10061 ошибка workbench

I apologise.. I know this question has been asked many times before, but I’ve tried lots of suggestions, and simply can’t find a solution.

The problem: I have a MySQL database running on a hosted server.
I have to use SSH to connect to it, and I have the relevant Public and Private Key files.

I specifically want to use the PC version of MySQL Workbench, to access this database, for running queries, checking data, etc.

If I run Sequel Pro on a Mac, it connects fine, and I can browse and query the database. No problems.

If I run the trial version of SQLyog on a PC, it also connects fine. No problems.

But if I try to connect use MySQL’s own «MySQL Workbench» application, using exactly the same settings and SSH Private Key file, it refuses to connect, throwing the well-known error:

Can’t connect to MySQL server on′ (10061)

I find it frustrating, as, in SQL Workbench, I specified the «MySQL Hostname» to use, db01.mysql.vm.MyHostingServer.net, but Workbench seems to ignore it, and demand to connect to instead.

(I have read that Workbench says it needs the Public key file, but actually means the Private key file… and I have tried with both. I’ve also tried with MySQL Workbench on a Mac, but that crashed all over the place, simply when I was typing in server names and passwords.. it was a mess !!)

The hosting service I’ve gone with gives me limited permissions for changing MySQL settings, and given that Sequel Pro and SQLyog can connect successfully, I don’t want to start messing about and changing things randomly.

Any ideas…?

I apologise.. I know this question has been asked many times before, but I’ve tried lots of suggestions, and simply can’t find a solution.

The problem: I have a MySQL database running on a hosted server.
I have to use SSH to connect to it, and I have the relevant Public and Private Key files.

I specifically want to use the PC version of MySQL Workbench, to access this database, for running queries, checking data, etc.

If I run Sequel Pro on a Mac, it connects fine, and I can browse and query the database. No problems.

If I run the trial version of SQLyog on a PC, it also connects fine. No problems.

But if I try to connect use MySQL’s own «MySQL Workbench» application, using exactly the same settings and SSH Private Key file, it refuses to connect, throwing the well-known error:

Can’t connect to MySQL server on′ (10061)

I find it frustrating, as, in SQL Workbench, I specified the «MySQL Hostname» to use, db01.mysql.vm.MyHostingServer.net, but Workbench seems to ignore it, and demand to connect to instead.

(I have read that Workbench says it needs the Public key file, but actually means the Private key file… and I have tried with both. I’ve also tried with MySQL Workbench on a Mac, but that crashed all over the place, simply when I was typing in server names and passwords.. it was a mess !!)

The hosting service I’ve gone with gives me limited permissions for changing MySQL settings, and given that Sequel Pro and SQLyog can connect successfully, I don’t want to start messing about and changing things randomly.

Any ideas…?

So i have production server that i want to connect to with Mysql Workbench.

When i start application all runs fine, so i conenct to it via IP of the server and credentials.

My docker-compose looks like this :

        container_name: workaround-mysql
        image: mysql
          MYSQL_DATABASE: workaround
          MYSQL_USER: someuser
          MYSQL_PASSWORD: somepass
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somepassss
          MYSQL_ROOT_HOST: %
          - "3308:3306"
        restart: always

So on my prod machine i run spring application, mysql, nginx.
When i try to connect via workbench this is the error i get :

enter image description here

Error 10061.

I dont understand what im doing wrong. I had no trouble when i was doing local testing. Workbench worked fine.

Is there some additional settings i have to do ? And can i do these required settings via docker-compose?

On my firewall, i have set accept connection to mysql port:
enter image description here

Oh and the additional note : I get that error right when i press connect on workbench, I dont even have prompt to enter password.

And docker compose up output for mysql part :

enter image description here

MySQL Workbench could not connect to MySQL

MySQL Database (Db) is a database service that runs on a Local Server and on the Web. It is ideal for both small and large applications and it uses the standard SQL language. MySQL is free to download and use and has the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools, and technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability, security, reliability, and uptime. The data in a MySQL database are stored in tables. A table is a collection of related data, and it consists of columns and rows, and the Db is useful for storing information categorically. This article, you will learn how to fix MySQL Workbench could not connect to MySQL server on the localhost 10061. In this article, you will learn how to fix ‘MySQL Workbench could not connect to MySQL server”

Note: It is worth noting that by default, the MySQL server listens for connections only from localhost. Which means it can be accessed only by applications running on the same host. But in production environments, you can allow remote access to the MySQL server.  

In this aspect, you will have to configure the MySQL server to listen on a specific IP address. Or all IP addresses on the server. See the following guides on MySQL. How to reset Mysql Root password, how to access MySQL Server from command Prompt, how to create and delete MySQL database, and how to migrate Veeam MsSQL Database to a new MsSQL Server.

This article shows the steps to resolve connection issues to MySQL Servers. See how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 and MsSQL Command line tools on Ubuntu Linux, how to uninstall Microsoft SQL Server on Windows 10 and Windows Server, and how to download and install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on Windows 10 and Windows Server.

This error is shown in because the application was unable to connect to the MySQL server. There could be a number of reasons. But in my case, it was because the service was stopped and the service was not running. To fix this issue, kindly follow the steps below.

Launch MySQL Workbench to open the home screen. Existing connections are shown when you click the MySQL Connections view from the sidebar. No connections exist for first-time users.

Launch MySQL Workbench

Click on the Server Menu and click on Startup/Shutdown option as shown below

This will open up the Administration -Startup/Shutdown window. Click on Start Server

Accept the UAC. Next, you will be required to enter your password in order to start the database server. Enter your password and click on OK.

From the Administration, the Startup/Shutdown window, you should see the server is now running. And on this window, you can stop or take the server offline.

As you can see, the MySQL service is also running. And this is all that is needed to resolve this connection issue.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. You have learned how to fix the following error “MySQL Workbench could not connect to MySQL server on the localhost 10061”. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment session.

I apologise.. I know this question has been asked many times before, but I’ve tried lots of suggestions, and simply can’t find a solution.

The problem: I have a MySQL database running on a hosted server.
I have to use SSH to connect to it, and I have the relevant Public and Private Key files.

I specifically want to use the PC version of MySQL Workbench, to access this database, for running queries, checking data, etc.

If I run Sequel Pro on a Mac, it connects fine, and I can browse and query the database. No problems.

If I run the trial version of SQLyog on a PC, it also connects fine. No problems.

But if I try to connect use MySQL’s own «MySQL Workbench» application, using exactly the same settings and SSH Private Key file, it refuses to connect, throwing the well-known error:

Can’t connect to MySQL server on′ (10061)

I find it frustrating, as, in SQL Workbench, I specified the «MySQL Hostname» to use, db01.mysql.vm.MyHostingServer.net, but Workbench seems to ignore it, and demand to connect to instead.

(I have read that Workbench says it needs the Public key file, but actually means the Private key file… and I have tried with both. I’ve also tried with MySQL Workbench on a Mac, but that crashed all over the place, simply when I was typing in server names and passwords.. it was a mess !!)

The hosting service I’ve gone with gives me limited permissions for changing MySQL settings, and given that Sequel Pro and SQLyog can connect successfully, I don’t want to start messing about and changing things randomly.

Any ideas…?

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