80023320 ps3 ошибка

Неустаревающая консоль Sony PlayStation 3 также подвержена ошибкам, для решения которых есть как простые решения, так и методы посложней.

Здесь предоставлен обновляемый список кодов ошибок PS3 и пути их устранения, который был составлен по информации с различных сайтов. Зачастую это сведения от других владельцев приставок, которые сталкивались с ними и поделились вариантами их устранения.

Получить код ошибки на своей PlayStation 3 крайне неприятно, так как нелегко узнать по большинству кодов, что они значат и как их исправить. Исправляю ситуацию. Смотрите так же: Коды ошибок PlayStation 5 и Коды ошибок PlayStation 4.

Если у Вас есть детали или уточнения для каких либо ошибок, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий ниже.

PS3 Error code 710102

Ошибка DNS-сервера. Может возникать при включенном DHCP на устройстве, если DHCP и DNS-серверами являются точки доступа (ADSL-, VPN-, WiFi модемы и маршрутизаторы), e.g. D-link DSL G-604T. Если распределять адреса вручную, проблема исчезает. Если это по каким-то причинам невозможно, поможет тестовый запуск интернет-соединения (иногда это срабатывает только со второго раза).

PS3 Error code 80010001

Серьезная ошибка — возможность запуска игр отключена. Возможная причина — конфликт устройств Bluetooth.

PS3 Error code 80010006

Произошла ошибка при запуске.

PS3 Error code 80010007

Ошибка при запуске.

PS3 Error code 80010009

Настройте гарнитуру.

PS3 Error code 80010014

Эта ошибка иногда возникает после покупки игры в PS Store и попытки ее загрузки. Зайдите в «Загрузки» и попробуйте загрузить еще раз.

PS3 Error code 80010017

Невозможно воспроизвести игру с диска Blu-ray.

PS3 Error code 8001002F

Система PS3 не смогла получить доступ к данным на внешнем устройстве, поскольку устройство было отключено.
Убедитесь, что у вас хорошее соединение с устройством, кабель не перекручен и не поврежден.
Отключите жесткий диск (внешнее устройство), снова подключите его и повторите попытку. Если не помогло, возможно неисправен жесткий диск (внешнее устройство).

PS3 Error code 80010036

Возникла ошибка в процессе деинсталляции.

PS3 Error code 8001050B

Демонстрация с жесткого диска не запускается, когда вставлен диск Blu-ray. Причина неизвестна.

PS3 Error code 8001050D

Сбой при запуске Игра PS3 вставлена с функцией извлечения, затем быстро нажато воспроизведение — игра PS3 вставлена снова.

PS3 Error code 80010510

Игра не может быть запущена с жесткого диска.Причина неизвестна.

PS3 Error code 80010514

Неисправный диск. Если вы уверены в качестве диска — сломан BR-привод. Мои соболезнования.

PS3 Error code 80010516

Сбой при запуске Игра PS3 вставлена с помощью функции извлечения, затем быстро нажато воспроизведение — игра PS3 вставлена снова.

PS3 Error code 80020148

Игра не может быть запущена

PS3 Error code 80023017

PSN не работает.
Подключитесь позже.

PS3 Error code 80023102

Ошибка при пополнении счета.
Причина неясна.

PS3 Error code 8002311A

Ошибка очистки кода.

PS3 Error code 80028801

Обновление 1.8 позволяет PS3 играть .ts, .m2t и .m2ts для воспроизведения в естественном режиме, преобразование не требуется. Просто измените расширение на .mpg и играйте.

PS3 Error code 8002880C

Запуск с прошивкой 2.10, приставка поддерживает видеофайлы DivX, но не все. Вы, должно быть, пытались воспроизвести один из этих неподдерживаемых файлов.

PS3 Error code 80028818

То же, что и ошибка 80028801

PS3 Error code 80028EA5

Неизвестно. Пользователь не может подключиться к сети PS3.

PS3 Error code 80028EA6

Ошибка подключения. Выключите приставку и отсоедините кабель питания от приставки. Выключите модем/роутер, примерно на 5 минут, затем снова включите и дайте ему подключиться. Подключите кабель питания и включите приставку. Затем установите новое сетевое подключение.

PS3 Error code 80028EA8

Интернет-соединение фильтруется. Обратитесь к поставщику услуг за разъяснениями.

PS3 Error code 80028F08

Ваши данные повреждены. Возможно, сломался жесткий диск. Лучший способ решить эту проблему — обратиться к своему поставщику услуг. Вы можете попробовать самостоятельно отформатировать жесткий диск.

PS3 Error code 80028F10

Основная проблема для всех владельцев обычных телевизоров (без HDMI-входа). Этой ошибке мы посвятим целую главу. Устранение: Используйте «подвиг в сопротивлении» для игры в дисковые игры (нажмите паузу, смените диск и нажмите «Сохранить и выйти» во время игры) или купите HD телевизор. Для игр, загруженных из Интернета — просто купите HD TV.

PS3 Error code 80028F17

Ошибка загрузки PS2 диска.
Ошибка произошла во время запуска.

PS3 Error code 80028F18

Ошибка диска PS2, неподдерживаемый диск.
Например: диски с утилитами, BB-диски, игра IQ Remix и т.д.

PS3 Error code 80028F19

Ошибка диска PS2 Внутренний диск PS2 поврежден.
Вы можете использовать диск с утилитой HDD, чтобы исправить это.

PS3 Error code 80028F1A

Ошибка диска PS2, ошибка конфигурации сети.

PS3 Error code 80029023

Таймаут обмена ключами.
Происходит во время подключения.

PS3 Error code 80029024

Тайм-аут при получении IP-адреса.
Убедитесь, что в сети есть работающий DHCP-сервер.

PS3 Error code 80029301

Ошибка при деинсталляции.
При попытке удалить некоторые игры с виртуальной карты памяти.

PS3 Error code 80029513

Возникает при запуске игры с жесткого диска.
Причина в том, что вы удалили пользователя, купившего игру.

PS3 Error code 80029516

Войдите в PlayStation Network.
Требуется для некоторых игр или процессов PS3 — вы должны войти в сеть, чтобы использовать их.

PS3 Error code 80029564

Невозможно установить загруженную игру.
Причина неизвестна. Попробуйте загрузить ее снова.

PS3 Error code 80029945

Невозможно воспроизвести фильмы.

PS3 Error code 80029946

Вы пытаетесь воспроизвести записанный двухслойный DVD NTSC на системе PAL.
Обходным решением является копирование файлов на консоль с помощью медиа-сервера, например TVersity.

PS3 Error code 80029C68

Файлы повреждены.
Обычно это случается с плохими флеш-накопителями.

PS3 Error code 80029С55

Ошибка обновления со съемного носителя (флэш-накопителя).
Перед копированием, необходимо отформатировать его, отключите все USB-устройства от консоли, кроме контроллера, чтобы избежать этой ошибки.

PS3 Error code 8002A10D

Невозможно добавить друга или использовать чат.
Причина неизвестна.

PS3 Error code 8002A220

Проблемы с сетью PSN.
Перезапустите консоль и подождите, пока она снова начнет работать.

PS3 Error code 8002A4A6

Невозможно играть в некоторые игры онлайн.
Эта проблема наблюдалась в игре Go Puzzle.

PS3 Error code 8002A515

Ошибка подключения к PSN.
Причина неизвестна.

PS3 Error code 8002A548

Невозможно войти в систему — в игру или на сервер.

PS3 Error code 8002A705

Невозможно подключиться к серверу/хосту.
Проверьте конфигурацию портов вашего маршрутизатора.

PS3 Error code 8002A71A

Возможно, ошибка NAT.
Вы можете подключиться к игровому серверу, но не можете играть.

PS3 Error code 8002AA08

Какая-то глупая ошибка PSN. .
Похоже, что проблема не в PS3, а в серверах Sony.

PS3 Error code 8002AD23

Обнаружено, что это связано с проблемой подключения.
Убедитесь, что брандмауэр отключен, чтобы проверить, поможет ли это. Возможно, произошла ошибка сети/обновления.

PS3 Error code 8002AE1D

Другая сетевая ошибка.
Возможное решение — установите следующие DNS в настройках устройства: основной —, дополнительный

PS3 Error code 8002B241

Аудиосигнал DVI не передается.

PS3 Error code 8002F029

Возникла проблема с обновлением прошивки. Возможно, вы загрузили поврежденный/неправильный файл.

PS3 Error code 8002F147

Невозможно обновить микропрограмму через Интернет.
Отключите прокси, попробуйте не использовать брандмауэр, отключите поддержку UnuP.

PS3 Error code 8002F14E

Это серьезная ошибка.
Что-то пошло не так при прошивке консоли, и теперь вместо консоли у вас кирпич. Только в сервис.

PS3 Error code 8002F994

Слишком много людей загружают обновление прошивки.
Подождите некоторое время и повторите попытку.

PS3 Error code 8002F997

Не удалось обновить прошивку с флэш-накопителя USB.

PS3 Error code 80030002

Произошла ошибка во время процесса загрузки.

PS3 Error code 8003041F

Ошибка во время операции загрузки (при использовании медиасервера).

PS3 Error code 8003051E

Игра не может быть сохранена.

PS3 Error code 80030920

Во время копирования произошла ошибка.
Файл может быть поврежден или у вас недостаточно памяти, попробуйте скопировать из другого источника.

PS3 Error code 80031150

Системные настройки не были сохранены.
Возможная причина — повреждение системной информации. Нажмите X, чтобы сбросить настройки по умолчанию.

PS3 Error code 80031601

Ошибка создания учетной записи.

PS3 Error code 8013013D

Произошла ошибка подключения.
Может быть связано с SSID маршрутизатора или уровнем сигнала при неудачном подключении. Возможно, поможет подключение PS3 к другой сети. Проверьте ключ WPA, PS3 не может работать с WPA2, только с или без WPA.

PS3 Error code 8013013E

Ошибка WEP ключа.
Измените ключ на цифровой и попробуйте снова или используйте шифрование WPA. Если ничего не помогает, отключите шифрование.

PS3 Error code 80130203

PS3 подключена к Интернету, но не к локальной сети. Обычно это означает, что консоль может подключиться к Интернету, но не может подключиться к PSN, потому что не все порты открыты (см. См. раздел «Невозможно подключиться к PSN» на этой странице). список используемых портов).

PS3 Error code 80130301

Ваша консоль не хочет подключаться к PSN.
Решение: возьмите любую онлайн игру, загрузите ее (например, Resistance), войдите в мультиплеер, вы увидите сообщение «No internet connection», выберите «Connect» и через пару секунд вы будете подключены к сети.

PS3 Error code 8013030F

Точка доступа не обнаружена.

PS3 Error code 8013030F

Проверьте страницу маршрутизатора.
Возможно, отключена трансляция SSID.

PS3 Error code 80410418

Ошибка DNS.
Может возникать при включенном DHCP на вашем устройстве, если DHCP и DNS серверы являются точками доступа (ADSL, VPN, WiFi модемы и маршрутизаторы), как D-link DSL G-604T. Если вы распределите IP адреса вручную, проблема исчезнет. Если по каким-то причинам это невозможно — запустите тестовое подключение к Интернету (иногда оно работает только со второго раза).

PS3 Error code 80410A0B

Ваша PSP сломана.
Cвяжитесь с службой поддержки.

PS3 Error code 80710016

PSN в настоящее время не работает, повторите попытку позже.

PS3 Error code 80710092

Произошла ошибка, вас выкинуло из PSN. Этому коду посвящена отдельная страница: Ошибка PSN 80710092.

PS3 Error code 80710101

Ошибка подключения.

PS3 Error code 80710102

Конфликты IP-адресов.
В вашей локальной сети есть устройство с тем же IP-адресом, что и у вашей PS3. Попробуйте изменить адрес устройства, или найдите устройство и измените IP-адрес там. Также возможно, что устройство не может подключиться к маршрутизатору. Попробуйте перезагрузить маршрутизатор, выключив его, а затем снова включив через несколько секунд.

PS3 Error code 80710103

Ошибка, связанная с DNS и типом NAT.
Проблемы со входом в PSN, а фоновые загрузки вообще не работают. У некоторых людей она исчезла сама по себе со временем, а некоторые решили проблему, изменив все сетевые настройки с автоматических на ручные.

PS3 Error code 80710104

Возможно, проблема с вашим маршрутизатором.
Попробуйте перезагрузить маршрутизатор: выключите его, а через несколько секунд включите снова.

PS3 Error code 807101FF

Ошибка во время связи с сервером. Ошибка DNS.

PS3 Error code 80710541

Таймаут соединения с сервером.
Нажмите кнопку «X» для ремонта и восстановления настроек по умолчанию.

PS3 Error code 80710723

Возможная ошибка порта.
Или добавить PS3 в демилитаризованную зону.

PS3 Error code 80710A06

Сбой при установке.
Ошибка при загрузке игры из PSN — ошибка сети.

PS3 Error code 80710B23

PSN недоступен, проводится техническое обслуживание или слишком много пользователей.
Повторите попытку позже.

PS3 Error code 80710B24

Также были проблемы с PSN.

PS3 Error code 80710D23

Полностью обесточьте консоль на 30 минут.

PS3 Error code 80711008

Проблема с конфигурацией маршрутизатора.

PS3 Error code 81019002

Ошибка копирования файлов сохранения.

★ Novice


June 2016

I’ve purchased the game from the PS3 Network (Europe) but the game doesn’t download. I only get an error notice with the code 80023320. There is no other information about the problem and I’ve never had a problem downloading from the network before..

Message 1 of 10


★★★★★ Novice


Message 2 of 10


★ Novice


June 2016

I have but they seem unsure what the cause of the error is. Said to contact developer.

Message 3 of 10


★★★★★ Novice


June 2016

dear pal if u say so contact ea an advisor

Message 4 of 10


★ Novice


June 2016

I mean I went through EA’s support form and it sent me here but yeah, sure, will try.

Message 5 of 10


★★★ Newbie


June 2016

Holy *, I got the same problem as well today. It happened with me buying mlb 15 and now I can’t download it with the same code. Since we got this at the same time maybe something screwed up with EA sales?

Message 6 of 10


★★★ Newbie


June 2016

My error is 80710101 but the problem is the same can download everything else but can’t download the game from Sony i don’t have a seriously answer only to turn off and on my system and router  i found a lot of people with the same problem but Sony doesn’t give a s*it for as

Message 7 of 10


★★★ Newbie


June 2016

I have exactly the same problema. After purchase Inquisition I can´t download and it give me the same error code 80023320.

Whats the problema?

Message 8 of 10


★★★ Newbie


June 2016

Not  seriously answer from Sony every time they say to restart router and system …. only stupid things  

Message 9 of 10


★★★ Newbie


June 2016

Here 2 help.
So, i have the same issue with DragonAge Inquisition.
U and EA can’t do anything ti fix it yet.
The problem is in Sony and they said to me they are working on fixing this problem it could take weeks (did it) to get a answer for the issue.
Refund the game here -> https://www.playstation.com/get-help/contact-form/
You need to add some Account informations.
Your PSN Online ID
Your Sign-In ID (Email Address)
Your Date of Birth
The name of the purchase you would like refunded
If you don’t like to refund via email u can call them 2.
I hope this information helps you.
(Otherwise you can wait until its fixed, like i do:D)

Message 10 of 10


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Error Response: 

«An error occurred during the download operation. (80023320)» (with external device selected as destination for storage).

На нашем ресурсе вы сможете найти уйму статей о том, как исправить ошибку с подключением к сети PlayStation Network на PlayStation 4. Но этой системой может похвастаться и ее младший брат, PlayStation 3. И у этой версии приставки также могут возникнуть эти же трудности. Одним из кодов этой ошибки может быть код 80023102. Мы объясним вам, изза чего ошибка появляется и как ее побороть.

Причины возникновения ошибки

По информации с официального сайта PlayStation, ошибка появляется  у юзеров при невозможности выполнить вход  в сеть PlayStation Network. Связано это может быть с тем, что в данный момент в сети PlayStation Network производятся определенные работы или появились какието  проблемы с сервером PlayStation Network.

Устранение ошибки

Для исправления бага надо сделать вот что:

  1. Заходим на официальный сайт PlayStation, чтобы убедиться в том, что в данный момент нет никаких работ в PlayStation Network. Если работы проводятся, то нужно повторить попытку подключения позже.
  2. Если сервера PlayStation Network доступны, произведите перезапуск системы PS3 или системы PSP и повторите попытку подключения.
  3. Если ошибка осталась, то проблема непосредственно с вашим интернет соединением. Чтобы это исправить, вам нужно:
    1. На время подключить приставку с помощью провода, если ранее вы использовали беспроводное соединение.
    2. Временно отключить все прочие устройства от этой сети для исключения их влияния на качество соединения.
    3. Установить настройки роутера на дефолтные. Подробные инструкции можно найти в интернете или в инструкции к вашему сетевому устройству.
    4. Возможно Ваш IP был заблокирован, если он у вас «серый». В этом случае вы должны  получить от вашего поставщика интернета новый IP адрес.
    5. Отключите приставку.
    6. После этого на некоторое время обесточиваем ваш роутер.
    7. После этого включаем сначала роутер, затем консоль.
    8. После этого вам будет присвоен новый IP адрес и вы сможете повторить попытку подключения.
    9. Если через некоторое время ошибка возобновится, то возможно вы опять получили заблокированный IP адрес. Выходили опять та же процедура или звонок провайдеру с просьбой о присвоении вам белого IP
  4. Некоторым помогает установка настроек сети на автоматические, за исключением MTUтам нужно вместо 1500 установить 1473.

Надеемся, при помощи нашей статьи вам удалось избавиться от этой неприятной ошибки

Error Codes[edit source]

Please update this page with any error codes you find the meaning for.

PSN Network errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
SCE_NP_LS_ERROR_INVALID_VERSION 0x80028c0d A system software update is required.

System Update errors with HTTP Server[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
0x80028e01 HTTP status error was returned from the server.
0x80028e02 No response from the server for Content-Length.
0x80028e03 Size of image list file is larger than 64KB.
0x80028e04 Content-Length of image list file and the file size that can actually be received are invalid.
0x80028e05 Format of image list file is invalid.
0x80028e06 Image list file does not include the Dest parameter that indicates the destination.
0x80028e07 Frequent disconnections by the server while downloading the updater.
0x80028ea1 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea2 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea3 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea4 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea5 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea6 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea7 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea8 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ea9 Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028eaa Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028eab Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028eac Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80028ead Problem with network settings or network status.
0x80029c9c «The datatype is not supported» > Update data does not support downgrades. Seen when updating to lower version from XMB with QA-extra flag / System Update Debug enabled. Solution: Use Recovery Menu for QA flagged systems, for downgrades to 2.50/2.70 < 3.55
0x8002f029 Invalid update data. (TargetID related) / The data type is not supported. (8002F029) when trying to install Debug/DEX firmware on a Retail/CEX console.
0x80029c68 Error occurred while checking update data.
0x8002f828 Error occurred while checking update data.
0x8002f82b Error occurred while checking update data.
0x8002f997 Error occurred while checking update data.
0x80029c41 Error occurred while accessing the HDD.
0x80029c44 Error occurred while accessing the HDD.
0x80029c48 Error occurred while accessing the HDD.
0x80029c54 Error occurred while accessing the HDD.
0x80029c55 Error occurred while accessing storage media.
0x80029c65 Error occurred while accessing storage media.
0x80029c75 Error occurred while accessing storage media.

Subdisplay errors (PSP/Remoteplay)[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
0x80028F23 Content does not support Remote Play
0x80029846 Content is not compatible with Remote Play
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x80029851 Insufficient memory
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_FATAL 0x80029852 Fatal error occurred
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND 0x80029853 Internal error
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE 0x80029854 Specified parameter is invalid
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x80029855 Not initialized properly
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_SET_SAMPLE 0x80029860 Number of samples set with is not a multiple of 1024
CELL_SUBDISPLAY_ERROR_AUDIOOUT_IS_BUSY 0x80029861 Audio being output — failed to set data
0x80029813 No PSP has been registered

DECI3 errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
Dtlib errors
DTLIB_INVALID_TARGETNAME 50001 hostname is not valid
DTLIB_INVALID_SOCKET 50002 Socket is invalid
DTLIB_INVALID_PCK 50003 Unknown packet was received, or packet is unrelated to specified deciH
DTLIB_INVALID_PERM 50004 Specified argument is invalid
DTLIB_ERROR_READ 50005 Read of DECI header failed
DTLIB_INVALID_SIZE 50006 Packet size of DECI header is invalid
DTLIB_DCMP_INVALHEAD 50100 Unsupported DECI header
DTLIB_DCMP_SYSTEM_OFF 50101 System power has dropped
DTLIB_DCMP_SYSTEM_SUSPENDED 50102 System is suspended
DTLIB_DCMP_NOCONNECT 50105 DECI3 Manager is not connected
DTLIB_DCMP_NOPROTO 50106 Invalid protocol number
DTLIB_DCMP_PRIORITY 50107 Invalid priority
DTLIB_DCMP_NOSPACE 50108 Insufficient memory
DTLIB_DCMP_VERSION 50110 Unsupported DECI version
DTLIB_NETMP_INVAL 50121 Invalid request (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_BUSY 50122 Another application is already connected using the same protocol, same port, and same priority (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_NOTCONNECT 50123 Not connected to dtnetm (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_ALREADYCONN 50124 Already connected (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_NOMEM 50125 Insufficient memory (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_INVALLPAR 50126 Invalid LPAR (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_INVALPRIORITY 50127 Invalid priority (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_INVALPROTO 50128 Invalid protocol number (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_POWER_OFF 50129 Target power is off (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_NODECI_CONNECT 50130 DECI3 Manager is not connected (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_NOREGISTER 50131 Not registered (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_NETMP_ALREADY_REGISTER 50132 Already registered (dtnetm error)
DTLIB_SOCKET_CLOSE 50141 Communication is not possible due to closed socket
DTLIB_DONT_CONTINUE 50143 Callback routine returned false or communication could not be performed for some other reason.
DTLIB_TOO_BIG_PACKET 50201 Size of data to be sent is larger than 64KB

SPASM errors/warnings[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
SPU Assembly Preprocessor errors (spasm)
0x1000 An identifier defined as a label is being used in a place where a variable is expected.
0x1001 An identifier defined as a variable is being used in a place where a label is expected.
0x1002 A label with the same name is multiply defined.
0x1003 An invalid form operand was used where a d-form instruction operand of the form offset(baseVar) was expected.
0x1004 A variable is used before initialization.
0x1005 There are insufficient temporary registers to compile the program. Define extra temporary registers or alter the code to use fewer registers.
0x1006 Code contains an unrecognized instruction pattern.
0x1007 Code contains an unrecognized SPASM directive.
0x1008 Code contains an unrecognized SPASM prag directive.
0x1009 Code contains an invalid label identifier such as a zero-length label.
0x1010 A variable identifier is expected in this instruction pattern.
0x1011 Code contains nested —function directives.
0x1012 Code contains an —endfunction directive without a matching —function directive.
0x1020 Code uses an unrecognized data type.
SPU Assembly Preprocessor warnings (spasm)
0x4000 A variable may be used before initialization.
0x4001 Code contains an undefined label. It is assumed to be an external symbol.
0x4002 Code is unreachable and will be deleted from the final program.
0x4003 Code uses an undefined target label. It is assumed to be an external symbol.
0x4004 Code is unreachable due to a missing label.
0x4005 Code contains a dependency on an undefined name.
0x4006 Dead code was removed from the final program.

System Cache Utility errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
CELL_SYSCACHE_RET_OK_CLEARED Normal termination. Cache was cleared
CELL_SYSCACHE_RET_OK_RELAYED Normal termination. Cache became usable in the same state as the previous usage
CELL_SYSCACHE_ERROR_PARAM Error in argument (problem with the application)
CELL_SYSCACHE_ERROR_NOTMOUNTED System cache is not in the usable state

Ftp Service events[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
CELL_FTP_SERVICE_EVENT_FATAL The service has terminated due to a fatal error
CELL_FTP_SERVICE_EVENT_STARTED The local FTP service has started successfully
CELL_FTP_SERVICE_EVENT_STOPPED The local FTP service has been gracefully shut down, not forcefully terminated
CELL_FTP_SERVICE_EVENT_CLIENT_CONNECTED A new connection request has been received and processed
CELL_FTP_SERVICE_EVENT_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED An existing connection has been closed
CELL_FTP_SERVICE_EVENT_SHUTDOWN Service has received the remote shutdown command and has shut down

File System errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
CELL_FS_SUCCEEDED Normal termination
CELL_FS_ENOTMOUNTED File system corresponding to path is not mounted
CELL_FS_ENOENT The file specified by path does not exist
CELL_FS_EINVAL The specified path or extended argument is invalid
CELL_FS_EMFILE The number of file descriptors that can be opened at the same time has reached the maximum
CELL_FS_EISDIR The specified path is a directory
CELL_FS_EIO I/O error has occurred
CELL_FS_ENOMEM Memory is insufficient
CELL_FS_ENOTDIR Components in path contain something other than a directory
CELL_FS_ENAMETOOLONG path or components in path exceed the maximum length
CELL_FS_EFSSPECIFIC File system specific internal error has occurred
CELL_FS_EFAULT When size is not 0, a NULL pointer is specified in arg. path or fd is NULL
CELL_FS_EPERM Permission is invalid
CELL_FS_EACCES Permission is invalid (Only CFS, FAT and HOSTFS)
CELL_FS_EEXIST When the specified file exists, CELL_FS_O_CREAT and CELL_FS_O_EXCL are specified
CELL_FS_ENOSPC When CELL_FS_O_CREAT is specified in flags and the file does not exist, there is no area to create a new file
CELL_FS_EROFS When CELL_FS_O_CREAT is specified in flags and the file does not exist, the directory in which it is to be created does not permit writing (Only CFS (SYS_DEV_HDD1) and FAT)
CELL_FS_ENOTMSELF A file other than the MSELF file is specified in path, and either CELL_FS_O_MSELF or CELL_FS_O_RDONLY/CELL_FS_O_MSELF is specified in flags

Flash errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks

Cg Compiler errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
SCECGC_OK 0 Compilation successful.
SCECGC_ERROR_NO_IHANDLER -6 includeHandler is not specified.
SCECGC_ERROR_NO_PROGRAM -5 Program source not found.
SCECGC_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_FILE -4 Unable to open file.
SCECGC_ERROR_BAD_ALLOC -3 Memory allocation failure.
SCECGC_ERROR_UNEXPECTED -1 Unexpected failure.

CG API errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
CG_NO_ERROR 0 No error has occurred.
CG_COMPILER_ERROR 1 The compile returned an error.
CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR 2 The parameter used is invalid.
CG_INVALID_PROFILE_ERROR 3 The profile is not supported.
CG_PROGRAM_LOAD_ERROR 4 The program could not load.
CG_PROGRAM_BIND_ERROR 5 The program could not bind.
CG_PROGRAM_NOT_LOADED_ERROR 6 The program must be loaded before this operation may be used.
CG_UNSUPPORTED_GL_EXTENSION_ERROR 7 An unsupported GL extension was required to perform this operation.
CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR 8 An unknown value type was assigned to a parameter.
CG_NOT_MATRIX_PARAM_ERROR 9 The parameter is not of matrix type.
CG_INVALID_ENUMERANT_ERROR 10 The enumerant parameter has an invalid value.
CG_NOT_4x4_MATRIX_ERROR 11 The parameter must be a 4×4 matrix type.
CG_FILE_READ_ERROR 12 The file could not be read.
CG_FILE_WRITE_ERROR 13 The file could not be written.
CG_NVPARSE_ERROR 14 nvparse could not successfully parse the output from the Cg compiler backend.
CG_MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR 15 Memory allocation failed.
CG_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR 16 Invalid context handle.
CG_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE_ERROR 17 Invalid program handle.
CG_INVALID_PARAM_HANDLE_ERROR 18 Invalid parameter handle.
CG_UNKNOWN_PROFILE_ERROR 19 The specified profile is unknown.
CG_VAR_ARG_ERROR 20 The variable arguments were specified incorrectly.
CG_INVALID_DIMENSION_ERROR 21 The dimension value is invalid.
CG_ARRAY_PARAM_ERROR 22 The parameter must be an array.
CG_OUT_OF_ARRAY_BOUNDS_ERROR 23 Index into the array is out of bounds.
CG_CONFLICTING_TYPES_ERROR 24 A type being added to the context conflicts with an existing type.
CG_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_TYPES_ERROR 25 The parameters being bound have conflicting types.
CG_PARAMETER_IS_NOT_SHARED_ERROR 26 The parameter must be global.
CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VARIABILITY_ERROR 27 The parameter could not be changed to the given variability.
CG_CANNOT_DESTROY_PARAMETER_ERROR 28 Cannot destroy the parameter. It is bound to other parameters or is not a root parameter.
CG_NOT_ROOT_PARAMETER_ERROR 29 The parameter is not a root parameter.
CG_PARAMETERS_DO_NOT_MATCH_ERROR 30 The two parameters being bound do not match.
CG_IS_NOT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_ERROR 31 The parameter is not a program parameter.
CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE_ERROR 32 The type of the parameter is invalid.
CG_PARAMETER_IS_NOT_RESIZABLE_ARRAY_ERROR 33 The parameter must be a resizable array.
CG_INVALID_SIZE_ERROR 34 The size value is invalid.
CG_BIND_CREATES_CYCLE_ERROR 35 Cannot bind the given parameters. Binding will form a cycle.
CG_ARRAY_TYPES_DO_NOT_MATCH_ERROR 36 Cannot bind the given parameters. Array types do not match.
CG_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH_ERROR 37 Cannot bind the given parameters. Array dimensions do not match.
CG_ARRAY_HAS_WRONG_DIMENSION_ERROR 38 The array has the wrong dimension.
CG_TYPE_IS_NOT_DEFINED_IN_PROGRAM_ERROR 39 Connecting the parameters failed because The type of the source parameter is not defined within the given program or does not match the type with the same name in the program.
CG_INVALID_EFFECT_HANDLE_ERROR 40 Invalid effect handle.
CG_INVALID_STATE_HANDLE_ERROR 41 Invalid state handle.
CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR 42 Invalid stateassignment handle.
CG_INVALID_PASS_HANDLE_ERROR 43 Invalid pass handle.
CG_INVALID_ANNOTATION_HANDLE_ERROR 44 Invalid annotation handle.
CG_INVALID_TECHNIQUE_HANDLE_ERROR 45 Invalid technique handle.
CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLE_ERROR 46 Invalid parameter handle. Do not use this! Use CG_INVALID_PARAM_HANDLE_ERROR instead.
CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR 47 Operation is not valid for this type of stateassignment.
CG_INVALID_FUNCTION_HANDLE_ERROR 48 Invalid function handle.
CG_INVALID_TECHNIQUE_ERROR 49 Technique did not pass validation.
CG_INVALID_POINTER_ERROR 50 The supplied pointer is NULL.
CG_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA_ERROR 51 Not enough data was provided.
CG_NON_NUMERIC_PARAMETER_ERROR 52 The parameter is not of a numeric type.
CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR 53 The specified array sizes are not compatible with the given array.
CG_CANNOT_SET_NON_UNIFORM_PARAMETER_ERROR 54 Cannot set the value of a non-uniform parameter.
CG_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR 55 This name is already in use.
CG_INVALID_OBJ_HANDLE_ERROR 56 Invalid object handle.
CG_INVALID_BUFFER_HANDLE_ERROR 57 Invalid buffer handle.
CG_BUFFER_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR 58 Buffer index is out of bounds.
CG_BUFFER_ALREADY_MAPPED_ERROR 59 The buffer is already mapped.
CG_BUFFER_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR 60 The buffer cannot be updated.

GCM errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
GCM errors
CELL_OK Normal termination
GCM Method Check errors
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_OK Normal termination (no problem found)
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_JUMP jump command was included
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_RETURN return command was included
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_CALL call command was included
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_OTHER A command that is not of the method format was included
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_METHOD_UNCLOSED At the end of the check target, the method count in the method header does not match the number of data included
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_METHOD_INVALID_ADDRESS Method address is invalid (an unusable method address is being used)
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_METHOD_INCORRECT_DATA Method data is not appropriate for the method address
CELL_GCM_METHOD_CHECK_ERROR_ETC Other error (unexpected state entered)

NVShaderPerf errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
SCESP_OK 0 Normal termination
SCESP_ERROR_UNKNOWN -5 Unknown error
SCESP_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND -4 Registry settings cannot be found (reinstall NVShaderPerf)
SCESP_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND -2 NVIDIA dll cannot be found (reinstall NVShaderPerf)
SCESP_ERROR_NVSP_INIT -1 Error upon NVIDIA dll initialization
SCESP_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS 4 Content of the option array is incorrect
SCESP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 6 Input file cannot be found
SCESP_ERROR_SHADER_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED 7 The passed shader type is not supported
SCESP_ERROR_FAILURE_OPENING_OUTPUT_FILE 10 The output file could not be properly opened
SCESP_ERROR_CGBIN_FILE_INVALID 16 Cg binary format is invalid, or the version is misaligned
SCESP_ERROR_SIMULATION_ERROR 17 Error occurred in the RSX simulator
SCESP_ERROR_ENUMERATION_ENDED_EARLY 18 Error occurred at the front-end of NVIDIA dll

GLES errors[edit source]

EGL errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks

GL errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks

PSGL errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
PSGL_REPORT_VERSION Reported once at the initialization of PSGL. Reports the version of PSGL compiled in.
PSGL_REPORT_DEBUG, PSGL_REPORT_ASSERT, PSGL_REPORT_UNKNOWN Reported only when a PSGL defect was encountered. Please contact Developer Support if you see any of those.
PSGL_REPORT_GL_ERROR Reported when PSGL needs to trigger a GL error, as per the GLES specification.
PSGL_REPORT_CG_ERROR Reported when PSGL needs to trigger a Cg error, as per the Cg specification.
PSGL_REPORT_MISSING_STATE Reported when PSGL needs a fixed function fragment program that was not loaded. See psglLoadShaderLibrary() for more information.
PSGL_REPORT_VERTEX_SLOW_PATH Reported when the current vertex data setup requires software per-vertex setup. An associated PSGL_REPORT_VERTEX_DATA_WARNING report gives more information as to why the slow path was taken.
PSGL_REPORT_VERTEX_DATA_WARNING Reported when the current vertex data setup requires software per-vertex setup. Includes a description of why the slow path was taken.
PSGL_REPORT_COPY_TEXTURE_SLOW_PATH Reported when PSGL cannot use the hardware to copy part of the frame buffer to a texture. An associated PSGL_REPORT_COPY_TEXTURE_WARNING report gives more information as to why the slow path was taken.
PSGL_REPORT_COPY_TEXTURE_WARNING Reported when PSGL cannot use the hardware to copy part of the frame buffer to a texture. Includes a description of the conditions which triggered the slow path.
PSGL_REPORT_TEXTURE_COPY_BACK Reported when PSGL needs to copy a texture back from RSX memory to system memory.
PSGL_REPORT_TEXTURE_REALLOC Reported when PSGL needs to reallocate a texture.
PSGL_REPORT_FP32_FILTERING Reported when an FP32 texture requires an unsupported filtering mode (one that requires blending of texels). Includes information about which mode is unsupported, and which mode is used instead.
PSGL_REPORT_TEXTURE_INCOMPLETE Reported when a texture unit is used with a texture that is not complete. The texture will be ignored.
PSGL_REPORT_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE Reported when a frame buffer is used that is not complete.
PSGL_REPORT_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED Reported when the frame buffer used is not supported by PSGL. The report provides information about what is unsupported.
PSGL_REPORT_BUFFER_OBJECT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS Reported when PSGL tries to draw using data that is out of the object bounds.
PSGL_REPORT_GPU_MEMORY_ALLOC Reported when PSGL allocates RSX memory.
PSGL_REPORT_GPU_MEMORY_FREE Reported when PSGL frees RSX memory.
PSGL_REPORT_GPU_MEMORY_ASYNC_FREE Reported when PSGL asynchronously frees RSX memory.
PSGL_REPORT_HOST_MEMORY_ALLOC Reported when PSGL allocates host memory.
PSGL_REPORT_HOST_MEMORY_FREE Reported when PSGL frees host memory.
PSGL_REPORT_HOST_MEMORY_ASYNC_FREE Reported when PSGL asynchronously frees host memory.
PSGL_REPORT_MALLOC_MEMORY_ALLOC Reported when PSGL allocates malloc memory.
PSGL_REPORT_MALLOC_MEMORY_FREE Reported when PSGL frees malloc memory.
PSGL_REPORT_MALLOC_MEMORY_REALLOC Reported when PSGL reallocates malloc memory.
PSGL_REPORT_TEXTURE_CONVERSION Reported when texture color format conversion occurs.
PSGL_REPORT_RESC Reported when resolution conversion (RESC) is enabled.
PSGL_REPORT_RESC_FLIP_ERROR Reported when an error occurs during resolution conversion (RESC) flip. The report includes the error code returned by cellRescSetConvertAndFlip().
PSGL_REPORT_COMMAND_RECORD_CALLBACK Reported when recording with static command buffers in PSGL. There is no more space for command in the current command buffer and there is no psglStaticCommandBufferCallback to call to resolve the issue.

PSGL Utility errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks

Home coordination utility errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
CELL_HDDGAME_ERROR_PARAM Invalid argument (application bug)
CELL_HDDGAME_ERROR_NOAPP PlayStation Home is not installed

L10n errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
SRCIllegal Target character string is corrupt
DSTExhausted Buffer is too small for the conversion result
ConverterUnknown Specified converter is invalid

Pthread errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
ESRCH Non-existent thread
EINVAL The value specified is invalid or does not refer to an initialized thread attribute object.
EINVAL Invalid value for scheduling parameters.
ENOTSUP An attempt was made to set the attribute to an unsupported value
ENOMEM The process cannot allocate enough memory to initialize a mutex or a condition variable
EAGAIN The system lacks the resources to initialize a mutex or a condition variable
EBUSY Mutex is locked by another thread.
EDEADLK A deadlock would occur if the thread blocked waiting for mutex
EPERM The current thread does not hold a lock on mutex.
ETIMEDOUT The system time has reached or exceeded the time specified in abstime.

Scream / MultiStream errors[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
Scream/MultiStream errors
SCREAM specific errors

CXML Error[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks

Media? Player Video Player Error[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
MP_VP_ERROR 0x80028801 «This content cannot be played.» Related with fake Blu-Ray discs and video.
MP_VP_NO_DATA_ERROR 0x80028805
MP_VP_VPOST_ERROR 0x80028818
MP_VP_INCOMPAT_ADAPTER_ERROR 0x80028887 MagicGate device required
MP_VP_PSN_NOLICENSE_ERROR 0x8002888E Authenticate via PsStore
MP_VP_PSN_NEED_ACTIVATION_ERROR 0x8002888F Need Certification
MP_VP_PSN_UNEXPECTED_AIV_ERROR 0x80028890 Wrong Certification Data
MP_VP_HTTP_GENERIC_ERROR 0x80028894 HTTP MediaServer Error
MP_VP_NO_SUBTITLE_ERROR 0x80028897 No Subtitle
MP_VP_WMA_NOT_ENABLED_ERROR 0x800288A1 WMA Playback not enabled.
MP_VP_NO_SUPPORTED_ERROR_VIDEO_CODEC 0x800288C0 «The data type is not supported.» Related to video.
MP_VP_DIGITAL_ONLY_ERROR 0x800288C4 Cannot output video other than hdmi
MP_VP_DIVX_DRM_RENTAL_EXPIRED_ERROR 0x800288C6 divx vod rental expired
MP_VP_DIVX_DRM_AUTHORIZATION_ERROR 0x800288C7 divx vod reg visit website
MP_VP_AACS_WM_NO_HOME_USE_ERROR 0x800288DC cinavia msg code 1
MP_VP_SELFLICENSE_NONE_ERROR 0x800288DF Content owner account signin please
MP_VP_NOT_SUPPORT_REMOTEPLAY_ERROR 0x800288E0 Content does not support remoteplay

Other errors (not specified above)[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
other errors
0x80010500 Bad Packet ID
unspecified trophy error 0x80010505 Trophy error caused by «Allow access to all SS services (Needed for ps3dm-utils)» patch / Access Violation
0x80010506 No Entry
0x80010509 Backup/Restore decryption and/or verification error / Invalid Parameter
0x8001050B Will not play demo hard drive games, (when blue-ray disc is inserted) — cause unknown
0x8001050D An error during the start operation; Ps3 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly — ps3 game inserted again
Call Limit Exceeded 0x8001050F Hardware failure. Cannot update firmware or connect to internet.
You can get this on the date «29.02.2010» with firmwares containing the leapyear error
0x80010510 Will not play games installed on the hard drive
0x80010514 RSOD — Reading blu-ray disc problem // msg_errorcode_solution_check_other_bd msg_errorcode_solution_check_disc_clean

msg_errorcode_if_no_solution_ask_ic_with_errorcode / drm marlin — authorization / act.dat fetch fail
ERROR!! VersionFile::Get() (exdata/ver.txt,index.dat failures) «release» missmatch / OnActivatePageInitSetting failure / avatar userthumbnail.png failure / vtrm retrieve + store (root hsec+root hash doesnt match with syscon’s one)

0x80010516 An error occurred during the start operation; Ps1 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly — ps1 game inserted again
0x80010519 The firmware time is incorrect update via internet to set it.If this keeps happening try changing the CMOS cell, if that doesn’t work your firmware is probably corrupted.
0x8001051C «The data is corrupted.»
Time error 0x80010601 Time/Date has not been set
Connection error 0x80022A07 Cannot connect to server. Server overloaded?
Trophy related 0x80022D11 «Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit (80022D11)».
Trophy installation erased from hdd but indexed in «XMB database» 0x80022D1E «Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit (80022D1E)». After error 0x80022D74 and after erasing the trophy folder manually, in the next boot the game tries to install trophies but the error appears (at this point «XMB database» is updated and the indexed copy of the installation is deleted), after this if trying to boot the game again the trophy installation is completed and the game works normally
Trophy installation not updateable 0x80022D55 «Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit (80022D55)». Erase old trophy installation, rebuild database, and install new trophy version
Trophy update installer missing 0x80022D74 «Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit (80022D74)».
Trophy Data is corrupted 0x80022D86 «Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit (80022D86)» : Enter Safe Mode and select «Restore File system.» / If you still have the issue, delete the User and re-create the User. Then sync the trophy data by logging in to your Sony Entertainment Network account, then go to [Trophy Collection] under (Games). / If error persist, replace harddrive. // can also be generated by setting wrong (old) date/time.
cVTRM error 0x80022d90 bad cVTRM region in flash
0x80023320 «An error occurred during the download operation. (80023320)» (with external device selected as destination for storage).
Partition error 0x80028347 There is no partition for installing another system on the harddisk (when selecting Install OtherOS from XMB on 1.02 or higher). Solution: make sure there is a partition with Harddisk Format Utility from XMB.
Restore error 0x800283F0 The restore operation could not be completed. The system will restart. (800283F0) // solutions: ¨I have just found that this appears to have been due to my PSP being registered to my PS3. Unregistered it, completed a backup, swapped in the new formatted HDD, restore completed successfully.¨ / «My protected saves did not copy over from a full restore from my back-up. Before I did my back-up I copied my protected saves over to PS+ cloud as this allows for locked/protected saves to be copied.»
0x80028F08 «An error occurred during the start operation. (80028F08)», when related to PARAM.SFO (with unsupported or corrupted Data ICON), can be resolved (not every time) by pressing triangle one time and launch the game from start or back from the ICON. When related to eboot.bin, combined with error 80010006 / 80010009 / 80010017, check the path for this type of eboot.
0x80028F10 «You cannot play this game at the current video output setting (80028F10)»

This occurs because the game you are trying to play will only work at 16:9 resolution, and your PS3 is set for 4:3 resolution. 2 solutions:
1) Go to Display Settings then HDMI (or whatever your connection is) and choose Automatic; -or-
2) Go to Display Settings and under select Video Display Output: select Composite or S-Video, whichever type of connection you use. Then choose 16:9 Resolution.

0x80028F14 «An error occurred during the start operation (80028f14)», mostly caused by bad laser / user trying to directboot via app_home instead of mounting first / old/ancient payload / with malformed PARAM.SFO (unsupported or corrupted data ICON).
PS2 mode error 0x80028F17 «An error occurred during the start operation (80028F17),» PlayStation 2 disc Boot Error, also happen with PS1 PSN games (either due to customed SFO or eboot.pbp).
0x80028F18 Ps2 Disc Error, unsupported disc; eg. Utility discs, BB discs, IQ Remix game etc. ode).
0x80028F19 PS2 Disc Error , fsck; the internal PS2 disk got corrupted and I guess that you can use HDD utility disc to fix it
0x80028F1A Ps2 Disc Error , invalbnnetcfg; network config error
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F17 «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x81
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F18 «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x82
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F19 «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x83
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F1A «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x84
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F1B «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x85
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F1C «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x86
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F1D «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x87
msg_error_cannot_play_ps2disc_scee/scea/scej 0x80028F1E «This title is not currently compatible with the PS3 system. If you update your system software the title may become compatible with your system.» / target id 0x88
0x80028F22 «An error occurred during the start operation» e.g.: Starting from BD emu (not from app_home) a game without PARAM.SFO, malformed /combined ATTRIBUTE flags.
0x80029023 Exchanging Key Information exchange has timed out
0x80029024 «The attempt to obtain an IP address has timed out».
0x80029208 Error loading user profile after update [1]
0x80029301 An error occurred during the delete operation (attempting to delete some ps2 homebrew from virtual mem card)
0x80029303 «An error occurred during the copy operation.» (attempting to copy PS1 save data with header malformed(.PSV) to internal memory card)
0x80029901 «To play this BD, you must renew the encryption key.

Perform a system software update to renew the encryption key.»

0x80029902 Playback of BDs is prohibited on this system.
0x80029903 This is an invalid disc.
0x80029904 «To play this BD, you must renew the encryption key.

Perform a system software update to renew the encryption key.»

0x80029905 This is an invalid disc.
0x80029906 Can’t playback burn BD movie, missing PS3_VPRM.
0x80029907 Playback of BDs is prohibited on this system.
0x8002990C The data type is not supported.
0x8002990D This video cannot be played.
0x8002990E Playback of this disc using the connected device is prohibited.
0x8002990F Playback of BDs is prohibited on this system.
0x80029910 Playback of this disc using the connected device is prohibited.
0x80029911 Playback of this disc using the connected device is prohibited.
0x80029912 This is an invalid disc.
0x80029920 This video cannot be played.
0x80029921 This video cannot be played.
0x80029922 This disc cannot be played. The region code is not correct.
0x80029923 This video cannot be played.
0x80029925 This video cannot be played.
0x80029930 This video cannot be played.
0x80029931 An error has occurred.
0x80029932 This video cannot be played.
Can’t read a disc 0x80029940 The PS3 could not read the disc or the disc is dirty/scratched. (Disable the Super-White settings)
Issue playing disc 0x80029941 The PS3 could not read the disc or the disc is not supported.
0x80029942 Video in the PAL broadcast standard is not supported.
0x80029943 Video in the NTSC broadcast standard is not supported.
0x80029944 This disc cannot be played. The region code is not correct.
Unable to play Blu-ray Disc 0x80029945 Can’t playback burn BD movie
Issue playing disc 0x80029946 Attempting to play burnt Dual layer NTSC disc on a PAL ps3 (workaround is to transfer files to ps3 via TVersity)
0x80029947 An error has occurred.
0x80029948 This content cannot be played. There is not enough free space on the system storage
0x80029949 This video cannot be played.
0x8002994A Playback stopped. The content being played is protected by Cinavia™ and is not authorized for playback on this device. For more information, see http://www.cinavia.com. Message Code 1.
0x80029950 This video cannot be played.
0x80029962 This video cannot be played.
0x800299AA This video cannot be played.
0x800299AE This video cannot be played.
0x800299E1 An error has occurred.
0x800299E2 An error has occurred.
0x800299E3 This video cannot be played.
DRL error 0x800299D2 BD/DVD/AVCHD MKB mismatch DRL error (or trying to watch BD/DVD/AVCH on converted CEX>DEX)
0x80029c78 Error occurred while accessing storage media.
0x80029C7F «An error has occurred.» while accessing Update via System Storage/Delete Update Data on System Storage (e.g. when System Storage folder contains PUP without version to check lowest applicable firmware version).
0x80029caa Error occurred while checking update data. // Mostly caused by TargetID mismatch between EID and Firmware wanting to install — e.g. DEX or Rebug DEX kernel and installing a CEX firmware.
0x80029CCA Error occurred while checking update data.
0x8002B241 DVI has no audio.
0x8002B71A Possible NAT Error , Can log onto Game Server but can’t join game and can’t host game
#0x8002f… — PUP / Update errors
Update success 0x8002F000 Not an error: Success installing/downgrading in service mode. «manufacturing updating SUCCESS(0x8002f000)»
Update error 0x8002F002 Update VSH Package done(0x8002f002) / Updating or Verifying failure 0x8002f002 / manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f002) // Possibly bad firmware PUP, bad USB stick or harddrive going bad in PS3. Check PUP, try other stick and replace harddrive.
Update error 0x8002F048 Error with installing Firmware update in service mode: «start Updating Proccess. UpMng.UpdatePackage() failure. manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f048)» // Check if PUP to install is in root of stick and named PS3UPDAT.PUP
Update error 0x8002F057 Error with installing Firmware update in service mode: «Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke done(0x8002f057). Updating or Verifying failure 0x8002f057. UpMng.UpdatePackage() failure. manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f057)» // caused by downgrading and using normal lv2_diag.self and not a noBD firmware (using the jaicrab lv2_diag.self as workaround will cause one ROS to be empty and can result in RLOD/GLOD/RSOD).
Update error 0x8002F087 Error with installing Firmware update in service mode: «Update VSH Package done(0x8002f087),

Updating or Verifying failure 0x8002f087, UpMng.UpdatePackage() failure, manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f087)» // can be caused by bad vsh, broken harddrive or wrong spoofing.

Update error 0x8002F0C1 «An error occurred during the update operation. (8002F0C1)» -> Download error. Manual download the update with PC, put on /PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP and install in recovery instead.
Update error 0x8002F0E0 Error with installing Firmware update. Harddrive is not found or disconnected.
Update error 0x8002F107 Update VSH Package done(0x8002f107) / Updating or Verifying failure 0x8002f107 / manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f107) // Possibly bad firmware PUP, bad USB stick or harddrive going bad in PS3. Check PUP, try other stick and replace harddrive.
Update error 0x8002F13E Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and/or reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F142 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and/or reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F147 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F149 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F14A Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and/or reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F14B Error with installing Firmware update. Updating or Verifying failure of CoreOS on flash area (?bad flash blocks?)
Update error 0x8002F14E Error with installing Firmware update. (BD)Drive not found or disconnected. // or CoreOS region failure when in log «Update Core OS Package done(0x8002f14e)» or Revoke region failure when in log «Update Package Revoke list done(0x8002f14e)»
?corrupt? 0x8002F153 firmware related error — can be generated by using the MinVerChk PUP in factory service mode (must NEVER do that!)
?corrupt? 0x8002F155 solution: power down with power button remove the power cord for a few minutes then reboot (sony message:if this doesn’t work contact sony)
?corrupt? 0x8002F156 NAND Downgrade eror — UpMng.UpdatePackage() failure: manufacturing updating FAILURE(0x8002f156)
?corrupt? 0x8002F157 firmware related error / HDD Exchange error — 3.56-1st BUG. Also happens when you try to Upgrade from 999 Downgrader to another Non-999 CFW. Go to OFW 3.55, then upgrade to the other CFW
?corrupt? 0x8002F15E CoreOS firmware related error
Update error 0x8002F165 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Firmware data is corrupt 0x8002F169 Error when checking the firmware data (after unpacking)
Update error 0x8002F174 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and/or reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F176 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F19D Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F1B0 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F1B3 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first
Update error 0x8002F1C1 Error with installing Firmware update. Make sure the sourcedrive with the PUP is readable and reboot the system first — DFU Start Firmware Update failed.
Update error 0x8002F1C3 DFU End Firmware Update failed.
Update error 0x8002F1F0 Bluetooth/WLAN error. Check the connection of the Wifi/BT board, reboot system and reinstall firmware.
Update error 0x8002F1F9 Error with installing Firmware update. Check the connection of the Wifi/BT board, reboot system and reinstall firmware.
Update error 0x8002F220 Issue with System Restore or installing Firmware update in Recovery Mode. Reboot system and reinstall firmware.
Update error 0x8002F225 Error with installing Firmware update. The PUP is not recognised as valid update.
Update error 0x8002F22F Issue with the PS3 hard drive
0x8002F235 Error with installing Firmware update. «Data Is Corrupted»
Update error 0x8002F23F Error with installing Firmware update. The PUP is not recognised as valid update. (with 3.56 minver console)
Update error 0x8002F26A Error with installing Firmware update. «A serious error has occurred»
Update error 0x8002F271 Error with installing Firmware update. «An error occurred during the format operation.»
Update error 0x8002F281 Error with installing Firmware update. Check the connection of the Wifi/BT board.
Issue with the PS3 harddrive. 0x8002F281 Issue with the PS3 harddrive. Reboot system and use Recovery Menu options. If error persist, Format the hd on a pc, reinsert it to the ps3, install update (normal/recovery mode), format hd on install. If still not fixed: exchange harddrive.
Note: This error also comes up when trying to install a 1.5TB HDD as internal HDD.

Plug it into the pc, then open command prompt.

1) Type «diskpart»
2) Type «list disk» — Get the disk number for the drive you are fixing.
3) Type «select disk 1» — If the disk is not #1, change this accordingly.
4) Type «clean»
5) Type «create partition primary»
6) Type «select partition 1»
7) Type «active»
8) Type «assign» — When it asks you to format, click cancel.
9) Type «exit»
9) Type «exit»
10) Reinsert into your ps3, and boot it into safe mode, it may take awhile to boot into safe mode.
11) Choose to update, it should ask you to format, do so then update.

Update error 0x8002F282 Issue with System Restore or installing Firmware update in Recovery Mode. Reboot system and reinstall firmware.
Update error 0x8002F285 Issue with System Restore or installing Firmware update in Recovery Mode. Reboot system and reinstall firmware.
Update error 0x8002F2B5 Error with installing Firmware update. The PUP is not recognised as valid update.
Update error 0x8002F2BF Issue with System Restore or installing Firmware update in Recovery Mode. Reboot system and reinstall firmware.
Downgrade error 0x8002F2C4 Error when downgrading below applicable firmware version with QA-flag from Recovery Mode
Update error 0x8002F2C5 Error with installing Firmware update. The PUP is not recognised as valid update. (Can be generated by pulling the storage device with the PUP when it is still in checking stage. DANGEROUS!). Or when trying to install MinVerCheck.PUP inmediatly after an hdd replacement in PS3 models with a NOR flash
Update error 0x8002F2CF Issue with the Mass Storage Device when installing firmware, or PS3 hard drive
0x8002F2E0 HDD Probe/Init failed. (No HDD attached)
0x8002F2E3 HDD Search Regions failed. (encrypted HDD incompatible with the consoles) (Formating…)
0x8002F2E4 The data is corrupted. (e.g. bad promo_flags.txt flag set)
0x8002F2E5 PUP filepath error.
0x8002F2E6 No applicable Data found.
Update error 0x8002F2F0 Error with installing Firmware update. The PUP is not recognised as valid update.
Update error 0x8002F2F2 Error with installing Firmware update. The PUP is not recognised as valid update
Update error 0x8002F310 Error with installing Firmware update. See Service Mode log to what flash region is corrupt
Update error 0x8002F311 Error with installing Firmware update. See Service Mode log to what flash region is corrupt
Update error 0x8002F312 Error with installing Firmware update. See Service Mode log to what flash region is corrupt
Update error 0x8002F313 Error with installing Firmware update. Shows up in Service Mode log as ‘Update Core OS Package done(0x8002f313)’ possible caused by bad ROS
Update error 0x8002F325 Error with installing Firmware update. data corrupted
Update error 0x8002F333 Error with installing Firmware update. data corrupted // Issue with the internal harddrive.
Update error 0x8002F953 Error with installing Firmware update.
Update error 0x8002F956 Error with installing Firmware update. (bad harddrive?)
Update error 0x8002F957 Error with installing Firmware update. The data is corrupted (firmware in flash does not allow the MFW installation as it does not contain the needed patches)
Update error 0x8002F976 Error with installing Firmware update. data corrupted
Update error 0x8002F95E Error with installing Firmware update (when using Rogero 3.55 DEX DG v1 on DEX 4.20 system).
0x8002F967 Error when checking PUP version (e.g. when using manipulated PUP without version to check lowest applicable firmware version)
0x8002F96F Error when downgrading DEX console with special PUP. To solve: reset console by holding power button until it beeps
0x8002F994 Too many people downloading the update (download it later on)
An error has occured 0x8002FB22 Error can be generated with a malformed license.xml file in PS3UPDAT.PUP
0x8002F21x (Set Recovery Mode Flag On (cex/dex/decr)) / (Connecting Controller)
0x8002F22x (Connect Media containing FW equal or higher)
0x8002F23x (System Partition formating) / (Search Updater)
0x8002F24x (Formatting)
0x8002F25x hdd probing
0x8002F26x region searching
0x8002F27x preparing partitions
0x8002F28x Setup Updating Environment
0x8002F2Bx (Turning Off Recovery Mode Flag)
0x8002F2Cx Search Updater (Formating preparing Update)
0x8002F2Dx (Formatting — Preparing to Update)
0x8002F2Ex (Turning On/Off Recovery Mode Flag)
#0x8001… RSOD/BSOD errors
0x80010514 RSOD — VersionFile::Get() (index.dat failures)
0x80028C03 BSOD — NPXS01003, net if ctl fail (game updates,commerce, friend stuff …)
0x80028C10 BSOD — xregistry
0x80028C12 BSOD — xregistry
0x80030001 Deleting messages from inbox
0x8003041F An error occurred during the copy operation (using media server)
0x80030506 BSOD — empty sce net ctl ptr’s
0x8003050F BSOD — create_open_database 0x25 failure, xregistry empty file descriptor
0x80030517 BSOD
0x8003116D BSOD — xregistry font related
0x80031175 BSOD — xregistry
<0x80031200 BSOD + >0x80031700 = rsod — xregistry: atrac+wma activate/dtcp ip enable/hdmi failure/menu bdvd config/(list) chat config/word register(dictionary)/edit np environment+marlin+ad catalog version+ad server url+application type+adhoc ssid prefix+update server url+np title id+fake limit size+gameutil dirname debug/ failure of swreset.self execution/Device Config/back prev setting/Display (+Output) Config/First Config/music+sound config (+wizard)
>0x80031700 RSOD
other errors
0x80030517 It seems to happen when you copy large media files.
0x8003051E Game will not save
0x80030920 An error occurred during the copy operation, the file may be corrupt or there isn’t enough memory (Try copying data from original source)
0x80031150 «Setting information is corrupted.Press the x button to repair and restore default»
0x80031601 Error Creating Account // seems to occur when the user number doesn’t match
0x80031602 Error Renaming Account
0x80031603 Error No Account name given
0x81010002 «An error occurred during the copy operation.» From internal corrupted/modified (overwrite previously the modified .VM1) save data (PS1, .VM1) to others internals memory card (them, error 0xFFFFFFFE with this message) or USB.
0x81010006 «An error occurred during the copy operation.» From internal corrupted/modified (overwrite previously the modified .VM1) save data (PS1, .VM1) to others internals memory card or USB.
0x8101002F «An error occurred during the copy operation.» From internal corrupted/modified (overwrite previously the modified .VM1) save data (PS1, .VM1) to others internals memory card or USB.
0x81019002 Error copying saves from location A to location B not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to Internet.
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