553 ошибка ftp

FTP error 553 is one of the typical errors that we come across while uploading files via FTP.

This is generally caused due to the incorrect permissions set to the files. Or else the FTP clients like vsftpd do not allow any upload.

At Bobcares, we often receive requests to fix FTP errors as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s discuss this 553 error in FTP and see how our Support Engineers fix it.

What does FTP error 553 indicate?

The error 553 indicates that requested action not taken or File name not allowed.

Generally, the error 533 shows up while uploading any files in the FTP. Again various FTP clients show different variants of the error message. For instance, FTP command prompt error appears as:

ftp> put /home/user/Desktop/FTP/2.jpg
local: /home/user/Desktop/FTP/2.jpg remote: /home/user/Desktop/FTP/2.jpg
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,xx,134,131,24,92).
553 Could not create file.

Causes for FTP error 553

Let’s now check on the major causes for 553 errors in FTP.

1. Incorrect permissions

Quite often, FTP error 553 can occur due to bad permissions set to the files and folders.

If the uploading files do not have write permissions, then it will end up with errors.

It is very essential to have the write permissions set to the files so that we can make changes to the file by uploading any contents to it. Additionally, the user should have enough privileges to write the files to the destination directory too.

2. Errors in the configuration of vsftp

This error also occurs due to incorrect configuration of FTP clients like Vsftp. In other words, any incorrect information set in the configuration file results in such errors.

For example, the value of write_enable in the vsftpd.conf must be set to true to allow writing. However, by default, it is set to false. This creates problems and ends up in 553 errors.

We normally, make sure that the FTP client configuration is set properly with the proper details.

How we fix FTP error 553?

Having a decade of expertise in server management, our Support Engineers are familiar with these FTP errors.

Let’s now discuss different scenarios where we experienced this error and how we fix it.

1. Check the permissions and ownership to fix FTP error 553

One of our customers recently created a user and was successfully connected to FTP. But, while trying to upload some contents into the account, they got an error

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||12011|).
553 Could not create file.

Our Support Engineers started troubleshooting the error by checking the permissions of the file. We could see that the permissions were set right.

So, then we tried to change the ownership of the folder to which customer was trying to upload the contents using the command:

chown USER:GROUP folder_name

Finally, after this change, the customer was able to upload the contents successfully.

2. Incorrect value in the configuration file.

Recently, one of our customers approached with an error message

553 Could not create file

Our Support Engineers started troubleshooting the error by checking the permissions of the files. We found that the permissions were all set right.

Later we went checking for the configuration file vsftpd.conf.

Here, we found the below line


If this guest_enable is set to YES, then it will throw 553 Could not create file error.

So, we set the guest_enable value to NO.

This is because the FTP server will consider all the logins as a guest login. As a result, it will end up throwing error messages.

Finally, this fixed the error after changing the value of guest_enable from YES to NO.

[Still experiencing errors with FTP? – We’ll help you]


In short, the FTP error 553 occurs mainly due to the improper permissions set to the file and due to the incorrect details in the FTP client configuration. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers fix this error.

I need to FTP a file to a directory. In .Net I have to use a file on the destination folder to create a connection so I manually put Blank.dat on the server using FTP. I checked the access (ls -l) and it is -rw-r—r—. But when I attempt to connect to the FTP folder I get: «The remote server returned an error: (553) File name not allowed» back from the server. The research I have done says that this may arrise from a permissions issue but as I have said I have permissions to view the file and can run ls from the folder. What other reasons could cause this issue and is there a way to connect to the folder without having to specify a file?

            byte[] buffer;
            Stream reqStream;
            FileStream stream;
            FtpWebResponse response;
            FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(string.Format("ftp://{0}/{1}", SRV, DIR)));
            request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
            request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UID, PASS);
            request.UseBinary = true;
            request.Timeout = 60000 * 2;
            for (int fl = 0; fl < files.Length; fl++)
                request.KeepAlive = (files.Length != fl);
                stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(dir, files[fl]));
                reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                buffer = new byte[4096 * 2];
                int nRead = 0;
                while ((nRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                    reqStream.Write(buffer, 0, nRead);

                response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

asked Feb 23, 2012 at 17:50

NomadicDeveloper's user avatar


8574 gold badges17 silver badges29 bronze badges


Although replying to an old post just thought it might help someone.

When you create your ftp url make sure you are not including the default directory for that login.

for example this was the path which I was specifying and i was getting the exception 553 FileName not allowed exception


The login which i used had the default directory gold/central_p2.so the supplied url became invalid as it was trying to locate the whole path in the default directory.I amended my url string accordingly and was able to get rid of the exception.

my amended url looked like




answered Jul 27, 2012 at 15:20

user1131926's user avatar


This may help for Linux FTP server.

So, Linux FTP servers unlike IIS don’t have common FTP root directory. Instead, when you log on to FTP server under some user’s credentials, this user’s root directory is used. So FTP directory hierarchy starts from /root/ for root user and from /home/username for others.

So, if you need to query a file not relative to user account home directory, but relative to file system root, add an extra / after server name. Resulting URL will look like:


answered Mar 4, 2013 at 11:24

Darth Jurassic's user avatar


You must be careful with names and paths:

 string FTP_Server = @"ftp://ftp.computersoft.com//JohnSmith/";
 string myFile="text1.txt";
 string myDir=@"D:/Texts/Temp/";

if you are sending to ftp.computersoft.com/JohnSmith a file caled text1.txt located at d:/texts/temp


    FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(FTP_Server+myFile);
    request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;                      

    request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(FTP_User, FTP_Password);    

    StreamReader sourceStream = new StreamReader(TempDir+myFile);                  
    byte[] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceStream.ReadToEnd());

    Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
    requestStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);              

notice that at one moment you use as destination


which contains not only directory but the new file name at FTP server as well (which in general can be different than the name of file on you hard drive)

and at other place you use as source


answered Nov 13, 2013 at 14:34

RRM's user avatar


3,3917 gold badges25 silver badges41 bronze badges

your directory has access limit.
delete your directory and then create again with this code:

//create folder  
FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create("ftp://mpy1.vvs.ir/Subs/sub2");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory;
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
request.UsePassive = true;
request.UseBinary = true;
request.KeepAlive = true ;
using (var resp = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())


VMAtm's user avatar


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answered Jul 28, 2014 at 7:05

aliastitan's user avatar


I saw something similar to this a while back, it turned out to be the fact that I was trying to connect to an internal iis ftp server that was secured using Active Directory.

In my network credentials I was using new NetworkCredential(@»domain\user», «password»); and that was failing. Switching to new NetworkCredential(«user», «password», «domain»); worked for me.

answered Feb 23, 2012 at 18:14

Fen's user avatar


9335 silver badges13 bronze badges


I hope this will be helpful for someone

if you are using LINUX server, replace your request path from

FtpWebRequest req= (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"ftp://yourdomain.com//yourpath/" + filename);


FtpWebRequest req= (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"ftp://yourdomain.com//public_html/folderpath/" + filename);

the folder path is how you see in the server(ex: cpanel)

answered Aug 24, 2018 at 10:47

Znaneswar's user avatar


3,3392 gold badges16 silver badges25 bronze badges

Although it’s an older post I thought it would be good to share my experience. I came faced the same problem however I solved it myself. The main 2 reasons of this problem is Error in path (if your permissions are correct) happens when your ftp path is wrong. Without seeing your path it is impossible to say what’s wrong but one must remember the things

a. Unlike browser FTP doesn't accept some special characters like ~
b. If you have several user accounts under same IP, do not include username or the word "home" in path
c. Don't forget to include "public_html" in the path (normally you need to access the contents of public_html only) otherwise you may end up in a bottomless pit

answered Jan 1, 2015 at 8:36

Bibaswann Bandyopadhyay's user avatar

Another reason for this error could be that the FTP server is case sensitive. That took me good while to figure out.

answered Mar 2, 2017 at 5:14

Evan Barke's user avatar

Evan BarkeEvan Barke

991 silver badge13 bronze badges

I had this problem when I tried to write to the FTP site’s root directory pro grammatically. When I repeated the operation manually, the FTP automatically rerouted me to a sub-directory and completed the write operation. I then changed my code to prefix the target filename with the sub-directory and the operation was successful.

answered Mar 22, 2018 at 1:56

CAK2's user avatar


1,9021 gold badge15 silver badges17 bronze badges

Mine was as simple as a file name collision. A previous file hadn’t been sent to an archive folder so we tried to send it again. Got the 553 because it wouldn’t overwrite the existing file.

answered Dec 26, 2019 at 21:10

Jeffrey Roy's user avatar

Check disk space on the remote server first.
I had the same issue and found out it was because the remote server i was attempting to upload files to had run out of disk space on the partition or filessytem.

answered Jan 28, 2021 at 9:57

Checkiablue's user avatar

To whom it concerns…

I’ve been stuck for a long time with this problem.
I tried to upload a file onto my web server like that:

  • Say that my domain is www.mydomain.com.
  • I wanted to upload to a subdomain which is order.mydomain.com, so I’ve used:

FtpWebRequest ftpReq = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create($@"ftp://order.mydomain.com//uploads/{FileName}");

  • After many tries and getting this 553 error, I found out that I must make the FTP request refer to the main domain not the sub domain and to include the subdomain as a subfolder (which is normally created when creating subdomains).
  • As I’ve created my subdomain subfolder out of the public_html (at the root), so I’ve changed the FTP Request to:

FtpWebRequest ftpReq = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create($@"ftp://www.mydomain.com//order.mydomain.com//uploads/{FileName}");

And it finally worked.

Dharman's user avatar


31.1k25 gold badges86 silver badges137 bronze badges

answered Jun 21, 2021 at 14:43

Ahmed Suror's user avatar

Ahmed SurorAhmed Suror

4396 silver badges17 bronze badges

Fresh LAMP server setup with Ubuntu 12.04 and VSFTPD.

I’m trying to access the /var/www folder (web root) with FTP user.

I created a new user ftpuser and added it to the www-data user group created automatically by Apache.
Home directory of that user is set to /var/www.
I also changed the ownership of the /var/www to www-data group and changed permissions to 02775.

However, I’m still not able to upload files. Error is: «553 Could not create file».

  1. Can someone please explain me how to set these permissions properly?
  2. What is the correct setup? Should I set the home directory of ftpuser to /var/www or somehow diffeerently?

I found a lot of topics on the web but none of them offer a universal solution.

Thank you!


Here is the output of ls -l of /var/www:

drwxr-sr-x 3 root ftpuser 4096

Content of vsftpd.conf file:


FTP error 553 is one of the ordinary missteps that we go over while moving records through FTP. Errors on your WordPress site can tone down your work and make real weights for both you and your customers.

For instance, the “Foundation failed: couldn’t make list” message can hold you back from giving an essential component or handiness. This is generally caused on account of some improper approvals set to the records. “FTP Could Not Create File”, Or on the other hand, no doubt the FTP clients like vsftpd don’t allow any exchange.

Around here at ARZHOST, we routinely get sales to fix FTP errors as a piece of our Server Management Services. Today, we should discuss this 553 screw-up in FTP and see how our Hosting Expert Planners fix it.

What does FTP error 553 illustrate?

“FTP Could Not Create File”, The error 553 exhibits that referenced move not made or File name not allowed.

Generally, the screw-up 533 shows up while moving any records in the FTP. Again unique FTP clients show different varieties of the error message. For instance, FTP request brief error appears as:

  • ftp> put/home/customer/Desktop/FTP/2.jpg
  • close by:/home/customer/Desktop/FTP/2.jpg remote:/home/customer/Desktop/FTP/2.jpg
  • 227 Entering Passive Mode (192, xx, 134,131,24,92).
  • 553 Could not make the report.
  • ftp>

Presenting a New Theme or Plugin on Your Site

Your WordPress site is included two sections: an informational collection and various reports that are taken care of on a server in ‘indexes.’ When you use WordPress overseer to add a theme or module to your site, it needs to make another vault where to save its records.

Regardless, if the module or subject you’re trying to explain doesn’t have approval with write in your site’s root record. I won’t have a choice to finish this work. That is where you’ll see an error, for instance. “FTP Could Not Create File”, “Foundation failed: couldn’t make vault.”

This error is your server’s strategy for saying that you’re not allowed to make changes to your site’s reports by adding the module or subject being referred to. All around, this is an issue that typically occurs on new WordPress objections.

Note that there is a practically identical, more surprising justification behind this error. Accepting that your server is running out of plate space to store your site’s records. “FTP Could Not Create File”, may show this identical message since it has no space for the new module or subject.

Stimulating an Existing Theme or Plugin

Every so often, when attempting to upgrade a WordPress subject or module that is at this point presented on your site, you may see an error as old as one we’ve shown beforehand. This one will routinely examine, “Update failed: couldn’t make vault.”

This issue occurs for the same reasons as the “Foundation failed couldn’t make file.” error. Right when you update a WordPress module or subject, WordPress needs to change its records on your site’s server. If your assents settings are off base or there isn’t adequate free space, the cycle cannot get aside reports or move new ones.

Since the justification for these two issues is almost identical, the courses of action are unclear as well. “FTP Could Not Create File”, Any systems for settling the “Foundation failed: couldn’t make list” error recorded underneath should similarly work for a dialed back to update.

Moving Files to the wp-content directory

Server report approvals are security incorporates that working with providers put to prevent unapproved parties from making changes to your site or taking fragile information. Still, they can once in a while keep you out of your records if they aren’t set viably.

This is the explanation, expecting you endeavor to get around the “Foundation failed: couldn’t make list.” error in your WordPress dashboard by moving the module’s or then again subject’s archives clearly to the wp-content list on your server, you’ll likely still experience a comparable issue. The error occurs considering an issue with your server, not your WordPress foundation.

This issue may moreover loosen up to your wp-content/moves subdirectory, where all of your media archives are taken care of. Adding pictures, accounts, or relative substance to your site by saving them to your server follows a comparable connection as presenting another module or subject.

Accepting you don’t have the approval to write in your root library, moving substance to wp-content/moves will regardless convey the error we’ve been looking at. “FTP Could Not Create File”, To fix it, you’ll need to change your server’s settings, as we’ll depict rapidly.

Purposes behind FTP error 553

We should now be careful with the significant purposes behind 553 errors in FTP.

1. Mistaken approvals

Usually, FTP error 553 can happen as a result of awful agrees set to the standards and envelopes. “FTP Could Not Create File”, If the moving records don’t have to make approvals, then, it will end up with errors.

It is very principal to have the form approvals set to the standards with the objective that we can make changes to the record by moving any substance to it. Moreover, the customer should enjoy enough benefits to forming the reports to the genuine list too.

2. Errors in the arrangement of vsftpd

This error also happens as a result of a mistaken course of action of FTP clients like Vsftp. By the day’s end, any off-base informational index in the planned archive brings about such errors.

For example, the value of write enables in the vsftpd. conf ought to be set to likely with license forming. Regardless, normally, it is set to sham. This makes issues and ends up in 553 errors.

“FTP Could Not Create File”, We normally, guarantee that the FTP client arrangement is set suitably with the true hints.

How do we fix FTP error 553?

Having a period of capacity in server the board, our Hosting Expert Planners are familiar with these FTP errors.

“FTP Could Not Create File”, We should now discuss different circumstances where we experienced this screw-up and how we fix it.

1. Check the approvals and ownership to fix FTP error 553

One of our customers made a customer and was viably connected with FTP. “FTP Could Not Create File”, However, while trying to move a couple of substances into the record, they got an error

  • 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||12011|).
  • 553 Could not make the record.

Our Hosting Expert Planners started researching the error by truly studying the approvals of the archive. We could see that the approvals were fixed. Thusly, then, we tried to change the obligation regarding the coordinator to which customer was trying to move the substance using the request:

  • chown USER: GROUP folder name

Finally, after this change, the customer had the choice to move the substance sufficiently.

2. Mixed up worth in the arrangement record.

Lately, “FTP Could Not Create File”, one of our customers moved closer with a slip-up message

  • 553 Could not make the archive

Our Hosting Expert Planners started exploring the screw-up by really taking a gander at the approvals of the records. We saw that the agrees were all set right. Later we went checking for the arrangement record vsftpd. conf. Here, we considered the underneath line

  • guest enable=YES

Expecting this guest enable is set to YES, it will throw 553 Could not commit archive error. Thusly, we set the guest to enable value to NO. This is because the FTP server will consider all the logins as a guest login.

In this way, it will end up throwing error messages. “FTP Could Not Create File”, Finally, this good the error resulting to changing the value of guest enable from YES to NO.


To lay it out simply, the FTP error 553 happens for the most part in light of the improper approvals set to the archive and on account of the mistaken nuances in the FTP client arrangement.

Save time, costs and extend site performance with:

  • Second assistance from WordPress working with subject matter experts, the entire day, consistently.
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  • Smoothing out with our certain Application Performance Monitoring.

To choose whether a record approvals issue is causing a module or theme foundation error on your site. “FTP Could Not Create File”, You can use the Site Health tool or check out your server’s error log.

Starting there forward, resetting your assents using FTP/SFTP ought to simply require several minutes. Today, we saw how our Hosting Expert Planners fix this slip-up.

People Also Ask

Question # 1: Where are vsftpd files stored?

Answer: Of course, vsftpd searches for this record at the area/and so forth/vsftpd. conf. Notwithstanding, you might abrogate this by indicating an order line contention to vsftpd. The order line contention is the pathname of the setup record for vsftpd.

Question # 2: Where does FTP get put files?

Answer: Whenever you are signed in, your present working registry is the distant client home index. When downloading records with the FTP order, the documents will be downloaded to the index from which you composed the FTP order. Assuming you need to download the records to another neighborhood index, change to it by utilizing the LCD orders.

Question # 3: Why is FTP connection refused?

Answer: The client’s Windows Firewall is impeding the port. The FTP customer is not designed for the right host data. The FTP customer is not designed for the right port. Assuming that the Server network is designed to just permit explicit IP locations to associate, the client’s IP address has not been added.

Question # 4: What is an FTP server used for?

Answer: In the least complex of definitions, an FTP Server (which represents File Transfer Protocol Server) is a product application that empowers the exchange of documents starting with one PC then onto the next. FTP is a method for moving records to any PC on the planet that is associated with the web.

Question # 5: What communications model does FTP use?

Answer: customer server model design

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard correspondence convention utilized for the exchange of PC documents from a server to a customer on a PC organization. FTP is based on a customer server model design utilizing separate control and information associations between the customer and the server.

I’m having issue with my vsftpd.

here is my info:

# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)
# uname -a
Linux ip-10-150-53-42.ec2.internal 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 5 11:16:57 EDT 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# rpm -q vsftpd
# ll -d /usr/share/doc/vsftpd-3.0.2/EXAMPLE/VIRTUAL_USERS
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 98 Jun 13 20:33 /usr/share/doc/vsftpd-3.0.2/EXAMPLE/VIRTUAL_USERS
# grep -v ^# /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf


# getsebool ftp_home_dir
ftp_home_dir --> on

I’m trying to utilize virtual users feature inside of vsftpd and while authentication part works without any issues, unfortunately write doesn’t work.

# ls -ld /var/www/html/
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 71 Jun 14 13:45 /var/www/html/
# ls -ld /var/www/html/test/
drwxrwxr-x. 2 apache apache 30 Jun 14 14:45 /var/www/html/test/
# cd /etc/
# ftp 0
Connected to 0 (
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name (0:root): test
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> put fstab
local: fstab remote: fstab
227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,202,176).
553 Could not create file.
ftp> 221 Goodbye.

I’ve tried to disabling(permissive) and enabling(enforcing) SELinux and still same undesirable result(

What am I missing?

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