5014 ошибка dfsr репликация dfs

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DFS do not replicate all content — error 5004 and 5014

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  • hi,

    i found few topics on the same subject but non gives a solution. 

    i established a totally simple DFS replications — HUB for backup and one folder with user data on remote location. location is connected via WAN/IP-VPN 2/2Mbps. it’s not super-duper delays in peak hour are around 15o-2oo ms and some packets are lost time-to-time
    but it looks like that DFS do not work at all. after 1o days it replicated 18GB of 7oGB. on the beggning it was staging problem, but i expanded stage folder size. 4002/4202 events are no more. currenlty i can observe appearing of two events — 5004 and 5014
    in the very same second. example:

    23:37:16 event id 5014

    The DFS Replication service is stopping communication with partner XXX for replication group GROUP due to an error. The service will retry the connection periodically. 

    23:37:16 event id 5004

    The DFS Replication service successfully established an inbound connection with partner XXX for replication group GROUP. 

    errors appears only on remote server — HUB log is clean. mostly they appear in hour difference. but even there was no error during 4 days, data did not replicate. i checked the network card driver — it’s current.

    any suggestions?

    -o((: nExoR :))o-

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  • Question

  • I’m running DFS on about 45 branch office 2008 servers to replicate data back to our Corp offices. I keep seeing the error listed below and then a second later I get another event saying that the service successfully established a inbound connection. Data seems to be replicating fine. Why is this error showing up so much in the logs? Should I worry about it?

    The DFS Replication service successfully established an inbound connection with partner BC-SERVER1 for replication group srg-llc.com\lvc\bc.

    Additional Information:

    Connection Address Used: BC-SERVER1.ABC.com

    Connection ID: DEC9AA40-C300-4E7E-996A-9EB6B8690064

    Replication Group ID: 0E7C2F66-2A38-4CD8-A77C-1A1BA157B971



  • Hello Jason,

    Based on the research, TCP off loading on the network level may cause these several Event ID 5014 and the error 1726 in the Event logs.

    Please add these following registry values on the problematic Windows Server 2008 box to see it can be helpful.


    Value =DisableTaskOffload

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 1

    Value =EnableTCPChimney

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 0

    Value =EnableTCPA

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 0

    Value =EnableRSS

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 0

    Please note: We may need to reboot the server to make these settings take into effect.

    Hope it helps.

    This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, June 10, 2009 11:06 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      David Shen
      Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:22 AM

Good Morning Windows Gurus,

I am running into a challenge with our DFS Replication where I am daily getting multiple alerts about the service stopping communication with the partner controller because the replication is being Paused for backup or restore.  We are running Server 2012 R2 in a vmware vsphere installation. Messages below.


The DFS Replication service is stopping communication with partner BV-DC1 for replication group Domain System Volume due to an error. The service will retry the connection periodically. 
Additional Information: 
Error: 9036 (Paused for backup or restore) 
Connection ID: E14D9BA1-6EBD-43BF-95B4-591C1773EA6D 
Replication Group ID: 7C857D6F-15C8-4C74-BDC6-1A49065B34B0


The DFS Replication service encountered an error communicating with partner BV-DC1 for replication group Domain System Volume. 
Partner DNS address: BV-DC1.busd.loc 
Optional data if available: 
Partner WINS Address: BV-DC1 
Partner IP Address: 
The service will retry the connection periodically. 
Additional Information: 
Error: 9036 (Paused for backup or restore) 
Connection ID: E14D9BA1-6EBD-43BF-95B4-591C1773EA6D 
Replication Group ID: 7C857D6F-15C8-4C74-BDC6-1A49065B34B0

I have temporarily paused Veeam backups of the FSMO server to rule out the service causing the interruption. I have also ran the AD Replication Status tool and everything comes back clean. AD is replicating. Do I need to stress over these errors? They seem pretty numerous given my past experience with Windows Server.

Thank you very much for your time. Happy Wednesday.

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  • Question

  • I’m running DFS on about 45 branch office 2008 servers to replicate data back to our Corp offices. I keep seeing the error listed below and then a second later I get another event saying that the service successfully established a inbound connection. Data seems to be replicating fine. Why is this error showing up so much in the logs? Should I worry about it?

    The DFS Replication service successfully established an inbound connection with partner BC-SERVER1 for replication group srg-llc.com\lvc\bc.

    Additional Information:

    Connection Address Used: BC-SERVER1.ABC.com

    Connection ID: DEC9AA40-C300-4E7E-996A-9EB6B8690064

    Replication Group ID: 0E7C2F66-2A38-4CD8-A77C-1A1BA157B971



  • Hello Jason,

    Based on the research, TCP off loading on the network level may cause these several Event ID 5014 and the error 1726 in the Event logs.

    Please add these following registry values on the problematic Windows Server 2008 box to see it can be helpful.


    Value =DisableTaskOffload

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 1

    Value =EnableTCPChimney

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 0

    Value =EnableTCPA

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 0

    Value =EnableRSS

    Type = DWORD

    Data = 0

    Please note: We may need to reboot the server to make these settings take into effect.

    Hope it helps.

    This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, 10 June 2009 11:06 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      David Shen
      Thursday, 11 June 2009 10:22 AM

DFSR Event ID 5014 Error 9036 with a new Domain Controller

First of all some stats:

  • I stood up my Domain Controller on Fri Sep 13 2013 22:53:26 UTC+0200 (Central European Summer Time). It is a 2012R2 Essentials at first, now its a 2019 Essentials. On the same hardware that still sets next to me.
  • 2 HDDs and 1 SSD that had the OS on them have died during that time – the backup was what saved me each time.

But right now, it keeps on slowly dying – on the inside. I recently bought new hardware and finally P2Ved the machine and now it seems to bug out more and more. With an Essentials SKU there where many roles installed on this one machine. Standing up more servers wasn’t an option due to costs attached. The issue is that I can no longer install updates. KB5014692 keeps failing with an error, that is very unknown and my google-fu isn’t strong enough. So it is clearly time to set up a new one.

Moving the FSMO roles wasn’t even that much of an issue (shoutout to Argonsys that keep updating their article for that). However, I ran into the issue of not being able to sync group policy objects. A question mark let me know, that the Sysvol folder could not be synchronised (for some objects).

The DFS Replication service is stopping communication with partner <DC Hostname> for replication group Domain System Volume due to an error. The service will retry the connection periodically.
Additional Information:
Error: 9036 (Paused for backup or restore)
Connection ID: A GUID
Replication Group ID: Another GUID

Source: DFSR Event

The solution in PowerShell form

After some digging I found this old technet post and the answer to that is actually the answer to the problem! So I sat down and wrote a quick and dirty PowerShell script to fix it. It needs to be run on the old (hopefully still running) domain controller. Do not create new GPOs on the old domain controller after that, because the issue will appear again. Please make sure you have a valid backup of your server or at least of that folder.

$DomAdminsName = "Domänen-Admins"
$SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.Ntaccount ($DomAdminsName)
$DomName = (Get-ADDomain).Forest
$GPOs = Get-ChildItem "C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\$DomName\Policies"
if($GPOs[0].name -eq "PolicyDefinitions"){$GPOs[0] = ""}
$AccessRuleRemove = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$DomAdminsName","FullControl","Allow")
$AccessRuleAllow = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$DomAdminsName","FullControl","Allow")

foreach($Gpo in $GPOs){
    if($Gpo -ne ""){
        #Remove ACL first
        $FolderACL = Get-Acl $GPO.FullName
        Set-Acl -Path $GPO.FullName -AclObject $FolderACL
        Start-Sleep 1
        #Re-Add it afterwards
        $FolderACL = Get-Acl $GPO.FullName
        Set-Acl -Path $GPO.FullName -AclObject $FolderACL

Don’t forget to re-sync with:
repadmin /syncall
repadmin /syncall /AdePq
After that, you should see the following event.

The DFS Replication service successfully established an inbound connection with partner <DC Hostname> for replication group Domain System Volume.
Additional Information:
Connection Address Used: <FQDN of the original DC>
Connection ID: A GUID
Replication Group ID: Another GUID

Source: DFSR Event

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