77b8c8a0 твич ошибка

Not sure how to fix Twitch Error Code 77b8c8a0 on Xbox, PS4 or PS5? You’ve come to the right place! Over the last few days, many players have been reporting the 77b8c8a0 error in the Twitch app on their consoles, be it Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, or PlayStation 5. If you’re suffering from this Twitch issue with the “We’re sorry, something unexpected happened” message, here’s how you can fix it.

Twitch Error Code 77b8c8a0 Xbox, PS4 & PS5 Fix

Error 77b8c8a0 Twitch Fix

Before exploring potential solutions, let’s first understand why this error occurs. In a vast majority of situations, the most likely case for Twitch Error Code 77b8c8a0 to appear is due to Twitch having an outage. Thus, if Twitch servers are down, there’s not much you can do. In that case, the best course of action is simply to wait for them to bring the servers up again. Hence, the very first action you’ll take is to check the Twitch server status. If the servers are not down, then you should perform a few troubleshooting steps.

The very first thing you need to do is check if your console’s internet connection is stable, fast, and working correctly. If possible, always use an Ethernet cable instead of a WiFi network. The next step is to clear your console cache by power cycling it. Here’s how to do it:

  • Completely turn off your console. It must be turned off, not in standby or rest modes.
  • When turned off, unplug the power cord from the console and the electrical outlet.
  • Leave it like that for around ~60-120 seconds.
  • Plug the cable back into the console/socket and turn it on.
  • The console’s cache should now be cleared entirely.

Test the Twitch app and see if you still receive Twitch Error Code 77b8c8a0. If this doesn’t help, try completely reinstalling the Twitch app from your console. Oftentimes a fresh installation might resolve any potential conflicts or issues with corrupted app files. Uninstall the Twitch app, repeat the “clear console cache” process, and then download and install the Twitch app again. With that said, our guide is completed.

Фирменное приложение сервиса Twitch на консоли PS4 неприятно удивило странной ошибкой с кодом 77b8c8a0? Таки да, есть такая проблемка, притом, судя по количеству жалоб на нее на Reddit-е, она уже успели обрести глобальный размах…

Проще говоря, эта самая 77b8c8a0 в Twitch-е давеча «порадовала» многих пользователей PS4?

Отсюда вопрос,..

что делать, когда Twitch на PS4 выдает ошибку 77b8c8a0 ?

Как вы уже, наверняка, поняли, ошибка с кодом 77b8c8a0 указывает на то, что приложение Twitch на PlayStation 4 по какой-то причине функционировать перестало и, следовательно, нормально зайти в систему не дает.

Более того, если проявить некоторую настойчивость и продолжить попытки залогиниться в приложении, то оно, вероятнее всего, будет раз за разом отвечать уведомлениями об ошибке 77b8c8a0. Так что, это как бы не вариант, и надо придумывать что-то более действенное.

Но и со способами как-то обойти эту проблемку тоже не все пока ясно и однозначно. С учетом того, что ошибка с таким кодом может в том числе указывать и на проблемы на стороне серверов Twitch, то настоятельно рекомендуем для начала просто проверить их текущий статус.

Данных Downdetector-а — Статус сервера Twitch — для этого будет вполне достаточно.

Если же с сервером всё ОК, то есть, Downdetector никаких проблем не показывает, то далее принимаем стандартный для таких случаев набор мер в отношении приложения Twitch и своей PS4.

А именно:

  • чистим кэш;
  • перезагружаем консоль (а заодно можно и роутер тоже);
  • переустанавливаем приложение (удаляем полностью и устанавливаем по-новой).

Ну и, опять же, если и после перезагрузки PS4 и переустановки приложения, в Twitch все равно зайти не получается, то категорически не лишним будет еще раз перепроверить текущий статус серверов. Ссылку мы оставили выше.


You may not get Twitch error code 77b8c8a0 on your PS4, PS5, or Xbox console every day, but when you do, that’s not good. This particular error appears when users try to use the streaming service’s app on their gaming console.

We’ve been doing some research work to find out why this error occurs and if there are any potential solutions to solve it. You’ll find the results in the guide below.

What is Twitch error code 77B8C8A0?

Error 77b8c8a0 usually occurs when users try to log into the Twitch app. If the app is not working properly or the service is down, you won’t be able to log in.

Instead, you’ll get this error code that often comes with an endless login loop.

There are a few things to try that could make the Twitch app functional again. I’ll list the potential fixes below.

How to Fix Twitch error code 77B8C8A0

To fix the Twitch error 77b8c8a0, power cycle your gaming console and modem to reset your network connection. Then, unplug the power cord from your console to clear the cache and get rid of flea power. If the issue persists, reinstall the Twitch app.

⇒ Note:

  • Don’t forget to check the Twitch Service Status to make sure the platform is not affected by any issues.

Reboot your console and modem

This is to make sure your network is working properly. If there are any minor Internet connectivity problems, restarting your devices should fix them.

Clear the cache on your console

After clearing the cache of your console, your system will run more efficiently and can fix plenty of bugs.

Here’s how you can do that:

  • Step 1 – Turn off your console. Make sure it’s not in Rest mode. The console needs to be completely shut down. When the indicator light stops blinking this means your console is off.
  • Step 2 – Unplug the power cord from the console.
  • Step 3 – Wait two minutes
  • Step 4 – Plug the power cord into the console. Launch Twitch again.

Uninstall and reinstall the Twitch app

Another thing you can do is remove the Twitch app completely. Uninstall the app and restart your console. Then, download the Twitch app again and install it on your console.

Hope something works.

Updated in June 2023.

Guide PS4 Twitch twitch error code 77b8c8a0 PS4

Twitch error code 77b8c8a0 PS4. Users have been flagging up this particularly annoying issue for Twitch on PS4, which pertains to the streaming service’s app for Sony’s console. We’ve been doing some digging around to find out a few more details on twitch error code 77b8c8a0 PS4 to hopefully shed a bit more light in the problem.

What Is Twitch Error Code 77B8C8A0 PS4?

Twitch error code 77b8c8a0 PS4 crops up when the twitch app isn’t working, preventing you from logging in. More than often, you’ll be stuck in an endless error loop if you keep trying to log in to the app.

Twitch Error Code 77B8C8A0 PS4 – Possible Fixes

From what we’ve found by searching around the web, there’s a couple of things to try that could remedy the problem.

  • Clear cache
  • Uninstall twitch app
  • Reboot PS4
  • Reinstall twitch app

However, it could be an issue with twitch itself, in which case you’ll have to sit tight and wait until it is sorted out. Hit up the down detector to see if the service is experiencing problems.

We know how frustrating it can be when you’re all set for a gaming session on Twitch, and then those pesky error codes pop up on your Sony PlayStation 4 game console. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Let’s dive into understanding these common Twitch error codes on PS4 device and how to get your game back on track.

Troubleshooting and Resolving Error Code 77b8c8a0 on Twitch App for PS4 Console

Nikita Kachanovsky/Unsplash

So, you’ve encountered the error code 77b8c8a0. This one usually shows up when there’s some issue with the Twitch app on your Sony PS4 device. But don’t fret; we’ve got some solutions lined up for you. The error message might look like “Uh Oh… There was a problem connecting to Twitch. 77b8c8a0 6ADBFDOD.”

Firstly, try giving your PS4 a quick restart. It’s like giving your console a short nap; it often wakes up without the error.

If the restart didn’t work, it’s time to do a bit of cleaning. Clearing your cache or app data on your PS4 can often help resolve this error. It’s like giving your console a fresh start.

And if all else fails, it might be time to uninstall and reinstall your Twitch app. Yes, it’s a bit of a hassle, but sometimes, it’s the only way to get things working again.

Recap for Error Code 77b8c8a0

  • Restart the PS4
  • Clear cache or app data
  • Reinstall the Twitch app

How to Fix Twitch Error Code CE-35327-0 on PlayStation 4 Device


Next up is the CE-35327-0 Twitch app error. This one can be a bit tricky, but we’ve got some steps you can follow on your PS4 console. You might see this error message pop-up on your screen “This feature is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. (CE-35327-0).”

The first thing you should do is, check the status of PlayStation’s servers. If there’s a larger issue at hand, this will help you identify it.

If the servers are all good, try re-logging into your PSN account. Sometimes, a simple log out and log back in can do the trick.

Still no luck? Give your PS4 a restart. It’s a tried and true method that can often help resolve the error.

If the error persists, it’s time to check your network connection. A stable connection is key for a smooth gaming experience.

If you’re still stuck, try updating your game or PlayStation’s software. Keeping things updated can prevent a lot of issues.

And in some cases, you might need to reinstall the game. It’s a last resort, but sometimes it’s necessary.

Recap for Error Code CE-35327-0

  • Check PlayStation’s servers
  • Re-log into PSN account
  • Restart the PS4
  • Check network connection
  • Update the game or PlayStation
  • Reinstall the game

Fixing Twitch Error Code CE-35340-5 on Sony PS4 Game Console

And finally, we have the CE-35340-5 PS4 error when using the Twitch app. This one can be a bit of a pain, but we’ve got you covered. The error message might say “Cannot connect to the server (CE-35340-5).”

First, try signing out and back into YouTube or Twitch on your PS4. It’s a simple step, but it can often be effective.

Next, if you’re using YouTube, ensure the live stream feature is enabled. This can often help resolve the issue.

And lastly, if you’re on Twitch, try activating two-factor authentication. It’s an extra step, but it can make all the difference.

Recap for Error Code CE-35340-5

  • Sign out and back into YouTube or Twitch
  • Enable live stream feature on YouTube
  • Activate two-factor authentication on Twitch

Hopefully, these solutions were the perfect fixes for your PS4 issues on Twitch. Nothing is worse than having something get in between you and the games you love. If you’re still having these problems, go ahead and do a clean reinstall and that should get you back on track.

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