Follow the steps given below and check if that helps you.

  • Go to your console Settings.
  • Then choose System.
  • Then choose Storage.
  • Then choose Profiles.
  • Then choose the Xbox profile which you want to delete.
  • Then choose the option Delete Profile.
  • Then go back to the Settings.
  • Then choose System Settings.
  • Then choose Storage.
  • Then Highlight the storage device.
  • Then press the Y button from your controller to access the Device Options.
  • Then choose the Clear System Cache option.
  • When the confirmation window prompts to confirm storage device maintenance, choose Yes.
  • Then press the Guide button from your controller.
  • Then choose the Download Profile.
  • Then scroll down to the bottom and choose Download Profile.
  • Then enter your Microsoft account detail which is associated with your Xbox profile.
  • In case you use external storage then you can choose the storage device on which you want to save your Xbox profile.

Note: In case you need more clarity or have any doubt about the above steps then you can refer to this guide.

Fix 4: Make Sure Your Internet Is Working

  • If you still have the error then check and make sure your internet is working. We will suggest you to restart your router. Once your router gets restarted, go to any internet speed test website and check if your internet is working with good speed or not.
  • You can also consider connecting over a different wifi connection. If you do not have access to other wifi connections then you can consider connecting over a mobile hotspot connection.

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A Digital Marketer by profession and a passionate traveller. Technology has been always my first interest, so I consistently look for new updates in tech to explore, and also has expertise in WordPress.

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Получили ошибку 8007065 на Xbox 360? Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством, чтобы узнать об исправлениях.

Ошибка 8007065b — это ошибка, которую вы можете получить при использовании Xbox Live на Xbox 360. Это печально известная ошибка, которая беспокоит многих игроков Xbox 360. . Контент поддержки для Xbox 360 больше не поддерживается, и поэтому понятно, если вы получаете эту ошибку во время игры на ней. Итак, в этом руководстве мы рассмотрим, как исправить код состояния Xbox Live 8007065b для Xbox 360.

Как исправить ошибку 8007065b для Xbox Live

  • Перезагрузите Xbox 360: начиная с самого простого исправления , перезагрузите Xbox 360. Нажмите кнопку Xbox на геймпаде. Отсюда выберите параметр «Перезапустить консоль» и выберите «Перезапустить». После перезапуска консоли проверьте, возникает ли ошибка по-прежнему.

Спасибо поддержке Xbox за то, что вы поделились приведенными ниже исправлениями, вы также можете искать другие ошибки, которые могут возникнуть. лицом туда.

  • Проверить статус службы Xbox. Эта ошибка чаще всего возникает, когда служба Xbox не работает. Вы можете проверить статус службы онлайн-сервисов на странице Статус службы Xbox.
  • Удалите профиль Xbox 360 и добавьте его снова:
    1. Откройте Настройки и выберите Система.
    2. Здесь выберите Хранилище и выберите Профили. .
    3. Сейчас выберите профиль, который хотите удалить, и нажмите «Удалить».
    4. Вы можете либо удалить его, выбрав Удалить только профиль, удаляет только профиль, а не достижения и сохраненные игры. Или вы можете выбрать Удалить профиль и элементы, это полностью удалит профиль, включая сохраненные игры и достижения.
    5. Теперь перейдите в настройки и выберите Хранилище. Здесь выберите Параметры устройства и выберите Очистить кэш системы.
    6. После удаления учетной записи и очистки кэша отключите Xbox 360 от сети.
    7. Подождите не менее 30 секунд, а затем снова войдите.

Это охватывает все, что вам нужно знать об исправлении кода состояния 8007065b в Xbox 360 Live. Ознакомьтесь с другими нашими руководствами о том, как исправить залипание кнопки на геймпаде Xbox и как играть со скоростью 120 кадров в секунду на Xbox серии X|S.

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