3d max код ошибки 126



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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

когда открываю макс пишит, что не найден указанный модуль Error code 126 (DLL

failed to initialize) и тд все с папкой плагинов. а когда открываешь эту папку она пуста. я уже замучилась столько разных максов перепробовала подскажите что делать может я туплю

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Репутация: 585

На сайте c 02.04.2007
Сообщений: 1556

а какая ось стоит, если виста, то помогает установка от имени администратора (правая кнопка на установочном файле — появится команда — запуск от имени администратора)
втрфя причина — неудачный дистриб вирея, их много таких по сети ходит, придется пробовать все, пока не попадешь на нормальный

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Репутация: 784

На сайте c 25.01.2007
Сообщений: 565

А пути инсталяции Vray правильно прописывыешь при установке?
какой версии макс и для какой версии макса ставишь Vray?
Для под какую систему макс (х64 или х32) и под какую Vray (х32 или х64)?

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

все хорошо? но не визуализирует вирэй ошибку пишит Cold not obtain a lincence (10061).

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Репутация: 585

На сайте c 02.04.2007
Сообщений: 1556

так переустанови! тебе же об этом пишем

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

3 d MAX Desidn 2009 под x32 ну и такой же вирэй Vray 150SP2 но сам макс с SP1, может с этим что. путь вроде правильный. ну я в этом новечек поэтому не особо разбираюсь

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Репутация: 585

На сайте c 02.04.2007
Сообщений: 1556

а операционная система какая?

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

Vista будь она не ладна да еще и на ноутбуке

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Репутация: 585

На сайте c 02.04.2007
Сообщений: 1556

тогда читай мой первый ответ первую часть, я уже через эту проблему проходил

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

я было обрадовалась, но та же фигня он не визуализирует

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Репутация: 585

На сайте c 02.04.2007
Сообщений: 1556

тогда читай вторую часть моего первого ответа

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Репутация: 585

На сайте c 02.04.2007
Сообщений: 1556

попробуй этот -http://narod.ru/disk/6225888000/Vray.rar.html
если не пойдет, виноват не вирей, этот файл я залил свой, который совсем недавно устанавливал на свой ноут с Vistax32 Ultimate
кстати , если у тебя стоит какой-нибудь Home, то, может причина оказаться в нем

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

я что-то уже столько vrayв перепробовала и тут ссылки которые и сама что нашла — у всех одна и таже фигня — не визуализирует подскажите нормальный vray. который ставится

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

упс не увидела ссылку к стати у меня и правда Home Premium. а что в нем такого?????

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На сайте c 13.11.2008
Сообщений: 53

спасиБО огромное как хорошо, что есть такие люди, которые помогают новечкам. теперь наконец-то у меня нормальный макс УУУУУРРРАААА

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Репутация: 26

На сайте c 02.10.2006
Сообщений: 680
АР Крым Симферополь

у тебя версия вирея не та что нужно

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На сайте c 30.05.2008
Сообщений: 7

Решается так: в корне МАХ-а находишь файл plugin.ini если не в курсе — это простой текстовый файл. открываешь в блокноте или где тебе удобно. Находишь строку которая относится в вирею ( конкретно у тебя она будет первой скорее всего). делаешь ей вырезать и потом вставить в самый конец списка секции плугинс. (осторожно!!! не вставляй в раздел хелп этого же файла).
Собственно сохраняешь файл и перезапускаешь макс. Это все.
Приятной работы.

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup

Master Your Finances for a Secure Future: Take control of your financial destiny with our Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup articles. From smart money management to investment strategies, our expert guidance will help you make informed decisions and achieve financial freedom. Welcome to autodesks 3ds max forums- share your knowledge ask questions and explore popular 3ds max topics- all community this category this board knowledge base users products cancel-

Otoy Forums View Topic 3ds Max Error Loading Plug In Dll Error

Otoy Forums View Topic 3ds Max Error Loading Plug In Dll Error

Otoy Forums View Topic 3ds Max Error Loading Plug In Dll Error
Error code 126 10 replies solved back to 3ds max category back to forum topic options message 1 of 11 bendaowei 13089 views, 10 replies 02 06 2014 07:09 pm error code 126 i am creating my own plugin using other some dlls. it reports error code 126, can’t find the specificated module. Solution: try the followings steps : install the latest updates for 3ds max (see where to get product updates, add ons, and enhancements ). uninstall and reinstall the microsoft windows visual c components (see how to remove and reinstall microsoft visual c runtime libraries ). was this information helpful? we’re here to help.

Error Loading Plug In Dll And Error Code 126 When Launching 3ds Max

Error Loading Plug In Dll And Error Code 126 When Launching 3ds Max

Error Loading Plug In Dll And Error Code 126 When Launching 3ds Max
0:00 5:36 error code 126 in 3ds max startup cg ali 3 subscribers subscribe 2 share 126 views 1 month ago download link learn.microsoft en us cpp show more show more. Welcome to autodesk’s 3ds max forums. share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular 3ds max topics. all community this category this board knowledge base users products cancel. Hi, thanks for posting. please open a ticket trough the ticketing system and make sure you choose «technical assistance starting the product» in the request type drop down. Solution: uninstall and reinstall the maxtoa plugin: in windows, open the control panel > programs and features menu. in the programs list, find the entry for the maxtoa for 3ds max plugin. right click the maxtoa entry > uninstall. download the latest maxtoa plugin for 3ds max and install it again. note.

3ds Max Error Solved An Error Has Occurred And The Application Will

3ds Max Error Solved An Error Has Occurred And The Application Will

3ds Max Error Solved An Error Has Occurred And The Application Will
Hi, thanks for posting. please open a ticket trough the ticketing system and make sure you choose «technical assistance starting the product» in the request type drop down. Solution: uninstall and reinstall the maxtoa plugin: in windows, open the control panel > programs and features menu. in the programs list, find the entry for the maxtoa for 3ds max plugin. right click the maxtoa entry > uninstall. download the latest maxtoa plugin for 3ds max and install it again. note. Error code 126 when loading plugin dll hi all, i have the strange situation, that my plugin is correctly loaded the first time i start 3dsmax. however, if i close down 3dsmax and start it up again, then i get (and keep on getting) the 126 error. this only happens with max 2018, while later versions don’t have this issue. Dll failed to initialize error code 126, plugin created from lesson 1: sample utility plug in how i arrived at this. 1) i created the plugin as described in lesson 1, to create a utility plugin, it just has some output statements. 2) error code 193, no win32, i am running a 64 bit version of 3d studio max.

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup

download link learn.microsoft en us cpp windows latest supported vc redist?view=msvc 170. free 3d model library website bit.ly 2m08who.3ds max 2022 problems and solutions | 3ds max 2022 startup problem. copy and paste get appxpackage microsoft.gamingservices get appxpackage microsoft.gamingservices 3ds max startup error solved: please watch this video in hindi language an application error occurs when launching 3ds max another great video for fixing errors in 3d max in one solution so, in this tutorial, we’re going to learn how how to fix all errors in copyright disclaimer: under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for «fair use» for purposes such as every time i launch 3ds max, an error pops up and the program starts? there is a super quick solution on how to get rid of such just delete the «onlinefix» from the ddllist in your games folder and run the readyornot.exe as administrator. how to reset 3ds max when i got an error error solved: * 3ds max crash * an error has occurred and the application will close * 3ds follow on instagram for architecture updates : instagram architecture designing join us on instagram how to fix «loadlibrary failed with error 126» in windows there are some easy steps: 1. go to start menu and type cmd 2. run cmd how to fix 3ds max startup problem masterclasses and tutorials 3dsmax.


Taking everything into consideration, it is clear that the post delivers useful knowledge concerning Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup. Throughout the article, the author demonstrates an impressive level of expertise about the subject matter. Notably, the discussion of X stands out as a key takeaway. Thanks for this post. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out through social media. I look forward to hearing from you. Furthermore, here are some related articles that might be useful:

Related image with error code 126 in 3ds max startup

Related image with error code 126 in 3ds max startup

Forum rules
Before posting a bug report, please check the following:
1. That the issue has not already been disclosed
2. That the issue is specific to this plugin, and not Octane in general (Try reproducing it in Standalone)
Bugs related to the Octane Engine itself should be posted into the Standalone Support sub-forum.

All bug reports should include the information below, along with a detailed description of the issue and steps to reproduce it.
A. Operating System, including version (i.e. Win 7, OSX 10.11.2, Ubuntu 14.04, etc.)
B. Graphics Card(s) model (i.e. GTX 580 — 3GB, TITAN, etc.)
C. RAM Capacity (i.e. 6 GB)
D. Nvidia driver version (i.e. 7.50, 7.5.22)
E. OctaneRender Standalone version, if installed (i.e. 2.24.2, 2.23, etc.)
F. OctaneRender plugin version (i.e. v2.25 — 2.21)
G. Host application version, including build number if available (i.e. 3ds Max 2016 Build 18.0)

3Ds Max. Error Loading Plug-in DLL. Error code 126.

Postby RosKos » Wed Jul 14, 2021 11:35 pm

Guys, good afternoon! After reinstalling 3ds Max and Octane, an error began to appear:

DLL <C:\3ds Max\3ds Max 2021\PlugIns\Octane3dsmax.dlr> failed to initialize.
Error code 126 — The pecified could not be found.


Reinstalling the plugin and the 3ds Max program does not help.

This file is in the folder specified in the error.

Version Octane: OctaneRender_for_3ds_Max_4.05_-_6.35
Versions 3Ds Max on which Octane was installed Octane: 2019, 2020, 2021.

What to do? How to solve the problem?

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Re: 3Ds Max. Error Loading Plug-in DLL. Error code 126.

Postby RosKos » Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:02 am

The problem was solved by installing the Octane version — OctaneRender_for_3ds_Max_4.05_-_6.34

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Re: 3Ds Max. Error Loading Plug-in DLL. Error code 126.

Postby paride4331 » Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:24 pm

2 x Evga Titan X Hybrid / 3 x Evga RTX 2070 super Hybrid

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Re: 3Ds Max. Error Loading Plug-in DLL. Error code 126.

Postby RosKos » Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:43 am

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Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:55 am [ UTC ]

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup


  • 1 Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup
  • 2 Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup
    • 2.1 Conclusion
      • 2.1.1 Related image with error code 126 in 3ds max startup
      • 2.1.2 Related image with error code 126 in 3ds max startup

Welcome to the fascinating world of technology, where innovation knows no bounds. Join us on an exhilarating journey as we explore cutting-edge advancements, share insightful analyses, and unravel the mysteries of the digital age in our Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup section. Code files 1- found module could required filesquot see sure to option make 126 corona error run months the specified in installer- updated all quotunpack the plug installed install windows using be copy corona all 2- 4 updates- loading install is universal how ago that manually the or Error manually properly- available either not solutions the dll

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup Youtube

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup Youtube

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup Youtube
Error code 126 10 replies solved back to 3ds max category back to forum topic options message 1 of 11 bendaowei 13089 views, 10 replies 02 06 2014 07:09 pm error code 126 i am creating my own plugin using other some dlls. it reports error code 126, can’t find the specificated module. Solution: try the followings steps : install the latest updates for 3ds max (see where to get product updates, add ons, and enhancements ). uninstall and reinstall the microsoft windows visual c components (see how to remove and reinstall microsoft visual c runtime libraries ). was this information helpful? we’re here to help.

3ds Max Error Solved An Error Has Occurred And The Application Will

3ds Max Error Solved An Error Has Occurred And The Application Will

3ds Max Error Solved An Error Has Occurred And The Application Will
0:00 5:36 error code 126 in 3ds max startup cg ali 3 subscribers subscribe 2 share 126 views 1 month ago download link learn.microsoft en us cpp show more show more. Solution: uninstall and reinstall the maxtoa plugin: in windows, open the control panel > programs and features menu. in the programs list, find the entry for the maxtoa for 3ds max plugin. right click the maxtoa entry > uninstall. download the latest maxtoa plugin for 3ds max and install it again. note. Error code 126 when loading plugin dll hi all, i have the strange situation, that my plugin is correctly loaded the first time i start 3dsmax. however, if i close down 3dsmax and start it up again, then i get (and keep on getting) the 126 error. this only happens with max 2018, while later versions don’t have this issue. Dll failed to initialize error code 126, plugin created from lesson 1: sample utility plug in how i arrived at this. 1) i created the plugin as described in lesson 1, to create a utility plugin, it just has some output statements. 2) error code 193, no win32, i am running a 64 bit version of 3d studio max.

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup

Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup

download link learn.microsoft en us cpp windows latest supported vc redist?view=msvc 170. copy and paste get appxpackage microsoft.gamingservices get appxpackage microsoft.gamingservices free 3d model library website bit.ly 2m08who.3ds max 2022 problems and solutions | 3ds max 2022 startup problem. 3ds max startup error solved: please watch this video in hindi language an application error occurs when launching 3ds max every time i launch 3ds max, an error pops up and the program starts? there is a super quick solution on how to get rid of such just delete the «onlinefix» from the ddllist in your games folder and run the readyornot.exe as administrator. another great video for fixing errors in 3d max in one solution so, in this tutorial, we’re going to learn how how to fix all errors in how to reset 3ds max when i got an error error solved: * 3ds max crash * an error has occurred and the application will close * 3ds how to fix «loadlibrary failed with error 126» in windows there are some easy steps: 1. go to start menu and type cmd 2. run cmd copyright disclaimer: under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for «fair use» for purposes such as the 2nd solution helped many people! you can download it, too ! adf.ly d74xw just replace it in c: windows system32 or Каждый раз при запуске 3ds max всплывает ошибка, при этом программа запускается? Есть быстрое решение, как


Taking everything into consideration, it is evident that post delivers helpful insights about Error Code 126 In 3ds Max Startup. From start to finish, the writer presents a deep understanding about the subject matter. In particular, the discussion of X stands out as particularly informative. Thanks for reading the article. If you need further information, feel free to reach out through the comments. I am excited about your feedback. Moreover, here are some related articles that might be useful:

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Hi all.

Just been trying out 3d max 2009 and was installing Vray on it.

had some problems like

DLL failed to intialize.

error code 126 — specific module could not be found.

there after I got this message

DLL is not made for this version of the program — not loading

and it appears for other vray parts such as vraydomecamera90.dlo….vrayfur90.dlo..vrayphysicalcamera90.dlo….vrayplane.dlo…

and so on.

How do I get rid of all this message even after I uninstalled vray?

Hope somebody can help!


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post this over at the chaosgroup forums and you’ll get better help and faster…

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that’s what you get when you try to open a file with vray content but the machine is missing the vray plugin files…. either you have the wrong version of vray, or it isn’t installed at all.

Either install vray….. Or if you are trying to render in a different engine, you’ll need to strip the scene of all the vray elements…(materials, lights, environment maps, etc..)

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that’s what you get when you try to open a file with vray content but the machine is missing the vray plugin files…. either you have the wrong version of vray, or it isn’t installed at all.

Either install vray….. Or if you are trying to render in a different engine, you’ll need to strip the scene of all the vray elements…(materials, lights, environment maps, etc..)

I’ve actually just installed a fresh copy of 3dmax 2009 and vray. Its just basically opening up 3D max 2009 which gives me the above errors.

if its the wrong version of vray and I’ve uninstalled it. how is it that the errors still appear? Can something be done to 3d max 2009 so that it doesn’t load vray? Its like trying to open vray but vray has been uninstalled.


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max will still load vray stuff if you have it set that way in your user preferences.

look in… customize > custom UI and defaults switcher…..

make sure it’s not set to vray

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