0x00040031 dayz ошибка

With Game Update 1.12, DayZ introduced new error codes when it comes to the server connection process. This page is dedicated to error codes that will appear in the server browser upon attempt of connection, or disconnect from a server.

General Differentiation between Error Codes

Error codes are split into five sections:

  1. Header → «Warning»
  2. Full Error Code → (0x0004007E) → Category: 0004 = ClientKicked → Code: 007E = VE_MISSING_BISIGN — 2-part error code to sort the exact error
  3. Prefix → «You were kicked off the game» — describes the event that happened
  4. Message → «Client has a PBO which is missing a .bisign.» — reason for the kick
  5. Additional Info → «(addons\ai.pbo)» — if applicable, gives detailed information on affected files

Error categories and Codes

0001 — Error when connecting to a server

Error Code Message
0x00010001 — SERVER_UNREACHABLE Could not reach the server.
0x00010002 — ALREADY_CONNECTING The client is already joining a server.
0x00010003 — ERROR_MSG_SHOWED Please confirm the error on screen.
0x00010004 — INCORRECT_CLIENT_STATE The client is already connected or is connecting to a server.
0x00010005 — INVALID_SESSION Invalid session
0x00010006 — VERSION_MISMATCH Your currently installed game version is not compatible with this server.
0x00010007 — VERSION_MISMATCH_RB The current game version (client) is not compatible with this server
0x00010008 — VERSION_MISMATCH_AB The current game version (client) is not compatible with this server
0x00010009 — DLC_CHECK_FAILED This server is running Livonia DLC that is not owned.
0x0001000A — EMPTY_PASSWORD Password cannot be empty.
0x0001000B — PASSWORD Server is password protected.
0x0001000C — BE_LICENCE Server is using BE and it has not yet been agreed to.

0002 — The server rejected the connection

Error Code Message
0x00020001 — WRONG_PASSWORD Cannot join the session. Wrong password entered.
0x00020002 — WRONG_VERSION Bad version, server rejected the connection.
0x00020003 — CONNECT_ERROR Connecting failed.
0x00020004 — SESSION_FULL Maximum number of players has been reached.
0x00020005 — FILE_PATCHING The server does not accept the client’s current filePatching setting.
0x00020006 — ALREADY_CONNECTED Client is already connected to a server.
0x00020007 — HOST_ADDRESS Unable to resolve host address.
0x00020008 — NET_CHANNEL Client failed to create NetChannel to the server.
0x00020009 — CONNECT Connecting failed.
0x0002000A — REQUEST_PLAYER Failed to request player.
0x0002000B — CREATE_PLAYER Failed to create player.
0x0002000C — TIMEOUT Timed out, no response from server.
0x0002000D — UID Server failed to find Player UID.
0x0002000E — NET_CHANNEL_SERVER Server failed to create NetChannel to client.
0x0002000F — ACTIVATE Server failed to activate session.
0x00020010 — SERVER_LOCKED This server is currently locked.
0x00020011 — SERVER_SHUTDOWN Server is shutting down.
0x00020012 — BUILD_SMALLER Client is an older build than the server.

Please update your game.

0x00020013 — BUILD_GREATER Client is a newer build than the server.

Please wait until server is updated.

0x00020014 — VERSION_SMALLER Client is an older version than the server.

Please update your game.

0x00020015 — VERSION_GREATER Client is a newer version than the server.

Please wait until server is updated.

0x00020016 — EQUAL_MOD Server and client do not have equal mods while server enforces it.
0x00020017 — CLIENT_DIAG Client is using Diag exe while server is not.
0x00020018 — SERVER_DIAG Server is using Diag exe while client is not.

0003 — Connection errors trown from script-side

Error code Message
0x00030001 — ALREADY_CONNECTING Already joining a server. Do you want to cancel connecting?
0x00030002 — ALREADY_CONNECTING_THIS Already connecting to this server. Please wait.

0004 — The client was kicked from the server

Short Error code Message
1 0x00040001 — SERVER_EXIT Server is exiting and therefore attempting to kick all players to save them properly before completely terminating the program.
2 0x00040002 — KICK_ALL_ADMIN Admin kicked all (RCON)
3 0x00040003 — KICK_ALL_SERVER Server kicked all
4 0x00040004 — TIMEOUT Players network timed out
5 0x00040005 — LOGOUT Player logged out (does not need a message as it is not an «error»
6 0x00040006 — KICK Generic kick
7 0x00040007 — BAN Player was banned
8 0x00040008 — PING Server has a ping limit and player went over it
9 0x00040009 — MODIFIED_DATA Player has modified data or has a corrupted install
10 0x0004000A — UNSTABLE_NETWORK Unstable connection
11 0x0004000B — SERVER_SHUTDOWN Shutdown message from messages.xml reached 1 minute and is saving, kicking player and locking down the server to properly shut down
12 0x0004000C — NOT_WHITELISTED Player is not present in whitelist.txt
13 0x0004000D — NO_IDENTITY No identity was received, so server could not finish creating identity
14 0x0004000E — INVALID_UID Player id is invalid (either «ERROR» or empty)
15 0x0004000F — BANK_COUNT Player amount of banks changed while playing
16 0x00040010 — ADMIN_KICK Player was kicked by admin through RCON
17 0x00040011 — INVALID_ID Player ID is not valid
LoginMachine Kicks (0x0030)
48 0x00040030 — LOGIN_MACHINE_ERROR Generic LoginMachine error (fallback)
49 0x00040031 — PLAYER_STATE_TIMEOUT Player spent too much time in one state of the LoginMachine
50 0x00040032 — IDENTITY_NOT_CREATED Player was assigned but identity was not yet created
51 0x00040033 — DUPLICATE_UID Player tried to log in while not being logged out yet
52 0x00040034 — DB_PING_RESPONSE Unknown/unexpected database response
53 0x00040035 — DB_IDENTITY Identity not found
54 0x00040036 — DB_TIMEOUT Database connection timed out
55 0x00040037 — DB_BAD_VERSION Unsupported version of character data
56 0x00040038 — DB_ERROR Database error
57 0x00040039 — DB_APP_ERROR Something went wrong on server
58 0x0004003A — DB_APP_EXIT Application is exiting
59 0x0004003B — DB_BAD_DATA Character data check failed

The max amounts of attempts is controlled by server config «shardInitRetryCount»

60 0x0004003C — DB_GET_RESPONSE Unknown/unexpected database response
61 0x0004003D — NO_PLAYER Player was not created on server
62 0x0004003E — CREATE_NEW_CLIENT Creating of the client with a new character failed
63 0x0004003F — CREATE_LOADED_CHAR Creating the existing character failed
64 0x00040040 — LOAD_LOADED_CHAR Loading the existing character failed
65 0x00040041 — NO_NETWORK_INFO Network info for player not found
66 0x00040042 — CREATE_READY_CLIENT Creating of the client with loaded character failed
67 0x00040043 — RECONNECT_INFO No info for reconnecting character
68 0x00040044 — RECONNECT_IDENTITY No identity for reconnecting character
69 0x00040045 — RECONNECT_CHAR No character for reconnecting character
RespawnMachine Kicks (0x0050)
70 0x00040050 — INIT_RESPAWN_IDENTITY No identity when initializing respawn
71 0x00040051 — RESPAWN_IDENTITY No identity when respawning
72 0x00040052 — NEW_RESPAWN_NETWORK No network info when respawning
73 0x00040053 — NEW_RESPAWN_IDENTITY No identity when respawning
74 0x00040054 — NEW_RESPAWN_INFO No info when respawning
75 0x00040055 — RESPAWN_NEW_CLIENT Creating of client with new respawned character failed
PlayerVerification Kicks (0x0060)
96 0x00040060 — PLAYER_VERIFICATION Generic PlayerVerification error (fallback)
97 0x00040061 — NO_INFO No player info
98 0x00040062 — BROKEN_DATA Data could not be verified because it is corrupt
VerificationError (0x0070)
112 0x00040070 — VERIFICATION_ERROR Should never appear unless: see notes
113 0x00040071 — VE_UNKNOWN Generic Verification error (fallback)
114 0x00040072 — VE_DECOMPRESS Data received by Server is corrupted
115 0x00040073 — VE_MISSING_MOD Client is missing a mod which is on Server
116 0x00040074 — VE_EXTRA_MOD Client has a mod which is not on Server
117 0x00040075 — VE_CLIENT_CORRUPT Client installation is corrupt
118 0x00040076 — VE_SERVER_CORRUPT Server installation is corrupt
119 0x00040077 — VE_UNEXPECTED_MOD_PBO Client has a PBO which is not part of Server
120 0x00040078 — VE_UM_ROGUE_PBO Client has a PBO which is not part of Server
121 0x00040079 — VE_UM_CLIENT_UPDATED Extra PBO most likely because Client has a newer version of mod
122 0x0004007A — VE_UM_SERVER_UPDATED Extra PBO most likely because Server has a newer version of mod
123 0x0004007B — VE_UNEXPECTED_SOURCE The source of the Extra PBO could not be determined
124 0x0004007C — VE_PATCHED_PBO Client has a patched PBO
125 0x0004007D — VE_INTEGRITY Client has a corrupted or modified file
126 0x0004007E — VE_MISSING_BISIGN Client has a PBO which is missing a .bisign
127 0x0004007F — VE_MISSING_PBO Missing PBO
128 0x00040080 — VE_M_ROGUE_PBO Missing PBO from unknown origins
129 0x00040081 — VE_M_CLIENT_UPDATED Missing PBO most likely because Client has a newer version of mod
130 0x00040082 — VE_M_SERVER_UPDATED Missing PBO most likely because Server has a newer version of mod
131 0x00040083 — VE_M_SERVER_CORRUPT Server installation is corrupt
132 0x00040084 — VE_M_CLIENT_CORRUPT Client installation is corrupt
133 0x00040085 — VE_M_UNEXPECTED_SOURCE The source of the Missing PBO could not be determined
PBO Mismatch (0x0090)
144 0x00040090 — PBO_MISMATCH Server and Client are using different PBO.
145 0x00040091 — PBO_VERSION_MISMATCH Server and Client are using different PBO versions.
146 0x00040092 — PBO_CLIENT_UPDATED Client has a more recent version.
147 0x00040093 — PBO_SERVER_UPDATED Server has a more recent version.
AuthError Kicks (0x00A0)
160 0x000400A0 — AUTH_ERROR Generic AuthError error (fallback)
161 0x000400A1 — AUTH_NO_USER The user was not found on the Server
Steam Validate (0x00B0)
176 0x000400B0 — AUTH_INVALID_STEAM_VALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
177 0x000400B1 — AUTH_NO_SERVER Server is not initialized properly.
178 0x000400B2 — AUTH_INVALID_TICKET Ticket is not valid.
179 0x000400B3 — AUTH_DUPLICATE_REQUEST A ticket has already been submitted for this steamID.
180 0x000400B4 — AUTH_INVALID_VERSION Ticket is from an incompatible interface version.
181 0x000400B5- AUTH_GAME_MISMATCH Ticket is not for this game.
182 0x000400B6 — AUTH_EXPIRED_TICKET Ticket has expired.
Steam OnValidate (0x00C0)
192 0x000400C0 — AUTH_INVALID_STEAM_ONVALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
193 0x000400C1 — AUTH_USER_NOT_CONNECTED The user in question is not connected to steam.
194 0x000400C2 — AUTH_LICENCE The license has expired.
195 0x000400C3 — AUTH_SERVICE_BAN The user is VAC banned for this game.
196 0x000400C4 — AUTH_LOGGED_IN_ELSEWHERE The user account has logged in elsewhere and the session containing the game instance has been disconnected.
197 0x000400C5 — AUTH_TIMEOUT VAC has been unable to perform anti-cheat checks on this user.
198 0x000400C6 — AUTH_CANCELED The ticket has been canceled by the issuer.
199 0x000400C7 — AUTH_ALREADY_USED This ticket has already been used, it is not valid.
200 0x000400C8 — AUTH_TICKET_INVALID This ticket is not from a user instance currently connected to steam.
201 0x000400C9 — AUTH_PUBLISHER_BAN The user is banned for this game. The ban came via the web api and not VAC.
Bios Validate (0x00D0)
208 0x000400D0 — AUTH_INVALID_BIOS_VALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
209 0x000400D1 — AUTH_BIOS_REQUEST_CREATE Failed to create the request to authenticate user.
210 0x000400D2 — AUTH_BIOS_REQUEST_SEND Failed to send the request to authenticate user.
211 0x000400D3 — AUTH_BIOS_REQUEST_WAIT Failed to receive authentication response.
212 0x000400D4 — AUTH_UNKNOWN_BIOS_VALIDATE Unknown error
Bios OnValidate (0x00E0)
224 0x000400E0 — AUTH_INVALID_BIOS_ONVALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
225 0x000400E1 — AUTH_BIOS_WRONG_RESPONSE Unexpected response data.
226 0x000400E2 — AUTH_UNKNOWN_BIOS_ONVALIDATE Unknown error
BattlEye Kicks (0x00F0)
240 0x000400F0 — BATTLEYE Kick administred by BattlEye (Can also be Admin Kick)

How to fix Login Error 0x00040031 in DayZ

New games are always the talk of the town. But what about some old games? Yes, that’s why we will look at DayZ, an old yet very popular massive multiplayer survival game that features the post-apocalyptic era, or in simple terms, zombies. Well, recently, we have covered bugs and issues in a wide variety of games. However, in this guide, we will be sharing details on fixing a unique bug in DayZ, which is Login Error 0x00040031.

As the name says, this error is mainly related to login issues. Well, DayZ is an online game, so logging in is crucial. But sometimes this error pops up and forces players off the server. Now, most players will try to log in again, but this error won’t let them. Anyway, since this is not a new bug, there are countless workarounds to fix it. That said, we have shared some effective ones to deal with this issue.

DayZ Login Error 0x00040031: How to fix it

How to fix Login Error 0x00040031 in DayZ


Restarting is a common fix for many issues in games. That’s why we mentioned this in the first place. Because multiple things can be restarted, here’s a combined solution that contains the workarounds:

  • Restart your game: This term says it all: simply close the game entirely along with Steam. Then reopen both after waiting for like 10–30 seconds. This will give the system time to clean up any mess the game has left after suffering the bug.
  • Restarting your PC is the second-best thing you can do. Simply restart it, and the game may work better on a fresh boot.
  • Restart your modem: Most players have a strong broadband connection. Sometimes it can be interrupted, and that may cause issues. So restart it and see if the game works or not.

Renew IP

Since this issue is related to connectivity, renewing your IP can work wonders. Just follow these steps to do so:

  • Press Ctrl+R and type cmd.
  • Now, type ipconfig /release and press enter.
  • Then, type ipconfig /renew and press enter.
  • After this, launch the game, and check if the issue persists.

Disable any mods and overlays

Well, if you are using mods in DayZ, consider disabling them. Also, disable the overlay from Discord; it may also be the culprit. To do that, simply open Discord and click on the gear icon. Then, open the Game Overlay tab and disable it by toggling off the Enable In-Game Overlay option.

Verify file integrity

Sometimes game data may get corrupted, due to which this issue can occur. The reason may be anything, but there is a way to check whether it is true or not. Just follow these:

  • Close the game and head back to the home page of Steam.
  • Now, go to the Library tab, right-click on DayZ, and select Properties.
  • From the Installed Files tab, click on Verify file integrity of game files and let the process run.

Alternative Workarounds

We also have a few alternative fixes that may or may not work. However, they have a better chance to fix this issue than the previously mentioned workarounds.

  • If you are using Discord while launching the game, make sure to run the application with administrator privileges. We aren’t sure how this workaround is related, but there are multiple reports from players stating that they fixed the issue by doing so. Therefore, make sure to give this method a try.
  • Turn off any VPN application that you are running. Press Ctrl+Shift+Escape, and from the Task Manager, right-click on your VPN app and select End Task.
  • The last fix is to delete the player profile folder of DayZ. To do that, open the File Explorer and head to the following path: C/Users/Usernamefolder/Documents/DayZ/Saves/Profile, and delete the Profile folder. Now, launch the game and check whether the login error persists.

That said, we hope that you find this guide informative. If you did, you can follow Android Gram for more such interesting guides on the latest gaming trends.

Fix DayZ Login Error 0x00040031 (WaitAuthPlayerLoginState)

Experiencing the login error 0x00040031 while connecting to the servers in DayZ? If yes, then don’t worry we have got you covered. Many players have reported an issue where they are unable to connect to the game’s server and are kicked out immediately. Errors like these can prove to be annoying especially while playing multiplayer games like DayZ. While there are many reasons why this error may occur, players can experience several server issues resulting in specific errors while playing the game. However, sometimes you may find the error to be frequent even when no server outages or maintenance are going on. So if you are looking for some potential fixes to resolve the error, here is a guide you should check out further.

fix login error 0x00040031 in dayz

Here are some possible workarounds you can try to fix the DayZ Login Error:

Run Discord as Administrator

  • Search for Discord on your system.
  • Right-click on the icon.
  • Select the Run as Administrator option.

Once done, you can restart the game and try to join the servers. With Discord now running as an administrator, the DayZ login error will be resolved and you won’t be kicked out of the dedicated server. To make sure, the error doesn’t occur again you can also disable Discord’s overlay.

Verify the integrity of game files

In case the discord method doesn’t work, start by checking out if there is a corrupted file in the DayZ directory. Here are the steps you can follow to check for any corrupt or outdated files in the directory

  • Open Steam and head over to the library
  • Right Click on DayZ and select properties
  • In the installed files tab, click on the Verify Integrity of Game Files option

Steam will either repair the corrupted file or replace it with the updated and latest version in the directory.

Delete the Player Profile file

Another method to resolve the DayZ Login Error would be to delete the player profile file. You can head over to this path User>Documents>DayZ>Saves>Profile. Select the file and press CTRL + D to delete it from the folder.

Disable Overlays

Other than Discord, players can try out disabling any graphic card overlays running while playing DayZ. This will help you resolve the login error just like Discord and help you reconnect to the server.

If none of the above fixes work, we recommend that you check for any available updates for DayZ on Steam. Updating the game to the latest version might help you fix the error in the game.

Greetings guys.

Thanks for your replies.

On 12/4/2022 at 12:44 AM, AL3AZMY5 said:

Hi, I found solution for this issue,

I call my router company and they told me someone add DNS to your connection so they say we will delete the DNS and that’s work for me, over a year I have this same issue with Arma 3 Battle Royale and now its fix because they deleted the DNS. 

I hope that’s work for you!

Waiting for your reply <3.  

Could you please elaborate on this? I dont think you can delete the «DNS», so I wonder what you/they did there.

11 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

Very good…it happened to me too!

Well not a day goes by that this game fails to amaze me with a new bug/problem/flaw.
Since yesterday I can’t log in anymore because it gives me this problem:
Warning (0x00040031)
You have been kicked out of the game.
Login error:
Login expired.
I searched a lot, on the net, and the only thing I found was to disable «Microsoft ISATAP Adapter» & any other «IP6-IP4 interface» (I have try «Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface»).
I disabled the 2 devices and it worked for me once, then that’s it.
I’ve tried so many times and you manage to connect 1 out of 10/20… and it’s difficult because it still doesn’t let me access due to PING… when I know for sure (I’ve done several times the «tracert» and the «ping — t» extended), that I have a good and perfectly stable connection.
And any network «spikes» (IF any)… like ALL other games… SHOULD be IGNORED by the game itself! Or whoever wrote it should change jobs.
And for the record, to all the «Pseudo-Experts» of PCs and networks… I DO NOT use wireless… I have EVERYTHING wired cat.5 !
This game is increasingly buggy and problematic!
These new patches are more about adding damage than removing!

Well… I have wasted a ton of hours doing all sorts of things around this error, and I haven’t found a single proper fix.

I even «hacked» my router to access the hidden features, and then edited all sorts of things, like DNS, firewalls, MTU, DMZ, etc etc…

I been able to join a pair of servers, randomly…. Then played some hours without any problem on them, but the next day… I could not join again, with the same error as always. After hundreds of attempts to join these servers, I haven’t been able to play on them again….

As for the Official Servers, on the launcher and in the game server browser, I get pings like 20ms. And when I try to join them, I get kicked for high ping, like 800ms or even more…. I ping’d all the servers and etc…. My internet is totally stable and working perfect.

So, being able to play a pair of hours after hundreds of attempts, and hours at it during days, feels so stupid.

I have no more things to try. I beleive this problem is either Windows 7, Battleye, or just DayZ bug paradise.

Проблема со входом на сервер(0х00040031)

Чтобы отвечать, сперва войдите на форум




На форуме с
15 February 20

Здраствуйте, проблема со входом на сервера(0х00040031).

Изменено: taigers, 27 June 2022 — 08:25 PM

Прикрепленные миниатюры

  • unknown (2).png



Заслуженный гражданин проекта

На форуме с
26 January 16

Здраствуйте, проблема со входом на сервера(0х00040031).

Эта ошибка в основном возникает из-за включенного Дискорда. Нужно сначала запускать игру, а уже потом Дискорд.




На форуме с
15 February 20

Эта ошибка в основном возникает из-за включенного Дискорда. Нужно сначала запускать игру, а уже потом Дискорд.

Не помогло. Всё ту же ошибку выдает.



Заслуженный гражданин проекта

На форуме с
26 January 16

Не помогло. Всё ту же ошибку выдает.

Значит какая-то другая программа мешает. Ищите что у вас запущено лишнее и вырубайте




На форуме с
15 February 20

Значит какая-то другая программа мешает. Ищите что у вас запущено лишнее и вырубайте

Вырубил всё лишнее, и всё равно та же ошибка.
Впн может помешать?



Заслуженный гражданин проекта

На форуме с
26 January 16

Вот тут ответ разработчика игры: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250941-can-we-get-a-damn-answer-to-the-error-code-0x00040031/
Ну и возможные варианты решения (найденные в интернете):

1. Вырубить Дискорд через Диспетчер задач и перезапустить Лаунчер
2. Удалить папку DayZ в Документах
3. Сменить Никнейм и перезапустить Лаунчер
4. Перезапустить ПК
5. ещё нашёл: зайдите в диспетчер устройств. Включите в разделе «Вид» «Показать скрытые устройства». Нажмите «Сетевые устройства» и включите мини-порт WAN IPv6 и адаптер Microsoft Loopback.

Изменено: A-lexx-A, 05 August 2022 — 06:13 PM

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