550 ошибка ftp linux

Какой же web сервер без ftp. Для нашего сервера мы будем использовать vsftpd — простой, быстрый и безопасный FTP сервер, который будет доступен из мира (пробросим порты на роутере).
Установка сервера предельно проста:

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

После установки необходимо немного настроить наш сервер. Для подключения к ftp серверу используеться профиль пользователя системы. Настройка сервера производится через конфигурационный файл /etc/vsftpd.conf, откроем его и немного отредактируем. Выполним команду:

sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

Не будем описывать все параметры, остановимся на самых интересных:

anonymous_enable=NO разрешим вход только локальным пользователям
write_enable=YES разрешим пользователям записывать файлы
local_umask=022 укажем серверу автоматически выставлять нужные права (755 на папки и 644 на файлы)

После всех манипуляций не забываем перезагрузить сервер:

sudo service vsftpd restart

После всех манипуляций не забываем перезагрузить сервер:

sudo service vsftpd restart

550 Permission denied при попытке записать файлы

Сервер настроен, подключение есть, но когда мы пытаемся скопировать что то на наш сервер ничего не выходит. Получаем ошибку «550 Permission denied«.
В первую очередь необходимо убедится, что в конфигурационном файле /etc/vsftpd.conf присутствует строчка write_enable=YES.
Пользователям разрешена запись файлов но ничего не происходит и мы все так же получаем 550 Permission denied.
Дело в том что у папки в которую вы хотите записать файлы должны быть соответствующие права доступа, а именно 777. Выполним команду:

sudo chmod -R 777 /my_ftp_dir/

Показывать скрытые файлы при подключение

Настроили, подключаемся — все хорошо, да не очень. Не видны скрытые файлы и папки. Для того что бы скрытые файлы стали видимыми в конфигурационном файле /etc/vsftpd.conf допишем следующею строку:


После всех манипуляций не забываем перезагрузить сервер:

sudo service vsftpd restart

550 permission denied vsftpd
Поднимаю ftp сервер на Debian 9. При попытке создать директорию\файл выскакивает ошибка. Необходимо дать разрешение единственному пользователю (ftpuser) полный доступ к шаре. Что я делаю не так?
Здесь конфиг - /etc/vsftpd.conf.
Сообщение об ошибке на стороне клиента.

задан 17 авг 2019 в 19:55

AnnK's user avatar

Частая ошибка, для начала убедитесь в наличии строки write_enable=YES в конфиге сервера .
Если после этого, ничего не поменялось, то проверьте права у папки на сервере, ftp пользователь должен иметь права на запись в них. Для установки прав на папку воспользуйтесь командой:
sudo chmod -R ftpuser:ftpuser /path/to/folder

ответ дан 17 авг 2019 в 20:26

stikls's user avatar


271 золотой знак1 серебряный знак9 бронзовых знаков


В итоге работает. Просто использовал userlist и убрал полностью всё про guest.

ответ дан 27 авг 2019 в 16:20

AnnK's user avatar


477 бронзовых знаков

I suddenly get the error 550: Permission Denied in Filezilla when I try to create a new directory.

A few days ago I changed some settings on the server regarding ssl and imap settings, but I don’t think this has affected the FTP settings …

Anyhow, after long googling nothing seems to work. The main idea could be that the user hasn’t got permissions, but the interesting thing is that I can:

  • create files
  • delete files
  • delete directories

But not creating directories. I get the error «550 Permission denied» in the main directory and «550 access_log: No such file or directory» in the subdirectory.

Anyone knows where the error could be? Thanks

asked May 24, 2014 at 23:35

user221156's user avatar


1, Add the following parameters in your vsftpd.conf to give permission to anonymous user or script in your Linux machine. The vsftpd.conf may be located in /etc/vsftpd.conf.


2, Restart ftp service in your server.

sudo systemctl restart vsftpd

sysadmin1138's user avatar


133k18 gold badges176 silver badges300 bronze badges

answered Aug 25, 2018 at 7:00

sanjeev soni's user avatar

Assuming you are on Linux, Go up one directory, and see if the user has permissions there. For example:

Try setting the permissions on the directory to 777. If it works you know you have a problem with the permissions. DO NOT leave the directory at 777, it is not secure, just for quick testing. 755 is usually appropriate if you have everything set up correctly. You can also try adding the user to the group that owns the directory (you can do this through ls -l). This will tell you what user owns that.

answered May 25, 2014 at 2:54

David Eisen's user avatar

David EisenDavid Eisen

6435 silver badges21 bronze badges


I got a 550 using FTP with Filezilla because regular FTP didn’t have high enough permissions on my server.

I switched to an SSH/SFTP connection and that fixed it.

answered Sep 18, 2014 at 19:03

Kozy's user avatar


1313 bronze badges

Filezilla project has a good piece on Securing your Windows Service installation. In essence:

Create User

  1. Close the Filezilla interface (if open)
  2. Stop the Filezilla service
  3. Create a User level (not Administrator level) Windows account for FileZilla service to run under, with «password never changes»
  4. In Services, open Filezilla properties, Log On tab and change to run with the new account

Folder Permissions

  1. Give Write permissions to the new user on C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\FileZilla Server.xml
  2. If you use logging, set «Write» access to C:\Windows\Logs
  3. On target FTP upload folders set «Full Control» to each topmost writable folder you want to use

Restart Service

answered Sep 3, 2017 at 21:31

SushiGuy's user avatar

If someone ended here searching for Command: PWD Response: 550 PWD: Permission denied instead, check the for the presence of .ftpaccess file in the home dir, in my case it was causing the error.

answered Mar 2, 2021 at 16:07

lainatnavi's user avatar

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FTP is a simple method to upload files to the server.

Although, it is rather easy to transfer files, FTP users often get stuck with errors. One such FTP error is “550 No such file or directory“.

Broadly speaking, this error means that the file or folder do not exist.

As part of our Outsourced Technical Support Services, we regularly fix these type of FTP errors for our customers.

Today, we’ll see the causes for the error “FTP 550 no such file or directory” and how our Support Engineers fix them.

What is FTP 550 error?

Firstly, let’s get a quick idea on the FTP 550 error.

The 5xx error falls under the permanent negative completion reply status of the FTP server. And, it means that the FTP server did not accept the command and the requested action did not take place. Further more, x5x error denotes File system errors in FTP server.
Overall, the 550 error means the file was not found or there are access restrictions for the file.

Causes for “FTP 550 no such file or directory”

Recently, one of our customers reported trouble with FTP upload. The logs of his FTP session looked as shown below.

STATUS:> Transferring file "/mydir/home.html"...
COMMAND:> SIZE home.html
550 home.html: No such file.
STATUS:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).
COMMAND:> CWD /mydir/home.html
550 /mydir/home.html: No such file or directory.

Here, the customer was trying to PUT the file home.html via FTP. And that resulted in the error.

Now, let’s see the top causes for the error.

1. Incorrect path

Usually, “FTP 550 no such file or directory” error happens when the customers try to upload files from the wrong directory.

For example, when the file is present in the folder /home/user/abc.html, an attempt to upload from the path /home will cause this error.

This error also happens when customer uses the relative path in FTP.

2. Permission problems

Similarly, wrong permission on the files or folders can also cause this 550 error. When the user do not have privileges on the file they are trying to access, it will report the 550 error.

Additionally, a typo in the file name will also lead to this error.

3. Wrong Mount points

Again, we often see FTP 550 errors when users trying to access files in the mounted file systems.

For instance, recently a customer complained about the problems accessing files via FTP. In his server, he had a mounted file system. But, this mount failed after a server reboot. And, when he tried to access a file in this mounted directory, it resulted in the error:

550 : No such file or directory

How to fix FTP 550 error?

Till now, we saw the various causes for the FTP 550 error. Let’s now have a look on how to fix it.

We already know that the underlying reason for the FTP 550 error could be file not residing at the path.

That’s why, our Support Engineers first check the exact path that the customer uses via FTP. We connect to the server via SSH and confirm the presence of the file. If the file is not found on the path, we advise customer on the correct path. Or, for file name typo issues, we educate customer on the exact file name.

We always encourage customers to use the absolute path of the file in FTP connections.

Similarly, we check the server mount points and confirm the availability of file system and its contents too.

[Are you getting 550 error while accessing files via FTP?  We can quickly fix it for you.]


In short, FTP error “550 no such file or directory” happens mainly when the file do not exist at the path, due to permission problems, etc. Today, we saw the top causes for the error and how our Support Engineers fix them.


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Welcome to our in-depth guide on Debian FTP Server Error 550. Whether you’re a website owner, IT professional, or just a curious internet user, you may have encountered this error message while trying to upload or download files. It can be frustrating, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll explain the causes of Debian FTP Server Error 550, the advantages and disadvantages of using FTP servers, and how to fix the error. We’ll even include a FAQs section to answer common questions about this issue. Let’s get started!

What is FTP?

FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a standard way of transferring files between computers over the internet. It’s commonly used by web developers, designers, and other IT professionals to upload and download files to a website’s server. FTP generally requires a username and password for authentication.

However, as with any technology, there are occasionally errors that can occur during the FTP transfer process. One of the most common is Debian FTP Server Error 550.

What is Debian FTP Server Error 550?

Debian FTP Server Error 550 is an error message that appears when there’s an issue with file permissions during an FTP transfer. Essentially, it means that the user attempting to transfer a file doesn’t have permission to do so.

Here’s the exact error message you might see:



550 Permission Denied

The file or folder you’re attempting to upload or download denies access to the user you’re using to connect to the server. This can be due to incorrect permissions settings on the server.

What Causes Debian FTP Server Error 550?

There are several potential causes of Debian FTP Server Error 550:

  1. Incorrect file permissions: This is the most common cause of Debian FTP Server Error 550. If the file or folder you’re trying to transfer doesn’t have the correct permissions, you won’t be able to access it.
  2. Incorrect login credentials: If you’re using the wrong username or password to connect to the FTP server, you won’t be able to access the file or folder.
  3. Corrupt or incomplete file transfer: If the file you’re trying to transfer is corrupt or incomplete, you may encounter this error message.
  4. FTP server configuration issues: Occasionally, the issue may be with the FTP server’s configuration rather than the file or user permissions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using FTP Servers

Now that we’ve discussed what Debian FTP Server Error 550 is and what causes it, let’s take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of using FTP servers in general.

Advantages of Using FTP Servers

  1. Easy file transfer: FTP servers provide an easy way to transfer files between computers over the internet.
  2. Secure: FTP servers typically require a username and password for authentication, making them more secure than public file sharing services.
  3. Customizable: FTP servers can be customized to suit the needs of a particular website or organization.

Disadvantages of Using FTP Servers

  1. Complicated setup: Setting up an FTP server can be a complicated process, especially for those without IT experience.
  2. Security risks: FTP servers can be vulnerable to security breaches if not properly configured or maintained.
  3. Limited functionality: FTP servers are primarily designed for file transfer and may not offer the same functionality as other types of servers.

How to Fix Debian FTP Server Error 550

Now that we’ve covered what causes this error, let’s take a look at how to fix it:

  1. Correct file permissions: The most common cause of Debian FTP Server Error 550 is incorrect file permissions. Check with your hosting provider or IT team to ensure that the file or folder you’re trying to transfer has the correct permissions.
  2. Correct login credentials: Make sure you’re using the correct username and password to connect to the FTP server. If you’re not sure, reset your password or contact your hosting provider for assistance.
  3. Re-upload the file: If the file you’re trying to transfer is corrupt or incomplete, try re-uploading it. You may also want to check the file size limits of your FTP server – some servers have maximum file size restrictions that may be causing the issue.
  4. Check server configuration: If none of the above solutions work, the issue may be with the FTP server’s configuration. Contact your hosting provider or IT team for assistance.


1. Can I fix Debian FTP Server Error 550 myself?

Yes, you can usually fix this error yourself by checking file permissions, login credentials, and file transfer integrity. If none of these solutions work, contact your hosting provider or IT team for assistance.

2. Can Debian FTP Server Error 550 be caused by a virus?

No, this error is typically caused by incorrect file permissions, login credentials, or file transfer issues. It’s unlikely to be caused by a virus.

3. How do I check file permissions on my FTP server?

File permissions can usually be checked through your FTP client or hosting provider’s control panel. Contact your hosting provider or IT team if you’re not sure how to do this.

4. What should I do if I can’t connect to my FTP server at all?

If you’re unable to connect to your FTP server at all, check your firewall and antivirus settings, as these may be blocking your connection. You may also want to reset your router or modem.

5. Can I use FTP servers for large file transfers?

Yes, FTP servers can generally handle large file transfers. However, you may want to check your server’s file size limits to ensure that your transfer isn’t exceeding them.

6. How do I reset my FTP password?

The process for resetting your FTP password will depend on your hosting provider or server configuration. Contact your provider or IT team for assistance.

7. What are some common FTP server software options?

Some popular FTP server software options include FileZilla Server, ProFTPD, and vsftpd.

8. How do I know if my FTP server software is up to date?

Check with your software provider or IT team to see if there are any available updates or patches for your FTP server software.

9. Can I use FTP servers for online backups?

Yes, FTP servers can be used for online backups. However, you may want to consider using a dedicated backup service for more comprehensive backup options.

10. Can I use FTP servers for website hosting?

While FTP servers can be used for website hosting, there are other options available that may be better suited for this purpose, such as dedicated web hosting services or website builders.

11. Is FTP secure?

FTP servers can be secure if they’re properly configured and maintained. However, there are potential security risks associated with FTP, such as login credentials being intercepted or files being transferred unencrypted.

12. Can I use FTP servers for file sharing?

FTP servers can be used for file sharing, but there are other options available that may be more user-friendly and secure, such as cloud storage services or file sharing platforms.

13. How do I troubleshoot other FTP errors?

If you’re encountering other FTP errors, check with your hosting provider or IT team for assistance. They’ll be able to help you diagnose and fix the issue.


We hope this guide has been helpful in explaining Debian FTP Server Error 550 and how to fix it. Remember to always double-check your file permissions and login credentials when encountering this error message. While FTP servers can be a convenient way to transfer files, it’s important to be aware of the potential security risks and limitations.

If you’re still experiencing issues with Debian FTP Server Error 550, don’t hesitate to contact your hosting provider or IT team for assistance. By following these tips and best practices, you can ensure a smoother and more secure FTP transfer process.

Closing Disclaimer

The information provided in this article is for educational and informative purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and are not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from its use. Always consult with a qualified IT professional before making any changes to your FTP server configuration.

Video:Debian FTP Server Error 550: Everything You Need to Know

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